Showing posts with label Origins of Virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Origins of Virus. Show all posts

Friday, April 16, 2021

A Rather Sporadic & Rare Update About....

Covid 19


April 16, 2021

I suppose everyone is wondering what's going on and why I'm updating the blog again.... Well for one thing there's been a few headlines since I stopped updating the blog that stuck out and seemed they might be of concern or important in regards to the overall history of this plandemic and so I thought I'd add them into the blog so as to have a more complete picture of the goings on regarding this virus, by the end of the plandemic and in posterity.  

For another, my husband and I both got our first shots of Moderna vaccine today - so we did manage to survive until we got our first shot. 
And while we had no choice as to which one we'd get - unless we chose to go to a venue that was offering the Astra Zeneca shot, on purpose, I'm glad that out of the 3 shots available to us Canadians right now, we got what appears to be the best overall. It's efficacy after 2 weeks after the first shot is 94.1% against the virus, while Pfizer's is only 95% after the 2nd shot. Plus Moderna doesn't have all the associated rumours about sterilization associated with it (not that it would matter at our age anyhow) like Pfizer, nor all the blood clot problems associated with the Astra Zeneca shot.  So I'm quite happy that even though we weren't given a choice about which vaccine we'd get we got the Moderna one. 
We were inoculated at a pharmacy in the area, and the pharmacist that did  the inoculations told us to take some Tylenol or other fever & pain reliever when we got home and that would basically reduce or avert the side effects altogether. 
It's been a couple of hours since we got our shots and so far so good. Of all the vaccines I've had in my life, which aren't that many as I basically got inoculated the natural way by having the disease in question (since most of the childhood illness vaccines weren't available for me when I was a kid - as they just weren't made yet, so I had to go through everything the hard way), I had no problems with any of the vaccines I did get.

So I wanted to note the fact that we got vaccinated (at least our first shots) today on the blog and the fact that we managed to live long enough to get it, considering how mismanaged and bungled the roll out of vaccines has been in Canada. 

I know I was opting for the Astra Zeneca shot before, but that was before all the blood clot issues started arising, because I know I'm a perfect candidate for that to happen to me. 
I want to make clear to the visitors reading this blog, that this will not be a regular event, of me posting headlines here. Sporadic and rare at the most, as I need to keep my blood pressure under control. Believe it or not it dropped drastically so that it's basically a normal 120/70  blood pressure from 180/90. The first reading there is a normal reading that everyone should have, the second reading there is verging on a stroke or heart attack territory.  So um yeah, I like the newer me with the lower blood pressure readings, hence the reason I won't be doing any regular updates or possibly even no more updates at all. Maybe this will be the only one because of wanting to denote the date we got our vaccinations. Who knows?

Now on to the few headlines of note that I've bookmarked since my last posting in here. As I didn't check to see how many headlines that is, as they're inbetween other bookmarked sites that I visited since my last posting here, I don't know how long or short this post will be.  So anyhow, I'll get on with it....

Could this possibly be the reason everyone we had deals with to get vaccine from started "having manufacturing based problems so that they couldn't supply us any"? As a way of ostracizing Canada for having so badly dropped the ball in our role of alerting the world about the Plandemic before it got out of hand? I mean if you read the article you'll realize Canada knew about it, on December 31 2019  but yet they did nothing about it. SFA as in not alert anyone else or even act on it ourselves, until the bozo brains at the WHO Tedros, announced the pandemic in March 2020.  

I'll be amazed if they ever truly discover the orgins of this virus, because I am positive that both the Wuhan lab and Gilead Sciences were working with it since at least 2016 - and probably before that, so that they could have redemsivir proven worthy enough to work against the virus to a certain extent and therefore each party applying for exclusive patent rights on it back in 2016.  I mean how else would they have known about whether redemsivir worked against it or not, if they didn't have any live virus to test it against? It's just common sense here.... And for the WHO and the scientists to be pretending they don't know where it came from speaks volumes to me. China's either threatened them or paid off, one or the other. Or maybe a combination of both....

