Showing posts with label Senicide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senicide. Show all posts

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Amidst Electronic Set-Up Changes, And Other Things Totally Unrelated to....



March 13, 2021

Wow.... 3 days left to go.... Then I'm outta here and all this gloom and doom and blood boiling BS! Whoo Hoo!

So in preparation for that moment I've been helping my husband set up and manage various electronics we have here, so that when I finally quit this soul sapping drudgery, we'll have some fun things we can do together to forget about the BS going on out there in the world in the guise of managing this plandemic and all the resulting horror stories stemming from it.

I'm sorry but really I'm not leaving a moment too soon, despite all the talk of a 3rd wave etc.... Like I said before, there's apt to be endless waves, like in the ocean, because it'll just keep right on mutating and no vaccine will ever be up to date to cover all the variants and thus obliterate it's existance from the face of the earth, because to do that, the virus would have to either drastically slow down in it's mutations or quit mutating altogether giving the vaccine makers a chance to catch up and finally get on top of it. 
And I can't keep doing this until that happens. I'm not being paid a cent to do this and never was doing it for the money but I think now if I had to continue to do it, I'd have to be paid really well for it, considering the time and effort it takes not to mention all the various forms of anguish it puts me through. It's a wonder I haven't had a stroke from having my blood pressure cranked up super high on account of some of the headlined stories and well I just don't want to keep pushing my luck there either and if I'm going to, I'd better damned well be paid for it.

But one thing I am thankful for, is that I did this long enough for the world to pay homage to all the casualties of all types (loss of life, health wise & economic wise),  of this plandemic and to look back over the year and finally start coming clean about various things, like where the virus probably originated from (which hasn't changed since the beginning - it's always been thought to be a lab in Wuhan and still is), to how it was mishandled and doctors trying to absolve themselves of any guilt by trying to plead ignorance. Yeah like they didn't know coronaviruses were mainly cold viruses and thus spread through the air whenever someone coughed or sneezed (or in this case, spoke, breathed, sung, or sighed). Which I'm calling unadulterated BS by the freaking dump truck load. Some of these stories depicting such things have already been posted and others are coming up. 
So get your glasses and cuppa and start reading....
Utah woman, 39, dies 4 days after 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine; autopsy ordered She had the Moderna vaccine, for those who are wondering but don't want to read the article.
The Latest: SKorea to give shots to elders in long-term care I see they had another senicide there, so you'd think that they would've started vaccinating these elders before now. Wouldn't you? Or were they purposely waiting for more of them to die? 

Coronavirus pandemic: 'We're really in the eye of the hurricane,' doctor says  This is probably a very apt description of what's happening now especially in the US, but not only there, here too. 

Europe Confronts a Covid-19 Rebound as Vaccine Hopes Recede  This is a perfect example of WHY Canada should do whatever it takes to get Canadians vaccinated before this starts happening here. But of course we have the universal idiot at our helm, so that's not likely to happen, before 75% or more of the population is decimated. Then maybe the clown, art teacher and witch doctor will wake up and do something to save the final few people left in the country.

Maskless, boozing JetBlue passenger faces $14,500 FAA fine  This is what you call sky high gouging literally! I mean how else is someone supposed to drink something? I think they need to remove their mask in order to do that. I guess he wouldn't have had a fine if he bought the little bottles sold on flights instead of being so brazen as to bring his own. I think that's more like what this is all about rather than the maskless boozing BS. It's like some cinemas here in Montreal kicking you out because you dared to bring your own package of gum or chocolate bar into their theatre. One even famously tried to search a girls handbag like as if she was a criminal and they were cops with a warrant. That law that doesn't allow that onboard planes, is to protect the sales of liquor that the airlines sell onboard. That's what that fine is really all about here.

EU Governments Push to Relax Ban on Travel From Rest of World   Yeah like we all want to let our citizens go there and contract your super duper variants and then bring them back home and spread them around to the rest of us. Sure....  That's the surefire way to keep this plandemic going if I ever saw one. 

Germany declares a Covid ‘third wave’ has begun; Italy set for Easter lockdown Annnnndddd.... On it goes.... Yet another wave to contend with.

