Thursday, June 11, 2020

In Memory of....

Darcy Our Daughter's Dog

June 10, 2020

No he didn't die from the coronavirus and in fact he had nothing to do with the coronavirus. I just wanted to make this posting in memory of him, since we had to put him down today due to his feeble condition. He was between 18 & 20 years old (people years), we're not entirely sure which because when our daughter came home to die in September 2012, she brought him with her and asked us to look after him after she was gone. I tried to find out his exact age from her (for health reasons - as vets usually ask how old the animal they're treating is, so it's usually best that you know for sure), but she said she wasn't sure (she couldn't remember when she got him) but somewhere between 10 & 12 years old then. So pretty near 8 years on, he should've been between 18 & 20 years old. 

He was a good old guy though, he was very protective of our baby dachshund we brought home a few years ago, he treated her like as if she was his own puppy, after the death of our other dachshund (who he was more or less civilized with - they were both non-neutered males) and very good when left alone or with the other dogs in the house. Though he was very deaf (you practically had to stand on top of him and scream for him to hear you), and very weak and feeble, who recently took a few tumbles down the stairs - so that couldn't have helped his fragile condition much. 

Anyhow we figured it was time for him to go give our daughter in heaven our love and to join her for companionship, because if he stuck around much longer he would fall off of something and seriously injure himself and (as per our life experiences, that usually happens when everything that would be of assistance is closed - like in the middle of the night or on holidays) he'd be spending several hours suffering in severe pain needlessly. So before that happened - as it was bound to, we decided the best thing to do would be to put him down before he wound up having to suffer something like that. It's only been 3 hours since he was put down, but I miss him already.....

Now on with the purpose of this blog.... COVID19 ....

God and the Pandemic  is an epub downloadable from the longfiles link.... Combining the themes of COVID and heaven to start....

There Is No Outside another epub downloadable from the longfiles link, related to COVID19 with dispatches from around the world detailing experiences and events and other information related to it.

New Scientist - May 30, 2020 a PDF Science magazine, with lots of COVID & lockdown content that might be of interest, downloadable at the longfiles link as well.

Coronavirus hospitalizations rise sharply in several states following Memorial Day So imagine what's ahead following the rallies and riots the world has experienced in the past couple of weeks, then.

More Food Shortages Loom With Outbreaks at 60 U.S Plants  There was a news story on TV tonight about potato farmers having a hard time and having to give a lot of their crops to food banks because they can't sell it, because restaurants used to buy the bulk of their crops and they're closed. I was sitting there thinking well why the F don't you lower the prices on the potatoes in the grocery stores? Because you'd think if they are having a hard time selling them that getting less money on them is better than getting no money on them (like they're doing if they plow them under or give them away). Because I know the potatoes in the stores around here are the same price they were before the pandemic started. In other words the prices didn't increase nor did they decrease. So usually if you want people to buy more of something you decrease the price and they might.  I know I'd buy more potatoes than I do, if they were cheaper, because we are big consumers of them. I make all kinds of different potato dishes for supper everything from plain old boiled to hasselbacks or poutine or even scalloped potatoes. So sometimes price has a lot to do with it too. Speaking of which for those who are having a hard time affording food and not wanting to waste any of it, I found this book that might interest you:  The No-Waste Vegetable Cookbook: Recipes and Techniques for Whole Plant Cooking it's a PDF downloadable at the longfiles link that provides recipes for using every bit of the vegetable so there's no waste and which means it provides for a larger quantity of food than you'd otherwise get if you used only the conventional bits of the plant, stretching the available food to make it go further.

Lawsuit Accuses Nation’s Top Meatpackers Of Conspiring To Boost The Price Of Beef  More causes of concern regarding food poverty. It's not enough that people have lost their jobs and can barely afford the regular food prices as they already are, they have to conspire to boost them even more? Nothing like greedy guts CEOs who have cushy salaries and can afford even the choicest most  expensive cut of meat anyday and everyday, conspiring to cause the unemployed to go without because they can't even afford the offal and soup bones that normally goes for next to nothing.  Things like this going on in the US might've contributed to that outpouring of rage en masse that we witnessed recently and just the whole scene from being couped up to job losses and all those related stresses to things like this where the rich are conspiring against the newly unemployed and soon to be poor to gouge them to death for basic things like food. It's a wonder there's any buildings left standing and they haven't all been razed to the ground. People can take only so much, before they start pushing back and I think we've pretty well witnessed just how much that is, but if companies continue like this and the gov't continues to let them operate like this, we might see more of that pent up rage released. 

