Showing posts with label Strokes caused by Covid infections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strokes caused by Covid infections. Show all posts

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Final Post in This Blog About...

 Covid 19


August 20, 2022

I know the megaphone is a curious choice for a Covid 19 blog, but once you read my story I'm about to tell you, you'll understand why I chose that, to caption this final post in the blog.

I am not ending the blog because the plandemic is finished and done with. I am ending the blog because of my own incapacity to continue it, thanks to 4 strokes I suffered on July 28th of this year.

It was just an ordinary day at home and bizarre things were happening to/with me. I can't really describe the things that happened, but it wasn't painful, just bizarre. For one thing I spilled water all over myself, but only felt it on one side of me. I could only see out of my left eye, it was like my right one didn't exist. These were momentary occurrences, that didn't last long. But lasted long enough for me to get the message that I was having a stroke (actually had 4 of them apparently according to the CT and MRI scans I was given). I couldn't spell worth sheit as I tried to send an email to our realtor  to let him know that I was going to have to go to the hospital and not to plan any house showings until he heard from me again. But when I tried to read it back to myself and husband it was nothing but a bunch of gobbledygook and had to delete it. It took awhile for my reading skills to recover, but I could type no problem. 

Anyhow on the 28th of July my husband took me to,what was previously my favourite hospital in the area, The Lakeshore General and I went inside and admitted myself (as the sun was setting and my husband doesn't like to drive at dusk or after dark so he left to go back home). So I can only assume that they thought that since I was alone when I got admitted that I was some kind of recluse or homeless person or someone that wouldn't be missed or cared about, and so it was free game to use me as a guinea pig, maybe, I don't know what prompted the following treatment I'm about to tell you about. Including the reason I'm deafer than a doornail (as my mother used to say about people who were stone deaf). But I do know that it was 5 days of pure hell, until I got scared that what I was enduring, would cause a massive stroke in me and I'd wind up a vegetable, and so left without being discharged. 

Despite the fact that they can legally only hold a person in the ER ward for no longer than 72 hours without either finding them a hospital bed in a ward, or discharging them, they held me there for 5 days.  As I said I admitted myself on Thursday evening and on Saturday the neurologist came to see me and said they were going to send me to Montreal General hospital and I'd be transferred there the next day which was Sunday. He said this in front of my husband, so it's a not a pipe dream of mine. I was also still able to hear then while I was in the hospital. On Sunday the day I was supposed to be transferred he comes and tells me "oops maybe not today, maybe tomorrow, we want to send you there for a CT scan and MRI". Meanwhile I'm thinking to myself, why do they need to send me to the Montreal General for a CT Scan? I already had 2 there at the Lakeshore General.  

Meanwhile I'm at the mercy of the most sadistic beitches I've ever seen as nurses - who compose all the 12am to 7am shift in there. Thursday and Friday night nurses were pretty decent. In fact one of them had the nicest light British accent I've ever heard and I commented on it, to her about it and she said her father was British and she didn't realize she had an accent at all. But she was one of the nicest nurses I encountered while I was there. The Saturday night one was a pure bitch on wheels. 100% so. If I had've done or said half the sheit that bitch did while I was nursing, my superior would've thrown me out on the sidewalk instantly and there'd be no going back at all. I wish I could remember the name of that bitch because I would report her in a freaking heartbeat and have her license to nurse yanked for all eternity. I thought the daytime nurse on Saturday was something because of the way she was acting. A young, nice looking girl in her 20s with long hair - white - as there was an Asian nurse there that fits the same description and she's something else too - witches on wheels is all I can say....  The white nurse was basically deriding and yelling at a man that was hitting on her, so loud the whole ward could hear what was going on. Meanwhile the Asian on thinks she's in some kind of ninja movie or something by the way she's flying around the place and being as unhelpful as possible while doing it.  I mean the ER ward there at the Lakeshore General is a total luney tunes land and it's not just the patients that are the luney tunes either. The nursing staff for the most part has the patients even the Crystal Meth patients (one of which was put right beside me - you want to hear the most demonic noises coming from a person - try sleeping beside a crystal meth patient for the most wicked dreams you'll ever have - assuming you can sleep and don't just having waking nightmares without sleeping) beat by a long shot when it comes to being as outright sadistic and nutso you can get. 

