Showing posts with label Vaudreuil-Soulanges organizations for help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vaudreuil-Soulanges organizations for help. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Trying Again

To Continue the COVID Coverage


 Photo courtesy of

June 18,2020

I still have a ton of food to work with before it goes bad, so I can refreeze it, so I don't know how much coverage will get covered in this post, but I will post it by the end of the day and then tomorrow I'll start a new post and post that one. And hopefully be able to go like that until I've gotten it all posted and up to date.

So far, I'm not getting off to a good start here. I clipped a key while typing above and everything went wacky on me. I don't know which key that was as my whole screen just suddenly changed on me and I didn't know how to get it back right again. Fortunately I found it, before resorting to shut down and reloading and hoping it reloaded properly.  But, that eats up time that I would've had to start the post. So now I have to leave it here for the time being and get back to it later today, when I have some free time to work on it.

In the midst of making chicken soup broth, fried chicken cubes, fried calamari and other assorted things, I thought while I wait for some of the food to cool off so I can package it to store, wash and reuse the pans used for those things, I'd take some time to start the COVID coverage off.

So I'll start off with the Quebec government's reissuence of the health emergency which can be found here:  Order in Council No.807-2020   and the new health order related to masks: Order in Council No 810-2020 

Both documents are readable online or as they're PDFs you can also download them to keep.

Lifting public health measures  These are the new measures implemented Canada wide to combat the virus.

  Vaudreuil-Soulanges Are Organizations for Help

These are organizations in the Southwest Vaudreuil-Soulanges county area that can provide help for those who need it, during this time of pandemic: 

L'Arc-en-Ciel de Vaudreuil Soulanges: Provides help for those suffering mental sues and those in rehabilitation can avail themselves of their services by contacting them at:
60, rue de l'Eglise 
Vaudreuil-Dorion            or:            or:  (450) 424-7006
Monteregie, QC.
J7V 1W4

Centre d'action benevole L'Actuel: Provide assistance to seniors with loss of autonomy, or convalescing. They also provide assistance to those in precarious situations or living in isolation. They can be reached at: 
88, rue Adele                    or:   or: (450) 455-3331
QC.  J7V1S7 

Hebergement La Passerelle: Helps women & children who are exposed to domestic violence, along with services to counter and prevent domestic violence. They are reachable at: 
phone: (450) 424-6077 - Administration

Moisson Sud-Ouest (Regional): Recovers food from suppliers in the region and distributes them on a daily basis to registered organizations. If in need of food you can contact them and they'll redirect you to your local organization: 
50 rue Webb
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield        or:        or: (450) 377-7696
QC, J6T6L5

La Source d'entraide: Helps the population of St. Lazare with food banks and resale of "gently used items". You can contact them here:
2252 Chemin Sainte-Angelique
St. Lazare, QC.                          or:        or:  (450) 455-8000
J7T 2H5

COVID Coverage Continues....

Couple who set up hand sanitiser business when coronavirus hit 'set to make £30m'   I wouldn't doubt it, given the skyhigh prices they ask for hand sanitizer here.

‘This is getting out of control,’ says infectious disease expert about coronavirus Getting? I'd say it's long gotten out of control already, even by the time that article was released.

As shootings surge across US, police see COVID's crippling of justice system enabling crime  This is what happens when you let Americans armed to the eyeballs loose and allow them to get together with others. They start killing each other. So they don't need the virus to winnow out their population, they're doing a wonderful job of it all by themselves.

Kamloops care home residents sign petition, demand easing of restrictions  I don't see why they weren't allowed up until then? The things they are subjecting our seniors to across Canada because of this virus is just criminal. They don't even put prisoners in solitary confinement aka isolation for such lengths of time (from mid March up until at least July 6th). If they did the John Howard Society and other legal defense groups would be all over them for breach of human & constitutional rights. But yet, it's just hunky dory to do that to innocent seniors under the guise of protecting them. Protecting them from what at this point? I know the virus hasn't gone away but why won't a mask protect them any more than it protects others? Are the governments trying to cause the seniors to pine themselves to death from loneliness and isolation? Is that it? Just another means of ridding society of seniors? 

