Showing posts with label anti-vaxxers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-vaxxers. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Blown Rad, Missed Dr.'s Appointment, Backgammon Games, Lemon Peppers, SW Corn Pup Muffins &

Covid 19


October 20,2021

As the title infers, our escapades since last installment involves a blown rad on the way to see the cardiologist, that my husband had an appointment with, which as a result was missed. Then me searching and searching and searching for the hospital or medical clinic's phone number online so I could call them to let them know what happened and why he wouldn't make the apointment. Anyhow by the time I found the phone number he was already late for the appointment. But honest to gawd, I don't see why the moronic idiotic imbecilc ash holes in gov't had to go and change the names of everything from something so simple as Hospital name to something as complicated as: centre intégré universitaire service sociaux …… I mean for f sakes it's not a social service, it's a f'n hospital and medical clinic. It's not even a university teaching hospital either for that matter. I mean gawd f'n damn, why can't they leave things that make sense alone anyhow???????? I wonder if the renaming of hospitals to BS like that isn't to confound and stymy the English? To make their lives harder and more miserable? What the ash holes in power don't seem to understand is that the English pays taxes and medicare fees, too and not just the French! But even my friend who used to work at that hospital doesn't know why they did that and that even to a French person that name makes no sense either.
Just another reason to hate the morons in power! Can't leave well enough alone and have to always be dicking around with something. It's good he wasn't having a heart problem while I was trying to find the phone number to his cardiologist or he'd have been dead by the time I found it!!!!!!!! Anyhow I wrote the numbers involved - to the hospital, the clinic and his doctor (all 3 of them) in our address book for next time. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 😬💥💥 
At least the phone was answered at all three of those numbers unlike the phone at our family doctor's. There they refuse to answer phones and instead you have to communicate with them via online forms and email (good luck with that if you don't have a computer or any electronic means of doing that).  I literally hate our medicare system and what it's devolved to now! I bet even the USSR's old medicare system where they were so desperate for doctors they hired anyone even witch doctors, was way better than what we have now, here in QC and I'd say probably in Canada in general.

Then the ash holes next door decided to use a mini back hoe or whatever it is, to try to put gravel and mud down beside their house, next to our property line and guess what the f faces did!?! Betcha can't!?! Though it should be easy given their track record! They buried some of our property in particular my favourite perennial plants (my spearmint plants) under a ton of dirt and gravel (because they think it's their property for some f'n twisted ash holish reason that I can't fathom as I'm not as twisted, arrogant, demented and narcissistic as they are).  

So yesterday was just a "lovely" day for me. By the end of it, I wanted to tear someone's head off and stick it on a spike in the front yard as a warning to those who would dare do the same - namely his moronic spawn and Nurse Ratshit oops, I guess that's supposed to be Nurse Ratchet. Trust me, once they move in and I have a definite legal address for those ash holes, I'll be taking them to court and suing their ashes off, if we haven't sold the house before then. Like they say, revenge is best served cold....✊
So I didn't get a chance to work with food at all, unless you consider me harvesting the last of the rhubarb for this year and bringing it in to put in the fridge, until I can get around to it. 

I got up later than usual today as my husband let me sleep in, but I still managed to take care of some of the food I have waiting to take care of. Today's food that I took care of was a package of those cocktail wieners (I have other packages to take care of as well and think now that I tried this recipe  Mini Southwestern Corn Pup Muffins with Fiesta Dipping Sauce I'll use it again). Though I have regular muffin tins and not mini ones, so this recipe made just enough to fill a regular sized dozen muffins muffin tin. I chopped the mini wieners up in to small pieces and incorporated them into the batter and just dumped the batter into the muffin tin and baked as per instructions but because the muffins are little bigger I had to bake them 3-4 minutes longer for them to be done.  It's a yummy recipe.  Another option for those tiny cocktail wieners besides the usual "pigs in a blanket" everyone normally uses them for and if you have a mini muffin pan - the recipe makes 24 - so great as party finger food and appetizers, as pigs in a blanket are normally used for.

I took some with me over to my friend's place after they came out of the oven, to have while playing backgammon and with mustard, they were delicious. Just like the "pogo" dogs sold around here in stores, only in muffin form and not having to be deep fried. My husband got into what was left on the cooling rack on the table, so when I came home for supper he said he didn't really feel like having any supper, so I took a couple from what was left and put them on a sandwich plate in the microwave for a few seconds and that was my supper too. So I'm glad I have a couple more packages of those wieners as I plan to make 2 more batches. One for snacks (instead of sweet stuff) and one batch to freeze for another time. Maybe I'll make the dipping sauce too, the next time around.

While I was there another neighbour came over with a bag with a pretty good number of lemon peppers (small yellow peppers) for me, to make hot sauce with.  That's not to mention the stuff I still have to work with, like the lemons, apples and leeks we already had here, the mini wieners, the other hot peppers that neighbour gave us before, and then the beets the other neighbour came over with last night. So it looks like I'll be busy in the coming days. So we'll see what becomes of all of that.

And I still have gazillions of headlines in my bookmark folder that I have to unload, so might as well get started, so that someday before the end of time, I can get finished. As per my admonishment last night, I think you ought to find your favourite stress relieving substance and get comfortable before you start reading these headlines as some of them are as infuriating as always. So here we go.....


