Showing posts with label Pfizer getting sued. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pfizer getting sued. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Lazy Day, Watching The Snow Fall and Reading Headlines About.....



January 21, 2021

Just sitting here in my pjs trying to keep warm, while lazing away the day, watching it snow under the bleak gray sky above. So far the only thing I've done today is the dishes and just browse the net looking for interesting things and stories about covid19. So nothing too exciting, that's for sure. But then with the lockdown & curfew that we're under there's not apt to be too much excitement anywhere anyhow.

I'm not even sure what to have for supper and suppertime is upon me here.... I'm thinking maybe veal marsala, veal scallopini or maybe fish & chips. Not sure, but I know I have only minutes to decide before I'll have to start working on it. I could also have veal parmigiana too, as I do have some spaghetti sauce that I made earlier in the week left over that I could use on it. Thing is we've been bolognesed up to our eyeballs, as we started with a dutch oven full of it and made all kinds of things out of it, from spaghetti to sloppy joes and more, now we're just  little tired of it. So would like to freeze the sauce for future use if I can find the freezer space for it that is. So maybe it'd be more economical if we did have veal parmigiana in order to use it up. But I'd prefer the scallopini since it seems to use less ingredients and seems a tad easier & quicker to make than the other option of veal marsala (maybe for valentine's day, I'll make that). My husband decided he'd rather have that now the marsala option. So that's what we'll be having for supper, I guess. 
Since we don't have marsala but did have another sweet port type wine also known as sherry, I used that instead. We had just the right amount of it remaining. So I'm calling what we had for supper Sherry Veal. Not quite as nice sounding as the original Veal Marsala, but still good tasting nonetheless. Otherwise, all the mushrooms, beef broth, cream, shallots, garlic and rosemary & thyme were all present and accounted for. We all liked it, including our dachshund. She loved it. 
It's called improvisation when you discover you're missing one particular ingredient and try to figure out a close replacement for it. You come up with something new and equally tasty, but in a different sort of way. It becomes a new recipe sometimes depending on how it turns out and the taste of it. So um yeah, I'm claiming Sherry Veal as my invention if anyone has a mind to copy it. 

Now that dinner's over with and I'm trying to let it go down, while my system works on that, I'll work on this and I hope I don't fall asleep while doing it, like I usually do.

So getting on with it now....

Coronavirus: Ontario to receive larger doses of Pfizer vaccine in late-February, early-March amid delays  Yeah well that's nice for Ontario, but what about the rest of Canada eh?

Canada should also consider taking legal action against them. But then little Mr wussy boy is too chicken to stand up to anyone else except Canadians who say bad words and things he doesn't like.

Really? How come? I mean you'd think Canadians would be out just throwing their money around everywhere, despite the fact that everything's closed and there's nowhere to spend their money. 

I guess it took a riot, to find out the lawmakers put themselves ahead of everyone else in the queue for vaccinations, eh? Wow. Just wow.
Argentina approves Russia's Sputnik V vaccine for over-60s Why not? You never know, it might be better than the rna junk that Pfizer and Moderna are trying to foist off on us!

There should be, considering glass is made from silica and silica is sand. So if there's not enough sand left on this planet to produce sufficient vials, then earth has a major problem.
Toronto apartment rents tumble as vacancy rates hit 50-year high They were lamenting the same sort of thing on the Montreal news tonight but they were saying that even though there's a higher than normal vacancy rate, the cost of rents are still high. They haven't gone down to reflect the amount of vacant apartments competing for the same renters.


WHO plans slew of COVID-19 vaccine approvals for global rollout Yeah but in which century? They only want to have 2 billion doses rolled out by the end of this year, for a population pushing 8 billion. 



No Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine doses to be shipped to Canada next week: Fortin What about the Moderna vaccines then? Are we getting any of those or is that it?


COVID-19 vaccines: Canadians torn between helping the world and helping themselves Ever heard the saying "Family First"? Perhaps you clowns in Ottawa ought to take a hint from that simple saying and take care of our own first!