Those lining up for vaccinations, might be interested in what this article says about the effectiveness against the various variants out there.
10 people in N.B. have had 'serious' reactions after COVID-19 vaccine, says province By refusing to report which vaccines were involved, it seems like the NB government  is more intent on protecting the vaccine makers than their own people. Or other Canadians too for that matter. F'n crooked gov'ts - gawd I can already feel my blood pressure rising!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr....

Former CDC Director Says He Believes Coronavirus ‘Escaped’ From Wuhan Lab Yeah I'm with him on that including the "Escaped" part. More like purposely planted outside in the public. Same as the H1N1 was purposely planted outside in Mexico back in 2009. 
Covid Showed the Excesses of Business Travel Which anyone with a half a brain cell in their heads could've figured out for themselves, given all the telecommunication technology we have around today.
Which world leader has the worst pandemic record? The competition is fierce I'd say all of them are about the same. Put them all in a bag and shake them up, and they'll all fall out together. Guaranteed.

I'm with him here. 100% behind him on what he's saying!
Ontario extends stay-home order to six weeks and bans most outdoor gatherings  This also includes new police powers to enforce stay at home orders - allowing them to enter a residence and demand to see proof of residency at that address and anyone who doesn't live there will be fined. Also all inter provincial travel between bordering provinces Quebec & Manitoba will be monitored and restricted. I mean you want to start talking about gestapo booties.... 

Well, at least there, that's much good news. Something to be thankful for, I guess.

You might want to download and read an article from this issue of Nexus Magazine entitled "Is the Covid-19 Pandemic the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated?". You might find it of interest.
P.E.I. woman hospitalized over 'extremely rare' COVID-19 vaccine allergy shares her story According to this story even Pfizer has some serious issues related to their vaccine too.

For those who've gotten a vaccine and are wondering or worried about the blood clot side effects and how to spot them, this article should be of some help.
U.S. expert says Canada is missing the chance to fight the P.1 COVID-19 variant That's doesn't surprise me in the least considering Canada's dropped the ball every chance it's had on everything from the get go on this plandemic. I mean it's getting to the point where you have to conclude, that they're either total inept idiots or it's on purpose. There's no other explanation for it. Either way they need to be held accountable before a judge and jury on the mass genocide they've caused in this country on account of their negligence.

Well considering the fact that we aren't getting a regular supply of vaccines we have no choice but to consider it safe and hope that it actually is.

Grim view of global future offered in intelligence report I think those of us who sees reality for what it is, didn't need a report like this, but for the more naive or those walking around with rose coloured glasses on perhaps they do.

What a gigantic ash hole this clown is and now even other countries are starting to see and comment on what kind of ash hole he is. Freaking embarrassment  he's been since the Bataclan massacre where he smirked and smiled all the way through his "condolences and standing with them" speech he gave. Since that moment on, I've despised the hypocritical idiot and have been acutely embarrassed by all his antics and BS he's pulled. I can't even understand how he got elected the 2nd time around and I pray for all of Canada that he's not re-elected again.

WHO chief says COVID-19 infection rate approaching highest of pandemic so far Which is one of the reasons I'm so glad we got our vaccinations today - before things could get any worse and we catch it. At least now I know that we have 2 weeks to go before we have basically 94.1% immunity against it. 

Of course we have to have a scaremongering story after those protests held in Montreal a couple of weeks ago - which I was extremely happy to see. Finally people have had enough of this gestapo regime and are fighting back. I guess we had to have a story like this coming out of it, in order to scare off and deter others from engaging in any more violent protests against the gestapo government we have in power now. I mean it's getting so bad that even the Terrebonne chief of police doesn't want his force engaged in any of the gestapo like activities of following people into homes to see if they're violating plandemic laws and such. Even the cops see what it is now - a gestapo regime and some are refusing to participate in it.
Montreal police release videos of Old Port riots, ask the public for help spotting suspects I beseech you to NOT HELP the cops identify anyone here. Because to do so means you agree with the police state Quebec is turning itself into. So, if you want to maintain and live in a democracy where we all have rights guaranteed by the charter of rights and freedoms & the Quebec charter of rights as well, then do not co-operate with the gestapo government and cops. Because the more you do, the less rights and freedoms we'll have. I'm actually quite proud of and happy to see Quebecers standing up for our rights  like that. Never before in my life have I seen any Canadians anywhere have as much compunction and passion for what they were standing up against to fight back against it, even at personal financial or physical cost and I am heartened to see that, as I'm sure Rex Murphy might've been too.  So we have some hope that Canadians or at least Quebecers aren't quite ready to lie down and let themselves be used as doormats for the overbearing wanna-be authoritarian governments Canada seems to be evolving into. It's time ALL CANADIANS STOOD UP TO THEM AND DEFENDED THEIR RIGHTS AGAINST ALL THEIR DRACONIAN GESTAPO MEASURES!!!!!!  That's what I think anyhow.

