Showing posts with label Olympics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olympics. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Trucker's Protests, Ebooks, Repressed Truths, Lies & Much More About.....



May 16, 2022

Finally! It rained and cooled the place off a bit. Thankfully, as I frigging hate heat with a passion.

So I managed to get a few chores done, a little bit of shopping that needed doing and made some "Chelada BBQ Sauce" spareribs for supper. It's my own impromptu recipe that I came up with when I realized I didn't have the usual ingredients I use for rib BBQ sauce on hand. As there was nothing sweet in it, it was different. We both liked it enough that I could use this recipe again (and as it's not written down anywhere as of this moment, I decided to post it in here - more appropriate for diabetics than the typical homemade BBQ sauces that uses softdrink as half the mixture). So here it is - for my forgetful memory and anyone else that would like to try it:
๐Ÿ–Chelada BBQ Spareribs Sauce๐Ÿ–

1/2 & 1/2 ketchup and canned Chelada 4% alcohol drink (at least enough combined to make 1 cup if not more - depending on amount of ribs)
1/2 tsp dried cumin
1/4 sweet red bell pepper minced
1/4 medium onion minced
(optional - I didn't have any on hand but would put some in if I did) 1/2 celery stick minced and/or 2 cloves garlic minced

Preboil ribs so they fall apart when prodded with a fork or knife, remove ribs from pot with large tongs and place in an oven safe casserole dish. 

Mix all other ingredients well so that the cumin is well blended with the rest of the sauce. Pour over the preboiled ribs in the casserole dish and bake at 350F for 30 minutes.

Or alternately slather the sauce over the preboiled ribs and fire up the grill and lay them over the hot racks turning on  both sides long enough to get those charcoal lines and serve. 
As we had a wicked downpour around suppertime we had to use the first method for ours, but I would've loved to have tried them on the grill instead. Maybe next time. I might even add in the minced celery & garlic cloves to the mix then too. ๐Ÿ–
During my spare time  today I tripped over and downloaded a few books about Covid - after having found that book about the great Reset by Klause Schwab - the head of the WEF and one of the 2 organizations that hosted the Event 201 conference which is an eyeopener about the plandemic in itself. If you still aren't familar with that event you can find the link by clicking on the Event 201 label in the right hand  label column. It occurred at least a whole month before the plandemic started in Wuhan China. 

Between that, Event 201 which I heartily recommend you watch in it's entirety (yeah it's dry and boring but basically lays everything out about everything), to the 2 Married Pink Elephants (another link in the sidebar for you to follow) which you should not only read all available material there, but also follow all the links in the "bibliography" he supplied and read/watch all of that material too. (Gawd you'll have a doctorate in BS Plandemics - in no time) and read the following books and follow all the links in them (as they're all ebooks with html links in those as well). You can read them on most ereaders or your computer and tablets with the appropriate ereader programs like Adobe Acrobat (for PDF) and Calibre Ereader for almost all other formats (can be downloaded for computers) and for tablets get FreeBook (or FB reader). So you can read them wherever you are - if you have your tablet with you. I'm sure if FB Reader works on Android tablets it also works on Android phones. 

By reading all of those various books and articles and watching all those videos, you will be super well informed about all this BS (and that's precisely what it is now - is pure unadulterated BS) and how the governments lied, covered up and totally misrepresented facts in order to get people to comply with their draconian BS laws. Which (I'm not there yet but in my mind I am) I am sure all had to do with killing off as many people as possible, and jerry rigging the world economy to basically pretty much bankrupt everyone so they (the global and political elite) could suck up everything for themselves.  I intended to follow my own advice and read and watch as much of that as I possibly can, because I really want to get to the bottom of this, as I knew from the beginning it was all being handled wrong and I could never understand why if they genuinely wanted to protect their populations from this virus. 
I always thought that Public Health agency of this country WAS INDEPENDENT FROM THE GOV'T AND ADVISED THE GOVERNMENT ON WHAT TO DO & HOW TO ACT.... 

But piece by piece things are coming together to make more sense..... 

Especially after recent news reports about: Quebec coroner calls for independence in public health director role in final report on long-term care home deaths where this direct quote from the story is copied and pasted verbatim here: 

The government of Quebec needs to ensure the role of the public health director is independent and without any "political constraint"......
So that says a whole lot about why we're in the situation we're in. First Tam acquiesced to bozo brains in Ottawa by continuing to allow Chinese visitors into the country because bozo brains was afraid of offending the Chinese because by then they had the 2 Michaels in custody and were refusing all our goods in trade for one lame excuse after another. 

Then the public health director in QC acquiesced to Legault's power tripping power grabs by declaring whatever he wanted declared so he could basically rule unopposed and mandate all sorts of things from masks and lockdowns to cops entering homes that had one too many people in them (whether they all lived there or not was irrelevant apparently - and using that as lame excuses to give exorbitant bankrupting fines to everyone present in those houses). That's worse than a communist or even a dictator police state. I never heard of cops entering homes with too many people in them, in order to fine them, before. But hey that's what happened here.

Which also allowed Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup to declare an unprecedented nationwide state of emergency and to call the truckers, terrorists, and throw them in jail and confiscate their trucks (means of making a living) and other assets. The only terrorists I saw in Ottawa during that protest was Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup, his entire ILLEGALLY HELD LIEBERAL GOVERNMENT FORMING PARTY & THE TOO TIGHTLY TURBAN WOUND DICTATOR SUPPORTER & HIS NO DAMNEDGOOD PARTY AKA NDP. THOSE ARE THE ONLY TERRORISTS IN OTTAWA THAT I AM AWARE OF FELLOW CANADIANS, Oh Yeah! & THE COPS THEY CALLED IN - THAT BASHED PEOPLE'S HEADS IN RIFLE BUTTS, DESTROYED PRIVATE PROPERTY & RAN PEOPLE DOWN WITH THEIR HORSES.

Anyhow.... I guess I'd better give you the links to the books so you can read them. The other 2 links about Event 201 and the 2 Married Elephants are available by clicking on the label designations for them in the right label side bar. The link to the book about Covid and the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab is available on the previous post, if there's not also a link to it in the sidebar (don't know because in editor mode here, where I'm typing this, all I see is the editor itself). So here's those book links most are available in PDF, EPUB & MOBI:
Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns Part 1 Introduction and Death Counts and Estimates I'd advise you to start with this one - it starts in the beginning of the plandemic. Here's just one of the juicy morsels I found in there that I had no clue about: Oklahoma City hospital closed amid coronavirus spread This is what I mean by follow all the links - you have no idea the information you'll find that lends credence to the fact that this has all been one massive BS hoax in order to gain control over us, our finances, our very existences (as in the seniors old age death camps). 
Not to mention the plea that I posted in here some time ago where a nurse wrote a plea she posted online begging people not to allow themselves or their loved ones to be intubated as there was a good chance they'd come out of that dead, as the intubation process itself tears up people's lungs and airways a good deal of the time and that's even when supposedly qualified people are inserting and removing it. Which in essence is really what kills the person - the intubation process.

When you take all the garnered information together you have no choice but to believe this was planned and the powertripping powermongers who wanted a chance at ruling by decree rather than by a full and fair democractic government took full advantage of this plandemic as we've witnessed world wide. Except in countries where they already had that, like in North Korea. He didn't need the plandemic as he's already an autocractic dictator, so he had no rhyme nor reason to play the game in order to achieve that powertripping high. It's only just now that he claims to have COVID19 in North Korea.

There's another book you should read which was posted in the blog in the last post, but I'll make it easy for you as I seriously do believe you need to read this one as well: Covid-19 The Great Reset schwab2020
As well as visit, read and follow all links posted on the 2 Pink Married Elephants website too (available in the sidebar links).
Now on with the headlines....
Workers are out sick in record numbers, exacerbating labor shortage woes Or maybe the ones being mandated to be vaccinated are pretending to be out sick, while they hunt for other jobs that don't require being vaccinated. Only if they don't find one, will they return and succumb to the mandate, maybe.
The Fed may create a US digital currency and wants your input  If you don't think a Great Reset with a new digital currency is coming, feast your eyes on this article.

Moderna’s Covid Shot Alone Isn’t Enough to Revitalize a Sagging Stock Despite that, on that particular day, Moderna's Stock was valued at $136.26 and Pfizer's at: $50.67

Canada protests against Covid measures gain steam I have never been so proud of my fellow Canadians as when they took these steps to stand up against the tyranny of the Federal and provincial draconian dictators! 

