Showing posts with label Coping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coping. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2020

Waiting in the Car, Playing Games, Radio Listening, Dr.'s Office & Listing Headlines For ....

 Covid 19



November 9, 2020

I quite literally spent most of the afternoon sitting in our car waiting for my husband who had a doctor's appointment for his back (it's about freaking time). While he was in there, I was in the car, playing games on a tablet of mine and listening to the car radio. Not a very thrilling or interesting day and I accomplished a whole lot of nothing on top of that. 

I did call my son though to find out how he was and to tell him (as he's the one that predicted it and I posted it - without citing him as being the one that said it) that he was right about what he said about if Biden won the presidency, how the week after he wins, we'll suddenly start seeing vaccines being made and being made available. I mentionned that since Biden won we'd be seeing vaccines getting approved and maybe even being made and distributed this week, earlier on my blog on November 7th to be precise, in this post "New Toilet Installed, Motor Cycle Accident, Waiting Anxiously For News, & Posting Headlines on....", in the comment on Herculean Effort on Vaccines,  And sure enough! Look at the headlines that greeted me on Drudgereport this morning November 9th, when I signed onto the net: 


Not sure  - what's going on right now. I can't put it back in non-bold nor align left mode. It stays centerized and in bold face.... That's going to make things really awkward here. 
As this is obviously a super glitch in the "new blogger" thing and I can't seem to get out of it, consider this the blablabla portion of today's headline posts and follow on to the next post to get the actual headlines.   So hang in there as Part II will follow.....

 .......                                                                   Part II
Sooooo.... Um yeah that was fun.... Continuing on from all that fun with the above post, here's the headlines: 
The following few headlines are based on the front page on Drudgereport this morning - which is in the previous post for today. As I said that I wouldn't be posting any more news stories with after the Oct 31st headlines, it's been hard to stick to that because everyday there's an extraordinary headline related to COVID 19 that can't be ignored. Yesterday was some military type was saving that WWIII was going to start because of COVID19, so that story got posted because of it's significance in how bad things could get. Then today that headline from Drudge, that I couldn't resist posting in here was a dramatically different tone.  And so like I said the following few headlines are from today and related to that posting on drudgereport's site.They have absolutely nothing to do asa


TSX jumps following Pfizer vaccine news, Biden victory Even here in Canada it had an effect already. 

Now I'm not sure this is the big change I was talking about or not. So I'll follow the headlines for the next few days and see where it's going. If it is a change (the one I was hoping for - not necessarily Biden winning but the turn around in outlook and stories) or not. If it appears to have momentum and keeps on going I'll resume posting the headlines from the day I decide it is indeed a change and enough of one to warrant reopening the blog, but only after I can finish all the headlines leading up to Oct 31st. Still have those to post. 
So resuming from where I left off last night....
The holidays are coming. Does the COVID-19 pandemic mean you should skip even small family gatherings? What experts say. Doesn't matter what the experts say, I'm going to have a family gathering for Christmas. Line up the gestapo boots outside my door now so incase.... 

I wouldn't know what those are exactly, since I don't have time to work with any of my hobbies, as this blog fills all my free time and just as I thought I was going to put it to bed at least for a little while, so I could work on some of my hobbies in order to make Christmas presents..... Surprise, surprise, we might have a pandemic turn around, which means if we do, I'll have to resume posting the current headlines as soon as I get caught up on the October headlines. So, much for my free time and hobbies eh?  
She wasn't infected. Why she almost lost her life because of Covid-19 That's what I've been saying about this plandemic, that there's a lot of other people who are also dying because of COVID19 but not because they have it, but because they don't and the doctors refuse to treat them because they don't have COVID symptoms.
Pollution and Covid-19: Delhi hit by 'double whammy' No wonder they have such high rates. It was my contention from the very beginning while it was raging in Wuhan, that it might be hitting it really hard because of the pollution (because China isn't exactly renown for it's pristine beauty and pure fresh air), same with India, Brazil and even the parts of the US where they were particularly hard hit like California, NY and Florida. Chicago should be up there in the ranks as well, not sure why it isn't unless it's because all it's smoggy air gets blown across the border into Canada....

They don't have those old laugh and clap tracks that they used to use on sitcoms before they had live audiences come to watch the live taping of it? Those used to be used all the time. People, like my mother caught on to them because there was apparently certain sounds that was evident everytime the tracks were used, like a certain sound of someone laughing a certain way or something like that that she vowed up and down was a taped laugh track and everyone called her crazy until later on they revealed that yeah they did use such contrivances for both laugh segments and clap segments. So if they had and used such a thing in the 1960s can't they dust them off and maybe redo the segments so they're not the same ones and use such types tracks again now?
Eerie photos reveal how Covid curfew is transforming Paris Our son showed us pictures of the major downtown Montreal streets Ste. Catherine, and Sherbrooke during the 1st lockdown when he was down there one day. They were kind of similar to these pictures but with a lot less cars and traffic. To see the difference in those pictures place your cursor on the center line in the picture and drag it from one side to the other & vice versa. 


