Showing posts with label social media abrogating freedom of speech rights AGAIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media abrogating freedom of speech rights AGAIN. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2020

Getting an Early Start on the Headlines Dealing With....

 Covid 19


November 6, 2020

As I'm forced to wait an hour before we go do our errands that we have to do at the bank, liquor commission and grocery stores, I figured I'd use some of that time to maybe start on today's edition of playing catch up to October 31st's headlines, as there's still tons to go. 

So getting started on it now....

First link is to an epub book that's downloadable at the longfiles link given at that page. I am linking to it, because it seems to be quite interesting that might provide an eye opening look at the origins of this virus, that I thought you might be interested in. 

This report is tying totalitarian governments in with AI, but the way things are going in this pandemic and the fact that most of the countries seem to be coordinating their efforts at curtailing (not sure if it's really the virus, or more than likely us) whatever it is they're trying to curtail, in lock step and harmony with each other. I mean is it any coincidence that everyone in the western world from Argentina right on up to Canada in the Americas all went under lockdown with the same measures in place on the same day? I don't think so. They didn't all just happen to have the same measures and plans in place by happenstance, no they planned and coordinated it together. They're trying to act in unison, or were anyhow, now there's splinter groups which are more draconian than others - take QC & ON as perfect examples of that - they're provincial neighbours with their borders touching each other here in Canada. QC has gone the nazified  gestapo route closing everything in sight and telling us we have to stay home and we can only associate with those in our immediate households (unless you're single then you can have one person over to see you). But now they're telling us we have to associate with 25% fewer people, so that means if you're a family of 4 one of you have to go. I'm not sure how I associate with 25% fewer people though unless I quarter my husband and keep only 3/4s of him and discard the other 1/4th. And giving police power to enter homes to break up house parties (because having any social interactions or fun at all is strictly forbidden and subject to fine and or arrest). While Ontario still has a lot of places like restaurants and gyms etc open and they're restricted to something like 10 people being together at a time - more if it's outside and so on. Nowhere near as draconian and restrictive as QC is, that's for sure, but yet their numbers are right up there close to those in QC....  

That's in the US, I'm not sure of the numbers here in Canada..... 

Covid-19 crisis would have to be 'really, really bad' to implement a national lockdown, Fauci says I wonder what's his definition of "really, really bad"? Because it seems to me if your country is right there in the top 3 countries with cases and deaths, in the entire world, you could classify it was being "really, really bad". Seriously. By comparison QC has a piddly amount of cases and deaths, but it's under a gestapo like lockdown. So when is the US going to figure it's bad enough for a national lockdown? When 50% of the population (I'm talking actual population and not case numbers) dies from it? Is that when? Just wondering what the criteria for "really, really bad" is, when you're the top country in the world with cases and deaths, already? 
The Flaming Lips performed a concert with the band and fans encased in plastic bubbles Okay well this is just a little excessive I think, but well, hey whatever floats their boats...

Poor pooches. I hope they eventually get to wherever they're supposed to be...
Zakaria on global inequality: Years of progress have been undone in months Exactly! It was planned and orchestrated that way. Probably at the Gates & WEF's conference they had in Wuhan just prior to the release of this virus. 


It's not just the remote work that could spell doom for your favourite dry cleaner, but all the special occasions that one would get dressed up for, where special clothing would need to be dry cleaned and maybe have some alterations done in order to wear for that big occasion you would be going to if they weren't all forbidden, like big weddings, funerals, graduations, anniversary parties, fundraisers, or other occasions, where you'd wear these special clothes, but wouldn't wear them on a regular basis. Like an evening gown or tuxedo won't be worn to the office or wherever you work, those are for special occasions, so after hanging in the closet for an extended period of time without being worn, they'd normally be taken out and dry cleaned before the occasion you'd wear it to. Since all of those occasions are forbidden now it's highly unlikely those clothes will be going to the dry cleaners anytime soon, either. 

