Showing posts with label Christmas parties forbidden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas parties forbidden. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Super Sleepiness &.....



December 12, 20,20 or 12/12/2020

As the title indicates, I'm super sleepy today despite the fact that I slept pretty much all day & night yesterday. I seriously don't know what's gotten into me lately but it's a struggle to hold my eyes open for very long. I'm not physically tired at all, I'm just super sleepy all the time, is all. This is definitely not normal for me, considering that for most of my life I was an insomniac.

Anyhow, I shall try my best to get this post together without passing out, or at least during the interims of the nodding offs I do from time to time. I mean I wanted to work on some Christmas related projects (gifts) today, but I doubt I'd stay awake long enough to lay the materials and tools required out on the table before nodding off. Given that every time I open my eyes after nodding off, it's like waking up fresh for the day and I don't remember what I did the moment I nodded off. At least here I can see the story I was on and compare it to what's posted in the page already to see if I did it or not. But if I'm working with an intricate project that has no specific starting, ending or following points, I may wind up missing vital procedures (that can result in the whole thing falling apart after I figure it's made), or something else wrong with it. So that's why I'm doing this and not that..... Maybe tomorrow I'll be better able to pursue those projects. Or hopefully so as there's not much time left between now and the big day.

Now on with the show....

Bill Gates makes bleak prediction for when coronavirus pandemic will finally end Gawd, I hope he ends and soon. I can't stand his hubris - and BS meddling in everything, just because he's got the money.
Americans get stern holiday COVID warning: 'No Christmas parties'  I think that's pretty much the same across most of Canada too.


A canning jar & equipment throw-back.
FDA authorizes the first coronavirus vaccine, a rare moment of hope in the deadly pandemic  It got approved yesterday only because Trump threatened to fire the head of the FDA if he didn't get it approved yesterday. That's why, otherwise they'd still being sitting there twiddling their thumbs and picking their nose and wondering how soon after Biden took office they should approve it. Considering all the push back Trump has had as a president, this doesn't surprise me one bit.

Bethlehem to hold midnight mass without public And yet, another cancellation, to add to the long, long, long list of everything else that was cancelled this year on account of Covid19.

Please explain to these white coats doing these stupid studies that there's a huge difference between complacent contentment and happiness, by magnitudes of degrees. Contentment doesn't mean they're happy, it means they've settled for what they have or the conditions they're living in, and learnt to be content with that and nothing more. More might actually bring them happiness though as in genuine happiness - you know joy, glee, merriment, ecstasy, sheer happiness. Contentment doesn't compare to any of those descriptions. A lot of us elderly people though have learnt from a young age to be content with whatever it is we have, as a lot of us had to make do with whatever we had, whether that was to use for comforts (like say blankets or bedding), or entertainment like toys, or other as a lot of the elderly's parents weren't that well off themselves and there were no electronic gizmos to keep us entertained. The most we had were TVs, radios and stereos so a lot of us were more into music than anything else. That's in my age group - the baby boomers but the more elderly than that had even fewer things and they had to help their parents out more so less leisure time as well. So we made ourselves content with whatever we had and I guess that just carried forward with us in our lives. But it's not "happiness". Anyone who equates contentment with happiness has experienced neither. Or one but not the other. 👵👴
'Little indication' that rapid COVID-19 spread in Canada will change without intensifying restriction, Dr. Tam says  Rigggghhhhhttttt..... Oh but I betcha everything's going to be just hunky dory and peachy keen by the time Chinese New Year rolls around. Then everyone will be allowed to party hardy in order to celebrate which ever year it is, probably the year of the rat or some other vile animal like that. But while it's Christmas and Jewish celebrations we're talking about, we have a full on raging pandemic that we can't allow more than 1 person together at a time, even a couple (even if up until now they resided in the same house and slept in the same bed together) together is forbidden as they will definitely spread germs together and beyond. (Said sarcastically) 


I'm sorry Melinda, but you have that 100% bassackwards! YOUR moral responsibility & THAT OF YOUR HUSBAND'S is to STAY OUT OF THIS and let the people make up their own minds! Especially given that message that was circulating by a former Pfizer scientist stating that that vaccine could sterilize women. Precisely what you clowns were accused of doing in Africa. I guess they were your test subjects, now that you've perfected the technique you want to sterilize the rest of the women of the world is that? Your parents should've been sterilized before they had either of you two nitwits. Then the world would sure be on a different path than it is now, but we probably wouldn't be dealing with this plandemic of yours either and so wouldn't have any need for a vaccine now either.  


