Showing posts with label CDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CDC. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Caught in a Flux Between Busyness & Restrictive Laws Pertaining To....

 Covid 19


May 16, 2021

What'd ya know.... I'm back again and way sooner than I planned ..... Who'd have thought? I sure didn't. All I know is there's been several developments that I wanted as part of this COVID19 record, that this blog is and the only way I know how to do that is to make a new post to include them.

Life has been crazy busy lately. Even though we're supposed to still be under lockdown and curfew etc, it doesn't feel like it. It seems that everyone's getting antsy and wanting to get out and do things and socialize once again. 
So aside from the usual, keeping me busy, neighbours, friends and family have too. In fact last night around 9:30pm or so I was informed by my son that they were inviting themselves over for supper tonight. Even though I was in middle of preparing the tons of dandelions I'd gathered for making dandelion wine and knew I'd still be doing that today as well, I said okay. Anyhow I just finished dealing with the actual dandelions themselves just as they arrived. Still have to go through all the other stages to make the wine though, but will have to do that tomorrow. 
They've had to hightail it home though before curfew strikes. Or else they're apt to turn into pumpkins and won't be allowed to attend the ball or get fined a gazillion dollars by the jack bootied gestapo police we have patrolling out there after 9:30pm in Quebec.

Life feels like it's gotten back to normal already even though none of the draconian laws have been lifted or anything like that. It's just that everyone is flouting them now as common practice it seems. All of our neighbours have been out socializing with each other without masks or distancing and probably without too much worry about hand sanitizing either for that matter. No one's gotten sick or any hint of an illness on account of it either.  No one seems the least bit concerned or worried about it either.

The reason for this posting is due to several different articles I felt were of importance and needed to be included in the blog, in order to form a complete picture of the whole plandemic going on out there. So I'll post those (again I have no idea how few or many there might be, so scroll down the page to see before deciding how comfortable you need to make yourself before starting to go through them).

Pressure increases for US to send vaccines to Latin America Most of the Americans who want to be vaccinated already are, so why do they insist on hording the vaccines anyhow?
Coronavirus cases hit a seven-month low Probably due to the number of people who've been vaccinated against the virus.

There seems to be a shortage of everything out there these days.  

Covid Forecasters Warn India Deaths May Double in Coming Weeks That is just awful, considering how generous and helpful their government has been to other countries around the world. 
Scientists see path for the coronavirus to invade the brain This virus seems to be the be all and end all of all viruses, considering it's capable of just about everything according medical science. Pretty soon they'll be saying it's capable of making us all grow wings and fly around too.  Personally I'm not too inclined to believe all of these "discoveries" about this virus. Yes, it may be able to do just what they're claiming it can do, but maybe there's other factors involved and not just the virus alone or the virus at all. Like other comorbidities or certain medications being taken for those comorbidities that is interacting on the virus itself, causing it to do those things. It's hard to know at this stage of the game.

A Small Brazilian Town Is Beating Covid-19 Through a Unique Experiment Precisely the same reason the case & death numbers are dropping in the US too.

Good for the police officer for standing up for civil liberties! In my opinion the "crackpot" spreading misinformation is the professor. He should f'n well know better if he's attained a level of education that allows him to be a professor, considering how all of these previous pandemics were handled in history was via SOLELY quarantining those who were affected by the virus and their contacts for 40 days and it was a strict quarantine and not society in general.  Obviously that professor never had a history lesson nor a lesson about public health in his entire life. He's probably a professor of art or maybe snowboarding like the  dimwits at the helm here in Canada are.
Fake COVID-19 test results: Travellers slapped with $9,000 for showing false documents at Toronto airport  What kind of highway robbery and undue hardship is that nonsense anyhow? Why not demand the keys & deeds to their properties and first born too while they're at it? Might as well given that fines like that will bankrupt a person, couple or family (depending how many are involved that survive on the same income together). They make the Sheriff of Notthingham of Robinhood fame, look downright  munificent. 