Fellow Canadians don't get too excited about this, because as usual it's just in the US.
 I wish that here in Canada we'd have regions that would fight back, but noooooooooo Canadians for the most part are nothing but a bunch of sheeple that would follow their gov'ts (no matter how corrupt and conniving they are) off the edge of a cliff, rather than stray or fight back. Fighting back is beyond us as a group as we don't seem to have the will nor the guts to even try.

What health "information"? Where, there's very few actual health information articles in my blog and trust me I've covered as many sources for COVID19 info as I could possibly find and there's very little actual real bonafide health info in these articles. Most of the info, is basically conjectures and suppositions but nothing really concrete, that they can say definitely one way or the other about anything to do with this virus, except it's shape (which we've all seen pictures of already). So what information are they talking about here anyhow? Thinking that Vitamin D or blood type O may play a role in protection against it and being 100% sure that it does is two different things, until we get an affirmative on those being a sure defense against the virus, then it's just a supposition. We can only assume that they help and not be certain about it. So that's why I say there's very little health information about it, because most of it thus far has been suppositions based on a few trials, or data taken from some patients (but not all). Anyhow if they're brave enough to come out and say that they think vitamin D plays a role in prevention it won't hurt anyone to take vitamin D up to about 1,000 iu per day, to increase your odds of beating it. Err on the side of caution rather than against it.  And with winter approaching vitamin D might help with your mental health too, by warding off SADD.

You can probably find a few of those at
Just look in the "Cooking" section or if  you want a specific title, you can search for it at the right hand top of the page in the "search" feature there.

This would seem to be to me, a perfect example of how scared and paranoid the governments have made or is trying to make us of each other. This is just sad. 



That's great news! 

Oh I love this.... The computer nerds at twitter knows more about medicine than an actual doctor does eh? And as far as the CDC goes, they've been caught in so many crooked schemes to do with this virus I'd BELIEVE ANY DOCTOR NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE CDC OVER THE CDC!!!!  They've been nothing but one big organization of lying scumbags when it comes to this virus. It's been proven (and I have the articles linked in the blog somewhere too) that they don't work, when someone coughs or sneezes forcefully enough and when you have covid it's not a quiet little church mouse cough no it's as forceful as an air compressor almost. So he's right it doesn't help much. They only help against small droplets (like when someone is talking) or the lingering virus in the air after someone has coughed or sneezed. That's all. 

Precisely! My thoughts exactly!
Educators teaching online and in person at the same time feel burned out Yup, our son was complaining about this in the spring when they took the course he was teaching out of the classroom and put it online, but because his class involves a lot of hands on work and in some cases with very expensive CAD software that the students can't afford to buy for themselves, he had to be not only online for the theory but in class for the hands on and computer CAD part of it. He said that he felt like he was working 16 hour days most of the time because it's not only the classes, the students had to have time to consult with him after class if they didn't understand something - like a one on one session for maybe 15-30 minutes each or thereabouts. He said when it was a hard concept to grasp he would wind up doing that for hours as almost all of the students would want his help. Plus besides that he had to grade the work that was handed in and that he always had to and it always took a few extra hours to do that, but with the online & in class teaching along with the time online to answer questions and help the students, he felt like he was working 16 hour days and get paid for 8 hours a day.  He said he was glad it only lasted a few weeks and wasn't a whole semester long because he would've quit. So I can sympathize with these teachers.

