Showing posts with label free money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free money. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

More Coronavirus Amid...

Other Things in Life

May 3,

As I have a lot to do today. We have food that needs taking care of before it goes on the compost heap, like chicken - so some chicken soup needs to be made, lemons - hopefully a couple of lemon breads in the making depending on whether I can manage it or not, because I feel like some aliens or something was trying to see how I bend, while I slept and so I  woke up with stretched side muscles. So now it hurts when I move and as there's grating lemon rinds involved in making the bread, I don't know if I'll be able to manage that. But even if I can't do that, there's still blueberries, apples, and broccoli that also needs attending to. On top of that my husband wants me to finish getting the links into this blog as soon as possible so he can get his computer back. Like my mother used to say "there's no rest for the wicked".... So I'll be off and on the computer most of the day, making something and while taking a 5 minute break or while waiting for something to finish cooking, come back to the computer to add another link or 2 to this post.  

Read All About It! Coronavirus Continues!

Most people want billionaires to pitch in to aid poverty and inequality  I don't see why they shouldn't, considering they made their money off our backs and in some cases, both Gates' & Zuckerburg's at least using rather unscrupulous ways of doing it. Just on this side of the line of legality, a smidgeon more, both of them would be behind bars or have faced severe financial repercussions at the beginning which would've stopped them in their tracks before they had the chance to make anything with their unscrupulous methods.

Open-air classes for Denmark's students  Maybe they should consider that for the highschool students here too, so they don't lose the year entirely.

Homeland Security issues new warning about Zoom Those using that program might want to check this news out before using it again.

Europe is worried about Chinese corporate takeovers tied to Covid-19 Canadians should be too, considering they were already buying up everything on sight, before COVID19. Now that a lot of businesses are failing because of COVID19 they might be able to get them even cheaper now than they would've before and considering we have a Chinese butt kisser in power, we should really be concerned now. Or anyone in their right mind, should be anyhow.

'We'll starve to death if this continues' Is that what the cockamamie way of imposing quarantine this time around was meant to do? To deprive people of their livelihoods, so that they wind up starving to death? To cut down on population whichever way possible?

Welcome to the worst economy ever  As I said above...

Dr. Bill Gates knows best. All medical specialists world wide should defer to this clown that thinks he knows everything about everything.

Experimental Drug Shows Potential  That's the drug made by Gilead Sciences. The one that was partnered with the Chinese Lab in Wuhan China, and was ready for patent in 2016 except they were busy fighting over the patent rights, and they're trying to tell us this is a new virus not man made or manipulated in anyway by man either. Sureeeee.....  If anyone buys that I have a few private tropical islands for sale that they might be interested in buying too.

Is the global trading system unravelling before our eyes? Here is where things stand   It'll just force each nation to become more self-sufficient in the long run. Which is the way it should be. No one should have to depend on others for stuff they can make, grow or do themselves for a lot of reasons but this pandemic demonstrates one of those reasons.