UN chief: World is at `pivotal moment’ and must avert crises  What do you want to bet that this Covid 19 plandemic wasn't used as, or manufactured as, an excuse to use to manipulate and sway gov'ts world wide to cooperate as one cohesive group on a variety of agendas (including the plandemic)? Since "Our Common Agenda" seems to be pretty broad in scope and just what the UN has been vying for all these years, a means of making the various gov'ts of the world to sign an agreement agreeing to a broad scope of goals and probably laws governing the advancement of reaching those goals - ergo giving the UN the authority and power they've been hankering for for the past 75 years, in breadth and scope. The United Nations Common Agenda can be read or maybe downloaded there. This is a quote taken from the very front page of that "common agenda" site: They pledged to strengthen global governance for the sake of present and coming generations and, to that end, requested the Secretary-General to report back with recommendations to advance our common agenda and to respond to current and future challenges.  That is NOT a conspiracy theory folks, but actual fact. To strengthen global governance and the excuse given is for future generations and not because they're nothing but a bunch of meglomaniacs, wanting to rule the entire world and universe too if they could. Which is the real reason behind that strengthening global governance and not because of future anyones or anythings. And of course all the countries of the world or just about all except 2 - as only 193 signed it out of the 195 countries in the world today. Nitwits r' us..... Wondering which 2 countries didn't sign it? Maybe it'd be worth applying for citizenship in those countries if we could find out which ones they were and if they weren't too authoritarian or draconian it might be worth it. If you click on the blue square on the left hand side you can download the 75 page document in pdf format.

Herron officials were quick to blame COVID for deaths instead of poor care, nurse says At least someone is speaking out about the truth of the matter there. 


Oh My Gosh the Kittens! How The Pandemic Unleashed Bedlam in Veterinarian Clinics  The last time we needed to see a vet with our dog, we were told we'd have to wait an inordinate amount of time until I mentionned money. When I mentionned money, oops all of a sudden they found a spot within a reasonsable time period. 


Dutch protest against COVID-19 vaccine pass to enter bars, restaurants From what I've witnessed here in Canada and in the news stories from abroad, it doesn't matter how much you protest apparently. Draconian gov'ts that want to keep tabs on you and what you do insist that you have those stupid passports. So the good little sheeple who went along with the vaccination BS, are being penalized by having to have passports to get into various places, which can also be revoked if you don't tow the line.


Changing recommendations for boosters lead to confusion for the vaccinated and their doctors EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THIS PLANDEMIC KEEPS CHANGING FROM SECOND TO SECOND! So the doctors should be used to that by now. 

 Supermarkets in German state of Hesse can now block entry to the unvaccinated    it kinda makes you wonder.... I know it made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end when I read it and wondered immediately if the passport wasn't the mark of the beast..... 
One Thing Will Save Us From These Suicidal Lunatics—Mandates The only thing that will save us from hysterical lunatics like this, are heavy doses of horse tranks prescribed to those hysterical lunatics 3 or 4 times daily, for an indefinite duration. For the entire duration of their hysteria and then some, really.

My patients are suffering from a pandemic of online misinformation about COVID-19 Most of which is manufactured and distributed by lamestream media.


School disruption, 'long COVID,' all factors in choice to vaccinate young kids: Tam I hope that witch doctor burns in hell when she dies. If we can't try her for crimes against humanity then we can at least hope she rots in hell for all the harm she's done this nation. Her, Haggydudu and Mr. Dressup the Dunce all deserve a special place in hell for the harm they've allowed to happen to Canadians and now the potential further harm they're doing by mandating vaccines. 

Immigrant nurses in B.C. say language proficiency tests a barrier to practice OMG, I'd have thought that as nurses they'd have been smart enough to recognize that good command of the language your patients speak is vital to the patients being able to understand and follow the directives given them by medical staff such as nurses and doctors. If the patients can't understand you because you don't speak their language how are they going to follow directions and advice? I mean hello.... If you clowns are that braindead you have no business being a nurse. Go find a box packing job (boxes don't care what language you speak) and you'll be fine, otherwise go home and practice nursing there - at least you'll speak the language. Or learn the language so that you at least have a proficiency of the language enough to pass the test and stop whining about it, COVID or no COVID. It doesn't mean because there's a plandemic that you can just by pass prerequisites in order to get the job of your dreams. It doesn't work like that.  Um f'n duh.... I just can't believe there are actual nurses out there that are that f'n stupid that they don't know or realize that.


Ontario's COVID-19 rates lower than expected due to public health measures: experts Probably it's more than really due to their gross miscalculations that they come up with in order to scare people into compliance, rather than "public health measures".  I'm not saying that it's because people were scared into compliance, rather what I'm saying is that they grossly miscalculated on purpose, so that they could say that it's because of their measures and not because they purposely miscalculated things.

'People will suffer and will die': Emergency doctor says some health triage has begun There's no excuse for that, considering that the military could and did set up MASH tents in parking lots in Ontario, so what's wrong with them doing that there in Edmonton? This is just total BS. That's what that is and the families of those who've been put at the back of the line or refused treatment altogether on account of this should SUE THE MOTHER F'N ALBERTA GOV'T'S ASH OFF! That's what should happen, considering every citizen in Canada pays medicare dues and is entitled to medical care. PERIOD END OF F'N STORY!!!!!!!!

Shortages spur Costco to restrict some purchases in wake of Delta I wasn't aware that we were through with the Delta variant. I thought it was still circulating out there. So isn't it a little premature to declare a wake for Delta? 

How Young People’s Social Anxiety Has Worsened in the Pandemic Because people take their cues from others. So if other people in their milieu and those in the media are displaying anxiety or trying to create anxiety (as in news anchors trying to cause their viewers to become anxious about things - by their tones and demeanors and even the words they use), then more malleable minds pick up on things like that and figure they should be anxious too. Because after all, all the other people that they trust and rely on to tell them the truth seem to be anxious about things too, so they figure that that's the way they ought to be as well, whether they have anything to be actually be anxious about or not. 

Harvard Business School Moves MBA Classes Online As Covid Cases Surge  Why not? They have hundreds of their classes already online, so they already have forum and set up to do it, so why not? Plus that way they can get students from across the globe, like they're doing already with their other online courses, one of which I took not long ago.

White House thinks inflation and supply-chain woes are 'high class problems' I guess the people in the White House are just about as dumb as those in the Canadian parliament. Um duh there Joe Blow Biden.... It's the poorer people who are hurt by inflation the most as they have the least amount of money and so can't afford to pay inflationary prices. Also they are the ones to be hurt the most by supply chain woes, as they can't and never could afford to buy in bulk, so they're the least likely to be the ones who have hoards of food and toilet paper socked away somewhere, until the rich beitches who have their own walk in fridges and freezers and pantries stocked with food to the tops. I mean what kind of idiot do you have to be to work at the White House anyhow? The kind that we have working at the Cdn Parliament? Ones who can't think and chew gum at the same time? 

