Showing posts with label lockdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lockdown. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2022

Arggghhhhh! So Much Stuff Happening & Headlines About....

 Covid 19


June 9, 2022

Recently I celebrated my birthday with 3 consecutive fish and seafood dinners given to me by family and friends. That's a HUGE tribute to this Maritimer in the province of Quebec, as most of the people involved don't like fish or seafood and stay away from it. The first night I was taken out to a restaurant and I had a yummy fish & chips dinner with salad and drinks. The next night I was taken out to another restaurant by our son & his wife and treated to a filet mignon & lobster tail with salad and drinks for dinner and the restaurant supplied an awesome to die for dessert for me, but with 4 forks so everyone could share. The following night my friend gave me a pound of shrimp with a bottle of white wine for me to share with my husband. For someone who doesn't see any kind of fish or seafood sometimes for a month or more that was an awesome treat. It showed that everyone who treated me to dinner was thinking of what I'd like and not what they'd like. That was awesome! Very much enjoyed and appreciated. Everyone of those meals. A Big Thanks to everyone who contributed to them! You know who you are.
So other than fried clams & calamari that pretty much covered all my favourite fish and seafood meals in 3 days.  But I'll eat just about any fish or seafood except salt cod. I hate that with a passion. To me it's like eating salty sawdust.

I've also been fighting with Intact Insurance over my claim against Metro for their negligence that caused me to fall and break my thumb on their sidewalk on March 8th. You can read all about that on my blog at: Welcome To Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims Blog or go to the exact post at: Major Hypocrites at Metro Stores Now, I'm seriously furious at them and Intact, so much so, that I am trying to find those investigative reporters on TV news that take on cases like this - of little old ladies such as myself being screwed over by big companies like Metro and their insurer Intact. I want this aired on at least province wide if not nation wide news - to show what those two organizations are really like - all their pretty words and ads are crap, and doesn't reflect reality about how they really deal with people behind the scenes. I think that should be exposed so that people know what kinds of companies they really are dealing with, and not what their pretty PR words says they are. 
I'm tired of it now. 
It's over 3 months since I hurt myself and while Intact inadvertantly admitted that Metro is at fault they still refuse to give me a cent to compensate me or help me. TO ME PERSONALLY TO HELP ME. No, a retired senior living on a fixed income is supposed to choose between feeding herself and paying her bills or getting therapy for her thumb, because at $170 per week plus there's probably tax on that so say $200 with tax per week, I won't have any money left over to pay bills with or eat for that matter. Because they want me to pay for my physio upfront and send them the bills for it - so they can take their sweet assed time to reimburse me if they do. Probably they'll reneg on that as well, if I do that. But for my pain and suffering and humiliations apparently I can go whistle dixie as they won't give me a cent for that either.
Maybe I should take them to court for it, after reading this headlines about a woman who got millions for contracting an STD in a car, she sued the car insurance company and got that - so I think if I have to go that route a 100k MINIMUM is what I'll be going after EACH OF THEM for - 100k from Metro and an additional 100k from Intact. Or more if the courts allow, hey whatever the courts want to give me is good by me. At least it'll be that much more than I am getting from them now! Anyhow here's that headlines proving I'm not making that stuff up about the car insurance company being sued and forced to pay millions to someone who got an STD in a car: Geico ordered to pay $5.2M to woman who got HPV in a car  
If I even only get 1/10th of that from Intact, I'll be happy. Which would be over 100x what I originally asked them for to start with to cover everything including the physio therapy. But hey if they wish to go to court and pay me more as a result of it, then I'm game. As soon as I find a lawyer that works on a contingency fee agreement, I'm good to go and I know there are several of them out there, especially those they call "ambulance chasers" well I wasn't in an ambulance, but it's the same idea here and any good personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee basis would be welcome... If there is such a lawyer who's reading this and read my story and wants to represent me you can contact me at the email address at the bottom of this page - it's a private email address account. 
Same as an investigative journalist working preferably for CBC or CTV news programs, and you're interested in airing such a story, you too can contact me at that email address as well. 
Both - a lawyer working on a contingency fee basis, and an investigative journalist would be welcome at this point. The sooner the better in fact.
Now on with the neverending COVID headlines......
2 years on, there are calls for a real look at what went wrong in Canada during COVID-19 Yup and all of those from the very top down starting with Mr. Dressup and Witch Doctor Tam to be tried for their genocidal crimes against humanity. I wish there was a way we could have them tried in the ICC (International Criminal Court) for their crimes. 

Toronto school board goes along with Ontario mask rule loosening, asks for time Remember these headlines are still from mid-March of this year.


Vulnerable residents insist on access to rapid tests Whoever those people are, they can have ours. We still have 9 left that we will never use. They're basically useless anyhow as they never give an accurate results. 


Conservative leadership candidate Jean Charest tests positive for COVID-19 I don't even know how this cretin can be running for leadership of anything, as he WAS and STILL WOULD BE UNDER INVESTIGATION IN THE CHARBONEAU CRIME COMMISSION, if he didn't find someone in the police commission's office or the courts to let him off the hook, as his name wasn't cleared, he asked to be cleared (without any hearings or anything - he just wanted to be let off the hook so he could run in that leadership race as he was chaffing at the bit for such an opportunity ever since he and Kim Campbell got trounced in the last Federal election he ran in). The ONLY THING  GOOD this cretin has done for Canada is the passionate speech he gave in 1995 in Montreal just before the 1995 referendum on separation took place. It's thanks to him that Canada is still Canada, as neither the PM of Canada who was Jean Chretien nor the QC Premier Johnson (both lieberals by the way) did or said anything to try to save the country. So I will give this cretin that credit, but otherwise he was what amounted to a dictator while he was premier of QC, he didn't rule autocratically (like Gestapo Legault is doing now) but if he could've found the right excuse to do so, I think he would've tried. 

Canadians sharply and evenly divided over Trudeau's pandemic performance, poll suggests Yeah I'd like to see those polls, considering that everyone to a person that I know and have talked to said he's an outright wanna-be dictator and an asshole. That's basically verbatim what most of them said.

Everybody (except Ottawa) is declaring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic  Of course because he's in Schwabb's (the head of the WEF) pocket. Trying to be his good little puppet, as is Ardern from NZ both Schwabb's little puppets. Both fickle airheads too.



Fully vaccinated will need fourth dose later this year, and new variant dubbed ‘deltacron’ detected in Europe Yup, well I'm as FULLY VACCINATED as I'm ever going to be. My 2 doses of Moderna were more than enough for me thanks.


Diabetes & COVID-19: Scientists explore potential connection

Israel Records New Covid Variant  I think from now until time immemorial, we'll have variants of it floating around out there. Pandora's box of goodies has been opened and now there's no closing it.

Morgues overflowing as Hong Kong suffers deadly Covid wave, only 300 coffins remaining in city

NEW VARIANT Two people in Israel hit with Covid variant ‘not yet known to the world’ 

Isolated and vulnerable amid the covid crisis, some of Hong Kong's elderly are taking their own lives  Very sad.

Fourth vaccine offers little protection against COVID-19 - study FINALLY! An honest journalist and honest article! Like I said before taking a whole bottle of Aspirin isn't going to do more for your headache than 2 would, so what's the point? 

Health Canada approves Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for kids aged 6 to 11 Things that have the potential to mess with our DNA or potential for long term consequences that we don't know about yet, because they haven't been in existance long enough to know, should NOT BE ALLOWED IN KIDS WHO ARE TOO YOUNG TO GIVE THEIR KNOWLEDGEABLE LEGAL CONSENT.  This "technology" and medicine has NOT BEEN PROVEN even to work, let alone work properly without side effects, and gawd only knows what it does to our bodies over time.... So I think kids below 18 should NOT be allowed to have these vaccines, by law. Other more proven vaccines and methods of vaccination yes they can be allowed to have but should by no means be forced to have as far as COVID19 goes.

Global rise in COVID-19 cases is 'tip of the iceberg,' WHO warns Ah blow it out your ugly rectum you lump of excrement with hair on top, it's BECAUSE OF YOU & YOUR STUPIDITY THAT THIS DISEASE RAN RAMPANT AROUND THE WORLD BEFORE YOU EVEN DECIDED TO WARN THE WORLD ABOUT IT. So it's either because you're a totally clueless moron who should not have that position at the WHO, or you're a totally corrupt ahole that needs to be tried for crimes against humanity for letting it get out of hand like that. Either way you SHOULD NOT BE THERE STILL - YOU SHOULD'VE EITHER BEEN THROWN OUT OF OFFICE FOR INCOMPETENCE OR IN JAIL FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY & GENOCIDE!!!!!!

‘A huge, huge moment’: Toronto board of trade reacts as pre-arrival testing for travellers set to end

All signs suggest COVID-19 transmission starting to rebound in Ontario: model 

Deloitte reverses COVID-19 vaccine mandate, but remains one of few large employers to do so

Quebec tables bill to end pandemic state of emergency Read this story carefully.... Because this is one of the things it says in it: Christian DubĂ©, Quebec's health minister, says the bill lifting the public health state of emergency will allow the government to retain certain measures.... Affecting health measures apparently - but we know how they use those - everything from forbidding you to sing in public to attending a football game, go out to a bar or walk to close to someone else outside in a park. Those are NOT HEALTH MEASURES, THOSE ARE DRACONIAN DICTATOR MEASURES. The next thing you know they'll not only be dictating what language you speak at home (which is what the dirtbag Legault wants to do), but what colour underwear you have to wear and which days of the week you have to wear those colours otherwise if the underwear cops catch you you could be facing a $60,000 fine. They'll give some lame excuse like well COVID doesn't like green so you have to wear green underwear when you're in the zone red conditions, and monkeypox doesn't like purple so those who might be subjected to catching monkeypox should wear purple, except if they're also in the zone red area for catching COVID, then they'll have to wear 2 pairs of underwear - one green and the other purple or else face fines of $60,000 each for each wrong colour of underwear you're wearing. If you can't pay they'll do like the Islamics who demand Christians convert to their religion but don't, and has to  pay that stupid tax for not converting to Islam demand for each day you don't convert until you can't pay that tax anymore (because they've cleaned you out of house and home - quite literally as they do take homes away if you can't pay and won't convert in some countries). When you have nothing left to give they kill you. It's as simple as that. That's how they manage to have 100% of their populations be muslims. Well Gestapo Legault may not be above such practices if he can get his way with things. He would probably love a system like that, but for his own purposes. Seems like he would.