Of course not, because that genocidal c___ wants to keep this charade going for as long as possible, considering she's probably well aware that she'll be ousted the moment this is over and maybe hung out to dry for crimes against humanity. On top of that, why would they want it to end, considering the income the gov't is raking in all those ridiculously harsh fines like shown in the headlines above. Not to mention the draconian laws that keeps everyone in their place and prevents clandestine gatherings or large gatherings that may be fixing to overthrow these draconian wanna-be dictators (as they should be). There's lots of reason this gov't doesn't want to relinguish their power over this plandemic - mostly though I surmise is because they don't want to face the legal music at the end of it, and so they want to hang on to power and these draconian laws for as long as possible (to keep people afraid and compliant). 
CDC Limits Review of Vaccinated but Infected; Draws Concern  That is strange to say the least. You'd figure they would want to get to the bottom of why vaccinated people are still being infected.  But then this is the CDC we're talking about and given their behaviour since the beginning of this plandemic it's pretty much par for the course. As strange, stupid and uncharacteristic as possible. 
Mixing COVID-19 vaccine doses leads to more reactions, study finds, which may be 'first sign of success' Is everyone in medicine & the media in Canada total inbred idiotic illiterates or what? That's what I want to know.... More reactions doesn't sound like "success" it sounds way more serious and dangerous to me. But then what do I know I was "just" a nurse, not some art teacher or pencil necked accountant like the health ministers in Canada & QC and or some wanna be fiction writer who couldn't sell even a short fiction story turned journalist who's pretending to not only understand medicine but actually know medicine writing these ficticious fake news stories.

Don't hold your breath waiting for this to happen dear fellow Canadians. Because I can tell you right now that if those genocidal c____s Tam & Haggydodo and Mr. Dressup has anything to do with it, we won't. It's that simple. They want to pretend that this thing is dragging on forever so they can keep their grip on power and us forever. Have them removed from office and you'll see how fast this virus goes away. It'll be a thing of the past so fast your heads will spin. That's how fast.
‘The lost month of February’: COVID-19 was preventable, report shows THIS IS THE STORY I WANTED TO MAKE SURE GOT POSTED. Basically, I hate to say "I told you so", but this is what I've been saying since day 1 and FINALLY I FEEL VINDICATED!!!!!!!! EVERYONE CHOSE TO SIT ON THEIR HANDS & DO NOTHING. BUT..... Were they following the directives given by Bill Gates and the WEF at Event 201?????? That is something we all need to be asking ourselves and investigating.  Because it seems like it probably was, since they basically followed it to the T. If it was, then the heads of state that decided to follow it to a T, along with Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, & Karl Schwab should all be tried for crimes against humanity and mass genocide.
'Zero evidence' COVID booster jab will be needed, top scientist warns In the case of Moderna they said the efficacy rate was 92% with one shot. So why would anyone need a second shot? It's highly unlikely that a 2nd shot would bring it up to 100% anyhow, maybe closer to 95 or 97%  - and 92% isn't far off that. I'm not sure I'll get a 2nd shot because I figure 92% is up there near 100% and for the extra possible 8% difference I'd be getting in immunity (if I got that much), is it worth it? I'm not sure it would be to me. 


It's not bad enough that they have a particularly wicked variant to contend with, now some of them have this to contend with even after recovering from Covid19. That's really sad.
People are panic buying homes as prices skyrocket around the world Like a friend of mine said the other day, she was thankful she owned her own home and didn't have to worry about buying one or having to rent an apartment because even apartment rents were skyhigh these days too.

Women are noticing changes to their periods following COVID vaccine Particularly women who've had the Moderna vaccination need to take note of this article. I know I was relieved after finding and reading it, as I was panicking thinking I had the same kind of cancer my daughter died of. But I don't - I just had the Moderna vaccination is all.  Phew.

I don't think Astra-Zeneca has the monopoly on burning hands though. Last night before even seeing this story while sitting here at the keyboard I told my husband it felt like the bones in my fingers were burning. It was the strangest sensation - like my fingers were burning on the inside near the bones. It didn't last long but I attributed to the vaccine I had - which was Moderna.  So is the vaccine/s doing that? Or something else?
Hundreds of bodies found buried along Indian riverbanks This is just horrifying. I can't even imagine the danger to the health of others in that area. That's just super dangerous, unhealthy, unsanitary and downright sickening. That should not be allowed at all under any circumstances whatsoever.