Yeah he doesn't sound like the brightest crayon in the box, that's for sure. He got what he deserves.
Early numbers suggest domestic violence homicides may be on the rise around the country If that's true, that's downright scary! Like I said before if you're a domestic violence victim GET YOUR KIDS AND YOUR PETS & LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AND GO TO A SHELTER OR SOME PLACE SAFE & DO NOT LOOK BACK OR GO BACK!!!!! OTHERWISE YOU MAY WIND UP LIKE THESE VICTIMS - D E A D !!!!!! Which I'm sure you don't want to have happen to you, your kids or pets! So stay resolute once you leave.
Top infectious-disease expert says 'the next 6 to 12 weeks are going to be the darkest of the entire pandemic' Hmmmm well from my standpoint we're half way through the 6 week period and it hasn't worsened that much if any. It's still pretty much constant at a constant rate here in QC. It's roughly a thousand new cases a day if you believe the stats the government keeps releasing. I'm inclined to wonder about those though as I still don't know anyone personally who knows they had it for sure. Yeah there's me, my son, his wife (who works in a hospital full of Covid kids apparently according to Arruda he's the head of the pediatric infectious diseases at the Montreal Childrens and that's where she works as one of the nurses that are sent on the floors to draw blood for the blood tests so she's in contact with all of them on a regular basis), our neighbours who all think we had this stupid disease back in January and February but have never been tested for it, because according to the medical establishment it's impossible that we had it then. Well me, my son & his wife, must've if she's in contact with COVID kids all throughout her shift day in and day out, and she didn't get sick with it, nor did he nor me. So I still stand by my claim that I had it in early January - 1st week of January in fact. Those are the only 4 people I know besides myself who thinks they had the virus, otherwise I don't know of anyone who even thinks they had it, let alone can prove they had it. 



hehehe now that's an idea for the gyms, dance studios, hairdressers, pubs, restaurants etc to try here in QC. The pencil pushing idiot that's our health minister probably doesn't know the difference as he's probably never set foot in a gym, dance studio, or church to save his gawd forsaken life!



Or.... Could it be that the lockdown is causing diabetes in those who are already borderline diabetics? Because during the lockdown they claim everyone is baking more and eating more. Eating more alone puts on pounds, the larger you get the more prone you are to becoming diabetic, especially if you're borderline diabetic already. Now if you're eating more carbs which is what baked goods consists of almost entirely, that being Flour and Sugar both will exasperate diabetic conditions and if you're borderline diabetic push you over the edge to becoming a full-fledged diabetic. Even people who aren't borderline diabetic, but might have a family tendency towards diabetes can develop diabetes if they consistently overeat or are eating more carbohydrates in their diets than they were before the pandemic. Because I'm not sure COVID 19 the disease itself is causing diabetes so much as the new diets and eating habits of everyone under lockdown. It's best to moderate your food intake and avoid excessive carbs. I'd say as much carbs as you can, but you still need a certain amount in your diet for energy. Carbs convert to sugar in your system and that's what your body burns as fuel, so without carbs you are lethargic. But no one needs cakes, cookies, donuts, pancakes, waffles, and sandwiches on a daily basis. When I was a kid, we had dessert only on special occasions, pancakes on Saturday mornings and that's about it. I don't remember having a slice of toast until I was nearly 10 years old. No sandwiches either we usually had whatever was leftover from last night's supper warmed up or fried up as a "hash" for lunch or chowder or soup with crackers. Oh yeah we used to have this awesome brown bread my mother used to make to go with the Saturday night beans we had for supper every Saturday night but other than that we didn't have much bread or bread products in our diet - until I was 10, a few years after my mother took me  and left my father.  So I grew up like that and I still don't like sandwiches very much unless it's something like a submarine (hoagie they call it in the US I guess) or a club sandwich, or my all time favourite  - hot lobster sandwich. So as I was able to grow up and survive pretty much without baked goods of almost any kind, I'm pretty sure if you put your mind to it too, you could start to winnow some of those items out of your diet - which might help you lose weight but will definitely cut back on your chances of developing diabetes. The form of carbs I got and was my fuel was potatoes. That was pretty much it.

Universities say cancelled exams in high schools won't hamper post-secondary plans I guess for kids graduating highschool this year or next, that's a load off their minds. 

Pandemic heightens importance of 'hygge' moments, says Danish ambassador Of course, we all  need to relax and cosy up to someone or maybe a good book and just unwind and think about other things besides those that are causing us stress. I love this idea and have tried to incorporate it into my life ever since I became an adult (even if I never heard the word "hygge" before). That's partly why I live where I do, so I can stand 15 minutes staring out the window at sunset time and watch the beautiful sunsets over the water, whenever I want. We chose this location to live for it's beauty, serenity and tranquility, for the beautiful scenery and quietness while being about 5 miles away from one the major cities in Canada - so the best of both worlds, rural quietness & beauty and all the amenities of a huge city just a short drive away. But "hygge" (without knowing the word) was always a big part of our lives. That's maybe why I'm still functional and haven't short circuited and blown a few fuses yet, because some of this COVID related stuff (especially the draconian measures the gov'ts are taking) makes me livid sometimes. I just get so angry sometimes I want to scream, but there's no point at screaming at anything within earshot as nothing around here is responsible for that sheite.

