Showing posts with label 50 day lockdowns & 30 day let up cycles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 50 day lockdowns & 30 day let up cycles. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

More of What Ails Us...

The Never Ending Pandemic of COVID19

May 19, 2020

The more I see, hear, and read about this so-called pandemic, the more cynical about it I become. In the beginning I knew they weren't handling it right and anyone who ever attended med school for a half hour should've known it too. 

The fact that no one was speaking out about it and trying to force the idiots at the helms to take proper action to prevent it from getting into our country to begin with, really, really mystified me. Because back in the day when I was a nurse, the medical profession was there to protect the public's health by taking proper actions to prevent certain diseases from gaining entrance to your country or region to start with. 

The fact that all the medical professionals out there were ignoring the obvious signs of this disease and letting Tedros & Tam get away with their placating lies to the public, had me not only stymied as to why they were allowing that, but also enraged at the fact that they were. I swear if I had've been at the head of any boards in Canada issuing medical licenses, every single license given to any health practicioner in Canada over the last 50 years would've been yanked and invalidated. They would've had to retake all their medical exams starting from scratch again in order to get it back. That's how infuriated I was - and still am. 

So when I see people singing songs of praise to Tam or even most of Canada's doctors, I'm not so sure they deserve it. It's on account of them that we're going through this now. 

If they hadn't have been so self-centered and so egotistical as to think getting their reports published in a fancy medical journal was more important than the health of their nation, or so worried about their next promotion and not losing it for speaking out on this. Those aren't doctors, they're mercenaries, if you ask me.

Doctors take an oath to "DO NO HARM" and from what I see around me, they've done plenty of harm by not speaking out and telling Tam she should be fired and instructing their own provinces at least on what to do - to shut the borders down and make all quarantines of any and all incomers for 40 days at least, mandatory. But since none of them did that, they've not only caused a lot of harm to people's health and as a result thousands also died, but because they couldn't speak up and inform people of the right way to use quarantine methods, they've also caused mega harm to our economy. 

Even nurses don't get off there, because as a nurse you knew that it was handled all wrong as well and maybe a single nurse speaking out wouldn't have been listened to,  but collectively you could've gotten the message out to the unwitting public, who in turn could've demanded things get handled the right way. Instead you chose to remain silent and now you have the nerve to go protest in front of Legault's office because you're worn out and want a break..... Well hey, you had your chance at the very beginning (back in January) to go protest at Legault's office and demand that he do something and if he didn't know what to do, and all the doctors were afraid of losing their promotions, raises, and chances at publication, to speak out and tell him what to do, you could've as you too knew what to do as well! I know you did, because I did and I was a nurse back in the 1970s!

So you know, while you have probably been there for the patients more than anyone else has been and I give you kudos for that (at least hospitalized patients, while a lot of you abandonned the long term care facilities and seniors residences in droves and those who did should be held on criminal gross negligence of duties charges), you too are partially to blame for what's happening now. It doesn't mean because you're a nurse you have no voice. You've got as much voice in the matter as the doctors do especially if you speak out collectively! Now, we're facing what I predicted we'd be facing back on May 3 in my blog where I said this:

For Canada To Reopen, These COVID-19 Unknowns Must Be Considered  You know I am of the mind (given the fact that the numbers are nowhere near the numbers of the deadly flu outbreaks we've had over the years that claim mostly seniors lives, that this whole societal lockdown was contrived for certain reasons totally UNrelated to any illness or pandemic) that whether there are increased cases or not (and there will be because the more testing they do, the more they'll find, so that's a given), they're going to say there are more cases and shut things down again after about 2-4 weeks of this. They're giving society, a breather from the lockdown and allowing businesses to function again for the population who needs certain things they couldn't get during the lockdown, like say appliances or computer/office supplies, clothes that aren't sold at Walmart and Giant Tiger, haircuts and the like. Then when they figure everything and everyone has had ample time to get the things they need or want and have their morale boosted, by being let out of lockdown to blow off steam. When they figure everyone's done all of that, is when they'll clamp down again. Like I said this has nothing to do with a pandemic or a disease, this has something to do with much more nefarious things. Though I think, perhaps Canada and a few other European countries are doing their best to shield their citizens from the repercussions of losing their jobs, by providing as much financial assistance to everyone as possible. Countries that won't or can't do that is where the main "objectives" of this world wide experiment will be achieved - as in the most people will be eradicated. Because from the 18 months to 2 years stories I see about everything (about how it'll be 18 months to a vaccine - which will probably never happen - to the disease will be around for 2 years), I think the objectives they have in mind will take that long to achieve. Meanwhile Canadians and other countries citizens will be let out of lockdown temporarily in intervals (when they feel a rebellion is brewing or they need workers to go back to work to increase supplies of certain things and to allow people to purchase certain things they can't get during lockdown periods).  I bet it'll be a couple of weeks to a month at the moment the seasonal weather patterns change (not necessarily at the equinoxes when the calendar date for the seasons changes), so that people can get seasonal related items like summer clothes, air conditioners, pool toys, lawn mowers, etc.... Then in autumn, they'll be let out again for a while to buy school clothes for the kids, leaf blowers, Halloween decorations etc... Then when it gets cold and starts snowing again to get snow & Christmas related items and so on.  That's what I see happening, at least here in Canada where the gov't is trying it's best to maintain the charade of the lockdown while assuaging the public and trying to shield them from the final fallout of the objective of this charade (whatever it is - all I know for sure is it's nothing good). So enjoy and take full advantage of the loosening up of these lockdowns, because they're sure to reoccur given the fact that the more they test the more they'll find coronavirus patients, which is the excuse they'll be using to clamp down again.

According to this article:

Coronavirus: Scientists suggest rolling cycle of 50 day lockdown following by 30 days of ‘normality’  I predicted this is what was going to happen 2 weeks ago. I have said what should be done and how to do, since day one of this pandemic (not here in the blog because I only started this when we went into lockdown) and predicted what was going to come next. Now I'm telling you this has nothing to do with how a virus is handled. This has more to do either with keeping us caged in so they know where we are when the "time comes" (for what is anyone's guess - it could be anything from forced vaccinations to exterminations for all I know) and to crash the economy but slowly ever so slowly.  And to get us used to doing with out and having to use our own ingenuity to get by. That's what it looks more like to me, than anything to do with pandemics or viruses or anything else even remotely related to that.

Sorry to be so critical and so blunt to those working in the medical profession, but it needed to be said at some point in time, by someone, because it's the truth and the truth can't continuously be ignored or it'll come back to bite us in the butt even worse than the first time around, if we don't confront and face it, and hold those responsible for it.

Unfortunately, the medical professionals were not looking out for our best interests, when they should've been. And we should do a massive country wide inquiry to find out why.

Is it because of the way the whole echelon of medicine is rigged now-a-days? Where doctors go along with superiors even if they know they're wrong, because the superior promised them a position on a research team, or to get a paper of theirs published in a medical journal or promotion to head of dept or maybe a huge raise?

Seems to me the motives behind how doctors think, work & behave have been corrupted over the years and it needs to be rectified. Stop enticing doctors to lie and tow the line when the doctors who are being forced to lie and tow the line know what they're doing is wrong and could wind up causing more health problems than healing them. We might want to start there.

Then the pressure (if any) on the nurses would be eased up too, as there wouldn't be so many doctors trying to tow a corrupt line and so they wouldn't feel the need to make nurses tow it as well.

It's pure unbridled corruption in medicine as far as I can see. If it's not a superior enticing a doctor with some carrot to tow a corrupt line, it's a pharmaceutical company offering bribes for them to prescribe drugs that probably aren't up to scrutiny (as most testing before market seems to have been done away with years ago when Mulroney took up the pharmaceutical company's causes for them). All of that should be banned and outright outlawed and doctors should be made to straighten up and fly right or have their licenses yanked. And promotions, published articles, placements in research projects, and mega raises only doled out if merited based on their work as a doctor and not on how good they lie or go along with the corrupt policy.  That's not what being a doctor is about.

Plus the Health Minister of Canada should be an actual doctor instead of an art teacher and the so called head of Public Health Canada needs to be removed from office and charged with gross negligence causing homicide if not genocide.

Those are just my thoughts on what's going on here. And I'm glad that they're finally going to examine the WHO's inactions at the beginning of this pandemic as well. It's about time the world caught on, instead of praising that corrupt fraud Tedros.

To me the way this all evolved was like it was orchestrated, because it's virtually impossible that every public health officer in virtually every country or jurisdiction around the world didn't see this coming and know what to do to stop it from getting into their countries. So it was planned. There's no way all of those doctors could be that grossly stupid all at the same time over the same thing.

The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying

COVID-19 Anti-Vaxxers: A third of Americans Mostly Gen Zs and Millennials Unlikely to Vaccinate  I'm not in either of those generations, but I won't be getting the vaccine either, even if I haven't had the virus already. But I think I have. But I'll never know for sure as no one will ever test me to find out.

Dan Patrick of Texas on State Reopening: ‘There Are More Important Things Than Living’  In his case I suppose so.

Chris Christie Says U.S. Needs to Reopen and Accept More Deaths I guess so long as none of those deaths are his or his loved ones.

What's open in Canada and where? A province-by-province breakdown

CDC director says that all 12 of their models predict US coronavirus deaths will accelerate in coming weeks and toll will exceed 100,000 by June  But yet, now is the time they want to open everything back up again.

Gilead to end coronavirus drug trials, adding to access worry: researchers

Warren Buffett says this is how to financially survive COVID-19 
The "Don't Carry Credit Card Balances" might be easy for some but for the seniors who are being forced to stay home and order everything which requires credit cards, some of those monthly balances might be adding up and getting rather difficult to cover the cost of at the end of each month. Considering everyone else in the world is getting $2,000 a month while OAS & GIS pensioners are still getting their measly $1,000 or so a month pensions (half of what everyone else is getting).

$2,000/Month CRA CERB: Will it Become Universal Basic Income? Oh probably for everyone including 2 year olds except for seniors (the ones who've paid the most taxes and for the longest of everyone alive, they'll still probably only get half of that, while 2 year olds who don't have any bills to pay will get the $2,000 a month - they're already getting close to $1,000 a month with the original family allowance and then the tacked on $300 a month per kid per month for the foreseeable future, while the seniors just continuously get thrown scraps or otherwise ignored altogether).

Ontario reports 391 new cases of COVID-19 as golf courses, marinas, boat clubs reopen  Yes, things should definitely reopen even if there's almost 400 new cases in a day.

Head of National Microbiology Lab resigns, takes bio-research job in U.K. Yup, just where we should be sending the tops in his field, instead of keeping him here in Canada to develop a vaccine here for us.

Canadians are relying on music to cope with the COVID-19 blues, survey finds I love music anytime and all the time.

'Keep it closed': Second wave of COVID-19 could wreak havoc if U.S. border opens, epidemiologist says  Definitely! And not just to the Americans but to everyone!

Indian Journalist Charged with Sedition for Report Suggesting Poor Coronavirus Response Well of course. Our leaders are infallible gods. Doncha know? They never make mistakes, just the rest of us.

Why American life went on as normal during the killer pandemic of 1969 I remember this. It was a pandemic and a bad one at that. Much worse than what's going on now with this pandemic. My mother who was a young woman in her mid thirties at the time, got it and she was so deathly ill, it's a wonder she lived. I still remember her lying in her bed and my step-father telling me I couldn't stay in the room long because she was too sick to spend much time with me and he didn't want me to get it either. I was never so scared for my mother as a kid as I was then. This time around, (knocking on wood) I don't know of anyone who's been even half as sick as she was with this disease. I, my son, his wife and our neighbours when we all had what we think was this coronavirus at the beginning of January (based on the description of the symptoms), it was very very mild. We all had worse colds/flus in our lives than what we experienced with this disease (if that's what it was).

Fury in Germany as thousands join protests across country over lockdown measures and a vaccine plan by Bill Gates as Angela Merkel's popularity falls  Finally, the Germans have found a backbone and decided to protest something Merkel's done, because they didn't when she was busy flooding their country and EU with Syrian Refugees.

Alarm in Germany as 'corona demos' take off 

COVIDIOTS Scuffles as dozens of protesters including Jeremy Corbyn’s brother whinge about coronavirus lockdown in Hyde Park - I guess that's why they decided the lockdowns will last 50 days and not 60, because as it approaches 60 days people become more rambunctious and rebellious. So to keep people under control they'll let up every 50 days or so for a month.

CEOs are cutting millions of jobs yet keep their lofty bonuses Being kept under house arrest won't be the only reason people will be protesting if this keeps up.

YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown Like the head honchos at YouTube knows more about epidemics and how to control them than an epidemiologist does. More like the  head honchos at YouTube knows what the end game is, and what this guy is saying isn't in keeping with that.

Feds warn of attacks related to bogus COVID-19 conspiracy theory If they insist on tracking all cellphone data with the excuse of contact tracing for control of the spread of the virus, there will probably be those who are against it and just start torching all cellphone towers to make sure they can't trace anyone, or that anyone will be able to use a cellphone at all.

COVID-19 vaccine: Medicago harnesses 'unique' virus trick to get one step closer to breakthrough If this works, that'll be awesome. Then if enough people take it and are deemed immune to the virus, we'll be let out of lockdown (or so they said).

Mock tombstone placed at Merkel's electoral office If that doesn't get the message home to her I don't know what will.

BLOODY HELL Israel river turns red with blood ‘like biblical plague of Egypt’ In keeping with the 4 Horsemen and other Biblical prophecy stories in regards to this virus.

China hits back after Jason Kenney says the country is due for a 'great reckoning' After the way they've treated Canada for the past couple of years, and more recently how they MIStreated the rest of the people in the rest of the world by hiding their true numbers on this virus, I agree with him.

A crisis like no other: Canada's finances could take years to recover from the pandemic recession All I want to know is who owns Canada's debts? China? If they do, is this the means that Trudeau's using to transfer the control of Canada over to them covertly?

Canada's first COVID-19 vaccine trials approved for Halifax university

Sorrento finds a coronavirus antibody that blocks viral infection 100% in preclinical lab experiments If this works out in human trials and proves to be as effective, this would be awesome!

Coronavirus outbreak: Canadian Red Cross to get $100M in federal funding, Trudeau says I guess he's going to have to start cranking up the money printing presses soon if he's going to keep doling money out like it's candy.

People flock to NYC-area bars, beaches as ‘quarantine fatigue’ intensifies As they say pictures are worth 1,000 words, so you'll gain as much if not more information just by looking at the pictures here.

Fed says risks to the financial system are worrying insiders  This is putting it mildly compared to other recent stories I've seen and will be posted here too.

Alaska legislator compares pandemic safety measures at Capitol to Nazi treatment of Jews

Exorcist fears coronavirus pandemic will see rise in 'possessed' victims More biblical related stuff.

“People Will Die. People Do Die.” Wall Street Has Had Enough of the Lockdown And we thought they were lifting it because the virus was going away and the people themselves had enough of the lockdown when in actuality it's Wall Street that's had enough and probably promulgated the reopening of society.

Televisits may be here to stay for doctors, patients I remember home visits by doctors and then forcing the sick to go see them at medical clinics and now they can't even be bothered to see us at all. How are they going to properly examine us, to see if our throats are red, if glands are swollen, or if we might have other problems without proper examinations? Might as well, just get a medical book and self-diagnose, without even bothering a doctor.

Chile capital silenced amid lockdown over COVID-19 surge

Swim but don't sunbathe - French Riviera beach re-opens with post-lockdown rules So what are you supposed to do once you come out of the water if you want to relax a bit before going back in?

Qatar imposes mandatory masks on pain of prison What about the hijab wearers do they also have to wear masks on pain of prison or are they exempt like they want to be in France & Quebec?

As West Cautiously Reopens, New Coronavirus Infection Clusters Emerge in Asia

Newly reopened South Florida seen as an emerging coronavirus hot spot

Unaffected by isolation, B.C. lighthouse keepers continue work That's the nature of the job.

Not so ready-to-pick: Canadian growers left hanging by COVID-19 Well they can thank Trudeau for the student disincentives to work this summer by the money he's doling out to them without them actually having to lift a finger for it.

'I don't want to be scared anymore:' physical distancing tough for the blind Another perspective that we don't normally think about.

Dressing down: Pandemic hits to the clothing industry shaping up to be a fashion disaster Seems like everything is shaping up to be a disaster because of the pandemic.

Health-care worker who had COVID-19 returns to job after 3 weeks and still tests positive And we wonder how come there's so many people in seniors homes who got COVID19.... Beats me.

Burgers, ice cream, doughnuts and plants: Queues forming for non-essential items What else was there to do this past weekend anyhow? It's not as though all the stores were open, or movie theatres or hair salons, or anything of any fun like parks, bowling lanes, midways. Here in QC, even boardwalks where the most exciting thing to do is walk along the edge of the water, is off limits.  There's literally nothing else to do.

101-year-old Sept-Îles man recovers from COVID-19 in the comfort of his own home I bet most other seniors who were kept at home with their families and weren't shuttled off to an old age death camp, had no problems either. Just those exiled by their families to those death camps did, probably.

From the fridge back to the farm: How the pandemic is affecting where your food comes from

Take money out of your RRSPs or go into debt? The best options when facing a cash crunch Assuming you have an RRSP. Not everyone does.

How pets are helping us get through the pandemic I just wouldn't know how to live without pets in my life. Ever since I can remember we've had pets of all kinds.

Outaouais elementary student tests positive for COVID-19  I believe the decision to send elementary kids back to school was made before it was widely known that young kids also contracted COVID19.

Scam alert: Beware of your background when video chatting You need to guard your privacy online all the time and not just now during the pandemic.

Philippines urges coronavirus vigilance as shoppers ignore safety protocols

Navajo Nation residents to be under strictest lockdown yet

Montreal's kids are stuck at home. Pediatricians are worried about the developmental cost That's what a lot of people don't realize. They think that being stuck at home is alright and that kids and teenagers should have no problem with it, without realizing it's during those years that they learn how to socialize and handle themselves in various situations. Without those experiences they can't learn those things.

Mystery inflammatory syndrome in children 'may not be linked to coronavirus' Finally, it's good to hear a voice of reason, where not everything in the world is linked to coronavirus. I know in the US everything is linked to it, and now apparently, hallucinations, confusion and agitation is also linked to it now as well. The reason for that is funding. If a hospital can claim they're treating a coronavirus patient they get extra funding, so naturally everything but everything including head trauma is now linked to coronavirus.

Federal Government Buys Riot Gear, Increases Security Funding, Citing Coronavirus Pandemic This only goes to add to my suspicions about the whole panicdemic or plandemic. I mean why would they need things like this if it's not to quell uprisings and civil unrest brought on by the house arrest they're putting us under? And is the current let up, to buy them and other governments time to make all these purchases and stock up on this gear? So that the public doesn't go insane before they're equipped to beat us into submission?

Tensions rise between the White House and CDC as Birx critiques virus tracking

Start your engines! Nascar returns to empty grandstands as tracks remain closed amid coronavirus pandemic - but fans still turn up to cheer and tailgate outside

The Elites Were Living High. Then Came the Fall. This article is using historical events to demonstrate what is or could happen now.

Fed’s Powell warns unemployment could reach Depression-level 25 percent A grim forecast for US unemployment figures.

Coronavirus: Hospitals in Brazil's São Paulo 'near collapse' I seriously don't know how it could be otherwise, considering the living conditions there.

Coronavirus: Fed chairman Powell warns downturn 'may last until late 2021' Yet more "happy news" out of the US in regards to the economy.

Coronavirus: How long does it take to recover?  Like everything else, it depends on the person and the severity of their case.

Coronavirus: South Africans in massive queues for food parcels

Being deprived of touch can be bad for our health, so some are finding ways to hug again Being deprived of companionship period can be bad for our health.

Can you visit family and friends? Here’s a breakdown of the rules by province Like I said before at the ages we are, we may not have that much longer to live so we want to live our lives while we're still able to. And it's our health and our lives, so if we want to see family members we will and I want to see someone stop us.

Montreal hotels team up for video series on living that luxurious life at home Does that come with maid and meal service too? Because the only thing I like about hotels is the fact that I don't have to do the cleaning or cooking. Otherwise I don't go travelling for hotel or motel stays, I go travelling for the things I'm going to see and do at that destination, which hopefully won't mean being confined to the hotel room for the duration of my trip.  But anyhow here's the website that aims to teach you how to have these little luxuries at home (though you'll have to do them for yourself, no maid or chef will appear to do it for you):AHGM Francais (It might be only available in French).

Feds expanding COVID-19 loan eligibility, procuring more PPE as reopening underway

New auditor general says office narrowing focus on federal COVID-19 programs Let's hope they can reign Santa Trudeau in and stop him from spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

China has been trying to avoid fallout from coronavirus. Now 100 countries are pushing for an investigation Great! So, now maybe we might just get to the truth of what happened, when it happened and precisely how it happened. Hopefully anyhow.

Pelosi 'enslaving' US to China with state bailouts, KT McFarland says Maybe Trudeau has been trying to do the same here in Canada.

China underreported number of coronavirus cases, Chinese medical adviser says I think we all pretty much knew that, without having to be told.

Anti-lockdown protests break out in London, Warsaw, other European cities as coronavirus shutdowns linger  Well 50 days have passed already and so given that they expect to do this in cycles of 50 day lockdowns and 30 day let ups, I'm sure that's based on psychology and what they figure sane rational humans will endure without protesting and going nuts. So now it's beyond that 50 day period so yeah of course they're starting to protest.

It's hard to flee from your domestic abuser during a coronavirus lockdown  That's why domestic abuse shelters are important especially during this period.

Coronavirus blame game threatens to mar World Health Assembly  The WHO has no one to blame but Tedros and their own compliance with his negligence to warn the world about the dire threat this virus posed.

Coronavirus Wave of 'vaccine nationalism' hinders global efforts to halt coronavirus This is something Trudeau should've thought of when he invested the multimillions (think it was $800 million if I remember correctly) with the European conglomeration of countries wanting to work on a vaccine together. I understand the admirable goal of many heads being better than one and working on it together means they might come up with one faster, but if they're working on it in a particular country, won't that country demand that their citizens get it before everyone else's does? It's just a thought.

Doctors couldn't help these COVID-19 patients with their endless symptoms. So they turned to one another. 
There are self-help groups for everything else, so why not for this too?

If Oxford's coronavirus vaccine works, officials say UK will get it first  And Canada just sent one of it's top microbiologists to the UK probably to work with them on this. So of course even if he is responsible for them coming up with one, the UK will get first dibs on it and then maybe later Canada.

Know the risks: Where you are most likely to get coronavirus In case you're so inclined as to go globetrotting now.

Trump vaccine czar forgoes $3M windfall as ex-firm’s stock soars -- and he flip flops on conflict  Money & politics..... That seems to be about all, that this is about.

Over 100 Million in China’s Northeast Face Renewed Lockdown Renewed? lockdown? I wasn't aware that they were previously locked down I thought it was just Wuhan that was locked down before.

China shuts down city after failed bid to contain second coronavirus outbreak More on that Chinese lockdown.

The Pandemic’s Geopolitical Aftershocks Are Coming  As if we didn't have enough to worry about and deal with as it is..... Now these added worries and possibilities

French Children Confined to Dystopian ‘Play Squares’ as Schools Reopen This is just sad. In this case the picture speaks volumes.

Canada's National Debt Clock  Just to put Trudeau's money squandering into perspective a bit.

Meet The Trikini, A Bikini That Comes With A Matching Face Mask We don't want to be giving coronavirus to the fish, and other water dwellers where we're swimming. If this isn't the height of ridiculousness, I don't know what is.

'Triple whammy' of good news powers Dow more than 900 points I guess when it comes to the coronavirus we don't get too much good news, so any form of good news regarding it, is always welcome.

The coronavirus pandemic could indirectly cause measles outbreaks, CDC warns Well for that matter coronavirus could cause our automobile tires to deflate too. Especially if the vehicle is never used because we're under lockdown forever and a year and it just sits there without moving.

Amnesty International calls on Canada to open border to refugees from the U.S And I call on Amnesty International to leave us alone! We have one of the smallest populations on earth, thus one of the smallest tax bases, to draw taxes from, but yet we've taken in the most refugees of anyone over the years. Why don't the head honchos of Amnesty International, take those refugees in themselves if they're so concerned about them!?! And why should we? We have as much problem with coronavirus here as anyone else does. But more than that, here we have a socialized medicare system where the taxpayers are on the hook for paying for the medical treatment of each COVID19 patient presenting themselves to our hospitals. So why should we be on the hook for the refugees who have COVID19? Why? Is it because Amnesty International figures we aren't paying enough to feed, clothe, house, educate and medicate these refugees as it is? Why don't they run this same demand across Trump's desk and see what he says? Because I think we already all know what he'd say and I think Trudeau should say the same thing, especially now!

Trump says he's taking malaria drug to protect against virus Oh well.... There's nothing to be said about this. It speaks for itself.

French Covid-19 Drones Grounded After Privacy Complaint Good! Governments and police forces all over the place, think because we have a pandemic that that automatically gives them the right to use that as an excuse to breach all our rights, including rights to privacy. It's time we start fighting back because they're using this virus to usurp all our rights and freedoms under the guise of "protecting us from the virus", when I've proven that we've had way worse flus than this and the Hong Kong Flu of 1969 was way worse too, but yet no one tried to usurp our rights like they're doing now.

Boris Johnson Under Pressure to Be More Open on Virus Strategy Can you blame the people? There's no worse feeling than feeling like you're being led down a dark alley. So of course they want more openess. I think we all want that from our leaders.

Situation in Montreal good enough to reopen stores next week and daycares by June, Legault says  Another pronouncement by Legault that's got everyone's shorts twisted into knots yet again.

Three In Four Americans Agree Universal Healthcare Is Needed During Coronavirus Pandemic My husband and I were wondering about how the average American is managing to afford days and days of Intensive Care treatment for this virus and how many were going to wind up going bankrupt just on account of the medical costs, nevermind what the virus is doing to the economy and their jobs.

Study Suggests COVID-19 May Cause Surge In Psychosis Diagnoses & Severity Personally, I think the powers that be have done everything in their power - from letting the virus in to ravage their populations, to declaring total shutdowns and causing everyone to lose their jobs or making them go bankrupt and lose their homes etc, in order to see just how far the human psyche can be pushed before there's a brutal backlash against it. Because if this keeps up (and the 50 days in that 50 day 30 day cycle, will get shorter and shorter until no lockdown is tolerated at all) there will be one massive backlash & more so when the population wakes and realizes that this pandemic wasn't even as bad as the annual flu usually is.  Can you imagine what they'll do then when they realize they've been duped into losing everything on account of a virus that wasn't anywhere near as deadly as the annual flu virus is? Or the Hong Kong flu in 1969? I can only imagine it'll be brutal and won't be pretty and I'd hate to be one of the health officials or politicians that helped institute this bogus lockdown, because they're apt to have it coming to them in spades.

New Research Shows How Coronavirus Can Take A Dangerous Toll On The Heart Anything that causes breathing problems - thus getting oxygen into the bloodstream and to the heart can take a toll on it, from the common pneumonia to holding your breath on purpose.

Jamie Dimon says coronavirus crisis is 'wake-up call' for a more inclusive economy 

10 Numbers That Show The U.S. Has Fallen Into A Horrifying Economic Depression  This should wake you up, if nothing else does about how the economy is suffering due to this virus and the leaders reactions of putting the entire world under lockdown.

Over 4 million Americans are now skipping their mortgage payments No matter what, this is just sad.
And to think if the leaders behaved and thought rationally about how to actually impose quarantine measures that kept citizens safe from the virus while allowing the healthy to continue to work, none of this would be happening now.

US home building collapses 30% in April amid pandemic Given the headlines just posted above I think we can understand why.

The search for early coronavirus deaths plagued by bureaucratic delays and roadblocks  Obviously they don't want us knowing just exactly when this virus got here, because they want us thinking that it came from Wuhan China but only after the Chinese President announced it's existance on January 21st.

Coronavirus will never be eradicated and is 'almost uncontrollable', top scientist warns I'm sure the politicians who are using this as a means to keep everyone under house arrest for whatever nefarious reasons they might have, wishes this to be true.

Sweden tops Europe COVID-19 deaths per capita over last seven days I guess eventually this would've been inevitable given the laissez-faire attitude the government had about this, there.

Coronavirus: It isn't bats that have caused this pandemic - it's humans, says conservationist

Coronavirus: Anger grows for stranded crew on forgotten cruises Oh you can bet your bottom dollar if any of those people stranded on those cruiseliners were Trump, Trudeau, Johnson, Macron, or Merkel they'd be working their busy little butts off trying to find a way to get them home. That's a given. But because it's "just" crew members they don't care.

Doctor Refuses Retirement To Fight Pandemic, Dies From COVID-19

Bouncing back: Restaurant debuts 'bumper tables' amid virus Everytime I see these, I have to laugh and think of the baby walkers I had for my kids before they learnt to walk.

Italy's daily coronavirus death toll and new cases climb I thought they had beat it and were now out of it.

What people receiving CERB need to know about their mortgage Of course, there always has to be a catch somewhere. People can't just be given a helping hand without something else being withheld or taken away from them. Not here in Canada, anyhow.

Students asking universities for refunds, but it's not that simple That's one important lesson the universities are teaching them now.... That getting refunds for anything in Canada is rarely ever simple.

U.S. agrees to Canada's request to extend non-essential travel ban into June They almost have no choice, because if we don't want to let them in, we don't have to. It's as plain and simple as that.

Physical distancing a sign of respect for others, Legault says as Montrealers flock to city parks  Unfortunately not all people respect others. I had one woman literally get in my face at the plant market this weekend. I wasn't wearing a mask, neither was she, but I was being careful to keep my distance from everyone due to my husband's age, but while I was at the cash this other customer comes into the line from the outside (not in line behind me but from the other side) and stands less than 2 feet away from me and I literally had to tell her to back up and remind her of physical distancing. So she backed up, maybe a foot but turned side ways so she wasn't breathing on me and in my direction. But still. It seems like a lot of people still aren't used to the idea of physical distancing.

Filing taxes during a pandemic: What you need to know One of those things you need to know is you only have 11 days left to do them. If you need help doing them look for "Income Taxes" in the left hand column and it should take you to a page when I give a link for H&R Block an excellent, easy to use, free online income tax site.

New advocacy group joins push for green recovery from COVID-19's economic shock Well I guess if some manufacturers or industries have to start over, there's nothing wrong with looking for the greenest way to do it. I'm not so much concerned about "Climate Change" as I think that's a bunch of hooey started by Al-Gore and Maurice Strong. Getting off topic a bit, but nevertheless I still think anyone who wants to know the truth behind "Global Warming" aka "Climate Change" had better watch this documentary made by the CBC before the Global Warming activists took it over: Life and Times: Maurice Strong (Complete) In about 45 minutes, you'll be totally enlightened as to what that was all about and why. So no I am not endorsing the green projects because of those bogus theories but because of pollution. We need to protect the resources of this earth - the air, water, soil, vegetation, and animals as much as we can. We depend on them for our lives too. We're all interconnected regardless of the temperature it is outside on any given day.

After WHO setback, Taiwan president to press for global participation

Update: Florida Health Department manager told to delete coronavirus data forced to resign, she says And this isn't suspicious? In that they're not trying to hide anything? Like the fact that people reported having the illness back on January 1 in Florida? I know I had it in the first week of January. But as she's getting ordered to shred documents showing that, I doubt that even if I had it and was tested for antibodies for it, that I'd never know about the test results if I had the audacity to actually tell them the truth of when I had the illness, if asked.  They'd tell me my results were lost and deny me new tests just so they wouldn't have to admit that yes indeed we did have coronavirus already here in Quebec in the beginning of January. Though I still can't understand why they won't admit it was here then, if it was.

Prince Charles wants furloughed workers to pick fruit and vegetables Why doesn't he do it? He doesn't do anything for a living except sponge off the taxpayers.

Higher tuition, shorter days: What schools could look like when they reopen Well of course, COVID19 provides another perfect excuse to gouge consumers.... Making them pay more for less.

Scheer says Canada has been following 'a policy of appeasement' with China He's right! Too we have a screwed up jerry rigged electorate map, otherwise he would've been our PM now and I have a feeling he'd be handling the pandemic & all associated with it,  a lot more sanely and rationally than weasel face Trudeau is.

Coronavirus leads to food industry crisis in Europe So everyone has suddenly stopped eating everything then? Or is it because they can no longer afford to buy food? Was this one of the intended impacts of forcing global lockdown? To cause people to be so poor they could no longer afford to buy food? From all accounts I've seen all around the world, including here in Canada, that might be one of the intended outcomes.

How disabled people are problem-solving in the pandemic