Showing posts with label case counts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label case counts. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2021

Boat Rides, Bill Paying, Baked Bread, Bad Dreams, Burnt Fingers, Dentists, Floral Wreath & Huge Backlog of Headlines About...

 Covid 19


Sept 24, 2021

Well as we all know by now, we got stuck with the same cretin in power. That was a colossal waste of time and money, having that election!  He could've given most of that to help those who need help the most, like the homeless, the poor, the disabled and people like that instead of blowing $650 million on his own grab for power, the vain little wanna-be dictator, because he didn't get any more power than he already had. I don't know as I can stand any more of his BS or not. I've pretty much had my fill already.

As Monday was an excellent day for another boat ride, my friend invited me to go with her. We spent quite a bit of time on the water going all over the place. Exploring different places that even she had never gone to before. It was quite interesting and lots of fun.

Tuesday, was bill paying time and doing errands that needed to be done - you know like picking up a loaf of bread, dropping something off for someone etc... Those sorts of errands. 

Wednesday I got to sit in the car and wait (because of Covid) while my husband went to the dentist's to get some work done. When we got home I made some clam chowder and boxed Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits for supper (sorry but I found them to be rather dry and didn't really like them so we gave the rest to our neighbour). 

Yesterday I made some bread, but basically spent most of the day and night sleeping. I don't know what hit me, but I could barely keep my eyes open. It's then that I had a ton of bad bad dreams. Holy gawd, they have to have been the worst dreams I've ever had in my entire life.Talk about a horror story. I woke up with bruises all over one of my arms, so I must've been fighting someone or something, that's for sure.

Even today I'm having a tough time of it, but so far, knocking on wood, I'm managing to keep my eyes open. I finished working on the heart shaped floral wreath (couldn't find a floral wreath pic, but found that one at the top instead) this afternoon, amid a lot of cussing and cursing and screams of pain each time I burnt a finger with the hot glue. But alas it's done. Now I hope that what I made to hang it up with, holds and it doesn't fall down and break after all that work. I know I managed to pick it up off the table holding it by the hanger I made, but that was only for a few seconds. I hope it'll hold much longer than that when we finally hang it up. Which should be later on today before supper.  

Meanwhile I've accumulated a huge backlog of Covid 19 headlines. Some of which I want to get rid of by posting them in here. As I don't know what my husband has planned for later on, I don't know how many or few of them I'll get to post in here, but whatever amount that is, it'll make my bookmark file that much smaller. So pull up a chair, get a glass of lemonade or whatever you like and start reading.

COVID vaccination site opens at Dulles for arriving Afghans

Joe Biden lashes out at China for withholding 'critical information' on Covid origins Do you honestly think they'll tell you? They don't want to be held responsible at the Hague for Crimes against Humanity and have to pay reparations for that! They're not crazy enough to admit to something like this if they can get away with it!

At least 5 B.C. universities say disclosure of COVID-19 vaccination status is now required on campus 

Ontario universities offering hybrid frosh week as pandemic continues

Ontario to institute vaccine passport system, sources say 

Quebec defends vaccine passport system after politicians' QR codes allegedly hacked We printed ours out and took them to Bureau en Gros (Staples in the rest of Canada) and had them shrink them to wallet size and laminate them for us. So now they're in our wallets like all other gov't issued ids are. We just show that when we go somewhere that requires it, instead of an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper that we had to fold up to bring in our wallets with us and that the people with their cellphone readers had a hard time reading. Now it's small enough to fit in our wallet and in their screenshot all at the same time.

2 unvaccinated child daycare center employees were found dead at home from COVID-19 on the same day That's scary.

Saskatoon mayor calls for vaccine passports, mandatory testing as cases climb

Decision on COVID-19 vaccine passports and mandatory masks within 3 weeks, says Higgs 

Okinawa finds contaminants in Moderna COVID-19 vaccines- NHK That's not good. I hope the problem has been found and resolved.

'This Has Gotta Stop': Eric Clapton Releases Apparent Anti-Vax Anthem

GOD on COVID: Eric Clapton's "Disastrous" Vaccine Experience 

Eric Clapton Blames ‘Propaganda’ for ‘Disastrous’ Covid Vaccine Experience 

'Covid was just a trial run for a disease far worse' – Oxford ethics professor Another theory or is it a "conspiracy theory"? 

Major MED Journal: Criticizes “RUSHED” FDA approval of COVID vaccine… They probably approved it under pressure from Fauci. Considering his interest in that vaccine.

CDC Is The Source Of Covid Misinformation - Proven By Israel Data And CDC Its Own Study 

Eric Clapton - Stand & Deliver (Van Morrison protest song 2020) 

No More Lockdown by Van Morrison 

Why Canadians need to keep their guard up in the 4th wave — even if they're fully vaccinated Especially if you've had the Pfizer vaccine, as that seems to be little better than a placebo compared to the Moderna vaccine.

369 new Sask. COVID-19 cases marks largest single-day increase since January

Ontario reports 835 new COVID-19 cases; highest single-day case count since June 4 

How bad is Canada’s 4th COVID-19 wave getting? Here’s a look at the data

COVID-19: Premier says police will enforce vaccine card rules  Looks like BC is adopting the same gestapo measures prevalent here in QC.

Quebec reports more than 600 new daily COVID-19 cases for the third consecutive day

Wuhan facilities shed light on China’s oversight on wildlife use 

Canada suspending direct passenger flights from Morocco

New poll finds 96 per cent of Quebec teachers are vaccinated against COVID-19  They probably knew they wouldn't have a choice eventually, that the QC would mandate it sometime in the future. But aside from that, a lot of the schools are big petri dishes with all kinds of viruses and bacteria floating around and mingling with each other in each new host they come into contact with. So it's probably to their benefit that they got vaccinated. Hopefully they were vaccinated with a vaccine that actually works and not the Pfizer placebo.