In a population of over 35 million that's still not a very significant number and you have to remember most of those cases are already resolved and the ones that aren't yet, are mostly mild or asymptomatic, so nothing to get anxious about. Those that are positive are supposed to be isolating at home, so you shouldn't be coming into contact with them. Theoretically anyhow.
Despite pandemic, Quebec's wineries report fruitful summer Good for them. Because the few grape clusters we had on our vines got eaten by the birds. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I swear it's like I spend all my time and money growing things for the birds and bugs to eat. We've had blueberry bushes for years now, if we've had 4-5 blueberries from them we're lucky because the birds get them before we can. Same with the grapes they got all of them as well. The only berries we manage to get any of is our raspberries, as the bugs seems to eat the strawberries the minute they ripen.... Good thing the don't like rhubarb even though it's not  a berry or fruit,  or I doubt we'd get any of that as well. 

That was on October 19th, now it's supposedly: 45,360, 632 in just over 3 weeks it's added about 5 million more to the total.

There are so many places where you can get free ebooks to read online or download to read offline or on a device, you can start by clicking on the ebooks link in my right hand side label bar and you'll be taken to all the relevant pages with links to such, etc...  You'll never spend money on a book again, because you'll never live long enough to read whatever is already available for free at these sites.

Senior desperate for new windows ready to ditch prescriptions after emergency aid denied And here's all these Phd candidates saying the parents need more money then they already have because of COVID while totally ignoring impoverished seniors who've never gotten a break from the gov't in their lives for anything - even now we're still not, but yet parents are raking money and benefits in hand over fist. They'd go hang themselves if they had to raise their kids the way we had to with no help from no one not even the gov't. They wouldn't be able to cope, the poor cry baby snowflake generation of today. They'd all be in insane asylums because they'd be driven crazy by all the expenses we had to pay out of pocket on our own on meager salaries, if they had to do the same thing. Knowing them though, they wouldn't have any kids to start with if they thought the only help they were going to get from the government was a big $7 a month per kid and that's all. No tax write offs for expenses, no year off for maternity and or paternity leave, no subsidized anythings at all (as in art and ballet classes or hockey) no daycare, none of that was available for us when we had our kids. We had to pay for everything out of pocket ourselves. We still have to pay for everything out of pocket ourselves because the government STILL WON'T HELP US WITH ANYTHING. 

Why are the outbreaks always in those facilities and not in some warehouse or factory or even horse stables? We never hear of outbreaks in places like factories or warehouses or places like riding stables or things like that. They're always in meat packing places and care homes.

Maybe they'd sell more if they showed some of the masks rather than the face of the guy who's behind them. 

Littered masks a growing concern around St. John's, says local runner 

COVID-19 in Canada: Canada crosses 200,000 cases, Toronto's COVID-19 hot spots revealed in infections map 

That's it for now.... Until next time, take care & stay well.







Thursday, November 5, 2020

Back From the Vet's, Had Supper & Now Back at the Headlines for ....