Lady Gaga Got Her Dogs Back, but as Criminals Capitalize on the Demand for Pandemic Pups, Others Aren't So Lucky Ever since the 1980s we've had to keep a close eye on our dogs around here, because there's a facility in the area that tests drugs and cosmetics etc and for the longest time (don't know if they still do it or not) they were using dogs. So if someone brought in a dog for them to use as test subjects that person got paid a certain amount of money per dog. There was/is a company that deals with dogs as their business (training, guard dogs, pet supplies etc...) and it was alleged that they were going into people's yards and stealing their dogs and supposedly selling them to the facility when they ran out of stray dogs to sell to them. A few people I know had their dogs stolen and one person I know caught the thief in the act and basically sat on him until the cops came - and the cops came pretty fast, since the cop responding to that complaint was his brother-in-law . So this isn't the first or only time we've had to be vigilant about our dogs. 
The New Trend in Home Gardens—Landscaping to Calm Anxiety  We don't need a garden for that purpose. We just have to drag a lawn chair out in front of the house to see the water and watch the waves and sailboats go by, to get our zen moments.  Not to mention a nice breeze or even stiff wind coming off the water on a hot sunny day. That's always welcome too.


Geez, this vaccine seems to have more problems then you can shake a stick at. It's one after another all the while getting backing from the WHO. But then we know which lump of sheite with hair on it is at the helm of the WHO, right? His track record speaks volumes already. So I'm amazed that anyone out there in the medical community even listens to or believes him anymore. I'd have thought by now he'd have been removed from his post for being the blatant fraud that he is.
‘A ticking plastic bomb’: 3 million face masks are thrown out every minute, researchers warn Oh but we gotta keep wearing them! I mean how else are those mask makers going to make any money if no one forces us to keep wearing them?
Aspirin may reduce risk of COVID-19 infection, help patients recover faster Really? I don't know.... After hearing about everything else that may reduce the risk and protect you and then it turning out to be not true, I'm not so sure I'd stake my claims to safety on this either. Especially since aspirin can cause stomach problems - like bleeding (which can be life threatening)  and ulcers and make you sensitive to bruising easier. So until the rest of the medical community has had time to study this and come to a conclusion, I'd hold off on gobbling the aspirin down, if I were you. Because as you can see in the article the phrase "their work suggests".... That means it's not a conclusion but only a suggestion - that might wind up proving the suggestion, or petering out or maybe leading elsewhere.

Conflict grows between US and allies over vaccine supply It's not only Europe that he's denying the doses to, it's the rest of North America as well, as in both Canada and Mexico! Like I said before if it were the reverse where Canada, Mexico or Europe had that much vaccine stockpiled and they had none, believe you me, they'd be over in those countries quicker than you could say "Jumpin' Jack Flash", complete with their military and all their arsenal ready to go in and grab it and get out of there with it, they wouldn't be nicely asking or negotiating. Yeah, okay they'd ask first - then they'd demand it or else and then they'd act on their or else, but they definitely wouldn't be sitting patiently by waiting for us to give them some. If other nations were to act like that with them, welllllll that'd be the beginning of WWIII or else they'd just go nuke that nation like they did with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Like I said many times before with friends like them who needs enemies. Hoarders R' USA. (It's stories like this that enrages me and lately there's been plenty of them).

Canada says AstraZeneca vaccine is safe after Norway and Denmark suspend use  What would the art teacher and witch doctor know about it anyhow? Both are clueless psychotic genocidal witches.  They've put the Cdn public in harm's way before, so what's stopping them from doing it again anyhow? So of course they'd lie, if it benefits them or the agenda in any way. Right now the agenda is to try to pretend we're vaccinating people at a blistering pace, when in reality it's slower than a snail's pace, but would be even worse than it is, without the few vaccines we do have. So given that scenario, they're not about to disparage whatever vaccines they can use to try to pretend we've got lots of vaccines to use to accomplish that goal.