‘Scapegoating China’: Beijing denounces US report on COVID origin Yeah that's a likely story, them being scapegoats on this. For that to be the case, it would have to be untrue that that virus came from China and excuse me, but the last time I checked Wuhan was located in China. Ergo, it's a fact and not untrue.

The G20's coronavirus agenda This looks like a lot of huff n puff with no fire and brimstone, but only a bunch of hot air. In other words they've concocted another reason for them to all fly off to some exotic destination, get stinking drunk and participate in a bunch of orgies on their taxpayers dimes. That's about the size of it as they're aiming basically to do a whole lot of nothing more than they're doing now.

Coronavirus Updates: Hospitalized patients 17 and under now at record highs 

Philippines' Duterte extends coronavirus curbs as cases hit new record high 

Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'Screw your freedom' remarks leads to a sponsorship loss Aha! the nazi in Mr. "I'll be Back" is starting to creep out and show! I'm sure he'll manage just fine even though he had a bunch of repercussions from this remark. Mr. Money Bags can probably live very comfortably on his wealth that he currently has, until he dies and then some.

A year and a half after Sweden decided not to lock down, its COVID-19 death rate is up to 10 times higher than its neighbors That's not good at all. I don't know what they think they accomplished from this if anything, but it looks like a dismal failure to me.

Federal health agency first in Canada to suspend COVID briefings during election Yeah, why'd we need to know how good or bad things were going during the election anyhow? It was enough just to know they were going, is all, apparently. In which direction is another story, but I guess they didn't want to tell us incase it was in the wrong direction and reflected on Mr. Genocidal Maniac and made him lose his tenuous minority gov't. Which he only regained with that waste of money he spent for an election. The power hungry monster, lost his bid for more power. Whoo Hoo! At least there's that. Too bad he didn't lose altogether. 

See the long-awaited, pandemic-delayed meeting between 2 biological siblings

Miss. Gov.: South’s response to COVID impacted by belief in ‘eternal life’  

New COVID variant detected in South Africa, most mutated variant so far This'll be another wave coming at us. Pretty soon, we'll have so many waves it'll feel like we're drowning in them.

Australia's COVID-19 cases hit new record as 'reopening' debate heats up

German region plans tougher restrictions for unvaccinated 

HEARTBREAKING REALITY Medics reveal horror of ‘talking dead’ Covid patients who are awake but can’t survive without machines due to damage That's why those machines shouldn't be used. Because the people who come off of them rarely survive anyhow and all they're doing is prolonging the patient's misery. I know it gives the doctors and nurses in ICU units something to do and to complain about how over worked they are, but really those respirators are what's causing all that overwork and for nothing. Because the patient will inevitably die because of the damage being intubated normally does to a person's insides. So they're probably better off living or dying without being hooked up to those machines and let them either make it or not with the other medical treatments available other than those stupid machines. If they can't make it with the other medical treatments, then they aren't going to make it if they get put on a respirator, so tell them to make peace with the deity they believe in give their last words to their loved ones either via phone or facetime and let them go peacefully. 

Switzerland warns of terror attacks on Covid-19 vaccine sites Oh just peachy keen.... Something else for us to get worried about. But what are they going to strike first? The vaccine infrastructure like manufacturers and transportation hubs, or are they going to prefer hitting bigger targets like electrical infrastructures and water supplies? Seems to me those last 2 would afffect way way more people than the vaccination manufacturers since a lot of people in nations that have such facilities are already vaccinated.

Greek police use tear gas, water canon during Athens vaccine protest Greece the home of the democracy is using draconian authoritarian methods to quell dissent now eh? My my my how far we've slipped down the slippery slopes to power hungry dictatorships.... They should be ashamed of themselves. Wondering what Plato would think of them now?

Parts of the country are running out of oxygen supply as COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations soar

Hostile school board meetings have members calling it quits I've never seen so many contentious issues over one thing, as I've seen over this one virus. It's unbelievable the amount of issues contentious & otherwise this virus has generated.

Trudeau climate promises interrupted by angry crowd in Ontario People were finally coming out to protest against this moronic imbecile. He's one to talk about listening to science. If he listened to actual scientists on handling infectious diseases, he'd have never let this disease cross our borders and would've clamped down strict and hard on incoming travellers the moment we heard about this virus in the news. Nevermind, worrying about offending people. How many people do you think got offended when one of their loved ones contracted the virus? And how many others were even more offended to the point of livid rage maybe on account of the loved one dying from it? Oh but we mustn't offend any Chinese travellers, because gawd forbid.... Instead of listening to Tam the genocidal traitor, who wanted to let in as many Chinese people as she could possibly get into Canada before closing the borders and instead listened to any infectious disease specialist worth his degree, would've told the imbecile "you need to close the borders down now and as tight as possible until this plandemic is over with".  That would've been listening to science and not some genocidal beitche with an agenda, like Tam.

Trudeau says he won't back down after protesters hurl death threats, racist and sexist slurs Guess he thought if he didn't back down he'd have a majority in gov't now and could therefore identify all those people and arrest them and put them on the torture rack for the things they said and did and no one would be able to stop him from doing that either. Little clueless  wanna be dictator clown. 

O'Toole doesn't distance himself from candidate who warns of a 'climate lockdown' I wouldn't doubt it, except he won't call it a climate lockdown, instead it'll be some incredible tsunami wave of covid that's going to get us if we don't lockdown. Considering all the stories that came out last year about how clean the environment was and how nature was taking back the earth with wild animals wandering freely in the streets and the clean air etc. So in order to achieve that again, there may well be some gigantic scary boogey man strain of this virus (made up and hyped in the media as a real strain) to get us to stay home no matter how many booster shots and vaccines we've had. Even if we've had every vaccine and booster shot given we'll still be warned against venturing outside without 25 layered masks and the like and just for safe measure we'll need to be at least 100 feet away from everyone else. Ergo one person in the store at all times, so no personnel will be working there, just the guy outside who allows 1 client in at a time and they'll have to use automated cash registers and bag everything themselves. That's maybe what it's coming to. And everyone will have to work from home forever.

