Showing posts with label QC Secret Facilities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QC Secret Facilities. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Aggravated, Exhausted & Posting Headlines About

 Covid 19


November 8, 2020

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to strangle your significant other? If you have I'm sure you'll easily identify with me on this day when I say I seriously was considering it, if only I could get my hands around his throat. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

Talk about aggravation.... I think he did everything in power to drive me crazy, from driving like a total idiot - like dragging his ass inbetween lights and then speeding up near the lights when they were red or when there were slower vehicles in front of us and just barely slowing down or stopping in time. I mean his driving was so crazy, I was almost tempted to get out and call a cab to go and do the things I had to do.  Then we get to the grocery stores and yes I know his back is screwed up, and so he can't come in and walk around with me to get the groceries, so he stays in the car and waits, but when I get back to the car with the grocery carriage, I have to wait for Mr. Man to deign to open the trunk inbetween his socializing with every passing creature. Sir Yak-a-Lot doesn't know when to quit sometimes and will just completely ignore me and leave me standing there with a shopping cart full of food waiting for him to open the trunk. Then finally he finds the right button and pushes on it to open the trunk but do you think he'll get out of the car and help me lift the heavy bags from the cart into the trunk? Not on his life, he even had a young woman feeling so sorry for him, she offered to do it, and I refused her help because I know his back isn't all that bad. Not half as bad as his cussed laziness sometimes. And I did it myself to show the miserable jerk up for what he is. That wasn't just once that happened today. No that happened at both stores we went to. I had to go in and do all the shopping myself while he waits and then come out and put everything in the trunk of the car myself on top of that. 

Then when we got home and he had to unload the trunk himself and bring it in the house and the antics once he finished. Leaning on a chair pretending he's going to have a heart attack. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, scream or just throw a can of something at his head. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... He's the one that's going to have the heart attack because he did 5 minutes of work unloading the car to bring it inside, while it was I who traipsed up and down all the store aisles looking for everything, lifting it out of the carriage (especially the heavy stuff) to pay for it at the cash, put all the packed and thus now even heavier bags into the carriage took it out to the car, took the bags out of the carriage and put them in the trunk, took the carriage back into the store and came back out and got in the car. I did that both times at both stores which took at least a couple of hours of work by myself, while poor "Mr. My Back is Killing Me" sat in the car, listening to the radio and yakking at anyone walking by the car, getting out of or into a car next to ours and just generally taking it easy. 

Then after he brought the bags in the house, I was the one once again who had to unload them and put them away. Meanwhile he was helping himself to the food in the bags (whatever he found that he liked and could eat without cooking or liked to eat raw), while I was busy putting them away. So he already gorged himself, while I was starving because I hadn't eaten anything at all as I didn't have the chance to. Then he wondered why I was angry......  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I seriously wanted to kill him at this point because all my joints from my hips on down hurt by now, I'm tired and want to sit down and now my back is killing me too. Ummmm I dunno why I'm angry there Mr. My Back is Killing Me Genius.... 

Anyhow I just plunked my butt down in a chair and refused to move once the groceries were put away while moaning about how hungry I was. So whatever was left over from the sausages I had bought that he hadn't eaten raw already, he decided he'd cut up and fry with some rice and veggies to make a meal for us. It's not the usual way we eat the sausages, but it was good. Well at that point it was food and he knew he needed to make amends to me, or he'd be hearing it all night long. So he made and served supper. 

