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Friday, July 31, 2020

Printers, Problems, Pizza & Persistant .....

Covid19 Headlines


July 30,2020

Arggghhhh.... This is the 2nd printer we've had in less than a week & a half. The first one, did one thing and only one thing. It downloaded it's new firmware and promptly shut down and stopped working. 

So we returned it and bought another ecotank ink bottle printer. This one installed alright but on only one computer. Our son came over to install it and installed it on one computer and then we took a break to eat, as the ordered pizza arrived. After we finished eating and he came back to finish installing it on the other computer, the company's server was down and it couldn't be installed.  A whole afternoon wasted on that.  

One of these freaking days I'll have a printer connected to my computer that I can actually use. Haven't had one in a couple of years now, because every printer gets installed on my husband's first (even though he hasn't got 2 clues what to do with it) and then mine, maybe if they can find the time, or inclination or whatever to do it - which never happens. So I'm not apt to have access to this new printer either. Tough noogies though, because this time my husband will have to figure it out on his own  as I won't be at his every beck and call to print this and figure that out as far as the printer goes, for him. Tired of that. Install it once and for all on my machine and I'll do it myself, but if he won't do that, he can do it himself.

Now I'd better start the headlines going or I won't have any done for today as it's rather late already.  So I don't know how much I'll get covered today, but whatever it is, it'll be less to do tomorrow. So settle in and dive in....

Expert backs isolation, aggressive contact tracing, instead of lockdowns vs COVID-19 | Teleradyo  It's about time, they figured this out. This is the way it should've been handled from the beginning and we'd still have an economy, without being so far in debt like we are now.

Scientists are 3-D printing miniature human organs to test coronavirus drugs  If there's any 3d printing scientists reading this blurb, please explain how you can print out comparable human organs? Are they made with flesh and blood like the real human organs or are they made from some weird synthetic goo? If they're made with synthetic material of any type how is that comparable to human tissue and the reactions that would be found in human tissue? 

New York Rats Emboldened by Lockdowns Have a New Enemy: Sundrop  More aspects of this virus. It just never ends. There's always one new aspect or angle from this virus almost everyday.

Emirates will pay for your medical treatment, hotel quarantine, and even your funeral if you catch COVID-19 while traveling  Oh that looks like a real charming offer. Beautiful enticement for sure especially if you're intent on catching it and dying from it.

Cigarette Smoking Makes Comeback During Coronavirus Pandemic   I haven't smoked for over 11 years now, but every once in awhile I get this slight urge thinking I might like to have another puff or two again and then I remember the wicked headaches and dizziness from the "first puffs or two" and decide nope.... Not into that anymore. Besides with my asthma I cough enough as it is.

Scientists revive microbes from 100 million years ago  I guess one pandemic isn't enough for them. They need more in order to really cut down on population, crash the economies and to create work for the vaccine makers.

Getting Through a Pandemic With Old-Fashioned Crafts   To that end here are a few books on various crafting subjects that might help you get started in a hobby to kill some time during the pandemic: Knitting For Beginners: The A-Z Guide to Have You Knitting in 3 Days (Includes 15 Knitting Patterns), Crochet: Knitting: Crochet for Beginners both books are epubs, Beginner's Guide to Crochet: 20 Crochet Projects for Beginners also an epub, Encyclopedia of Embroidery Techniques this is a PDF, Woodworking for Beginners it too, is a PDF, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making and Beading this book is in epub format, Polymer Clay for the first time another PDF, Learn to Burn: A Step-by-step Guide to Getting Started in Pyrography another epub. All of these books are downloadable at the given longfiles links.  If painting is more up your alley and you'd rather learn to paint some awesome scenes then perhaps you'd prefer painting long with Bob Ross - The Joy of Painting (Full Episodes)  On his Youtube channel.  

I love making things of all kinds and this is what I would normally be doing with my time if I weren't trying to keep on top of all the COVID news as I promised way back when they said it would be at most 3 weeks to a month we'd be going through this. Thinking that would be the case I promised I would stay on top of the headlines until the pandemic was over with.  I had no clue what I was signing up for, but alas a promise is a promise.... So here I am yet again posting another long COVID19 headlines post rather than relaxing and doing things I love doing.

Exec at Vancouver's BuildDirect charged with COVID relief fraud in U.S.   Seems like a lot of them are being charged with fraud over this.