Look if that doctor Malthouse that sent that letter didn't think he would find other doctors who agreed with him why would he have sent it in the first place if he was wrong and he knew it? I think the doctors that are wrong are the ones trying to censor those those who think or know they can prove the contrary of this plandemic. It seems to me that the doctors like Vance, are so afraid that they might actually be proven wrong that rather than risk it, they want the dissenters censured and shut up.  It's entirely possible that in some areas there are NO or very LOW numbers of cases while in others there's a large/ish cluster of them. But it doesn't mean because there's a large cluster here that there's large clusters everywheres. So let's be realistic and let others speak their truths too. Vance you're not the only one with a truth or a view to this plandemic. Others have their own lived truths and realities and they should be allowed to voice them even if they don't jive with your own.  I know in my own little world here amongst everyone I know and that includes nurses and social workers too (people who are in contact with people in the health care system on a regular basis) don't know of anyone who's had the illness let alone died of it. I live just outside Montreal and one of the nurses I'm talking about works at the Montreal Super Hospital downtown. So put that in your peacepipe and smoke it, there chump Vance.

TWO just TWO out of a 100 thousand or so protestors????? And you want to use that as an example to scaremonger people with, do you CBC????? Well you'd better try harder than that, considering that just 2 people out of a hundred thousand or so people grouped together and maskless makes the point I've been making all along - it's no worse than a bad flu. Thanks for making it for me though.
Families want visitor rules relaxed in highly vaccinated Ontario long-term care homes There's no reason they shouldn't be relaxed, unless these long term care homes don't want visitors in because they still have something to hide and don't want visitors seeing the deplorable conditions their family members are living in. That could be a reason why they're reluctant to relax the rules and not because of anything to do with the virus and immunity issues. 

Anyhow that's the headlines I felt were important and needed to be posted as a means of providing a full picture of this plandemic for posterity. Assuming there is a future post, take care and stay well until then.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Waiting in the Car, Playing Games, Radio Listening, Dr.'s Office & Listing Headlines For ....

 Covid 19



November 9, 2020

I quite literally spent most of the afternoon sitting in our car waiting for my husband who had a doctor's appointment for his back (it's about freaking time). While he was in there, I was in the car, playing games on a tablet of mine and listening to the car radio. Not a very thrilling or interesting day and I accomplished a whole lot of nothing on top of that. 

I did call my son though to find out how he was and to tell him (as he's the one that predicted it and I posted it - without citing him as being the one that said it) that he was right about what he said about if Biden won the presidency, how the week after he wins, we'll suddenly start seeing vaccines being made and being made available. I mentionned that since Biden won we'd be seeing vaccines getting approved and maybe even being made and distributed this week, earlier on my blog on November 7th to be precise, in this post "New Toilet Installed, Motor Cycle Accident, Waiting Anxiously For News, & Posting Headlines on....", in the comment on Herculean Effort on Vaccines,  And sure enough! Look at the headlines that greeted me on Drudgereport this morning November 9th, when I signed onto the net: 


Not sure  - what's going on right now. I can't put it back in non-bold nor align left mode. It stays centerized and in bold face.... That's going to make things really awkward here. 
As this is obviously a super glitch in the "new blogger" thing and I can't seem to get out of it, consider this the blablabla portion of today's headline posts and follow on to the next post to get the actual headlines.   So hang in there as Part II will follow.....

 .......                                                                   Part II
Sooooo.... Um yeah that was fun.... Continuing on from all that fun with the above post, here's the headlines: 
The following few headlines are based on the front page on Drudgereport this morning - which is in the previous post for today. As I said that I wouldn't be posting any more news stories with after the Oct 31st headlines, it's been hard to stick to that because everyday there's an extraordinary headline related to COVID 19 that can't be ignored. Yesterday was some military type was saving that WWIII was going to start because of COVID19, so that story got posted because of it's significance in how bad things could get. Then today that headline from Drudge, that I couldn't resist posting in here was a dramatically different tone.  And so like I said the following few headlines are from today and related to that posting on drudgereport's site.They have absolutely nothing to do asa


TSX jumps following Pfizer vaccine news, Biden victory Even here in Canada it had an effect already. 

