Showing posts with label young adults. Show all posts
Showing posts with label young adults. Show all posts

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Anniversaries, Dinners, Digestion &

Attempting to Cover COVID19


July 26, 2020

Yesterday we celebrated out 45th anniversary with a variety of Indian food.  We discovered this Indian restaurant in Dorion-Vaudreuil, called Bombay Mahal and as we've only had a very small amount of Indian food before, at exorbitant prices, we decided to try a variety of stuff here (of course we didn't eat it all last night, I did put the Chicken Tandoori & some naan in the freezer for later and the Corma Chicken was supposed to be for tonight's dinner butt..... Digestive tract problems on my part - I have a history of digestive problems that almost killed me a couple of years ago - means we'll be having that some other night when the digestive problems clear up). We decided that for the price of the tiny little meals (1 tiny plate each) we got at another Indian restaurant we could sample a wide variety of dishes, we'd try a lot of different stuff. So we had some Daal, Chicken Samosas, Butter Chicken, Curried Lamb, Corma Chicken, Tandoori Chicken, Mango Lassis, and Mango Chutney. My husband had the Butter Chicken last night and I had the Curried Lamb, we each had a Chicken Samosas, Daal, and a Mango Lassis. I liked most of it, though I wasn't that fond of the Daal, but I finally got to try some. So, like it or not, I can cross that off my bucket list. My husband liked what he had but he found the stuff I had to be a little too hot for his palate.  

I spent the day in bed today, with digestive problems (because of ulcers and not COVID19) and not doing much besides moaning and groaning from time to time and snuggling our dachshund.  Maybe I should've gobbled a half dozen pantoloc pills before eating dinner last night. I don't know.... 

I'm still not feeling right, but I am feeling better than I was for most of the day. So I don't know how much COVID19 coverage I'll be able to cover today, but I'll give a shot, to get as much done as possible.  So get your reading glasses, cup of tea, and sit back and catch up in the COVID continuum.

NFL-Total of 95 players test positive for COVID-19, union says  There's been so few sports stories lately, I figured I'd start this post off with one.

Anxiety high as Canadian schools prepare for students from COVID-ravaged U.S.  Why? If most of the classes are being offered online why do they need to come into Canada to take them? Why don't we do like  Trump wants to do and ban all foreign students who are taking classes that will be offered online?

Oxford, CanSino coronavirus vaccine trials show promising early results  I don't even know why Canada is cooperating with China on a vaccine? What for? To get screwed in the behind by China? Because that's what their proclivities are when it comes to dealing with Canada over the past couple of years. I don't trust them and I don't think anyone in authority in Canada ought to either. 

Analysis: Montreal's latest bar-related COVID-19 figures don't add up Leave to the governments to massage the data to suit them and their agendas.

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ will cover COVID-19 pandemic in upcoming Season 17  I don't watch and have never watched this show, but I figure since it's been on for 17 seasons someone must. So for those someones who might be interested, I thought I'd post this for their benefit.

Humanitarian aid from top donors has dropped 30% amid coronavirus pandemic: analysis   Well given that a lot of people who used to give lost their jobs and a lot of companies that used to give as well has gone bankrupt, it's pretty much a given that it's dropped, but I'm surprised it's only dropped by that much and not more.

NORTHERN EXPOSURE US tourist boat at Niagara Falls is PACKED with people while those on Canadian vessel next to it are socially distanced  I'm pretty sure we've all seen this picture already, but I still wanted a link to it on my blog. So if, you didn't see it already, you really ought to.

Pandemic-Inspired Food Labeling Raises Alarms for Those With Food Allergies  The solution to this is to not eat preprocessed foods and to make everything you eat from scratch using fresh raw ingredients yourself. Then you know what's in it. If you're under lockdown, you have no excuses, because you definitely have the time required to do so.

Boat Parties Are the New Way to Spread COVID-19 in Florida Wow, it sounds like they're bound and bent to spread it one way or another in Florida. Aren't they!?!

Yelp says more than half of restaurants temporarily closed are now permanently shuttered  In the US, I wonder what the statistics are for Canadian restaurants.

Pandemic Luxury: 'Concierge-Style' Coaches and $350 Movie Tickets  Like my husband always says the rich can get anything they want as they have the money to pay for it.