New Brunswick sticking to its mask rules, but not ruling out following N.S.'s lead It must be a wonderful time to be a mask maker. Especially when some gougers are selling them for $30 a pop. The other day I was listening to a gouger defend her ridiculous prices for a single mask on the radio, trying to say it's the cost of the material. I wanted to ask  if it was lined with gold or perhaps platinum to be that expensive, considering you can buys a yard if not yards of material for $30 and elastic like they use comes in little rolls in boxes with so many feet - depending on length is what you'll pay, but the smallest length I think is 6 feet and for that you should pay basically $2.  Just think of the amount of masks you can make with that. She had the nerve to say she wasn't gouging and she knew what she was doing and had a sewing business for years & bla bla bla - I stopped listening when I heard her say she knew what she was doing. I guess she thinks she's the only one that's ever paid a visit to Fabricville or any other sewing supply store.  Even the companies that make surgical masks are making a killing now. They've never sold so many in the history of their companies before, I'm sure.

Municipalities to receive up to $4 billion from province, feds to offset COVID  I think some places like Montreal won't need that much considering the amount of gouging fines they've given out to  their citizens since this pandemic began. That must make up some of the shortfall.

Provincial police deployed to help manage tourists misbehaving in Gaspé region Finally they got the cops in there eh? Hopefully, it's not too late, in that there was no serious damage done to property or the environment.

Only bus service from Victoria to remote coastal communities struggling to stay on the road during pandemic  It's always the small rural communities that gets cut off and left behind whenever there's something going on. They're the ones that needs the help and services the most usually. People in larger communities usually have more choices for transportation or ways into and out of their larger communities. Example, Montreal has not only a public transit system that serves the immediate population and immediate environs, but several roads and highways in and off the island (even though it's an island), with long journey buses that goes to other parts of the province and out of province cities, not to mention trains and planes. Small rural communities usually have only those buses they're talking about in this story, unless it's their own private family transportation, otherwise that bus service is it. There are no planes or trains and no taxis or public transit linking it up with some other nearby area. It's the bus and that's all.

‘That’s some Marie Antoinette s*** right there’: Melania Trump faces backlash over Rose Garden project amidst national crises   I know there's a lot going on in the US (and around the world too for that matter) right now. But I am also realistic and know there's little to nothing she can do about any of that. The only power she has is as an influence on her husband and I don't think much can influence him once his mind is made up. I think in her own small way she's just trying to provide some niceness in the world, where people around the world will see it, everytime there's a news briefing.  Maybe that's her "Ca Va Aller"  rainbow, that she's trying to show the world. That's how I see it. I see it as a helpless woman with no say and no power trying to do whatever little she can to brighten things up a bit not just for those on the government grounds, but for those who see the pictures or newscasts taken in that garden. Hopefully, it'll make her smile more too. She always looks so sad to me.

Tenor Andrea Bocelli gives Italy government earful over coronavirus  I agree with him, but in regards to Quebec's handling of it. Neither do we know of anyone who even had to be hospitalized because of it, nevermind intensive care.  Like I said, this is more to do about crashing the economies than anything else, I think.

Even mild coronavirus cases can cause lasting cardiovascular damage, study shows So while everyone needs to take precautions to not get this disease those with heart problems should take extra care.

TALL TALES How your HEIGHT could double your risk of catching coronavirus, scientists discover  Well then I guess it's good I'm shrinking (according to everyone) then.  Means I'm not as tall as I was.

'Reckless behaviour is expensive': Brampton residents face $100,000 fine for throwing a 200-guest party during COVID-19 times  Is that in addition to the $800 fine they already got? Or instead of that $800 fine?

Tam says feds, experts discussing COVID-19 vaccine orders amid concerns of delay  There probably wouldn't be any delay if we were working on our own vaccine by ourselves instead of depending on the two faced back stabbing Chinese. 

He changes his song every day. Yesterday it was going to take until mid 2021, now it's moving at a rapid speed. No wonder people distrust you. You can't make your mind up and stick to it.

Ministers reject physicians' concerns about school re-entry plan  I love this.... How politicians always think they know more about any given subject than the people who were trained in that specific field. Like doctors and scientists etc.... Personally I think that any minister who doesn't listen to the recommendation of their doctors should be held accountable in a court of law for all ensuing deaths because they ignored the medical practitioners  advice. Then maybe they'd smarten up and fly right.

Parents say English Montreal School Board's back-to-school plan lacks details  What's new? It's been over a decade now since they've last been able to get their act together. So this is nothing new.