‘Everything Has Gone Sky High’: From Groceries To Gas, Prices Skyrocketing And Could Get Worse I wonder if all these shortages and inflation aren't planned and a part of the UN's Common Agenda.... Because it seems awfully weird to me, that all of sudden there are no more truckers when we had truckers who were constantly trucking goods around during the plandemic lockdowns and border closures and even restaurant shutdowns (and the truckers saying how hard it was to get meals and use washrooms etc... with the restaurants being closed). They kept trucking and delivering stuff all through those hardships and now suddenly we don't have any more truckers? Really? Or is that just a load of BS we're being fed, as an excuse to raise the prices on everything? To bleed those of us who didn't die, to death financially, to make the rich even richer? And starve the useless eaters to death? Is that the gimmick here, now? Just wondering, because I find it incredulous to think that we had all those truckers facing all those conditions and they kept on truckin' for them to quit now that things are better. where the borders are actually open and so are the restaurants and their washrooms. Yeah there were plant shutdowns due to covid outbreaks, but those shutdowns didn't last forever and they resumed work as soon as the outbreak was over. So what's their excuse for lack of product now? And why is there such a great electronic chip shortage anyhow? That was never explained as far as I know. Besides that most truckers own their own rigs and have contracts with various companies to ship their products to wherever. So unless they defaulted on their loans on their rigs they still own those rigs and probably those contracts are still valid. Ergo, there's still truckers hauling merchandise and more than we think. So, I think that's another load of BS we're being fed here.
Newly Discovered Bat Viruses Give Hints to Covid’s Origins  Would that be in a Wuhan Lab? Because if it's not then the hints are leading you astray.

Calls for change as shoplifting skyrockets in NYC Another side effect of the plandemic... Desperation causing shoplifting.

COVID-19 testing requirement still in effect for Canadians travelling to the U.S., Freeland confirms I was discussing this very topic with my friend while we played backgammon this afteroon. She said that she loves travelling but this PCR test is what's putting her off going anywhere, because it has to be done before coming back into the country and here & in the US it's $200 per person. She said she didn't know if they even had those tests or how much they would cost in the countries where she likes to go, which is Mexico and Cuba, so didn't dare go. I said, how come the Cdn gov't is forcing double vaccinated Cdns to take those tests but we don't force double vaccinated foreigners who are coming to Canada to take them? 



New Navy Guidance Will Discharge Sailors Refusing COVID-19 Vaccination Without Exemption When the US sees their armed forces dwindling, that'll make them sit up and take notice, maybe causing them to regret forcing people to do things against their will. 


The pandemic made crossing the street much safer for frogs hehehe... Well I definitely know of one frog that got help crossing the street. Our neighbour found a frog on his property and decided to bring it over to our backyard and release it in the brook behind our house. Otherwise on the other side of the street he had the St. Lawrence river to be released in and nothing and nobody should be released in that cesspool.


Turkey Farmers Say Shortage Of Workers Will Delay Production It must've been the same situation here, because we were able to find a turkey but our neighbours weren't able to find even pieces of turkey for Thanksgiving. So we celebrated our Thanksgiving on the Sunday with our son & his wife with a complete turkey dinner, and then the next day actual Thanksgiving day we took some turkey, lettuce, sliced tomatoes and bacon over to our neighbours and we had toasted club sandwiches with them on Thanksgiving. We left the rest of the turkey that we brought over there for them to have turkey the following night if they wanted. We still had some left that I froze, for later. But no one except us (that I know of anyhow) were able to find turkey this year. There was plenty of ham to go around though. Huge ones at that.

Wanted temporarily in post-Brexit Britain: 800 foreign butchers to slaughter some 120,000 pigs Apparently that's not only an awful, stinky job, but a dangerous one as well.



As many as 10 deaths feared in 'significant' COVID-19 outbreak at Burnaby care home It looks like they didn't learn a damned thing from the 1st go around with this virus. Talk about slow learners. Or is it just callousness and carelessness going on here?


Remote work revolution: 1 in 6 will quit their job if they can’t continue working from home I wouldn't doubt it. I know when my kids were young, I would've loved to work from home if I could've. It would've saved me the cost of baby sitting fees, the cost of work clothes and make up and lunches not to mention commute time and costs associated with that. So yeah I'd have loved the option to work from home. Unfortunately during my working years, that was just a pie in the sky dream, like the paperless society was going to be because of the revolutionary desktop computer. But nothing ever pans out like the futurists predict it will until eons later.

Social distancing indoors not enough to prevent COVID-19 exposure And here we have stadiums full of people sitting shoulder to shoulder at sports matches. Yeah all of those attending are supposed to be fully vaccinated (but are they all? after all some are using fake vaccine passports apparently). But even if they are all fully vaccinated, a lot of people in the hospital are fully vaccinated and carry and spread the virus on top of that.

The stock market is undergoing a slow motion deterioration with pockets of shares down 20% or more At least that was the case on September 16th when this report was written.

'I want to see the Premier of Alberta prosecuted’: Canadians stunned as Kenney refuses to apologize for easing COVID-19 restrictions I want to see ALL of the leaders across the country (provincial and federal) who were in charge when the plandemic hit and who are currently in charge - along with all the so called health ministers prosecuted for crimes against humanity! Everyone of them were criminally negligent causing mass genocide and senicide. As much as I despise Legault we do have to be a little more lenient on him and Ford as they're the only two politicians in this entire country that had the brains and courage to start to close borders and schools etc... Otherwise the rest of the nitwits across the country were happy to let things be and continue on as per usual. That includes the biggest idiot there is, Mr. Dressup the Dunce & all his cohorts, because they didn't want to offend the Chinese (who incidentally had no problems whatsoever offending us).

Goodbye Pfizer, hello Comirnaty: top COVID-19 vaccines renamed in Canada What's the purpose of that, I wonder? Just to confuse things even more? Is that it? I mean I really don't see the need for this at all, it just makes things more confusing.