 Covid 19


November 4, 2020

OMG, what a freaking day! Boy am I glad it's over with now! We had to take our dachshund to the vet's because of problems with her back, so we did. We were supposed to call from the car when we arrived to let them know we were there and find out if it was alright to go in just then (because of covid and disinfection procedures and yadda yadda yadda). Anyhow, while I was on the phone there with the receptionist I asked if I could have a technician meet me outside in order to carry her up all the outside stairs they have there. So she said okay and when I got there there was a tech waiting for us. She came down and picked our dog up in her arms and started running upstairs with her in her arms. At the top step she stubbed her toe and fell with our dog still in her arms. I screamed because I had visions of our dog have more problems now than what we scheduled the appointment for. That caused our dog to pee all over everything (maybe the fall did, or maybe a combo of both). Then I felt bad for the girl too and so asked how she was. She said she was fine and so I was at least relieved about that, but still anxious about whether our dog sustained any internal injuries from the fall, so I told the vet what happened when he came in the room. Anyhow he did a thorough examination of our dog, checking everything including a neurological exam to check for problems with her neck and spine. He palpated her to make sure there were no hidden pains or lumps or other problems and listened to her heart and lungs. Because she was so  terrified (she's terrified of the car, so the moment we got into the car to go there she started panting and shaking) and traumatized from the fall on top of that, she was panting heavily. So after several minutes of trying to listen to her heart, he told me she has a heart murmur. Which was news to me. She never did before. He wanted me to get at least an x-ray done or to see a vet cardiologist with her. I can't afford things like that in private medicine for me, so I sure as hell can't afford it for her, no matter how much I love her. So I declined, thinking there's no way she has a heart murmur, it's probably because of her panting and he couldn't hear her heart properly. 
So when we got home and while supper was cooking I logged onto the net to check out heart murmurs in dogs and sure enough it specifically said that when a dog pants they generally can't hear the heart properly and the panting may make it sound like there's a murmur. Then they list the signs a dog exhibits when they do have a murmur problem and she doesn't exhibit any of those signs. In fact in some of the signs, she's the complete opposite. So like everyone tells a parent - you know your child the best, so use your judgement.... Well in this case I know her better than he does and I can assure him she does not have a heart murmur. She does though have a mild back problem - he said it's at the very beginning and she has a very mild case of it, and basically said the same thing everyone else says. Keep her quiet, off of furniture and stairs and give her rest and he prescribed meds to help her as well. 

That reminds me of a well renowned vet in the Montreal region that told me that another dog of ours had some kind of fatal liver disease and he would need a liver transplant like immediately or to be put down. Fortunately because of my human nursing knowledge, I knew that a liver disease like she was describing should theoretically cause yellow whites of eyes and skin in a human, so I asked her well should his eyes and skin be yellow and she said yes, so I showed her right then and there that neither showed even a tinge of yellow. So then she changed her tune and basically proclaimed him fine. But it seems to me that some vets play on the attachment the pet's owner has with their pets, trying to get them to pay for expensive procedures, or to let the animal be used for some kind of procedure that maybe they need an animal for at the vet college. That's what I think was going on with the liver disease diagnosis, I think they needed to practice on an animal doing a liver or some kind of organ transplant and she was going to try to sucker me into not only getting him to get the transplant but paying for the "privilege" of having student vets do the operation on him.  There's a lot of gimmicks like that out and there and no matter how well known a vet is you still have to have your guard up and watch out. Never agree to a procedure right away especially if you have any doubts about what they're saying. Go home and do some research yourself and get another opinion from another vet if necessary, before doing anything drastic. 
Remember once the pet has been put down, there's no reviving them again if they didn't need to be put down in the first place, so make sure that when you make that decision it's the right one and not something a vet pressured you into doing right now, unless you know that it's the right decision too. 

A neighbour of ours has a dachshund too and a few years ago her vet she had then told her she needed to put him down because of his back problem he had then. So my husband told me about it and he said that she said if I wanted to say good bye to her dog it was now as she was taking him to have him put down - the appointment was that morning. So I went over and sat down and while petting him I told her about our vet and how they treat back problems and that they wouldn't put him down. Instead they'd give him medication and recommend strict rest (no physical activity at all for a while) and so on. So she wiped her tears away and asked for the phone number to our vet, and I went home to rummage around for one of their cards and went back and gave it to her. So she called them and got an appointment with them. Anyhow suffice to say she still has her dachshund and he doesn't have as severe a back problem as he did then, but now he's an elderly dog - about 13 years old, so not so spry anymore anyhow, but he's still around and still goes for walks with her everyday. 