For Canada To Reopen, These COVID-19 Unknowns Must Be Considered  You know I am of the mind (given the fact that the numbers are nowhere near the numbers of the deadly flu outbreaks we've had over the years that claim mostly seniors lives, that this whole societal lockdown was contrived for certain reasons totally UNrelated to any illness or pandemic) that whether there are increased cases or not (and there will be because the more testing they do, the more they'll find, so that's a given), they're going to say there are more cases and shut things down again after about 2-4 weeks of this. They're giving society, a breather from the lockdown and allowing businesses to function again for the population who needs certain things they couldn't get during the lockdown, like say appliances or computer/office supplies, clothes that aren't sold at Walmart and Giant Tiger, haircuts and the like. Then when they figure everything and everyone has had ample time to get the things they need or want and have their morale boosted, by being let out of lockdown to blow off steam. When they figure everyone's done all of that, is when they'll clamp down again. Like I said this has nothing to do with a pandemic or a disease, this has something to do with much more nefarious things. Though I think, perhaps Canada and a few other European countries are doing their best to shield their citizens from the repercussions of losing their jobs, by providing as much financial assistance to everyone as possible. Countries that won't or can't do that is where the main "objectives" of this world wide experiment will be achieved - as in the most people will be eradicated. Because from the 18 months to 2 years stories I see about everything (about how it'll be 18 months to a vaccine - which will probably never happen - to the disease will be around for 2 years), I think the objectives they have in mind will take that long to achieve. Meanwhile Canadians and other countries citizens will be let out of lockdown temporarily in intervals (when they feel a rebellion is brewing or they need workers to go back to work to increase supplies of certain things and to allow people to purchase certain things they can't get during lockdown periods).  I bet it'll be a couple of weeks to a month at the moment the seasonal weather patterns change (not necessarily at the equinoxes when the calendar date for the seasons changes), so that people can get seasonal related items like summer clothes, air conditioners, pool toys, lawn mowers, etc.... Then in autumn, they'll be let out again for a while to buy school clothes for the kids, leaf blowers, Halloween decorations etc... Then when it gets cold and starts snowing again to get snow & Christmas related items and so on.  That's what I see happening, at least here in Canada where the gov't is trying it's best to maintain the charade of the lockdown while assuaging the public and trying to shield them from the final fallout of the objective of this charade (whatever it is - all I know for sure is it's nothing good). So enjoy and take full advantage of the loosening up of these lockdowns, because they're sure to reoccur given the fact that the more they test the more they'll find coronavirus patients, which is the excuse they'll be using to clamp down again.

Food Lines a Mile Long in America’s Second-Wealthiest State  A perfect example of some of the things I talked about above, how this is more about shutting business down and thus causing mass starvation etc, then solely about a pandemic that so far isn't anywhere near as bad as seasonal flus have been.

Trump speculates that China released virus in lab ‘mistake’  He's being diplomatic here, because I personally am not so sure it was a "mistake". I think it was intentional given what's going on with them and the world now - how they're trying to take advantage of the virus in various countries who've closed everything down causing people to go bankrupt or fall on very hard financial times causing them to sell whatever they have (whether that's real estate, businesses, or mineral/oil rights, or just goods at rock bottom prices) they're buying up. So if this keeps up they'll own the world, nevermind rule the world, they won't have to rule it, as they'll own it, lock stock and barrel. Unless governments see, understand and react to what's going on to stop it, before it gets too pervasive. That's not too likely to happen here in Canada though, given that Trudeau loves the Chinese almost as much as he loves the Muslim jihadists and terrorists. So you're on your own to try to prevent the Chinese takeover here.

New Vehicle Sales Continue Downward Slide in April, Edmunds Forecasts  I guess then he'll have to start a new issue of his Lemonaid book detailing faults of older makes and models of vehicles, for the used car buyers.

Coronavirus: The last places on Earth which have no reported COVID-19 cases  That's how viruses of all kinds not just this one should be treated. Those who are coming from certain places are kept out of the country altogether, that way there's no problem of the virus winding up running rampant in the country. 

Coronavirus outbreak: Is Trudeau concerned about rising deficits as governments spend to combat COVID-19?  Apparently not too concerned, because he kept deflecting in his reply to that question. Either that or he doesn't dare to answer it, because it'll give away just how bad it really is and then he'll get booted out of parliament on account of it.

Coronavirus could create biggest economic contraction and deficit in Canadian history  Now please people try to understand what this means, because I really don't think many of today's young adults can really grasp what this is saying. It's saying it could be the biggest economic contraction & deficit in Canadian history which includes the Great Depression era.  Canada like many countries around the world just barely survived the Great Depression where people were so dirt poor they barely had enough food to eat, and everything upon everything was repurposed and nothing thrown out unless it was of absolutely no use to anyone.  But even butcher's twine that held the paper wrapped meat closed was kept, that wasn't even thrown out. The paper was probably dried off and used as kindling to start the stove fire and of course the meat was eaten. Nothing went to waste. That's for the average household that still had a roof over their heads, but a lot, a lot, a lot of people were homeless because of losing their jobs and not being able to pay the rent or mortgage (banks), and so were kicked out and banks foreclosed on their homes, or the landlords kicked them out. That's why so many young men (even below the age of enlistment) enlisted in the military when the WWII started, just so they could have food to eat, warm clothes to wear and a place to sleep at night and so their families wouldn't have to try to support and feed them too. That's how desperately poor everyone was. So if they're saying this could be worse than that, that is how bad that was, and this could be worse, so brace yourselves for what's coming. Prepare for what may lie ahead the best you can.  Try to be as free and clear of debt now as possible so the banks don't wind up grabbing it all later.