Well that should be quite a significant number of people considering their population is about 67 million. So that is roughly 3.5 million people who have antibodies and I wonder if they had 3.5 million positive cases yet? 

Okay all I want to know is how high were the fevers these people who are losing their hair had? If they were really high, then that's probably why they're losing their hair like that. It's lucky they aren't losing their skin too in that case. I'm not joking - as I'm the only known survivor of scalded skin syndrome in the world, I'm speaking from experience here. My fever was so high they couldn't register it on the thermometers they had, and they thought I was going to die. I didn't. But after my fever went down and I got better and discharged from the hospital my hair started falling out in clumps and I was shedding my skin and nails even several layers deep, so that my newly exposed epidermis was a sticky bright pink colour and not my normal skin tone and it was like that pretty much all over my body. My nails also shed several layers or if they were thin they just plain fell out and new ones grew back in. But generally speaking high fevers do things like that to you. It's like as if you got an ultra mega sunburn or something or akin to a burn from a house fire - maybe 2nd degree or so burns. So that's why I suspect high fevers in these people.  The things I've had and survived is almost mind-boggling. From that to a broken neck, to 33% of hemoglobin left in my system, to several accidents and near drownings and on it goes, ... It's almost like I'm indestructible.  I know I have more than 9 lives as I've already used them all up and then some....

Cancer research another long-term casualty of the coronavirus pandemic, scientists say The list would be so much shorter if we just listed the things this plandemic hasn't affected. Oh I know.... Politicians plans, their lives and livelihoods & thus incomes. Hmmmm well I guess that's about it or all I can think of as it's affected just about everything and everyone else I can think of.

Ramped-up ICE arrests amid Covid outbreaks show 'irresponsible disregard,' Hispanic Caucus says Yeah kind of like the ramped inspections and fines the Office de la Langue Francais is giving restaurants and bars (who have been forced to close because of the pandemic) now. Like it's an extra kick in the head, as they apparently haven't had enough kicks in the head, gut and groin so far this year from all the lockdowns and closures due to not being able to remain in business, so now just to make extra sure it's really ONLY THE SUPER TOUGH & STRONG STANDING at the end of the pandemic it seems like Mr. Gestapo Boots Legault has sent the OLF after les maudits anglais sale qu'ils ont les nerves de poster les chose en anglais. Just to make sure that when the pandemic is over with and they can all reopen again the only ones that will will be Lafleurs Chien Chaud, and La Belle Province frits & hamburgeois et non les maudit sale restaurantes anglais. It's called "kick'em while they're down".


Oh doom & gloom are us.... I doubt it'll last forevermore.  At some point in time either science will find a way to conquer it, or it'll wane or we'll wane out of existance as a species. 

Not if every other economy holds them responsible for devastating their economies via their virus that they let loose on the world and sues them for damages. Canada should whether other countries want to or not, considering all the grief that country has caused Canada. I think China is Canada's main #1 enemy at this point. If we had nukes and I was in charge I'd have them all pointed towards China and wait for them to make even the smallest aggression towards us as an excuse to wipe them off the map. I am so infuriated with them it's not funny.


Hey pot users you should have no problems recovering from the lung damage then!
Italy Did Everything Right to Stop a Second Wave of the Coronavirus. So What Went Wrong?  We'd all love to know the answers to questions like that because even though we're under strict lockdown here in QC our cases are growing in number on a daily basis. 


I'm a couple decades younger than that, but I feel the same way. Whatever time we have left we want to live and enjoy it. Not stay stuck in a house or room with 4 walls. Anyone who can't understand something that simple has no business running anything, much less a country, a province, a state, a city or even a frigging hamlet of 3 for the total population.
Well that's it for tonight.... Until next time take care and stay well.



Monday, March 23, 2020

Getting Through This Without Going Crazy

March 23, 2020

My husband and I are getting through this by keeping busy with things that interest us and watching shows and movies of interest. He likes Mysteries of Oak Island and so we watch that and the Digging Deeper episodes as well. I like all sorts of things from cooking shows to Ancient Aliens. Plus we like watching the odd movie every now and then, too.

But from very young, even before we knew each other we each learnt as young kids to make our own amusements and entertainment and so we've just naturally done that all our lives without relying so much on TV as I made it sound above. Yes, we liked watching certain shows and movies together as a family over the years, but we also enjoyed other activities as well. I love reading and have a huge collection of books here, but I also have an iPad that a friend gave me and an ereader that my husband gave me. So besides my books I also have a largish collection of epub and pdf books for the iPad and ereader, that I've downloaded off the internet. If you have a tablet or ereader that accepts micro SD chips, you can dump a lot of books, photos, & music to those chips to use on your devices.