By the END of 2022????? So let me get this straight..... Those people won't be fully vaccinated until sometime after that???? Meaning this plandemic is going to drag on for a half a decade if not longer???? I'm sure Biden could contribute half of that already with the amount the Americans are stockpiling and probably letting expire and go to waste rather than use it.  Maybe the world should mount a military expedition to go raid their vaccine stockpiles - all against the US. Kind of like when the US tries to get the world to mount a campaign against one country of their choosing  - usually places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe they should find out what it feels like to have the tables turned on them instead.

Don't forget there dear Americans, April 1st is also known as April Fool's Day. So I'd watch out if I were you, maybe the joke's on you. 
Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden Test Positive for COVID-19 That was pretty much inevitable considering the way Sweden has been handling the pandemic.

'Fraught With Issues': Faulty Software Snarls Vaccine Sign-Ups There's been some snafus in QC's online registrations too.


I hope they're right about people being excited to dress up again and feel good. I'm sure they are right because I know myself, I'm tired of moping around in pjs and slob clothes but see no reason to bother to get dressed, let alone dressed up.




That's easy to believe considering that commute times from here to downtown Montreal at rush hour is anywhere from 2 hours to 2.5 hours depending on  traffic and then the same thing  home again. So that's 4-5 hours a day in traffic, or 20-25 hours a week. For one person commuting too & from work for 5 days.
Staffing shortages, absentee leaders linked to high mortality in long-term care homes Regardless of the excuses they want to try to offer up as "reasons", these criminally negligent ash holes needs to be held criminally accountable for the senicide they caused!!!! There is absolutely no valid excuse/reason that this should have happened or that anyone involved should be let off the hook for it.


N.L. doctor not alone in spreading COVID-19 misinformation, says national association Knowing all the BS that has been passed off as "the truth" during this pandemic, I have to wonder if some doctors aren't finally finding their courage to speak the truth now and now that they are, they're being chastised for not towing the plandemic line. 

I don't know, I just don't see the appeal of moving there with all the fog, the mosquitos, and not much else. It's no where near as picturesque as NS, or NL, doesn't have the night life and amenities of QC and ON and from all the reports I've read over the years the hospitals and health care isn't much to write home about either. So what is there, there besides drafty old rickety Victorian houses, lots of fog, lots of mosquitos and the occassional wack job that likes taking pot shots at RCMP officers or just plain old people walking by on the sidewalk? Even their "big" attractions aren't all that "big" like Magnetic Hill and the Hartland Bridge (yeah it's the longest covered bridge in the world apparently but once you drive the thousand or so feet over it, it's not something you're dying to do again in a hurry as the attraction just isn't all that great). 

Pace of spending for pandemic aid? Try $43,000 every second I guess in the US that's true, but I wonder what it is in Canada.


Only 65% of staff vaccinated at site of Kelowna outbreak, says Interior Health Nothing like doing everything half ashed and then wondering why things aren't working to plan....


Biden to direct states to make all adults eligible for vaccine by May 1 Unlike here in QC, where we aren't even likely to be to the 60+ age group yet.



City, businesses hope terrasses will counter summer pandemic woes Yeah everyone loves eating on the sidewalk inhaling all those lovely exhaust fumes from passing traffic, especially the diesel fumes from the buses. Mmmmm yum.... Not to mention all the dust thrown into the air from the neverending street construction and the jackhammers, oh and the noise from it all makes for a wonderful background sound to enjoy your meals by. Yeah that's just a wonderful ambience to enjoy a meal in.... Can't wait myself. How about you? Got your reservations in yet?

Are you 70 or older? Go get your vaccine, Quebec health authorities urge Yup know all about that BS. They'd rather let shots go to waste than give them to a younger caregiver.... 

So HURRY UP & GIVE THOSE SHOTS OUT!!!!! I mean what are you clowns waiting for? For the variants to ramp up and kill everyone who hasn't had a shot yet? Is that it? 
What do Canadians miss most after one year of COVID-19? OMG, I don't even know where to start here.... Lessee now in my case, it's freedom, fun, family, friends, being able to spontaneously decide to go somewhere or do something just because I want to without worrying about gestapo booties being out to ticket and or jail me because of it.  