Angry crowds disrupt another Trudeau campaign event Good! It's about frigging time!

New Zealand reports first death following Pfizer vaccine shot 

Israel doubles down on booster shots as daily Covid cases set new record  

The World Is Still Short of Everything. Get Used to It. It's called work arounds or make your own. This is when people get creative and inventive, trying to find ways to attain that thing they so desperately want or need. So they try to find ways of making or fixing it themselves without the much needed item. Sometimes they're only temporary solutions but they work just long enough until the real thing can be had. And sometimes that's all that's needed. Other times they may be more permanent solutions like someone who wants a new livingroom set but can't get one in a timely fashion may just decide to reupholster the one they have - either have it done professionally or do it themselves. It's called making do and getting by, what my parents were brought up doing in the early part of the last century, especially during the depression era (and ingrained in me from a young age - they called it improvisation).

Unfinished Tractors, Pickup Trucks Pile Up as Components Run Short  

McDonald's, others consider closing indoor seating amid Delta surge in U.S. Consider closing? Geez there's restaurants around here that never reopened, but are still operating on take out and delivery only. One of the restaurant owners told me he's not reopening until the plandemic is 100% over with and he'll just do take out & delivery until then. 

Ready to splurge: Most young adults spending more now than before COVID

US visitors to EU likely to face new quarantine rules They should face quarantine rules here too, but they don't.

A judge asked a mother if she got the coronavirus vaccine. She said no, and he revoked custody of her son.   Yup and probably handed the son over to an abusive father, instead, as he's apt to be much much safer there, than with his unvaccinated mother.

Texas anti-mask movement leader dies of COVID-19 

What Pfizer's scientists consider the 'biggest surprise' about their COVID-19 vaccine I'd have thought their biggest surprise would've been how lousy it was in comparison to Moderna's which is made using the same mRNA technology.

Fact check: FDA has fully approved Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine Fauci must be doing the happy dance all over his cubicle, rubbing his hands in anticipation of all the money he'll make now!

Ohio judge orders hospital to treat COVID patient with Ivermectin despite CDC warnings

Demand Surges for Deworming Drug for COVID, Despite No Evidence It Works Well when it's your last hope anything goes, I guess. People will grasp at straws when that's their final hope, because nothing else works for them or they don't want to go to the hospital and on a respirator (and who can blame them?).

Alberta government backbencher denies advocating for COVID case spike in unvaccinated This only goes to prove my theory that to be in government the only requirements is to be a braindead moron who's too stupid to think. Really, that seems in my opinion to be one of the few requirements there are in order to run for a gov't seat.

Anger, fear over pandemic election is growing among Canadians, poll suggests Um, I wonder why...

Pandemic, economic recovery, climate change: It's a mixed bag of top issues for Calgarians

Alberta feed stores inundated with calls for ivermectin over false claims livestock dewormer treats COVID 

Cardinal to begin rehabilitation after contracting COVID-19

Israeli experts analyze mRNA COVID vaccines long-term effects But that's mostly Pfizer's long term effects and not Moderna's.

COVID-19: Nearly 1/3 Americans infected during 2020 - study It's probably just as bad here in Canada too.

Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization drops slightly, CDC says

Two top FDA officials in charge of Covid-19 vaccines to leave agency this fall Wondering why? Did they make enough money any bribes Fauci may have paid to be able to live off of for the rest of their lives or what? 

Doctor's orders: 'Nature prescriptions' see rise amid pandemic I can certainly understand, considering that when we moved here to this location it was a rural agricultural community, now there's more and more houses and cement around and now it's being classified as suburban rural. The agriculture has gone from the classifications. That's one of the reasons we want to sell and move. To find somewhere as beautiful, serene and pristine as it was here when we moved here 35 years ago.  I know there are a lot of places like that out there, as we've seen a few on the MLS.Ca site. If we could only get this place sold then maybe we could buy and move to one of those places and be at one with nature again. That would be awesome!

When COVID Deaths Are Dismissed Or Stigmatized, Grief Is Mixed With Shame And Anger 

Corporate America launches massive lobbying blitz to kill key parts of Democrats’ $3.5 trillion economic plan  Get this.... Companies like Pfizer and Astra Zeneca (the very same companies that relied on the US' gov't approval to be able to sell their vaccines out there in the world) are against this bill that would basically put more Americans on a more level footing with Canadians as far as medicare, and child care and social safety nets goes. They're against such things, because it'll raise their taxes. Maybe the US should remedey that problem by implementing a special tax just for them on each of the products that they sell, that can't be charged to the client and that they have to pay like overhead from their profit. Andddd now that they know Moderna is better than their covid vaccine placebos, drag their ashes at any more approvals on anything to do with those vaccines and make them wait and wait and wait some more until they give up and throw the dice in.

In Israel, Being Fully Vaccinated Now Means Three Shots  Yup, and that's probably only for the next 2-3 months until those start waning and then they'll need more shots and more shots forever and a year until the virus is either totally eradicated or the person dies, which ever comes first.

Homeschooling reaches critical mass Not here that's for sure.

WHO monitoring new coronavirus variant named 'Mu'

Another Hidden Covid Risk: Lingering Kidney Problems 

An Impossible Task? New Zealand Tries to Eliminate Delta. Why's that impossible? Especially in their case, considering they have so few cases of it, it should be freaking easy to do.