And after having relaxed a few minutes after supper and played a card game on my computer, I'm here trying to get some more of those October headlines posted here:

Lately because I don't want to post any headlines after the end of October here, there's been some interesting headlines to say the least (the last couple of days there's been at least one I posted in those posts along with the October headlines) well here's today's intriguing over the top headline: 
Now I'm not sure how or why he would think that. I think if there is a WWIII it'll be between the citizens of the earth and their rulers. I mean I can easily see citizens turning against their leaders and wanting to overthrow them given all the harsh measures they're enacting on account of this idiotic plandemic of theirs. But why country would fight against country? That just doesn't seem likely. It's more likely to be massive world wide revolts against the governments of the world.
Coronavirus: Food prices to rise across Canada as COVID-19 pandemic continues That's for sure! Especially canned food! Have you seen the price of a tiny little tin of Paris Pate lately? I mean there's like a thimbleful of pate in them and they're almost $1.50.  A box of KD is $1.75, cripes I remember when they were 11 cents a box. Yeah I know I sound like I'm older than Methusala, but honestly the price of that has risen astronomically, like instead of it being a box of elbow noodles with some kind of fake powdered cheese inside it was gold noodles with some exotic hard to find moon dust or something. I mean  get real, there's not even a cup of noodles in the box and that weird cheesy powder isn't worth the fortune they seem to think it's worth these days. A package of 2-3 slices of cold cut ham is almost $7 and forget canned meals like spaghetti or ravioli, or stew or things like that, the prices of those are just insane as well. We used to buy those sometimes for my husband to have for lunch. I don't eat lunch but he does, and doesn't always want sandwiches (can't say as I blame him - I personally don't like sandwiches much). Or at least those were the prices I was looking at at IGA & Metro today. Maybe at Costco they're different. 

I don't see anyone admitting failure anywhere. Even here in QC where we've had draconian lockdowns which still hasn't cut down on the spread of the virus.  

COVID-19: Montreal police receive 1,365 complaints, inspect 1,135 locations Wow.... That's a lot of snitches out there on the loose. Wondering how come the cops didn't investigate the other 230 locations?



There is a certain pecentage of the population who are immune compromised, as in having things like HIV/AIDS, diseases that attack themselves, like inflammation related diseases, psoriasis, diabetes, etc.... Quite possibly it's patients like those are don't develop immunity. But as in all diseases that confers immunity after having had it, it doesn't mean that you'll automatically be immune if you did have it, especially if you are immune compromised for one reason or another.
Men far more 'comfortable' than women with having sex outdoors after Tier 2 indoors meeting ban And we needed a news story to tell us that boys are more brazen then girls???? I think most people know and understand that intrinsically.


Centre to import 1 Lakh MT of medical Oxgyen anticipating Covid-19 cases surge in winter I have no idea what a 1 Lakh MT is but I think it must be a measure of some type.

Yes, the man is a walking plague factory we all know that. It's unreal how they painted him during his term in office. No matter what he said or did, they were always after him. From the moment Hillary Clinton lost they went after Trump. I'm not defending him at all. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.
The US is betting on 3 types of coronavirus vaccines, one of which is totally unproven. A diagram shows how they differ. Guaranteed now that Biden won the election, one of those 1 will start being mass produced, another will qualify for approval by the FDA and the other will start being distributed this week.


I wish there was a way to enforce something to crush the WHO and the corrupt overall organization that's it's a part of, the UN.  

Border Crossing Caught on Camera This is an illegal border crossing between Quebec Canada and Vermont USA, that was caught on camera.

Euuuuu isn't this tyrant generous! Allowing ONE visitor for solo dwellers. What about a young adult that lives alone and the parents want to visit for some reason? I guess they're not allowed.

Quebec's public health director says he has a driver and bodyguard because of threats Hey you clowns are earning your threats! People aren't threatening you for the fun of it! They're threatening you because of the sheite you keep pulling in the name of this plandemic of yours! So smarten up and fly right and stop with this draconian BS of yours and maybe you wouldn't be facing so many threats!
Dear Premier, you're abandoning women in Quebec's COVID-19 recovery plan Women aren't the only ones being abandonned. Seniors, homeless, the poor, the disabled and many other disenfranchised groups are also being abandonned. 

COVID-19 in Canada: Trudeau debunks COVID-19 'internment camp' misinformation and rumours; Ontario's daily case count jumps up over 800 He can deny whatever he wants doesn't mean he's telling the truth. The truth is that here in QC there is an "internment camp" or something akin to that for those testing positive or don't want to follow the guidelines. There's a video that you can view using the "QC Secret Facilities" label on the right side, of a gov't official admitting that here in QC. Go view it for an eye-opener.