While Coronavirus Case Rate Slows in Some Areas, Others Accelerate  Even in India the rate of transmission is uneven like here in North America.

Texas reports two consecutive days of record coronavirus hospitalizations weeks after reopening Probably has a lot to do with recent holidays and events going on there.

Masks to be compulsory in Spain until virus 'permanently' defeated: Health Minister And what happens if it's never permanently defeated? Because most masks are useless as per various studies. The only ones proven to be of any use are N95 and P100 masks. All the other masks are like placebos, they only make you think they're protecting you and others.

Orange County Health Officer Nichole Quick Resigns After Facing Threats For Issuing Face Mask Order  Here's one area of the world anyhow that doesn't like the order to wear face masks. Maybe other areas will pop up here and there and make it near impossible to mandate mandatory face masks. Or let's hope so anyhow, as it's just pure nonsense making someone wear something just to pretend they're protecting something or someone. It's not only super stupid to continue with that charade, but after awhile it'll get to be super expensive too considering the amount of masks that will have to be purchased over time. For those who are already struggling to make ends meet that just makes life that much more expensive and difficult for them.

Coronavirus daily death toll may fall to zero by July, say scientists That's in the UK. I wouldn't get my hopes up, thinking it's here in Canada too or world wide, because I doubt it is.

Canada-U.S. border closure to be extended beyond June 21, sources say Good! The Canadian border shouldn't only be closed to the US beyond June 21 though, the Canadian border should be closed to all international travellers beyond June 21.

Canadian Paediatric Society calls on education ministries to allow graduations  Hopefully, they'll be better thought out and planned and much nicer than the stupid sidewalk graduation they had on the south shore of Montreal the other day. When I saw that, I almost wanted to cry, thinking to myself what a stupid sham to try to foist off on the kids that worked so hard and looked forward to this for the longest time and to try to even pretend that was a ceremony was the height of idiocy and stupidity if I ever saw it. Poor kids, I'm sure they all expected at least a little bit more than that.  I mean gawd what's wrong with those lazy imbeciles that pass for teachers and principals now-a-days anyhow? 

All schools have large fields that they use for their athletics and sports teams and it is summer time. So why oh why couldn't the lazy idiots that masquerades as "caring" teachers have carried some of those auditorium grey folding chairs out onto the field and spaced them 6 feet apart from each other and put a podium with a mic out in front of the chairs with a cloth spread on the ground in front of it, where the diplomas & awards are laid out in alphabetical fashion, that the grad receiving them could walk in front of and bend down and pick theirs up off the cloth without touching anyone else's? And still had a proper ceremony except for that? I mean gawd almighty has this disease eaten everyone's brain cells too? Okay the prom might be a bit much to pull off, but the convocation ceremonies shouldn't be that freaking hard for anyone with a brain cell in their heads and a will to do something half way decent rather than the stupid sidewalk presentation.... It put me a mind of street walkers getting their walking papers from their pimps or something....  I mean.... what else can I say?

‘Days of Our Lives’ Star Judi Evans Hospitalized With COVID-19 I have no idea who she is, but I'm sure several people do, as that seems to be a long long long running TV show (I recognize the title from my youth when my mother & her friend used to be watching it when I came in from school). So for her fans, here's her COVID story.

Alberta leads Western Canada in using Ottawa's financial help, federal minister says  Considering the oil fields got a massive hit from all sides even prior to this pandemic and then the lockdown that caused everyone to stop driving which made the oil prices plummet and the tourist industry being shut down because of border closures and then the meat packing business being hit hard with COVID... They're batting 3 out of 3 since those are the 3 main industries they rely on for an economy, oil, tourist and meat/agriculture.  So it's little wonder they need the financial help. 

Quebec premier apologizes as province surpasses 5,000 COVID-19 deaths That's something I've yet to hear Tam or Haggydo do, is apologize for the mass genocide they caused.  At least Legault apologized for his part in it, but even still he & Doug Ford were the first & only people in any form of power in ALL of Canada to act to curtail this virus. If it were left up to Tam, Haggydo, Trudeau and all the other premiers in Canada our borders would probably still be wide open & we'd still only be told to wash our hands and we'll be fine, because they did absolutely nothing to prevent this disease from entering our country or to curtail it at all until Ford and Legault took action. If it weren't for those 2 we'd be in worse shape than we're in, that's for sure. So of all the politicians and people in power in this country Ford and Legault are the 2 that have the least to apologize for, while the ones who allowed this mass genocide to happen has yet to utter a word of contrition or ask for forgiveness or anything else of the sort.