'You should stay in the U.S.': U.S. ironically tells American travellers to 'reconsider travel' to Canada, despite soaring numbers This is just another example of how ignorant and clueless they are about other countries and the standing of other countries in certain things. Even one of their 2 border nations they're totally clueless about, especially when it comes to comparing case & vaccination numbers between the two nations. Anyhow I look at it this way, they're welcome to stay home and not come here. At least that way they won't be showing up at the border with their fake vaccination cards and viruses. Which will inevitably keep us Canadians safer. So essentially they're doing us a favour here.

Canada election: Trudeau slams protesters, says they're putting others at risk Euuuuuuuu you mother f'n idiot! YOU PUT US ALL AT RISK, WHEN YOU DIDN'T CLOSE THE BORDERS ON TIME!!!!!!! So you've got one helluva nerve to talk there ash hole!

Canadians demand to know why they can fly — but still not drive — to the U.S. Good question!

Ontario to require proof of vaccination in high-risk settings starting Sept. 22

Snake venom may be tool to fight COVID-19 -study If that's the case, I'd rather die than have any of that stuff ingested or injected in me.

Most vaccinated Americans want COVID-19 booster shots - Reuters/Ipsos poll If most of them got the Pfizer shot, most of them are going to be needing those boosters whether they want them or not.

Scientists studying immune response to new South African Covid variant 

Ontario reports 656 new COVID-19 cases, two-thirds in unvaccinated people So that means that there's almost 220 vaccinated people in those numbers. So it doesn't appear that the vaccines are working all that well. There should be almost no vaccinated people in those numbers if the vaccines were up to snuff. But they're not. In fact the Pfizer one is almost useless after a certain period of time and certain strains arrive on the scene.

Do vaccine mandates violate Canadians' charter rights?

Vaccines not enough to stop fourth wave of COVID-19 in Canada, experts warn Of course not, especially not, when we're using half baked vaccines in a half ashed fashion, where this person gets this vaccine which is the strongest, another one gets another vaccine that's not quite as strong and other gets what might pass off as water on some days. Those are all varying strengths of vaccines, but none of them use the same recipe. They all use different methods and recipes and they're all given out half ashed. So the virus has time to adapt to this vaccine at this dose and to that vaccine at that dosage and to those who aren't vaccinated and then to make the rounds again, only this time in different hosts than the original ones, so another vaccine and dosage to adapt to and on it goes. So it creates strain after strain and strength of strain after strength. Get your mother loving acts together and settle on one vaccine once and for all and hopefully it'll be the best and strongest of them all, aka Moderna and administer a first dose to EVERYONE ALL AT THE SAME TIME (or within as short a period of time as possible - in other words within a couple of weeks) and then AS PER THE MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS YOU ADMINISTER THE 2ND DOSE TO EVERYONE. That way there's one vaccine and one strength of it for all and there won't be a million different levels of and types of vaccinations out there for it to keep mutating and changing to defeat. There'll be one and a strong enough one that it'll have a helluva job trying to mutate to defeat. That's how it should be done and I'm pretty sure how every other major disease that we vaccinated against was done too. So stop dicking around and do it right once and for all and get it over with.

What we know about variant C.1.2

Moderna creates twice as many antibodies as Pfizer: Study 

Montreal businesses and customers still adjusting on first day of Quebec's vaccine passport

Quebec's vaccine passport goes into effect, limiting much of public life for those unvaccinated 

Western provinces driving Canada's 4th COVID-19 wave as physicians warn cases 'out of control'

Israel was down to a handful of daily COVID cases. Now it's around 11,000. What happened? What happened? Pfizer happened! That's what!

Leaked memo reveals ER nurse worked while symptomatic for COVID-19; several protocols broken at Quebec hospital

Moderna seeks FDA green light for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots 

More than 200 people protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates outside Saskatoon hospital This should tell you something, when it was organized by the Canadian Frontline  Nurses. A national nurses union (no clue what that is because as far as I know all nurses unions are provincial, considering it's the provinces that hire and regulate them and their salaries as per the medicare agreements with the feds - the feds don't regulate anything when it comes to medicare as far as I know) disavowed that group apparently. 

Group of Queen’s University students start petition against vaccine mandate

Seven new infections, 60 active infections 

Ontario's fourth wave could see 9,000 daily COVID-19 cases by October in worst case : Science Table Remember the operative word here "could", that's not a "will" or a "should" but merely a "could" and given all the other "coulds" I've seen over the last year and a half that this has been going on, it's more like a "won't". So don't get super worried over these hyperbolic predictions. They're just made in the name of the government and in the governments interests to keep you scared and compliant. That's mainly what they are.

How to prove your COVID-19 vaccination status in Ontario

COVID-19 updates, Sept. 1: 'I expect it will go smoothly,' Legault says of vaccine passports  

Quebec must justify mandatory vaccination, human rights commission says I'm not sure if they were able to justify it or not, but I do know that whether they did or not they are mandating vaccines for  health care workers - even to the guy that mops the floors in the hospitals and medical clinics.

Vaccine passports: Comparing Ontario vs. Quebec 

Quebecers with compromised immune systems can now get a third dose of a COVID-19 vaccine 

What it's like to take a road trip from the US to Canada right now  It's sure a heck of a lot better than it is taking a road trip from Canada to the US right now, as we won't get beyond the Canada US border and we'll have to turn around and go back home again.

Victoria's Covid-19 outbreak explodes with 176 new cases as Melbourne is set to break grim world record for the longest lockdown amid fears virus is on a trajectory WORSE than in NSW

Man facing charges after escaping quarantine hotel in New Zealand 

Illinois woman arrested in Hawaii after showing vaccination card with misspelling, court records say Okay, wow.... Maybe she could've used a few more hours in spelling class and a few less hours outside in the schoolyard with her delinquent friends trying to come up with ways of getting around the law.

Inside a Florida Hospital Full of Dying, Unvaxxed Thirtysomethings

GM, Ford halt some production as chip shortage worsens 

The Downsides of Masking Young Students Are Real

New COVID-19 variant 'Mu' shows signs of vaccine resistance; all you need to know Just wonderful!