Too much! Sometimes I wonder though how anyone manages to stay with someone else for 60 years even though we've been together for 45 years and known each other for 50. It's just that there's days like today where I wonder how I managed this long with him and if I'll even get through today without breaking up nevermind another 15 years together.
Covid: How to protest during a global pandemic I think we all need to know this. But given that it's a BBC article - ergo gov't owned media site, this is HOW THE GOV'TS WISH YOU'D PROTEST.... So maybe it's not a good idea. Because if we're not going against the grain we're not really protesting. 








They make this seem like a bigger deal than if he shot someone. There's a bigger bruhaha over the fact that a cop has a mind of his own and his own opinion (and the last I checked he has a right to it and to express it as well unlike shooting people), than if he shot someone. Unbelievable!




1,000 Fredericton customers at risk of water shut-off I thought according to the UN everyone has inalienable rights to air and water. So if that's the case,  how can the city just shut water off on their residents and how much do they charge for it anyhow? It must be pretty steep if they can't afford to pay for it. 

With no avenues left, families take fight for school-trip refunds to court months into pandemic For some unknown reason businesses operating under the "tour" industry banner and insurance companies seem to think they're above the law and don't have to adhere to standard practice business law. I hope when they get sued the judge throws the book at them as a precedent setting case to make sure all other tour and insurance companies in the future don't try stuff like this.

St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto declares COVID-19 outbreak among ER staff That's not good when the ER staff are going to be absent for long periods of time under quarantine, because they're generally always short staffed as it is and the ER is where the greatest influx in the hospital is.

Well this pretty much goes without saying since everything else all year long has been cancelled, so why not Santa parades too???? Just wouldn't be 2020 if they weren't cancelled.
As calls flood mental health hotline, premier encourages struggling Quebecers to pick up the phone I'm beginning to think he, Dube and Arruda are the ones that need their mental health checked! Considering how paranoid they are of this virus and how over the top draconian they've become over it! It's either their super paranoid of it, or they're using it to go on a super power trip - either way it's a mental health problem that they should have checked.



Well "fake news" goes right along side "fake doctors" and "fake pandemics". So what can you expect you genocidal witch doctor? 

That's probably a similar if not the same story here in Canada too.
That being said.... This is it for the night.... Until next time take care & stay well.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Wonky Weekend &

Catching Up on Covid Coverage

Sept 14, 2020

Hi again! I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was good but a little messed up, well okay a lot messed up. There you happy now, my family?

It started off by staying up too late on Friday night, knowing the kids were coming over for pizza on the BBQ and to help their father remove the air conditioners and put them away. So I knew in advance, they'd be here a little earlier than usual than when they just come for supper.  Despite that I managed to sleep in almost until it was time for them to arrive (past my usual wake up time). Then because you never know what they'll have in mind to do after supper, (watch movies on Netflix, or Crave, play board or card games or just talk) I took 2 pills to keep me awake so I wouldn't fall asleep on the couch while watching movies (if that's what we were going to do). Now caffeine affects me in a big way. I can have a half a cup of coffee after I get up and that's more than good for the day usually, so 2 Wake Up pills ought to keep me awake, hopefully.  

On top of that I promised them pizzas done on the BBQ and so made 2 which were cooked on the BBQ. There was nothing wrong with their doneness or the pizzas themselves, except dear gawd, we almost needed one of my husbands chisels from his toolbox to get the pizzas off the pizza stones when we went to serve them. Oh my gawd, talk about an icky looking mess - pizza hash is all I could think when I saw how it looked in everyone's plates. Fortunately they're all adults so they there was no "euuuu that looks gross mommy, I'm not eating that" - which I was even half expecting even though they're adults now, because it did look gross. At least they knew that it would taste like pizza and fill them up like pizza so there weren't any comments from the peanut galleries. 