CDC backs Moderna COVID-19 shots after full US approval Of course they only gave full approval months after they gave Pfizer their full approval - and that's only because Anthony Fauci & Bill Gates are heavily invested in Pfizer but probably not at all in Moderna. So they wanted to give Pfizer a head start at making money while holding Moderna off. It's all a colossal money making scam. 

US closely tied to 'nationwide insurrection' in Canada against COVID mandates: Live updates The birdbrains that run Yahoo had no problem hanging on to this headlines - because it goes along with their narrative that anyone opposing this BS  is basically an insurrectionist or a terrorist, but they had to get rid of the headline from the same date of "CDC backs Moderna COVID 19 shots after full US approval", which I had to look for elsewhere. Of course they had to bury that one as quick as possible because after all they want their piddly little Pfizer share prices to increase because right now they're not making any money compared to Moderna's (the stock stories above were taken from the same time frame as this story). The fact that the birdbrains cited above goes along with this narrative shows what kind of morons they are, when they can't understand that the "nation wide insurrection" has to do with fighting back against government tyranny and dictatorship. (I should've done the headlines in hindsight since the beginning - then I'd have had a better idea of what was really going on and why).


Police target fuel supply for 'Freedom Convoy' demonstration in Ottawa So it was illegal to buy fuel in Ottawa apparently.... Talk about gov't overreach.

Ottawa police expect another 24 hours of traffic disruptions, demonstrations from ‘Freedom Convoy’ rally  Now this is the actual headlines that was supposed to be here but can no longer find at all on the web anywhere. Reddit had a copy of it, but Reddit forced the user who posted it to take it down, even though it was originally a CBC report.... "After night of fireworks, calls from convoy organizers for quieter morning go unheard | CBC News". It was originally posted on  But I guess the night of fireworks while noisy wasn't really all that scary or insurrectionist so it had to be removed while the more "news like" or "bad behaviour like" headlines had to replace it. Nothing like changing the facts after-the-fact is there... Except for one thing... I have the headlines from the date they were posted not the new whitewashed versions of them. So that allows me to see what's really going down out there in "fake newsland" and how they rewrite and reword things to suit their version of events after the fact when they think no one's looking, or will catch them.

No end in sight to Ottawa protests, not enough resources, says police chief As this ties in with the narrative they want of this whole affair, they left this story and it's title there and alone as it originally was. Same site - CBC.... Canadian BS Corp.

Impasse in Ottawa as protesters settle in, police are strained and politicians search for solutions | Nation World News Again this is another news story that conveniently went missing at: instead the headlines taking it's place is: Ottawa declares state of emergency as police boost enforcement, target protest's fuel supply a much more hardline stance against the protesters than the earlier "impasse story" sounded to be.  So do you see what's going on here folks? I mean it's right before your very eyes. I have bookmarked headlines in my bookmark folder. I follow them but get an entirely different headlines instead but the actual original story that was there is now available at another site.  Infact, I'll post the actual raw URL here so you can see I'm not making this up....  ----> See the word "impasse in that URL? Now if you don't believe me that it's now the "Ottawa declares state of emergency" story, all you have to do is copy and paste it into your browser's goto line at the top of the browser - usually the long empty white line at the top and hit enter.  Et voila folks, proven once again what kind of BS this plandemic puts all of us truth seekers through. 

Long road to recovery for Quebec's cultural sector after COVID-19 shutdowns Ouiiiiii ca va prendre de temps pour le revenir de poutine et sirop d'erable, en maudit tabernac, et l'hockey. Mais moi je peut oblier ca sans problemes. 
Protests against COVID-19 measures continue in cities across Canada Again, another headline that wasn't there, at this particular URL now: So as you can see, I'm not making this sheite up - the obvious biases these news sites have.

Quebec City convoy ordered to leave the National Assembly Oh but miraculously this one was still there, it's an original CBC news story appearing on Yahoo's news site. Funny how they both have room for the removal of the convoys stories but not for the nicer "fireworks" stories or the stories that demonstrate country wide support like the one above citing protests in other cities across Canada. Do you see their biases and BS yet or not? Because I'm sure there'll be many more examples I'll be able to cite and use if need be but right now I'd rather just post the headlines and if other, comments other than how far and wide I had to chase it down because the original no longer exists or does but has been rewritten, I'd rather just do my own comments on them rather than show how we're being lied to and things are being covered up and expunged from history so to speak.

‘The case for masks became hugely stronger’: scientists admit their Covid mistakes From the git go I was recommending masks, seeing as how it was deemed to be a respiratory virus.  Even now that the mask mandate is repealed here in QC, I keep a mask with me at all times in case, I'm asked by the premises I'm visiting to wear one, or in case there's one too many coughers in the environment for me to feel comfortable, then I have a mask I can put on to protect myself.

What will endemic COVID look like? Not like the flu, more like a cold Yeah like a cold that never goes away. Most colds and flus are seasonal, instead COVID seems to be around all the time. So this "endemic COVID cold" will be around forever too, probably.

Pantyhose found to be effective facemask hack for better protection - study That'll freak the machine gun toting bank guards out a tad too much I think, so don't wear one of those pantyhose improvised face masks if you intend on going to the bank. Just to be on the safe side.




Canadian police make arrests amid 'Freedom Convoy' protests and seize fuel, vehicles So much for our rights to protest, or to buy & own gas in Ottawa....

Alaska truckers form convoy to support Canadian protests  It was nice to see all the support that sprung up throughout the world. Just wish it could've evolved into something with more pressure on the wanna-be dictators out there and made them sit up and take notice and change their draconian BS tunes.

Two years after his death, the Chinese doctor who warned of the virus is remembered. Good, he deserves to be remembered for many more years to come. Too bad  none of the braindead idiots that run this world listened to him.

Police raid on Ottawa protest camp is strongest show of enforcement yet Because this is a hardline headline AGAINST the truckers, this story was allowed to remain. 

'Blockaded by an angry, loud, intolerant and violent crowd': Federal officials say 'unlawful' Ottawa occupation needs to end Yeah, I mean doesn't that guy in that picture just epitomize "angry, loud, intolerant and violent"????? ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’ Talk about exaggerations. OMG.... 

The latest on protests against COVID-19 measures in Ottawa and beyond Another one I had to track down as it was no longer on Yahoo, where I found it originally.


Well that's enough for now... There'll be more backlogged headlines soon, so stick around. Until next time take care & stay well.
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:







Friday, August 27, 2021

Doing the Best I Can in the Time I've Got to Cover all the Headlines About....



August 26, 2021

Back here once again slugging away at the overwhelming inundation of headlines engulfing my bookmark file on me. The headlines on this plandemic are as fast and furious as they ever were, with no let up in sight either it seems. Which does not bode well for the immediate future, that's for sure. 

The only news since yesterday is our doggy friend has improved immensely with the medication the vet gave her on Monday. There's a huge difference in her moods, appetite, and activity levels. Which is a great sign except that she's supposed to rest, but she doesn't want to. She's all full of spunk and vitality now and just wants to have fun and enjoy life. Can you blame her though? Isn't that what we all want? 
Oh and our realtor said he has other people who want to visit the house tomorrow. So we've got to find a place to go while they're here. Guess we'll be doing a few errands then. Thankfully the heat wave is supposed to end today, so tomorrow shouldn't be too hot.
And I got barely any sleep. Seems like I just drifted off and my husband woke me up telling me it's time to get up and greeting me with a black double espresso coffee, which I've already finished. Despite that though I still feel twinges of tiredness. So I hope I don't fall asleep at the keyboard at some point here.