Multiple vaccines in Canada gives rise to 'vaccine shoppers'    Well why not? It's your body so you have every right to decide what you want to allow into it - whichever vaccine you'd prefer should be the one you're allowed to get. Don't let gov'ts railroad you into anything because it's you who'll have to live with the consequences of whatever vaccine you get. And right now, none of them are looking all that wonderful. As for J&J's vaccine we don't know yet as there haven't been m/any people getting it, in order to know of any untowards reactions from it. 


A year on, WHO still struggling to manage pandemic response No wonder! Look at the idiot that's still at the helm there! Get rid of that crooked corrupt lying ash hole and replace him with someone with some honesty, integrity and a brain and maybe a valid license to practice medicine in the western world somewhere and not from some godforsaken 3rd world hell hole like that lump of sheite with hair on it hailed from and maybe we'll get somewhere.



That's pathetic. I mean when you count the number of vaccination sites just on the island of Montreal alone, there must be at least 100 sites if not more. So that works out to less than 290 doses per site - assuming a minimum of 100 sites. But I know there's more than that province wide. So what is it? 29 doses as there must be at least a 1,000 sites across the province when you count all the various venues they're using. They'd better pick up the pace more than that if they hope to inoculate everyone before the new variants do.


Well that's what happens when you try to incarcerate an entire population. They rebel because they've had it and don't give a flying F anymore. Do it long enough and I can  guarantee it'll get worse and you'll actually have massive revolts. Which will be good to get rid of the gestapo bootied imbeciles in power.

They basically say the same thing about the long covid sufferers and survivors, too.

EU regulator recommends using J&J's one-shot vaccine This may wind up being better than the other 3 being offered in Canada, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is it is a 1 shot vaccine.

Yeah and you're going to draw all the pictures to it too aren't you? Complete with comic book captions too right? That's about all you're actually qualified to do, when it comes to talking about anything to do with medicine or plandemics or even first aid.


That's a BIG IF, but the way things are looking now with all the variants around and slow rollout of the vaccines, that's not very likely.
How mRNA vaccines can keep up with an ever-changing coronavirus Of course, the virus, variants, vaccines & booster shots are all cash cows for the pharmaceutical companies. They just love this and I'm sure Gates does too, considering he's heavily invested in all of these vaccines.

No sheite Sherlock, I've been saying that since January 6, 2020, having just recovered from it myself. 


Food insecurity in Jane-Finch area soars as annual provincial funding for support runs out I seriously don't get how governments, organizations and people in general can't understand that the poor need food all year long and not just at certain times of the year.  Food isn't a luxury. It's a necessity and I can't understand how no one gets that. 

Oh boy.... oh boy... I can't imagine the disappointment, let downs and unforeseen hardships that are about to occur once they take possession of these houses. I lived there and I know what a lot of those old houses are like, and a lot of them wouldn't even be able to be sold for firewood in other parts of the world primarily because of the mildew, mold and rot. Then once they've bought, fixed it up and moved in, they're going to be faced with other things depending on if it's rural fishing village, a town or one of the 2 major cities there. People in the fishing villages are clannish and don't take to outsiders very well. Since 90% of the province's territory is composed of trees and fishing villages that'll probably be where you wind up, isolated and alone with neighbours who aren't very friendly toward to you and downright gossipy behind your back. Then there's the horrible medical care there, where you literally have to plan for your medical emergencies to occur on such a day between certain hours or drive to the next county in order to be seen and taken care of. If you think the hospitals and walk-in clinics are bad where you are, you haven't been to NS yet.

It should be a next step here in QC too. But it doesn't seem like it is, especially given all the calendar days where there are no vaccinations going on, as per their online registration site. 

Global rise in childhood mental health issues amid pandemic  Oh surprise, surprise. Wondering why that could be? If adults are having problems and getting depressed, don't you think kids are also  having problems?  



Ah,  details, details... I don't know if anyone really wants to know this or not, but anyhow, here it is, yet another aspect of this plandemic and the effect it's having on some people.
COVID-19 end is near: Canada finally has a 'ticket out of the pandemic', one year after virus shut the country down Ummmm.... I wouldn't be so sure about that, if I were you. There seems to be a lot of variables that  can change that.