François Legault holds a jaw-dropping lead as Quebec's lockdown lifts  He's the only politician I've seen or heard so far, basically anywhere in the world to put the blame of the COVID19 deaths in his territory on his shoulders and apologize to the public for it. That must be a very heavy burden for him to carry around on his conscience. None of the other regional or world leaders have admitted any blame in anything to do with the virus and it ravaging their territories and populations, when they are all to blame for letting it in the first place. There were steps to be taken early on, the moment the Chinese government said something about what was happening Wuhan. If from the moment on they closed their borders to anyone having come from China or a stamp in the passports indicating they've been there in the last few months, and not let them in at all. Nevermind this BS about "self-quarantining" and using the honour system as a means of ensuring they do - knowing that just about everyone won't "honour" it. Then none of this or very little of this would've ever happened. We would've been able to rapidly gain control of the situation if there were a few cases that did get in and get rid of it. Instead nope. What do we have? A bunch of idiots at the various helms standing there with the door wide open and a welcome mat laid out awaiting the arrival of all the virus carriers with open arms and a hug. That's basically what it amounts to, the way they treated the spread of the virus, they basically all welcomed it into their territories with open arms. But none of them have yet apologized for the damage it's done. 

COVID-19: Ottawa to mandate masks inside public spaces as of Tuesday  As was done and came into effect here in Quebec today. You can get the PDF version of the mandate at the link above.

COVID-19 pandemic threatens to set back battle against AIDS by 10 years, UN warns  Other indirect health affects this virus is having on the population.

Canada blows past expectations to gain almost million jobs  I don't think it's really a "gain" per se, more like people returning to jobs they already had before the pandemic struck, probably.

World's 'loneliest hermit' at risk of Covid-19 after influencer's trip to see her Maybe the hermit doesn't mind the risk. It's possible after years and years of solitary confinement, she's had it with life and would love to have a way to die that doesn't involve suicide.  Maybe she has religious compunctions about dying that way and just wants a natural way to die.

Deadly 'unknown pneumonia worse than coronavirus' spreads through Kazakhstan  Just what we need - another unknown pneumonia worse than coronavirus to contend with. Hopefully, the governments are clued into this and shut the borders to anyone or anything arriving from there.

WHO reports record daily increase in global coronavirus cases for second day in a row  Wow, increases of a quarter million cases a day! In 4 days that's 1 million new cases at this rate! If it picks up, yikes.... They soon be laying blankets out on fields with canopys over the top, to serve as hospitals, as they'll run out of hospital rooms and beds world wide if it continues at this rate.

Quebec COVID-19 recovery rate skyrockets after new system implemented Yeah I was wondering about that myself, why everyone who got sick in Quebec either stayed sick or died and no one was getting better. Now that they fixed that the numbers should more accurately reflect the current situation.

Coronavirus: Why politics means success or failure in South America Because the whole thing basically has to do with politics and economics, not only there, but world-wide.

Hospital chaplains on the coronavirus frontline  Another angle from which to see this virus and it's effect on the population and people in general.

Lockdown lovin’: Nearly third of Americans have broken self-quarantine for bedroom romp And yet another way to not only break quarantine but put yourself and others at risk. 

U.S. hoarding of COVID-19 drug remdesivir could cost lives in other countries  What difference does it make if the US hoards it or China does? If China had control of it, like they tried to get, do you think they wouldn't hoard it? In this case, I'd rather see the Americans benefit from it over the Chinese for a variety of reasons, mainly to do with the way China's treated Canada & 2 Canadian citizens in China, as of late and because they're not our doorstep like the Americans are, traipsing back and forth on a daily basis (like they would if they were allowed to continue crossing the border). Not to mention Canadians traipsing back and forth across that same border and potentially bringing home a little more than cheap gas, milk and souvenirs with them.  So it would be more in our interests to let the Americans have it, than the Chinese if we had to get involved in saying who did what with it. Yes, it would be nice if they shared it with the rest of the world, but they haven't been able to make very many doses of it yet.

Scientists create air filter that traps, kills coronavirus instantly  They need something like this to work in ventilation systems in buildings that way people could go out for any purpose, whether that's to the local medical clinic to get a booboo stitched up, to the mall for a day of window shopping and shopping sprees, to movie theatres with their friends (no matter how many), for a drink at a bar or a  nice meal at a restaurant without worrying about inhaling the droplets etc and mask free. 