We had an awesome time, playing cards and talking and laughing after dinner and then we had some watermelon before they left, which was about 9:30 or 9:45 (she had to get up to be at the hospital for 6am in the morning so they needed to get home so she could get some sleep).  My husband was tired too, so he went to have nap and me, remember me? And my 2 wake up pills? 

Well it was like someone put toothpicks under my eyelids to hold them as wide open as they could get. Gawd, I felt like Roger Rabbit bouncing off the walls. There was no way I could sleep, so I got into all kinds of things from computer games to movies on TV and reading news stories on the net and you freaking well name it.  My husband came sauntering down the stairs around midnight and asked me why I was still up and if I had a nap too and I told him  no and I couldn't sleep, so he suggested we watch some of the Netflix shows we sometimes watch together. By the time we finished watching those he sauntered back to bed and that left me alone to unwind, so I decided to play a few more computer games and lost track of time. The next time I glanced at the computer clock in the corner of the screen it was already 5:30am. I still didn't feel tired, but Yikes! It's time to hit the sack no matter how I feel. So I did.  It took a while and a lot of tossing and turning but I finally fell asleep.

It seemed like I just fell asleep and my husband said "your coffee's ready, it's time to get up", so I dragged myself out of bed and went and sat down to drink my coffee and promptly fell back asleep there. So he told me, nevermind just go have a nap. So I did or that's what I intended to do anyhow, but he woke me up only 10 minutes before suppertime.  He made supper and we ate and then I loaded the dishwasher and then went back to bed again. So um yeah, remind me to take 2 wake up pills together again. Okay? 

Today after I woke up, I had to get outside and harvest whatever I thought wouldn't survive the predicted frost risk for tonight. Which is a shame because if we had a longer warmer growing season than we had this year, I'd have had tons of tomatoes, as I have tons of green tomatoes that I'll have to find a recipe to use  them in. There was a huge bunch of rhubarb that I harvested too. Way more than I ever got in any past harvests, so maybe with any luck I'll have enough for a pie or jam. Anyhow going to cut that up and freeze it tomorrow for future use. Got too many other things to work with at the moment, like the mint and winter spinach (aka morning glory) and some other veggies to blanch. 

Besides that there's the neverending COVID19 news going on out there and here's some of the headlines from that:

COVID-19 cases surge at colleges, schools  I think that was to be expected.

Depression, Anxiety Spike Amid Outbreak And Turbulent Times  Like I said before, for the most part, as everyday is exactly the same with nothing to look forward to and nowheres to go, it begs to wonder why we even get out of bed in the mornings now. What's there to do, and where is there to go? Nothing and nowhere is the answer to that question. Then you wonder wy people are depressed and anxious? 

U.N. warns of Libya arms build-up and virus surge  Another concern coupled with COVID.... 

What the classroom will look like this fall  There's an interesting picture there showing what should normally be a safe way to segregate kids in close proximity. Except we know kids. Most of them are up and down like a bunch of jack rabbits. They can't sit in their seats for 2 minutes straight and have to go around the see through dividers to see up close and personal like, what the kid next to them is doing. Most kids are rambunctious and like to move around and want to see things up close  and not through some plexiglass.  So as long as the teachers are able to make them sit still and stay in their seats things should be fine, but there's always one live wire in a classroom who just won't be able to, so that'll be fun there.

New Brunswick back-to-school plan: class bubbles and singing softly   What's the point of "singing softly"? Why not just cancel all singing altogether if that's the case? Yes, I'm aware of the spittle being sprayed in the air when singing or talking loudly, but forgive me for this, when I was in school we kids didn't stand and sing facing each other. Normally we were either side by side as in a play or chorus, or standing at our desks for the national anthem and God Shave the Queen etc... (ooops meant God Save the Queen).  (You can maybe tell by that remark I'm not a die hard loyalist). I'm sure kids won't mind missing singing those 2 songs in the morning. If they even do still.

That lying cretin that fell down on the job so badly she should not only be fired but thrown in jail for mass genocide, should be the one with the high vaccine use. We should stab the genocidal maniac with every vaccine there is even the ones that have bad side effects or just plain don't work.  Use her as our national guinea pig.  