So be wary of professionals recommendations (no matter the type of professional they are - whether that's a vet, a dentist, a chiropactor or what they might be, sometimes doing some research of your own and getting a second opinion can make all the difference).
Anyhow, I've got to get on with posting the headlines because there's still too many to get through in a day or two and I seriously want to get this over with until or unless there's drastic changes of one type or another in regards to the pandemic itself and how it's being handled. So..... 
Away we go! .....

I bet the Americans would like to keep the borders closed until we could get our little wanna-be dictator under control too. 


Quebec conspiracy theorist kicked off YouTube for spreading COVID-19 misinformation Another prime example of how freedom of speech and expression is being abrogated by media giants who figure they're the only ones with the rights to it, to spread their points of view whether it's the truth or not. Because quite frankly from what I can see I don't believe any of the mainstream media including such places as CBC, CTV, YouTube, Suckerbergers platform nor any others knows their ashes from their elbows when it comes to this plandemic. Most of them have no qualifications in medicine whatsoever and are just spreading the gospel according to..... (whoever it is they're chosing to believe and follow, except of course if they're real doctors, they prefer following pencil necked accountants and art teachers and witch doctors than real doctors as there's been tons of doctors speaking out against this BS, but they barely give them a mention let alone any credence). I was told many a time on such type platforms to shut up and called an idiot and everything else, but yet everything I said should've been done from the beginning but wasn't even thought of being suggested as a measure until mid March and was only starting to be done then (much too late - like closing a barn door after the horses have left the barn). The immunity passport was my idea, it wasn't my idea as it was around long before I was born, but I suggested using antibodies from the cured to help the sick with this virus, I said the border needed to be closed on January 21st when I heard the Chinese bozo talking about it in the news. Then I said all the people coming into the country who was in China or rubbed elbows with those who were in China, needed to be under strict mandatory quarantine (and NOT the voluntary self isolation BS), I flipped out when I heard about Iranian passengers with the disease sauntering through all our airports without anyone worrying about it in the least - until we started having pockets of the disease all across the country, I said we all needed to be wearing masks (but noooooooooo we weren't allowed because the braindead idiots in charge wanted the medical personnel to horde them all - when it would've been better to mandate that we all wear them, thereby cutting down on the spread, while it was still manageable, drastically and probably eliminating the spread altogether by doing so) and I scoffed at "wash your hands you'll be fine". I mean everything, everything, everything I said happened or had to be done anyway whether the witch doctor, the art teacher and the pencil pushing idiots that masquerade as health ministers liked it or not. If it were done sooner though like at the beginning we wouldn't still be going through this now. But yeah, I was told I was an idiot and to shut up. When I used to be told that, I'd ask the person saying that what their medical credentials were, to say that to me and they'd shut up and leave me alone.  But it's true 99.99% of these people telling us to shut up and stuff, either knows way less about it then the ones they're telling to shut up, or nothing at all. In that they have no training whatsoever in the medical field. So while I don't know what this guy was saying, I think he probably has as much right to say it, as those who are trying to censor him has of saying whatever it is they espouse (which probably has nothing whatsoever to do with the medicine and science of this whole thing and only that they believe and trust some ash hole in power or in the media circus - like journalist or anchor person). Because those are the types that are primarily running this circus and opportunistic doctors who have their own pharmaceutical interests in certain vaccine developers (as in either partially own one such business like Fauci and a few people in the CDC), or agendas (like Gates, the WEF, the WHO, and governments) but very few who actually have the common person's interests at heart. Most vultures and opportunistic and jack booted ash holes have hijacked this plandemic for their own benefits and will be bound and bent to keep anyone from finding out the real truth behind it all, for as long as they can, because that gives them more time to finalize operations or preparations (whatever it is they're doing) and to prey on and use us towards whatever their agendas are. But whatever that real truth is, I doubt this guy knows what it is, anymore than Qanon does. Either way, whatever they have to say, they have the right to say it, because freedom of speech and expression is in both the Cdn and US constitutions and APPLIES TO ALL OF US & NOT JUST A SELECT FEW WHO ARE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO OWN THEIR OWN MEDIA PLATFORMS!  
That, my friends is why I stick to the mainstream media headlines for the most part. They can't tell me to shut up and try to call me a conspiracy theorist if I'm using THEIR OWN STUFF AGAINST THEM. I mean I have it all documented here. From the headlines right on down to the PDFs, charts and diagrams and you name it. None of what is here is from conspiracy theory sites and if it is, it was for a purpose, but 99.99% of the stuff here is from the mainstream media, like CBC, CTV, Reuters, AP, FoxNews, CNN, ABC, BBC, Cdn Press, Agence France Presse, and so on. That's where almost all the bylines on all the stories are from, oh yeah, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and a few others like that as well, along with local media sources, like Montreal Gazette, or a Calgary paper etc... I'd hardly call those tabloids, or conspiracy rags. I mean the one yesterday about the Canadian gov't wanting to pass a bill to allow the military to use propaganda AGAINST IT'S OWN CITIZENS (which is mind blowing to say the least), was published in the Ottawa newspaper (and the rest of mainstream media Canada is conveniently ignoring and refusing to pick up for rebroadcast - so it's a good thing I saw it and latched on to when I did, or I might never have known about it, nor would anyone else - at least now the few people who visit this blog daily might have a chance of finding out about that). But I didn't get it from a conspiracy rag, it was from the Ottawa Citizen I believe. But you see if I didn't have the headline from that source in here, I'd be accused of being a conspiracy theorist and making sheite up to suit myself, when infact I'm not. Like I tell people often, just because you didn't see or hear about it, doesn't mean it didn't happen or wasn't said, so that's why I use the headlines here for that purpose. Because there's no way they can say I made it up and I'm a conspiracy theorist. Fixes all those silencers once and for all.
New COVID rent relief program won't help struggling businesses until next month, group says Well i hope the struggling businesses were able to apply for and get their help for the beginning of this month already. 