Ontario COVID-19 ICU occupancy drops below 200; 19 more deaths 

Alberta to change frequency of online COVID-19 reporting as recent data is ‘promising’ Wondering why all of a sudden everyone's dropping the reporting of the data if numbers are so promising as they say? Why don't they report them and let us see for ourselves? My theory is the numbers were always made up daily to begin with, in order to scare us into compliance with all their cockamamie demands and laws and BS. Otherwise if we knew the REAL NUMBERS we would've probably revolted en masse and told them to go pee up a stump and play with the steam as we weren't going to comply with such measures for nothing. That's what I think.

COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations down in Saskatchewan, deaths increase 

Canada won’t necessarily see another COVID-19 wave, experts say  Why???? Might that be because there never were any waves to begin with?  What I seriously don't get is why after the trucker protest all of a sudden, we're all good, the hospitalization rates are plummeting and we won't see anymore waves? Did all that horn blowing in Ottawa scare the COVID virus away or just scare the crap out of the politicians who were making up the seriousness of this virus in order to use it for their own agendas???? I think that is more likely the case.... Rather than the horns scaring the virus, it was the truckers scaring the crap out of the idiots at the helm. That's why all of sudden now we don't need any mandates and we won't be seeing any more waves of it.

WHO may reject Canadian-made Medicago COVID-19 vaccine because of ties to big tobacco Oh don't ya just luv the hypocrisy demonstrated here... They reject the vaccine due to ties with big tobacco but they don't reject ties with Gates, Fauci et. al. all of those who participated in engineering this virus releasing it on the world and then financially benefitted from it with their mRNA vaccines they foisted off on the world as a viable vaccine. And people wonder why I don't care if I drop dead this second or not.... I'm tired of living in such a rigged and crooked world where people like me are used, abused, spit on, chewed up and spit out, just because they can do it and get away with it.

Is a sore throat a symptom of Covid? Signs of coronavirus explained and what to do if you get a positive test

New study finds higher rates of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes after infection with mild COVID-19 

Evidence synthesis – What is known about the prevalence of household food insecurity in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review So typical of Canadian studies.... Why do anything about it when we can just continue to review the problem instead, like the conclusion here - copied verbatim: Conclusion: The evidence suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic may have slightly increased total household food insecurity in Canada during the pandemic, especially in populations that were already vulnerable to HFI. There is a need to continue to monitor HFI in Canada.  ----- 

But as per usual they will NEVER EVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Never pay those people a monthly stipend in order to be able to afford more/better food, or put a price cap on the cost of certain food staples - like milk, bread, potatoes, rice, certain fruits, vegetables and meats/fish (all domestically sourced). No instead they'll continue to pay wheat farmers to destroy their crops or dairy farmers to dump their milk to maintain quotas  and prices or egg producers to trash their eggs, as they definitely can't lower prices or give some of it to food banks because OMG what would that do to the economy if a few more people could afford a bit more and better food than they can now????? That's the gov't of Canada and how they operate when it comes to Canadian food supply - especially the food supply produced in Canada where they can force regulations down farmers/ranchers throats. 

As COVID-19 cases rise in Europe, Quebec says it can manage increase   Of course they can because they're scared silly of the truckers and what they might do next. 

Quebec expands access to antiviral drug Paxlovid, soon available in pharmacies 

China Locks Down Shenzhen, Province of 24 Million Over Covid 

Coronavirus cases climb in China, raising the threat of trade disruption 

Cruises set to return to Canadian ports for first time since start of pandemic 

More Canadians opting for fertility treatment during pandemic, advocacy group says 

'Can't we have lives too?': High-risk Canadians feel forgotten as COVID-19 rules lift Before the plandemic and mask mandates came along what did you do out there in the world? How'd you get along then? Those are my questions to you.... Whatever the answers are, that's what you'll resume doing now. You can not expect 35 million people to isolate, wear masks and stay 6 feet apart from each other forever just because YOU have a condition. I have a condition too.... It's called migraines. So am I to demand that EVERYONE WITHIN EARSHOT & SIGHT, shuts up, and stops moving until I get better, or do I do like I normally always did.... Go sequester myself in a dark room with the shades down and suffer whatever noises there might be in the house and out around the house (like traffic, airplanes, lawn mowers, dogs barking, kids playing etc...) as best I can? I doubt the planes would stop flying or they'd put barricades up on the street to stop traffic to suit me. So we all have to learn to live with things when we have an ailment that others don't have, so I don't see why you're so special. If you have a problem with germs, you can wear a mask or a whole biohazard suit for all I care, just don't force me to wear it.

Drugmakers condemn plan for COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver Of course because they're all greedy guts money grubbers who haven't made enough off the vaccines yet even though they've already made SEVERAL BILLIONS on them. I'm sure there must be a report on exactly how much they've made somewhere on this blog. If you want to know just click on a relevant label in the sidebar.

This Ontario long-term care home still hasn't had a single case of COVID-19

Why some Americans haven't gotten COVID yet and why it's not inevitable they ever will: Experts 

COVID cases predicted to rise in coming weeks because of new BA.2 variant

Ivermectin Didn’t Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date 

Moderna CEO sold more than $400 million in company stock during pandemic Now think about this for a moment.... especially after reading the story about them not wanting to share patents (not necessarily Moderna but the vaccine manufacturers in general). For him to have sold that much value in stocks they had to have made that much AT LEAST IF NOT MORE (and I can guarantee you it was more it was in the billions). Not bad for a start up company that has ONLY ONE PRODUCT AND THAT HAPPENS TO BE THE VACCINE. Wouldn't you say? Most companies don't make that much money that quickly on a single product, like that! Ever.

Voice of doom Dr Fauci warns US could face MORE COVID lockdowns as he admits latest variant set to hit US is less serious than Omicron: 'We can't just say we're done'  Of course not, he won't quit EVEN IF IT IS DONE, because he NEEEEEDS to make MORE MONEY BY SELLING MORE DOSES OF VACCINES THAT DON'T WORK!!!!! Why do you think he's so tenacious about this and won't let go no matter what? It's a money grab.  That's all it is.

How China's soaring COVID numbers put the rest of the world at risk 

Neurological problems no higher after vaccination; depression, anxiety risk tied to COVID severity 

Mini-wave likely coming as Omicron subvariant begins to pick up speed See? Now after the trucker protests, the waves are "mini"...

Overwhelmed by Omicron, Hong Kong Runs Out of Space for Its Dead

Here's what the COVID-19 numbers are telling us 18 days after Alberta lifted restrictions 

People will riot if another full lockdown is enforced, top doctor warns - but admits some additional restrictions may be needed if hospitalisations and deaths continue to rise See? Even the people in the UK get it, unlike numbnuts in Ottawa.

‘He Goes Where the Fire Is’: A Virus Hunter in the Wuhan Market

COVID-19 cases are surging anew overseas. Is the U.S. next? 

The mask mandate returns to six Chicago Public Schools classrooms amid COVID-19 spike at school

NYC COVID Cases Rising, Manhattan Transmission Jumps (But Well Below Peak)  

Liberals, NDP leadership reach tentative deal to support Trudeau government to 2025 As I've referenced this in other blog posts before, here's the actual article whereby the idiot with the too tightly wrapped turban is pledging support to prop up this wanna-be dictator until 2025. What do you want to bet that before then, they collude to scrap our constitution and set themselves up for life as co-dicatators???? I wouldn't doubt it one bit, especially considering how things have been going in Canada for the last 2 years.

Hillary Clinton says she has tested positive for COVID-19

Omicron’s ‘stealth’ subvariant BA.2 could go ‘wild’ in Europe before going global, top epidemiologist says 

Man hid his true identity for decades — until getting a COVID shot outed him, feds say 

Do you have Covid, a cold or hay fever? Experts share how to tell symptoms apart  

This is now the worst drawdown on record for global fixed income Yup and seniors like me who are hurt on money grubbers properties and denied compensation for their injuries by them and/or their insurers or both, face an even bigger draw down or fused thumbs or other problems due to the stingy assed companies refusals to pay compensation as they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do. It is a freaking law that if you get injured on someone's property especially if it's due to THEIR NEGLIGENCE YOU ARE ENTITLED TO BE COMPENSATED FOR THAT INJURY. But of course when they think they can get away without paying you because you're too poor to fight them, they try. Well I'm not giving up. I apparently have 3 years from yesterday's date to seek recourse - ergo my flat out call for personal injury lawyers licensed to operate in a Quebec courtroom to take my case on a contingency fee basis, whereby the lawyer is free to ask for as much as they figure they can get from both companies and they can take their percentage out of that. I'm sure I'll still come out ahead of what I originally asked for and that was a flimsy box of charcuterie dept gloves, and when I got treated like a criminal for asking for those, I  then upped the ante by asking for  the money to cover physio therapy plus $2,000 for my pain, suffering and humiliation. 