P.E.I. tent sale could help vendors struck by COVID-19 clear out excess inventory   Liquidators to the rescue for overstocked businesses in PEI.

Auto sales recovery plateaus in August, with fewer sales than last summer  I'm amazed they sold any cars considering there's almost no place to go as a lot of people work from home still, most provinces are closed to outsiders and there's just generally nowhere to go  really.

Police calls for domestic violence, mental crises rise during pandemic  This is what I don't get and never did get.... A mental crisis is a health related issue, so why are they calling the cops when they should be calling first responders like paramedics who can then call the cops if they need help subduing the person in question.  But if paramedics or ambulance attendants are on the scene first it'll be way less likely that a cop with respond to the incident using a weapon like a firearm or tazar.  So why don't the people who are calling the cops stop and think for a second or two and judge whether it's a medical emergency or a crime that's happening and depending on what their judgement says call the appropriate people to handle the appropriate situation. Or if everything goes through 911, don't just say "send someone because ...." say "send paramedics or an ambulance because...." . That way it's on record that you asked for the appropriate parties to deal with the situation and didn't just ask for anyone to come (which could be cops like it could be fire fighters too - as it's all routed through 911). So learn to ask for the appropriate personnel. That might alleviate some of the problem the rest has to be alleviated by requiring all cops in Canada to have higher IQs than 2 and to be able to logically reason things out on their own. And if they can't and still decide to shoot someone in mental distress, they should have their badge stripped from them and be held on murder or attempted murder charges like anyone else would be.

Ford approval soars as COVID-19 pandemic drags on  I think all of Canada owes him and Legault a debt of gratitude. If it weren't for those 2, Mr. Dress Up in Ottawa would still be staggering around in his MJ induced stupor he probably lives in now that it's legal, wondering what all the fuss was about. Ford was the first to take any action in Canada to protect his citizens (namely the kids by suspending school for x amount of time - but he was the 1st to do so) and then Legault took further action here in Quebec and only by the end of that week did bozo brains in Ottawa along with the rest of the provincial premiers decide to do anything.  He & Legault seem to be the only ones with any brains and courage to try to protect their populations.  Because it's definitely NOT our NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER aka Tam, NOR our FEDERAL HEALTH MINISTER aka the kindergarten art teacher that thinks she qualifies as a Health minister or a health anything for that matter aka Hajdu, NOR our PRIME MINISTER WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING HIS CITIZENS FROM EVERYTHING & EVERYONE but didn't do anything, aka Trudeau or as I like to call him numbnuts, Mr. Dressup, bozo brains, etc....

Health Canada reverses course, will review applications for COVID-19 home tests  They could've done this ages ago when all the other counties were getting them and using them! Especially since some of those tests are Canadian made and distributed, so they would've been easy to acquire and we could've had them in consumers hands way back when.... But noooooooo..... This government is intent on stymying our recovery from this virus and I can only wonder why..... 

Coronavirus: New COVID-19 cases reported at some businesses in Toronto malls  Until the virus goes away or is eradicated through whatever means, this is going to continue to happen, all over the place, that's just the nature of the beast.

A 10th of American households say they haven't had enough food during the pandemic  This is just sad for 1/10th of the citizens of one of the richest countries in the world to have gone hungry during the pandemic. There's no excuse for that, except greed on the part of those that have and could help but refuse to.  Think about this for a moment dear fellow Canadians.... Their population is 331 million and ours is 37.5 million. So 1/10th of 331 million is 33 million - equal to almost our entire population. Can you imagine almost all of Canada going hungry during the pandemic, because that's what it equates to! That's just very sad.

Rules of the Road: 8 Tips for a Better Road Trip During COVID  I don't think too many of here in Canada will be taking too many more road trips this year, given the weather and how cold it's getting all of a sudden.

How Covid-19 myths are merging with the QAnon conspiracy theory   You know I don't even know who/what QAnon is, but given that they're being mentionned here there and everywhere lately, I might have to investigate.

