Showing posts with label Universal Income. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Universal Income. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Celebrating Our 5 Yr. Old Pup, Cocooning, & Cooking Chicken & Roasted Figs For Supper While Blogging About...



January 31, 2021

Five years ago today, our little girl dachshund was born. Which was precisely the day after our little boy dachshund died. She's currently sitting on my lap while I type this. I have lots of practice at that since the little boy dachshund was always, always, on my lap, or beside me wherever I was. I even learnt how to hold the knitting needles so I could knit while he sat on my lap. That's how clingy he was. 
She's more independent than he was, but from time to time she likes to sit on my lap or snuggle next to me on the couch or in bed. Now seems to be one of those times, I guess. Well since it's her birthday we've been indulging her a little more than usual - spoiling her I guess - which I hope she doesn't mistake for the new normal.  Since we can't take her to see her doggy pals next door because of the stupid lockdown this will have to pass as a "celebration" of sorts.  
One of those doggy pals, used to come over every day and call on our male dachshund to go outside and play with him. Literally. He'd come to the back door and if it was just the screen door open, he'd paw the bottom aluminum part until someone heard him and let our dog out. If the inner door was closed, he'd stand there and bark and whine until we heard him and let our dog out. But usually our dog heard him before we did and start doing a crazy happy dance because he wanted to go out with his friend. Since our little guy died, that dog doesn't do that anymore - but he's way older than our little girl is - he must be about 13 now, so playing isn't a big thing on his mind anymore I guess, and he didn't like her when we first brought her home. 
Now he's accustomed to her and doesn't mind her being around while the other dog in that household plays with her. But she's not allowed to come and call on our dog, because she's  a big dog that likes to take off on a trot and lunge at people (she's friendly but she runs full tilt right at the person and jumps on them - she's almost knocked me flat on the ground a few times already). So our little girl only gets to play with her friend when we take our dog over there. 

As my husband mistakenly pulled some figs out of the freezer a couple of days ago and they thawed up without me even knowing they were out of the freezer, I decided we're having this yummy meal I made a few times before (and was the reason I bought the figs in the first place):  Chicken and Roasted Figs  Only I make it my way as I use a whole chicken to make it with. I roast the chicken as per normal and about 25 minutes or so before it's ready, I mix all the ingredients except salt & pepper together and just pour it over and around the chicken and then let it finish cooking the last 25 minutes before serving.  Some how all the special meals I plan for Valentine's Day gets wrecked somehow. I planned to have another meal on Valentine's Day last week and that got blown and had to have it that night. Now this one too. 
By the time Valentine's Day gets here all we'll have left is Kraft Dinner and Hot Dogs, if this keeps up. And to me that is one of the least special meals besides tomato soup, on the planet. Since that's what we were fed everynight as kids while growing up. Everyday for lunch it was salami sandwiches. I kid you not. Yeah, my stepfather wasn't much of a cook and he was the one that fed us because mom wouldn't get home from work until later - past the youngest one's bedtime, that's for sure.
Now perhaps you have an idea of why I'm always  trying different recipes. Besides what else do we have to do these days anyhow? The only places we're allowed to go to are the grocery stores, liquor stores, pot shops,  pharmacies and flower shops. So some of us use the excuse we need something at one of those locations as a reason for an outing. So fine we get to that location and buy some food, or liquor, or drugs and then go home and ingest them. Maybe not all of it all at once but still.  Though sometimes that last thought has crossed my mind especially when it comes to the liquor and drug (whichever kind you want) stores. So I figure maybe my safest course of action is to try to make something yummy with the food and put the drugs and liquor in their respective cabinets for later normal use. 

Anyhow enough rambling for now..... And on with the terrible headlines that's making me want to use all the liquor & drugs all at once  since we seem to be in a global race and a race against time to get a vaccine...... 
๐Ÿ˜‰ I'd like to thank all my alien visitors as of late. I don't know what's happening nor why, but suddenly it seems I have more aliens visiting my blog than earthlings, as the google maps can't seem to pinpoint your location and just calls you others. (๐Ÿ˜• Or are you all connecting with cellphones and tablets maybe?)  In any case, welcome and enjoy. Same to all my visitors no matter which planet you're from. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Aw, I need to have a little giggle once in awhile and this is my way of doing it.... Letting some think I'm a clueless eccentric crazy old woman that actually thinks there's aliens visiting her blog. ๐Ÿ˜œ

Now on with the distasteful task at hand.... Enough procrastinating for the day...

Close isn't close enough. We need them NOW. 

Hooray for them! At least someone has a smooth supply.

Health PEI ending COVID-19 grants for Island private care homes I'm not sure, but is that the right thing to do? After all the neglect those homes have suffered over the years and decades, should the financial support be withdrawn now or even ever? 

Gawd, you guys have it easy there. If you want worry and stress and anxiety try living in QC with it's ever changing laws - one minute this is law, the next minute it's repealed and an even harsher one is in it's place and so on.... It's been like that since March.
British Medical Journal and Sudbury health unit suggest universal income actually improves health That stands to reason. When people have more money they can buy the medicine or apparels needed to maintain their health, including eyesight, hearing and oral health, buy healthier food, warmer clothes, safer vehicles that aren't falling apart, live in safer neighbourhoods in buildings with proper heating and insulation etc... I mean why couldn't any of you geniuses figure this out before now? 

Okay well aren't you doing the exact opposite of what should be done? I mean hello, if there were several people affected by the virus in this facility before, you're going to add more beds to crowd them in even more so that even MORE people can get it? Is that the gimmick here? Seems to me to be the case. Because I'd think if you wanted to cut down on number of infections you'd cut down on number of beds and space them out more - maybe put them in private rooms or something along those lines, instead of adding yet more beds. I mean um duh....
Designating new vaccines to the right people is complex but important: Tam For you, you genocidal witch everything is complex, including chewing gum and tying your shoes at the same time. 
Vaccine shortages caught B.C. by surprise And you think you were the only ones to be caught by surprise do you? What do you think happened here in QC when the gov't vaccinated a bunch of elderly thinking they'd have access to their 2nd doses in a timely manner, but found out after the 1st doses were given that they wouldn't be seeing hide nor hair of those vaccines until gawd only knows when.
Matt Gurney: Trudeau's mandatory hotel quarantine too late to do much good He's like one of those crazy dogs always running BEHIND the vehicles trying to catch them to stop them, instead of being at the gate to ensure it stays closed and doesn't let them in to begin with. 

Oh Yippeed Kay Yay! If there were anything that I actually wanted or needed at a store, I might actually care about this and be happy, but as there isn't and the only stores I need anything from are already the ones that are allowed to remain open, I'm good with the store BS. Try opening other things up like maybe a restaurant, or a hair salon, or some place to have fun and to go to get out of the house for awhile without getting insane gouge your eyes out fines, for doing so.
Cancer won’t wait for COVID-19 Nor will heart, kidney, lung or other vital organ diseases. 

That's the headlines now read the sub headlines:  By March 20, New Zealand closed its border to basically anyone except residents, directly in opposition to the recommendations of the WHO  ----- THAT IN A NUTSHELL IS WHY THEY'RE BACK TO NORMAL and NOT BECAUSE THEY GOUGED THE EYES OUT OF THEIR CITIZENS HEADS IN QUARANTINE HOTELS. If bozo brains boy in Ottawa and his genocidal witch doctor and health minister had've had the brains to close our borders immediately to ALL INCOMING FROM ELSEWHERE INCLUDING THE USA & ALL INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS & CRUISES back in March 2020 WE WOULD NOT BE IN THIS MESS NOW EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has SFA to do with gouge your eyes out hotel quarantines, so much as it does STOPPING ALL INCOMING TRAFFIC. But islands can do that easier, as there's not too many points of entry - usually only airports and seaports. In Canada we have those along with hundreds of thousands of miles of unguarded coastline and a 4000 odd mile long common border with the US. But even still we could've cut down on a HUGE PROPORTION OF THE CASES IF WE STOPPED ALL INCOMING TRAFFIC FROM EVERYWHERE AT THE SAME TIME NEW ZEALAND DID. We would've had the exact same results they have. But noooooooooooooooooo we're saddled with imbeciles and morons at the helm here in Canada, who can't chew gum and tie shoes at the same time, so managing anything as simple as that is still way too complex for them.
Health Canada on track to approve AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine by mid-February Betcha if we asked India for a shipment of it, we could get it from there much faster and easier than it's proving to get it approved and available in Canada. In fact, I think maybe we should do like Mexico and start asking India for help in supplying vaccines to us.
As Canada awaits vaccine doses, relying on other countries is the wrong approach: U.K. expert He's 100% correct. In fact, it's my understanding that under Harper's gov't when H1N1 was running rampant, he signed deals with various facilities to produce vaccines en masse for the Cdn population and 2 of those facilities ARE STILL UNDER CONTRACT TO THE GOV'T & COULD'VE BEEN GEARED UP & USED FOR PRODUCING CORONAVIRUS VACCINES.  In fact Canada still maintains a contract with 2 of those facilities which are due to run out this March. So if bozo brains had a half a brain cell in his totally f'n empty bonehead, he'd have extended those contracts and got them to gear up to mass produce this vaccine for us now. But noooooo..... Like everything else this gov't is famous for is dithering  and dancing and acting like a bunch of clueless idiots instead of taking control of the situation and doing something to benefit Canadians and Canada. 
Ramp up Canadian vaccine manufacturing, says COVID-19 task force health adviser  Ya think????? Why couldn't you health task force have come up with this earlier????? I mean it is a freaking no brainer after all, so for you to take this long to suggest it, tells me you're no smarter than the clown you're suggesting it to!!!!!! Falling down on the job like all the other clueless idiots out there I see.
Feds, premiers at odds over vaccine doses; Canadians confidence in vaccine rollout fades hehehehe Fades???? You mean we ever had any  to begin with???? Cuz, anything to do with bozo brains in Ottawa, I have no confidence in to start with, so I never had any. 
J&J vaccine adds to COVID-19 armoury, includes South African variant That's awesome! So, now, when can we get some of this stuff in Canada eh?
All care homes vaccinated So you're saying that those people in the homes and their caregivers have had BOTH SHOTS ALREADY???? And you're the ones whining about being taken by surprise with the shortage of vaccines???? I'd say you were well taken care of, compared to the many seniors and medical staff left in limbo here in QC on account of the shortages. So stop your f'n whining.
In reversal, WHO says pregnant women can get COVID-19 vaccine The WHO is the ones that literally got us into this mess to start with no matter what was going on in Wuhan at the time. All they had to do was declare a pandemic and advise everyone to shut their borders down, but instead they did the exact opposite and then discouraged faces masks and well they did everything in their power to ensure it spread as far and wide as possible. Now they're telling pregnant women to get the vaccine????? Ummm if I were a pregnant woman I'd do the exact opposite of whatever the WHO is recommending.
Covid vaccines: Those that work - and the others on the way Wondering how this list compares with the other similiar list?
A dad and his young daughter turn their Covid isolation into a popular podcast Sounds like it might be a fun thing to listen to every once in awhile.
Social distancing rules could remain in place until 2022, Sage report warns No, that's  not happening! I'll end it on my own property if the gov't doesn't. 
A 22-year-old college student put in charge of Philadelphia's largest COVID-19 vaccination site took doses home to inject his friends Wow... Just wow... If he was going to steal doses for people he knew, why'd he put his friends before his family? 
Apocalyptic movies shot during pandemic hit Sundance Nothing like living through a real apocalyptic nightmare to inspire apocalyptic movies huh?
Macron gambles by saying 'non' to lockdown I wish Mr. Gestapo Boots in QC, would take lessons here.
Actually Stimulating Things to Do When You're Home Alone For when you're done reading the headlines here....
Don’t post photos of your COVID vaccine card on social media, BBB says. Here’s why They say it's due to privacy concerns - but your privacy is your concern so if you don't mind posting the photo of your card online that's up to you. But what they're really concerned about here, isn't so much your privacy as the photo of their card getting out and counterfeiters being able to use the photo to make their own cards. That's probably the real concern behind this headline, they just want to make it personal to use that to scare you into compliance (as with the rest of it).
Analysis: What went wrong with COVID-19 vaccine distribution and how it has tarnished the 'miracle'  It was only a "miracle" to a few, I think. To the rest of us it was like what they used to say about computer software and hardware that never materialized in the 80s - vapourware. 

Maybe numbnuts ought to try to do the same for Canada and Canadians.

I sincerely hope not because a lot of us others outside of the UK have none to waste, in fact we have none to start with.
Novavax submits vaccine for approval as Ottawa seeks EU reassurances on export rules Well at least they're not based in Europe and are based in Maryland USA, so we might actually have a chance at receiving some of those 52 million doses bozo brains ordered.

I don't blame them. Canada's politicians have gotten drunk with authoritarian powers.
WHO team visits food market in Wuhan, China to search for coronavirus clues Oh com'on now.... What're you expecting to find in a food market a whole year later? I'll tell you something, even though I have nothing to hide like China does in this case, you're not apt to find very many if any clues to any meals we had last week, because all the dishes were washed, all the leftovers taken care of and all the refuse from it put in the garbage and taken out and put in the big garbage bin for pickup (so depending on day of week, that could've already been picked up and on it's way to the municipal dump). And we don't have anything to hide about what was in/on/around/near our food last week. Nevermind last year. So imagine how much less you'll discover from a place where the evidence is over a year old and probably already normally taken care (as in cleaned up and disposed of as a matter of course), not to mention having been recently directed by the authorities to basically clean that place to the point of sterilization because they knew in advance the WHO team was coming for inspections. So other than trying to make yourselves look like irrelevant idiots what else are you trying to prove by going there to look for evidence?

Draconian thugs are us.... Who think we all have access to the taxpayer's trough and can just pick out of it anytime we need an extra few thousand dollars or so. The sooner these ash holes are thrown out of parliament and into jail the better off we'll be.  
Pandemic Policy vs. Reality  More political BS because Dr. Gupta tows the gov't lines.
Well you can certainly see my devolution online here. From trying to be a sane rational ex nurse discussing the details of the headlines with equanimity and judiciousness, to just downright cynical skeptic who doesn't trust or believe a word any of the jack ashes at the helm have to say. I guess maybe that's from reading all those stories and seeing all their lies, backtracks, coverups and BS, so I have no patience for any of it anymore. Hence the reason I promise I'm quitting the blog on March 16th (it'll be 1 full year since I started it and I'm not doing this forever and the way it looks is if Mr. Goosey Loosey Luneytunes has anything to do with it, it'll last even longer than that). So I'm giving it a full year and then I'm quitting, no matter how bad things get or don't get. I won't care. 

Quoting the story:

A top infectious disease expert said Sunday the US needs to rush giving out the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine before an anticipated "Category 5" hurricane-like surge in cases.

Michael Osterholm, who was an advisor to President Joe Biden’s transition team, said that even one dose could lessen the blow of a likely outbreak of infections driven by new, contagious strains of the virus.

"We still want to get two doses in everyone, but I think right now, in advance of this surge, we need to get as many one-doses in as many people over 65 as we possibly can, to reduce serious illness and death that is going to occur over the weeks ahead," Osterholm told NBC anchor Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press." 

'Promising Young Woman,' Covid and the women giving up alcohol to fight the patriarchy Another angle on it, I suppose. But when you get to be my age, there's no danger of that happening so you can get as sloshed as you want. It's best to do that at home though - as it is for women of any age I guess. Except maybe kids and spouses might have a problem with that. In my case, my ulcers would ensure I looked like a victim of Dracula's if I were to over indulge in alcohol or drink strong drinks. I was already down  to roughly 1/3rd of my hemoglobin once and needed a transfusion, I don't think the doctors and hospital would like to see me wind up there in that same condition again. So your health is another factor that should be taken into account too. It's not just liver problems but ulcer related problems that could wind up being the life and death of you, too.

No bad dogs? Pet owner's personality can affect canine training success, study finds

Did I not say this just a few days ago in here? Where they were talking about covid pets being taken back to shelters because they were untrainable? Like I said we never had a problem with any dogs except one but she eventually smartened up. So that's why I can never understand all of these people who say they have problems with their dogs and their dogs are bad, etc.... We've had dogs all our married life and had only that 1 dog with problems but when we got her she obviously had problems as she was obviously thrown out to live or die on the streets by herself, when we found her, starving and near death. She wasn't a mean dog, just a destructive one, probably because she had severe separation anxiety issues. Given that she was found in the Italian area of Montreal, she probably wrecked some pretty expensive Italian imported furniture while her owners were out of the house and thrown out on to the streets.

'Captain Tom,' 100-year-old vet who raised millions for U.K. health service, has Covid-19 That's too bad! I hope you pull through and are back on your feet again in no time Captain Tom!

Video shows thousands flouting Covid-19 rules in Jerusalem for rabbi's funeral

Thousands? Looks more like a crowd to rival the crowd that came to Montreal to support Quebec staying in Canada before the 1995 referendum. I think then they estimated the crowd to be about 100,000 strong. So that's what this looks like here, at least.

Amid Covid deaths, schools aren't prepared to support students through grief and trauma They don't have grief councillors or social workers or even psychologists on staff at any of these schools?

Covid vaccines: Rollout in disarray in U.S. and abroad

'We crushed it': How did West Virginia become a national leader in Covid vaccination? Don't let any of the bozos here in Canada read this or we might wind up getting way further along than numbnuts intends for us to.

Pentagon pauses plan to offer Covid vaccine to Guantรกnamo Bay prisoners

Oh geez, I wonder why!?! Here in Canada the clueless clowns would've proceeded with their plans full steam ahead, no matter what anyone else thought of it, because after all they have to protect their precious terrorists and criminals at all costs.

Lebanon's coronavirus lockdown stokes hunger, fear among desperate families Like I keep saying we citizens of the world, need to plan a massive world-wide revolt against such governments. Even here in Canada we have a government approaching that kind severeity except he's not stupid enough to mandate the super markets closed, because he knows he'd only be in possession of his head for a few hours more before someone removed it from his shoulders for him.

As WHO mission into Covid origin begins in China, bereaved son seeks answers


Finally we've reached the end of the headlines to date... Well the important ones anyhow....

Until next time take care & stay well...









Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Links of Interest - A Back History on the Virus

Links of Interest:

On this page I hope to provide links that may be of interest to you, such as articles, videos, and editorials that may have some back history to this disease or other ideas about it. I'm not saying I believe or endorse them all or even any of them. But those that seem to be substantiated with documented proof and facts, I'll lend more credence to than those just generated out of thin air (which I will TRY my utmost to not post here). I like to verify and substantiate things as much as possible for my own edification. So, I'm posting some links here that as far as I've been able to research do have credence to them - enough so that the facts outweigh the falsities, in my opinion. If any visitors perusing this section knows of other such information please feel free to inform me of it or if you know of any verifiable information that would prove what I've believed to be fact, false then by all means let me know that too. After all I at least am on the hunt for the truth behind this virus. I do have several theories in mind, but as I don't know for sure, I can't post them. I can only post links to the information I've found on it and you can take it from there for yourselves:

US CDC Director Admits COVID-19 Deaths Misdiagnosed For Months -- I had what sounds very much like this virus back in January of this year, and I live in Quebec and have never left the province to go anywhere. If anyone else in Canada also had what sounds like the symptoms being described for this virus earlier than January 21st (when the Chinese gov't alerted the world to it) and also didn't travel outside the country, I'd love for you to leave a comment describing your ordeal and when exactly you experienced it, in the comments section.

Corona Virus & The Owellian State - YouTube Video - Provides some back histoy into what was going on in China shortly before the outbreak and most importantly the back history of Tedros the head of the WHO (one of the reasons I did not include a link to their site on front page).

Scientific Focus is currently reporting that the people with blood type A is more susceptible to the virus than those with blood type O.

Zerohedge is reporting that a legal analyst for MSNBC is advocating that Trump  be investigated for negligent homicide and manslaughter due to his handling of the corona virus situation. Personally I think Trudeau and his gang should also be investigated for the same things and reason.

Zerohedge is also querying whether the Fed in the US purposely tried to crash the stock market, in this article.

Event 201 A pandemic exercise in October 2019 hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with WEF, using a coronavirus as the virus in this "exercise". Leading me to wonder if this whole thing wasn't planned in advance by these 2 parties. Parties who have the most to gain by causing something like this globablly. Considering the Gates foundation wants to vaccinate everyone on the planet for everything and the WEF are made up of the elite of the elite who have a multitude of purposes, but mostly to control the economy and stock markets and said to have other nefarious goals.

CTV News is reporting on the Canadians stuck abroad and them begging the government to help them get back home.  Now, I don't know about anyone else out there, I hope they do help them free of charge, considering they had no problems importing several thousand Syrian refugees at $10,000 each and as far as I know they never made them pay the government back for that. So Canadian citizens should be treated equally and as fairly as that, in my estimation.

Updated April 2, 2020

F - In a Recent Simulation Coronavirus Killed 65 Million People This details the simulation run at Event 201 held by the Gates Foundation and the WEF in October 2019 (just a few weeks before COVID19 starting spreading).

CTV News Report about China exonerating the Chinese Doctor Reprimanded for Warning the World about the Coronavirus Outbreak in Wuhan.

Feds Miss Chance to Test Universal Basic Income For All Canadians This article's original title was: COVID-19 Crisis Is Opportunity To Test A Basic Income For All Canadians, but has since been renamed. Makes you wonder what was planned and why and why they changed their minds and scrapped it.

I'm a Doctor the U.S. Response to Coronavirus Has Been Nothing Short of Criminal I have to say I agree. I was a nurse and I think the whole echelon from the WHO right on down to not only the US, & several other countries, but Canada as well, has been nothing short of criminal in their handling of this pandemic. And if there are any survivors in the aftermath, I think Tedros, and all the country leaders that let this happen to their citizens should all be charged with and held on crimes against humanity because it's nothing short of negligent homicide and manslaughter (at the very least if not genocide).  And, if what is being said and thought about it being planned is true, those who planned and carried the plans out by releasing the virus, should also be rooted out and held. 

WHO Warns Health Systems Are Collapsing Under Coronavirus I find that rather hypocritical, considering it was the WHO's own weak warning is partially to blame for where we find ourselves and our health systems now. Their warnings in the beginning were no where near as strong or dire as they should've been. They just consistently said it was nothing to worry about and to wash your hands and you'll be alright, instead of saying, it's coming and you either better close your borders to all foreigners now, or prepare for it's arrival any way you can. Because after-all it is the WHO's job to alert the world to things like this.

Quantifying the Coming Recession This article is calling what is coming a "recession", though I would be surprised if that's all it is. Somehow, I do believe that whatever it will be called was planned, and this virus was a vehicle in which to usher that in, by forcing everyone into quarantine around the world. Ensuring people lost their jobs and businesses were forced to close and or go bankrupt.

Goldman sees unprecedented stop in economic activity, with 2nd quarter GDP contracting 24%
Forgive me, if I'm wrong, but aren't those  depression figures? I know my parents who lived through the depression told me that double digit contraction and unemployment figures signalled a depression and not merely a recession.

UK Plans to Buy Antibody Tests Which May Be a Game Changer that's for sure. In more ways than just the ways mentionned in the article here. Antibodies can be harvested from those who have them, via blood donations, to give to medical workers to provide immunity to them, and to patients who need a boost to help them fight it off.

Best & Worse Case Outcomes Projections of what the best and worse case scenarios might look like in the end. And....Why This Nobel Laureate Predicts a Quicker Recovery

Tylenol, soup and the internet can treat most symptoms of COVID-19 (whether you have it or not)  As I believe I already had it, back in early January of this year and as I felt like my lungs were filling with fluid, I took Robitussin along with the Tylenol to try to beat it and I was better within 3 days of falling ill. As I took the Robitussin as soon as I recognized the fluid in the lungs feeling (felt like they were filling with water like as if I was drowning), and the medicine started to work, the drowning feeling went away and I was left only with a vicious nasty cough, that felt like I was going to cough my lungs out onto the floor. Robitussin is an expectorant that relieves chest congestion, so that probably helped a lot since I took it as soon as it started. I'm not recommending that anyone rely solely on Robitussin and Tylenol if they've got this virus though. If you do try to self medicate using Robitussin and it doesn't work, don't wait for it to get worse, because it could be quite detrimental to the outcome, so seek medical help immediately. This aspect of it, is the reason it's so bad, as it can get quite bad, quite quickly and it's akin to drowning and that's exactly what will happen to you if you don't seek prompt medical attention. But back in early January when I got it, so far as I was aware it was just a flu, we didn't even know about this virus' existence. So I believe it was around much longer than the authorities are making out - especially considering the head director of the CDC testified to Congress in Mid March, that they've been covering COVID19 deaths up for months in the United States - which borders on Canada. So it's no stretch of the imagination to think that if was there for months it's been in Canada equally as long, given the amount of cross border traffic our countries share each day.

IMF outlines pros and cons of Central Bank Digital Currency  I'm wondering if what's been going on with the governments around the world trying to crash their own economies by forcing everyone to stay home, doesn't have something to do with this - as in forcing a new one world digital currency on us?  I know maybe it's just me and my suspicious nature, but I'm wondering why all of sudden they talk about it in the media now? Is it because they're hoping it'll go unnoticed because everyone's focus will be on the virus or what? Especially considering their other concern stating, IMF warns coronavirus recession could be worse than 2009.

As I mentionned above, I believe I had this virus in early January and the CDC director admitted that they've been covering up coronavirus deaths for months, Italian scientists investigate possible earlier emergence of coronavirus as well.

Like I said, Blood from cured coronavirus patients could help treat infection. Which I think should be done as soon as possible to prevent more deaths from occurring. Test the entire population to see who's got the antibodies they're doing in this story Why coronavirus antibody testing in one Colorado town could provide a way forward and then ask them to donate blood for this purpose. The sooner we can get everyone to build an immunity against it, the sooner life can return to normal, because waiting 18 months for some people is just not an option.

8 strains of the coronavirus are circling the globe. Here's what clues they're giving scientists.

Dismantling democracy? Virus used as excuse to quell dissent. Is this one of the reasons everyone's being forced into their homes and told to stay there on pain of fine or imprisonment? Is that because the governments have something rather distasteful that they want to try to foist off on us in the near future and so they're making sure we're terrified of going outside - either we'll die from contracting the virus, get fined or wind up in prison? No seriously folks, this is no joke and no conspiracy theory either. But there has to be way way more going on than just a virus here.

Now it appears that a year before the outbreak occurred Suspected SARS virus and flu samples found in luggage: FBI report describes China's 'biosecurity risk'. So you seriously have to wonder now if it didn't start simultaneously in the US & China, with someone's help.