Vaccine rollout blues: Germany’s Merkel complained about comparisons to Canada, Trudeau says Wow, you know your rollout is lousey when other countries are using it as the standard to compare theirs to for how lousey it is.

Of course, when it comes to the homeless everything that might possibly help them is always put on hold for the flimsiest of excuses usually too.

That's good! Keep up the good work!


Then if they can get it to all by May, Quebec should be able to do it too, considering the population size of that city is roughly the same as our entire province.

Well at least he wasn't given $10 million, and a seat in parliament along with a tenure at a prominent university, like most other criminals and terrorists get.
Staff at Quebec long-term care home move in to keep COVID-19 out Good for them! It's probably one of the only ways to do that!


Coronavirus: 121 employees test positive at Mississauga Canada Post facility So don't touch that mail for a few weeks, let the bills lie and percolate for awhile. They'll still be bills when you finally get around to having the nerve to touch the envelope they came in.




hehehehehe.... That's funny.


Of course not, because bozo brains always intended for us to be the slowest in the universe and far behind everyone else.

Isn't that why they have a union? For the union to provide the necessary information and help they might need on this and other things related to their jobs?
Thousands of Covid doses are going to waste, but some states won’t record how many Wow! That's just sad, considering here in Canada we can't get any vaccine doses to waste. Now I must sound like one of those Biafrans my father always used to refer to when he said I should eat everything on my plate as there were thousands of hungry kids in Biafra that would kill get to get my table scraps. Now, I sound like one of those kids wondering why they're wasting it, when other places like Canada doesn't have any and can't seem to get any either.

Don't downplay mRNA: Experts say new technology could change the vaccine landscape And quite possibly our genetic code? I don't know when it comes to science playing with genomes I'm not sure they know all the long term implications of their actions. Like will these actions have any direct affect on the human body that they're injected in? What about long term effects? What about future generations? Will they some how be impacted by that genome modification? I don't know.... And as these are the first medicines to use this technology using mRNA and they have barely even been used on anyone out there and not all that long ago on top of that (earliest is mid December in the UK & Canada, besides their trials which consisted of a few thousand people at the most) we just don't know what to expect from them really. Is it possible that people will be sterilized by it like the former CEO of Pfizer claims? Or maybe instead of being made sterile, people grow a third eye in the center of their forehead and their kids have 4 arms and 4 legs? I mean we just don't know. Maybe it'll just do what it was intended to do and that is provide immunization against Covid19, but then gain maybe it'll do more than that, or maybe it won't provide immunization against anything for very long, too. It's so new, we just don't know anything about it. So for the scientists to get all gooey eyed and super excited about this technology, it might be rather premature for that, until it's been around long enough and proved well enough during that time, for them to be as excited and gooey eyed over this as they are now.
Pfizer pitches Canada for tax breaks in upcoming budget  If Canada's smart they'll say yes, but only if Pfizer GIVES US (AS IN NOT COST ANYTHING) THE FIRST 100 MILLION DOSES COMING OFF THE ASSEMBLY LINE FREE!  And that if they try stalling on us while they ship doses out of the country before fulfilling that deal, we seize that plant, all the vaccine in it, their equipment and whatever other assets they might have in Canada. What Canada should do to those contract breaching basterds is sue their ashes off instead of making deals with them, unless the deal winds up benefitting us more than them. That's what Canada SHOULD DO, but I know numbnuts hasn't got the spine to do anything like that. So that won't happen.
India gives 1 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Nepal That is such an awesome gift to give another country - very generous of them! Kudos to India!


Vaccine tracker: The top contenders to stop the novel coronavirus This lists all the known vaccines and their ranking on when they should be approved list. 