New COVID-19 public health order intended to ensure no Albertan has to die alone  That seems to be way more compassionate than anywhere else is. 

Contact tracing needs to balance public health benefits with privacy: Trudeau For now it's voluntary but wait, that'll be like the "voluntary self-isolation" which quickly became "mandatory self-isolation". The easy way to combat that is to just not own a cellphone - they can't force people to drag a landline around with them as that just won't work. So cancel cellphone contracts and invest in a good ole landline. Like we always used to have in the past. I'm sorry but they've already infringed on enough of our rights and privacy as it is. Don't give them more.

Economic figures show grim toll in Europe and US from virus  As I've been pointing out above and it's only just beginning - it's only been since mid March that we've been in lockdown. Wait. If we have to continue this lockdown charade for another 18 months what do you think it'll be like by then if in a month & a half's time it's gotten this bad already?

El-Erian: Worst recession since Great Depression ahead, 2009 will look like a flesh wound  It's not just one or two people saying this. It's pretty much everyone in the financial forecasting business it seems.

Veterinarian warns one dog breed could be more susceptible to coronavirus   My son will be sad to hear this as that's his favourite breed of dog.

Over 70% of tested inmates in federal prisons have COVID-19  That's in the US, but I'm pretty sure that the numbers are probably about the same here in Canada, too.

Private seniors' home in Montreal's east end evacuated after staff flee, owner appeals for help  So if the seniors don't die of the disease, they'll die one way or another, as it seems they're making sure of that.

Lakeshore Hospital struggles to contain COVID-19 outbreak  Yup, I can certainly understand why, considering anyone who needs to go into isolation has to go right through the emergency waiting room to get there to the infectious isolation unit.

Did the WHO mishandle the global coronavirus pandemic?   Seriously? The journalists at CBC are that stupid that they had to ask that question? Anyone with a braincell in their heads knows they did.

Rural leaders urge Quebecers to be vigilant as travel restrictions are lifted  Yeah that's what I'm worried about out here starting tomorrow the stores in our area will allowed to be opened but not on Montreal island and we're just 5 minutes off the island. So I can see a lot of Montrealers who need or want certain things at stores that aren't open in Montreal yet, will be coming out this way to do their shopping until their stores are allowed to open.  Dragging their viruses with them.

Coronavirus: Russian PM Mishustin tests positive for virus

Blood of supposedly recovered coronavirus patients being sold on dark web  OMG, that is such a dangerous scam it's not funny. Anyone who falls for this will be getting what they paid for, which is any blood borne disease imaginable from HIV/AIDS to Hepatitis, to Lyme and West Nile Virus and maybe (but not necessarily) Coronavirus antibodies. But there are a ton of blood borne diseases that these clowns doing this probably have no way of checking for and filtering out of this blood, so while it may have actual coronavirus antibodies in it, it could have a ton of other unwelcome pathogens.  So anyone buying this on the black web or on the street corner is getting whatever they paid for.  But again it doesn't necessarily mean that it even has coronavirus antibodies in it either. It could even be blood drawn from some other species for all you know.  So gawd, if you even have a half a brain cell in your head, stay away from that. That's all I can say about this.

AP-NORC poll: Seeking virus data, people struggle with trust   Hmmmmm the reasons why totally eludes me.... Could it possibly have anything to do with how they managed or I should say seemingly purposely mismanaged this from the beginning and in total coordination with all other countries?  I mean seriously could that have anything to do with it at all? The public haven't been that dumbed down that they couldn't see what was going on in front of their eyes and come to their own conclusions as to why.