Family obituary blames unvaccinated people for their mom’s death: ‘The cost was her life’  I don't wish to seem callous here, but if you read the story you'll realize it was "mom's" fault she contracted the virus and thus died, not anyone else's, as per this quote from the story right here:

“She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be. The cost was her life,” it added.

Ayers’s family said she caught Covid in July when she went to visit an unvaccinated friend, whose husband had died from Covid.

Now if you read that the way I did, where it says SHE WENT to visit an UNVACCINATED  FRIEND WHOSE HUSBAND HAD DIED FROM COVID. So since they were friend she must've known her friend wasn't vaccinated and that the friend's husband died from Covid but SHE CHOSE TO GO VISIT HER DESPITE THAT and probably also being aware of "breakthrough infections". So it was her own fault, not the other person's fault. She may have invited her to come visit, but the other one could've turned her down, but she didn't. She went anyhow. 

But then again the media and medical establishment has been lying to us telling us how great the vaccines are and that they cut down on serious illness and death and try to play down the deaths of the fully vaccinated or just not report them altogether. But you have to realize that when they release the figures saying xxxx infections reported, xxx hospitalizations and xx% unvaccinated then that means the remainder were vaccinated (so do the math to figure out how many that is). Then if they report the deaths and specify how many were vaccinated or not, then you get the picture.... Proving that the vaccinations don't really work all that well. So if that's the case, you don't go expose yourself to the risk of getting it unnecessarily like she did, fully vaccinated or not. It's as simple as that.  

As world leaders gather in New York for U.N. General Assembly, a vaccine mandate creates confusion and dissent 

1 in 3 COVID-19 patients suffer from long COVID, a CDC study of Long Beach residents finds 

Hawaii told tourists to stay away. Did they listen? 

Facebook deletes accounts of German anti-lockdown group But they don't delete accounts of murderers, rapists and pedophiles who post videos of their horrific crimes on their sites. 

Italy to Impose Strict Covid-19 Health Pass for All Workers 

24 states threaten legal action over Biden's vaccine mandate 

660,000 white flags and climbing: This artist shows what America’s COVID-19 death toll looks like

Fed Chief Powell, other officials owned securities central bank bought during Covid pandemic Crooks and thieves r us.... It must be nice to be in charge of certain institutions that have insider knowledge about things and control things, so they know what's going on now and what's planned and how much things are while the price is still good before it goes up down or sideways. Plum jobs to use their knowledge and authority to make a financial killing. And we wonder why and how those clowns got to be so rich.... Well wonder no more folks.

Health Ministry chief says coronavirus spread reaching record heights So much for having most of your population fully vaccinated, then I guess. Huh?

World’s Wealthiest Families Gained $312 Billion Over Past Year The only thing surprising here is that the figure isn't higher than that.

Companies are Getting Rid of Drug Tests Because They Can’t Find Enough Workers Don't worry, once they've found enough workers those tests will suddenly make a come back.

Grim Milestone, Florida Surpasses 50,000 Deaths From COVID-19 Since Start Of Pandemic

COVID-19 is evolving, ‘getting better’ at becoming an airborne virus 

Vaccine nasal sprays aim to 'shut door' on virus That would be good. Any vaccine that can "shut the door" on the virus and prevent you from getting it at all ever, would be awesome, nasal spray or not. But a lot of people who are afraid of needles might be more willing to get that vaccine than the standard injected doses.

Rikers Island jail spirals into chaos amid pandemic

6 lions, 3 tigers at Smithsonian National Zoo being treated for COVID-19  Awwww poor kitties. I hope they get better soon.

Bride-to-Be, 29, Who Was Fearful of Getting Vaccinated Dies of COVID: 'Misinformation Killed Her'

Tourists from Texas assault hostess who asked them for vaccination proof, NYC cops say Honestly, I don't know where some people get off. Geez if you don't like it there, leave. No one said you had to absolutely go to that restaurant or any restaurant for that matter. Tourist or not. If you can't get into restaurants because you don't have the required documents maybe you can get into grocery stores. Cooking facilities in your accommodations or not, there's always things like instant oatmeal that can be made with hot water from a tap, instant coffee that can be made the same way, coffee mate to replace the dairy products that need refrigeration, bread, butter, jam, peanut butter, cold cuts and things to make salads with. So you won't go hungry, documents or not, cooking facilities or not. Use a little imagination and ingenuity instead of thinking because you're a tourist you have a right to go into a restaurant regardless of your vaccination status and proof thereof. Just count yourself lucky that you were able to travel from Texas to NY and find accommodations that accepted you along the way. I really can't stand people like that. It doesn't matter what your stance is on the vaccination and mask issues, because you are free to refuse or go along with the regulations as you wish, but if some place has implemented the law/rules about those issues and you don't agree with them, you don't have to go there, go somewhere else or find some other means of getting some food into yourselves. And stop behaving like self-entitled jerks.

NYC enforcing proof of vax for indoor activities

Jason Kenney on why he brought in vaccine passports for Alberta: 'We just ran out of options'  

O'Toole refuses to say whether Kenney got it wrong on COVID-19 management  O'Toole is another jack ash and as much as I hate the imbecile in power now, I think I'd have hated having this jack ash at the helm even more. So I'm glad he didn't win the election. He's no where near as popular as Andrew Scheer was and Andrew stepped down when he didn't win the election, this clown doesn't have the decency nor the brains to do that, even though he should.

Health officials report COVID-19-related death of child under 10 in Ontario's Waterloo Region

Voters could see longer wait at polls amid COVID-19, staff shortage: Elections Canada And they did, especially at a lot of Ontario polling stations. There were people still in line long after the polls were supposed to close, but because of the situation they kept the polls open so everyone in line got to vote.

Frustrated with the process, some electors give up hope of voting by mail

Life and death: What critical-care triage could mean in Alberta ICUs 

Canada must 'learn from' the pandemic crisis in parts of the West, Tam says The witch doctor who's supposed to be in charge of our public health, wants us to learn and figure out what to do, on our own as she's too stupid to figure it out herself and tell us what we should do.