This one couldn't stop anything, if her life depended on it, as she's too f'n stupid. Talk to her about basic shapes, 3d perspectives and the colour wheel and that's about it. Anything else is way beyond her and out of her field of expertise. 


Province uses new kind of rapid tests that can give results in 15 minutes I don't see why all provinces can use tests like that. It sure would make everyone's lives a lot less miserable.

Good news? Earth's carbon dioxide emissions had record drop this year during the pandemic It's certainly not bad news if you're worried about GW. Anyhow, less pollution in the environment is always good news GW or II (Impending Ice-age) or not.
Canada/U.S. border restrictions extended into 2021 Good, but I seriously don't see the point in this charade anymore, given all the loop holes and exemptions and all the international flights bringing carriers of the virus from hither and yon on a daily basis. There might as well not be any restrictions on border crossings for all the good their doing.
Most of Laurentians turning into red zone with pressure on hospitals mounting I doubt this has anything to do with the hospitals in the Laurentians since they mostly always refer their patients to Montreal hospitals. I bet this has more to do with clamping down on Christmas gatherings at cottages than Laurentide hospitals. As a lot of Montrealers have cottages in the Laurentians and probably figured they'd outsmart the red zone rule of not being allowed to gather at Christmas by moving their celebrations to their cottages in the Laurentians (which until now was not in a red zone and never was even during the 1st wave).

Food banks a critical source of help for ODSP recipients Like I keep saying, we need to do whatever we can to help those who are less fortunate among us, even if it's only donating a can of soup to a food bank, if 20 people does that, that's 20 more cans of soup that food bank has than it had before anyone donated anything. Now imagine if you donated a can of soup and a box of Kraft Dinner and 20 more people did likewise, except maybe changing those 2 items up a bit, like instead of soup, a can of ravioli, or zoodles and instead of Kraft Dinner, a can of tuna, etc.... It adds up when enough people give. You don't have to do like we do - as a matter of habit we do a shopping that would feed 2 families for a week or 1 family for 2 weeks and provide a few extra goodies for the kids and the pets (not expensive stuff - mostly dollar store colouring books and pet toys and the like - just something for them to have and play with on Christmas morning). But we've done that for several years in a row now and not just this year. This year though because of the lack of fun and cheer in everyone's lives, I tried to find and add a few more fun items in the food and  for kids and pets in the mix than usual, though. But no one is obliged to do anything remotely close to that, just a couple canned goods or boxes of KD given to the food bank, done 20 or 100 or however many times the community can muster and that'll go a long way towards helping those less fortunate than yourselves. 
We do that as a present to our daughter who died shortly after Christmas on January 5th, 2013. So what we spend on those groceries is more or less what we would've spent on her Christmas presents. I know she would've really gotten behind this as she was always sympathetic to the less fortunate. So it's our Christmas gifts to her posthumously which benefits those she'd wish to help. 
Canada introduces national compensation program for vaccine injuries ahead of pandemic vaccine rollout Good! Because if what that former Pfizer scientist said is true, there may wind up being a lot of infertile women out there, who'll wish to be compensated for that fact, or maybe have some sort of procedure done to allow them to have a kid of their own, that they'll want paid for.


As I said above, donate whatever you can. If enough people do that, there the food banks will be able to accommodate more  people in need.