Well if you business owners find that "absolutely unacceptable" then you know what you have to do, eh? Let me clue the more clueless of you in..... Apply pressure to the gestapo government to lift some of their more authoritarian and draconian plandemic measures. IF you do that, and they relent and lift some of those BS measures maybe those riots will stop. Until then, I just encourage the protesters to keep on keeping it on (like the song goes). 
This is especially true for seniors and others that don't go to school or work, because then they're not likely to see anyone or anything different outside the walls of their home for long stretches of time. So going out to the pharmacist, get groceries or gas, gets them out of the house, lets them see something else besides their 4 walls and other people as well. I recognized this a long time ago. I recognized that I was starting to look through grocery fliers for food (that we didn't "need") and make a list of things I wanted from that flier or fliers and then go out to get them and probably subconsciously forgot some things on the list so I could go back again to get those things, just as a "reason" to go out somewhere. Eventually though, I realized what I was doing and the likely reason I was doing them.  So I curtailed that a lot and now only go out to get "groceries" when we actually need some things as opposed to just wanting some things.
Of course: Mysterious dog illness revealed to be a coronavirus!  The article assures us this is solely a dog specific virus with no danger to humans though.

That's no big surprise, considering just the other night I sat here and listened to the news anchor woman who had just sat through a long winded Legault speech on new covid measures he was taking, misquote him not once but several times through the newscast and the woman that was at the news conference given by Legault kept getting it right. But if you were just listening to the segment/s where the anchorwoman was talking about it, you'd have had erroneous information about. You would've had have heard the specific segment by the woman reporter that covered the news conference to get the right information. So right there is a vivid example of how f'd up they can get things.
Getting more sun linked to lower risk of dying from COVID-19 Well that stands to reason if there's any validity in the fact that vitamin D cuts down on problems from COVID19, considering that vitamin D has long been considered to be the sunshine vitamin. 

Okay well.... All is fair game in love & war, I guess. I mean you've got to do whatever you've got to do to win the war against this insidious virus, no matter how down & dirty you have to get.

My Gawd we're a year and a quarter into this plandemic and you're only just figuring this out now???? I'd have thought that would've been a no brainer.... But then whatever's a no brainer for people with brains is super difficult for those without brains to figure out on their own and it takes them years of practice apparently.
Canadian Medical Association issues 'urgent' call for unprecedented measures to fight pandemic In other words they want the politicians of this country to grow a brain and get their acts together and start acting as a cohesive unit - as one country. Like we're supposed to be.

Ontario’s new COVID-19 restrictions include increased police powers, restricting gatherings  Another powermongering gestapo regime forming, I can see.... I'm telling you fellow Canadians if you don't try to stop these draconian measures and stand up for your rights, pretty soon you won't have any rights to stand up for as they'll just strip them all away from you using whatever lame excuse of a measure they can find. So you'd better stand up for yourselves now before it's too late entirely and you know it must be getting close to that point when the laid back rambling Rex Murphy starts worrying about why we're so apathetic and lazy that we're letting the authorities walk all over us like dirty doormats.

They need to form a class action lawsuit against the government to fight those BS fines and draconian measures.
COVID-19: Indian double mutation variant arrives in Britain and has 'hallmarks of very dangerous virus' Oh just freaking wonderful. Another variant to worry about... I hope the morons at Canada's helm CLOSES (and I MEAN TIGHTER THAN A DRUM) Canada's international borders TO ALL!! No matter who they are or why they want to come to Canada. PERIOD END OF STORY.

Like.... I just said above.... period end of story.... So no more on COVID19 for now. Maybe someday in the far off future. Who knows? But for now this is it. So take care, stay well and stay safe.