Mandatory masks for N.L. coming back at midnight tonight The more time goes by the worse things seems to be getting even in places where they were relatively free of the plandemic.

Back to work: Recent retiree job hunting as pension, government benefits come up short As it says in here, a lot of seniors were hurt financially by the plandemic as well among several other factors and that politicians who will have lucrative indexed pensions when they retire have no idea what the average senior is up against with the piddly amounts of pensions they have to survive on. And they hope that the govt will address this problem. (That I'll believe when I see it - but then again some miracles do happen considering the large amount of money the QC gov't allocated for the homeless housing and other programs to help them and women's shelters recently). So you just never know - but I  won't be holding my breath that's for sure.

N.L. to make vaccine passports mandatory for recreation, reporting 4 new cases of COVID-19 Gawd, I wish I had a nickel for every gov't and organization that decided to implement the passport idea for this - using it exactly as I prescribed, I'd be rich now. Since I'm first and only one I know of who talked about passports to allow naturally immune people (those who had the virus and recovered) out of lockdown and into society to do things and to work as per normal and to live normal lives. They didn't do that then, instead they're using the passport as the carrot to dangle over everyone's heads to goad them into getting vaccinated. Since it was my idea and I was the first to mention it, in writing online, that means it's copyrighted. So if it's copyrighted I can sue everyone who stole my idea to use - but as they're all gov'ts I'm likely to go broke and be living on the streets before I see anything from those lawsuits.

Another Quebec ER had to shut down because of a lack of nurses, who are exhausted Oh those beitches in that horse hospital are always tired, rude, nasty and just plain beitches anytime and all the time. I freaking hate that hospital with a passion. Yet that's where the ambulance always carts us off to everytime we call for an ambulance, even though there's another hospital that's much closer with decent nice nurses who are also over worked but at least they remain civilized and polite with their patients unlike the beitches at that place. I almost got into a physical fight with one little c__t because she was telling me I had to do all of her work - as she was looking after my husband. She didn't even know if I had any nursing experience or not, she was just throwing things at me and telling me here attach those, wash that area (where the electrodes were to be put), turn that machine on (it was a machine that only came into use after I left the profession so I didn't even know what it was for let alone how to turn it on). I told her, I'm not the nurse here you are, you do it, after all you're being paid for it as it's YOUR JOB NOT MINE and that's when she threw a dirty towel in my face and my gawd I was ready to lambast her one in the face when she did that when my husband basically yelled at me to stop. I told him to tell  her in French joial (French slang) to do her f'n job and stop being such a beitche. He wouldn't, he just wanted to yell at me. Later on when I asked him why he was like that with me as he was right there and saw all the sheite she pulled, he said because he didn't want her to take it out on him, if I punched her in the face and then he'd have to physically stop her himself  if she tried to take it out on him, (even for his age he's still massively strong and could literally break her arm with one hand if he had to try to restrain her and she kept trying despite that) and he didn't want to have to do that as he was already in pain. So it was easier to yell at me and tell me to stop then to fix the c__t's attitude and ash. So I hope that ER IS ALWAYS SHUT DOWN SO NO AMBULANCES EVER TAKE  US THERE AGAIN!!!!!!  I hope the whole hospital gets shut down and it couldn't happen too soon either. That's one of the ones peg legged Pete Bouchard missed when he went on his close all the hospitals rampage back in the 90s. 

18 new COVID-19 cases reported Friday

If you attended this Greater Sudbury bush party you may have been exposed to COVID-19 

GTA These health-care workers have informed thousands of patients they have COVID-19. Why breaking the news is different in the fourth wave

COVID-19 vaccine rollout costing Ottawa Public Health, city of Ottawa millions of dollars 

Montreal-area man who died of COVID-19 at 39 was unvaccinated, but had just booked his first dose

Quebec reports 782 more COVID-19 cases, as total number of infections surpasses 400,000 

Watch the timelapse showing the spread of COVID-19 cases in Canada and the U.S.

Dining out, salons, gyms and more: COVID-19 restrictions by province and territory 

Coronavirus outbreak in Fujian poses fresh threat to China’s troubled travel market Anything that poses a threat to China in any way, shape or form is good, as far as I'm concerned. I know they released the 2 Michaels, but ever since they took them and refused our goods in trade etc, and after they released this virus on the world, I have no use for them. Anything that can hurt that country and gov't is fine by me.

Big gap between Pfizer, Moderna vaccines seen for preventing COVID hospitalizations This is what I've been saying. 

Pfizer and Moderna have revealed the way they're tracking how long vaccine protection lasts

Ontario health minister calls death of child under 10 in Waterloo Region due to COVID-19 'tragic situation'  That's for sure. 

California couple dies of covid, leaving five kids behind. Their newborn is three weeks old.  Now that's sad.

Australian police clash with anti-lockdown protesters, arrest nearly 270 People are just totally fed up and tired of this sheite.

The Covid Crisis Is Now a Garbage Crisis, Too

U.S. administers about 384 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines - CDC 

N.S. premier tells people who protested at public health doctor's home to 'grow up'

Majority of Quebecers support mandatory health-care worker vaccination: Leger poll 

Devastation is unreal': What life is like when a loved one dies of COVID and some still doubt

Making fun of anti-vaxxers who died of COVID-19 is a dark indication that we've all surrendered to the disease Well I don't know about "all", as I find it hard to make fun of people who die, unless they're maybe a mortal enemy of mine, then maybe, but otherwise I find it sick and cruel to their loved ones who remain. I guess none of those people who do that, ever heard to never speak ill of the dead. Huh? It's just good manners. But then again now-a-days good manners is a rareity at best if there's any displayed anywhere at all. Most people seem to be nothing but rude ignoramuses. So this would be the type of behaviour they'd display and think it was cute or funny or something.

Anyhow, that's about it for now.... There's more headlines coming up soon. Until then take care and stay well.









Saturday, June 6, 2020

Is Coronavirus

Coming or Going?