For those unfamiliar with what it looks like, that's an N95 mask with it's elastic wrapped around the hourglass, showing probably how much time we have left to beat this virus before it gets the upperhand and beats us. Those N95 masks are what the authorities have been saying we should be wearing. You can usually buy them at hardware stores where tools and supplies for working with fine particulates - like paint fumes and fine sawdust particles, etc are sold. Those are one of the types of masks craftsmen working in those fields use to protect their lungs from the fine inhalents floating around in their environment that they're working in. We bought some early on last year, at both Rona and Canadian Tire. Yes that's where you find such things and not in drug stores or surgical supply stores. Silly places to be selling them now, isn't it? But that's where they've typically been sold in the past and continue to be sold now, if you want to buy some. 
I just found & posted this after the signoff below, but as I figured there may be some people who don't make it to the end of some of the blog posts, I should move it to the top here. Where it can and most likely will be seen by all visitors who read this particular post. As I think it's quite important to demonstrate the difference of how he treats seniors as opposed to snot nosed brats who've never paid a cent in taxes, nor did anything else to help this country out in their short little lives. 
While a lot of seniors gave all they could to help build and defend this country and paid tons of taxes along the way, while getting next to nothing back from the gov't in the way of help. I know I sure didn't. I didn't have free or mostly subsidized daycare for my kids and instead of $500 & $600 per month per kid, I got $7 a month. That's what I got. Our kids didn't have their extracurricular activities they wanted to take part in subsidized by the gov't either. We had to pay for those all on our own after we finished paying full price for babysitting or daycare services, feeding, clothing, providing the necessities for school, and sheltering them, without any help from anyone. 
Then we worked all our lives, pay taxes and pensions only to basically get either ignored or exterminated by the gov't. 
And then they have a hard time under this little puke's management finding $42 extra per month for the poorest of the seniors, but no problem finding billions for the brats who've done and paid SFA for this country or that little puke's & his colleagues salaries, perks & pensions.  
The people in the country who've paid taxes the longest and by extension of that probably the MOST in taxes ARE THE SENIORS but they're the ones getting the least amount of help in exchange for all their efforts and money paid, at a time in their lives where they need help the most covering additional costs for all the body functions that are failing them, like hearing aids for the hearing impaired, dentures for those who've lost a few teeth along the way, glasses for those who's eyesight isn't what it used to be, maybe a walker for those who now unsteady on their feet. You know things that are outside of the norms of what people usually have to pay for but are still quite costly for those who are on the lower rungs of the income tax brackets. So fine give your measly $42 a month, but at least cover the full cost of the rest of the things I mentionned above. That would be a big help to a lot of seniors who already can't cover their current costs. 
I mean good grief can't any of you brain dead politicians figure out that those are vital to continued good health? If you can no longer eat solid food and have to settle for blended mush, how appetizing is that do you think? Do you think it encourages the person who has to eat that slop to want to eat to maintain good health? Don't you think a set of dentures might improve the situation immensely for that person? What about the hearing impaired who can't hear or clearly understand what their doctor is telling them about their condition and treatments and medications involved? How well do you think they'll follow doctors orders if they can't hear them? Or what about the person that can no longer see where they're going or what they're doing? How long do you think it'll take for them to have some kind of accident huh? Are you all that f'n braindead you can't figure stuff like that out on your own and figure that maybe just maybe those who are so poor that a piddly little $42 extra a month will make a huge difference to them, that they won't be able to afford any of those things even with the $42 extra a month you've deigned to give?????
Nevermind fancy perks like the kids get with their tax credits for extracurricular activities. Most people who need that $42 a month and their glasses covered, can't afford extracurricular activities to begin with. Not that they wouldn't like to have the money or means to join a senior's club or go bowling with their friends once a week, or out to see a movie and for a dinner even at McDs with their friends once in awhile. They would love that, but they can't afford to do stuff like that on what they're getting in the way of pension! The only way they'd be able to afford those is if the gov't paid for them upfront in the way of grants instead of tax deductions. And I don't see that happening anytime soon if all they want to give the seniors is a measly $42 a month extra. 
I mean gawd almighty how stingy can the Canadian govt be towards a certain segment of society? Don't answer that, because we've already had it demonstrated to us by the way they treat the natives and how miserly they are towards them too. So this is what I moved to the top as it was published after I posted this.

Additional headline - as this is a blog for Canadian Seniors and I think it's important they are aware of this particular piece of news: Liberals will hike supplementary pensions for low-income seniors, Trudeau says  

I think it's important they are aware of it, not because I want anyone to vote for the genecidal slimeball, but because I want them to see what he really thinks of seniors. In that he can only afford $42 extra per month for the poorest of them, but yet he can continue to dole out all kinds of perks and privileges and tax cuts and money to the 4 year old snot nosed brats who haven't done SFA for the country yet, except suss off it's teats, with all the free daycare, $500 & $600 per month family allowances paid to each family per kid, the tax breaks for all the extracurricular activities they want to take part in, etc, etc, etc.  But yet that's not enough he has to keep finding more to throw at them on a constant basis, election or not. While the POOREST OF THE SENIORS ONLY GETS $42 A MONTH EXTRA, AND THAT'S ONLY BECAUSE THERE'S AN ELECTION COMING UP & HE WANTS OUR VOTES!!!!! 

 Well they do say seniors make up the largest demographic of voters usually, so if that's the case, fellow seniors let's get together and boot that little genocidal maniac who's done nothing for seniors except help them die off faster by the way he mishandled EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE PLANDEMIC and all his policies or lack thereof! Get the self entitled, self absorbed, little genocidal maniac where it hurts him - have the ash hole thrown out of office and demand the next leader has him arrested and held for crimes against humanity along with his 2 collaborators, the art teacher masquerading as a health anything and the genocidal witch doctor Tam. Have them all arrested and held on those charges! That's what we have to do as a group!

Now on with the headlines and I'll try to keep my comments and rants as succinct as possible, considering that I have a ton of headlines I want to try to get through today, before passing out in bed or on the keyboard (whichever comes first). But if there is something I can't resist commenting on, I won't refrain.

Australia Will Block Expats From Leaving as It Toughens Border Curbs  Euuuuu that is starting to sound very much like the old USSR where people were forbidden to go anywhere unless it was to another communist country, like Cuba. 

Is that what this is all about, really? And they're using the stats to scare us into compliance? Stats that only they see and can verify? Stats that could be made up and given to the media to broadcast? 

That they're trying desperately to find ways to track and keep tabs on us and not let us leave or travel or basically do anything they don't want us doing including socializing (because then we might be concocting a major coupe d'etat or something of the sorts if more than 1 of us gets together with ourselves?) Is that the reason behind all of this now? Because the "democracies" like the Commonwealth countries, like the UK, Canada, Oz, NZ, SA etc and other European countries actually want to turn communist now? Without the population realizing what's going on before it's too late? And for those who might be getting inklings of what's going on, they've set up curbs on rights and freedoms to make sure that those inklings aren't passed along between too many people? Is that the idea? Because it's sure starting to seem that way to me. 
With different countries exploring different methods of surrounding us in iron cages and clamping down on us. I mean we have Biden practicing Duteurte's methods (the most brutal and ruthless shall we call him dictator on the planet basically), we have Legault, Macron and others practicing some of the USSR's & Nazi Germany's methods - with the passports, fines, curfews and crackdowns, we have Australia forbidding anyone to leave their homes and now they're not even allowed to leave the country once they find a way out of their 4 walls. And Australia, NZ and the UK (island nations like those) are perfectly suited to stop anyone from leaving the country or entering it. 
Yeah I know you have long coastlines to surveil, but there is air surveillance and I'm sure like all seaside countries you have radar and sonar set up all along the coastlines to detect whatever might be getting close to your shores, before it actually arrives, or tries to depart. Not to mention satellite images streaming into your defence forces. 
Then once you all figure out the best method you've used on each of your populations, you're going to combine all those methods together to be used on all the populations to keep tabs on them and keep them in check, is that the idea behind all of this? Seems to me, that it probably is the end goal, that you evil SOBs in charge have been concocting and experimenting with the ways to boil the frogs alive without them knowing it until it's too late. We're the frogs there folks. They want to clamp down on us without us seeing it coming until it's all in place and too late for us to do anything to prevent it. Hence all these lockdowns, curfews, fines, passports, travel bans, cancellations etc, etc, etc.... 
That's what's coming down the line at us even as I write this. So before that happens it's time to stand up for your rights because once they're gone there's no getting them back until or unless whoever revoked them is overthrown and a new government put in place and then you have to trust that new government to restore your rights and freedoms. But there's a good chance that they won't either, because once they're in power they can do whatever they want (like they do now - they promise one thing at election time and the moment they take office they do something completely different) and they don't necessarily have to reinstate anything. So you'll have to overthrow that one too and maybe the next one as well until you get a government or leader who does what you want them to do. But overthrowing a gov't once it's in power is rather difficult since they command all the military, security and police forces in the country. Which citizens group has fire power to go up against that? So it's better to stand up and protect the rights you do have before they're taken away then to try to regain them back later, if you can. So stop being so compliant and laid back about all this sheite they're trying to force on us. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests Southerners could 'welcome' Biden's 'police state friends' with guns I'm in no position to comment on what's going on in the US, as I'm not there to see or know first hand, but if it's anything like here in QC what's going on, then she's got a point that's valid and worth listening to.

Covid-19: Wellington will have mass vaccination 'festival' in October to target 'hesitant' people Wow they're even trying the vaccination party route out too, to see which works better I guess, Biden's/Duteurte's methods of deprivation and threats, or Legault's way of lotteries for those vaccinated and special "privileges" which were considered rights in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms before all this BS started, or parties to get them vaccinated. I guess they're trying to see if the stick, the carrot, or the combination of the two is the best way to go, to get people vaccinated, huh? 