Vitamin C sales surge amid COVID-19 pandemic, effectiveness of antioxidant is unknown  I use it to fight the common cold which is generally a coronavirus, COVID19 is just a pumped up coronavirus, so maybe while it doesn't prevent or cure it, it might lessen it's affects on the human body.

Sick of working from home? Work at a hotel instead  Sure spend money you can't afford in order to change scene for work. If that's the case, work in the backyard, or go for a walk and bring a blanket and plunk yourself down on a grassy spot with a nice view and work from there. If you're not trespassing or breaking any cockamamie laws or rules about COVID19 then you should be fine. Maybe take a drive to the nearest provincial or national park (if there's one within reasonable driving distance) and scope out a picnic table there and use it for your desk for the day.  Why would you pay insane hotel rates to change your scene of where you work? You wouldn't do that if you were working in your company's office (they wouldn't let you to start with), so why would you do that now? Or just find another room in your house to work from - one you don't normally spend a lot of time in, like one of the kids' rooms (if they're not there) for instance.
Credit card CEO warns of dark times when the $600 unemployment benefit expires  Even here in Canada, those who've been forced to stay home and order everything online or via phone, has has to pay for their purchases using credit cards, which tacks interest rates onto the actual purchase prices. So a lot of people in Canada (especially seniors) are going to have astronomical credit card bills too.

The EU struck a big rescue deal on Covid-19. But it might have dealt a blow to democracy Macron and Merkel have struck me from time to time as being both conniving snakes in the grass and clueless morons. I think this article shows the conniving snakes in the grass sides of them. 

How Rwanda is successfully dealing with coronavirus Of course because they went by proper medical methods of closing borders at the onset of it in China, rather than waiting for it show up on their doorstep before doing something. Something any and every country could've & should've done but didn't because of all this hoochy coo hobnobbing for money and political favours (I'm talking about those working in the medical profession - as in doctors wanting to be published or something like that but having to fall into step along side crooked superiors who work for even crookeder governments). Because there's probably no crooked gov't official vying for a place at the top of the NWO and no equally crooked organization like the CDC vying for all the money to be made from vaccines, in Rwanda, the doctors and public health officials were free to act on good old medical practices that worked in years gone by and would work now if they had've been employed, by other countries as well as Rwanda.

Why America is running out of aluminum cans  I don't know about the US but here where we live, we've been forbidden to return the glass bottles unless they've basically been sterilized inside and out, the store just won't take them back. So now instead of buying anything in glass bottles that's supposed to be refundable I buy in cans or plastic bottles. Unfortunately beer isn't sold in plastic bottles, so you're basically only left with the canned option, unless you want to save enough glass bottles to build a bottle house (like the one at Calico Ghost Town in Barstow California - it was built out of excavated bottles when they started restoring the town). But if you're like us and have no where to store all those bottles, you aren't apt to buy bottled beer anymore and instead opt for canned beer. So if the same thing is going on there as here, that's maybe why they're running out of aluminum for cans. Because too many people are buying canned beer instead of bottled beer and recycle plants that recycle aluminum are perhaps having their own issues with COVID19 - like everyone else is.

Lockdowns were 'big mistake,' crippled economy and haven't 'done much' to curb COVID-19: Rand Paul  He's precisely right as a news report published in the previous post on here to do with Sweden demonstrated. I showed the figures regarding Sweden's population, versus the Quebec population and the total number of deaths. While Sweden has a larger population of 10 million compared to Quebec's 8 million, the number of deaths from the virus to death was almost identical. So in other words despite all the lockdowns and physical distancing and mask measures Quebec took to try to stop it, they still had a higher death rate per capita than Sweden who literally took no measures to stop it, did. That's not me saying so, that's the facts that anyone anywhere can look up. So all the lockdowns did was not only cripple the economy but caused a lot of companies to go bankrupt and a lot of people to lose their homes, credit ratings, jobs and suffer a lot of other things along the way, from debilitating mental health to domestic violence. For what? According to the Quebec/Sweden comparison I made, nothing but heart aches and a lot of financial, mental and health related anguish.  That's all! There's enough proof and grounds there for lots and lots of legal suits to take the governments all over the place to court for all the problems they caused with their lockdowns and other stupid measures that weren't called for. And I sincerely hope we do see several of those suits and that they all win hands down, so that governments don't ever try stupidity like this again. Although as I have alluded to, they did this for a reason, which will be divulged when I get the Bill Gates post going, as it all ties in together there.

