Showing posts with label updated boosters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label updated boosters. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2022

Things Seem to be Getting Worse, Not Better, and We're Definitely Nowhere Near the End of this Plandemic Caused by....

 Covid 19


July 15, 2022

Happy Birthday Steph! 

I chose this picture from Pixabay today, to represent what this virus is all about. In more ways than one too. First it has affected the global economies badly, the repercussions of which we're starting to feel now. Second it's been a giant money maker for all the companies who made vaccines, and PPEs and other supplies that are Covid related (body bags maybe, syringes, cotton swabs, alcohol swabs, etc...). Not to mention it was planned to use this plandemic to introduce digital currencies or is that one single digital currency world wide? So in it's entirety it all revolves around money. Money made  treating the disease for the hospitals, money made protecting ourselves from the disease (as in vaccines and PPEs), money made via share dividend payouts, and the future of money. Money lost due to the plandemic, more than likely having been incurred by forced lockdowns, shutdowns of various types of businesses and curfews. Most lost directly from loss of business but also lost now, due to the lockdowns having caused massive shortages and backlogs, so that if you want anything from those shortages & backlogs now it's going to cost you a pretty penny to get and not what it should cost.  Affecting everything from basics like food & clothes to furniture and cars and everything inbetween.
I believe MOST if not ALL of this was planned in advance. I mean you can't tell me that there's not one single economist out there that couldn't foresee what all the machinations they had planned would do to our economies and thereby warn the supposedly well intentioned  national leaders about it, so they would be able to circumvent and prevent the fallout of it in their own countries or maybe together, globally. For those economist to not have warned them is due to the same reasons all the scientists and doctors who didn't go along with the BS lines of the wanna-be power hungry dictators, weren't heard either, I'm sure. They were silenced by those wanna-be dictators, probably, - so no doubt the economists who saw this coming and could've recommended ways to stop it, were prevented from doing so.
 Because like I believe - like a guest on Jeff Rense's talk show once said, the elite are siphoning the wealth off all the lower classes. And a previous event (not sure if it was 9/11 or the 2008 collapse) had already siphoned a lot of it off, but there was yet another shoe to drop and that one would be designed to siphon the rest of it off. I believe that that's what this was about, considering the Event 201 held by Bill Gates and the World ECONOMIC Forum (not the World HEALTH Organization but ECONOMIC Forum) that talked about such a pandemic and how to handle it JUST BEFORE THIS VIRUS GOT LOOSE FROM A LAB IN THE SAME CITY WHERE THAT EVENT WAS HELD. Maybe some of that Event 201 wasn't recorded and it was just talked about in that room with that cabal of money grubbers.  Maybe the ways to siphon the remaining wealth off were discussed in private then and there and used and abused to their benefits ever since.
I wouldn't doubt that the vaccine manufacturers (and their supporters - like all the shareholders, and companies that make things for the vaccines - like packaging, needles, and other products used to administer the vaccines) are secretly wishing the plandemic continues so they can continue to make money hand over fist like they've done the past couple of years. So I wouldn't doubt it if a few nefarious individuals from that group, have either suggested, encouraged financially or helped engineer new mutations of the virus, in order to keep the plandemic going and as an excuse to keep making new vaccines and give more and more booster shots. Because everytime we think it's waning, ooops a new variant appears on the scene.  That just doesn't make sense. When most other viruses appear to be waning, it's because they're on their way out, not this one, it just mutates into something else. So I have a feeling that when the vaccine manufacturers figures it's waning and on it's way out and they won't be able to sell anymore vaccines or booster shots, they just mutate some of the viral specimens they have in their labs and release it. Then it gets going again like crazy, so they're able to continue producing their vaccines and booster shots because now the public is all panicked about it again and clamouring for a booster or vaccine.
Now on with the headlines....

Ontario woman enduring effects of long COVID begins process for medically assisted death So now someone wants to use medically assisted death because of being poor???? So I guess that means that all the people living on the streets, all the people on welfare and all the people declaring bankrupcty can now be put to death because they're deemed to be too poor to live? Wow. There goes half our population right there. Is this being used as a means to start a precedent whereby we can use that medically assisted suicide to rid society of the impoverished classes because the upper classes deem them to be "useless eaters"????? If it is, we need to think of a way we can start a precedent to rid society of the stingy malevolent money grubbers, too, then. To even things out on the "useless eater scales".