Hawaii, Masked and Vaccinated, Still Falls Prey to Delta Strain So the point of the masks and vaccines are what again?????
Public health collides with politics as latest wave of mask wars take off Again we have clueless politicians meddling in something they know SFA about, which namely is medicine making everything worse, rather than better.

There are about 1 million more job openings than people looking for work That means the workers can take their pick of jobs - like the highest pay, best benefits type jobs. So it's a workers market out there now. Which is a rareity.

Protesters in France denounce COVID health pass rules for fourth weekend Well at least they're trying to stand up for THEIR rights, unlike the sheeple here in Canada, who seem to think being tracked is a good idea. 
2 in 3 coronavirus patients with moderate symptoms end up battling ‘long COVID’ So that means that 66% of Covid patients with moderate symptoms ends up with long Covid. I'm not sure I buy that as there would be a lot more sick people out there than there are. There must be something wrong with that study or their numbers. 

'Window Is Rapidly Closing' to Gather Evidence on Virus's Origins, Scientists Say Rapidly closing eh??? I think that  rapid closing occurred even before the WHO released the pandemic alert. By March last year everyone who had anything to do with that was relocated and told to shut up or face a death camp relocation the next time they got relocated and the labs scrubbed clean of all traces of that virus. So that window closed a long time ago, I'm sure of it.

Vaccination appointments double in Quebec after province announces vaccine passport plan I know a few people who still won't get the vaccination because they don't care about those restrictions. 

The U.S. hasn't OK'd boosters for those who got the J&J vaccine. But some are getting one anyway. I guess these are probably the same crowds that have underground bunkers, a semi automatic machine gun and enough rounds to last them until kingdom come, with idodine tablets, 25 year water supply and ready to eat meals too.  Nothing wrong with being prepared, but no one will survive the "END of the world". If it's the END of the world, it means it's the end of everything and everyone in it.  There is no surviving the end of it, no matter how well stocked, armed, vaccinated, or whatnot you are. Besides who would want to survive such an event anyhow? Imagine the loneliness and desolation and after awhile the desperation for much needed things that are no longer available. 


Obama seen dancing maskless at booze-filled birthday bash This is the party I was talking about in a previous post on here about the different rules and regulations for us and for them - the elite rulers.

Quarter of a million rally in France against new COVID restrictions Well at least some citizens somewhere in this world aren't just lying down and letting their dirty jack booted politicians walk all over them like a welcome mat.

Pandemic set off deadly rise in speeding that hasn’t stopped Because they're proabbly convinced that they're going to die one way or the other so it might as well be while they're having fun rather than being stuck in a hospital bed with tubes going in and out of their body. Or it's caused by other anxieties associated with the plandemic, like maybe not being able to see someone, or not having a job, or financial problems or a death of a close friend/relative due to the plandemic. I mean there could be a lot of reasons for that but it seems to me that most of it is probably caused by suicidal wishes or wanting to cause self harm brought on by the anxieties mentioned above.  A lot of them may just be adrenaline junkies, like our son. I mean he's not afraid of doing death defying stunts on his motorcycle, but he cringes at the thought of getting an injection (maybe one of the reasons he doesn't want the vaccination).  

To shake hands or not? An age-old human gesture now in limbo Hey I've shaken hands with a few people since the plandemic began and I'm not worse for the wear. I've hugged and given those European style cheek/air kisses to lots more people even still and I'm still going strong. Like I said I believe a lot of this hooey and BS was designed to literally "socially" distance people from each other, so that they wouldn't be as friendly and affable between each other as they once were. To basically draw them a part and not just physically but socially, emotionally and psychologically as well. It's much easier to convince people of things, when they don't have others they trust and rely on to discuss it with and make sense of things with. Or to betray others (as in rat them out to authorities because they dared walk 2 inches too close to someone else).
Doctor: Delta variant spread ‘like a tsunami’ in Mississippi  Seems like that might be what's going on here too. 


Motorcycle lovers gather in Sturgis despite COVID  If there isn't a huge fallout from this Covid wise then either they were all vaccinated (which is highly doubtful seeing the type this crowd is) or else what they've been saying about it all along is dead wrong.



Trump claims 100 million people would have died from COVID-19 if it wasn't for him No matter what anyone says about it, they can't take away the fact that he was the one that  got the ball rolling on the vaccines in the US. Granted they weren't totally organized to start administering the vaccines as soon as they were available, so maybe the reason for the low vaccination rates while he was still in office, whereas Biden had time and opportunity to just pick the ball up and keep it rolling on from there but Trump was the one who had to get it started in the first place. So no matter you say about him, you can't take that away from him. But back then in the late days of last year it was hard to get any vaccines anywhere as they were just starting to come off the conveyor belts of the pharmaceutical companies who made them and weren't even hardly shipped anywhere yet. Just getting a boxful of the stuff at a location before the end of 2020 was like a major miracle. So he did what he could in the time frame allotted him. I don't think Biden or the Baby Jesus himself could've done better under the circumstances - well maybe Baby Jesus could've because he is said to literally have performed his own miracles but as a man and not an infant. So maybe he could've performed a few miracles that would've gotten more jabs into more arms despite the circumstances and time allotments. But it's highly doubtful that Biden or anyone else would've done any better than Trump did.

Barack Obama 60th Birthday Pre-Party Draws Crowd ... But Some Residents Angry Can you blame the residents? He's showing a total disregard for his neighbours and their rights to not be disturbed with all of that nonsense and endangering their health by inviting all those people into their community. Most aren't wearing masks and probably most aren't immunized either. But hey, he was THE president once so he's allowed to flout all the laws and regulations and get away with blue murder apparently. Like I said many times before - it's one set of laws, rules and regulations for them and a totally other more stringent, and potentially financially crippling set of laws, rules and regulations for the rest of us. Then you wonder why I abhor and hold authory in contempt.... This is a perfect example of why.

Canadian business community largely supportive of vaccine passport system What else did we expect from the gov't ash kissing sheeple here in Canada anyhow? 


Health Canada adds Bell’s Palsy warning to Pfizer labels, but says vaccine is safe They keep adding more and more serious side effects to the Pfizer vaccine, but keep insisting that it's safe. Ummmm.... I don't know... Depends on what you mean by safe I guess.

'COVID is a part of our life moving forward,' says region's associate medical officer of health It shouldn't be. I know I certainly don't want to spend the rest of my life being distant from other people, physically, socially or emotionally. I want to dance, swim, laugh, party, enjoy a big raucous dinner gathering like we had in the past with many people gathered around the table all laughing and talking at the same time in the good old joie de vivre manner, that's well renowned here in QC. I want to live life with gusto and how can you do that when you can barely breathe through those hideous face diapers we're being forced to wear? I don't want to always be second guessing my symptoms if I get a scratchy throat or blisters on my feet or diarrhea or am exhausted one day and thinking I have Covid and it's the end of my world as I know it, or worried about ridiculously exorbitant fines because I miscalculated the distance that I was behind someone on the sidewalk, or because I got caught in traffic and it's now 5 minutes after curfew start but I'm still 20 minutes away from home and other arbitrarily instituted laws and fines that benefits no one but those collecting the fines. Or the idiocy of everyone entering a restaurant except the staff has to be vaccinated, but yet it's the staff that are the ones that gets the closest to all the clients including their food & drinks, while all the inoculated people are kept well away from everyone else and it's the wait staff that goes from table to table and carrying whatever germs they have or got from the other clients to all the other tables they serve. Hypocrisy and BS like that I'm not interested in playing a part of.  Passports or not.
No, I lived through a childhood with a hypochrondriac for a mother - who was going to die every 2 seconds and I can't be bothered with that. I want to live until I die and not spend the rest of my time worrying about it and how I'm going to die. So you might be ready to live with it in your life moving foreward, or for that matter be ready to die, but I'll be bound and bent if I do. No F'n way will I. And I'm not ready to roll over and play dead yet, so don't try to lock me up in a box (aka dingy 4 walled place) and not allow me out, or to have any social interactions with people or fun where my breathing gets a little elevated - like it would if I were dancing or laughing or talking louder than usual to be heard above a cacaphony in the background. I don't intend to spend my final years couped up in a box, not going anywhere, not doing anything and not even seeing anyone or being able to touch them. If that's what you have in mind for us, shoot me now and get it over with. Period. End of story. So find another forecast for us, because your crystal balls are crystalizing and not as clear-voyant as they should be in order to see the future clearly.
Just imagine what the world would be like now, if medical authorities such as yourself were as complacent as you are about this, but with smallpox. Where would we be in 2021 with smallpox still around? Think about that for a moment before you're so ready and willing to give in to this disease! Lazy no good for  nothing quitters like you shouldn't be in charge of anything, not even toilet paper distribution in those construction site outhouses! You'd quit after one sheet was doled out and the poor guy who needed more would be in big  trouble.
China steps up measures to protect capital, reports 107 new cases  Only 107??? Awwww.... Too bad, I was wishing for more, much more.