Now I'm not sure this is the big change I was talking about or not. So I'll follow the headlines for the next few days and see where it's going. If it is a change (the one I was hoping for - not necessarily Biden winning but the turn around in outlook and stories) or not. If it appears to have momentum and keeps on going I'll resume posting the headlines from the day I decide it is indeed a change and enough of one to warrant reopening the blog, but only after I can finish all the headlines leading up to Oct 31st. Still have those to post. 
So resuming from where I left off last night....
The holidays are coming. Does the COVID-19 pandemic mean you should skip even small family gatherings? What experts say. Doesn't matter what the experts say, I'm going to have a family gathering for Christmas. Line up the gestapo boots outside my door now so incase.... 

I wouldn't know what those are exactly, since I don't have time to work with any of my hobbies, as this blog fills all my free time and just as I thought I was going to put it to bed at least for a little while, so I could work on some of my hobbies in order to make Christmas presents..... Surprise, surprise, we might have a pandemic turn around, which means if we do, I'll have to resume posting the current headlines as soon as I get caught up on the October headlines. So, much for my free time and hobbies eh?  
She wasn't infected. Why she almost lost her life because of Covid-19 That's what I've been saying about this plandemic, that there's a lot of other people who are also dying because of COVID19 but not because they have it, but because they don't and the doctors refuse to treat them because they don't have COVID symptoms.
Pollution and Covid-19: Delhi hit by 'double whammy' No wonder they have such high rates. It was my contention from the very beginning while it was raging in Wuhan, that it might be hitting it really hard because of the pollution (because China isn't exactly renown for it's pristine beauty and pure fresh air), same with India, Brazil and even the parts of the US where they were particularly hard hit like California, NY and Florida. Chicago should be up there in the ranks as well, not sure why it isn't unless it's because all it's smoggy air gets blown across the border into Canada....

They don't have those old laugh and clap tracks that they used to use on sitcoms before they had live audiences come to watch the live taping of it? Those used to be used all the time. People, like my mother caught on to them because there was apparently certain sounds that was evident everytime the tracks were used, like a certain sound of someone laughing a certain way or something like that that she vowed up and down was a taped laugh track and everyone called her crazy until later on they revealed that yeah they did use such contrivances for both laugh segments and clap segments. So if they had and used such a thing in the 1960s can't they dust them off and maybe redo the segments so they're not the same ones and use such types tracks again now?
Eerie photos reveal how Covid curfew is transforming Paris Our son showed us pictures of the major downtown Montreal streets Ste. Catherine, and Sherbrooke during the 1st lockdown when he was down there one day. They were kind of similar to these pictures but with a lot less cars and traffic. To see the difference in those pictures place your cursor on the center line in the picture and drag it from one side to the other & vice versa. 


Well that should be quite a significant number of people considering their population is about 67 million. So that is roughly 3.5 million people who have antibodies and I wonder if they had 3.5 million positive cases yet? 

Okay all I want to know is how high were the fevers these people who are losing their hair had? If they were really high, then that's probably why they're losing their hair like that. It's lucky they aren't losing their skin too in that case. I'm not joking - as I'm the only known survivor of scalded skin syndrome in the world, I'm speaking from experience here. My fever was so high they couldn't register it on the thermometers they had, and they thought I was going to die. I didn't. But after my fever went down and I got better and discharged from the hospital my hair started falling out in clumps and I was shedding my skin and nails even several layers deep, so that my newly exposed epidermis was a sticky bright pink colour and not my normal skin tone and it was like that pretty much all over my body. My nails also shed several layers or if they were thin they just plain fell out and new ones grew back in. But generally speaking high fevers do things like that to you. It's like as if you got an ultra mega sunburn or something or akin to a burn from a house fire - maybe 2nd degree or so burns. So that's why I suspect high fevers in these people.  The things I've had and survived is almost mind-boggling. From that to a broken neck, to 33% of hemoglobin left in my system, to several accidents and near drownings and on it goes, ... It's almost like I'm indestructible.  I know I have more than 9 lives as I've already used them all up and then some....