So any lawyer that figures they can get more than that for me on a contingency fee agreement is good to go for me. I'd love the $5.2 million the woman in the story above got, but I know that won't happen here in Canada, so any amount above what I was already asking them - just to show them they should've given me the amount I asked for or the gloves originally (which would've been the end of it but noooooo - it would've still be the end of it, had he sold them to me or at least treated me with some compassion and like a decent human being instead like a freaking criminal - THAT IS WHAT BLEW MY MIND and decided he wasn't getting off so easy).  They're still not. 

I don't care if I have to bankrupt them with a lawsuit or if I have to destroy their reputation on a news cast, the truth is going to come out about how they treat people and this person in particular is not only a senior citizen but a loyal customer of theirs since the early 1980s. You either treat people with decency and respect and give them their due, or you get a good karmic kick in the ass and I want to be the one that delivers that karmic kick in the ass to both of them, if I can, just to show them that just because someone's old and poor you don't treat them like dirt, like they've done to me. Yes, you can say I'm vindictive, but I have every right to be in this case after being treated the way I was and probably having to live with a fused thumb for the rest of my life because of their refusal to abide by the law and compensate me, or provide any meaningful help.

Bonus for the lawyer that takes this case on on a contingency fee basis.... If we win, I have another case for you to work on for me too. This one might net several hundred thousands as it's a human rights case under the QC Charter of Rights and a criminal case under the Canadian criminal code. So threat of jail time could be used to coerse them into paying mega bucks in order not to go to jail. I'm serious.  They're good for it. Son is a NHL player. He'll bail mommy and daddy out, no question - he bought them a house after all.

Calgary Flames file lawsuit against insurers for $125M in losses due to COVID Talk about suing insurance companies.... Yup, as much as I hate hockey, in this case I think I am rooting for the flames above the crooked insurance companies. I swear you'd think insurance companies were based on ponzi schemes.... Sometimes I wonder.

Shanghai residents can’t buy vegetables as lockdowns spread

Covid-19 Cases Are Up in the U.K. Does That Mean the U.S. Is Next? 

Leafy greens like broccoli could help slow growth of COVID-19, other cold viruses See? Mother was right, you SHOULD eat your veggies!

COVID-19 immunity makes severe breakthrough infections extremely rare, study confirms

PM Trudeau, in recent months, under your quasi-liberal boot, Canada Someone who ought to know has the courage to out the little wanna-be ash hole dictator here in Canada.

I digress....

Trudeau's Justice Minister David Lametti has just announced that people don’t have an “absolute right to own private property” in Canada I know this has nothing to do with COVID, but it's even scarier. I think the assholes in power ought to be shown they don't have the absolute right to hold power, it's given to them by us and we can take it back from them anytime we want! And that's a constitutional right we have! Which IS ABSOLUTE. What'd I tell you above about 2025 and the shredding of the constitution???? Don't think it won't/can't happen in Canada, because I betcha before 2020 you didn't think autocracy could happen in Canada either eh? Well it did, in fact it did 13 times plus the extra times where there were elections and new premiers of provinces were voted in and they assumed autocracy of their province too instead of returning it to a full parliamentary system with opposition debating the laws before they were passed. So just because you don't think it can't happen in Canada, doesn't mean it won't. So watch out for this slime bag Lametti and his boss Mr. Moron Jingleberries and Ali Baba and the 25 NDP thieves with his too tightly wound turban. Maybe Canada needs a MUCH LARGER & COHESIVE TRUCKERS RALLY EVERYWHERE ACROSS THE COUNTRY PARKED ON ALL THE POLITICIANS DOORSTEPS FOR YEARS IF IT TAKES THAT LONG FOR THEM TO GET THE MESSAGE. Though I think the message the truckers already sent scared them shitless, so maybe a day or two or week or so more would be enough to get them to see things clearly again. Or perhaps it's time the army went in there and hauled them all out and threw them all in the brig and then threw the key away.

returning to topic...

Calgary wastewater data shows uptick of COVID-19 virus in community as BA.2 variant becomes dominant strain

Moderna says its coronavirus vaccine for young children is safe, but efficacy is a more complicated picture  

Quebec premier warns Liberal-NDP pact will trigger confrontation with provinces  Especially since he's busy dismantling QC's health care system. Now he's got us down to calling a health care professional over the phone - not necessarily a doctor either, it could just be a nurse. So you're going to have to learn to take care of your own health needs - diagnosis and treatments and probably even grow your own medicines as well. Kind of like way back in the days of our great great grandparents health care systems - which was granny with her linaments and go juices and poultices.

More low-income Canadians took out instalment loans during the pandemic — and had to pay interest rates of up to 60% I thought loan-sharking was illegal in Canada. 

How a ‘risk budget’ is helping some Ontarians navigate a spring without COVID public health restrictions

Atlantic Canada’s pandemic responses, 100 years apart 

Police identified 'Freedom Convoy' as national security threat one week before Emergencies Act How come they never identified the shitbag in Ottawa as a national security threat???? After all they've had 7 years to do that already! So what's taking them so long????? Are they that freaking stupid???? Must be as there's no other excuse for it.

FIRST READING: COVID's winding down, but Trudeau isn't nearly done blowing out the debt 

Letters validating recovery from a prior COVID-19 infection are no longer being issued by the NWT Health System 

“You are a disgrace” German MP Calls Out Trudeau to His Face During Intense Speech He is more than a disgrace. An embarrassing  tyrannical idiot, is more like it. 

COVID-19 restrictions are lifting, but unvaccinated Canadians still can't board planes or trains

Quebec to offer 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine to at-risk groups as cases, hospitalizations rise If you're smart you will NOT be getting the 4th dose, considering it does NOTHING according to one of the headlined articles near the top of this post.

Pandemic expected to cost Quebec government $24.1 billion, finance ministry says Oh I'm sure they made most of that back from all the fines they issued during the plandemic. 

Quebec spring budget includes $500 payment to adult residents Still blaming COVID supply bottlenecks and Ukraine's war, for the gouging going on at the pumps. I don't see how a supply chain bottleneck causes the oil flow in the pipelines to slow down or how since it's mostly coming from the west Ukraine's war has anything to do with it. What I do see that has to do with it, is GREED & GOUGING BOTH BY THE OIL COMPANIES & THE GOV'TS THROUGH TAXES!!!!! So I'm not buying the lame excuses given for the inflation here. As for food costs what I've noticed is the grocery stores are playing a game with consumers now, and that is that whoops this week T Bone steaks are $19.99 a pound but last week they were $6.99 a pound and the week after the $19.99 a pound steaks they go down to $7.99 a pound. It's a game - called make the consumer panic into buying the steak at $7.99 a pound when 2 weeks ago it was selling for a dollar less a pound. How? Well raise it astronomically high like say $19.99 a pound so that when it comes down to $7.99 a pound they'll pounce on it, thinking that if they don't it'll go sky high again and stay there. So that's gouging too and they're doing it because they know they can because everyone else is doing it too and so that's how they all get away with it. Has nothing to do with bottlenecks and Ukraine so much as it does GREED. Period.

Former Unifor leader Jerry Dias accused of taking payment for promoting COVID test kits 

Canada is open to tourists again. Here’s how to avoid criminal inadmissibility issues at the border Wondering how come they keep letting shitheels back into Canada without arresting him as he's the biggest criminal this country has ever seen.

Why don’t kids get Covid badly? Scientists are unraveling one of the pandemic’s biggest mysteries Well if they don't get covid badly why is everyone so gung-ho on giving them mRNA vaccines that could potentially wreak havoc on their systems?

GONG WRONG Oscars in crisis as Covid runs riot with key nominees out with the virus

There’s Still a Limit to How Much In-Person Socializing Many Can Handle That's because we were so thoroughly brainwashed into "Social Distancing" that now that we're allowed to socialize again we don't know how.

Ford says government has no plans to reimpose COVID restrictions as one epidemiologist warns that 'we are on the cusp of a spring wave' 

Elderly hit hardest as N.L. posts 9 more COVID-19 deaths 

Quebec premier tests positive for COVID-19 Good, it's too bad the basturd didn't die from it.

New COVID-19 vaccine strategy expected for Quebec this fall They can try whatever strategy they want including putting a gun to my head, but I'm done with those vaccines. Never again.

Pent-up demand has Canadians shrugging off spiraling prices, for now

'This will be fantastic': U.S. border communities hope eased travel restrictions will bring influx of Canadians 

High court gives Biden win for now in Navy vaccine case

Trudeau faced harsh critics in the EU Parliament this week. Here's who launched the attacks 

Uptick in ‘pandemic puppies’ being surrendered to shelters

Uptick in ‘pandemic puppies’ being surrendered to shelters Awwwww....

Florida reports 1,167 deaths, over 16,000 cases over the last 2 weeks Wow! That's a lot. - This headlines was from March 26th this year.

UK COVID infections nearing record highs: figures

What a Single Metric Tells Us About the Pandemic 

Symptoms of the New Omicron Variant Tearing Through Europe

SYMPTOM CHECKER The first 8 symptoms of Omicron you must never ignore 

‘First-of-its-kind’ nasal spray that prevents COVID-19 could be available this year

The length of your fingers may determine how sick you get from COVID-19 Wondering if the length of my toenails and eyelashes will also predict how sick I get from it?

Having COVID-19 and the flu at the same time is possible — and it’s even deadlier

Why People Are Acting So Weird It's the result of the great experiment about brainwashing us into "socially distant" ourselves from others - instead of "physically distancing"  ourselves which is what they are allegedly to have meant to say, but instead called it "socially distant" and then made sure we were separated from friends and extended family members via lockdowns. It was all, I'm sure a psy-ops experiment to see if they could get us to actually socially distance ourselves from others and what it would take for us to do that. Now they're seeing the repercussions of that (or maybe it's not so much the repercussions as the result) experiment with how people are behaving in public and with complete strangers. That's why I am inclined to believe that if my accident at Metro happened BEFORE  the plandemic began they wouldn't have been so callous and uncaring towards me and maybe given me the meager help I was asking for originally which were those cheapo cellophane gloves they use in the charcuterie dept. at least as a courtesy if nothing else. But now they didn't even offer me an apology let alone anything else. So I think maybe the plandemic is partially to blame for some of their response to me, but a lot of it is probably sheer greed and lousy upbringing.  Like the idiot neighbours next door that cut branches off our tree,  tried to take over our property while they were building their dive and have me arrested for sending them a registered letter.