No need to worry about new C.1.2 variant found in South Africa, advises a virologist

How coronavirus mutates 

‘His worst fear was realized.’ Fort Worth BBQ owner dies of COVID between vaccine doses That's super lousy luck, if you ask me .

Being fully vaccinated halves the risk of getting long COVID after infection, UK study suggests It should eliminate the risk altogether or at least by 95%, rather than just halving it.

COVID-19: 'The summer holiday acted as a firebreak' - Why experts predict COVID will surge as schools reopen

Although COVID-19 Rare In Cats & Dogs, Pharmaceutical Company Says, They’re Ready With A Vaccine If Needed That's good to know. Wondering if it'll be available in Canada too, or what? 

Cats are falling ill with life-threatening STRESS as owners spend longer at home and damage felines' daily regimes, vets warn

Israel is now the world's Covid hotspot: Cases soar despite country's trail-blazing vaccine roll-out - sparking fears other highly-vaccinated countries will be hit by another wave due to jabs' waning immunity  Not if their predominant vaccine was Moderna. At least not yet, anyhow.

Oregon McDonald's trying to hire 14-year-olds due to 'staffing issues' Is that even legal? Don't they have child labour laws in the US?

Not even close to having gotten through all the headlines yet, but this is as close as I'm getting for now. So until next time take care and stay well.







Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Looking Back Over the Year & Recognizing Those Who Served & Protected Us From....


March 9, 2021

Today's headlines are filled with the reflections of the year gone by in various aspects of it, among other things. 

The Canadian gov't chose to send a tweet out to all health care workers thanking them for their service. I chose to thank all front line workers, whether that be health care workers or the grocery store clerks or pharmacists, or teachers, or taxi and bus drivers, emergency sector workers - from the 911 operator to the ambulance driver and fireman (excepting cops as the only "help" they're providing is filling the gov't coffers by gouging the eyes out of everyone they see with fines). They all deserve recognition for their help in keeping us safe and society going. 

That doesn't mean I'm letting the medical professionals off the hook though, because anyone or all of them could've rang the alarm bells and told the imbeciles at the helm to close the border now, when it should've been done,  - think of that Game of Thrones episode where a man freaks out screaming close the gates, close the gates, close the gates. Well that's what anyone of the medical professionals could've done or if they were afraid of doing it on their own gotten together as a group and doing it together. If any of you cowards had've done that at the beginning we wouldn't be going through this now. And had haggy the witch doctor summarily dismissed as head of the Canadian Public Health agency and her license yanked as well and told Haggydodo where the pastel crayons and paint brushes crossed the road - which wasn't in the health ministry, but rather down the road in the kindergarten's art class.

Now sit back and get comfortable as there's lots of headlines to get through, which I doubt I'll manage before passing out, but I'll give it my best shot....

So it's not just me, losing my mind because of my age, younger people are too and it's because of the plandemic. Phew! That's good to know!
Study of Aggressive Covid-19 Strain in Brazil Suggests Limits of China Vaccine  I wouldn't doubt it, because basically everything made in China is second rate.

In 2018, Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab. No One Listened. Aha! The truth is finally starting to come out now! Hopefully, some investigative reporter or others will follow up on this information and dig deeper to finally come up with the  truth once and for all.

Spit Swapping, Hard Pants and Hope: New Ads Envision Post-Pandemic Life I can envision sexier, prettier, more fun things to to do than licking someone else's face. Gawd, when my dogs do that people get revolted by it, but when other people do it, they seem to think it's fine.....

U.S. Coronavirus Cases Post Slowest Spread Since Pandemic Began  That's good. Maybe the tide is changing on this plandemic.

It's the US, Texas to be precise, so why would that be out of the ordinary? Seems like that's probably an everyday occurrence there for whatever excuse they want to use to call ICE on someone. 

How you take your coffee may reveal much about your personality Yes indeed, there is a  tie-in to the plandemic in this article too. I mean what isn't there a plandemic tie-into these days? As for us, we have Tassimo coffee maker and had it long before COVID came along. We bought it because we like having different types of coffee without paying mega-bucks per cup for it. We can have everything from plain coffee, to swiss mocha, McD's or Tim Horton's coffees to double espresso, plain espresso, latte, French Vanilla or even Capucino, Chai Tea and even once there were some hot chocolate pods available for it. All that at a reasonable price, without leaving home to have one. But in our case the plandemic didn't play into our decision to buy that coffee maker as we had it long before the plandemic started.


They're going full steam ahead.
New U.S. COVID-19 cases fall 12% last week, vaccinations top 2 million a day "vaccinations top 2 million a day".... Gawd, we can't even get 2 million vaccinations a month done, nevermind in a day.

'It's been a good week': Tam hopeful on vaccines as pandemic anniversary nears She'd better be hopeful about the vaccines, considering all deaths, suffering (caused by all facets of this plandemic) are squarely on her's, Mr. Dressup's & the art teacher's shoulders!!!!!! All of it. In fact I hope as soon as this is over and all you imbeciles get voted out of office you're all grabbed and tried for crimes against humanity. 

International Women's Day: A look at the women who helped shape Canada's pandemic response I don't know what the F Freeland and haggy the witch doctor Tam have to be so proud about here. But yeah the witch doctor helped shape the pandemic alright, the response not so much, it was the other 2 pictures here Hinshaw and Henry who did more to shape the response than the other beitches shown. Government propaganda by cartloads here. The witch doctor Tam was responsible for letting this into the country and then telling everyone oh you don't need to worry just wash your hands and you'll be fine - and in fact forbade us to wear masks and did sfa to prevent it but did everything in her power to help it spread. So that one needs to be held criminally responsible for negligence causing mass senicide if not mass genocide. 

