Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Enjoying Life a Little...

NEEDING a Break From the Doom & Gloom

April 14, 2020

... All the time and everyday and needing some social interaction in real life - other than just from the grocery store cashier, we decided to do something different today. ๐Ÿ‘ต๐Ÿ‘ด

As we wanted our son & his wife who's a nurse to come over for Easter dinner, because we are positive I've already the virus and that my husband who had an anti-viral pneumonia vaccine (probably the same one they're treating the serious COVID19 patients on respirators with) last year - so he didn't even cough once when I had what I'm sure was COVID19, they refused to come. Because they said I don't know I had it for sure (which is true and I never will know for sure either by the looks of it), as they're not interested in testing those who think they had it and recovered - only those who they (meaning the medical establishment) tested "since the outbreak" (in brackets because this outbreak has been going on and around the world since November 2019, but they won't acknowledge it until it's rubbed in their faces - and it's getting there slowly but surely). So if you think you might've had it before "the outbreak", tough noogies for you, you don't qualify for tests to see if you have the antibodies - at least not yet.  So I digress....  ๐Ÿ’‰

As I was saying as we wanted them over for Easter dinner and as they didn't want to come I told them well I'm making enough for you if you come or not. So our son, who didn't want to get caught in the traffic stops by cops checking on where people were going over the weekend because they didn't want anyone visiting family members, didn't want to risk it.  (Funny how Mr. Potato Head in Ottawa was able to go to his cottage over the weekend to be with his family though, and how Scheer was able to travel by plane with other people over the weekend). But yet no one else was allowed to even travel across a bridge connecting 2 islands together or to go visit their family even just for dinner, nevermind an entire weekend. Looks like it's a mentality of "Do As I Say, and Not As I Do" in Ottawa. Just wondering what puts them above the law? So I said fine, I'll keep it in the fridge and you can pick it up later on during the week. ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐ŸŒ‰✈๐Ÿ‘ช

So today was the day. He & his wife came around suppertime, with Big Macs, Pepsis and Fries for everyone. We sat out in the cold on the front lawn where all the prying eyes in the neighbourhood could see, to make sure we were following social distancing rules.  With the chairs spaced 6 feet apart from each other and we had dinner together on the front lawn. When we had to walk by some one in order to put something in the garbage or something like that, we made sure we left a wide berth between them and us. I had surgical gloves on to undo the bag and put things down for everyone  to get for themselves. I put them on the ground and then backed up and let people get their stuff. Then we all took our seats 6 feet apart from everyone else and sat in the wind & cold and ate dinner together. After dinner my husband and I brought our chairs we used inside and the table (that only he & I touched) and our son took their chairs in the back to put in the garage by themselves for a couple weeks to let the virus (if any) live alone with no host for a couple weeks to die a slow painful death of it's own. ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ⛄

I put the food that I had for them, in tied up plastic bags that I deposited on the front lawn and after I backed off my son got them and put them in his truck. ๐Ÿด๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿด

And you know what! We enjoyed it despite the wind and the cold! It was the first real social interactions we've had with anyone since this stupid pandemic began! And I intend to have more of them when the weather warms up enough. Maybe some BBQs (rather than in the backyard they'll be in the front so the nosy neighbours can police our interactions and make sure no one is breaking the law).  That way even the former prison guard who is also a neighbour can keep an eye on us and make sure we people under house arrest aren't misbehaving any. After all it would be ashame if one of us were allowed more fun than everyone else is. ⛄⛅


Other than that, I did see more COVID related stuff on the various news sites which I'll make another post for later or tomorrow or whenever the mood strikes (because honestly it's all so gloomy & depressing - but there are some stories I should post regardless because it contains vital information, so maybe later on tonight). I also made an Instant Pot Pea Soup - recipe will be posted later too. In the meantime I also found some fun sites of interest to me anyhow that maybe others will like too:

US man teaching dog how to drive arrested after high-speed chase  ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿš—

Dog Breath Photography  for those who love dogs, you have to see the pictures at this site. There's also a few cat pictures here as well, but they're mostly dog pics. ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿบ

Noses THE FRIENDLY FACES PROJECT  For those who are totally bored at home or have antsy grand kids that you are having a hard time keeping busy, here's a site that might interest you. ✂๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ‘ƒ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ’‹

Just a few things to distract you from COVID19 and the realities out there right now. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒผWishing Everyone A Happy Easter๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒผ

April 12, 2020

Since this is Easter and it is a religious holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb where he was laid to rest and a celebration of the renewal of life and hope for new life in the spring, I thought I would start this particular page off with links to religious Easter messages given around the world by the various religious leaders:


Now to bring a little solace and hope to this dark and gloomy Easter I found a site with some inspiring Easter quotes, that might bring some comfort and a smile, here:  60 Best Easter Quotes That Will Inspire Hope and Renewal

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Up Coming Holidays

April Brings 2 Special Holidays For 2 Prominent Faiths

April 1, 2020

This month brings 2 special holidays, Passover and Easter. By the looks of things, we may all have to be separated from our loved ones during those holidays due to COVID19. As long as we and our family members all maintain our health, there's no reason to despair, because we should all be able to still celebrate them together while we're apart and still have a wonderful holiday. It's up to each of us to make that little extra effort to bring ourselves together and celebrate those holidays with joy and reverence as they should be celebrated. How to Host a Virtual Dinner Party can help you with that, aspect of it.๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

Then there's the decorating aspect that  Homemade Easter Wreaths has a lot of ideas for wreaths to make and further down the page there's links to lots more Easter baking and activities for the kids.  Plus there's more Easter decoration ideas had at DIY Easter Decorations 2020๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ

Now a lot of us are spending our days cooking and baking - trying new techniques and recipes as a way to not only put food on the table, but as a means of killing time - you might call that learning or developing a new hobby. So maybe some of you would prefer a more practical purpose for these cooking and baking forays, as in cooking/baking up something good for the upcoming holidays that are fast approaching. If so here's a few more links to recipes that are holiday appropriate, that you may want to try this year: ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿด๐Ÿท๐Ÿช

๐ŸดEaster Recipes๐ŸŒท

๐ŸดPassover Recipes๐ŸŒท

I really do believe that as long as we live we should celebrate everyday of our lives. Life is a gift that can be snatched away at any time. Our daughter was taken from us in early 2013, at the age of 31, from cancer. So life is precious and as long as we have life we have something worth protecting and celebrating. There's no reason to not celebrate these holidays this year unless you're grieving a loved one, but if your loved one is anything like our daughter was, they would rather see you happy, and celebrating your life rather than grieving theirs. As someone said back around the time my daughter died. Life is made up of choices you can choose to be happy, or your can choose to be sad, or anxious, or afraid. It's all up to you, so for your sake choose to be happy and put the rest out of your mind. And live and love life while you can, as it's much too short to do otherwise. So please have a HAPPY HOLIDAY  for yourself  and your loved ones, as all of your loved ones, living and deceased and I, would wish for you. 

So I tried to present you with a grounded start if this year has you flummoxed and floundering for some normalcy and cheer.  So please enjoy the preparations for your holiday festivities as much as the actual holiday. It'll put your focus on something else more cheerful rather than just the gloom and doom out there in the world today.