Never Had Covid? You May Hold Key To Beating The Virus

“This Shouldn’t Happen”: Inside the Virus-Hunting Nonprofit at the Center of the Lab-Leak Controversy 

Inside Shanghai’s COVID Camps 

CIA Director William Burns tests positive for Covid after meeting with Biden, but is not considered a close contact  

Covid-19 hospitalizations hit a pandemic low in the US, but strain on hospitals persists 

How many COVID deaths are 'acceptable'? Decision necessary to move to post-pandemic world 

Omicron has all but wiped out the more deadly Delta strain—but that’s not necessarily a good thing 

Man in Germany gets 90 COVID-19 shots to sell forged passes hehehe well, he's well inoculated, that's for sure. I guess we'll know what if anything mRNA does to our DNA code by keeping tabs on him.

Pressure builds to lift transportation mask mandates  

Shanghai asks entire city to self-test for COVID as frustration grows 

Quebec enters sixth wave of COVID-19, public health institute confirms I'd seriously like to know when we had a 4th and 5th wave, to be honest.

Muslims in Quebec celebrating Ramadan after two years of restrictions

Shanghai defends policy of separating Covid-positive kids from parents 

10,000 health workers sent to help control Shanghai outbreak

China Covid Crisis Grows With Cases Surging, New Sub-Strains 

Why do some people seem unable to catch COVID? Scientists are looking for answers.

New Study Finds Pregnant People Are at Much Higher Risk for Breakthrough COVID-19 Infection Pregnant "people" eh? Hmmmm..... I dunno but all through nursing school and my nursing career I only ever learnt about pregnant women and not both genders.

List of Covid symptoms expanded as free testing ends

This New COVID Variant Is the Most Unpredictable One Yet 

How to avoid COVID-19 infections in your household

Quebec's indoor mask mandate comes to an end 

Massachusetts coronavirus cases jump by 27%, hospitalizations rise

China reports record 20,472 new Covid cases in a day amid lockdowns With a population of 1.393 billion that's nothing. It's just a drop in a bucket.

SPEAKER'S HEALTH BATTLE Nancy Pelosi, 82, tests positive for Covid only a day after visit to Biden in White House to sign bill - Eighty-two???? And she's still there? Shouldn't she have been put out to pasture long before now? No wonder the US is going down the tubes, it's being run by a bunch of  senile old fuddy duddies now. Is there anyone below the age of 75 in office there in the US?

COVID cases rise again in half the states

Coronavirus cases are rising again in L.A., San Diego and San Francisco 

Second COVID booster shot extends protection for just a few weeks, study shows Just to prove how useless they are and by the time you get to the 4th booster shot, they're totally useless apparently.

Scientists warn of COVID ‘friend-shield effect’: ‘Irrational to believe’ loved ones protecting you from virus Playing back into the hands of the psy-ops teams by trying to cause people to be distrustful of loved ones now. More SOCIAL distancing techniques here. Loved ones who know they have the virus aren't likely to try to purposely infect you, if they don't know well then it's not their fault. Same as anyone else you come into contact with, who doesn't know they have it, but you contract it from them.

Ontario facing 'tidal wave' of over 100,000 new COVID-19 cases per day, science table head estimates hehehehe I wonder what kind of hallucinogenics that one was taking or what was in that wacky tobacky they were smoking???? hehehehe.... That's f'n hilarious. I told you about the scare tactics they try to use to keep you compliant and that one is a scare tactic AND THEN SOME.... Way over the top if you ask me. I mean in a story above they were talking about China, a country with 1.393 Billion people having 20,000 cases a day, but yet Ontario with a population 14.22 million is going to have FIVE TIMES the amount of cases that China has???? A country with literally almost 100 times the population of Ontario has.... I mean you have to take things into perspective when you read stupid crap like that projection by the science table heads... They're playing into the hands of the politicians who want to continue to run their territories unopposed and with total compliance of the population. Hoping for a raise or something I guess. Unless like I said they're stoned or just totally incompetent idiots - which is another possibility too.

Even Mild Cases of COVID Can Increase the Risk of Blood Clots for 3 to 6 Months, Large Study Finds Okay that seems like it might the beginning of another scam, to clear the vaccines and lay the blame on covid. Because I have a blog FULL of posts just like this one, going back to the beginning of the plandemic and while I remember hearing quite vividly of the blood clots and enlarged hearts etc that the vaccines caused I don't seem to recall blood clots being either very prevalent in covid or at all. If blood clots were caused by covid you'd have heard it since the beginning especially if they were a frequent occurance and not just now, after everyone's gotten vaccines that does  the very same thing, they're saying is caused by the virus.

US life expectancy continues historic decline with another drop in 2021, study finds

Shanghai to Open 50,000-Bed Makeshift Hospital as Covid Infections Climb My question is where are they going to put patients on the 3rd day because according to the numbers of daily infected in a story above that hospital will be full up at the end of day 2, so where will the patients on day 3 go?

Shanghai: Residents 'running out of food' in Covid lockdown This is just sad, scary, horrifying and infuriating. No wonder they wanted them all stacked up in apartment buildings and not spread throughout the country side like they were before. That way they can barricade them and contain them in their cells aka apartments, whenever they want to for whatever reason they wish.

Inside Shanghai’s Zero Covid Camp

Male infertility may be a new symptom of long COVID 

30-second COVID test proves just as accurate as a PCR test

Canada posts all-time record high number of immigrants during pandemic, but many of them are already here: expert 

Experts urge caution in reading rapid tests as variants drive sixth wave

Almost $8M of 'Freedom Convoy' donations still unaccounted for, documents show Good, I hope that means that the people that money was intended for, got it, kept it and hid from the money grubbing gov't. Who needs organized crime when what we have in Ottawa and most of the provincial capitals act like thugs, thieves, mafia and murderers (as in letting COVID in and to decimate the elderly population)???? 

Montreal family upset after Lakeshore Hospital puts COVID patient in same room as ailing grandmother Yup, that would upset me too.

Sask. looking at National Advisory Committee recommendation about 2nd booster shots, says health minister

Colds, flu and allergies are increasing as mask mandates lift, say experts 

'Let's stop calling them restrictions...they are protections': Canada divided on the use of mask mandates as sixth wave soars Protections? When someone is trying to curtail my rights and freedoms they ARE RESTRICTIONS NOT PROTECTIONS. Anyone who thinks so is either a brainwashed idiot or a gov't shill.

Experts say BA.2 could be more of a 'bump' than a surge. Is this the future of COVID?

How McGill University is using wastewater testing to get a handle on COVID-19 outbreaks 

'No lid on the pot anymore': Sharp COVID-19 rise concerning health experts, leaders They're freaking out and trying to panic the population because they had 23 extra people in hospital in Ottawa that day. 

2nd COVID-19 boosters to be offered to New Brunswickers 50+

Projections indicate Quebec COVID-19 wave to last two more weeks: health director 

N.L. reports two more deaths from COVID-19, drop in hospitalizations

US, WHO officials and experts agree (sort of) on how COVID-19 spreads After 2 years they still haven't figured this out yet? I thought it was pretty clear that since it starts in the respiratory system it's spread via the air. 

New Brunswick to expand eligibility for COVID-19 medication Paxlovid

COVID-19 deaths, hospitalizations on the rise; province encourages residents to get booster shots  

Nova Scotia sees significant increase in lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19

COVID-19 transmission appears to be on the rise in Alberta, health officials say 

Ottawa breaks both daily and weekly coronavirus wastewater records

White House acknowledges Biden could get COVID, stresses he’s vaccinated  

More politicians test positive for COVID-19 as virus spreads among DC power players

‘Get used to it’: Outbreaks give taste of living with virus 

Omicron symptoms are different from Delta variant, study finds They're much milder and easier to recover from - at least they were for me.

Rex Murphy: Trudeau-Singh marriage will have grave consequences for the country 

Parents anxious as Toronto elementary school sees spike in COVID cases: 'My son can't be vaccinated' 

COVID updates, April 8: Swab nose and mouth to boost rapid-test sensitivity, Quebec says  

Vaccinated Canadians can have COVID-19 symptoms despite testing negative. Here’s why 

COVID-19: Relaxed health measures to blame for sick kids, Saskatchewan pediatrician says 

Regional health board head called police to report several deaths at Herron residence in April 2020 THIS was a HORROR STORY THAT SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED OR BEEN ALLOWED TO HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!

Ottawa’s bank tax could bite Canadian retirees - of course it's the seniors that pay for everything and get nothing back in return, and now it's the seniors who're going to wind up paying this portion of taxes that the gov't is charging the banks and insurance companies  in order to cover the deficit created by Santa  Turdeau who was out on the steps every day giving money away to everyone EXCEPT THE SENIORS during the plandemic. Why doesn't  he demand  the $600 x amount of months it was given per kid back instead of finding ways to make seniors pay for everything, when they were not the beneficiaries of anything during the plandemic!?! Not all seniors are as rich as his mental mommy is....

Omicron XE: What’s known about the COVID-19 variant Oh that's a new one....