Virus tolls similar despite governors' contrasting actions  Look at Canada's 2 provinces QC & ON both of which had the most stringent measures and lockdowns but yet they consistently had the highest rates of infections and deaths when compared with the other provinces that were no where near as strict as either of those 2 provinces. So going by that, you'd almost think that the strict lockdown and curfew measures taken by those  2 provinces are what exacerbated the whole thing in those provinces, causing more cases & deaths, while the other more lenient provinces had less cases and deaths.  



Jordan health minister steps down after deaths in virus ward At least he has the decency to do that, unlike Tam, Haggydodo, and DuMbe.



Since it's only a matter of a week or so and it'll be spring, there's apt to be a lot more people spending a lot more time outside.

More than 10,000 COVID-19 vaccination appointments booked in Saskatchewan I hope there'll be more appointments than that booked, if they ever want to beat the virus, that is.





Analysis: What does it mean that Montreal now has all three variants of concern?  It means they should stop diddling and dancing around and vaccinate EVERYONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. That's what it means.


70-80% of recently screened COVID-19 cases in Regina likely Variants of Concern: SHA  Wow! That seems like an awfully high percentage if you ask me. 

Yup well, we've seen via past examples just how "accurate" these models are, haven't we!?! Basically they're not worth the time taken to make them nor the hard drive space to store them on, usually.


Toronto chefs donate 50,000 meals during COVID-19 pandemic  That's awesome! And I bet each recipient of those meals were grateful for them too!



Coronavirus Variants Learn about the various variants & their differences.


Mission Possible: The Race for a Vaccine This is the story of the creation of the Pfizer vaccine. 

I'm sure if they really wanted to, they could get more than that done in a day province wide. 

That would be great, if only Canada would adopt it, unlike the other rapid tests that they refused to adopt even though it was made in Canada and the whole world was using months before Canada even considered using it.


'Just cruel at this point:' Nursing homes pushed to reopen for visits, hugs after Covid vaccine I agree with the assessment that it's just cruel at this point.

What does victory against the COVID-19 pandemic look like? USA TODAY's vaccine panel weighs in I would think total eradication of the virus would be what victory against it looks like.

9 things that weren't scary before the pandemic but are now The sharing objects to help others is just preposterous. I mean why would someone be afraid of touching someone else's booster cables, when they obviously are not afraid to touch store door handles to pull the doors open and a lot more people touched those than the good samaritan's booster cables. I mean that's just one example. But don't forget once you get into the store there's goods on shelves that've been touched by any number of people from those where the goods originated - factory/warehouse/shipping and then the store unpackers, stackers, and then clients who come along pick up a can read it or check the price and put it back on the shelf and someone else comes along and picks it up and either does the same thing with it or takes it, but yet they're not afraid of that. But that one guy's booster cables they're terrified of.... Like I said preposterous lunacy if you ask me. And if you have hand sanitizer in your car, like you should have, what difference does it make how many people touched his booster cables, anyhow?
Here's what Covid vaccines are worth to Big Pharma Yup and then think of all the extra money they can keep raking in with every different booster shot they come up with. Like I said this is a cash cow for them.



10 arrested, over 140 tickets given as thousands protest in Montreal against pandemic public health measures  Whoo Hoo! That's awesome that there was a protest of that size in Montreal against the gestapo bootied gov't here in QC and their draconian over reach! I'm very proud of you Montrealers who attended that protest! Keep up the good work!

Who cares if the days are getting longer or not, I think we're already less willing to comply as it's gone on long enough! And like they say "enough is enough" and that's enough. In case the morons don't understand that.... C'est suffit la! Ons a eu assay maintenant!  

SARS-CoV-2 'ready-made' for human transmission, study suggests  As in ready made in a lab kind of ready made?  

Another batch of headlines posted. Until next time take care & stay safe.






Sunday, January 24, 2021

Packaging Food For Freezing, & Nibbling on Breadsticks, Pork Rinds & Clementines While Posting Headlines on....



January 23, 2021

I pretty much spent the day helping my husband prepare and package meat in meal sized portions, for freezing again. While intermittently browsing the net off and on for headlines about this plandemic of ours. Hence the picture chosen for today's post, given this shocking article I read about this being a senicide (implying planned) and Doug Ford handling it as such. It will be one of the headlines posted along with a lot of other equally disturbing headlines too.