June 5, 2020

I'm getting more  confused than ever over this pandemic now. There's so many mixed signals from everywhere, it's hard to know if the virus is coming or going? Is it gaining strength and causing more infections like it seems to be doing in some cases, or is it weakening and going away as some scientists suggest? The signals in the news coming from all sides: doctors, scientists, politicians, schools, hospitals etc seems to be in one big massive conflict. 

Personally, I believe like I have all along.... that most of us have already had it back in late December and early January when we thought we had the flu or a weird cold or something and thus most of us are already immune to it. That's what I believe. I believe the authorities know that as well.  

I believe the lockdown was imposed for some other reason (probably for the massive tranfer of wealth that occurred during the lockdown - as per an article I'll be posting in this message). I also believe they wanted to do away with as many people as they can - due to over population reasons, so the sick and elderly (who else? - they're always the targets) along with some ethnic groups (as per another article I shall post here) were targetted to be done away with via this virus. 

I know for a fact that the way they handled the whole lockdown thing was patently wrong. I'm sure most of the medical officers world wide knew that too, but they were told to shut up  and sit down and let the politicians handle the whole thing.  Because there was a total global concerted effort to close the borders down all at the same time and the same measures were taken amongst most countries at the same time too. You couldn't get any more collusion than that if you tried. 

So whatever this is, it's political more than it has to do with health, as you will also see some of the doctors and scientists intimating in some of the following stories too. 

As I'm sick and tired of the gloom and doom and outright lies and BS surrounding this pandemic, I am going to inject some fun and interest in this post as well, by providing links to fun music videos, interesting books with information in it you can use to protect yourself or to save money or maybe for the upcoming relockdown we're all about experience in a few weeks time. But I promise you it will all be COVID19 or lockdown related. No going off on tangents to visit Disneyland virtually this time.  We're going to stay right here and figure out what's going on and how to cope with it. If that's at all possible.

So to start off....

The Essential Guide To - Issue 21 - Storecupboard cooking - May 2020  Or you can download that PDF book or magazine about cooking with items found in your pantry - perfect for quarantine cooking.

Blue Ribbon Canning: Award-Winning Recipes Another book to help you preserve your food without taking up freezer space.

Taste of Home Jams, Jellies, Pickles & More an epub book to help you conserve your food.

15 Easy Canned Chicken Recipes To Make When You Need To Cut Down On Prep Time  If the only protein in your house is in the form of chicken in a can in your pantry and other than make chicken salad sandwiches with it, you have no clue what else to do with it, this link might help.

Flourless Dessert Recipes That Will Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth If you ran out of flour during lockdown but still want dessert anyhow, maybe the suggestions found here will help.

30 Smart Ways to Turn a Can of Chickpeas into Dinner Thankfully, I'm  no where near that desperate yet, as I can't stand chickpeas, but perhaps others reading this post likes them but are tired of the same old recipes they have for them and would like new ones. Perhaps this post will take care of that problem for you.

20 Recipes Worth Making During Quarantine More recipes for you to try out if you haven't already. 

Recipes you can make with stale bread  As the old depression era saying goes "waste not want not", so here's a few ways to make use of that old stale bread, so you don't have to throw it out. My husband takes our stale bread and grinds it up with a meat grinder to make bread crumbs with.  I have never bought bread crumbs as a result of that.

The Sound of Sirens (Sound of Silence Lockdown Parody) This is a well done parody of one of my all time favourite Simon & Garfunkel songs. I hope you like it as much as I do.

Hello (from the Inside) An Adele Parody by Chris Mann Another lockdown parody that's well done too. 

Okay we'll have more fun later, right now we've got to get back to "serious business" as far as this plandemic goes.

The authors of a massive study on the use of the antimalarial medication hydroxychloroquine in coronavirus patients published in the medical journal The Lancet retracted it on Thursday.
Initially published in May, the study had found that the treatments didn't appear to help patients hospitalized with the novel coronavirus and instead were associated with heart complications and an increased risk of death.
But in the weeks since the study was published, scientists have been raising questions about the paper's statistical analysis and integrity of the data, which are held by a US company called Surgisphere.
Initially, editors at The Lancet issued an "Expression of Concern," saying that serious scientific questions had been raised.
Some of the study's authors launched an independent third party peer review of the data used in the study, but said that Surgisphere wouldn't transfer over the full dataset.
"Based on this development, we can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources," the authors wrote on Thursday.

So all I'd like to know is what the Surgisphere company is so afraid of? And why they won't had the data back over for further study? Do they have their own agenda for not wanting that medication to work, or what?  That's what I'd like to know.

Reopening schools completely will not cause second coronavirus wave, new research says I don't know there's a recent article to do with a school here in QC, that seems to be doing just that....

India's urban COVID-19 outbreak is morphing into a rural health crisis

Update: How COVID-19 fatalities in the US compare to the country's worst flu seasons As you can see by this story the alarm about this virus might've been a bit overboard. As I've been saying.

USDA confirms that Winston the pug, believed to be first dog with coronavirus, was never infected  Phew that's a relief! Now we don't have to worry about our pets so much anymore. I know my son will be happy to hear this.

UK loses faith in government over virus: poll It's a wonder most people everywhere haven't lost faith in their governments over the handling of this virus.

Blood pressure drugs linked to lower COVID-19 mortality: study So continue taking your medication, despite earlier reports that seemed to blame blood pressure drugs for the severeity in some COVID patients.

'Every day looks absolutely wild': the chaos of teaching during a pandemic   I'm sure my son, who also teaches courses online to adults would agree with this article. He's told me that it makes it a lot more time consuming and complicated to teach online than in class.

The WHO is reopening its study of hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus treatment — but whether the drug works is still in question

The CDC Waited 'Its Entire Existence for This Moment.' What Went Wrong? They failed not only the US but the entire North American continent.

The UK just reported more COVID-19 deaths in one day than the whole of the EU combined Like I said, coming or going?