Germany expects record recession in 2020 because of coronavirus OMG that's saying some, when during the depression and after the war they needed wheelbarrows of their money the Deutchmark to buy a loaf of bread. Same with the Italians too. That's why as recently as the 1970s before the EU came into existance they were carrying giant 1,000,000 lire notes in their wallets - which to my understanding wasn't worth much more than a Canadian $2 bill then.

In Silicon Valley, Elon Musk mobilizes a small army of tech elites behind reopening society

Venezuela sets new price controls, with eggs costing more than a month's wages   Could something this horrendous be in our futures too? Considering how things are going now?

Ottawa bans window visits at city-run long-term care homes  Talk about heartless and cruel. Like I said, I think maybe the idea here is to ban the seniors from everyone's sight and thoughts. Like the saying goes "out of sight, out of mind". The question is why? I am pretty sure I know the answer to that one, but I shant voice it here.

Could remdesivir be a game-changer for COVID patients? Experts say wait for data

Cargill beef plant to reopen next week after COVID-19 outbreak forced closure  Good at least there will still continue to be a meat supply of some sort.

Are COVID-19 Mutations Making the Virus More Deadly? From other articles I read, all the mutations of the virus were about the same virulence.

Hong Kong airport trials disinfection booths that kill coronavirus 'within 40 seconds' Geez I need one of those things, if it works that good and that fast.

Lifetime Lockdown? 40% Of Americans Will Avoid Public Spaces Long After Coronavirus Pandemic Ends  Okay that's paranoia to the extreme, I think. I can understand people being wary of going back out into public and not trusting the officials 'word' that there's nothing to worry about any more, because we heard that one in the beginning of this, as in, "oh there's nothing to worry about, just wash your hands and you'll be fine". So, no wonder they won't trust those in authority telling them that everything's fine, again. But for the rest of their lives even after they ascertain for themselves by seeing what's going on out there in the world and realizing that no one is getting sick with it again, is a little much, I think.

Coronavirus pandemic likely to last two years, report says Yup here's one of those likely to last 2 years reports.

New Research Suggests Significant Undercount of Children With Coronavirus  I know they're not only significantly undercounted in Montreal, but not being counted at all, because my daughter-in-law is a nurse at the Montreal Children's Hospital downtown and she said to me yesterday that she wasn't aware of any kids with coronavirus in the hospital.

Ontario allowing small list of businesses to reopen with 'strict safety guidelines'

Coronavirus: Is there any evidence for lab release theory? 

China likes Canada's 'cool head' amid U.S. 'smears' over COVID-19, says envoy  Of course they like our spineless jellyfish' way of handling things, that way they can just run roughshod right over the top of us, without any push back, on anything to do with anything. It's not just the pandemic, but it's all the rest of it too, from our gov't being completely spineless in standing up to them for them grabbing 2 Canadian men arbitrarily and hold them hostage, because of the woman we're holding for the US and all their rejections of the goods sent to them in fair trade, as if their stuff is any better. Then us sending them 16 tons of our good PPE & them returning tons of shoddy PPE in exchange. So no wonder they prefer the way Canada handles stuff dealing with them.

Air Canada anticipates return of worldwide air travel by Christmas I guess big companies like this will be allowed to get away with stuff most of the rest of us won't be able to, considering they're trying to hint at a 2 year lock down ahead.

Coronavirus and other causes driving surge in US deaths

EI claimants are going weeks without income as federal call system slows to a crawl

U.S. beef output is down way more than shutdowns suggest

Alarm bells ring over controversial COVID testing  For that matter even the tests they rely on to tell if someone is infected or not and should be hospitalized or at least in self isolation or not, is unreliable too, for the most part.

A lawyer dressed as the Grim Reaper is haunting Florida beaches to protest their reopening  I can tell you that as much as I love beaches and swimming, if I saw something like that on the beach, I'd stay away that's for sure.

‘I died and came back’: 12-year-old recovers from virus  The story of a young girl who had coronavirus despite the assumptions that kids can't get it and are safe from it.

Garden centres, auto dealerships, car washes to reopen Monday in Ontario

Looking back on the last bit of normalcy before COVID-19 Because we're seniors we didn't go to work nor a lot of places before the virus, but still even we notice the difference big time. First of all we weren't restricted from seeing our family or talking to or seeing friends & neighbours and so we felt like we had at least a few different faces & voices in our lives, now it's mainly each other, unless we dare defy the laws (and I intend to more and more because I personally don't see the point of living if I'm not allowed to do anything) by inviting our son & his wife over and that's about it. Otherwise what I hate about now also is having to basically "suit up" with gloves & a mask, as the saying goes and stand in line outside and then in a line to the back of the store inside just for a couple litres of milk. To me that's a lot of rigamarole for nothing, for something that used to be relatively easy and quick.

Japanese island suffering second wave of coronavirus after lifting lockdown too early Yes, that's it, start priming the news with these stories in order for it to sink into our psyches so that we'll be more accepting of our impending shutdown again.

Coronavirus: Why so many people are dying in Belgium Wait, that's something the CDC didn't think of yet, in order to increase their numbers to keep everyone home, scared and cowering inside. I'm sorry but after seeing how all the various factions (countries, establishments like the CDC, states, individual institutions like schools & hospitals, etc...) all fudge the numbers to suit themselves, I really am not listening to any of it anymore because so far none of the numbers anywhere (even all combined for the entire world) have reached anywhere near the numbers of the 2018-2019 flu season just in the US & Canada alone. So they can rattle off all the big numbers they want, I'm not listening anymore knowing that we've had flu seasons way worse than this with as many if not more dead globally and no one had their shorts all in knots over it, like they do with this virus. Sorry. Just tuning all that BS right out now.

Coronavirus: David Icke's channel deleted by YouTube This is what I was talking about in regards to censorship and how the sites on the internet have no qualms about abrogating people's rights of free speech. He hasn't said anything that I know of, regarding this disease, that most mainstream media hasn't also said. In fact, I believe he pulled most of his information he was disseminating about it, from the mainstream media. I know I have articles listed in this blog coming from mainstream media that basically backs up everything he said and then some. But hey, he dared condense it into easily digested bytes for everyone, without making them put 2 and 2 together for themselves. How dare he do that? Especially when the media giants figures everyone is already so dumbed down they can't think for themselves so it's pretty safe to publish articles interspersed by other articles and/or time that basically says what he said, as no one will be able to clue in on their own, I guess.  It's not rocket science, it's just following the chain of events and keeping tracking of them is all, so anyone with a keen mind and who stays up to date on what's going on with this pandemic will be able to put it together faster than they can say YouTube and so will definitely have no need to visit David Icke's site. But, there are others who like having everything partially digested and regurgitated for them in nice easily handled little bits like he provided. So I don't see why they shut his channel down. I think it's probably good for YouTube that he's in the UK and not the US because I think if he were he'd be able to fight that and win in a court of law hands down. Even here in Canada we could fight it too since freedom of expression and speech is in our charter of rights and freedoms.

Coronavirus: New York becomes Ground Zero again

Report says China hoarded Canadian PPE in early days of COVID-9 outbreak  Someone in a forum where I was talking about trying to find masks in February, told me that I wouldn't be able to as there were Chinese nationals across Canada being tasked with buying every mask they could find anywhere in any store and sending it back to China.  But at the same time I was also told by Pharmaprix (Shopper's Drugmart) manager that Sante Quebec (Health Quebec) was buying them all up and there weren't any available for them to purchase for resale to the public. So I didn't know who to believe so chose to believe the manager, figuring they knew more about what was going on with their supply than someone in a forum knew. But maybe they were both right.

What You Should Know About Remdesivir, The Potential COVID-19 Treatment

What happens if a coronavirus vaccine is never developed? It has happened before I guess stories like this are going to be more prevalent as time goes by to try to prepare the public for the inevitable.