Cancer research another long-term casualty of the coronavirus pandemic, scientists say The list would be so much shorter if we just listed the things this plandemic hasn't affected. Oh I know.... Politicians plans, their lives and livelihoods & thus incomes. Hmmmm well I guess that's about it or all I can think of as it's affected just about everything and everyone else I can think of.

Ramped-up ICE arrests amid Covid outbreaks show 'irresponsible disregard,' Hispanic Caucus says Yeah kind of like the ramped inspections and fines the Office de la Langue Francais is giving restaurants and bars (who have been forced to close because of the pandemic) now. Like it's an extra kick in the head, as they apparently haven't had enough kicks in the head, gut and groin so far this year from all the lockdowns and closures due to not being able to remain in business, so now just to make extra sure it's really ONLY THE SUPER TOUGH & STRONG STANDING at the end of the pandemic it seems like Mr. Gestapo Boots Legault has sent the OLF after les maudits anglais sale qu'ils ont les nerves de poster les chose en anglais. Just to make sure that when the pandemic is over with and they can all reopen again the only ones that will will be Lafleurs Chien Chaud, and La Belle Province frits & hamburgeois et non les maudit sale restaurantes anglais. It's called "kick'em while they're down".


Oh doom & gloom are us.... I doubt it'll last forevermore.  At some point in time either science will find a way to conquer it, or it'll wane or we'll wane out of existance as a species. 

Not if every other economy holds them responsible for devastating their economies via their virus that they let loose on the world and sues them for damages. Canada should whether other countries want to or not, considering all the grief that country has caused Canada. I think China is Canada's main #1 enemy at this point. If we had nukes and I was in charge I'd have them all pointed towards China and wait for them to make even the smallest aggression towards us as an excuse to wipe them off the map. I am so infuriated with them it's not funny.


Hey pot users you should have no problems recovering from the lung damage then!
Italy Did Everything Right to Stop a Second Wave of the Coronavirus. So What Went Wrong?  We'd all love to know the answers to questions like that because even though we're under strict lockdown here in QC our cases are growing in number on a daily basis. 


I'm a couple decades younger than that, but I feel the same way. Whatever time we have left we want to live and enjoy it. Not stay stuck in a house or room with 4 walls. Anyone who can't understand something that simple has no business running anything, much less a country, a province, a state, a city or even a frigging hamlet of 3 for the total population.
Well that's it for tonight.... Until next time take care and stay well.



Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Making a Massive Effort to Catch Up on the Headlines Dealing with this Neverending Pandemic Called

 Covid 19


October 27, 2020

As I said in a previous post I will be putting this blog into hibernation as soon as I can get caught up on the Covid 19 headlines as of October 31, 2020 (to include those headlines in the blog as well). Because it just goes on and on like the Engerizer Bunny and just never seems to run out of steam. On top of that, there hasn't been much difference in the stories from the beginning of it until now. It's always the same old song, with inflated case numbers (because they never minus those who recuperated from the numbers and so the numbers just continue to grow - that way it looks scarier to the population making it easier to manipulate the population into doing the things they want) and trying to make things look scarier than they are, by giving those numbers instead of the real numbers. As I've pointed out many times before. All the while saying we have to sacrifice our lives (read actual existance or lives as in living and doing things that brings us joy & happiness) all for the sake of the economy, while awaiting this ever elusive vaccine that they keep talking about. 

This blog has covered almost every angle and aspect of the disease and it's effects on society and our lives that is out there, I think. So rather than turn it into a redundant, excessively repetitive piece of work, I've decided to put the blog to bed until or unless something major happens in this pandemic and then I'll see where I go from there, depending on what that major something is.  If the major something turns out to be that we'll never have a vaccine and that this kind of life is our new normal, I'll probably only post one message on it and that'll be that announcement along with my thoughts on it all. If it gets grimmer and more dire out there (and so far it hasn't), then I'll be back in full swing of things here until that changes. If it's we are finally going to have a vaccine against this virus and all the restrictions and measures will be lifted, I'll keep track of that in here too for those who would like to know what is happening when & where & how (like how when and where to get the vaccines for instance) and things like that until all measures & restrictions have been lifted. 