Ruling that upholds B.C. Hydro's staff vaccine mandate reveals toll COVID-19 has taken on corporation

Today’s coronavirus news: Canada offers more money to COVAX while vaccine dose donations stall 

Lockdowns in Shanghai and other Chinese cities pose a growing threat to the economy All the more reason to be self sufficient and grow our own economy by making and growing everything for ourselves. We pretty much did that from the inception of our country until this stupidity called globalization started. Now we're at the whim of whatever country is producing the goods we want/need rather than being masters of our own fate, our fates rests in the hands of foreigners now. Talk about idiocy, I don't know which clowns in gov't thought that was a good idea. Well I do know Paul Martin was one of them and probably Brian Mulbaloney too as they were proponents of NAFTA and the OAS. But then Mulbaloney was such a illiterate he needed cartoons drawn for him for his daily briefings so no wonder he fell for all that crap that left us at the mercy of others. Typical airhead just like his pals Regan and the iron beitch in England. 

Philip Cross: COVID should make Canadians more skeptical of wealth taxes Covid should make Canadians more skeptical about the gov't and any and everything they try to do, period. They should demand full transparency about WHAT THEY'RE DOING, WHY, AND HOW MUCH IT'S GOING TO COST US. As they work for us and it's our tax dollars that pays their salaries and that they're using for all their nefarious deeds, we have the right to know.  Not just about taxes imposed but how they use the taxes they collect and why.

Do I need a COVID test? What to know before travelling to the U.S.

Nursing Homes Face Growing Number of Lawsuits From Covid-19 Fallout Good! They deserve it! Not just there in the US but here in Canada, and in Quebec in particular, as well!

Shanghai residents question human cost of China's COVID quarantines

Shanghai locals scream from windows, protest as city faces food shortage amid Covid-19 spike | Viral Videos That's heartbreakingly cruel. What kind of callous monsters rule China anyhow?

China leading citizens to jump from balconies in quest to achieve ‘COVID Zero’ 

Shanghai Has Recorded More Than 130,000 Covid Cases—and No Deaths 

Betrayal, guilt, shame: Trauma among health care workers comparable to that of combat vets

The elite D.C. social scene sees a rash of covid cases, but parties on 

Mask, no mask: Biden’s pandemic practices vary as covid risks grow

Jean Charest on Pierre Pollievre Oh that's rich crawling down Pollievre's back about supporting the truckers because they were tired of having our rights and freedoms trampled and calling Pollievre basically a criminal because of that???? When he's the REAL CRIMINAL THAT HAD TO ASK TO HAVE HIS CHARGES DROPPED SO HE COULD RUN FOR LEADERSHIP OF THAT PARTY!!!!!! What a f'n hypocrite that one is. He's also a freaking dictator as well - he was in power here in QC when there was a student uprising because of his policies he implemented at the time and he refused to back down and went so far as to start arresting and fining them for protesting and forbidding them from wearing face coverings - like masks etc due to face recognition cameras not being able to get their full faces in order to identify them in order to arrest and fine them. Yeah we want dictators like that in charge of Canada alright. Don't we already have one like that there already?????? In my books Pollievre is a freaking hero because he had the integrity and the guts it takes to stand with those fighting for our constitutional rights! If it were left to that conniving Charbonneau Commission criminal, he'd trample all our rights and freedoms in a heart beat. He did it with the student strikes here in QC, so he'll do it again given the chance.

BRAIN BUSTER Warning to anyone who’s had Covid over ‘irreversible’ damage to the brain

NY, Calif. failed in handling of COVID — but Florida was among best: study  

With COVID mission over, Pentagon plans for next pandemic So Covid was a mission huh? Was it planned by the pentagon too? Just wondering....

The struggle is real: 63% of adults say stress levels at all-time high

Having allergic asthma actually protects people from a severe case of COVID-19 

Two new Omicron COVID subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 being analyzed by WHO 

Scientists capture extraordinary images of SARS-CoV-2 infecting human airway cells 

The sound of my fur baby snoring is making me sleepy too, so I'm going to pack it in for the night now. Until next time take care & stay well and remember.....

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and want to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. 

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:












Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Seething Anger at the Gestapo Tactics, Lying Draconian Wanna-Be Dictators and all the BS Surrounding.....

Covid 19


January 11, 2022

Why am I back again? Well as I said before if the BS surrounding this plandemic gets to be overwhelming or the gov't out of hand, I would resume posting in here or at least post 1 post anyhow.

That being said, I guess you're wondering why I wasn't back sooner, because Oh My Chron/ic plandemic was overwhelming everyone everywhere. True, but it IS A MUCH MILDER & LESS LETHAL VARIANT than Delta was. 
It would be like me starting my blog up again because a particularly contagious cold virus was spreading. Because that's what this is like, the reason I am posting again is because, I think the gov'ts (well at least the Quebec Gov'ts) are taking a nuclear bomb to kill a pesky gregarious mosquito that likes meeting and tasting all the possible choices out there. Because that's what Om My Chron/ic is - a gregarious virus that wants to meet and greet everyone it can. Causing mild illness - if any and rarely causing fatalities. That's why I'm back again and my fury at how they've been handling this and the last straw was Arruda quitting and then the egregious additional tactics Legault the Gestapo head took after Arruda quit by wanting to impose a health tax on the unvaccinated. 

I & my husband are both vaccinated with our 2 shots, we refuse to get the "booster" shot - no matter what. So that's not why I'm furious here. What I'm furious at is this mother f'n ash hole has no qualms about using the NOT WITHSTANDING CLAUSE to abrogate the linguistic rights of anglophones or religious rights & freedoms, but he's too chicken shit to use it to invoke a vaccine mandate, which would achieve what he wants and that's blanket vaccinations for all to put an end to the plandemic! So instead he wants to charge the unvaccinated a health tax - a hefty one at that. But that definition of "un"vaccinated keeps changing the more and more booster shots are required. Now like I said above we're both fully vaccinated, but that's as far as we're going come hell or high water no matter what the money grubbing chicken shit gestapo dictator has in mind to change the fully vaccinated to. He can go piss up a stump and play with the steam as far as we're concerned now. 

Now I am seriously wondering what kind of kickbacks these vaccine manufacturers are paying the gov'ts to keep pushing doses and more doses of their ineffective lousy snake oil products masquerading as viable vaccines, that couldn't stop a simple covid virus let alone the delta or omicron mutations. 

What's the definition of insanity anyhow? Doesn't that go something like this?: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is the definition of insanity or at least stupidity, isn't it? I mean how can they think that giving anyone the same sheite that doesn't work effectively, over and over again makes it any more effective? If that's the case, why not open a box full of the vaccine remove all the stoppers from all the bottles inside and make each person drink a box full of it, every time they go for inoculation???? I mean if more is better than all should be awesome! No???? 
No, I don't think so, that's not quite how medication works. I mean take a bottle of your favourite pain reliever as opposed to recommended dosage all at once and see if it works better for you or not. Maybe those with super human tolerances to toxic substances may last a little longer than someone with less tolerance, but in the end you'll all die. Now if you stick to the recommended dosage and keep taking it over time, maybe in the long run you'll heal and you won't need it anymore or if it's a chronic condition and you'll have to keep taking it the rest of your life, depending on the problem. But no matter if it's a temporary problem that's bound to heal (like broken bones or a headache) or a chronic condition like say fused joints that is painful when trying to move or spinal problems affecting nerves, taking more than recommended isn't going to do better than what the recommended doses are already doing. So if the vaccines you have aren't working all that well, taking more isn't going to make them work better. That's a freaking guarantee.  
Hence the "Extinction Rebellion" picture at the top of the page this time - because it feels to me like they're trying to kill us with this mrna vaccine garbage that only does one thing good and that is cause you to continue needing doses of it forever and a year. Why do they want us to have continual doses? Does it eventually kill us or worse yet modify our DNA into something more acceptable to power lords or who knows maybe the aliens Luis Elizondo is claiming is here, perhaps as a food source for them? I know that's an outlandish thought for sure, but gawd, I really wonder why suddenly after being told we only need 2 shots we're now up to 5 and counting? Really.

And Arruda's resignation pisses me off even more. There were lots of times when he was there beside Legault the Gestapo and Dumbe the pencil necked moron, where if you read his facial expressions you could tell he didn't agree with what Dumbo and LeGo the Gestapo was saying and KNEW they were wrong. I caught him once trying to say what should've been said, by first word he started to say and then the next word his lips were ready to utter but didn't (that's the advantage of being half deaf, you learn how to read lips and facial expressions), which was the TRUTH of the matter and NOT what he wound up saying. I felt so bad for him, because he gave a sideways glance to Legault the Gestapo with a "geez I hope you didn't catch that" kind of smile. But it was hard to scrutinize whether Gestapo Legault caught it or not as he always looks like he's a miserable mother f'r sucking on lemons. So did he or not, I don't know. All I know is that was at the start of the plandemic and Arruda lasted there beside that wanna be dictator until yesterday when he had about all he could take of the mother f'ers in charge twisting or ignoring the scientific facts to suit themselves and quit. 