Saturday, February 6, 2021

Catching Up on Some Headlines About ....


February 6, 2021

A day that's a tad different than others, considering our neighbours decided to pay us an unexpected visit, to do things for us. While the man was inside helping my husband with something, the woman was outside cleaning snow off our car..... Hmmmm..... No one has ever cleaned snow off our car without us asking them to..... So now, I guess making them a homemade pizza as a thank you is in store. They got the French Bread I made before and liked it enough to send a thank you email to me about it. So I'll just make 2 pizzas tomorrow, one for us for supper and one for them. 
You'd think we were 2 invalids the way everyone looks after us. We're not, we just see no need to do snow removal if we're not going anywhere. I mean my husband did do the snowblowing the other day so the driveway and walkways are clear but he didn't clean the car off, since we weren't planning on going anywhere anyhow. 

Sometimes - especially lately with this plandemic BS going on (for information on that read my post from 2 days ago titled: The Whole Story or Just the Headlines About), I wish I saw, and heard, and spoke no evil, but that seems to be the whole thing behind this plandemic. Sheer evilness. One man's quest to reconfigure the world his way - via the Great Reset using this plandemic. There'll be another post coming up later on this week about the Great Reset (there's already a lot of info about that in The Whole Story or Just the Headlines About post) with tie-ins to Bill Gates and his nefarious plans too. 

First I have to be able to digest it, analyze it and then find a way to put it into words without winding up on the wrong end of a lawsuit.  But when I have it figured out and ready, it'll be posted here too - probably later this week. 

In the meantime though, I thought I'd catch up on some headlines. Not all of them, as I probably won't be able to today.  So get your glasses, warm beverage, and get comfortable....

Hmmmm..... I wonder why she's waiting? She's in the age group they say needs it the most. Is she waiting because she's privy to some information about the vaccine that we don't have, due to her contribution to the research? Just wondering....

What Do We Know Now About Where Coronavirus Came From? Obviously not much more than we thought we already knew....

Room for a boom as Bank predicts rapid vaccine-induced recovery Yup well, in order for that to happen you need to have some vaccine to begin with, which the UK has plenty of, unlike Canada.
China's bat caves may hold COVID clues You'd think they would, considering everyone in China is adamant that this virus came from bats. So if it came from bats in China, there should be evidence of that in a bat cave or two located in China. 

China to send 10 million coronavirus vaccine doses abroad This is obvious onemanupmanship over India, since China had it's shorts in knots when India was donating several million doses to various countries. 


World faces around 4,000 COVID-19 variants as Britain explores mixed vaccine shots 4,000 variants? Yikes! That's a lot. I bet not all of them are benign or mild I bet some of them are pretty dangerous and contagious. I wonder if a single vaccine will be able to work on all of those variants, or not?
Some countries ban rivals' vaccines Maybe because they made a deal with the manufacturers in their countries that they would be the only ones supplying that country's needs for a vaccine, as an incentive to get them interested in signing contracts with them.

Long-Haul Covid Cases Cast New Light on Chronic Fatigue SufferersWondering if this might be why I'm so frigging narcoleptic all the time lately?

Turks Escape to Country as Locked-Down Istanbul Loses Its Shine  Yup and that's precisely why Quebec snowbirds went south.
Canada doesn't know how many more Moderna doses will be delivered, or why there are delays That's because we have a f'n spineless, brainless, clueless imbecile at the helm who doesn't know how to get things clarified in writing, or to stand up for us.

See? No matter the numbers in each province Feb 8 seems to be the magic date for easing restrictions! Wonder why the lockstep easing and tightening of restrictions, when different areas have differing numbers and directions those numbers are going in, at any given time?  So this really has nothing to do with the virus. It's more political than it is health  related. They're easing restrictions at this particular time because they're afraid of a mass revolt if they don't. They need to stop squeezing so hard, because once we've been squeezed hard enough or for long enough we'll revolt and they know that. Hence Feb 8th the magic date - they must've come by that date from some military psy ops agent or something, as a means of knowing when you're getting to the breaking point and people will start fighting back. That's what Feb 8th represents - the edge of the population's breaking point. That's why it's in lockstep no matter the numbers or directions they're taking. Except in the Red Zones in QC - namely Montreal and the surrounding regions (Laval & Monteregie), where the majority of the population lives. Maybe that area is being used as a test area to see just how long they can get away with depriving people of their rights and freedoms before a revolt starts brewing.... I wouldn't doubt it.