I also like cooking and working with food, as I mentioned previously in another post, and there are lots of sites on the internet devoted to recipes.  Just do a quick search for "recipes" and you'll be presented with enough sites to keep you busy for plenty of time to come.

I also like to make things - of all kinds, using all sorts of crafting methods and materials and learning new ones too.

I also have a vegetable garden as well, that I use to supplement our groceries with. Whatever I get out of the garden either gets consumed immediately or if not, I blanche most vegetables to freeze for later use, or preserve by making my own jams, jellies, pickles, salsas, relishes, chutneys, spreads, etc...

My husband likes to fix things - anything from broken door knobs, to computers, stoves, cars, lawn mowers and snowblowers and anything else that has a wire, a knob or an engine to it. So he's constantly finding something to work on - lately it's been trying to cobble together parts from 3 different computers to make one as mine conked out just as the crackdown on going out because of the virus happened. So he can't go to stores to find the parts he needs so he's trying to cannibalize components from 3 computers to make one for me.

But we've always been doing things like this, sometimes out of necessity - just to get by as we couldn't always afford to buy new things when the old ones broke down, or even pay for servicemen to fix them.

When our kids were living at home with us, we were even squeezed tighter for money, so a lot of what we had we made, or fixed ourselves and we stayed home as we couldn't afford to go out anywhere really. So we taught our kids to make the most of the situation, by contenting themselves with the things we had here. We taught them to cook basic meals, mend their clothes (hems and buttons and holes), take care of their rooms, help with the chores. Taught them not to waste anything and not to throw anything away that was still good. So they learnt to eat leftovers from supper the night before, for lunch today and to find a way to use the bunch of bananas that were turning black before they were no good. Or to repurpose old jeans that don't fit anymore into a chic shoulder bag and things like that. Things that perhaps will be of some interest to those stuck at home and unable to go shopping on a whim, like they used to but needs a new shoulder bag and has some old jeans lying around, that they could use. Or maybe make their own COVID19 masks: Downloadable PDF From CTV News

The thing is that the way we lived pretty much our whole lives is the way people will have to learn to live now. To not waste anything - meaning it may be awhile before you can get out to buy food or other items, so make the most of whatever food you do have and not waste it. Start by using your fresh food first, before it goes bad and find a use for it even if it's a lot (like a bunch of bananas or a litre of peaches, or a couple heads of broccoli). Well if it's things like broccoli and other vegetables (or most vegetables anyhow) to keep those from going bad, all you have to do is blanche them and then package them in portions that will be used for one meal (judge how much your family consumes in one meal and package that much in a freezer bag) and freeze. Then the next time you want broccoli for dinner just pull one bag out and use it the way you would any other frozen broccoli you'd buy in a store. Use the internet as much as you need to find recipes and information on cooking methods, so that you can make good meals with the food you have. It may take a little time and effort, but considering you can't go anywhere you have all the time in the world now. Maybe you can also involve your kids in learning to cook right along with you.

Same as learning to make and repair things. If something is broken or needs hemming, if you don't know how to do it, find out how via the internet and do it yourself - and again involve the kids so they can learn too. If you want to make something whether that's a beaded necklace, a quilt, a sweater, a computer, a chair, or whatever it is, if you don't know how to do it, look it up and learn and perhaps get the kids involved in that too, so they can learn it as well. YouTube has video tutorials on all sorts of things, so I can almost guarantee you'll find a tutorial for whatever it is you want to know how to do there.

This will be a great time to teach your kids some life skills like I've been talking about and even for you to learn a few more.

If it's getting time for haircuts and the salons have been ordered closed, find a book or video on the net, that shows how to cut hair and well, give it a shot. It's not as though you're going to any fashion shows any time soon, so if you botch it up the first time, it'll grow back and maybe the next time, you'll do a better job at it. Here's a site that shows you via video tutorials 10 ways to cut your own hair - for women: 10 Ways To Cut Your Own Hair

Don't forget to treat yourselves well. Enjoy your nice warm bubble baths, intimate time with your partner. Make a special date night dinner once a week and do something romantic together while giving the kids their own night of whatever they like - whether that's pizza and movies or video games or whatever. Then also have a family night where everyone gets together and does something everyone enjoys doing - whether that's playing cards or board games 17 Board Games For Adults or watching movies and munching on popcorn or whatever. It doesn't mean because you're couped up at home and can't go anywhere that you can't still have fun together as a couple and a family.

The thing is that all of us will have to be mostly self-sufficient and self-reliant and try our best to get by with what we already have on hand or that we can make, or grow, or repair, as we won't be able to go out to buy parts, or new anythings until this is over with. So if your lives are anything like ours, you won't have time to lose your minds as you'll be too busy with other things going on around you.