Again the operative word in that sentence above is "could". It doesn't mean it will, it just means it could, but so far from what I can tell that while there's more cases, there's less deaths. So that again was just another scare tactic.
7 Women Who Started Their Own Businesses In Lockdown Good for them! I wish them the best of luck with their new businesses!

OMG that is one place where I would NOT want to be homeless - in frigid Alaska! Cripes life must be miserable enough as it is for them, without them getting sick with this virus as well. Geez.... 
To build back better after COVID-19, we must support parents And elderly parents aren't having an easy go of it either there Phd candidate! Parents of kids under 18 have all kinds of help and resources that we parents (the parents of todays parents) never had. We had $7 a month per kid family allowance, no tax breaks except to claim them as dependants and only one parent could do that, no subsidized anythings at all. So it cost us our of our own pocket money to feed and clothe them, to care for them etc.... We didn't have $500 & $600 (depending on age of kid) per month per kid family allowance, we had NO daycare subsidized or otherwise, so we had to pay for babysitters out of our own pocket and they wanted minimum wage. So of course women who could only get jobs making minimum wage didn't work as it was useless for them and as a nurse who made double the minimum wage rates per hour (before income taxes were taken off of course), it was almost useless to us too to go to work considering we had to give a babysitter half of our income, pay for uniforms, lunches, transportation to and from work. I mean there were a good many times where I wondered why I bothered for the amount of money I was left with and with the big whoop de doo amount of $7 a month per kid, that didn't even pay for a box of pampers diapers so forget helping feed and clothe them with that amount. All special interests my kids might've had like taking ballet classes or playing hockey that was on me to cover all expenses for as there were no tax deductions for such things. So THEY NEED SUPPORT???? I have a suggestion then... How about a straight jacket that ought to be enough support for the fragile snowflakes that can't cope with all they have going for them now, because if they can't make it with all that help, they're f'n hopeless and need a padded rubber room to sit and console their poor weak fragile psyches in. I'm sorry but I've had enough of them getting all the help all the while ignoring those who brought those ingrates into the world and killed themselves raising the spoiled brat monsters and getting nothing but ignored at the best and kicked in the head with having their wholes lives ripped away from them by the laws enacted by the pathetic morons in power. Who have decreed that the elderly stay at home and not go out and not see family or friends, with NO COMPENSATION OR HELP WHATSOEVER. What's new, we're used to no compensation and no help whatsoever as that's been pretty much our entire life's stories when it comes to how this generation has been treated by the government. So if you want to advocate for anyone for your Phd there miss psychotic face, try advocating for the elderly who are the ones that REALLY NEED THE HELP AND NOT THE ALREADY PANDERED TO GENERATION WHO GETS EVERYTHING THEY WANT & THEN SOME TO THE DETRIMENT OF OTHERS IN SOCIETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've had enough of this help the poor parents BS. F during this pandemic they got $600 PER KID to sit around the table playing monopoly munching on mommy's fresh out of the oven cookies, while SENIOR COUPLES ONLY GOT THAT MUCH TOGETHER AND THEY HAD ADDITIONAL EXPENSES BECAUSE OF THE PANDEMIC WITH NO PARENTS TO COVER THOSE ADDITIONAL EXPENSES FOR THEM LIKE THE KIDS WHO EACH GOT $600!!!!!!!!! I'm just f'n tired of this sheite. So I for one even though I'm not on your school's decision panel for you Phd vote AGAINST YOU IN FAVOUR OF ONE OF YOUR COLLEAGUES. 