70 million people just had their credit card limits cut or accounts closed Wondering if any people in Canada also had their cards limited or accounts closed? Wondering if there were any seniors amongst them? If so, how are they going to manage the next time there's a total lockdown and told to order all their goods by phone or online? 

Coronavirus infections may be 2 to 13 times higher than officially reported, study says  Oh, I'd say it's probably way more than that, considering COVID19 has been in Quebec since late December and in the states (through their own admissions in various news reports) since at least mid to late January. Now considering that no one in either the US or Canada would even acknowledge the possibility that it was here before March, do you not suppose that a lot of people who thought they had the flu, might've actually had COVID19 instead, and a lot of doctors who saw early COVID19 patients thought they were treating flu patients? I do. Because I'm sure I am one of the ones who already had it. Along with my son, his wife, a couple of neighbours of ours and another couple of acquaintances we know. So that's at least 7 people who have probably had it, but weren't counted by the authorities because we all had it before they even dared admit it was in the country then.

U.S. boaters slapped with hefty fines for violating Quarantine Act amid COVID-19  It seems like no matter what they'll try anything to get into Canada, for whatever reason. Personally, I think it's more for sightseeing reasons than anything else, because they want to go see some place they haven't been before. But I can guarantee you there's tons of places in the US that even though they're American haven't seen before. There's so many awesome national parks and then all the road side attractions and you name it, that it's hard for me to believe they have seen everything there is to see in the US and so need to go exploring "foreign lands" like that.
Blood pressure drugs don’t increase COVID-19 susceptibility, study finds   So don't stop taking your blood pressure meds!

Kids & COVID-19: Children want to understand coronavirus better, learn how to stay safe  Good! They should learn how to stay safe, not only for their sake but for the sake of other family members  too.

Narcissists and Psychopaths Are More Likely to Refuse to Wear Masks, Says New Research Yikes! I know a few people like that! Wondering which category they fall into? Hmmm.....

Bodybuilder Wears Mask (and Not Much Else) to California Businesses hehehe.... Leave it to the Americans.... They always manage to find a way to make a statement without opening their mouths.

German pig prices stabilise as abattoir starts work after coronavirus  More meat processing affected by coronavirus. 
Fauci: COVID-19 is "almost your worst nightmare"  Oh he and his vaccine producing company will love this, for sure. Every couple of months they'll be able to make people get booster shots for the 600 previous booster shots they've already had 600 times before. And at even $20 a shot, he'll stand to be a gazillionaire in no record time.

U.S. records 2,600 new coronavirus cases every hour as total approaches 4 million Well at this rate, they won't need vaccines because in no time flat the whole entire population will have had it and thus either have died from it or developed immunity from it. 

Iran estimates it has 25 million coronavirus infections  If that's the case then, the WHO's numbers are grossly underrated, because they say there's 15 million but Iran is claiming 25 million cases alone. So if that's the case, the real number should be 40 million cases. So what are the real numbers here?

Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer  An intereactive site that allows you to explore various groups of data for a group of countries or a single country. 

What’s Safe To Do Right Now? The Most Common COVID-19 Questions, Answered  I'll save you time. "It depends" is their pat answer to all the questions. So in other words they don't know and are basically giving the same answers you'd come up with on your own after thinking about it for 30 seconds.

Nurses, truckers in Ontario denied health-care services over COVID-19 risk Are grocery store workers, policemen, first responders, doctors & paramedics also denied health-care services? If not, why only nurses and truck drivers?

Every hand sanitizer the FDA has flagged as dangerous and potentially deadly  Once again you should perhaps check your brand of hand sanitizer against this list. 

Get for-profits out of long-term care, unions say as they launch campaign  I can get behind this too, after what happened here in Quebec recently and what happened to my father back in NS in 1992 (not covid related, just a stingy miserable old hag owner related).

Latin American Foto Festival: Culture and coronavirus   A picture is worth 1,000 words or so they say. 