For the news media in the stories about his resignation to insist that he was always in the wrong scientifically and that's why Legault didn't care when he quit, are a bunch of brainwashed idiots pandering to the wanna be dictator some more.  When it's been obvious all throughout this f'ing plandemic that ANYONE, ANYONE AT ALL, whether that's a DOCTOR, A NURSE, A SCIENTIST (of ANY discipline), a media person, a blogger, or even a protester at a rally that disagrees with THE GOVERNMENT'S STANCE (Now read that carefully, I said GOVERNMENT'S STANCE and NOT.... The Scientific stance) has BEEN CENSORED & EVEN HAD THEIR JOBS & LICENSES TO CONTINUE DOING THE WORK THEY'RE LICENSED TO DO THREATENED.  So with that in mind do you really honestly truly think that Arruda would be sitting there BESIDE LEGAULT at a news conference saying things contrary to what Legault wants said?????? If you do, then you're even dumber than a bucket of shrimp my friend and need to learn how to analyze things on your own and think logically.
This WHOLE PLANDEMIC FROM THE GET GO IS ABOUT POWER & MONEY. Those who have the power gets to dictate who can make more money, less money or no money at all. The pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines are pushing 2 doses plus 3 & 4 and even 5 shots altogether of the crap. Now I don't care if they're only making a fraction of a cent per dose, figure out how many doses that is world wide and then multiply it by the amount they're making on it, even if it is only a fraction of a cent and you'll see who's getting rich off of this fiasco. Now, if they used the virus to study it and make the vaccines from it, how do we know they're not the ones modifying and rereleasing it, in order to have new variants circling the globe so their cash cows can still keep on reaping the riches for them????? Because, now I have a feeling that that's what's going on out there. Pfizer et. al. might be tweaking that virus and rereleasing it and keeping copies of the tweak to try to play with to either make a suitable vaccine against it, or tweak it some more so they can rerelease it after everyone's caught up with their 4th & 5th doses. 
I also think that the gov'ts - 99% of the people in the various gov'ts have shares in those companies and so the more the companies sell of their vaccines the more the people in the gov'ts that have shares in those companies makes. Not to mention some of the heads of states and certain jurisdictions like say Quebec, may be getting kick backs and bribes to keep buying more and more doses from those companies to inoculate their population. When the populations revolt and have had enough of that BS and don't want any more vaccines the gov'ts try to force them via various methods for fear of losing out on those large dividend payouts and kickbacks.  Now I don't know which if any gov'ts are doing that, but I do know for sure that there are gov't personnel in probably every nation on earth who has shares in one or more of those companies, who's vested interests are to ensure that there's more of that product being produced and sold so they can continue to get their dividend payouts. I am also sure there's probably more than 1 head of state out there whether that's national or regional, who's accepting kickbacks and bribes to allow that vaccine to be bought and used in that country. I mean you really have to wonder when you look at what's happening in Israel with the Pfizer vaccine. Why only Pfizer and why so many doses of it there? Just makes one wonder - that's all. 
That's not to mention that bozo Legault and Dumbe thinks that imposing more lockdowns and curfews are going to do anything to curtail the spread of the virus. There's tons of science reports that shows they don't. But anyhow for Legault and Dumbe it's an awesome money grab tactic, along with that sudden new "health tax" for the "un"vaccinated, which we're sure to be added to eventually as we're refusing the booster shot. But personally I don't see why I need a booster shot, if I'm not allowed to go anywhere or do anything whether I'm fully vaccinated or not. I mean what's the f'n point anyhow? To go to the SAQ and pot store???? Euuuuu yeah those are wonderful reasons, considering I make my own wine and liqueurs (and you can too by availing yourselves of the recipes found here: Homemade Liqueur Recipes) and if I want weed, I'm sure I know a fully vaccinated person or two who can buy some for me. We got fully vaccinated so we could do things at will and not have to worry about barriers and that lasted for all of 6 months and then we're back into the same old sheite again where we couldn't even have a New Year's with our son because of the BS gestapo tactics of the gov't allowing us to only celebrate anything with the people in our own home. 
 I went out and bought a freaking huge turkey and all the fixings to have for New Year's Day dinner with our son & his wife, but couldn't have it because of gestapo Legault and Nurse Ratshit beside us (who hopefully will have Karma bore her a new one - the c__t tried to have me arrested - yeah because I sent them a registered letter telling them I was taking them to small claims court for all the shit they pulled - then she had the fireman spawn of hers nearly give me a heart attack yesterday morning -8AM no less, with his gestapo tactics of banging on our door - like as if we had 2 seconds to get out before the house explodes, to see if we had working fire detectors in the house - BUT the chicken sheite didn't come in like he was supposed to actually see and check for himself, instead he f'd off back to his truck). It's really weird that if the fire dept were checking for working smoke detectors we were the only ones they checked, especially considering the fire departments across the province are supposed to be short of firefighters due to Omicron - maybe so but they don't mind sparing one to come and harass us for no reason eh?. Oh that c__t and Mr. Pink Pussy that follows her around smelling, licking and kissing her ass will find out when I finish with them. They won't be having so much fun then. Unless it's with other cellmates. So I'm SERIOUSLY PISSED AT ALL & I MEAN ALL THE GESTAPO TYPES OUT THERE IN THIS F'N NAZIFIED PROVINCE!!!!!! I've literally had it up to the eyeballs with them all. They want lines being towed, wait, they'll have a few to tow themselves and that's a freaking promise. Only theirs is apt to be heavier and more restrictive than mine were or are. That includes Nurse Ratshit, Mr. Pink Pussy, Mr. Braindead Hockey Puck and Mr. Wanna Be Superman neighbours. I thought the ash hole was going to break the window in the door before he finished.  
I hope Karma also bores new holes for  Gestapo Barbie, Legault and Dumbe and all the cops and firemen that want to give people heart attacks by the way they knock when there's no reason to do so and apply gestapo tactics and don't mind acting as Legault's gestapo force to enrich his coffers, by issuing insane tickets for things that there shouldn't even be a fine for. 

I mean I don't get how having New Year's dinner with our son and his wife (who is fully vaccinated) is any worse than a family of 4 who live together having NY's dinner together. It's not because you live together in the same house that one can't bring home the virus and infect the others. So what's the difference here? Especially since 3 out of the 4 were fully vaccinated anyhow and spent Christmas together which was just the week before. So I don't see the point of the 2 vaccinations we've had if they served no purpose in either protecting us from the virus itself, or allowing us freedoms (which should be guaranteed in the charter of rights and freedoms anyway, with or without a vaccination). So that's why I don't think we'll be getting anymore doses of the shiete as it's not worth the risk in protection (as that's laughable to say the least),  or in what we're allowed to do or not do. So what's the point? 

So now on with the headlines that backs up what I've been yammering on about now for the last little while. All expect the sheite that happened to me personally, that is.... There aren't any headlines about that "yet". But the way the ash holes next door are going, there's apt to be, with us being the victims once again.

UK agency: Pfizer booster’s ability to prevent symptomatic COVID wanes within weeks For those who think Pfizer's the best you might be interested in reading this article.

Omicron may not be the final variant, but it may be the final variant of concern Probably not if the vaccine manufacturers have anything to do with it.

Anger over mask mandates, other covid rules, spurs states to curb power of public health officials I wish someone would curb the powers of Legault the Gestapo and Dumbe. 
Daily Covid-19 infections top 100,000 in France Those were the numbers for Christmas Day.

Canada secretly tracked 33 million phones during COVID-19 lockdown: report I'm pretty sure I said this would happen somewhere in this blog, because it was pretty much a given, especially knowing what kind of conniving, lying, snakes in the grass our governmental bodies are. And you wonder why I seem to have a chip on my shoulder against the gov't and any authority eh?..... I wonder why.... I've already exposed enough of their BS, lies and connivings in here for you to figure it out on your own - unless you're one of those shrimp in a bucket.

Report: Canada's Public Health Agency Tracked 33M Devices During Pandemic Just in case you thought the other site reporting this story was one of those "tabloids", maybe this one is a little more credible to you.

Australia marks second Covid Christmas Contrast the 6,288 infections here with the 100,000 in France for the same day. Huge difference, but still this seems to be a lot for Australia.


Pfizer antiviral pills may be risky with other medications Oh I'm sure if they give enough doctors and pharmacies kickbacks or "professional gratuity" for every prescription written for a particular product or a particular product sold - for every inventoried item of it sold, the doctors and pharmacists are going to be turning a blind eye towards the risks. Like I think our own doctor does most of the time. 
That's another thing that happened during my furlough from this blog.... My husband almost died due to medication our doctor prescribed to him for his blood pressure. As any 911 services are more than 21 minutes away when you call them (except if you don't want or need them then they're here faster), I had to try to take care of him myself when his lips and fingernails were already blue and his face was ashen gray. I mean for all the world he looked like he was dead and going to be that way in a matter of seconds or minutes. Anyhow, I managed to save him, so he's still here and still providing the help, support and love he always did. Thankfully.  But that is a scare I can't seem to get over. I've had too many of them in the past 3 weeks now. It just seems to be one thing on top of another. First the c__t next door tries to have me arrested, 2 days later that happened to my husband and then yesterday the c__t's spawn trying to give me a heart attack for no f'n reason other than a jolly for the bitch that's his mother.


Quebec updates testing guidelines: Here's what to do if you might have COVID-19   Yup, isn't that how this plandemic got out of control to begin with? By trusting people to self isolate and follow guidelines when we all knew they wouldn't? That they'd be tempted to get that essential item they need at the store, or go in to work instead of being fired, or finish the term paper rather than flunk out of college or university? I mean we all knew that that's what would happen and did happen and one of the reasons for the virus to pick up steam in the early days of it's spread. So now you're going to trust everyone to do the same? Unless they have Nurse Ratshit living next door with 911 on speed dial, do you really think they're all going to obey? 

ANOTHER RECORD: Nearly 50,000 new COVID cases in NY This is the day after Christmas for comparison to France's & Australia's numbers of roughly the same time period.

Coronavirus Can Persist for Months After Traversing Body Yup, I'm pretty sure we mostly all, already know about Long Covid by now. So what was the point of this article other than as a scaremongering piece to reinforce the arguments for booster shots???? 

Omicron spreads global gloom over New Year’s celebrations That's for sure. That's what happened here. Instead of having a nice turkey dinner because Mr. Legault Gestapo had to cancel celebrations for anyone 24 hours before New Year's Eve celebrations began and for anything afterwards. He couldn't have done that before anyone made any plans or bought anything on account of those plans. 
Elder Abuse Spreads, Stoked by the Pandemic  In our case however it's abusive self-entitled ass hole neighbours, who thinks they're entitled to our property, without even paying a cent for it.