COVID-19: Quebec won't set up police checkpoints to limit travel between regions Yeah because that's not paying the gov't any money. That would cost them money. I mean why would you take a cop off of covid rule breeches where they issue fines ranging from $1,500 (minimum) to $6,000 (not maximum but common maximum - it can go higher depending on the power tripping ticketing cop). So yeah, that's a pretty lucrative gimmick the gov't has going on there, fining everyone who's walking an inch too close to someone else, or ticketing them for being out at 8:01pm (1 minute past curfew), or having too many people in the house or cars in the driveway. That's why they have their hands full already, giving out all those lucrative tickets, not to mention those given for normal highway code infringements. 

'No basis in reality:' Opposition decries Saskatchewan premier's COVID-19 response That's for sure! None of this BS has any basis in reality or even common sense! Everything they've done from the get go seems to be on purpose and in lockstep with the rest of the world and as bassackwards as you can get from how things should've and still should be handled!

A 30% drop is pretty good. Let's aim for a bigger drop shall we?

Yup they showed on CTV news last night how his promises about vaccines works. He starts off by saying they ordered enough vaccine to vaccinate the entire country 4x over, then the next announcement about the vaccines I guess was in December when we got the first Pfizer doses and his proud announcement that we took delivery of so 1.x million doses and they'd be distributed throughout the country. Then the next announcement was about the promised doses coming in the next week from Pfizer and  Moderna, which was down from a previously promised number, but still he said we'd be getting them, then whoops he says we aren't getting any this week, but we will next week and then it's we're getting some doses but not from who or when... Finally he announces he asked Covax for some - but there's no date on the arrival of that lot either. But he's always ascertained that we will all have the jab by the end of September. I don't know how he figures that if we don't get any vaccine into the country before 2,999!!!! The way things look now, that'll be about when it arrives too! The ash hole needs to be removed from office now. He's the universal idiot, and he needs to go.
Canada's new COVID-19 travel rules: What you need to know about the restrictions, and what officials can do to stop you  Quoting the article now: Under the Quarantine Act, the federal government has the ability to restrict or add conditions to entry into Canada when there is an outbreak of a communicable disease that poses an “imminent and severe risk to public health in Canada,” when there are “no reasonable alternatives to prevent the introduction or spread of the disease are available.”  -------- Sooooo, why don't they CLOSE THE BORDER TO ALL INCOMERS EXCEPT CDNS RETURNING HOME????????? Seems to be the logical thing to do. But of course we definitely can't accuse the clowns in charge of having logic or reason, because they all seem to be totally bereft of any. And like judgement (which the cops in QC don't have and can't buy), you can't buy logic nor reason anywhere either, but you can learn some if you want to. Obviously the jerks in charge don't want to learn anything at all, that's why they're such imbeciles.