Uganda - where security forces may be more deadly than coronavirus There's always got to be someone who over reacts to the point of taking a sledgehammer to kill a fruit fly.

QAnon, coronavirus and the conspiracy cult  Okay you got me.... I'm as totally clueless about this as most of the rest of you are.... 

The reason Zoom calls drain your energy  I don't know about zoom calls, but I do know about calls on iPads. My daughter-in-law likes to call me on it once in awhile and I guess maybe it's because I haven't got a clue on how to hold it etc, but I'm forever having problems seeing them or them seeing me and I spend more time looking at them then listening to them I think. Well even though I saw the telephone of the future at the Bell pavillion at Expo 67, that allowed you to look at the person you were talking to, I just never thought I'd have such a gizmo myself. So I'm in awe of it, everytime I pick it up to use it and I think my daughter-in-law knows that. So I get carried away with looking at them, forgetting to angle it so they can see me and just not really listening... It's just pathetic.



Monday, July 20, 2020

Coronavirus & ...

Cooking Corn Chowder 


July 20, 2020

I'm getting there with the freezer food salvation. I have only calamari, raspberries, pumpkin, and some fondue meat left to contend with, because I found this awesome recipe for Grandma's Corn Chowder  because I was looking for a recipe to use a lot of corn. This recipe not only did that (though I used only one can of cream style corn and substituted the rest with previously frozen corn kernels), but also provided a way for me to use up my previously frozen chopped shallots and celery, along with a package of previously frozen bacon and pork scraps. So it took care of a lot of things I was wondering what I'd do with. The recipe doesn't call for celery but my mother used to put some in her corn chowder and it doesn't call for shallots either, but it does call for a medium onion and I had about a medium onion's worth of chopped shallots frozen. So I figured hey what the heck they're almost the same. Plus I cooked & mashed the frozen carrots & turnips we had, together as one dish, to freeze for later.  

Geez, I never realized how much food we had in that freezer, nor how awesome it is to have things precooked for when you forgot to get something out to thaw up in the fridge, or when you're too busy to cook and just want to shove something in the microwave to warm up. 

The next things I'll be taking care of is the calamari and that fondue meat. Then I have only raspberries and pumpkin to worry about and both involve making desserts of some kind. Not sure what yet though. Have to take care of the really perishable stuff first before I worry about that. Besides I have a raspberry bush which is where I got the ones in the freezer from in the first place, so while it's wrong to waste food and I don't wish to, I won't be without raspberries unless that monster vine in the back of our property strangles the life out of them.

Like the monster morning glory vine did to my mint and corn. 'Cept that one I can get my revenge on as it's also considered to be "winter spinach", so I harvest it to blanche the leaves as a spinach substitute. That'll teach it to strangle my plants on me.

And by the looks of my garden even though it's been severely neglected by me because of the excruciating heat we've been having lately, I will have to start harvesting some stuff from it soon and take care of it, whether that involves canning, blanching or baking depends on the type of plant it is. But yeah even neglected weed infested gardens do yield some stuff worth saving. So that looks like that'll be taking care of whatever time I have in the near future as well and the closer it gets to frost, the busier I get trying to salvage whatever I can.  Typically in a typical year that's sometime in October usually. But this year is not typical by a long shot and it's not over yet either. So who knows maybe we'll have to harvest in August or perhaps maybe in December who knows?

Anywho..... Back to the Coronavirus headlines.... Get your cuppa whatever and settle in, there's a lot of it and it doesn't ever end either from what I can see....

Record Numbers of Americans Try to Buy Guns
That's not a surprise at all. Everytime there's a problem there they arm themselves to the teeth and go on a looting rampage.

Bolivian sex workers bet on see-through 'biosecurity' raincoats to reduce contagion risk

France will require face masks indoors as virus picks up   They're mandatory here in QC already and I don't know about you, but I can't stand them. They're suffocating, as far as I'm concerned.

A KFC Takeout Order Led Australian Police To Give Partygoers $18,000 Coronavirus Fine  They sound as ticket happy as the Montreal cops are! Wondering if they get a percentage added onto their salaries from the amount of fines given out as an incentive to give as many fines as they can?