To add a little warmth to the house though I decided to cook a pork roast with tons of veggies around it and my husband who butchered the other pork roast into souvlaki cubes, cut the rind on that roast into bite sized pieces, which I coated in oil and salt and garlic powder to put on top of the meat and veggies to go in the oven. A few minutes ago I commented on what they looked like and so my husband pulled a couple pieces out for me to try. They're not totally crispy yet, but maybe by the time dinner's cooked they will be. Because I am famished and can't wait for dinner I also had a clementine and a couple breadsticks to nibble on as well.
Mmmm... Yum, supper was delicious even if I do say so myself.
Now, on with the recent covid19 headlines. Pull up a comfortable chair, cozy blanket to keep you warm while you read, get a cup of tea or coffee and find your specs, and start reading...
Johnson Signals Third U.K. Lockdown Could Last Into Summer It sounds like Legault QC's premier is getting ready to copy him. 

'This is... very uncomfortable': Ontario Premier Doug Ford called out for 'stay at home' message in 22 languages Yeah, he's got a nerve and a half considering he can barely speak English properly with all the grammatical errors he constantly makes. I doubt he can speak French either, so trying to speak all those other languages, was doomed to failure before he even started and he should've known that. Besides our constitution doesn't mention anything about Urdu and Punjabi and all those other languages being an official language. The only 2 official languages of this country as outlined in the our constitution is English & French!

Wow, it looks like the universe doesn't want us to have vaccines for some reason, given the fire at India's largest vaccine plant and the flood at that warehouse while Pfizer frigs around with their plant.
Hungary buys Russia's Sputnik V vaccine, first in EU, minister says Why not? It can't be any worse than the vaccines we have here in Canada NOT. At least it's something to inoculate their population with and if it works then great, if not well they won't be worse off then they are now. Unlike here in Canada we don't have any vaccines nor any hope for the short term either.

Look if these countries have the qualified staff (as in relevant education in order to approve it) to approve this vaccine in a timely manner, why the F can't Canada? Oh yeah that's right we have to wait 4 years for Haggydudu to get through medical school first and that's if she passes. Otherwise it could be eons before she's qualified to approve of it, even though she's the of Health Canada. 

Wondering if that's the going rate or if they're getting gouged by them too, like the way Pfizer gouged South Africa on their vaccines.


I've abandonned my fair weather friends years ago when I saw what they were truly like. Now the friends I have, I want to keep and have known that for years now. I didn't need this plandemic to tell me that.

Buyer Beware: COVID Vaccines Netting Big Bucks Online  I don't know if that's also true here in Canada, but anything you're buying over the internet, I wouldn't trust. I mean how do you know it's not a vial full of water they have and want to sell you or worse yet, something more lethal instead? You just don't know and it's not worth taking the risk and finding out too late you were duped into buying impotent water or dangerous chemicals instead, or possibly real vaccines but that weren't kept according to instructions at the prescribed temperatures and have gone bad as a result.

More censorship aimed at protecting the lamestream media's views and agendas.

Are they going to vaccinate all the spectators too? As in everyone who buys a ticket also gets a vaccination thrown in for free? That alone might entice people to buy tickets to the games - getting a free vaccination in order to attend.

‘Packed us together like sardines’: Guard deployed to Capitol struggles to contain Covid The way they were treated is just deplorable. If it weren't for them, the Bidens and Harrises could be dead and not safely installed as Prez & VP of the US. And for Jill Biden to give them chocolate chip cookies was just over the top freaking oblivious and callous. Instead of giving them cookies why doesn't she talk to her President husband into recognizing their help at the inauguration and ask him to treat them accordingly - like with some decency & dignity that they deserve. I mean I thought Mr. Bozo Brains in Ottawa was the ultimate airhead in the universe until I saw the new 1st Lady giving them chocolate chip cookies as if that would make up for the fact they were made to sleep in a cold garage and cramming them altogether like sardines etc.... I mean hello... Is this another case of "Let them Eat Cake" kind of sheite? Seems like it.