In the meantime though I will still use the blog to make special posts like the long overdue promised post about Bill Gates and his alleged involvement in this whole pandemic deal, along with posts to lighten the mood a bit especially with ideas and info on approaching holidays - the gov't imposed restrictions, and ideas on how to celebrate them anyhow etc....  

So with that in mind here's the lovely (being sarcastic here) news that just came out recently in regards to such things as lockdowns & Christmas here in QC & Canada....

You do notice the Nov 23, date right? Well guess what that is.... A convenient date to keep the Christmas shopping season alive here in QC. That gives the Quebecois a whole month to get whatever they plan for Santa to bring them this year under the tree before the Reveillon held on December 24th!
Unlike a lot of people this year especially I suppose, I refuse to cater to the economy that they expect everyone to sacrifice everything for including their lives and so won't be buying a damned thing to go under the tree to anyone. My tree is pretty small anyhow so it won't matter to the tree. In fact the tree will be happy as it won't be buried under presents this year. If I give anything to anyone it'll be something I made, or money or maybe a little of both, but I will not go shopping for anything at all, in the way of gifts. If everyone else did the same, that would send them a message that people aren't here just to make the stupid economic wheels go around that people are here to live and that means more than merely subsist! They want to be able to have a life outside of work and school and enjoy themselves!

As for us old folks, I've heard from more than one person of my age and older that they're tired of this sheite and they just want to live whatever life they might have left and not stay couped up in the house all the time segregated from friends and family like this. We're just tired of it and that includes me. None of us know how many days, months or years we might have left and we want to enjoy whatever life we do have left before we die (from whatever cause that might be). We could just as easily die tomorrow in an accident as we could from the virus but at least if we were in an accident that implies (well in most cases anyhow) that we were going somewhere or coming back from somewhere and not being stuck inside the damned house forever. We could also die in 20 years from now from old old age or from the virus especially if they haven't managed to make a vaccine for it by then. So if that's the case is the government willing to relegate seniors to isolation for the next 20 years or until they find a vaccine? At some point this has to end and not necessarily when we get a vaccine for it because we don't know 100% that we will have a vaccine against it. So, if we never have one, is the gov't going to force seniors to be segregated from friends, family and society for the rest of their lives? And force those who aren't yet seniors to just go to work and school and not have any fun with family or friends after business/school hours? Will society put up with that sheite for that long? Considering this freshly minted story that came out today?: Wave of anti-lockdown protests sweeps across Europe: Thousands of furious demonstrators clash with police in cities in Italy and Spain as they urge their governments to abandon new restrictions on their freedom
In all honesty when I saw a segment about that on the news last night I cheered and clapped. It's about frigging time we started taking our lives and freedoms back from the oppressors, masquerading as a caring "nanny state" gov't.  Enough is enough and I think we can basically all agree we've all just about had enough now.
And then THIS news story came out, which of course infuriated me even more: Trudeau says pandemic 'really sucks,' and that Christmas gatherings are up in the air
I'll tell you what really sucks is that we still have that moron at the helm and he and Haggydodo along with Tam the Genocidal trio aren't all behind bars for mass murder yet. That's what sucks.  And us having to suffer on account of it. That's what sucks. I wish we could have a big enough vacuum cleaner to show them what sucked, by sucking them up and out of our misery. That would be a sucking good job! (oops dentures must've slipped). 😉
Those were the headlines that came out recently that I wanted to get to right away, before wading into all the other headlines that are backlogged on my bookmark file.  

But don't most of those events involve charities in some way or other? Do they suppose those charities will be able to manage without any help until then? I know 2021 is only 2 months away but for those who are hungry that's a long time to wait.

Coronavirus detected in lake water, researchers find. Experts say don't panic. Don't panic eh? What about those towns & cities along those lakes that draws their drinking water from such reservoirs? It sounds to me like another "play down the situation" so the "people don't panic" story. 