Public's disconnect from COVID-19 reality worries experts  Because most people don't know anyone who's had it and everyone pretty much thinks that the measures used to combat it are all wrong, it's like using a jackhammer to kill an ant, pretty much. Given that by law (it's actually in our constitution - the outlining of how quarantines and health acts are to be handled) the governments around the world including ours, way way way overstepped their bounds, by law. I'm pretty sure in a previous post on here - perhaps the one with Final in the title, near the end of it, there is a link to, or maybe a copy & paste of what it says precisely in our constitution about handling pandemics, health emergencies and quarantines and it says that the person/people who are infected are to be quarantined. It doesn't say anything at all about shutting society down entirely.  So yeah, we're disconnected, because the whole freaking world is totally unhinged when it comes to this virus. So what do you expect of the average person then?

Quarantines or not, Americans descend on summer vacation spots   This goes right along with the previous article about public disconnect.

Dogs to blame for COVID-19? No way, says new study  I don't know which idiot was saying that dogs are to blame, but whoever they are, they do not deserve either, their grant they got to study that, nor their license to practice their profession whatever that's supposed to be. Half the time I think some of these so-called scientists are nothing more than shyster clowns trying to make living off of grants from others to study bogus BS and depending on who the study is done for, they'll find a way to finnagle the facts to suit their clients wishes.

One third of young adults at risk for severe COVID-19 infection  But hey, lets go party, at the beach, at the bar, in mommy's basement, at the park.... Doesn't matter where, happy hour can be anywhere....

Most air conditioning systems don't protect against the coronavirus. In some cases, they can actually facilitate spread Adrianna Rodriguez USA TODAY  Oh big choice here..... Die of heat stroke in a matter of hours from shutting it off, or leave it on and maybe just maybe, contract COVID19. I think I'll leave it on and take my chances.

Banks Stand to Make $18 Billion in PPP Processing Fees From CARES Act  Geez no matter what the crisis is, the US banks always find a way to profit off it.  Back in 2008 with the asset backed paper scandal - created by the banks themselves - they not only didn't get any repercussions from it (except Lehman Bros. went out of business but other than that....) instead they profitted it from it by demanding the government bail them out by convincing the government they were too big to fail.  So they not only created the crisis themselves, they found a way to profit from it too.

Caution: The Market Is Set for a 30-40% Drop Soon!  I'm just amazed it hasn't bottomed out like it did in October 1929 in the infamous stock market crash that caused the Great Depression. I'd have thought that by now, we'd be in the midst of it.

Texas’ Cadillac of Death Picks Up COVID Victim After Victim

The lockdown rule Prince Louis can't stop breaking  Maybe a little royal cuteness will lighten the mood a touch.

I Went To Disney World The Day It Reopened After The Coronavirus Closures, And This Is What It's Really Like  For those who can get there and are interested in this.

Potential scandal brewing over Florida COVID stats

'They're really trying to kill us': How the coronavirus crisis worsens food insecurity in Black communities  They're not only trying to kill you, they're trying to kill anyone that's old, sick, weak, poor, disabled and just plain "undesirable" in their books.

Gatineau woman describes atmosphere of fear in Florida

Confirmed US virus cases rise amid new global restrictions

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Adverse Reactions In "More Than Half" Of Trial Participants   I don't think the press release about it saying it was promising mentioned the stuff posted in this article, which is an eye-opener.

COVID-19 situation in the U.S. 'scary' and 'dangerous,' Canadian long-haul truckers warn

Alberta father-of-two dies after 'non-essential' heart surgery postponed due to COVID-19   Another sad side-affect of this terrible virus, depriving people of essential health care that they need to save their lives, like that. So if you don't die of the disease itself, they'll ensure that whatever other terminal/fatal condition you have you'll die of anyhow. So they should add those numbers of fatalities to the covid numbers to get the real death tolls. Because they should all be lumped in with it, they were deprived life saving medical care on account of virus. Then I bet the numbers would be much much higher than they are.

Montreal heat waves may have claimed 14 lives this year, public health says

Data map shows 45% of US counties are seeing uncontrollable spread of COVID-19 outbreaks - as latest model predicts 224,000 American deaths by beginning of November  And they want to come to Canada for vacation? I say, stay home! We don't want nor need your germs here! Keep them to yourselves!