'Ironic' that strip club has more COVID-19 protection than Ontario schools: manager hehehehe.... Well of course that stands to reason.... The men need to be protected. After all weren't they the ones hogging the lifeboats on the Titantic while they left women and kids to sink with the ship? Well they do say when the ship is sinking it's all the rats that leave the vessel first! Same thing here it's all the rats that need to be protected first before the kids and women.... Somehow they're always last on the list for whatever good is being doled out.

Quebec considering vaccine mandate for health workers amid rise in COVID-19 infections I know one health care worker who's not happy about that, that's for sure. 

Active COVID-19 numbers in Quebec continue to rise, but hospitalizations and ICU cases drop Or they were then at the time this article was written, anyhow. Let's it put that way. 
You can be fined up to $750,000 in Canada for fake COVID-19 documents Seems like the gov't is trying to pay for it's deficit on the backs of covid fine victims.

'Go Quebec! Will be the safest jurisdiction in Canada’: Canadians applaud province's COVID-19 vaccine passport plan That's only because they're a bunch of gullible, brainless, chicken sheite morons. Sorry but there's no other way to say it, when they're just too stupid to think for themselves they get what they deserve including being called such names.



78 new COVID-19 cases detected in Singapore; 21 unlinked They must've gotten those 21 cases from somewhere. Maybe not a someone, but a something or a somewhere (as in a store or restaurant). 

'The tide is really turning' on support for COVID-19 vaccine passports, expert says Like I said, that's because the Cdn population is basically composed of mindless, gullible sheeple who'd follow the one at the front right off the edge of a cliff without even so much as a 2nd thought.

‘Goldilocks virus’: Delta vanquishes all variant rivals as scientists race to understand its tricks  I don't know how they can proclaim Delta the winner of all the variants. The plandemic isn't over so I'm sure we haven't seen all the various variants yet and what they can do. You'll only be able to proclaim the winner of the variants once the whole thing is said and done and we can examine it in retrospect.

Pharmaceutical firms rake in billions with Covid jabs  No!!! Really???? Well, who'd have thunk? 


RALLY RAGE Anti-vaccine protesters try to storm BBC and ITV studios as they clash with cops during rally

'U.S. has done nothing’: Why Canadians can’t cross the border into America 

Moderna may be superior to Pfizer against Delta; breakthrough odds rise with time

​​Take a look at the 6-mile lines going into Canada, where drivers are waiting up to 7 hours to enter after the US travel ban lifted With hardly anything going the other way. And you want to say there is very little chance that they'll bring a 4th wave to Canada do you? With that amount of people streaming into the country day and night???? What kind of gullible idiot thinks that there won't be any cases of it coming into Canada from the US across that border???? Because as demonstrated by copious news articles EVEN IF YOU'RE FULLY VACCINATED YOU CAN STILL CONTRACT, CARRY AND SPREAD THE DELTA STRAIN. Or has anyone been paying attention to that?????

France’s virus pass now required in restaurants, trains

Has the pandemic put property rights in the crosshairs?  Sounds more and more like the Soviet Union if you ask me. They weren't allowed to do with their properties as they saw fit either and were forced to keep people there due to gov't decrees. Sounds a lot like this, don't you think?

GLOBAL WARNING From cops on beaches in Australia to going lockdown-free in Sweden, how nations around the world dealt with Covid

Texas Gov. Abbott seeks out-of-state help against COVID-19 

COVID vaccines to be required for military under new US plan Who didn't see this coming?

Nearly 600 patients wait for hospital beds in Houston as city sees surge in COVID cases I hope they're not cording them like firewood along the corridors like they'd like to try to do here in Montreal when they run out of beds. They line all the guerneys up against a wall in a corridor which provides no privacy whatsoever to anyone unfortunate enough to be placed there. I swear if they could find a way to stack them one on top of the other in order to cord them like firewood, they would. It would certainly save space and mitigate the need for gov'ts to build more hospitals or enlarge the existing ones.

'It's mythical': COVID jab will never result in herd immunity, warns UK's top vaccine boss Mythical my ash. It's "mythical" now, with the way the vaccines work and their lousey efficacy rates, but if they were improved enough to be warranted being called a vaccine like the real vaccines of the days of old. You know the ones that ACTUALLY PREVENTED THE DISEASE & CUT DOWN ON THE SPREAD OF IT!?! Those things? AKA vaccines.... IF any of the "vaccines" out there today could even live up to 50% of the standards those vaccines lived up to, maybe we'd have a fighting chance, but the way they are now, for the most part they're little better than water and in some cases even water appears to be better than they are. So get your sorry lazy ashes together and create REAL VACCINES INSTEAD OF FAKE BOGUS ONES THAT YOU'RE TRYING TO PASS OFF AS REAL ONES TO THE WORLD!

How worried are unvaccinated Americans about the delta variant? Here’s what poll says 

NewsflareNewsflare Protesters clash with police at London's TV Centre while Loose Women is on air 

Someone tried to bribe a Montreal health-care worker for a fake COVID-19 vaccine passport 

Moderna to Build a Plant in Canada So we'll have at least one vaccine producer in Canada.

Ontario logs more than 300 new COVID-19 cases for 5th straight day

American tourists return to Niagara Region's attractions as border reopens 

Quebec to implement COVID-19 vaccine passport on Sept. 1 in the face of 'inevitable' 4th wave Please oh please someone tell me how this is going to prevent anything especially when the vaccinated passport carriers can also be infected with and carrying and spreading the virus EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE FULLY VACCINATED!!!!! So please explain that one to me if you can....

Alberta pediatricians plead for strong COVID-19 measures until 85 per cent of population vaccinated 

COVID-19 in Alberta: Hospitalizations grow as province adds over 1K weekend cases Wondering why.... Guess that's what happens when chicken sheite lawyers masquerading as health ministers get swarmed and then figure "aw f it, might as well let them do what they want" and drops all measures, and then tries to blame it on the actual head doctor of the province.

COVID-19 update: B.C. reports 1,079 cases, 5 deaths over the weekend as hospitalizations spike

Google employees who opt to work from home may earn less than they did before 

How to get tough with the unvaccinated This is a 20 minute audio cast.

Unvaccinated adults driving COVID-19 case increase in Canada

Delta variant accounts for 95% of recent COVID-19 cases in B.C., says BCCDC 

Florida governor says no salaries for school leaders requiring masks Just to highlight some of the various extremes going on out there in plandemic land now.

Anyhow, that's it for now. Don't know when or if I'll be resuming and posting more headlines. I know I have a gazillion more in the bookmarks folder, but I don't know if I'll have the time nor the inclination needed to post them. So take care and stay safe.





Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Winged Victory and Passports Proving Inoculation Against....



July 20, 2021

Annnnnnndddddd...... Here I am yet again.... Because this plandemic just seems to have no end in sight and it sounds as though things keep getting worse and worse.