Anyhow that bitch on wheels on Saturday basically flipped out and went insane when I refused to let her use the automatic blood pressure machine on me and requested she does it manually. Because those stupid machines crank up to beyond 200 on me as it can't hear my pulse (as it's hard to find and even harder to "hear"). Her response was "I don't have time for that", but yet the stupid bitch had time to go to the front desk and come back with waiver forms for me to sign saying I refused treatment. She doesn't have 10 seconds extra to strap the bp cuff on me rather than just slide it on and hit a button, and do it manually (which takes maybe all of 1 minute from start to finish to do), but she does have time to go the front desk, search for forms for me to sign and march back to me with them. I told her I wasn't signing sheit and even if I did, it wouldn't be legal because it was under duress and because I can't understand what I'm reading - I had a stroke and it affected my reading and spelling abilities. Um f'n duh.  Then she came and gave me my night time medicine but neglected to include my diuretic I've been taking for the last few years. She told me "you don't need that so I'm not giving it to you". I asked her how she knew if I needed it or not and she said she just knew, so then the sadist ahem offers to catheterize me and I offered to shove the dammed thing up her nose if she tried. So then she goes and gets the mobile ultra sound machine and does an ultra sound on my bladder to see if I really did need to urinate or not. All of that, just so she wouldn't have to give me my prescribed diuretic. That witch on wheels I'm gunning for her license as soon as I can file a report about what happened to me at her hands. 

The following night the nurse I got wasn't much better. He was a young Asian man and at first things started out well enough between us, but earlier that day my son brought the cellphone in to me and it wasn't charged and the charger cord wasn't very long - maybe 2 feet max. So the cuff holder for the manual BP machine was near the bed and he plugged the charger into the wall behind the bed and put the phone in that BP holder - it was NOT on the cuff or even touching the cuff at all - completely on the other side of the holder from where the cuff was. So when he wanted to take my BP I asked him to use the manual one and he obliged, but when he went  to get the cuff out of the holder, he stood there staring at the phone and for some reason when he pulled the cuff out of the holder he managed to also pull the phone out as well and it fell on the floor. I know he did it deliberately because I could see him looking at it for the longest time before he went to get the cuff out. Once it fell on the floor - my only connection with the sane outside world, I got angry at  him and told him he didn't need to throw my phone on the floor and told him to pick it up. He didn't want to. I said you'd better pick it up now or else. So he picked it up and gave it to me and told me I wasn't allowed to use hospital equipment to put my phone on. Ergo, I couldn't keep it on the bed, I couldn't keep it on the tray table beside the bed, I couldn't keep it in that holder, I could only keep it on my person basically, is what he was saying. I thought to myself, WHY THE F CAN EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS NUTHOUSE HAVE A CELLPHONE AND KEEP IT ON HOSPITAL PROPERTY EXCEPT ME???????????  By then I was livid. That was Sunday midnight to 7am shift

Then they put that Crystal Meth spoiled little bitch beside me and she sounded like a f'n demon from hell ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL DAY & ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL NIGHT LONG. And mommy dearest coming in to see her and trying to treat her like she's a sweet little angel - if it was my kid, I'd have killed it. Period end of freaking story. That was Sunday into Monday, which is when I should've been transferred to the Montreal General. Didn't happen though.
Maybe that's WHY I always got compliments about my kids and they excelled in whatever they did, because we made them behave and didn't let them get away with crap. So now our son, not only has his own design practice, but is also teaching Interior Design at Dawson. None of them ever wound up in ER due to dope and none of them ever emitted a demonic sound like that from their mouths either, I'm proud to say. I'm sure our daughter would've made us equally proud if she were still alive now. She died from what was an untyped cancer until after her death. So no she didn't die from illicit drugs or other.
Now long after the 72 hours had gone by, they decided I wasn't going anywhere because they suddenly found an MRI machine they could use right there at that hospital. So bright and early Monday morning I got wheeled out of the ER insane asylum for a brief period of time, long enough to have an MRI and get wheeled right back into the crazy house again. 