Another food bank in need folks! I know Reginans are generous people from first hand experience, so it's time for you folks to step up and help your neighbours who are struggling through this pandemic, out a bit.
Toronto's WWII snowstorm — Only 'essential' workers allowed to leave home I don't know if they got the snow predicted here, but we didn't get the freezing rain we were supposed to get here, just rain. But yet we were being told to stay home because of the weather forecast.

Oh lemme guess... Continue to go to work and school but on your off hours stop moving and stop breathing too if you can.
'This is ridiculous': Outcry leads to quick reversal after Quebec nurses' holidays cancelled Nurses are and always have been treated like crap in this province - hence the reason I'm not a nurse anymore. 




'We're not going to have a Christmas,' says woman told to repay $18,500 in CERB by year's end This isn't fair. This woman is being penalized because she's not psychic and didn't know there was a "net income" clause, because it wasn't on the forms she filled in. So she shouldn't be penalized for the governments accidental omission of that word/term on the forms she filed. It's their fault that they forgot to include that word/term on those forms, not hers. So she shouldn't be penalized because of it. But no matter who's wrong whether it's you or the gov't the gov't always wins, we have to pay not only for our own mistakes but theirs as well. Seems to be the norm here in Canada, until or unless this is fought and won in a court of law to set a precedent, whereby the gov't has to own up to and suffer the consequences of their own mistakes and stop making us pay for them. 

 You might want to take note of this quote from this article: Dervila Keane, a Pfizer spokeswoman, also said that "there is no data to suggest that the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine candidate causes infertility." You should realize that saying there is no data to suggest, is not the same as saying it doesn't cause.... The no data to suggest could be due to several reasons - 1st and foremost they probably didn't even look for such data, 2nd) there hasn't been time enough for women to discover that they're infertile 3) the vaccine wasn't tested on pregnant women or kids below 16 years of age. So there's several reasons right there for there being no data to suggest.... But aside from discounting this as rumours and BS, maybe you should read some of these articles before making up your mind who's telling the truth and who isn't..... Like so much surrounding this virus anything that doesn't go along with the agenda is classified as a conspiracy theory and discounted. If you use a search engine that's NOT owned and operated by Google or Yahoo, you can find the actual news stories and documents that lends a lot of credence to the female sterilization theory - and male sterilization too for that matter. In fact there's one article from an Oxford designer of a COVID vaccine who claims that these vaccines will cause a 60% -70% sterilization of the population getting those vaccines that'll be blamed on the virus itself and not on the actual vaccine. You really owe it to yourselves to read these articles too, before making up your mind whether or not to take any of these RNA based vaccines. Here's the articles you should read and heed:
You can download a PDF directly from the page above outlining how males could wind up being sterilized by this vaccine as well.
There seems to be an awful lot of doctors and scientists backing this guy up. So if what he's saying isn't true why would they be staking their reputations and licenses on the line like that to back him up? Ask yourselves that before falling hook line and sinker for the BS put out by our lamestream media here in North America. Anyhow, it's up to you, to decide for yourselves what you wish to do. But I can tell you I'd rather wait for a non RNA vaccine to come along like the Medicago one being made in QC. It might take a while longer to get it, but it might be safer, and more effective in the long run. As the old adage goes, all good things are worth waiting for. 



More scaremongering at it's finest. I mean honestly who's going to sue their parents or siblings because they caught COVID at their celebrations that they were invited to, but could've declined if they thought they'd be at risk?  I mean seriously???? 
Why millions of dollars in pandemic aid is going to corporations making healthy profits Meanwhile the homeless, disabled, and seniors are getting nothing but ignored as per usual.


Cats and Dogs Are Now Vulnerable to COVID-19 Infection, Experts Say They are, they aren't, they're now.... I wish they'd make up their minds on this, so we'd know one way or the other.

What's In a Rule Breaker's Mind in Terms of Following COVID-19 Restrictions? I can tell you, anger, frustration, impatience, longing to see someone or do something, or just sheer rebellion. 
NHS Commercial Terrifies Children by Showing Santa Dying of COVID Geez I wonder if they're working in cahoots with the Alberta gov't, trying to terrorize kids like that with scary commercials like that?