Coronavirus outbreak: Does Trudeau plan to release a fiscal update before Labour Day? I can guarantee you that if he can possibly get away without doing it, he will. He doesn't ever plan on taking responsibility for anything that he or his government did or said during his reign.

What is herd immunity and could it work with COVID-19? This is precisely why antibody testing should be done on the entire population to see who has had it and what the percentage of the overall population is in the had it, has it and hasn't had it yet categories. Then we'd know what we're looking at and if we should stay in lockdown forever or if we've all basically already had it and have acquired immunity to it, as I think is probably the case.  Especially considering that now the timeline of this virus starting in China keeps getting pushed back earlier and earlier. The most recent article (which will be posted further down) implies that it's been around in China since August last year. Well if that's the case, we've all pretty much had it already. Probably mostly mild symptoms or asymptomatic, or with symptoms and needing hospitalization, but at the time the hospitals didn't know about the existance of this virus and just thought it was the flu they were dealing with and so weren't registering them as COVID19. That's what I think. I think the severe cases we're seeing now are from one of the mutated strains that's probably more virulent than the earlier strains were. So those of us who had it early on, didn't have it quite so rough as those getting it now. That's my thought on that but the only way to prove that to be actual fact, would be for those tests I talked about.

Widespread mask-wearing could prevent COVID-19 second waves: study  Yup, "could", "would", "should" are all operative words in news stories to get you to follow their agenda, but like I explained before "could", "would" and "should", doesn't mean they will, they're just words expressing possibilities. But as we've already seen in the articles about the studies on masks that I've posted here, they "probably won't" prevent anything, given that they're basically useless.

Family reeling as senior dies of malnutrition, not COVID-19, inside long-term care home The person/people responsible for letting this happen should be tried for gross negligence causing manslaughter. Stop letting these incidents slide.

For 12th straight day, no new cases of COVID-19 reported in N.L.  Good for them! I hope they keep it up from now on and eradicate it altogether!

Details on federal food buy-back program coming soon, Bibeau says How soon? When the pandemic has run it's course and it's over with? That soon? Or maybe sooner as in while the people need the help?

COVID-19 - Breakdown of the $100,000 donation - Priority to Food Security and Needy Families Well at least the mayor of Ville St. Laurent is doing something to help, while Bibeau from the feds diddles and dances around it.

Evictions expected to spike as states end moratoriums that offered relief during COVID-19 I'm pretty sure Canadians will be experiencing the same thing.

Are you immune?’ The new class system that could shape the Covid-19 world   Well as my dad would've said "that's the 64 thousand dollar question, isn't it?".

COVID CLIMBING Arizona, Arkansas, Utah, and the other 18 states where coronavirus is on the rise again 21 states that's half the country where it's rising again..... So much for flattening the curve and reopening society again.

The Looming Bank Collapse If the US banks collapse what will happen to Canadian banks? Will they collapse too? I mean everything is so intertwined these days it's hard to fathom things like this.

‘Absolutely Suffocating’: Hot Temperatures Complicate Coronavirus Face Mask Safety  That's another thing all those advocating wearing those useless masks can't seriously think that people are going to want to wear them on scorching hot days. 

The Waiting List for $1,000 Haircuts Is Ballooning in Manhattan I guess not everyone is hurting financially speaking despite the pandemic lockdowns. I guess it's true what my mother used to say about some people having more money than brains.

Coronavirus: UK economy could be among worst hit of leading nations, says OECD That's only slightly worse than their prediction for Canada. They predicted Canada's would slump by 10%.

Coronavirus came to UK 'on at least 1,300 separate occasions' Just wondering how many separate occasions it came to Canada? Must've been at least a few times considering the differences in how severe the cases were from the beginning until now. In the beginning they didn't quite so virulent and severe as they seem to have been a month or so ago and now they seem less severe than they were then. 

Fed warns US faces 'long road' to recovery  I guess the same can be said about all the insane countries that chose to crash their economies by imposing nationwide lockdowns instead of quarantining people the proper way. 

Here's where meat prices are headed As an earlier story mentioned there might be a conspiracy between meat producers to raise the cost of meat.

The illegal industry booming under lockdown in South Africa Well here in QC Legault declared the liquor stores, and weed outlets to be "essential services" that needed to stay open and most grocery stores sells cigarettes and grocery stores were deemed essential services too. So all the vices except gambling taken care of.