China to jail drivers in brutal 'zero Covid' lockdown as Omicron spreads worldwide Well if that's the case we would starve to death eventually and maybe have lots of health related problems while doing so, as both the grocery store and pharmacy (both side by side and the nearest ones) are about 4kms away. Much too far to walk with heavy groceries any time of the year especially at our age and even for me a walker, 4kms there and 4kms back would be too much for me to handle any time of the year even with light packages like medication would be.  So for those people's sakes I hope they all live within reasonable walking distance for the goods they'll be requiring to live. I know there's a lot of rural regions in China, not sure how those people will manage.

French tennis star Benoit Paire rages after testing positive to Covid-19 for ‘250th time’ Yeah that must be aggravating for sure. Something wrong maybe with the tests they're using?

COVID-19: Could Omicron be a turning point for the pandemic? If it is a turning point, let's hope it's a good one (I mean for us and not it).



South Africa lifts curfew as it says Covid omicron peak has passed So since it seems to have last 2-3 months there, we should be able to see the back end of this variant at least by the end of February here in Canada.

Quebec reinstates curfew, closes dining rooms, bans private gatherings as cases soar  See the time date stamp on that article!!!!! See when the mother f'n gestapo creep announced that!?!? And you wonder why I seethe at them and their gestapo tactics! Incase that article goes missing it was: December 30, 2021. Now correct me if I'm wrong but there's only probably a few hours left until midnight of that day making the following minute after that December 31st, 2021 - aka New Year's Eve! That's what kind of gestapo control freaks we have here in QC.

COVID outbreak at Antarctic station among fully vaccinated researchers like a horror movie Whenever the idiots in charge (whenever that might be, as it's doubtful that they ever will) starts to realize that QUARANTine (MEANS 40 - as in 40 DAYS) and that all quarantines should last at least 40 days if you want them to be effective, THEN & ONLY THEN MIGHT we have a chance at beating this virus, but when we start off at 14 days and go down to 10 and then 5 and then not at all (as in you're a medical personnel so sick or not, get yer ash to work) or you regulate your own self quarantine, you KNOW it's DOOMED TO KEEP SPREADING FOREVER & A YEAR. As there is NO stopping it at all. The vaccines are a joke and the "quarantines" are even more of a joke as they're not and never have been done properly to start with.

Quebec reintroduces 10 p.m. curfew as infection rates skyrocket Like I said before the virus doesn't know what time it is, so what's these stupid curfews all about? Besides most people who work or go to school usually are home and in bed by 10pm. So what's this about? Another powermongering trip to make him feel important? Is that it? 

Dr. Bonnie Henry says 'new game' with Omicron variant could signal end of COVID-19 pandemic That would be awesome! That's what I'm counting on, now as I've totally had it.

Scientists identify antibodies that can neutralise Omicron and other variants That's good I guess, but I won't be getting any of those boosters or shots or whatever it is. I've had enough. Like they say, enough is enough and I've had it already.

Omicron has passed peak in South Africa, causing relatively few deaths and hospitalizations, authorities say Now read that part well that starts after the comma and let it sink in before deciding to panic over Omicron here.

Health pass or vaccine pass: Europe eyes tighter Covid control measures Monkey see Monkey do.... Copying the measures put in place here in QC since last summer, I see.... 
Worrying about COVID-19 leads to poorer choices, mental decline I'm not half as worried about Covid as I am about our neighbours from hell and what they're going to be up to next. The half wit hockey puck braindead son plays for the Las Vegas team, so I'm sure he picked up more than a few tips and tricks from the mafia that owns his team and is trying all of them out on us.

Better future after COVID? Most people want it, but few think it will happen I'm beginning to wonder if there'll even be an "after COVID", considering it's over 3 years it's dragged on already.
NYC will consider race when distributing life-saving COVID treatments  I don't even know how they can consider that. I don't know the US constitution at all, but I believe there's a part in it where all are supposed to be equal under the law, so if that's the case should that be the case in all things and not just the law?



Health Unit: 'Positive rapid antigen test results do not need to be reported' under new provincial guidelines Leave it to Imbeciles 'R Us to come up with the guidelines.... How the F are they going to know if they're going up down or levelling out the curve in this wave if no one reports anything????? Or are they employing Madame Jezebelle and her magic crystal ball to see what's ahead? Just wondering?

The end of the pandemic will not be televised Of course not, because that way they'll be able to keep control of you for longer than if they televised it.

Covid microchip developer says there's no stopping roll-out: 'Whether we like it or not!'  This is something else I predicted was coming, in this blog. Not sure when or where, but probably almost anywhere where tracing, or passports was mentionned.

Schools, indoor dining shuttered as Ontario reintroduces COVID measures  Always playing catch up to whatever Quebec's doing eh?

'I'm starving to death!' Panic in China as millions forced inside in strict Covid lockdown Yup, we figured that if the virus didn't kill off enough people fast enough gov'ts worldwide would find ways to help it, whether that would be by restricting access to anything, locking them in and throwing away the key, forcing them to take vaccines or boosters that maybe weren't good for them and all sorts of other nifty methods they might dream up. Like taking people who are sick with covid from hospitals and putting them in long term care and seniors residents so they could die like they did in the first  wave etc.... They're finding all sorts of ways to work it out to cut down on population it seems.

DĂ©jĂ  vu: French scientists detect ANOTHER variant linked to travel to Cameroon and say it carries 46 mutations that may make it more vaccine-resistant and infectious (but it is so far NOT outcompeting Omicron) Yup, who can say they didn't see this coming from months and months away? It's pretty much a given now that there'll be variant after variant and wave after wave and we'll never be rid of this virus until or unless the vaccine makers stop dicking around actually make a real working vaccine, one worthy of being called a vaccine alongside the old time vaccines like against smallpox for instance. 

Omicron Variant Might Help Defend Against Delta, Lab Study Suggests Might, but I might not get my hopes up too high as they might get dashed.

WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard Which says that

Globally, as of 4:52pm CET, 11 January 2022, there have been 308,458,509 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 5,492,595 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 11 January 2022, a total of 9,194,549,698 vaccine doses have been administered.

COVID, year three: What's likely to change in 2022 Probably only more stringent measures and more draconian punishments.

The Next Big COVID Variant Could Be a Triple Whammy Nightmare Or even a quadruple nightmare. I mean hey if we want to do some scaremongering speculations I can do some of my own too. Doesn't mean I'm any more right or wrong than they are.

Moderna CEO warns people may need fourth Covid shot as efficacy of boosters likely to decline over time And the 104th and 105th and so on and so and so on.... Like the Energizer Bunny.... Never runs out of shots to keep it going.

How to treat yourself at home if you get COVID-19 I guess you might have to, if the hospitals are full and they start triaging people for treatment or just refusing admittance to certain people.

'We are playing with fire': European health officials blast CDC's revised COVID isolation guidelines Well at least NOT EVERYONE is as stupid as the CDC people are. But no one is bright enough or brave enough (not sure which is the case - seems like everyone likes to keep pretending the emperor is wearing the finest clothes when he's wearing nothing at all, as everyone seems to chicken or stupid to point that out and insist that the medical and political communities gets their collective acts together and starts flying right) to issue the orders that EVERYONE MUST STOCK UP ON A MONTH'S WORTH OF FOOD & SUPPLIES and then make everyone stay home for that month - actually it should be 40 days but I'm not sure everyone could afford to stock up on enough food and medicines for 40 days - even 4 days is pushing it for some. But those who are on social assistance should be given food vouchers to buy enough groceries for their family to last the month - over and above their normal monthly allowance given them for food and shelter, to ensure they have sufficient funds to pay rent, and their other bills and buy enough food and medicine for the month. Give everyone 1 week to stock up (yeah I know it'll clean the stores out - but they'll be mandated closed for the next 30 days so what do they want food sitting there and rotting for with no buyers?). And make sure everyone and everything is closed for the next month except of course 911 services and hospitals. THAT IS HOW YOU STOP THE SPREAD. But nooooooo..... No one has the guts to do that, so until there's a cure or a vaccine that actually works, it'll just keep going around and around and around nonstop, mutating as it goes. So yeah shrink the quarantine time - but then why bother having one at all? Might as well just drop the whole charade and get on with it, if you're not going to do it properly. That's what I think, but then again, it's just me, an old retired nurse, so what do I know about anything eh?
Accommodate the unvaccinated and let life get back to normal, Erin O’Toole says O'Toole the old tool.... What a freaking numbskull. He wants to use "rapid tests" which have been proven to be almost totally unreliable, as his back up plan to protect people.  But I seriously don't see the logic in this at all. He wants the UNvaccinated to use unreliable rapid tests as a way of protecting others from potential spreaders, but if you're vaccinated, it shouldn't matter, as it's not a serious condition if the vaccinated person gets it, only if the UNvaccinated gets it. He wants people to be vaccinated, but yet he wants to protect the UNvaccinated from getting it with the stupid "rapid tests" that don't work anyhow.  I don't know, if the UNvaccinated are supposed to be the bane of our existance as everyone seems to think they are, why is everyone so concerned about protecting them from getting the virus, in the first place?  Since  the vaccinated probably won't get it, and if they do it won't be as serious as when someone who isn't vaccinated gets it. Personally, I think the whole thing is just a bunch of idiotic nonsense. Trying to protect a grown adult from something they themselves don't care if they're protected against or not, via unreliable tests. 

Grocery stores in Quebec facing lack of staff, supply chain problems due to Omicron wave True I haven't been out of the house in a few days, but when I was last out to the stores, I didn't see any supply chain or lack of staff shortages. True I don't go to a lot of stores either, but the ones I did go to had everything in stock that was in their flyers, which is what I went for, in the first place. 