MPs back Bloc motion to boost seniors benefits in upcoming budget That little mother F'n weasel faced ash hole had better pass it. Or I'll be looking for his head on a stick. Think of me as a Vlad the Impaler fan.... Gawd, I hate the little imbecile so f'n much it's unreal. He and the rest of the ash holes in power are the reason why I'm quitting this blog on the 16th (precisely 1 week away, Yippie can't wait!) because of all the anger, upset and ulcers they cause me. Like I said the other night, I wish I had a rocket launcher sometimes.... Gawd, do I ever. I wish the military surplus had some I could buy.

The Latest: Ireland reaches half million vaccinations Even they're 1 month faster than QC'ers are!

Canada takes steps to make 'feminist' budget addressing women's post-pandemic challenges Sure at the expense of the seniors, yet again. Why not!?! Do you ash holes in the Lieberal gov't not realize that it's the seniors that brought your sorry ungrateful self-centered asses into this world to start with????? That's YOUR PARENTS GENERATION (you know the ones that fed, clothed, supported, sheltered and sacrificed for your ungrateful ashes) that you're sheiting on here and continually ignoring to death? Literally - we're being ignored to death - that's what that senicide was all about and I hope every mother f'n one of you ash holes in the Lieberal party are held criminally responsible for that including you Lizard Lady Freeland (big assed cry baby).  Gawd, I can't stand the sight of any of you inbred self-centered idiots.

US officials believe Russia launched a disinformation campaign against the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to boost the status of its own: Report Just how would that boost the status of their own if the 2 vaccines aren't being offered in the same countries? 

Scientifically safe, but Astrazeneca skeptics remain Hey that's okay by me. If someone doesn't want their designated dose because they're afraid of it, they can have my designated mRNA based vaccine dose if they're prefer and I'll take their Astrazeneca dose any day of the week.

Wow! That's just awesome! Hope the trend continues like that.




Struggling EU urges US to agree to export of Covid vaccines They better f'n NOT! Especially considering Biden said an unequivocal NO to both Mexico and Canada for vaccines (and we're both bordering the US) and on top of that the EU didn't want to honor Cdn contracts for vaccines made there and let them be sent to us. So NO I hope they don't get any help from the US and it'll serve them right and they'll get a taste of their own medicine for a change! Nothing like Instant Karma.


Bernie Sanders Wants Us To Start Dating Again In other words he wants us to all start living again, which I think is what we all want.


Quebec reports 749 new COVID-19 cases, 10 deaths as province expands vaccine access Yeah amazingly, my husband just got his written "invitation" from the gov't to register to get his vaccination today. That's freaking amazing since we live in the Monteregie which up until now wasn't vaccinating anyone.

Of course not, because the focus of attention from the Lieberal party changes like a freaking whirligig in a tornado. One second it's kids, the next it's women and everywhere else except of course where it should be - on the health and medical sector and seniors. Nope got to ignore those even though we're in the midst of a plandemic that's causing a senicide.  Talk about short sighted idiots and ash holes....


The latest numbers on COVID-19 in Canada for Saturday, March 6, 2020. The title is wrong. It should be March 6, 2021.


People must prove valid reason for travel abroad from Monday - or face £200 fine Yet another excuse to gouge people's eyes out of their heads with fines.... When are they going to start fining them for breathing extra air? I mean like when someone finished running and is panting for air or yawning or breathing heavy? Considering the way gov'ts are fining everyone for everything, it's coming. It's just a matter of when and how much is all. Same with coughing, sneezing, breaking wind, sniffling and sighing as well.

Domestic tourism facing unprecedented crisis Well what can you expect when you're permitted to travel only within your zones? Like us for example, we're confined to the Montreregie (where we live), Montreal and Laval, we can't go anywhere else because nowhere else is a red zone like we're in. So if I'm going to Montreal or Laval a mere matter of minutes away for both, why would I rent a hotel there even if I were permitted to do so while it maintains the red zone status? As for things to see there - well outdoor parks I suppose, and a few museums but all the restaurants, bars, pubs, nightclubs of any kind, movie theatres (after 7pm) and just about everything else is closed or closes at 7:30pm due to the 8pm curfew.

As Quebec City restaurants prepare to reopen, some say they aren't ready Meanwhile there's tons of restaurants in the red zone that's chafing at the bit to reopen but aren't allowed to.

Restaurants taking on the cold in hopes of recouping some pandemic losses In Ottawa. But I don't see how putting tables inside tents is any different than allowing customers inside an unheated restaurant to eat. 

One month after major COVID-19 outbreak, workers call for prison inmates to get vaccine Personally I don't see anything wrong with QC's stance on this. Inoculate the guards and warden, fine, but the inmates. phf, they get what they bargained for. If they wanted to be treated  good all they had to do was behave like everyone else and they would've been, but since they didn't, oh well, tough noogies for them.

South Korea, U.S. scale back military drill over coronavirus Yet another aspect of how it's having an affect on society.
Boulder Police: CU partygoers assault officers, damage property  I would've never in the past condoned assaulting a cop, but lately, I'm among the group that would love to have at them for their brutish over the top thuggery and power tripping mania, especially here in QC.

Two Montreal drivers fined over $4,000 for driving on closed roads during the curfew Here's a classic example of what I was just talking about. I bet there's lower fines for those infractions, but I bet the cops involved wrote out the tickets for the highest amounts they could (probably because they get a percentage of the fines they give out). 
Vaccine passport for international travel 'very live' discussion among G7 countries: Hajdu And Hajdodo is super excited about this, so excited it looked like she might be peeing her pants, anticipating it - probably hoping she can break out her box of crayons to be the one to design them for the G7 or at least for Canada.

What still worries Dr. Theresa Tam one year into the COVID-19 pandemic Ummmmm.... Lessee now.... Being tried for criminal negligence causing senicide and genocide???? Betcha she is but she won't voice that worry because she doesn't want anyone to think there might be any legitimacy to it. 