Common FDA-approved drug heparin acts as decoy for COVID-19, may neutralize virus  Hopefully this will be used under close medical supervision, otherwise we'll be looking at other potentially life threatening situations if left to the patient to self-medicate with this.

68% of a New York clinic's patients test positive for coronavirus antibodies  Wow! That's a really high percentage. If that's true and a snapshot of the overall NY community, it means they've basically achieved herd immunity already.

Anxiety makes us bad decision-makers. Here's how to do better even if you're worried about everything   I don't know what they advise here, or if it will help you or not. All I know is that after a lifetime plagued by migraines mainly caused by anxiety, I've learned to prevent them from coming on in the first place, by "living in the moment". My father used to tried to tell me to do that in his round about way, by saying "take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself" - when I was worried about things coming up in the future, like tests or social events etc.... What he meant in his round about way was to focus on the here and now and do the best you can in what you're doing at the moment, that way if your mind is totally focused on what you're doing, it won't be free to wander and cause worry.  It's when we let our minds wander and stray into the "what ifs" territory, like "what if I fail", "what if I can't pay the mortgage this month", "what if I don't want to go" etc.... Never mind those what ifs, because chances are they're not likely to happen anyhow - they're only 50% of the equation. But the other 50% has you behind it pushing for it to be the what if that wins out over the negative part of that what if.  So if you focus your mind on what you're doing now 1) you won't be worried and anxious about it 2) you're apt to be more prepared for when the time comes - because you'll have actually applied yourself at what you were supposed to be doing - whether that was working, or studying, or just being there for friends, or taking care of yourself.... Whatever it is you're supposed to be doing in the moment if you focus on that and apply yourself to the best of your abilities on doing that, you won't have to worry about what ifs, as you'll ace them. I know this time is different in that some people have had to defer payments etc.... But you have to think it'll be alright and that you'll do whatever it takes to not let your accounts fall into delinquency and get repossessed, by applying yourself to your particular situation - whether that's convincing your old boss to take you back and once you get back, giving it all you've got to retain that job and maybe even get a promotion or raise in the process (that's always nice), or convincing another employer that you're the one they need to fill that position and then do all you can to prove it to them. There are ways and means to apply yourself and live in the moment, and not worry about things and stay positive. In my case, it's called being an airhead. I just let everything else go and focus on what I'm doing until it's done. Then I either remember on my own the other things I have to do, or I check notes I leave to myself.

Canada's Economy In For 10 Years Of Hardship: Capital Economics Oh, that just  sounds like wonderful news. 

It's time to let family caregivers back into Ontario nursing homes, medical officer says Geez, I'd have thought they'd have let them back inside long before now, considering QC was the worst hit when it came to nursing homes and QC let family caregivers back in sometime ago. Although some places tried to stymy that effort by putting up extra requirements that weren't required by the government.

Enbridge billed eatery for $4,000 worth of gas it didn't use during COVID-19 shutdown, owner says  And that leads me to wonder  just how trustworthy and honest these ultilities companies really are.

A plasma shot could prevent coronavirus. But feds and makers won't act, scientists say  Same here in Canada and I have to wonder why. Why are they stalling on this?  Is it in an effort to force us to take a vaccine instead? One that might have other unwanted elements to it, besides just the vaccine itself? It's because of governments behaving like this and all their other asinine behaviours in relation to this virus that makes you wonder what's going on? What's the gimmick here? What's behind this and then they get upset because there's so many conspiracy theories swirling around out there. Well given their criminal negligence and all their other untoward actions since day one, you would be a braindead idiot if you didn't wonder what was going on and why. 

Huge Market Crash Coming? Warren Buffett and Other Experts Sound the Alarm  Considering the story above about Canada's economy facing a 10 year hardship, this would just tie right in with that.

Major Tax Increases Are About To Slam America As Cities & States Want You To Pay For COVID Fallout  The same thing will happen in Canada too. Eventually the government will have to start clobbering everyone with taxes in order to cover all the handouts Santa Trudeau's been doling out on his steps everyday at lunchtime.