Coronavirus in South Africa: Scientists explore surprise theory for low death rate  Probably due to high vitamin D in their system (it is the sunshine vitamin and I can suppose that someone with black skin absorbs a lot of sunlight - ergo more vitamin D than white folks in similar circumstances).  Are they outside in the sun more than blacks in North America? I mean do they live a large part of their lives outside, as in working, playing and relaxing outside as opposed to blacks in the North America who probably only spend a small portion of their time outside compared to their counterparts in South Africa? I mean the climate between the 2 places is much different, one more conducive to spending time inside and the other probably more conducive to spending as much time outside as possible, in warm dry weather.

Nancy Pelosi calls rule-flouting salon visit a 'setup'  OMG.... If it were Trump saying things like that can't you just hear the remarks that woman would be making now? I can and none of them would be very nice so why does she think that people ought to give her a pass on this because we know she wouldn't be giving Trump one.

Coronavirus live updates: CDC tells officials to be ready for vaccine by November; steroids can help severely ill patients   I hope they're right and their vaccine is ready for then. Whether there's an election or not, having a vaccine ready to help save lives rather than waiting until everyone's already had the virus and lived or died on their steam, is good. 

How do I sign up for a COVID-19 vaccine trial? What you need to know  There are no trials going on in Canada at the moment, so unfortunately for us, this is only in the US.

Novavax coronavirus vaccine is safe, published results show  Great! So now, when do you plan on going into production with it?

Left behind because of Covid-19, a tiny dog travels 10,000 miles to rejoin her owners  Because this "tiny dog" looks like our "tiny dog", I couldn't resist reading this story, which left me teary-eyed in the end. She's lucky she fell into the hands of decent, honest, caring people all the way along in her journey. It would've been so easy for anyone along the way to have kept her for themselves, mistreated her, abandonned her, or any number of other things that can happen to defenseless pups like her. 

COVID ventilator patients at risk of permanent nerve damage: ‘Shocking how big a problem it is’   I do have an open letter from a nurse that I copied and pasted into a blog post on here talking about how bad it is to go on a ventilator and to not allow anyone you love to go on one either, if you're the one advocating for them.  I'm not sure of the label in the right margin, but if you scan down it, you're apt to find it and it should be clearly labelled. If you can find that label I urge you to click on it and read it once you're taken to the story in question.

Was COVID in Los Angeles last year? UCLA scientists suggest ‘undetected’ outbreak  Well we know according to the pharmacists association of Quebec's newsletter that it was here in Quebec around the time of the holidays last year. 

Herd immunity to coronavirus may have been reached in New York, California, scientist claims  Here too probably, but we'll never know because Trudeau figures we're all just a bunch of mushrooms to be kept in the dark and fed a lot of manure on a daily basis.

Coronavirus kindness: Americans genuinely more concerned for others during pandemic  If that's true why are agriculturalists (farmers, ranchers etc...) dumping, and bulldozing their crops and livestock and why are landlords kicking delinquent tenants out of their buildings?

Remote regrets: Most telecommuting Americans working longer hours, more stressed  Of course I saw this coming, especially after listening to the cellphone and email debates, where employees were expected to pick up their cellphone no matter the hour of day or night and keep on top of their email even if it meant staying up all night at home everynight in order to do it (especially those people who deal with a  high volume of email). It seems that when an employer figures they can take an advantage of a situation they will, until or unless clear and concise boundaries are set, like had to be set for those employees dealing with email or neverending phone calls. 

Pope Francis Warns ‘Creation Is Groaning!’ in New Eco-Message  He's asking for the debts of the poorest countries to be forgiven and I do believe with the "Great Reset" that they have planned that's what will happen. That the poorest countries debts will be forgiven while the richer countries will all be expected to cough their payments up. So that the poorer countries economic levels are brought up, while ours are brought now. I'm not saying ours will be lowered to their level (though with the way they've jerry rigged this whole plandemic who knows for sure?) but we'll both be a bit more equal, so that when the digital currency is assigned it'll basically be worth the same thing for all the countries in the world - as I do believe they want a single currency which will be digital - to allow for easier international transactions. That's just my thoughts though and not necessarily their plans.