Bharat Biotech, ICMR publish Covaxin Phase 1 data showing safe, enhanced immunity to Covid-19 disease Good. The more the merrier. Hopefully this makes it through Phase 4 and into the approval phase sooner rather than later.


At least 50,000 flight reservations have been cancelled since mandatory COVID-19 testing was introduced Good! It's at least that many fewer potential imports of the virus from all areas of the world.

Stop hinting and start doing you spineless brainless wonder! 

Legal review shows British Columbia can't restrict interprovincial travel: Horgan Neither can the maritime provinces but they're doing it anyhow.
Jurisdictional issues challenging COVID-19 vaccine distribution to priority Indigenous populations Ah gawd, stop fighting over who should give them the vaccination and just do it already! I'm sure they won't care if it's the white man or a native that gives it to them, as long as they get it! Just do what's best for them and not your own jurisdictional egos, for once in your frigging pathetic political lives, would ya!?!




What're they going to do if someone can't or refuses to pay for this hostage taking in designated hotels?
PM urges Canadians to cancel travel plans after data reveals 1M travelled over holidays Here's an idea bozo brains.... You cancel their travel plans for them, by saying that all travel is banned and no planes currently in Canada will be allowed to leave the ground to go anywhere and no new planes will be able to land in Canada. It's as simple as that, because the Feds do control the aviation industry.

Waterhole the spineless little wussy boy who can only stand up to Canadians that say things he doesn't like. We need someone with guts that Ford seems to have as PM. Not a little wussy boy that just replies with "yes sir, how high sir?" when told to jump.

Ontario premier offers to drive to U.S. himself to pick up more COVID-19 vaccines hehehe.... This guy sure has moxie, I'll tell ya that much. I guess they didn't take him up on the offer though. Too bad, because just the news picture or footage of him driving a truck to get it, would've been right up there with the picture of Trudeau senior and his finger while supposedly saying "fuddle duddle".  In other words one for the history books.

Hang on and hold tight is what you say when the seas are getting choppy and you're in a boat, or when you're in for a wild ride on a bronco or other kind of crazy horse.
Cruise line says only vaccinated passengers can sail Then I guess they won't be including too many Canadian passengers among their ranks.


Quebec's curfew might be extended past Feb. 8, Legault and Dubé suggest Oh what a surprise, now that the power abusers have found a new way to ticket and abuse people's rights, they plan on using it for as long as they can. I could've told you that that was coming. They've never let up on anything here since the plandemic started. So don't expect them to now. I'd love to know what their agenda is though. Besides sapping the joie de vivre and spirit out of our lives, what's the end plan here? I mean pretty soon more of the population will be considering suicide than those who get and die of covid19, if they keep it up. Because honestly I can't see the point of wanting to live such a boring, mundane BS existance as they've imposed on us since last March. I'm sure I'm not the only one to see things like that either. But I refuse to give them the satisfaction of me committing suicide just so they can save on my measly pension payments. 

New COVID-19 variant can evade immunity, research suggests Oh wonderful. I hope the research is wrong though.

A doctor ought to know what he's talking about in this regard. But still the media and the powers that be want to suppress and censor him anyhow. Got to keep everyone scared and compliant the best way they know how and that's through fear. Scare'em silly and perhaps they'll listen and behave. That seems to be the tactics here.
Quebec COVID-19 cases have surpassed the quarter-million mark That's only 1/34th of the entire Quebec  population, so as large as the number appears to be, it's really no big deal. 

That's good.