After coronavirus, another hidden respiratory disease lurks in the buildings we left behind  That's why it's a good idea to have maintenance and cleaning crews go in and fix, tune up and clean up before starting up again.

Coronavirus could 'wipe out' thousands of people from indigenous tribes in the Amazon I'm pretty sure we can say the same about indigenous tribes everywhere and not just in the Amazon.

COVID-19 anti-vaxxers would 'let the disease continue to kill people', Bill Gates warns  Bill Gates would let his vaccines continue to kill people instead. That's what he'd prefer, because that way he gets paid for each dose of lethal, misscarriage causing vaccine he sells to some poor country. I wouldn't buy anything that Bill Gates was near, if it went in my body somehow. I mean I wouldn't even buy a bubble gum if he owned a bubble gum machine dispensing company. (Meaning he didn't make the gum but he handled it, so there's no telling what he did or didn't do to it, so I just wouldn't trust it).

COVID-19 in Canada: Ford wants more funds from Trudeau, PM offers $14B to help Canadian provinces

Almost an entire class of students caught coronavirus at a Trois-Rivières school

Coronavirus and poverty: Is there a link?  Well considering they live in closer cramped quarters than others, work at jobs that mostly didn't shut down at all, and so were in contact with the general public from the beginning, I'm going to hazard a guess and say yes.

Coronavirus: Rumours, fear and rising Covid deaths in Pakistan 

Coronavirus: WHO advises to wear masks in public areas  Ummmm duh..... I've been saying this since we first heard about it in January but I was told I was crazy and to shut up. I mean just washing your hands and nothing else didn't make sense to me, considering it is a respiratory disease. We don't breathe, cough or sneeze with our hands, but we do with our noses and mouths. So now that I've given up on even listening to any of these half baked bozos, and only now, they're saying wear a mask. I was wearing one before - maybe when it counted the most - as there were more cases going around, but again I believe I already had it and am immune. Anyhow I've given up wearing them now because the surgical masks and homemade masks are totally useless to anyone, so I don't see the point of wearing them and I only have a couple N95 masks left and we each have a P100 mask with changeable filters, but those are big heavy rubber monsters of masks that I would hate to wear in the summertime.  So unless it's mandated by law saying we have to wear a mask, I won't.

Coronavirus: AstraZeneca to begin making potential vaccine 
Since Bill Gates has his hand in this, I shant be getting this vaccine. I think I'll wait for the one in Canada to be made if I get one at all.

The rise of the pandemic-era 'gap year'  The pandemic seems to be messing with everyone's lives and all facets of them too.

'Senseless' and 'wrong': North Carolina mayor condemns police destruction of medics' tent From what I've seen of the cops actions in the US lately this doesn't surprise me. They all seem to be senseless lying murdering thugs, or what some might call hypocrites or chickens and others might call anti-racist. Given the clashes between the public and the cops I'm not sure what I'd call them, because there's as much of a chance they are anti-racists as they're chicken and so kow-tow to the crowd and kneel. Or maybe it's somewhere inbetween, where they can't stomach going draconian, authoritarian on their own people.

A coronavirus vaccine could require you to get two shots. Here's why.

Experts warn large protests may 'become breeding grounds' for the coronavirus  Of course, that's precisely what will happen.

Time to stock your medicine cabinet for the pandemic Stock up on non perishables as well. Get whatever you need done, done. Like say car or appliance repairs, hair cuts, dental work and buy those things you realize you should've had during the last lockdown but didn't. If you want a pet, get one now. In general use this month to prepare for the next lockdown because it's coming whether you like it or not.

Ex-MI6 boss says coronavirus likely engineered in Wuhan lab We've known this all along but every now and then someone denies it and then someone else reaffirms it.

People across income levels report struggles to pay bills during pandemic  This doesn't surprise me either because it seems that no one today no matter their income level knows how to live within their means and almost all have extended their credit right up to it's maximum.

Nearly one in five say coronavirus has caused financial hardship 

Ready to work, trade school students face adversity during COVID pandemic This pandemic just loves throwing monkey wrenches into everyone's plans.

Quebec must explain which COVID-19 patients get priority before second wave: disability advocates Medical ethicists have always put priority on the younger and stronger than the older or otherwise infirm.

As COVID-19 stress builds, study warns of potential spike in suicides 
Those needing helping can find help lines at the following link:  Canadian Crisis Centres

'This is a public record': These are the pandemic moments Canadians are documenting   Taken from pictures people are posting or providing to the media.

'One of the most dangerous jobs in the world': COVID-19 kills more than 600 nurses  It's about time it was recognized as such.

Jim Cramer: The pandemic led to 'one of the greatest wealth transfers in history'  This was one of the main purposes of the global lockdowns.

Hart Island burials soar during coronavirus pandemic

Jolene Lockdown Parody   Another great parody with a darker side - spousal cheating, and threatening abuse or worse.

Singapore plans wearable virus-tracing device for all  What comes next? An implantable chip so you can not only keep track of where they go and who they see, but also what they say and do too?

Gang disguised as Covid-19 doctors in white coats 'rob pensioners in supermarket'  Of course they're going after the seniors who already have the least amount of gov't help possible compared to what everyone else gets.

U.S. Nursing Home Population Shrank Roughly 10% This Year I think this probably has a lot more to do with the coronavirus deaths than shrinking admissions to those homes.

Coronavirus appears to be declining in potency and people are contracting it less easily, US doctors reveal  Another coming or going story....

‘Respect them’: Even in wealthy areas, food bank demand high Maybe if they sold some of their more expensive toys they'd be able to afford to feed themselves. I'm sorry but when I see wealthy people bumming for food that just reminds me of a millionaire I knew who took his 3 kids to McDonalds and bought 1 coke and put 3 straws in it and made them share it. Some of them are so cheap they squeak and if they can find a free meal they will. Like that millionaire told me..... He didn't get to be a millionaire by spending his money - he got to be one by saving it any which way he could. So it wouldn't be beneath his dignity to go to a food bank, nor for a lot of his friends either.

A Nobel Prize-winning economist is warning that Friday's seemingly encouraging job report is actually alarming. This is why.