People are gargling bleach, misusing disinfectants. Are you using these products safely?  Gargling bleach??? I'm sorry.... Did I read that right? What bozo would gargle bleach? And doesn't it burn their mouth? That's just insane.

Dining out has changed: 6 mistakes to avoid at a reopened restaurant My son & I were talking about this today and the fact that most restaurants even ones you wouldn't think you'd need a reservation for will probably be booked for the next 3 months whenever we're allowed back into one again, because of so few customers being served at one time.

Coronavirus testing at home: What you need to know  Here's in Canada what you need to know is you probably won't be able to get one for love nor money until it's irrelevant because it seems like the government doesn't want us to have any. 

Coronavirus disrupts global fight to save endangered species Yet, another regrettable aspect to this pandemic. 

Starbucks takes $3 billion hit to revenue during pandemic I guess under lockdown it was pretty hard to go out for coffee, or to convince someone that that was an essential service.

Ethical dilemma: Who should get a COVID-19 vaccine first?  What's the dilemma? Isn't it the same as usual? Meaning those who are at the highest risk and have the highest exposure? Aka the elderly and medical personnel?  And then on down the line of highest risk - aka immune compromised, diabetics, ethnic minorities and then finally the general population at large? What's so problematic about that?

Bogus 'contact tracing' apps deployed to steal data: researchers  I would never sign up to agree to contact tracing to begin with because the potential for government over reach and invasion of privacy, nevermind the fact that these apps can be hijacked and hacked too. 

Satellite images of Wuhan may suggest coronavirus was spreading as early as August  So if that's the case, is it not feasible then that it made it's way around the world a few times before March? Especially since no one was the wiser and on the look out trying to stop it at their borders? Making it all the more possible that we had it here even back earlier than even the QC Pharmacists Association puts it, in their Christmas holidays 2019 date? That maybe even in late November or early December, it was here? And people who had it then either had mild forms of it, were asymptomatic, or were diagnosed as having the flu, because no one was aware of it?

Starbucks to close as many as 200 stores in Canada even after COVID-19  Last week on a particularly hot day I was at an outside mall doing shopping and other errands while my husband waited for me in the car. There is a Starbucks shop there, but he didn't go in, he just sat in the car waiting with the windows up and air conditioning running listening to the radio and this man came along and knocked on the window and when my husband put the window down, he offered him a cup of ice cold water in a starbucks plastic cup. I thought that was rather nice of them to offer people waiting in their cars on a hot day like that, cold water like that.  That's the first time I've seen any thing like that from any establishment in Canada. It might've been a one off promo put on by that particular store, then again, maybe they started doing things like that since the pandemic on super hot days like that day was, as good will gestures.  So I hope that Starbucks isn't one of the stores slated for closure.

Coronavirus: Ontario’s post-secondary schools set to reopen in July  I sure do pity those students having to resume classes at literally the hottest time of the year. I sure do hope those colleges and universities have air conditioned classrooms.

COVID-19 cases are on the rise among young adults, but health experts aren’t sure why Could it be due to their own stupidity and frivolity, by sitting, standing and lying on top of each other at parks, beaches and in rallies and riots? Maybe that has something to do with it? 

Coronavirus updates, June 10: Quebec reports 52 more deaths; soldiers will stay at CHSLDs

Migrant worker says COVID-19 outbreak mishandled at Norfolk farm

Pierrefonds-Roxboro keeping public pools closed this summer due to COVID-19  I think that's just dumb. Especially during the hot summer months, people need places to cool off. And excuse me for pointing this out, but if it's a "public pool" that means that the "public are paying for it and it's upkeep" regardless if it's used or not. So if the public are paying for it, then the public should either be allowed to use it, or have that portion of their property taxes that covers those pools refunded no?
Seems only fair to me.

Pierrefonds-Roxboro day camps cancelled I'm glad I'm not a resident of theirs or I'd be picking a few bones of contention with them over their COVID policies especially since the gov't allowed the pools to open and also the day camps and in fact pediatricians are saying that kids should be allowed to get together with their peers and socialize and play together, since they run very little risk of contracting or spreading the virus anyhow.

Google Maps Will Alert You About Coronavirus Restrictions Before You Leave Home. I hope it's more accurate and up to date than their marked detours due to construction are, that's for sure. Otherwise it's basically useless.

Missing your presence Darcy! Wish you were still here with us! You were a good ole guy right up to the very end. Thank you for watching over my girls for me. You did a great job of that and they both loved you too.

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