Ontario woman kicked out of bingo hall for not using mask to cover breathing hole in her neck  Our idiotic governments have made us so scared and paranoid now, that we lack compassion for anyone but ourselves it seems.

76 rich countries join WHO vaccine alliance  Yet more stupidity by the shovel loads. Doing that means the countries have relinguished control of their vaccine and vaccine supplies to someone else. Which basically the height of stupidity. Look at Canada for a prime example of that. We were supposedly making one in collaboration with China, until they hijacked it on us!

Canada mulls global vaccine contribution as Trump turns back on alliance  We have a gullible idiot at the helm, so it's little wonder he's mulling it over.

P.E.I. urged to allow COVID-19 tests to meet new China travel requirements  Personally, I would reject that request out of hand. China is the one that got the whole world into this mess, now they can bloody well dig their way out of it on their own especially after STEALING OUR VACCINE!!!! In fact, I'd go even further and tell anyone leaving Canada to go to China for whatever reason, that they won't be allowed back into Canada that they'll have to make their permanent residence in China. Tough noogies whether they're allowed or not because they're not a citizen of China. Too bad. Who cares? I certainly don't.

More masks, gloves and wipes in P.E.I.'s garbage, IWMC says  Oh really? How come? Um duhhh.... What did they expect? That the people using that stuff would dispose of it, by eating it maybe? Because burning things creates air pollution and apparently throwing it out now creates more garbage. So what? Recycle it? As in recycled germs? Or maybe eat it? Because I don't know of very many other ways of getting rid of this mandated mandatory garbage we must buy and wear.

Canadians pleased with government reaction to pandemic: study Considering Canadians gave bozo brains a second mandate, that doesn't surprise me as most Canadians are more stoned and daft than the idiot at the helm is. Most of them probably don't have the education required to figure it all out and need someone to draw charts and pictures with connect the dots for them. Like I am doing in this blog for the most part. It's just pathetic that they can't see and understand that it's the government that got us into this mess in the first place, by first letting it into the country and then going against the recommendations made in our Charter of Rights & Freedoms for handling pandemics and quarantines.  That's in this blog somewhere too. I don't know if there's a label to get to it or not, but there should be.

COVID-19 restrictions strip Whistler of 2021 world luge championship  Yet another bit of fun being cancelled in the name of COVID19.

Nursing home residents now allowed to hug one designated person Finally after all these months they're finally going to be allowed to hug just one designated person? Guess we don't want the nursing home residents feeling too much love or happiness, as it'll increase the time it takes them to pine themselves to death if we do that.  Talk about cruel and inhumane punishment.

Province gives go-ahead for some P.E.I. school sports this fall  Wow! That's amazing! I hope they can keep those sports and they aren't reneged because of some excuse or other to do with the virus.

Quebec City Says it Will Isolate “Uncooperative” Citizens in Secret Corona Facility  Yeah, wondering when our good ole Canadian mainstream media plans on telling us this eh? This is a bilingual article that everyone living Quebec and even Canada should be made aware of. The text of the article is in English but the video is in French with English subtitles.   READ & HEED!!!!

Are both Canada & Australia becoming police states? 

Colleges, universities urge students to be 'exemplary' as classes resume  Isn't that wishful thinking? I mean these are college kids who basically want to party and have fun as much as they possibly can.

WHO tempers quick vaccine hopes  Of course because that doesn't fall in line with their timeline of things and not enough people will have died yet, if we get the vaccine going too quickly.

'Mama, I need you': She was on her deathbed after being run over by a car, but COVID-19 rules kept her family from visiting  So so sad. So many more people are suffering and/or dying in loneliness and misery than just COVID19 patients. It's cruel & inhumane what they're doing in the name of the virus.

Until next time stay well & take care.....