Californians turn against each other amid 2nd coronavirus shutdown  I'm beginning to wonder if this whole thing is also being used as a psy-ops study. To see how people react in different situations, like to massive lockdowns and then reopenings and then lockdowns again....

Manhattan’s Party Scene Roars Back to Life, Covid or No Covid  And like Florida's party scene there'll be repercussions afterwards. Without a doubt.

'Epicenter of the epicenter': Young people partying in Miami Beach despite COVID-19 threat  Just keep right at it. The US population is too large anyhow. It needs to be winnowed out some. Maybe get rid of all the loose nuts and screws there.

Morgan Stanley Joins Wall Street Gold Rush on Record Profit  Oh surprise, surprise, yet another US bank found a way to make a killing off this crisis, while the average American is having massive financial problems now. Kind of like in 2008 when they were bailed out and the average American got foreclosed upon and no one bailed them out. It's just one gimmick after another on ways they can find to fleece the people of their money and tax monies too while they're at it.

Study links good health-care in Canada to higher COVID-19 death rate If this isn't a load of hok'um I don't know what is. Gawd, if that's the case the Japanese should have the highest death rate, since they have the most seniors on the face of the earth.

Why do we have different blood types — and do they make us more vulnerable to Covid-19?

YouTubers Turned Down Trying To Hand Out Free Masks In Huntington Beach  If we weren't forced by law to wear one, I wouldn't either, especially considering all the scientific reports I've seen on their effectiveness at controlling spread (which is they're basically totally ineffective), and how suffocating they feel on me.

New US coronavirus cases hit record high, south and west worst hit

Eviction Looms for Millions of Americans Who Can’t Afford Rent   So what happens when the buildings are emptied of tenants who can't pay rent and new tenants who can pay it can't be found?  What will the landlords do with a bunch of empty buildings that they have no income coming in on? What will the banks do with them once they're foreclosed upon? Where will the people go? Will they set up shanty towns just on the fringes of town? Will they all start living in tents on campgrounds?  Wouldn't it just be better for the landlords to accept payment over time and possibly lower the rent for future months so that it's more affordable for their tenants? I mean there's a difference between no money, money coming in hand over fist and making obscene profits, and covering costs with a little left over for profit. Maybe the landlords could settle for the last option rather than the second one and by doing that they let their tenants live and they get to live as well, maybe not in as much luxury as they were accustomed to before, but at least they're not getting their buildings foreclosed upon and having their credit ratings wrecked on them. I don't know, I'm just saying, if I were a landlord I wouldn't be so hard on my tenants because I need them to survive too and if I get rid of them and can't get new ones because my prices are too high, then I'm only shooting myself in the foot, the knee and eventually in the end, in the head.

Scientists call for volunteers to be exposed to the coronavirus to test vaccines

Chinese executives get ‘pre-test’ injections in vaccine race In a way it's good they're testing it on themselves first. That would inspire more confidence in me than other firms that ask for volunteers like the ones in the story above.

Russia is hacking virus vaccine trials, US, UK, Canada say  

US sanctions world's top surgical glove maker over forced labour 

Portuguese officers raid clinics claiming 'ozone therapy' cures COVID-19

Germany readies tougher lockdowns to ward off second wave

Mosquitoes flying free as health departments focus on virus  Mosquitoes are always flying free around here. We live in mosquito alley I think. Some days we can't go outside in our own yard without being covered in Muskol.

Coronavirus: Spain orders culling of almost 100,000 mink It's going to bankrupt the mink ranchers. Wow. There goes a lot of fur coats down the drain. Why? I don't know as they have been telling us and telling us that animals (though that's supposedly where it started - was in animals) don't have and can't get coronavirus. So what and who do you believe?

Coronavirus: 'How we’re surviving a second virus lockdown'

'You call me selfish for not wearing a mask?'

Coronavirus: Big choices for EU leaders on recovery billions I think it's going to cost us billions just in taxes nevermind recovery. We have to fill to hole Trudeau dug in our money pit, now.

24 hours in a COVID-19 hot spot leaves no walk of life unscathed. This is what it's like.