COVID-19: Quebec reports 23 deaths, more than 2,000 cases A staggering increase in just 1 day - 3 days ago now.


Not Again. Another Cruise Ship Has A Major Covid-19 Outbreak What else can you expect from a floating petri dish anyhow? If it's not Covid, it would be something else, but you are going to have an outbreak of something on one of those things. It's pretty much a given.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Current Therapy Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2031: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery  This is what I was talking about in my lengthy preamble above. They actually have a synopsis dealing with investing in anything to do with COVID. Here it is. It forecasts forward to 2031, so if you want to invest long term, you might find the strategy here, to do it. I mean other than tweaking and re-releasing the virus everytime it seems to be on the wane. 

Pushing Buttons: Is it game over for gaming’s pandemic boom?  See? Apparently even the electronic game industry made a killing during the plandemic! I bet the same is true for toddler toys, and kids arts and crafts supplies too - but maybe not to the same extent as the electronic game industry. 


Covid warning over symptom of new strain that affects sufferers at night In this heat, I'm not sure I'd know the difference, whether it was caused by Covid or just by the ambient night air.

Long COVID patients going broke, traveling overseas for unproven ‘blood washing’ treatment Blood washing treatment? That's a new one on me.... Unless they're running the blood through a kidney dialysis machine, that's the only way I'm aware of that blood can be "washed". 

COVID-19 virus could be hiding in the meat in your freezer for weeks Who did or sponsored this study anyhow? PETA or a group of Vegans? The same ones that are trying to convince us that global warming is all due to cow flatulence? Wouldn't surprise me anyhow. Anyhow, whether it lurks in my meat or not, I'm still going to be eating meat.

Brace for winter lockdowns I'm positive that if Gestapo Legault gets re-elected that's exactly what we'll be facing. 

Canadian incomes went up in 2020 amid uptake of pandemic benefits: census data I didn't much of an improvement in my income in 2020.

It's unanimous: Canada's health care is crumbling, frustrated premiers agree  Really???? Ya could've fooled me! I thought according to Bozo Legault, that phoning 811 and talking to the janitor who just happened to be passing by the phone when it rang, was a great thing for our health care! Or at least that's what he says.



Blood donations desperately needed as Quebec enters 7th COVID-19 wave I encourage all those who can give blood to do so, it's always needed. I myself needed a transfusion a few years ago. I literally had only a little more than 30% of my hemoglobin left in my body by the time I got the transfusion. The doctors who saw me were all astounded that I was still alive and able to walk into the hospital under my own - albeit mostly dwindled- power. At that point I was so weak I needed help getting my medicare card out of my wallet. But things worked out in the end. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the 4.5 people who donated the blood I needed to survive.



Statement on the twelfth meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic As you can see by article 9 here the WHO IS STILL INTENT ON HAVING IT SPREAD INTERNATIONALLY. Someone or something at the WHO needs to be investigated for incompetency at the very least if not corruption.  Anyhow you can see all the other meetings since the beginning of this plandemic there too, along the right hand side. 

WHO warns Covid-19 pandemic 'nowhere near over' Of course not. It's a great cash cow for all those who have investments in it one way or the other. In fact from what I could see in a financial synopsis on how to make money investing in it, they plan for it to go on until at least 2031. Though I can promise you, I'll quit doing this blog long before then.

COVID-19: What you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic this week This is from the World ECONOMIC FORUM and their agenda for July 2022. ECONOMIC FORUM Folks. The instigators of this whole plandemic AND HOW TO MANAGE IT (INCLUDING THE MEDICAL PART OF IT - NOT THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - AS SHOULD BE THE CASE - NO - INSTEAD IT'S THE WORLD $$$$ ECONOMIC $$$$$ FORUM!!!!! This should set off several alarm bells that they actually have an "agenda" for this month of this year, considering we were all (or basically 99.99% of us uninitiated and uninformed) thinking and hoping this plandemic BS would've been over by now, and not have an actual agenda for this time period for it.
Qantas Ends Vaccine Mandate For International Flights I think this is basically the same as the previous headlines except that this is Australia's airline company and the other above is the gov't. Well at least they seem to be on the same page, unlike lots of other places in the world.

Biden administration set to extend COVID public health emergency: report I'm sure Mr. Dressup in Ottawa will follow suit. He's more like Monkey See & Monkey Do than the Monkey that does it first. Because he's too stupid to think to be able to do anything first.