Now if anyone is angry about "corona virus passports" and how they intend to use them, you could in all honesty maybe be angry at me, since I'm the first person I know of or heard of suggesting such a thing to allow those who already had the virus and recuperated out of lockdown and to allow them to live a normal life without hinderances. I was suggesting that back when they first started talking about lockdowns, where I suggested in a comment on a news site, that people who have antibodies in the blood should be allowed to attain a kind of "passport" that would prove they were theoretically immune to the virus now and couldn't catch nor pass it on anymore. I was suggesting that, because I, our son, neighbours of ours and other people I knew thought, well actually we were pretty sure of the fact, that we'd already had the virus and if tested for antibodies, we'd test positive and so we should technically be allowed to continue living our lives as normal, sans masks, sans restrictions and that all we should need to do that was have a paper attesting to the fact that we had the antibodies and so were now immune to the virus. That was why I suggested it. I guess people saw and understood what I was saying, but refused to do antibody tests because they were bound and bent to inoculate us all instead. Why? They absolutely neeeeeeded to inoculate us and not allow those who had it naturally to have the passport without the inoculation is beyond me, unless as 20% of Americans believe there are tracking chips in vaccines. But it's more likely the passports will be the tracking device, since you'll require it for anything deemed non-essential.  When I suggested it though, it was as a paper document that could be shown as proof - that's why I said "passport", and not QR code like they're using now, because that can be captured and registered as the holder of that QR code having been in attendence at that particular place at that particular time and the accumulated data for the day, week or month be sent to the gov't, which can then be used in all sorts of ways by the gov't stats bodies, tax offices, security depts, police, and you name it.  THAT WAS NOT WHAT I HAD IN MIND !!!! When I suggested a passport. So if you feel you need to be angry at me, please realize the electronic tracking leash isn't what I had in mind at all. It was merely a paper document, for eyes only and not for any electronic devices of any kind. So I absolve myself of how my idea is being used now. 
Since my last post in here, a lot has happened, since what the neighbours from hell did to our maple tree basically started a neighbourhood war with basically all the old neighbours on my side and those morons on the other side with us in the middle. I mean it's totally crazy now. And while we love our old neighbours who're sticking up for us and are totally against the dickheads that are moving in beside us, by trying to make their lives as miserable as hell in various ways, we no longer like the vibes that all of this is causing in the neighbourhood and decided we don't want to spend the rest of our lives living like this, not knowing who's going to be doing what in regards to what happened to us, we just decided we'd rather live on our own private beach area and enjoy whatever life we have left in peace and beauty and so put the house up for sale. In the last 24 hours since it's been listed on the various sites on the net, it's generated close to 10,000 hits. Not bad for day 1, I think. Before it was even listed, basically as soon as the realtor stuck the sign on our property we started having inquiries and phone calls about it. So at least there's interest here. Now if that interest only generated some decent offers we could maybe sell this place and get out of here.
Now let me explain (as this is as much a diary of our life during the plandemic as it is a publicly accessible blog) what this neighbourhood war is now. Since those morons cut the branches on our tree and started making themselves at home on our property we've had neighbours and friends who live nearby jump to our defence and take our side. When those clowns first arrived in the area, they went around to everyone introducing themselves saying they wanted to be friends and good neighbours with everyone (except us apparently because they wanted our lot for their other inbred self entitled brat of a spawn) and so they tried to be friendly. In fact my friend who lives on the other side of us, said they wanted to help pay for her wharf (as she has a few watercraft and he has one) and she said because it was quite expensive she was considering it. But when she saw what they did to our tree, she changed her mind and now she doesn't want them anywhere near her wharf that she paid for on her own.  Meanwhile the man across the street who owns the property that's on the edge of the water saw what they did to our tree and decided "oh yeah, you're cutting other people's trees for the view eh? wait'll I finish and see what kind of view you have then". So he's taken to planting a bunch of cedars, shrubs, trees, and even put up what I assume is a full sized replica of "Winged Victory" that sits in the Louvre in Paris. Everytime he does something like that he emails me to make sure it's not blocking our view of the water, but he's super intent on blocking theirs. Plus he rigged up his security cameras to overlook my friend's wharf to make sure no one other than who she permits to use it, uses it. What the man across the street is doing from our perspective looks beautiful. Almost akin to a botanical garden in his front yard, but I doubt the next door morons will agree because they'll basically only really have a view of trees and bushes.  But I regard the Winged Victory statue that he softly illuminates in different colours at night as a warrior angel watching over the part of the area that the statue faces (which is the owner of the statue's house and our house - as it's on an angle facing us too). 

But I'm afraid there's going to be some animosity between the man across the street and the other neighbours on the other side of the dickheads lots, because he'll be blocking their view of the water as well and it'll all boil down to those 9 branches on my Maple Tree. I have no idea how they'll view that or who's side they'd be on there, because for the most part we are merely neighbourhood acquaintances - people who recognize and say hi to each other and maybe discuss some point of civic contention going on in the community or the weather or sales at nearby stores and the like, but we aren't necessarily "friends". Same with that man and them too. So will they just be angry at him for blocking their view without knowing the reason behind it, or will they find out the reason and figure ah it's no big deal it's just tree branches so who cares and why is everyone so up in arms about that? Without realizing it's not just the branches but the brazeness and arrogance of such an act - as if he owned the land that tree was sitting on already, without even paying one cent for it yet and that we were just tenants here. I know they won't, because a lot of them are mostly the superficial on the surface  of how it looks kind of people without digging too deeply into disturbing things (what might be behind that wonderful poster on the wall - whether it's hiding a hole someone punched into that wall and why and who would've been the recipient of that missing punch). Instead they'll just see the poster and form an opinion based on it's aesthetics and that's about as far as it'd go. But I'm always curious to know what's behind things.... So when they weren't around I'd peek to see if  there was something there. Who knows? Could be a safe hidden there too, or maybe a treasure map with X marks the spot on it as well, doesn't necessarily have to be hiding a dark secret, just a secret or maybe not, but I couldn't be sure until I could see for myself or I'd always have my suspicions. Most people in the area are too superficial to think of stuff like that though.
On top of that we now know why he thinks he's Mr. Big Shot and that everyone should just kiss his ugly ash. And trust me, that fact does NOT IMPRESS me one little bit. In fact, given my past in relation to such things, it repulses me.  So he's not a Mr. Big Shot in my eyes. More like Mr. Pink Pussy because he follows his wife around like a minou while wearing a pink shirt. If he wants the property he'll have to be offering a lot more than the asking price, for it, that's for sure. Otherwise it'll go to the highest bidder that isn't him.

And as much as we disagree with and would rather rebel against than acquiesce to such rules & regulations we downloaded our vaccine passports (having had both shots already). I only did it because it looks like if we want to travel we'll need it and I suspect that  means as much inside the country as outside it. So since we intend to cross provincial boundaries to find a new place to live, we may be demanded to show proof at each boundary line we want to cross. I couldn't care less about restaurants and bars and the like since we never go to bars and rarely ever to restaurants either, since for the most part we cook better than most restaurant chefs do at the restaurants we've been to.  I mean I can't see how we would be able to fight the compliance of that on our own and win anyhow as no one else seems to be willing to fight it. Oh they complain a lot about it and say it's discriminatory, but no one is actually doing anything to fight it.

So that pretty much brings us up to speed on recent goings on around here since the last post, aside from the fact that if our daughter were alive she'd have celebrated her 40ieth birthday a few days ago. Saying stuff like that makes me feel ancient, even older than I feel most days (and that's pretty old).

Because the weather was playing havoc with the electricity earlier this evening I wasn't able to get beyond this when the power went out and as it's quite late already, I don't know how many headlines I'll be able to get to in this post, but I'll do my best to get as many of them posted as possible. If I can't then the others will have to wait for some other time, when I have the time and inclination to do them.

So I guess I'd better get started then....


Scientists identify natural SARS-CoV-2 super immunity against 23 variants I'm wondering if that includes the antibodies generated by vaccines too?

The Lambda COVID-19 variant: What do we know about it? That it's just another strain that allows this plandemic to keep going and for the gov'ts to use it in order to restrict our activities? Seems like it. 

Lambda: What do we know about the latest COVID variant flagged by the WHO? Well if you read this article, not too damned much apparently. Seems like about the only thing they know is where it originated and where its spread to the most and that's about it. There's nothing in there about how contagious it is compared to other strains nor how mild or severe or even deadly it might be in comparison to the other strains that we know about.

LAMBDA COVID variant may resist vaccines Another confusing and contradictory article, when there was another article that I posted the headlines to above, that clearly said mRNA vaccines ARE effective against it. 

COVID-19 vaccine reactions: Families describe adverse responses to shot I think I already described mine in the last post in here. Suffice to say it lasted more than just a few days and was pretty rough over all.

Unvaxxed people are 'variant factories' who will prolong the pandemic Yes, just keep piling the pressure on for everyone to get vaccinated. I know they've been pushing so hard and for so long now that I know of a few people who are super suspicious about the vaccines now, wondering why they're trying so hard to push everyone into getting vaccinated - if there's not something in the vaccines that can cause harm or track or whatever mal intents those authoritarian types might have. They're just outright rebelling against the vaccines now. 

China revives theory US army lab created COVID-19 That's one theory the validity of which has never been disproven.



'Carpocalypse' comes to Canada as vehicle shortage hits car rental industry Sounds more to me like some car rental companies are just using excuses in order to gouge the eyes out of customers heads. That should be made illegal with punitive measures attached to those who engage in such practices.


The four COVID symptoms you'll get if you're double vaccinated So what distinguishes that from an ordinary cold?

After months of decline, reported COVID cases increase. Is the Delta variant to blame? Actually whoever orchestrated this whole plandemic is to blame if you ask me. 



Quebec 'guardian angel' faces deportation as activists call for status for CHSLD janitor That's what Mr. Legault called them while the plandemic was raging in all the seniors and long term care homes.



Sabrina Maddeaux: Trudeau's border closure is a sham designed to only allow the rich to travel. Time to put an end to it  Well according to him we're all rich as we're a middle class society and so our incomes according to him all start at $49,900.  Which couldn't be further from the truth. That's the bottom line demarking where middle class income stops and lower upper class income starts. So he really thinks we're a society of lower upper class rather than middle class like we mostly all are. So that's why he thinks we can afford all those things just like that. He has no grasp on reality and can't fathom what it's like to live in the real world and have to pay our own bills from our own incomes and not Daddy's trustfunds or the taxpayer's trough.


Second-dose struggles: normal immune responses more intense than 1st dose for some Yeah no sheite. If I had've known this before I got my 2nd shot, I don't think I would've.

Lottery incentives don’t lead to more people getting COVID vaccinations A study the QC gov't obviously didn't read before deciding to implement their lottery to entice people into getting a vaccine. Yet another method being deployed to coerse or bribe someone into getting a vaccine, that they don't want and are suspicious of.

In California, dogs fill shelters as pandemic lockdowns ease That's so sad. Anyone who gets a dog should be required to either pass a dog owner's test and if they can't then both them and their dog should have to go through mandatory obedience training, so the owner can learn how to make the dog behave and the dog can learn how to behave. They should be required to do it until they both pass if they can't (one or the other or both) then maybe they ought to rethink the whole thing.

Canada monitoring 'whole slew' of variants, says chief public health officer Yup, the plandemic from hell is just gearing up to last forever and ever it seems.

Limits on store capacity lifted and distancing rules loosened in Quebec Even so, we're still required to wear our masks even if we're fully vaccinated despite what it says  in the Vaccinated Against COVID-19? What does it mean to me? : pamphlet put out by the Federal government that says we don't need to use masks anymore nor social distance either. 

Canada not doomed to fourth wave of COVID-19, doctors say, despite U.K.'s experience And even more pressure and coersion to get vaccinated. 

Pfizer says it is developing a Covid booster shot to target the highly transmissible delta variant I don't care how many booster shots they say we need of any and all vaccines, I will NOT be getting another one! That 2nd one was more than enough for me and I am sure I had the virus back in January 2020 anyhow.

Pfizer to ask FDA to authorize booster dose of COVID vaccine as Delta variant spreads More and more this starting to look more like a money gimmick used by money grubbing pharmaceutical companies to try to make an astronomical amount of money on this one virus.

Pfizer says it's time for a Covid booster; FDA and CDC say not so fast Not so fast is right. You didn't have time to grease everyone's palms at the FDA & CDC yet. Wait until that's been done first before you start looking for more green lights to experiment on people while making money from it.

Global coronavirus death toll surpasses 4 million, Johns Hopkins University says Just wondering how many people would've died globally in a 20 or 21 month long flu season.... If it'd be in the same ball park as this figure or what, because I think it would.


When is the pandemic over? Globally, it’s hard to say. In Canada — soon Really? So why then do we fully vaccinated need to continue social distancing and wearing masks if it's going to be over soon? Seems like it was pointless to suffer through both doses of the vaccine for what we got out of it in the way of freedom - which was NONE.

Virus antibodies are no match for Delta variant, study shows  Really? Then that doesn't sound like the same thing at all. Could it not be another totally different but similar virus? 

Not enough young Canadians are ‘offering their arm’ for COVID-19 vaccines: Tam Because you have no credibility with them. They trust you and all the other genocidal maniacs running this country about as far as they can throw you and I can't say as I blame them.
Canada says COVID-19 booster shots may be needed, closely monitoring variants Canada can say whatever it wants, but I'll be dammed if I get another shot. I've had enough of it already. 


You’ve heard of the delta variant, now there’s ‘delta plus.’ How worried should you be? They just keep coming and coming like as if it's the energizer bunny cranking them out like there's no tomorrow.


Companies Target a New Market: The Stressed Out  Some of these products are just over the top surreal. I mean does society REALLY NEED them?  Well I guess for the snowflake generation that needs to go into panic rooms because you look at them sideways they might, but otherwise I think most other people have their grown-up pants on and know how to cope with life's daily stresses without need for such things as those.
Pfizer, Israel strike a deal: New COVID vaccines set to arrive August 1 Wondering how many bribes and kickbacks might've been paid in order to finesse a sweet deal like that for the company?

More COVID-19 restrictions eased in Quebec as of Monday  Buttttt.... There is STILL physical distancing, only it's not so far apart now, but still you can't stand shoulder to shoulder with someone not in your group, while standing in a cash check out line so nothing's really changed just the amount of distance between the two is all.


HEALTH FOCUS: Why health ministry revised COVID-19 death numbers Because probably like everywhere else the actual numbers didn't seem high enough to Ugandan authorities to justify the measures they took, so they are now probably trying to make it seem worse than it actually was.

The evolving etiquette of asking about someone's COVID-19 vaccine status Well if you want to come into my house or get in the car with us without a mask on, you can bet I'll be asking about your vaccine status whether you like it or not.

COVID-19 updates, July 9: 'Vaccine passport' won't show personal information, Quebec says Well if full name and date of birth isn't personal information then I don't know what is. Right there it's enough to get a full police background check and probably credit check among other things. So he's lying. I know he is because we have ours and our names and dates of birth are on them. 

‘Get in now’: realtors urge renters to lock in lease before Canada’s border reopens It's probably true for real estate as well, before foreigners start taking up residence here again.
‘Surprising Amount Of Deaths’ Will Soon Occur In These US Regions From Increased Covid-19 Cases, Expert Says Just keep right on scaremongering... Maybe what you're doing will achieve your goals of making people take a vaccine against their will, and maybe not. Maybe it'll just make them more and more suspicious and angry about you and your ilk.

India's pandemic death toll could be in the millions And that's too bad because they were the most generous with their vaccines out of all the countries producing it.

Canada's pandemic warning system was understaffed and unready when COVID hit, review finds Well what's Tam's role supposed to be in such cases? Sit back and tell everyone to welcome all the Chinese in at the border because we don't want to offend anyone? Is that it? I thought as chief public health officer it was her job to KEEP ALL CONTAGIOUS VIRUSES OUT OF THE COUNTRY! And not greet them at the border with kisss on both cheeks!

COVID-19 travel rules: Vaccine passport could be required to go to restaurants, events in Quebec this fall Oh given what I see going on in Europe and other parts of the world now, it's not a "could be" it's more like a "will be", no matter how good or bad the COVID numbers are. Like I said above, I believe that's for tracking purposes more than anything else and has nothing to do with cutting back on virus transmission.

Proof of COVID-19 vaccination This is the English link at the QC gov't's site to get your vaccine passport by following the link that reads "Accessing the Self Service Portal".  The French site is here: Preuve de vaccination รฉlectronique

UPDATE 2-Israel offers third shot of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to adults at risk I can't understand how a shot of the same potency that was given to someone 2x before is going to work any better the 3rd time around. If it failed after 2 shots it shouldn't be that much more effective after the 3rd one, UNLESS the potency has been enhanced, which is doubtful.

How much protection you get from one shot of the Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna vaccines, according to the best available data What would be interesting to compare is how much protection you get when fully vaccinated with those 3 vaccines. That is something I'd like to know myself.

Fully Vaccinated Americans 'Do Not Need' a COVID Booster Shot Now, FDA and CDC Say Phew! Because I could see Health Canada saying we need a 3rd one if the FDA & CDC said the Americans needed a 3rd one.

Do People Want Their Pre-Pandemic Freedom Back? Oh really? Polling found that there was wide support for draconian lockdowns and permanent restrictions eh? Who did they poll anyhow? The pullit bureau in the USSR and the Chinese communist party? Or maybe the wanna be dictators themselves? Is that who? Because everyone I know is chomping at the bit to be able to get back to normal. 

WHO warns against mixing and matching COVID vaccines But of course Canada has to put it's own spin on this WHO message, because they followed their "health" ministers (who mostly consist of pencil necked accountants, anal ash hole lawyers and flakey genocidal art teachers) recommendations to mix and match the vaccines when they had more of 1 type and less of the other and couldn't meet demand to vaccine the one with the less supply with what we had on hand, so out of desperation or maybe just sheer ignorance they decided "ah, it doesn't matter, we'll use what we have and mix and match as needed". 

Inflation climbs higher than expected in June as price index rises 5.4%  That's just in one month. Wondering what the inflation will be for the entire year then?

U.S. health official says COVID-19 boosters could risk more serious side effects So then I really won't be getting one. As far as I'm concerned I've had all the shots I'm ever going to get against this never ending virus.