Cruises will not sail in US waters until October after CDC extends its 'no-sail' order For those who thought trying to cross the land border might be impossible and thought about sailing to the US coastline instead.... I guess that's out now too. Maybe if you hire a skydiving plane and fly over the US border and jump out with a parachute on, you'll be able to get there. If you really want to, that is.

More than half of all states, including California and Michigan, pause reopening or take steps to halt the spread of COVID-19

'COVID hallucinations saved my life': Coronavirus-induced vision told a woman near death to call 911  It's more like a feverish delirium that saved her life. It's the fever and not the virus that causes delirium induced hallucinations. That's true of any high fever whether it's caused by coronavirus or kidney infection, or any other illness that can cause high fevers.

A nightmare scenario for farmers is happening right now  That's rough when the food isn't refused right away and it sits and spoils and then you find out and have to take it back after that. That's a loss and a waste of perfectly good food.

Rand Paul has some wildly irresponsible ideas about a future coronavirus vaccine  I'm not a doctor either, but I was a nurse and I agree with Paul Rand on this and call the idiot reporter out for being a total moron with a megaphone on a pedestal peddling FALSE NEWS. That's where false news comes from, from totally uninformed and uneducated and lazy reporting. Since the 1980s I've seen a super decline in journalistic integrity and this one is one near the top of "it has to take cake" category. So don't believe everything a journalist says over what a doctor says in this pandemic as I think doctors know more about what they're talking about than some loudmouth know-it-all blabber mouths, like this reporter appears to be.

24-year-old who beat Covid-19 after nearly 80 days in the hospital says she regrets not wearing a mask  80 Days in the Hospital! Wow! That's a long time especially for someone so young, who are supposed to be able to beat the virus easier than older people do. She must've had it really rough! I'm glad she survived in that case!

Militant groups use murder, arson to enforce lockdown in Colombia, says rights organization and we think wearing ankle bracelets to keep us at home is bad.... Wow...

This is what awaits us after the pandemic Well nationalism and a cold war doesn't make for a new world order. A new world order is based on a one world government with nations linked together kind of like the now failed EU, but on a global basis allowing all citizens to travel and work anywhere they want etc... We don't see that now. We see a major clamp down with closed borders and all nations for themselves. Kind of like the world I grew up in before all this globalization garbage started.

Canada to inessential US travelers: Please stay home   Seriously!

FBI warns public about surge in scams amid coronavirus Even criminals can't resist taking advantage of a good crisis or pandemic either. I'm sure some of the scams happening in the US is also happening here too. So be vigilant.

Pompeo says China 'was aware' of human coronavirus transmission before telling world, WHO was 'co-opted'   He's probably right, considering they were messing around with this particular virus since before 2016 because in 2016 is when Gilead Sciences & them came up with a anecdote aka redemsivir that they began fighting over patent rights on then too. So of course they knew. You can't make an anecdote for a virus you never saw, studied, or experimented with. Doesn't happen.

COVID-19 power shift: Experts have 'deep worries' about hospital data sent to Washington

Troy Harlow has always made sure to pay his mortgage on time. Wells Fargo had other plans for him.   I don't think I detest any commercial establishment more than I detest Wells Fargo. It's the only bank I've ever been in where the security guard trained his gun on me and held it there, while I asked for my Canadian money to be exchanged into American money (I was going to pay the exchange rate and whatever fees they wanted to charge). The teller whined at me in a nasal voice "we don't do foreign currency exchanges here". It was the only bank in the area and I was exasperated because the Americans wouldn't take Canadian money, they called it monopoly money because of the colours on it, so we couldn't buy gas, we couldn't get a meal, we couldn't do anything as we had no American money left on us. (This was in 1980 so long before debit machines and ATMS).  I was ready to basically cry because we were literally stuck there within walking distance as we couldn't even put gas in our vehicle to go anywhere. And here's this gun-toting trigger happy American standing there with his gun on me as if I was a communist (they were against all commies at the time) trying to exchange my Russian Rubles for US Dollars or something.  Later on when I came back to Canada and saw that people in stores, gas stations and literally everywhere were accepting the Yankee Greenback and giving them fair exchange rates on it right there at the business establishment's cash register, I was fuming mad. I figured we should not accept their money either as it looks like old antiquated dish rags that's been laundered so many times it's starting to look smeared. So I have a particular interest in posting this story, just to hold their nastiness up to the light to let more of the world see what kind of rotten (a few expletives) bunch of thugs they are and rub their noses in it!