Xi’s COVID authoritarianism meets red line at vaccine mandates and this is primarily why: China’s first attempt at a vaccine mandate was abruptly scrapped last week within days of it being announced by municipal officials in Beijing. The plan to stop people entering public venues without proof of vaccination sparked an outcry online, with Chinese social media users calling it an illegal cap on their freedoms and questioning how effective the vaccines are against immune-evasive variants.
The nitwits in QC meanwhile are trying to insist that even those of us who did get the vaccine shots are no longer immunized if we got them longer than 9 months ago and that we need to get them again or we'll be considered non-vaccinated. I don't give a flying F how many 9 months ago it was, I am NOT getting another one primarily for the same reason the Chinese don't want them either.
Which Coronavirus Stock Could Fetch Higher Returns? This one brought to you courtesy NASDQ. Like I said, money, money, money..... 
That's what this is all about and nothing else. Another reason I won't be getting any more shots - aside from the fact that I don't need them - because if out of the 2.5 years this plandemic has been underway my immunization was only good for 3 months (because that's basically it) - I mean our last shot was at the end of June last year - ergo 12 months ago - and out of that 9 months ago was the tops it was good for - meaning 3 months for TWO SHOTS.... Nope, uh, uh, no more. It means we were only protected for all of 3 months out of the whole 2.5 year period? Because that's what it boils down to. So I think we've done pretty well for only having 3 months protection out of the last 30 months. So why would I need any more shots if that's the case?  It's a money gimmick and I bet bogus numbers of cases and deaths and ICU admissions are meant to keep us scared and compliant so we'll get those bogus shots that last a week's time tops. But as the numbers show - that was in yesterday's headlines post - there were over 500 million cases world wide up until now but only about 6 million died from it. So a little more than 1% of the people getting the disease die from it. So what's the big f'n deal about the shots anyhow? Especially considering they're mostly useless. All they're good for is for the companies and shareholders to make money on.

Canada’s response to the initial 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison with peer countries Yeah????? Really???? I'd like an independant review not one bought and paid for by sheitehead & the too tightly wound turban. How about an international independant organization doing a review and presenting their findings instead? Bet in such a review we wouldn't be looking so great compared to other countries then, because they might factor in things like gov'ts resorting to draconian measures and dictatorships. Then that would put us way at the back of the entire pack for sure, if that were taken into account.


COVID-19 Cases Expected To Break Pandemic Record That's not good. Not good at all. Wow.



3m adults in England still have no Covid vaccine Well even though we do have our 2 shots we were just informed on the news tonight that it's like we have no immunization against it because we had our shots more than 9 months ago. Yeah 12 months ago.... So our 2 vaccinations were only good for 3 months after we got them???? If I'd have known that I wouldn't have bothered even getting those. I figured they'd be good at least for 9 months to a year. But obviously that's not the case. So no more shots for me ever again.

Henan: Violent clashes after hundreds show up for China bank protest Is this the Chinese way of siphoning the money off the lower classes than the Chinese elite????? 
Premiers want Ottawa along for 'generational opportunity' to modernize health care The premiers all want to take care of their citizens...... All except Legault. He wants to take care of his own personal bank account and his pet projects like Bill 96 and others. Oh and maintaining the gestapo dictatorship here in QC. That's his priorities. Not us or our health. That's the last thing on his mind. 


Charter not violated in denying transplant to patient who refused COVID-19 vaccine, court rules Wow I've never seen a drug with so many laws, loopholes and legislations not only enforcing it, but protecting it from lawsuits as the Covid vaccines have. 


N.B. has no plans for mandatory COVID-19 measures, says top doctor That's what they always say a week or two before implementing them.

Mandatory random COVID-19 testing for fully vaccinated air travellers resuming next week  See what I mean about "lifted measures" as opposed to abolished measures? 

Parents, experts laud COVID-19 vaccine approval for Canada’s youngest: ‘It’s a relief’  My question to these parents is: If the kids survived this long (30 months) without it, why are you in such a big rush to get it now? Don't you think they'll survive another minute longer without it and perhaps, miracle of miracles be able to get completely by without it altogether? Don't forget these vaccines are still experimental and we don't know what they'll wind up doing to our DNA in the long run.

Surprise! These emails about returning CERB payments aren't scams Since when do you think the gov't jokes about wanting their money or their money back???? If you do, then the joke's on you, because they NEVER joke about it.

Now I am officially up to date with the headlines once again.... So until next time take care and stay well....
And remember in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write: