Showing posts with label Timeline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timeline. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Continuing COVID19 Coverage

💥The Latest Info & Updates💥

April 23,

I felt that after a couple days break from the doom & gloom that is COVID19, I'd better resume the "coverage" if I'm to keep up with it all. Since, information and updates on old information keeps coming out relentlessly, the only way to stay on top of it, is to do that, stay on top of it. So here's the latest information, I figured might be of interest:

Recovery from coronavirus may not confer immunity, warn experts  Just what we all wanted to hear, I'm sure.

Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer  That's yet another reason to hang clothes on clothes lines to dry outside in the sun, besides just saving on electricity. 

Chief public health officer's decisions must be scrutinized: Scheer  Oh this article I agree with in more ways than one. I'd even go further and say she should be arrested and charged with gross negligence causing mass murder (the very minimum), if not not genocide (which is more apt).

Coronavirus: UK investigates whether COVID-19 started in Chinese lab researching diseases in bats  So I guess it's not just crazy conspiracy theorists that think that, huh? Seems like there probably is a lot of validity to that "theory", if the UK is taking it seriously and investigating it.

One third of participants in Massachusetts study tested positive for antibodies linked to coronavirus  This isn't the only study of it's type showing that more people have antibodies for it, than known victims of it. So if that's the case there, that must be true of everywheres including here in Canada.

Coronavirus vaccine may never be developed, warns expert - but it could burn out  Hopefully he's right that even if there's never any vaccine developed for it, it won't matter as the virus will have faded away on it's own.

You can get emergency coronavirus benefits if you make $1,000 or less  Here's the buffoon in Ottawa throwing yet more money at everyone else except the seniors, who are the group that the lying 2 faced hypocrite says he wants to protect, while making their lives harder and more miserable each day this house arrest continues with no monetary compensation in sight, while forcing them to now pay ridiculous interest rates on their food, as they have no choice but to order it using a credit card. And the little idiot thinks he's doing them a big favour by saving them the $5 - $7 delivery fees.  I know he's an idiot and probably can't figure out that the interest rates charged on the seniors food (because of being forced to stay home and order via phone with a credit card) comes out to way more than the delivery fees would've, if they could've went out and bought the food of their choosing, and paid for it in the method of their choosing as well (probably meaning cash or debit card - hence no exorbitant interest rate charges) and then had it delivered if need be.  I'm to the point now that I don't believe a word that comes out of that idiot's mouth when he mentions anything to do with seniors. Because so far as I'm concerned the only thing I've seen him do when it comes to seniors is cause them more expense via that delivery scheme of his, or more deaths by paying money to the death camps while they abandonned the seniors in their charge or infected them with the coronavirus and let them die. That's all he's done to seniors as opposed to for seniors.

Government is everywhere now. Where does it go next?  This is a story about the American government, but it could very well be about our government too, given the similarities between what's going on there and here.
Australia demands coronavirus enquiry, adding to pressure on China  China owes the entire world an explanation and an apology and maybe we should sent the bill for reparations to them, - like was done to Germany after the war. That would teach them to do stuff like this again. For sure.

Amid virus gloom, glimpses of human decency and good works   There's so few good stories associated with this pandemic that when I find one, I can't resist posting it. 

Pandemic provokes spike in demand for food pantries in US  I think that's also  true here in Canada except Canadians are lucky if they get a couple of grocery bags full of groceries, nevermind pantries full.

Social Security Recipients Will Receive a Stimulus Check Automatically Social Security Recipients are equivalent to Canadian Pension Plan Recipients. They're getting money from their government, as a stimulus check. All the Canadian Pensioners are getting from their government is sentenced to death in the death camps they set up for them, aka seniors residences & long term care facilities, or if they're not in one of those, they're getting kicked in teeth by forcing them to pay sky high interest rates on food & other purchases because they're not allowed out to shop for themselves & pay for such in cash or via debit, anymore. That's all Canadian seniors are getting. 

A Nurse’s Texts Lay Bare the Coronavirus Horror at Nursing Homes  That's in the US. Given the state of the homes here in Quebec alone, I'd say it's probably several times worse than this, but we don't know for sure as no one on the inside has given a full detailed account like this, of the conditions in our nursing homes and long term care facilities.

Stirrings of unrest could portend turmoil as economies collapse  I don't know why we need a news story to tell us this as it should be obvious to anyone that can think.

COVID-19: Updates, resources, and 'flattening the curve'

Coronavirus: Trump questions whether China started outbreak deliberately  He's not the only one that thinks that.

What are 'COVID toes' and why are dermatologists seeing an 'epidemic' of them in kids?

Coronavirus: WHO warns people will need to get used to 'a new way of living'

Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds  If this is true it's going to make creating a vaccine for it, impossible.

World Health Organisation chief warns 'worst yet ahead of us' in coronavirus pandemic And we have none other than this very organization to thank for this.

COVID-19 in Canada: Canada's $1B hunt for COVID-19 vaccine, Calgary Stampede cancelled

Quebec lawyer sues government for violating rights during COVID-19 crisis  It's about time. I hope other lawyers across the country take up the battle too. Not only that I hope that a lawyer or some lawyers take up the seniors cause and sue the government on behalf of all the seniors that died due to their negligence and for the abrogations of rights of liberties removed from the living seniors. If lawyers are able to get large settlements for convicted criminals who were subjected to lengthy periods of time in isolation, then they should be able to get rather larger settlements for all of the seniors who've had their liberties removed from them over an extended period of time, as is the case now. 

The Long-Term Effects Coronavirus May Have On The Body

As people stay home, Earth turns wilder and cleaner  Here's at least one positive story to do with the virus.

DRONE RANGERS Quad bike cops flying a drone swoop on sunbather lying on a deserted beach and fine him for breaking lockdown in Italy  If this isn't over the top power tripping authority, then I don't know what is. I mean seriously, when exactly is enough enough during this pandemic? Does  it mean that because there's a pandemic healthy people are forbidden from even a moment's worth of fun even if there's no one else for miles around? Is it just jealousy that drives these power tripping monsters or what?

PRICE SPIKE Amazon sued for ‘price gouging as cost of essential items soared by up to 1,000%’ during coronavirus pandemic

Metro sees huge spike in sales, ecommerce demand due to COVID-19 A large part of their profits they made are since the quarantines went into affect & it's not just because of ecommerce. Most of it has to do with jacked up pricing on everything store wide. Before the lockdown started a can of kernel corn was about 90 - 99 cents a can depending on brand. Now the same can that was 90 cents a few weeks ago was $1.65 - a 75% price increase. Way beyond any cost of living or inflation out there. They're doing that on just about everything in their store except those with price controls on them like dairy products and eggs. So it's not outright in your face gouge your eyes out of your head gouging, but it's still gouging on a low level, but store wide on everything.  I personally think the government who has anti gouging laws in place, because Jean Charest passed them back when he was premier of Quebec, should pull them out and use them.  Pull copies of fliers from before the quarantine started and use those as reference for prices and compare them with the current prices of today to see. I'm sure PubliSac still has a mockup of all the fliers they print for distribution going back at least several months if not a year or more.

Is a COVID-19 vaccine possible? ‘Some viruses are very, very difficult,’ expert says  Given the said 30 mutations or so, so far, I think it's highly doubtful there will ever be a vaccine for this virus, but then given the next link, maybe one already exists but we're not being told about it. Only the politicians and elite have it because they want as many of us to get wiped out as possible while crashing the economy so they can pick up everything at bargain basement prices or for free.

Well it looks like YouTube forced the video to be removed - but in essence it was an open mic in front of the presidential podium in the US, while someone was cleaning the floors around it. He was wearing a mask while doing so, and one of the officials (congressman or senator or whatever) walked by while he was doing that and told him he could remove his mask that everyone there has been vaccinated against the virus already. True? Not true? Who knows? And YouTube won't allow it to stay up because it goes against the "narrative" being put out by those in power.

COVID-19 risk factors hint at how pandemic will play out   Now I found this story of particular interest because as I said elsewhere in this blog, I am positive I had this virus already in early January, and that for me it was no big deal (which I found puzzling as should anyone who knows me and knows I have asthma).  That I basically felt like I had a fever and went to lay down and sleep and  a few hours later I felt like my lungs were filling with fluid so I got up and took a Robitussin pill, and 2 acetaminophen with codeine tablets to help me stop coughing and reduce the fever. I also took a couple of inhalations of my pump that I have for my asthma (to start to work before the pills had a chance to kick in to reduce the coughing). Within a few minutes (I assumed by the time pills started working) the feeling of fluid in my lungs was gone and gradually my fever went down and so did my coughing. I self medicated like that for the 3 days I had it (not knowing it was this virus because this is before we here in Canada even heard about it, and I thought it was a weird flu that wanted to drown it's victims in their sleep). After reading this story I am more convinced than ever that I had the virus and I read another story some time ago indicating that the anti-viral pneumonia vaccine that was given to my husband is what they give to those who are severely ill with this disease to help them fight it.  So those may be all that are required to fight it Teva Salbutamol & Robitussin with acetaminophen & codeine for those under 70 and for those over 70 the anti-viral pneumonia vaccine. And no pie in the sky vaccine needed (as we already probably have stuff in existance that works just as well if not better). Now all I need is to get tested for antibodies to know for sure if I had it or not.

COVID-19 symptoms can be all or nothing: 'This virus just has the whole kit and caboodle'

Recovered, almost: China's early patients unable to shed coronavirus

New virus timeline: California had 2 deaths weeks earlier We're getting closer to the admission or realization that this virus was around for a long time in North America. Here they're talking about a first death in California from this disease as early as February 6th. That means that the person who died from it then (and who contracted it in California from somewhere or someone else) contracted at least days if not a couple of weeks earlier. Putting that around mid January. The thing or the person they contracted it from was here then, already with the virus in a contagious state.  So how long was that person or thing in the US before the person who died from it, came into contact with that person or thing? And where'd that person or thing get the virus from? See there has to be a starting point to these things, so it was obviously in North America for awhile.

See the map: Tracking COVID-19 cases across Quebec  Montreal CTV News has a couple of interesting interactive maps on COVID19 in the province. This one is for the entire province.

See the map: Tracking COVID-19 cases across Montreal This interactive map is just for Montreal.

Tracking every case of COVID-19 in Canada Another interactive map of a different sort showing all of Canada.

China State TV Host: COVID-19 Came From Lab Leak... In United States Here's the Chinese spin on it, but there may be some truth to this too. At this point we just don't know.

Watch: China Releases Video From Inside The Wuhan Bio-Lab

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki says anything that goes against the W.H.O. is a violation of YouTube policies  Which may explain the reason for the non-existant video of the janitor cleaning around the presidential podium being told remove his mask because everyone there has already been vaccinated against the virus.

Chinese doctors report coronavirus can survive in the human eye

'We do see it as a critical situation': How COVID-19 is impacting Canada's meat supply Another thing you might want to stock up on if you have the freezer space for it.

Covid-19 causes sudden strokes in young adults, doctors say Another reason the young should try to avoid getting this disease. It doesn't mean because mostly elderly are the ones dying from this that the young can't wind up with severe repercussions from it too.

Italians call for justice for relatives killed by coronavirus I think Canadians ought to do the same for their elderly relatives that have died from it. After all it was caused by a grossly negligent public health officer who should've had the training, the brains and the foresight to figure that if something like that was happening in China it would happen here too, if potential carriers coming from there were let into the country.

New coronavirus outbreak in northern China puts city of 11 million on lockdown

Secrets of Lockdown Lifestyle Laid Bare in Electricity Data - Now I don't feel so weird. More people are developing the same circadian rhythm as me, according to this.

American billionaires have gotten $280 billion richer since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic Well of course they have, because that's what this was all about to begin with, to collapse the economy & stock markets so the elites could have easy pickings for next to nothing in cost, in order to create more wealth for themselves.

Coronavirus Made America's Biggest Banks Even Bigger More economic impacts as a result of this virus.

Virus pushes US unemployment toward highest since Depression oooohhhh..... It's not just there. It's pretty much everywhere, including here in Canada.

Hidden Outbreaks Spread Through U.S. Cities Far Earlier Than Americans Knew, Estimates Say And given that Canada is attached to the US and there's several hundred thousand cross border travellers per day between the 2 countries (or was pre-pandemic shutdown), it's not stretching the imagination any to say we probably had about the same happening here at roughly the same time too.

Eurozone economy suffers 'unprecedented' collapse  As I said, it's not just in the US but pretty much everywhere.

On the margins of Paris, the food bank queues grow longer It is just depression type poverty everywhere.

Special Report: As virus advances, doctors rethink rush to ventilate

Up to 2.7 Million in New York May Have Been Infected, Antibody Study Finds  It wouldn't surprise me any to find out that way more than that have antibodies towards it.

Get Ready for the Return of Inflation And the way the idiot in Ottawa is throwing money around at everyone and everything except seniors (those he says he wants to protect - obviously not against debt and inflation though), we're going to be looking at German & Italian style WWII inflation where we'll need a couple wheelbarrows full of money to buy a loaf of bread.

Forced Selling May Be Headed For Canada’s Housing Market To me this has to be one of the saddest repercussions of this forced collapsed economy - forcing people out of their homes, either by forcing them to sell it themselves or foreclosing on it and then selling it. I hope not very many people are affected by this and that basically everyone gets to keep their homes, otherwise we'll be facing other problems in the future on account of this. Affordable housing shortages (which are already in short supply now) and more homelessness to name a couple.

Credit Cards Start Offering Lower Limits Amid U.S. Outbreak And that is precisely what I'm afraid will happen to the Canadian seniors who are forced to stay home and buy everything now either via phone or online using credit cards.  What happens when they max them out or their limits are arbitrarily lowered on them by the banks? How will they eat then? Especially if they aren't being given any extra money to help cover the exorbitant interest rates being charged on those credit cards they're now suddenly forced to use for everything.

Trudeau confirms some cargo planes sent to China for pandemic supplies returned empty What an incompetant idiot that one is. What does China have to do for him to stop pandering to them and running to them for everything? Drop a nuke on us maybe? I mean he gives them 16 tons of our much needed PPE, in exchange for substandard equipment and empty planes from them! After they grabbed 2 Canadian citizens and held them hostage because we are holding under house arrest, a woman that the US wants on legal charges.

Why the US government isn’t making health a priority in its coronavirus response

'The flood is coming': Coronavirus could spur unprecedented wave of business bankruptcies Same here in Canada...

Boris Johnson accused of slow response to coronavirus pandemic amid claim he 'didn't work weekends From what I can see, pretty much the entire western civilization was slow to respond, slow is an understatement. We had turtles that moved faster than any of those clowns did. They were so slow it looked either deliberate or criminal or well both criminally deliberate (which I think is more likely to be the real case here).

Toilet Paper Shortages May Get Worse on Sawmill Slowdown in Canada Well I guess it's our turn to panic buy toilet paper if we didn't before.

What are 'COVID toes' and why are dermatologists seeing an 'epidemic' of them in kids?

Coronavirus to accelerate Social Security, Medicare depletion dates, U.S. officials say Oh I'm pretty sure that by the time bozo brains in Ottawa stops throwing our money around at everything except seniors, our pension funds will be depleted too. Maybe that's why he's so generous lately. He's trying to basically deplete all of Canada's funds and incomes in order to declare the Canadian Pension funds depleted and unable to pay the still surviving elderly their pensions - as a way to ensure they die of starvation or the elements if they get kicked out of where they live.

Province urged to help seniors offset increased cost of prescription refills - Governments across Canada including the Federal government should help offset their increased costs associated with paying for everything with credit cards too. Not to mention compensate them for the cruel & inhumane solitary confinement they've confined them to for indefinite durations.

'We're the pioneers': Canadian COVID-19 survivors share their stories

Lions Take a Nap in the Road amid Park’s Coronavirus Closure: They're 'Enjoying the Freedom' Good for them! At least someone somewhere has some freedom to enjoy, because we sure don't!

G7 seeks WHO review and reform, commits to coordinated virus response: White House Yup just like the coordinated response to allowing it into your respective countries in the first place.