Graphic: Coronavirus deaths in the U.S., per day

The coronavirus has destroyed the job market in every state  Wondering what it's done to the provincial job markets here...

A Better SUMMER  Just a fun article to help you enjoy your summer a little more this year.

Remdesivir shortages force doctors to make "heart-wrenching" choices  Until the production of this is ramped up and they can make more doses in shorter periods of time, doctors will have to continue to make these anguishing decisions. I'm just glad I'm not a doctor and never was, in cases like this.

Iceland is broadcasting the world's screams to relieve coronavirus stress  More coronavirus craziness..

Doctors share sobering stories as coronavirus cases spike

Domestic abuse isn't a crime in Russia. One survivor says "the police don't help."   There was a report out the other day saying how drastically the percentage of increased domestic violence has gone up in Canada since the pandemic began. I don't remember the numbers but they were incredibly high and here we have laws (weak as they are, they're still laws against it) and shelters for women & kids subject to abuse to go to. In Russia domestic violence is legal so these poor victims have no recourse and nowhere to go. Imagine being in lockdown for months like that. I just can't even imagine being in lockdown for 1 day like that, as it doesn't even take that long to kill someone or batter them to death.

20-year-old student documents bike trip from Scotland to Greece to get home to his family during pandemic

Laundry's worst cycle: The coronavirus' impact on dry cleaners and tailors - COVID chronicles  The people who aren't getting their clothes dry cleaned any more are probably healthier now that they're not in contact with all those dry cleaning chemicals and I bet the areas around the dry cleaning businesses are less polluted too.

Tesla tries to assure workers there's no big virus outbreak Doesn't he hire well educated people or high school flunky drop-outs? Just wondering because if he hires well educated people who can read and understands what's going on, what makes him think they'll believe him? High-school and elementary school flunky drop-outs might, but I think those are his scrapyard workers, garbage haulers and metal bangers and not anyone who knows anything at all about the type of stuff he builds and works with.

UN makes largest single appeal amid warnings of unprecedented hunger due to pandemic   All the more reason for me to try to salvage whatever food I can.

No servers, no tables: Israeli cafe is pandemic-friendly It's not the servers that I worry about. It's the people in the kitchen behind the closed doors - the ones we can't see.

As COVID-19 financial crisis wages on, some economists warn of a divergent 'K-shaped' economic recovery

'Big bravo to British Columbians': Lead researcher says COVID-19 study shows low infection in B.C.  Keep up the good work BC!

Passengers warned over COVID exposure on two more flights through YVR  I thought the airlines were bellyaching about having to shut down. If they were totally shut down we wouldn't be facing situations like this.

Federal government to provide provinces and territories with $19B for 'safe restart' of economy

B.C. warned of potential for 'explosive growth' as 102 new COVID-19 cases announced over weekend 
Geez what happened there BC? I just said keep up the good work and here you went and let me down. It's too bad that you're seeing more cases like this, because you were doing really good for the longest time.

Some employees cite CERB as reason to refuse return to work, CFIB survey says

Ontario to get $7B of federal government’s $19B pandemic recovery funds  There's 10 provinces & 3 territories, so why are they getting about 1/3rd of the money do they have 1/3rd of the population of Canada? If that's the case, is Quebec getting about 1/4 as they have roughly 1/4 of the population. If so, that doesn't leave much for the other provinces & territories relatively speaking. Does it? If that's the case what are the territories going to be getting? I mean they have nowhere near the population the provinces do, but yet they need more financial assistance than the provinces in my humble opinion.

Surge of 42 new coronavirus cases in Saskatchewan, active cases jump to 114  What's going on here? First BC, now you.

Trump Spokesperson On Border Closure: Americans Don’t Want To Go To Canada Anyway  Good! they can stay home as far as I'm concerned! Most of them probably don't even know where Canada is anyhow!

COVID-19 Walk-in clinic opens in Beaconsfield today  It's about time they had one on the west island now I'm just wondering when the Vaudreuil-Dorion district will see one?