Even without a pandemic going on many health professionals find themselves needing psychological help coping with certain events. I mean while we're taught to keep a certain emotional distance from our patients, it's still hard when things don't go as they should - as in a patient gets worse, or worse yet dies, or develops something else due to a specific treatment. I mean we're all human and it touches us, some more than others, but we shouldn't need a pandemic to recognize that. 

See? Here's a  prime example of this virus being used as an excuse to unlawfully target a population - and that's reported by the Canadian Press - not a conspiracy rag or tabloid.  But if I didn't find it in a mainstream media report I'd be accused of lying or being a conspiracy theorist.

U.K. Virus Plan in Trouble as Johnson Faces Northern Revolt  We ALL NEED TO REVOLT NOT JUST those in the UK!

Bizarre Russian Disinformation Campaign Claims UK Covid Vaccine Will Turn You Into A Monkey hehehehe.... What can I say folks? Some of these headlines are just off the wall entirely! 


Especially in Vancouver where the entire winter is just one long cold drizzle.... 
Govts, companies shifted COVID risk management responsibility to individuals: study Of course because for the most part those organizations are both too stupid and lazy to figure it out and manage it on their own.

I’m A Sex Worker Who Has To Decide Whether To Risk My Life To Pay My Bills During COVID-19 Hey, do you seriously want sympathy from hard working minimum wage earners who probably have the same education levels as you but chose to do decent honest jobs rather than slutty whoring jobs like you chose? You're barking up the wrong tree there bitches.... Seriously I don't know of m/any people who'd have sympathy for you after YOU MADE ALL THE WRONG CHOICES IN YOUR LIFE! That's on you and no one else. So suck it up and tough it out.

Searing new political ad juxtaposes Tiffany Trump's lavish birthday with socially-distanced funerals and cancelled weddings Hey the political classes think they're equivalent to royalty in countries that have no royal sovereign - even here in Canada where we do have a royal sovereign, the political class seems to think they're royalty too, the way some of them act.

Cdn nurses unions across the country should band together and call for an inquiry into the handling of this whole pandemic from the genocidal beitch Tam on down - since the doctors are too gutless to do it.

Finger pointed at Swiss yodelling 'superspreader' concert What can I say? It's another one of those headlines that you weren't expecting to see. I know I wasn't.

WHO study finds remdesivir didn’t help COVID-19 patients But yet it supposedly helped  Trump recover and the FDA approved it as a COVID19 treatment. I'm beginning to believe the exact opposite of whatever the WHO says because so far they're batting 0 on everything. 

Covid-19 deaths will rise almost 80% by February, researchers foresee Yep, yep, yep, uh, huh.... Surreeeeeee.... More scaremongering in the media. 


Anyhow, that's enough for tonight.... I'll be back at this tomorrow, so as they say in TVland stay tuned, we'll be right back after this commercial break.... Until then stay safe & take care.