One in six independent businesses in danger of closing amid pandemic: report Figures like that, reminds me of back in 1981 when the interest rates sky rocketed to 21% and people were defaulting on mortgages and loans and businesses couldn't get and keep business loans and so had to close. The building trade, auto sales and large appliance sales took a hit. Anything that people would require a loan to buy took a hit as the bankers couldn't justify lending money to people with that kind of interest rate on the loan and that was for best bank customers too, the rest of us had higher interest rates to contend with. So a lot of stores, businesses, construction companies etc wound up going out of business because of that. 


Good. It should be rethought and done right!
Doctor says Canada underfunding long-term care amid call to end for-profit homes Canada has chronically underfunded everything to do with our social safety nets and medicare system for so long it's started to wind up looking as decrepit as the Soviet Union's looked in it's final days of the regime.

'My American friends, help us out': Frustrated Ford asks U.S. to help out in Canada's Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine delay Like my husband said there Doug, you might as well count on your fingers as count on him or them. They're not likely to help because after all he wants all his people inoculated in the first 100 days of him taking office. So by then we should have other vaccines approved and here (crossing fingers and toes and hoping and wishing and praying). 


Again? I thought they restored the deliveries. So why are they cutting them again? Just to aggravate the hell out of everyone, is that why? Personally, I'm to the point where I'd like nothing better than to see that pile of sheite company sued into oblivion.

Lucky them.
Feds push Legault to ease curfew rules, say homeless man's death in Montreal was avoidable  Can you believe this? Quoting now: So far, Legault has rebuffed such demands. He justified his position on Tuesday by saying that exempting homeless people from the curfew rules would encourage others to "pretend" to be homeless.   ---------  I mean REALLY???? Seriously? Maybe you could pass off as a homeless person to the cops in the middle of the night Legault, but I somehow think most of the rest of us have a little more dignity than to be wearing our worst rags and dischevelled look, just so we could go out after 8pm and not get a ticket. I mean gawd, what a sorry excuse that is, if I ever heard one! 

And don't you dare approve them too soon either! As we don't want to get ahead of that scheduled plandemic date of end of September to have it all done, as per what seems to be the agenda among most other countries too.
Marine Atlantic ferry out of service after crew member tests positive for COVID-19 Too bad. We took one of those ferries from Sydney to Ports aux Basques in 2014. It was an awesome trip. Six hours long I believe it was, so we had time to explore the boat from stem to stern and upper and lower decks, have a meal, watch some TV and mingle with other passengers & crew.



More like it was a result of him being a total clueless idiot who can't chew gum and walk at the same time. So something as complicated as that is lightyears beyond him and his capacity and that of his art teacher he picked to run Health Canada.

Man reportedly dies from COVID-19 just hours after flying into Canada So much for needing negative tests to board a plane coming to Canada, eh?

French doctors unsure of Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness for immunocompromised Immunocompromised.... What are we talking about here? Someone with a cold? Someone with psoriasis? Someone with diabetes? Someone with AIDS? All of the above? None of the above? What, besides those listed in the story?
New COVID-19 cluster in B.C. Interior linked to ‘social events’ in Williams Lake Oh my! Just looking at the man in the picture at the bottom of this page, makes me almost want to cry, he looks so so sad. 

Yes! I knew it! Just like most other antibodies out there for other diseases! I mean I had every childhood illness that was going, from Measles, Mumps and Rubella to Whooping Cough and a lot of other things that was going around when I was a kid. Since then I haven't caught them again, nor had to worry about it either.


How is this fair anyhow? Gouging like this shouldn't be allowed by anyone against anyone.
Glastonbury 2021: Festival axed 'with great regret'  Why wouldn't it be cancelled? Everything else has been. 

What's that? A cheese sandwich and a glass of water? 

We saw something like that happen here in an old age home, the Heron in Dorval Quebec. I don't think it started with a text fake or not about a death, just merely the fact that someone tested positive for the virus in the home and that was it, all the doctors and caregivers left and left the residents abandonned and alone in their beds.

Anywho.... That's the day's aggravations posted for you. Until next time take care and stay well.