Three Hamilton city employees put on paid leave after allegedly giving COVID-19 vaccines to people not in priority group So now people in that Hamilton work group who desperately wants a paid vacation, knows what to do to get one. 

Over 30 people pick up $1,550 fines for gathering at Quebec ski chalet More power tripping ticket happy cops out there I see...

Hajdu talks vaccine certificates as Tam looks to 'optimism' of inoculation rollout Like I said Haggydodo is super excited over the certificates because she probably thinks since she's an art major and not an actual health anything masquerading as our health minister, that she's probably the more qualified person amongst her counterparts to design the passports as the rest of them probably have some medical training and 0 art training.
First death related to COVID-19 reported in the 19 and under age group Sunday Very sad and scary. I hope that's not a harbinger of things to come.

I don't know why when they could visit: Gutenberg Canada   or:  Welcome to Project Gutenberg  for electronic ebooks for free in both English and French and at the original Project Gutenberg site, other languages as well. Plus there's other places on the internet that has free books in both French & English as well. They don't even have to leave home for that or worry about due dates on the books either. 


Quebec families, athletes call for return of team sports Actually we're calling for more than that, we're calling for a return to our normal lives.

Quebec to go against advice from national vaccine panel and give AstraZeneca to 65+ Good I hope that's the one they give my husband. I know that's the one I want.


Quebec teachers unions take province to court over air quality in classrooms I hope the teachers unions win this case because lighting and air quality in classrooms was the bane of my life when I went to school. 

Canada adds 2,820 new coronavirus cases as global deaths top 2.6 millionFor those wanting the numbers, quoting the story now: Globally, 117,424,768 people have contracted the virus, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University. So far, the virus has claimed 2,608,231 lives around the world. The United States remains the viral epicentre of the coronavirus, with more than 29 million infections and over 527,000 fatalities.

Pfizer Canada president worries conflicting vaccine advice could fuel hesitancy 

The complacent country: How Canadian public health allowed itself to be steamrolled by COVID-19 This is worth a read.

COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know Monday

New outbreak of COVID-19 in B.C. care home where residents and staff were already vaccinated Wondering if those who contracted it after being vaccinated, had both of their shots or if they had only their 1st shots?

GTA malls entering grey zone use staff at doors, tech to track capacity

Ottawa expands COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to people born in or before 1931 So.... They're expanding the eligibility to the 90+s now.... So who were they vaccinating before this???? Centenarians? If that's the case, how many freaking centenarians are there in Ottawa anyhow???

How this business is helping Canadians cure their COVID rage, one swing at a time This is totally F'n ridiculous and a waste of time, energy, and pent up rage.... Instead focus it with all your strength and energy and rage on ways of ending this BS. Protest, petition, flout the laws and swamp the courts with contestations of the fines and punitive measures, demand an end to this draconian BS from the gov't in no uncertain terms. THAT MIGHT HELP NOT ONLY ALLEVIATE YOUR PENT UP RAGE, BUT PREVENT IT FROM RECURRING DUE TO YOU HAVING FORCED THE GOV'T TO CHANGE THE LAWS, SO YOU WON'T HAVE TO GET SO ANGRY ANYMORE. Besides doing that not only helps you, but it helps all of us as well AND ADDED BONUS IS YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY SOMEONE IN ORDER TO VENT YOUR RAGE LIKE THAT!!!!! So you get to keep whatever money these clowns with bricks and sledge hammers are charging you. Failing that buy your own sledge hammer and bricks, I'm sure it'll wind up being cheaper than what you're paying those bozos, in the long run.

3 Canadians remember loved ones lost to COVID-19, one year after Canada's first related death

Here's how to know if your kid has COVID — and what to expect if they do 

22 COVID vaccine clinics to be opened for seniors 90+, Indigenous seniors 65+ in Fraser Health

Alberta detects 54 new variant cases of COVID-19; Hinshaw encourages people to get vaccinated  

Celebrating all the women who study & practise medicine today especially the front line health care workers battling #COVID19.  Personally I think we should be celebrating ALL the front line workers - in medicine, in emergency services - except cops, in grocery stores, driving buses, teaching our kids, driving taxis, working in pharmacies, manning the gas pumps so we don't have to handle the nozzle handles ourselves and all of them, male and female. I realize it was international women's day yesterday, but still that doesn't diminish the role that men played in keeping us well and safe too, and they need recognition for their efforts as well, I think.

Quebec announces $23 million plan to help women hard hit by COVID-19  Of course.... Women and kids EVEN THOUGH IT'S BEEN PROVEN THE SENIORS WERE HIT THE HARDEST DURING THIS PANDEMIC, BUT YOU HAVEN'T DONE DICK ALL FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You bunch of ungrateful self-centered basterds can't even help out your own parents & their generation after all they did and sacrificed for you!!!!!

Singapore Airlines to pilot digital COVID-19 travel pass

German MP Nikolas Löbel resigns over face mask scandal 

'We women are pushed out of work because of childcare. It's hurtful'

Covid child brides: 'My family told me to marry at 14' 

Cuomo chastised others for obscuring COVID-19 information. Now he's accused of the same.

Students are struggling to read behind masks and screens during COVID-19, but ‘expectations are no different’ 

These cities could become the biggest winners and losers as more Americans shift to remote work

Experts warn of coronavirus superspreader spike 

The US pandemic at one year: Looking back at the week everything changed, and looking forward If you want the full expanded version, just go back through my blog to the beginning as this blog started when we were put under lockdown on March 17, 2020.

Fact check: Prisoners also got relief checks from the pandemic bills Trump signed and Cotton voted for 

How the pandemic transformed some of America's top female execs  

The global economy won't recover if we don't get vaccines to developing countries, too Or if you deny them to your friends and allies as well.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad tests positive for Covid-19  Maybe with any luck, he won't make it. 