I get back there in time for the breakfast trays to start coming out. So ate breakfast and shortly afterwards I get told I'll be moving to a room that afternoon.  And I'm thinking it's about freaking time, because if I don't get out of this madhouse soon I WILL have a massive stroke, because of all the noise, the stress, the inability to sleep will eventually give me one if I don't get out of there soon.

So I waited and I waited. Suppertime came, ate supper, saw more luney tunes being admitted for the night. Figured there's no way in hell I'm going to put up with this fresh pack of nutcases all night long, so if I don't get moved to the room by 10pm, I'm out of here. 

10PM rolls around and I'm STILL in the ER ward, sleeping on a 2 foot wide gurney with a thin sheet and they think I'm doing that another night? Ha! Finally, my nurse a young male nurse named Sam (I think that was his name I wish I could remember it seriously because he & Dan are the ONLY HUMANE NURSES I had while there and they both worked the evening shifts) Sam (he looked to be middle eastern) told me that they already held me longer than they were legally allowed to hold me in ER and that I should've been either put in room by then or discharged.  So I told Sam to get all the electrodes off of me, as I was checking out. So he did. I went to the desk and told them I was leaving. So of course they got me to sign a form saying I was leaving by my own choice. But given that I couldn't read and couldn't really write either, that whole form thing wouldn't hold water in a court of law if something happened to me. It could also be argued that I left due to their own negligence, in not finding me a room in a timely manner.  

They gave me a few prescriptions, for me to get filled at my pharmacy when I got home. So I went with them to the pharmacy and got them all filled and started taking them. I started non-stop coughing almost immediately. So I looked at the prescriptions and found their profiles online and one of them, was prescribed by this Dr. Siddiqul.A, that I don't remember seeing, haven't seen since and can't seem to find as SHE apparently disappeared shortly after prescribing that crap to me. It's a medication meant to control blood pressure and cut down on stroke possibilities, but after taking ONLY 2 of those pills back at the beginning of the month when I discharged myself and got the prescriptions filled,  I have been coughing ever since. Sometimes for several minutes non stop. That's to start, then it's good I'm also taking a diuretic as I wouldn't urinate at all, as that drug diminishes urine output. Not only that it causes a sinus ear-infection SO GOOD, it's LITERALLY MADE ME DEAF. After taking only 2 pills of  PMS Perindopril. Look up the drug profile on that. The drug profile in the UK says that this can have side effects that last up to a month after stopping taking it. Well it's almost a month - 2-3 weeks easy since I stopped taking it, yet I'm still coughing, still having sinus problems and can't hear a dammed thing after only 2 pills so imagine how screwed up I'd be if I took the whole course of medication. 
I have been TRYING desperately to see our family doctor, to no avail. So last week, I wrote a letter to her and took it to her office, explaining what happened with me and gave her the hospital file number incase she wants to see it. So her secretary called later that day and said the doctor will call me at a certain time later on this coming week. I don't know how that'll help me as you need to be able to hear when talking on a phone. Something I can't do. But anyhow, maybe I can borrow my husband's ears for the call.  
That's how screwed up and disjointed the moron Legault has made our medical system since he's been in power. I hope he gets voted out this upcoming election. Gawd do I ever. I've had more than enough of his BS and gestapo tactics to last a lifetime. 

By now I know you're scratching you heads and wondering ...... Huh? How's all this connected to Covid?  Well after my recent strokes and my neighbour who had a stroke last year, after us both having had Covid  at the same time - in January 2020 (before it was supposed to have been here)  and me again this past March and finding the following articles which I am posting  links to: SIDE EFFECT Warning to anyone who’s had Covid over distressing side effects that can strike two years later  and another source for that information: New study suggests covid increases risks of brain disorders
So this is the final post in this blog, as I am no longer able to do it at all. Here's wishing everyone well and stay away from that virus, because if it has anything to do with what I'm going through now, it can mess you up pretty good. So stay well and take care.