Virus has Chinese tourists heading for domestic destinations Good! They can stay there as far as I'm concerned!

US Woman Suffers Brain Fluid Leak After Covid-19 Swab Test Punctures Her Internal Lining Someone didn't know what they were doing nor how to do it. Are we sure that the people administering these tests are fully qualified to do them?

I love this all these gov't officials making all these pleas for us to celebrate differently when none of them have any intentions of following their own rules they're laying out for the rest of. 

45 farm workers need to be in quarantine but funds for Windsor's isolation centre have run out I thought the Red Cross was a charitable foundation. If that's the case and they've raked in millions of dollars in donations over time, they should be able to fund that without asking for gov't help. Because honestly all I see of the Red Cross is a meager miserly greedy money-grubbing institution that gives out peanuts to those most in need. I know because I saw what they gave a friend of mine who lost everything in an apartment fire (arson - owner of building was responsible, so not her in case you were wondering). They gave her a $60 voucher for clothes for herself at Zellers (this was in 2000), and the same amount for her adult son who was living with her at the time, plus a voucher to a fleabag motel in the region for the 2 of them (to share the same motel room) for 3 days and another voucher for something like $50 of food from Maxi - that was supposed to be for the 2 of them. That's all they gave them! Nothing more. When the voucher for the fleabag motel was exhausted and they hadn't found a place to live yet (as she had no money - it was near the end of the month and her pension cheque hadn't come in yet and the money she paid for rent on her apartment along with all the money for all the utilities for that month was already spent on the apartment that just burnt down and she couldn't get any of that money back and she had no insurance either), the Red Cross said they couldn't and wouldn't be doing anything more for her, that she had to find a place on her own with whatever resources she had.  So we wound up taking her in for a little more than a week ( long enough for her to get her next pension cheque and use some of it towards a new apartment) but we couldn't take her son too, so he had to go stay with some friends of his. WE wound up being her Red Cross for her, NOT the actual Red Cross.  So it wouldn't hurt the Red Cross to part with some of their precious donations for a change, I don't think because they're sure not very generous nor helpful when it comes to helping people in dire need. 
RCMP reverses mask policy for bearded officers Quoting the story here: "Calls for service will be triaged from call centres, with bearded members being assigned to respond operationally only if the risk of exposure is low or multiple responding officers will be present," said the statement from chief human resources officer Gail Johnson. "Each case will be assessed on an individual basis."  ------> And given that no one knows if they have the virus in the beginning during the contagious stages, how are they supposed to determine if risk is low or not? If it only involves vehicles and no people or animals and no people maybe? Otherwise I would think there would be a risk and the risk would increase with each officer assigned.






They're grappling with the impacts on mental health due to isolation now. I wonder if they can imagine how hard it's been on seniors who've pretty much had to endure isolation for months at a time during this pandemic and not just for a couple of weeks!
Covid-19: Boris Johnson says everybody got 'complacent' over virus Maybe that's because people are waking up and realizing it's nowhere near as dangerous as the authorities would have us believe, because according to this site:  Coronavirus COVID 19 Google News & Tracker   There's been 43,894,430 cases worldwide with  1,165,432 deaths world wide to date. So it's proven to be way way less lethal than they said it was in the beginning. That means out of every 100 people who get it, about 2 and a half people (though we don't have 1/2 a person) who die from it. Most of those to date have been people with underlying conditions and those over 80 years of age if what they're telling us here in QC is true. So anyone with more than a braincell or two to rub together starts to realize that the authorities are making a big bruhaha out of nothing. The only logical non conspiratorial reason I could see for doing that is to prevent the hospitals from being swamped. That's all. But when you consider most have either no symptoms or very mild to moderate they don't usually require hospitalization anyhow.

Orrr.... In Quebecois terms how it sparked Valerie Plante to go insane installing bike lanes everywhere in Montreal, and closing road traffic to the cars (those who actually pay for the privilege to use the roads via plates, and road taxes on gasoline,  versus the bicyclists who don't pay for anything).
Covid: God may punish Nepal for cancelling rites, religious leaders warn I think with this virus God is punishing mankind no matter their nationality.