Meanwhile though the Cdn sheeple aren't thinking about us, and our health, only our image around the world. Wondering what kind of image you think we'll have if we pass up on all the vaccines in magnanimous gestures and wind up extinct as in most of our population dies off because of this disease because we had no vaccines for ourselves when we needed them the most. Do you not think we'll look like total imbeciles or what, I mean why do you think the airlines insist parents put their oxygen masks on before putting them on their kids?.... Ummm f'n duhhhh So don't you think we ought to look out for ourselves first so we can continue to look out for others later?
Or is that the objective here, to kill us all off? Because Canada does occupy one of the largest areas on earth that's rich in natural resources, that I'm sure a lot of people in a lot of countries around the world would love to possess. Just wondering what's the gimmick here and why it's so hard for a G7 nation that was THE FIRST COUNTRY TO CONTRACT FOR X AMOUNT OF DOSES OF VACCINES to get anything that it contracted for and probably already paid for too!?! Unless nitwit face in Ottawa is lying to us once again and I wouldn't put that past him, as it wouldn't be the first time. Look at SNC Lavallin and the WE Charity and the black face scandal for a few examples of when his lies were found out. 
Just wondering what's the gimmick because this vaccine boondoggle. 
For 3rd year, ferry from Maine to Nova Scotia is cancelled Very sad. I'm originally from this area of the world that the ferry has a large economic impact on. Businesses that weren't already devastated by forced closures due to lockdowns etc, will definitely be hurt by this. Everything from gas stations, restaurants, hotels, souvenir shops to Dairy Queens etc.... Anything that people could access along their route to their intended destinations, will be hurting due to declines in numbers and if this is the 3rd year in a row, I wonder if many of those business survived? It's not as though there's a lot of other work to fall back on there either. It's small businesses, fishing, lobstering, raking moss, and not much else. The small businesses are the ones that generally employ women and teenagers and the other mentioned types of work is mostly men who are employed in that. So if the small businesses are hit, that means there's a lot of women out of work because you can't sell ice cream and souvenir trinkets from home, and not all men are employed in the work involving the sea. 
British Columbians told to ditch Super Bowl parties, COVID-19 school safety announcement Thursday You can still have an in-house super bowl party with a TV and some of the super bowl recipes provided on my previous page, which is entitled something like Culinary Celebrations in February.....  Where you'll not only find links to a lot of super bowl related recipes but Black History Month, Valentine's the Chinese Lunar New Year and Mardi Gras. So if you're on the look out for any recipes for those occasions check out that page of my blog, perhaps you'll find whatever you're looking for there.

What else did you expect anyhow? 
Ottawa warns provinces to expect further disruptions to Moderna vaccine shipments this month And of course the spineless, brainless jellyfish is just going to continue letting the pharmaceutical companies continue to dick us around like this. 

Lookit this! They're so enthusiastic about their roll out they're actually envisioning upcoming vacations. While we can't even envision going from one zone to another in our own provinces.

I can't believe any gov't was seriously considering a scheme like this, especially considering all the crooks and criminals in Canada are whining and crying about being held in dangerous conditions because they might get Covid and die, so the gov't wants to give them their shots first (against the wishes of most of the rest of Canada). So in Mass., they have to be bribed to get the vaccination apparently while in Canada they're demanding priority be given to them to get their shots. How come Cdn prisoners are in such danger of dying if they don't get their shots but the prisoners in Mass., aren't? What's different here?

La communauté de Kahnawake sera vaccinée en priorité d'ici la fin mars I guess that will depend whether we get the vaccine or not, in order to accomplish that.

Now the clowns that run this country are starting to awaken and smell the coffee. I don't know why it took so long to realize this, considering it should be a freaking no-brainer, given that if you don't finish your full dosage of antibiotics the germs could mutate and become super bugs that antibiotics won't work against anymore. Yeah yeah I know the difference between viruses and bacteria... It doesn't mean though that because it's a virus it can't behave the same way a bacteria would under the same circumstances.



As I'm sure they would in any rural community.

That's good.
Canada’s Caribbean travel ban to cost Jamaica $350M That travel ban is just pure stupidity is all it is. It just reminds me of the travel bans that the Soviet Union and other communist countries used to place on their citizens. They didn't want them leaving the regime for any reason, because they might pick up ideas outside, that they wouldn't be able to have access to under those regimes.

Good for them! Keep up the good work!


Next Moderna COVID-19 vaccine delivery in doubt but Pfizer doses could increase "Could" is the operative word in that sentence. Like they "could" not also, which is the more likely scenario here.

Most of the actions the gov'ts have taken since this plandemic started doesn't seem right. So when do you plan on taking them to court on our behalf?

As far as I'm concerned they should be banned forever as they're nothing but floating petri dishes.
Canada is 'doing it right' with vaccine strategy: Novavax CEO Nothing like kissing up to the gov't for deal on manufacturing in Canada, eh?

Awesome! Good for them! I hope all of them are able to avoid having their eyes gouged out of their heads by our cruel & inhumane gov'ts.


Another glimmer of hope shot down....

Border-hopping snowbirds still driving record Hamilton helicopter traffic despite COVID crackdown Well if you're not allowed to cross the land border but are by air, what do you expect?