Coronavirus robbing grandparents of precious time with families It's not only robbing us of precious time with our families but of our lives period. We're expected to stop living and stay in quarantine forever? Until a cure is found (if one is found)? Until we're just totally forgotten about by society and die or get dragged out and "taken care of" some other way? Why is no one else expected to stay home and out of sight forever? Why just the seniors? Is that because they're the target population that this disease is aimed at on purpose and so if the disease doesn't kill them maybe other factors will and if we keep them locked up long enough by themselves they'll either pine themselves to death or just take their own lives? Is this the aim of that project, I wonder? Because I for one am damned sick and tired of it and I plan on flouting any and all laws that wants to take my life and liberty away and fight it in court if I have to, but they won't be locking me up for the rest of my natural life and getting away with it, so easily. That's for sure.

Coronavirus pandemic: How to help senior citizens

14 easy ways to boost your health while under quarantine

Cellphone monitoring is spreading with the coronavirus. So is an uneasy tolerance of surveillance. The ones who are uneasy shouldn't be going along with this. It's as simple as that. If more people refuse than accept they'll stop.

Italy Reports Lowest Toll Since First Day of Coronavirus Lockdown But Confusion Abounds

April Jobs Report Likely to Show Highest Unemployment Rate on Record Oh really? How come? Somehow I don't think we needed a news story to tell us this.

Construction Work Resumes, But Demand Weakens  While this relates to the US economy and construction sector, I'm pretty sure since the same factors are at play here in Canada, that the same could be said here.

Posse of underage kids steals 46 cars from 13 dealerships because they're bored This seems like a pretty good reason why it should be the highschool kids going back to school and not the elementary ones, like here in QC.

Besides millions of layoffs and plunging GDP, here's another worry for economy: Falling prices Huh this is supposed to be a worry for everyone? Especially those who can barely afford anything as it is? I don't think so, I think they'll welcome the lower prices with open arms as it'll mean they'll be able to finally afford more of whatever it is they need but can't afford now.

Coronavirus treatment drug remdesivir to arrive in hospitals this week, Gilead CEO says Before you start getting too excited you should realize that this is perhaps only in the US and NOT in Canada too. Especially considering the art teacher Hajdu, the grossly negligent and incompetent Tam, and the idiot Trudeau (the 3 stooges - I think that's what I'll call those 3 from now on unless I'm really seething mad at them then I'll call them the unholy trinity)   haven't had a chance to sign off on it and that may take quite awhile as all three combined couldn't put a plan together to save their lives.

Antibody tests were supposed to help guide reopening plans. They've brought more confusion than clarity. Excuses, excuses.... Seems to me they're doing everything in their power to stall for time and this is just another stall tactic.

What does the coronavirus do to your body? Everything to know about the infection process

Coronavirus may last 2 years, study warns. And its second wave could be worse. They're ramping it up now as by the time 2 years starts approaching people may have had it with the quarantine measures and flout them en masse altogether and so they want to start brainwashing everyone into complying as early as possible and the best way to do that is to scare them with "could bes". Doesn't mean because it could be that it will be. Coulds, shoulds, and woulds are all in the future, the only way to know for sure what the future holds is to get there. So until then I can say with all confidence that in the future the skies could all be purple with black polk a dots. Doesn't mean they will. In all likelihood they won't unless something really freakily weird and unforeseen now, happens. So that's the thing you have to understand about the "maybes, coulds, woulds and shoulds" in articles.

No, I didn't do much cooking today. I found out that the chicken I thought was still in the fridge was eaten already, that I had only 1 lemon left and as for the rest of the stuff I didn't bother with it today because of my muscle problem on my side. There's other days, to come where I'll need something to do to keep busy, especially considering the upcoming weather which isn't all that conducive to what I have to do out there in the garden. Oh one day the seeds will get put in the ground, until then I'm not worried. To quote the group The Byrds:

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to gain that which is to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time of love, and a time of hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. 

When it's time for me to plant I will until then I think it's time for me to weep, laugh & mourn about the measures being taken in this time and a time for me to embrace whatever time I have left and not let anyone prevent me from living it, and it's definitely my time to speak and speak out against those who wish to imprison us in our homes.