Considering our medicare system is for everyone in the country and considering the ravages that COVID is having on the population here, I can understand why. I mean how do we know that some of these illegals didn't just show up here during the plandemic hoping for free medical care, if they happened to get the virus? 
Special Report: How U.S. CDC missed chances to spot COVID's silent spread I'm of the mind that it was all missed on purpose by everyone, considering I could see what was happening with it just by watching and reading the news, and I was asking why no one was closing the borders and where were all the masks and why no one was telling us to wear one and instead only wash our hands and social distance. That was in March, but in January after I read a report about the description of what it did to a person based on what it was doing to people in China, I knew I had had it myself. So I wondered why no one was taking what was happening in Wuhan seriously and reacting accordingly by shutting down the borders to ALL international travellers - Cdn or not. Keep them out, keep them all out until the plandemic is over with and then you can reopen the borders again and let Cdns get home and others come for whatever reason they have to come, but KEEP THE BORDERS CLOSED BOTH WAYS UNTIL THE PANDEMIC WAS OVER WITH and that way you wouldn't have to worry about having m/any cases and the ones you would have you'd easily be able to eradicate without a vaccine. When a vaccine was available import enough to vaccinate the population and if that's done before the plandemic is over with, then fine reopen the borders otherwise keep them closed until the plandemic is over with or the entire population has been vaccinated. Meanwhile no one would be under lockdown, we'd have all been able to travel interprovincially for vacations and visiting other friends and family and continue to work as always and go to school as per usual. No interruptions or lockdowns or curfews needed. But noooooo.... Why would they do that? That way they wouldn't have any excuse for going all draconian on us and fine us silly with their eye gouging fines they've been issuing for the stupidest things.


Maybe we should get Allan Hawco to star in a bumbling comedy about bozo brains in Ottawa and his handling of the plandemic, as the Canadian version.


Farmers urge feds to reconsider pre-departure COVID tests for migrant workers I said it before and I'll say it again.... WHY???? Why should they be treated so special when we have a lot of teenage boys who'd love to have a summer job even if it was working on a farm. Lots of them can't find one especially if they live in a rural area, where there's no other employers around. So give Canadian teenagers a chance first why don't you!?!

Coronavirus: Over 1.1 million vaccine doses distributed across Canada So think of that as being really only 550,000 doses, since they require 2 doses to make a full vaccination. Which when you think of it, isn't even a drop in the bucket compared to our population size.

Oh really? So why did the woman who claims to have been the one who made the Moderna vaccine, say it only took her 2 days to make it? I have the headlines to that article in a previous post on here for those who don't believe me.

Oh what a surprise that is!


The maritimes seems to be getting away with it pretty good. Guess maybe no one has challenged it in court?



P.E.I. COVID-19 restrictions easing further, as of Saturday Lucky them! It was only last March that we were able to enjoy even half of that here in QC.

Families Slam 'S**t On A Plate' Food In Long-Term Care Homes Long term care homes in Canada have been in deplorable states for decades, but are only just now coming under the spotlight for it, because of COVID19.


Sledding banned at Mooney's Bay Probably because everyone was having too much fun so when they saw that they had to ban it. 

Like I said, let your bills percolate for a few days, they'll still be bills by the time you get up a nerve to handle the envelope they came in.

Why do foreigners think that they have the same rights and privileges as taxpaying voters have? I've never understood why they think everything should apply to them equally as it does us Canadians.




This is a bit of good news.

BONOKOSKI: Losing faith in Justin Trudeau ever again telling the truth Wow, it sure took you long enough. I lost faith the first time I heard him deflecting, evading and just outright lying and that was way back when he first came to power. He hadn't even been elected for more than a couple of months when he was caught accepting a stay at the Great Kahn's island worth about $100,000.00 and all the back peddling and BS he spewed about that incident, then on and on and on ad nauseum ad infinitum from the SNC Lavallin BS, to the blackface incidents (which he claimed there was only the one incident - the one he got caught on first) to everything that literally comes out of that ash hole's mouth. He's a compulsive liar and if he says any different, he's lying. Period. The sooner you and everyone else figures that out the better off this country will be. Hopefully.

Getting the jab done: When can Canadians expect to get a COVID-19 vaccine?  The way things are going..... Basically never is when we can expect to get the vaccine.

It's not just in Ontario where the senicide is going on. It's across the country and around the globe. That's probably why this virus was unleashed anyhow - as a means of cutting down on the senior population. Which most governments who have to pay pensions to their elderly retired workforces would go for - to cut back on the amount of pensions having to be paid. 

Your projections are nothing but a pile of BS, concocted by you power abusing gestapo maniacs to keep abrogating our rights and gouge our eyes out in stupid fines.

That's it for the latest headlines about this plandemic. So take can stay well until next time....