The original Sars virus disappeared – here's why coronavirus won’t do the same I know I didn't get SARS and so I have no antibodies to that either, but still it ran it's course and it's gone.

24-year-old migrant worker in critical condition with COVID-19 Hiring Canadian students to do these jobs could've prevented that.

South Africa's COVID-19 cases rise and president worries about Cape Town region

We are the World (2020) | Together At Home Edition by Channel Aid, KHS & YouTube Artists

Coronavirus: Matt Hancock urges Britons not to attend George Floyd protests over COVID-19 fears

Dental hygienists worry about COVID-19 safety guidelines as clinics get set to reopen  I know I'm going to have to see one soon.

Despite global reopening push, some jobs are gone for good It's just sad, that those in the most dire poverty are getting hit the hardest and they're losing their jobs.

National unemployment rate hits new record even as economy adds jobs

Know Your Rights: How To Film Police Safely And Legally In Canada  This might have more to do with if you're in a rally or riot and want to film cops actions, but again given the exorbitant cost of those physically distancing tickets they love to hand out to anyone and everyone, it might also apply here as well. But in any case, it's good for everyone to know, because I know that cops actually deleted some photos I had on a digital camera years ago, because I witnessed something and took incriminating pictures that they didn't like. I didn't know until just now that they weren't allowed to do that.

Ontario considering Stage 2 of reopening despite steady stream of new COVID-19 cases More mixed messages & confusion

Unmasking the stealth virus behind COVID-19

Sask. man says province shouldn't be clawing back disability payments for people on CERB Like I said above, it's always the poorest that gets hurt the worst. I swear after having gotten a measly $65 a month disability cheque for years, I'd just like for the gov't official that thought that was sufficient be forced to live on that just for one month to find out how "sufficient" it really is. Now if I were still getting that and got CERB but they clawed back my disability, I'd be totally flabbergasted that they could be that petty and mean. They were already petty & mean enough with me as it was, forcing me to drive 15 kms to see them and back every 2 days when gas was in the $1.50 a litre price range, because they were dicking me around pretending they would pay for glasses for me, when all they wanted to do was harass the daylights out of me. Finally, one afternoon my "agent" called and asked me why I didn't go in to see him that day and I asked him point blank that if I had've would he have signed off on my glasses I need and he said "no" and I said well gas isn't free, if you want to see m that badly start paying for my gas to go there and back all the time. He said no, so I said no well I'm not going in then and you can sit on the big $65 you give me and spin if you want to. I don't give a F, because right now you're costing me that much to go see you every 2nd day for nothing. So yeah they can be mean, nasty, nitpicking and just plain cruel when they want to be and I think any one of them treating someone who's already disabled (like as if they think we did it to ourselves, so we could sit home and collect that big whoopdie do amount of $65 a month, or that it's somehow fun to be disabled and in pain a lot of the time) the way they do, should have to endure the same treatment & amount they're doling out for at least a year, to see if they can take it themselves. I'd be surprise if the jerk that was my agent would even be able to last a half a day on what he gave me.

What might K-12 schools look like in the fall? Depends where you are, educators say

Swimming at Ottawa beaches to resume in July

N.S. and Ottawa roll out program to help farmers cope with COVID-19

Covid-19 strands merchant mariners for months

Yarmouth ferry won't run if it puts Nova Scotians at risk, minister says  Since I grew up on the route that went from Yarmouth to Halifax and knowing how vital to the economy those cars and trucks coming off those ferries were to the communities along the way (they'd stop for gas, food, ice cream, a roadside veggies stands, stay in motels, etc... especially those coming off the 3pm ferry), I have to wonder what kind of risk he's talking about? The risk of making a living and earning money or the risk of catching the non-existant virus?

Shelburne harbour wants to again welcome foreign ships into Canada This however the minister can worry about if he wishes, with no problem.

Rapid testing will be 'crucial' for Canada's return to normalcy  This should've been obvious from the start when they were telling people they couldn't get tested unless they had symptoms.

Is Covid-19 changing our relationships?

How Covid-19 is changing the world’s children

Confirmed coronavirus cases are rising faster than ever More mixed messages being sent.... Coronavirus cases are rising faster than ever but it's okay to reopen, go back to school and do other things out of lockdown.

Peruvians cry out for oxygen as coronavirus takes its toll

Since Covid-19 shut his business, he's made more than 500 shopping trips for senior citizens

Mexico records more coronavirus deaths in a day than in United States

New data again suggests Russia's coronavirus deaths are higher than its official count

Montreal Is Getting A Giant New Drive-In Theatre This Summer That'll be something different to see in that location. Wondering if the noise from the Decarie Expressway will detract from the movie soundtracks.

Pierrefonds-Roxboro Public Pools Closed for Summer 2020 That just doesn't seem to be very wise or fair to the population.

Drive-in movies coming to Dorval this weekend Even Dorval is getting their own drive-in theatre. I certainly hope it's far enough away from the landing & take off runways and out of the incoming and outgoing corridors or they're not apt to hear much.

The May jobs report had 'misclassification error' that made the unemployment rate look lower than it is. Here's what happened

Scientists find link between COVID-19 severity and genetics  so does that mean it was bio engineered?

Black Americans dying of Covid-19 at three times the rate of white people Again I'm wondering if it was purposely bio engineered like that, as it's already been proven it was engineered in the Wuhan Lab.

Black and Asian People Are 2 to 3 Times More Likely to Die of COVID-19, U.K. Study Finds So it's not just a certain blood type or Blacks, but also Asians as well.

Search eTurboNews Coronavirus risk for Asians, Africans, Caucasians revealed This article also has some very telling graphs and charts showing the differences in cases between ethnic groups.

"Stayin' Inside" - Coronavirus Bee Gees Parody

CA 0:00 / 3:36 Ray Stevens - "Quarantined" (Live on Larry's Country Diner, 2020) If you remember Ray Stevens of the Guitarzan song and Bridget the Midget along with a lot of his other funny songs, and liked them, you'll like this one as well. Enjoy.