What makes you think that that'll stop them? It hasn't so far, practically everything they've done has violated our civil liberties.

Lucky kid. I wish I could say the same. But on the off chance that he's curious and wants to know more about it, direct him to my blog, where he'll be able to find out all about it, as I perhaps have one of the most comprehensive archives of headlines about it on the internet.

Unlike Canada which will have to wait until 2,999
Covax: Canada defends taking vaccines from sharing scheme Why not? What choice did all our so-called "friends and allies" both in the G7 and NATO leave us after stabbing us in the back the way they did, after we put in the first orders for stuff back last summer (August I believe it was - but if I'm wrong I'm sure I can find out as it's probably a headlines on this blog somewhere)!?! Way before others did, in fact we were among the first if not the first to do so. Yet, we're going to be the last to get anything. Then the hypocritical back stabbers have the nerve to sneer and mock us. With friends and allies like you bunch of hypocritical backstabbers who needs enemies? 

How to heal the 'mass trauma' of Covid-19 You mean it can be healed? Or just put behind us? Because really I don't think there is any healing for people who've lost loved ones, their homes, their jobs or had to start living on the street and standing in breadlines. That'll be with them for the rest of their lives - the same way those who lost businesses and homes due to bankers greed in the early 80s when the interest rates sky rocketed to 21%. That distrust stays with you forever. This will stay with the people hurt by it, forever too. There is no healing so stop promoting false hope and being delusional about it yourselves.


Hurt by the pandemic, a small town in California will pay tourists to visit If the picture in that story is one of the most appealing tourist attractions there, I can see why they're having a hard time and it has nothing to do with the plandemic.


How heartless. You'd think that at least the immediate family would be able to attend the funeral and not have to attend remotely.
Commercial pilots blame pandemic downtime for in-flight mistakes Oh come on, are you saying that if you don't drive a car for a couple of months you forgot how? If that's the case your license should be yanked, same as your pilot's license.

Quoting the story now:
The prevailing news about Covid-19 was so bleak for so long. But the facts have changed -- faster, perhaps, than the major news narratives have changed.
The vaccines are showing "spectacular" results, to borrow a recent phrase from Dr. Anthony Fauci. Hospitalizations are declining. The variants are a curveball, but it "just doubles down the idea that we need to get people vaccinated as quickly as possible," CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta says.
So you'll understand if us Canadians aren't quite as optimistic as you are, given we have no vaccines ourselves and can't seem to import any either.

Seems so typical of the US.


"We are in a moment of rage": Inside the movement to win basic income for moms Canadian moms should be too, except they're nothing but a bunch of sheeple who love being trampled on and used as doormats.

Misinformation about COVID vaccine and infertility raises alarm for women Is it though? When you have the former CEO of Pfizer and another person associated with a University saying this, you have to give it some credence, especially if they aren't being sued for slandering the vaccine now. I mean you'd think if they were blatantly wrong and Pfizer could prove they were, Pfizer would be suing them for all their worth for trying to tarnish their product. No? 

Very sweet.

That's awesome!


Why would they want to under bozo brains as the banana republic dictator? 
New UK variant has 'broad implications for the whole world' Well if the whole world shuts their borders down tighter than drums, maybe not. Maybe if they do that they'll be able to stop the spread of the few cases lurking in their respective countries and put an end to it. But as long as the borders are wide open to anyone and everyone that'll never happen.

So says another unedjimecated quack. You're not a doctor so how would you know? 

That's probably because they don't exist and it's all nothing but brag, bluster and BS.
Canada's vaccine procurement strategy 'second best': Liberal MP  2nd best? More like 100,000th best. 2nd best is too good for the strategy I see, unless the strategy is to wait for more Canadians to die before getting any.

'My mind was blown': Ontario couple fined $880 for Pokémon GO outing amid stay-at-home order Talk about draconian gestapo booties. I guess they're taking clues from the QC gestapo.

Actually as I point out in my post a few days ago, it's going to take 10.9 years at the rate we're going.


Wondering if it's the same story in Canada or not.

That's terrible.
Health Experts Fear Super Bowl Parties Could Lead To Super-Spreader Events Yup, so have a party just for your immediate household using some of the recipes on my Culinary Celebrations in February post.