Covid long-haulers are often women. Maybe it'll change the system's perspective on our pain. I hope you're right, but historically the medical establishment has seen women as having psychosomatic illnesses and being hypochondriacs.  In other words everything is in our heads or wishful thinking.

One year later, a look back at Wall Street's wild ride in a pandemic economy

'The forgotten ones': Domestic workers fight to be included in the Covid recovery 

Fear of needles may keep many people away from Covid vaccines

America now knows that nursing homes are broken. Does anyone care enough to fix them? They will the moment people start holding all those responsible for all the atrocities that occurred in them, criminally responsible. Then they'll smarten up and fly right and make sure it doesn't happen again as no one will ever want to be held criminally responsible for sheite like what occurred this time, in the future.

‘Pray for a miracle’: Covid long-haulers fight debilitating symptoms a year later

Why Scientists Are Infecting Healthy Volunteers With The Coronavirus 

Why would someone fully vaccinated still catch corona? This might explain the BC nursing home outbreak.

Due a 2nd vaccine dose from Windsor Regional Hospital? New Ontario rules will delay it up to 4 months 

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now

1 in 4 U.S. adults has gotten a COVID-19 vaccine, plus other numbers from the vaccination effort That's impressive as that's near 100 million people vaccinated since Joe Biden took office. We can't even get 1/100th of that number vaccinated in 4 months time here.

Covishield and Covaxin: What we know about India's Covid-19 vaccines

UPDATE 1-Brazil presses for Pfizer, AstraZeneca shots to bolster slow vaccine rollout 

COVID-19: Longer school days, shorter summer holidays and five-term years all under consideration, says education secretary Canadian students don't panic. This is in the UK.

Moderna reaches supply deal with Philippines for 13 million vaccine doses 

Russia Secures Sputnik Italy Output in European Vaccine Push 

Canada set to receive more than 910,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines this week That'll help, but geez we need to have a larger faster supply than the dribs and drabs we're getting. I mean when you break down the distribution across the 10 provinces & 3 territories, that's not even 91,000 doses per province & territory.

Two Vancouver men thrown in jail for hosting party during pandemic 

After year of isolation, vaccinated older Americans start to reclaim their lives Lucky them!

Post-Vaccine Israel Reopens With a Party Lucky them too! 

APPY DAYS China issues ‘world first’ Covid vaccine passport and plans to accept other countries’ passes in boost for travel  Who in their right minds would want to travel to that godforsaken place anyhow? 

Office App Makers Cashing In on Pandemic Safety Needs 

Virus surge in Brazil poses a threat far beyond its borders Then we need to contain it, unlike how the Wuhan strain was welcomed with kisses and hugs and ushered in across our borders. We need to do the opposite here and clamp down on our borders, and refuse entry to any and all people coming from that area of the world, or who have passport stamps indicating that they've been there in recent months.

From a prolonged pandemic, a rethink of life’s milestones?

La crise sanitaire a aussi creusé les estomacs That's why we should continue to give to food banks even though Christmas is long past.

COVID-19 magnified systemic discrimination against Indigenous women: Bennett

COVID-19 and mental health: Feeling anguish is normal and is not a disorder This is not what the pharmaceutical companies making drugs to treat normal (such as shyness for example) psychological conditions would want you to believe.

Mass COVID-19 immunization: Ensuring equitable access to vaccination

Nearly 15,000 vaccine appointments booked for B.C. seniors on first day phone lines open 

B.C. gets 1.7 million calls as vaccine lines open   Wow! 

Defying pandemic, feminists in Spain decry far-right attacks

Businesses and provincial officials hopeful for reopening of Atlantic bubble 

Federal, B.C. governments announce $517-million rent aid program to help vulnerable

'Van life' culture grows as people look for pandemic era travel options 

91-year-old among first in line as Tobique First Nation welcomes vaccine clinic

Nunavut announces dates for upcoming COVID-19 vaccination clinics 

Six Nations opens community vaccine clinic

2022 Arctic Winter Games postponed due to Covid This wouldn't be my pandemic blog post in here without a cancellation.

Liberals told to think beyond child care in work to craft 'shecession' recovery plan

Female entrepreneurs struggling more than male counterparts during COVID-19, says federal program report 

Over £1bn has been pledged for women to start their own businesses - so what are you waiting for?

‘The silver lining of covid’ is ‘the fact that we are re-thinking work’: Pamela Stone on the hybrid work models 

C-K to receive nearly $1.5 million for COVID-19 related costs

Team effort keeps community safe 

Pfizer first expected vaccine wouldn't be approved in Canada until February

Main-d’Å“uvre et COVID-19 : ce n’est pas le moment de réformer l’assurance-emploi, insiste la FCEI 

Canada set to mourn COVID-19 victims, salute health workers on March 11

COVID-19 enforcement blitz finds 44% of Windsor-Essex businesses in violation of rules Wondering how many of them got their eyes gouged out with extortionist type fines?

Masks now required for elementary school students in Quebec red zones

Ontario is seeing ‘significant increase’ in number of coronavirus variants Not good at all.

Peel Region not ready for greater easing of restrictions, says medical health officer

COVID’s curse: 42% of Americans now consider themselves germaphobes because of pandemic It's only because they let themselves turn into germaphobes. Anyhow, they'll be the ones with the weaker immune systems once the masks come off. So they'll wind up paying for it with their health.

Wow! Miracle of Miracles! DESPITE all the distractions & problems I've had over the last couple of days and tonight, everything from a migraine (literally), and grocery shopping to my husband's SUPER DELICIOUS homemade strawberry shortcake with homemade whipped cream and all, and him sitting beside me talking while I did most of this.... I actually managed to get it all done in one sitting tonight.... 

So until next time, take care and stay well.