They actually had a term for that eh? And I thought I was the only suffering from such a thing.


Personally I'm of the opinion all of those floating petri dishes ought to be shut down permanently. If the passengers aren't getting coronavirus onboard it's the norwalk virus or some other freaking virus like the flu virus. In any case, I can't see why anyone would want to spend any time aboard a floating petri dish in middle of the ocean.
Senators ask Trump to end blanket closure of U.S.-Canada border Yeah um, I guess that didn't go so well, did it?



Yup so let's send them to school with a bunch of other super spreaders and then back home to their families so the working members of their families can then catch it and spread it even further themselves. Awesome idea Legault!
Coronavirus infecting majority of bad dreams: Many having social distancing nightmares Me, I'm just having super weird and vivid dreams is all. I guess I should be thankful they're not nightmares like others are having.


Hmmm.... But will they realize they recovered? Statins mess with memory so sometimes those on statins think they're developing alzheimers or dementia, when in reality all it is, is the medication that's affecting their memory. Not too many patients are aware of that side effect of statins.
Now for a musical interlude by Van Morrison protesting the lockdowns etc....: 







Like that will happen....
What you can and can't do under Quebec's COVID-19 red alert status Basically you can breathe, eat, sleep, drink, use the washroom and go to work or school, the rest is forbidden.




It sounds like the US' VP Pence had a better idea on how to control a contagion than the CDC did. I wonder how many gazillions of deaths they'd have had up to now if the CDC were allowed to get their way? So Pence probably saved lives, which I know is a hard pill for the  Democrats to swallow and admit. So in other words the CDC was negligent at doing their job ON PURPOSE folks!!!! Think about that for awhile and while you're at it, start wondering why especially considering this is what CDC stands for: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So how are they controlling and/or preventing anything if they just stand by and let it into the country? To me, everything I've seen and heard to do with them and this pandemic adds up to criminal negligence. Not just casual everyday forgetfulness or ineptness. No it seems like it was calculated, orchestrated and willful, like it was planned, to let as much of the virus into the country as they could and then write off every death after it was discovered as being COVID to magnify the numbers to cause people to be alarmed and afraid. This was orchestrated by the CDC & someone else in the US - military? or other branch of government as some kind of operation to cause all kinds of problems with the people, economy and you name it. I'm positive.

A second wave of COVID-19 has hit Toronto, but here's why the first wave never ended in some neighbourhoods Officials are delusional if they think there's a 2nd wave anywhere in this country outside the Atlantic Bubble. That's the only place in Canada where the numbers were down sufficiently to say the 1st wave was basically over with. But nowhere else in Canada were the numbers that low, so we never got out of the 1st wave, let alone into a 2nd wave!

I'm not saying the inequality is good, what I'm saying is good that people have phones that can't use that tracking technology or they don't have cellphones at all. The less tracking for whatever reason, is best. We don't need to be and shouldn't be so willing to be tracked by the governments either. Every little bit of freedom you give now, is gone forever, you'll never get it back again. So if you allow them to track you now during the pandemic what's stopping them from doing it in the future? Only in the future they may not rely on that blatant in your face app, they may have had that app modify another commonly found app on your phone to do the tracking for them. 

Oh what's new!?!



Five reasons everyone is talking about the 'South Park' pandemic special I don't know if it's aired yet or not, but if not, whenever it comes on I'd like to see it, if I get the chance.

As Quebec surpasses 1,000 new cases, government expected to shut down sports They've shut down everything except breathing, work & school.

No mask, no child custody. COVID-19 is a new factor in family law.   The parent that wears the mask could be a cruel tyrant that beats the kids black and blue, but they wear a mask so they get custody of the kids. How stupid has the world gotten on account of this virus anyhow?
Gov. has no authority to continue state of emergency, Michigan Supreme Court rules I WISH someone would challenge our authoritarian governments (especially the QC government) in a court of law over the legality of their obvious abuses of power and authority and imposed state of emergency. And I would hope for the same ruling that this case got in the US.



Anyhow on that weird and wacky note, I'll end tonight's endeavour to get as many headlines posted as I can. Until next time take care & stay well.