Should COVID-19 vaccines be mandatory for health care workers? Make it mandatory and then see how many you have left. You think we're short of workers now, wait until you make it mandatory. Because a health care worker is more apt to have seen what that virus does and if it didn't scare them into getting the vaccine already, nothing will and I think that probably means they don't want it and won't take it and may even quit if forced to take it to keep their jobs. I know the jobs are low paying & thankless, while being super stressful jobs for the most part already so I don't see why someone would take a vaccine they don't want, just to keep a job like that. I quit nursing for those reasons even without being given an ultimatum of any sort.


Spain’s top court rules pandemic lockdown unconstitutional  I know our lockdowns and all the other draconian measures taken were unconstitutional here in Canada as well, in fact I've quoted the parts of the constitution dealing with such things. But as usual we find nothing but sheeple in Canada including spineless sheeple lawyers who could've fought on our behalf for us, but were too lazy, chicken or stupid to be bothered. Even all the licensed medical professionals - from doctors and nurses could've fought it on our behalf and demanded they closed the border immediately when they saw what was happening in Wuhan. Instead they chose to ignore it and sit on their thumbs and pick their noses while it waltzed across the border in droves and then they had the nerve to cry about how tired and stressed out they were getting from trying to look after everyone who had it. Well boohoo.... All any of you had to do was stand up to the art teacher and genocidal beitche in charge of public health and make it known to the public that neither one of them were being responsible and were instead acting improperly or negligently (would be more accurate) and that the borders should and must be closed immediately. You could've made it into a gigantic media circus with multiple doctors and nurses speaking out and getting angry about their lack of action and demanding that Tam have her license stripped and be replaced by an actual doctor and same for the art teacher. I mean how dare a kindergarten art teacher assume the position of a health minister? She has no qualifications for that post whatsoever.

Germany Fines YouTube Six Figures for Removing Video of Anti-Lockdown Protest Finally! A gov't that wants the truth to be known and remain on the net, wow! That's different! Wish it were the same here, but unfortunately, it's all extreme left agendas and thought streams/patterns and ideas that are the only things allowed to remain, UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS THE ACTUAL FACTS WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT. Ergo the reason I use the headlines links TO PROVE that that was said, done, legislated into law, or being studied, whether it fits with their agenda or not.

WHO warns of 'chaos' if people have freedom to choose different Covid-19 vaccines Well of course, giving people freedom will create chaos and we can't have that can we, because otherwise how are all the jack booted authoritarians going to keep control and keep us in line? That's what it's all about now - the reason for the passports etc too.


Yukon First Nation offers cash for tips on COVID-19 rulebreakers Seems like the Yukon First Nation is going down the slippery slope of the same path that the KGB went on in the USSR, where they had the spies spying on the spies and the ones who garnered the most dirt on the most spies got promotions or something they've been wanting for a long time like say a TV or a car. That's communism folks and it has no place here in Canada, I don't care which nation is practicing it, whether it's the nation of Canada itself or a First Nation. It shouldn't be allowed. PERIOD END OF STORY.

Domestic vaccine passports up to provinces: Trudeau OMG, what a spineless, 2 faced, hypocritcal little wussy boy this thing is, given that he said a while back that this was something that Canada was just not considering at all, but now that some of the Gestapo premiers are implementing it (namely Legault and his gang of jackbootied bozos), he's backing down and saying it's up to the provinces. So as a PM of the country what's he responsible for and what's he do anyhow besides cave into wanna be dictators? Oh I get it, he's a wanna be dictator too. Well they do say that birds of a feather flock together.


Trudeau defends Canada's early response to COVID-19 but admits room for improvement Defending??? His, Haggydudu and Tam's negligence????? This guy is even more of a moron then I pegged him for. All 3 of them need to be strung up for negligence causing mass homicide and senecide, aka genocide. I sincerely hope that they get to face that comeuppance before their times are done, in this lifetime. Go before the Hague for crimes against humanity. That's what needs to happen to them, Boris Johnson, Macron, Merkel and all the rest of the leaders who let the virus into their countries and then handled it the same way bozo et. al. here in Canada did. So that pretty much covers all the worlds leaders and the ash hole at the WHO Tedros also needs to be held accountable at the Hague for the same crimes. And if we can prove it back to them the scientists who made and released it and then the ash holes that planned the whole thing at the Event 201 namely Gates and Schwab. Everyone of them needs to be sentenced to death for crimes against humanity and mass genocide.

Ontario health officials call vaccine mixing ‘very safe’ despite WHO warning Well of course you would because you're guilty of recommending and implementing those measures, so you don't want to admit such guilt and so refuse to acknowledge it by declaring the WHO wrong and yourself right. Wondering if it would work like that for me in a court of law where I could declare the judge and jury wrong in their assessment of me and me right? Wondering if that would let me off? I'm so tired of self serving wanna be dictators and their sicophants it's unreal.

What the World Health Organization really said about mixing COVID-19 vaccines But she did infact say mix and match, quoting her quote now: "It's a little bit of a dangerous trend here where people are in a ... data-free, evidence-free zone as far as a mix and match," she said. "It will be a chaotic situation in countries if citizens start, you know, deciding when and who should be taking a second, or a third or a fourth dose."   You can clearly see where she says "as far as mix and match," so she did say and probably meant it too. But Canadian media and authorities have to try to massage the message to suit their own narratives and agendas. You have to watch out for BS like this as we're constantly being given snow jobs and lied to on a regular basis by the gov't.

Quebec ERs 'on the verge of a breakdown' and need help, emergency doctor says Dube could solve that problem any time he wanted by demanding that family doctors and in fact all doctors start seeing their patients again! We were supposed to have had appointments (or that's what I was led to believe) on Monday, so we went to the doctor's office and we were told that I didn't have an appointment at all and my husband's appointment was supposed to be a phone call (that he wouldn't have been able to answer because at the time he was supposed to recieve it, he was standing there in our doctor's reception area - several kilometers away from our land line). We were only informed of all of this while we were standing there at the reception desk - that I had no appointment and his was a phone call appointment. But even though he was standing right there the doctor still wouldn't see him even though she scheduled him for a phone conversation for that time, she couldn't use it to see him in person. I mean hello.... Anyone home in there? He needs to see his cardiologist too, but can't even get his secretary to answer the dammed phone whenever he calls. So it's good it's not because of a heart attack that he needs to talk to him. So with doctors like that of course we go to the ER, there's no where else to go if you need to see a doctor. They forced us all to get family doctors in 2019 so they could close all the walk in clinics, which they did, but then the plandemic hit and all the doctors suddenly refused to see any of their patients anymore. So patients have no where else to go but to the hospital ERs. So force the doctors back to work and you won't have this problem anymore or most of the problem will be taken care of  ummmm duh DUMBe.


Bank of Canada tapers massive stimulus program, says inflation is temporary I hope he's right about the inflation because some of the prices I see in some of the fliers we get are just insane.


Homeopathic Doctor Arrested for Selling Fake Covid-19 Vaccines I was waiting for the fake vaccine headlines to start appearing, because it was inevitable that it would happen. I just didn't expect it to be a homeopathic quack (refuse to call someone who thinks a single drop in an ocean full of water will make a difference to someone taking it for a cure of some type). Though I can imagine what this quack did. Probably got a single phial of vaccine and an eyedropper and put a single drop in phials and filled the rest with water. That's probably what he did as that's what they do. Give or prescribe something so incredibly weak it wouldn't treat a flea never mind a person.

Wealth tax proposed for Canada's 'ultra rich' Sounds like a good idea, except it's not that great of one, considering the ultra wealthy will either move out of the country with their wealth or they'll just move their wealth offshore out of the reach of the CRA. That's all.


Most people getting COVID-19 vaccine say doctor’s opinion was deciding factor Well as we can't get to see our doctors here, it's definitely NOT the deciding factor here.

Vaccine hesitancy morphs into hostility, as opposition to shots hardens This is what I was talking about above, because I noticed our son being a little more than terse about it when we asked him why he wasn't getting vaccinated. He told me why, that he was suspicious about the vaccines thinking that maybe they had something in them (like DNA, or a viral strand or something) that might mess with our health down the road from now, or something else to track us with. I said well I think that's the role of the passport. But now his resolve to not get it, has hardened due to all the insistance the gov't and media is doing to try to coerse them into getting vaccinated and even going to the extent of introducing a lottery just for them if they get vaccinated. So he said there's something fishy there and he doesn't trust it.


Authoritarianism advances as world battles the pandemic Ya think???  Geez whatever gave you that idea? Could it be the curfews maybe? Restrictions on how many we see at a time? Or where we go? 

As Boat Sales Soar, Private Docks Become Precious Real Estate  Soooo, it looks like my friend isn't the only one wanting to protect her dock from interlopers.
This is about all I can handle for now.