Quebecers will need to show vaccine passports to access liquor, cannabis stores Like I said above, it's not a problem for me, I make my own liqueurs etc and sometimes without needing any alcohol as things can ferment on their own and turn into a nice wine, or liqueur type drink and as for pot, if I want some I know where to get it. It's not often I want any though, because it leaves me famished and sleepy. So I don't know what to do first, gorge myself silly or pass out. So I forget about that as a nice glass of wine or liqueur or cocktail can unwind me and put me to sleep too, without making me famished. And being famished is the LAST THING I NEED right now. I'm trying to cut back on food intake and not increase it.

We will protect unvaccinated from themselves: Que. minister Dumbe is at it again promising to protect the unvaccinated from themselves. Too bad we don't have someone or something to protect us against him and his BS.

Justice Sotomayor Exaggerated the Number of Severe COVID-19 Cases Among Children Talk about your own agenda... I guess when a politician or law maker has an agenda, they can make up all kinds of "facts" to support it, like this guy did. Just goes to show you can't always believe or trust anyone not even judges.

Don’t Work Out With Covid-19, at the Gym or Anywhere Else  Well when you're sick the general rule of thumb is to take it easy and let your body use whatever energy it has to fight your illness. When you're 100% over it, is the time to start getting back into your routines GRADUALLY especially if you were incapacitated for a period of more than just a few days.

PM recognises ‘terrible toll’ as official Covid death total passes 150,000 Don't freak out fellow Canadians as these are UK numbers, not ours.

Anti-vax protesters tell France's Macron: 'We'll piss you off' Good! I wish the anti-vaxxers in Canada would piss the Cdn politicians off enough that they backed off and left us the F alone. 


$1.26m paid to 296 with serious side effects after COVID vaccination in S'pore: report And of course they're protecting the miscreants that caused those serious side effects by not naming them in the story. 

Omicron: Natural immunity idea ‘not really panning out,’ doctor explains As per this story, even booster shots don't protect you against Omicron. 

Romania tightens pandemic measures amid COVID-19 surge As a guy in this story admits the measures aren't meant to stop the virus because they know it won't, it's only to make it look like the politicians are doing something to try to stop it. Which is probably the case with the money grubbing gestapo wanna be dictator running QC too.

COVID-19 is pushing Quebec hospitals to highest alert level. Here's what that means For us it just means more of the same, not getting to see a doctor when we need to and when we do, we're given prescriptions that either don't work or kill us and we have to second guess and do our own research on everything ourselves. So she gives us the name of what we have and then we have to find out everything else about it, including if the prescription she just gave us for it, will work or kill us because she doesn't bother to look at the contra-indications about it. 

COVID-19 in Canada: Health minister responds to irresponsible Sunwing Cancun travellers, possible provincial vaccine mandate Gawd I hate these types almost as much as I hate the authorities.... Self entitled, self-important and self centered ash holes. I hope they all face the maximum penalties possible.

Rapid spread of Omicron showing 'tale of two pandemics: rich and poor' Isn't that what this plandemic is all about? Getting rid of excess population by cutting down on the "useless eaters" and "riffraff"? Like Henry Kissinger and the elite have been dreaming about since the 1960s (which by the way was when there were only about 4 billion of us alive then - even then the elite thought the world was too populated). Of course they aren't the ones volunteering to give up their lives in order for others to have more resources and space, no it's the old, the poor, the disabled and those they deem to be a burden on society that they think should die. So they'll find one way or another achieve that now it looks like. 



Some Ontarians are refusing Moderna boosters, pharmacies say That's because of the big deal made about how great and wonderful Pfizer is, while totally ignoring Moderna in the media. There is an article above that proves that Moderna is a much more protective and longer lasting vaccine and booster than Pfizer is or ever will be.

Cyprus reportedly discovers a Covid variant that combines omicron and delta That's beside the other variant recently discovered in France.... So here we go again. Like I said - Energizer Bunny..... 



T cells triggered by common cold also fend off Covid: Study Good so if that's the case, I'll never get it, since I've never gotten a cold or a flu or any illness (except the Alpha version of this virus and even then it wasn't anything I couldn't handle on my own) since I contracted H1N1 in 2009. 

Meditating each day activates genes that fight off cancer and viruses like COVID-19 I am a 1st hand believer in the mind over matter techniques to heal ourselves. I truly believe that we are the ones that can heal ourselves and even gets ourselves sick or injured in the first place, in several ways. I mean that most people don't believe these things, and so won't even try them to see if they work, they just poopoo them right away without even giving them a second thought and that's it. But for those who do try they may not be successful at their first attempts or maybe not in every instance on every ailment they might have but they don't negate what they did accomplish. It's merely mind over matter. You can get so caught up in life and the problems of it (like the stressful times I've been having lately) that you don't take time to realize that it's YOU who lets those things bother you and cause you problems and you can just simply forbid it. Simply make your mind up that that stress isn't going to affect you or your health. That you can prevent cancer by denying it permission to exist or enter your body in the first place and fervently believe that whatever cist you might see or feel is benign and refuse to entertain the thought that it's anything else worse than a benign cist. Try to not let yourself feel down and depressed because then you let yourself go (physically and mentally) and that's when a lot of disease can creep into your body and take over too. Put yourself into a zen state - where your mind zones out and you think of soothing things like maybe a soothing song, or your pet, or something beautiful, peaceful and serene - like maybe a flower garden or your favourite fishing hole or whatever puts you into a peaceful easy feeling (to quote the Eagles) and zone out and stay there until you feel your whole body relaxing and calming down. Keep busy doing stuff you love to do, laugh, and try to enjoy life more too. All those things helps keep you healthy and heal yourself, without any medicine or surgery needed. 
I know orthopedic specialists will want to kill me for telling you this, but I know this first hand and the first instance of this working for me was when I was 15 and broke my ankle in 3 places. I had a good old plaster cast and crutches which I was supposed to have for the first 3 weeks and then I was supposed to get that cast off and get a walking cast on - a plaster cast with a heel on it made to walk on. Well when I got home we lived a few flights upstairs in an apartment and as I couldn't manage the crutches on the stairs my parents made me stay home from school as they figured I'd be in a body cast from head to toe if I had to try to go up and down those stairs everyday with crutches. I was 15 so staying home alone while my parents went to work and siblings went to school was no big deal. So while I was home alone, I hobbled around the apartment on my cast without the crutches as I couldn't stand them. At first it hurt a bit, but I kept saying to myself, it's not broken, it's not broken and eventually after a few days it didn't hurt anymore, I believed it. So after the 3 weeks was up I had to get the cast off. Well the doctor that saw me to cut the cast off, saw the condition of the cast and gave me sheite (as the bottom was completely worn off just the gauze was left). Anyhow he sent me down for an x-ray to see the condition of my ankle and if they'd have to replace that cast with a new one of the same type or if I could get my walking cast or what. When he saw the x ray he was flabbergasted and started telling me that if he didn't see the original xrays from when I broke it, he'd have never believed it was ever broken to start with. He took the cast off and my crutches away from me and told me to go home, I didn't need the walking cast on. And that's a true story. One of many such mind over matter type stories I have. But there's no time nor room for all of those in here.
‘AT GROUND ZERO’ Western troops fell ill in Wuhan MONTHS before Covid outbreak officially began fuelling lab leak suspicions hmmmmm.... Curiouser and curiouser... And they said no such thing happened.... Yeah.... sure...

Living with COVID-19: How the virus could turn into the common cold, or something far worse Oh just shut up I've had enough of this sheite now..... Either it goes away once and for all or turns super lethal and gets rid of us all, once in for all, but I seriously wish it would in the vernacular of some people I know either piss or get off the pot. Because I'm 1000% tired of it now.


The New Trend in Healthcare: Do-It-Yourself  That seems to be the new trend in everything just about, from grow your own food to cut your own hair to being your own body trainer.

Red Cross declares first-ever national blood crisis Wondering how the Cdn & QC blood banks are doing? 

Amid rising prices, American families fall deeper in debt Well um duh, I wonder why, when you take this statement into account: Over the past two years, median income fell 3% while the cost of living rose nearly 7%, due, in part, to rising housing and medical costs.
UK’s Johnson accused of breaking lockdown with garden party  Another case of "do as I say, not as I do".

Europe Slowly Starts to Consider Treating Covid Like the Flu  If it is like the flu or a cold, with few deaths, I don't see why not.

Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in US and Britain The same should apply to Canada as well.

Quebec to impose 'significant' financial penalty against people who refuse to get vaccinated This is just a huge money grab by a power hungry money grubbing wanna be gestapo style dictator monster aka Legault.

Alberta unions call for circuit-breaker COVID-19 lockdown but Premier Kenney says no See what I'm talking about here? The idiocy out there. How the unions want a circuit breaker lockdown (which SHOULD BE 40 DAYS & BE A REAL TRUE LOCKDOWN OF EVERYTHING & EVERYONE EXCEPT 911 Services & hospitals) and the premier doesn't want to know about it. But I guess unless the rest of the world is onboard and doing it all at the same time, it won't matter because everything will grind to a halt for 40 days in this region but nowhere else is doing it, so as soon as the 40 days are up, there'll be cross border traffic between that region and other regions and someone will have the virus and bring it back into the region that was lockeddown for 40 days anyhow. So either the entire world does it at the same time or no one bothers because it'll be useless.
Okay so this is it for now. I don't know when or if I'll be back again, to post in here. Because I'd rather be trying to sort out my own life and enjoy it a bit if I can before whatever is going to end it does.  
And honestly I hope nothing else in this plandemic gets me as infuriated as what's been going on around here lately nor that another variant comes along causing as much havoc as Omicron did. In fact I hope this is the end of all of it.
In case it's not and there's more to come, take care, stay safe and out of the virus' way.