Geez, aren't you a regular genius!?!
Half of UK adults should receive Covid-19 vaccine by May, Government says Now consider this. They have double the population we have and started their vaccination rollout one week before did. So given those facts Canada should've been able to have it's whole population vaccinated by May too. But we'll be lucky if we even get a couple more doses of vaccine before then the way things are going.

Minutes show Sage warned ‘complete’ border closure needed to stop new variants But as per usual gov'ts don't listen to advise from anyone but themselves and none of them know SFA about medicine, infectious diseases or even how quarantines work. They're just a bunch of letigious, pencil neck idiots. In other words lawyers and accountants make up the bulk of all gov'ts and none of them have any degrees in anything else except maybe art or snowboarding and you're asking incompetents in medicine to know how to treat and stop a rampaging virus. Apparently even when they're advised by those who know what they're talking about, they ignore their advice and do what they want anyhow.

He is where he wants to be and where he's most needed.
As the song goes: 

It's the same old song
But with a different meaning
Since you been gone
But it's the same old song
But with a different meaning
Since you been gone

When I see how closely they're working on this, I'll believe it. Until then it's just more subterfuge to try to make Canadians think the lamebrained idiot is actually doing something.
Ontario government to ramp up pandemic safety inspections on farms Yeah, that's a good idea while we're knee deep in snow and -15C outside.... I'm sure there's lots of farm work being done in those conditions.

Will exodus of Toronto residents to suburbs reverse after the coronavirus pandemic? I'm no real estate expert, nor do I know much about TO, having last been there in 1984, but I would hazard a guess and say that unless they lowered their rents and condo/house  prices it'll be hard to lure people back. 

Covid vaccines extremely safe, finds UK regulator That's good to know... Especially if it's true.

How to make cleaning wipes and spray at home Maybe using these techniques you can save a little money by doing it yourself.

TSA to fine mask violators up to $1,500 Following gestapo boots Legault in his footsteps I see.....


Oh yeah, freaking wonderful.... So it'll just never end. Is that it?
Moderna's upcoming vaccine shipments still a mystery: Fortin hehehehe.... We must be the laughingstock of the universe and Fortin, isn't he a military person? Maybe he ought to start threatening them with war if we don't get our vaccines? Threaten to bomb their plant by such a date if the vaccines don't arrive by then.

Probably because they finally realize that they've already bitten off more than they can chew, and they wouldn't be able to fulfill any signed contracts there even if they did get approval.


Spring vaccinations could double in Canada but only if three more vaccines approved At the speed Health Canada (headed by Haggydudu) moves, that could take forever. Because don't forget the art teacher has a super steep learning curve (about 4 years at least) if she's going to understand any of that. Otherwise it's just pure gibberish to her that she's signing off on. 

I dunno, but I'm sure they'll tell us using lots of hyperbole and exaggerated examples to scare you into compliance even longer, in case you're starting to lose your fear for the currently circulating strain/s. 

I'm pretty sure we didn't need a news story to tell us this. 
AP analysis: Federal executions likely a COVID superspreader So in other words some of those executions didn't just kill one person but potentially others too?

Maybe he should get them to deal with the lack of vaccines and contract breeches too.

How is this "safe" if multiple people use it multiple times? I mean right now there's the man standing behind one side and a woman in a wheelchair on the other side, at that particular spot, but what about after they leave? Will there be others using the same spot but actually trying to hug each other through that plastic? If so what about them being up close to the plastic and breathing on it and then the next ones to come along maybe having some part of their face or body come into contact with where the last person breathed on it? I don't know I just don't see that as being "safe". Even if it's sanitized after each use. Unless that sanitizing cleaner is completely rinsed off, so there's no residue left, the people may not be getting a healthy dose of covid but instead some kind of chemical burn or rash on their skin from where it touched the surface of the sanitized plastic.

But he doesn't mention what the "least of symptoms" might be.



New Orleans to shut down bars during Mardi Gras weekend Well at least they're not cancelling the whole event altogether. So there's that.
What do you know!?! I thought I wouldn't make it to the end of the headlines tonight. But I did! Yay! Anyhow until next time take care and stay well.