I hope none of those 2.45 million people are stilling wanting to have kids, because if any of them do they ought to read what is said about this above about sterilization and take that into account before making any decisions they can't undo later.

India readies for 600 million COVID vaccine jabs; to use standard cold storage: top government expert Wouldn't standard cold storage cause a problem with spoilage with that vaccine that needs to be super cooled? 







Now I can just see a bunch of 14 year olds ordering pizzas and booze when their parents aren't home.  Well hey, why not? Up until about a decade ago anyone of any age could go into a store here in QC and buy beer, wine & cigarettes without any hassles about age.

It's early Sunday morning now as I write this and I don't even think there's even any phials of this vaccine in Canada yet, let alone ready for injection at a nursing home.
18 international flights landing in Calgary in December had COVID-19 cases And we still keep allowing these people across our borders? What's the point of closing our borders if we're only going to continue letting them in anyhow?

I think the Canadian population would be better off waiting for the Canadian vaccines to be finished and available. There's one made in QC by Medicago, and a couple of others I heard about being worked on in various universities and such, so maybe one of those will be better for us than one that's going to sterilize 70% of our population.
Coronavirus: Free beer for health-care workers runs brewery dry, causes traffic jam in Winnipeg hehehe.... Did they think there were only 2 or 3 health care workers in the city or what? 

Ontario bureaucrat who was fired in $11M COVID-19 fraud probe had ID from Panama Wondering if he was related to that creep in Montreal that consulted on the building of the CHUM hospital and took bribes and kickbacks and wound up in a Panama prison where he eventually died of cancer? Forgot his name, but it seems like high rolling sleezebags somehow have something to do with Panama. 

Covid: Christmas five-day relaxation period 'a mistake' Noooooooooo do NOT let them take Christmas away from you, like Mr. Gestapo boots here in QC did. First we were allowed a 4 day celebration period and then people started saying sheite like this and then whoops.... We're now supposed to go drop dead for Christmas instead of celebrate it.


I think that's pretty much the picture wherever there's homeless people now.
Covid lockdown: How a Cardiff family coped in a one-bed flat Not to sound callous or anything.... But weren't they already living in that place before the pandemic started? If so, how'd they manage then? If they could manage then, why not now? I mean it's different if they were living somewhere else but got kicked out because she lost a job or her main income source and was forced to find a cheaper place to live, which resulted in them winding up there, then I understand. Otherwise I don't get why she's whining about it now and not before.


Oh surprise, surprise. Look! See? Another cancellation.... 
China flight attendants advised to wear diapers for Covid protection  I just don't even know what to say about this one, other than over the top maybe?

Yes! Awesome idea! I can just see us Canadians taking our turkey dinner out in the backyard so we can have family over. Setting the table in the knee deep snow, and putting paper plates out on it, which will be blowing in the wind in no time (and no I'm not trying to quote Bob Dylan), with the mashed potatoes, veggies and turkey turning into ice before can even serve them. Not to mention setting the chairs up in the snow or perhaps we can just build a backyard igloo and snow bench seating around the outside of it and use the igloo to put the table with the food on it, inside, to protect it from the wind and excess cold. We allow 1 person in the igloo at a time to get the food they want and when they come out another can go in to get what they want. By the time everyone's gotten something to eat, the person who went in first will be eating icicles if they wait for the last person to come out with their food, so no waiting to toast the meal, before eating. They'll have to ask everyone to excuse their manners and just dig in right away. Yeah, that would be one awesome Christmas meal for sure. A few years ago here in QC we could've had a Christmas Eve dinner outside on the patio with a BBQ too if we wanted as it was +18C outside. I remember that because it was the only time in my life, where I saw a relatively warm Christmas Eve where I could just wear a t-shirt outside. The next day Christmas Day it got to be more seasonal in temperatures, but at least for Christmas Eve that year this idea would've been amenable, otherwise I don't think I've seen a Christmas Eve or Day that would accomodate a Christmas celebration like that.



Yikes! That's a lot! How many people attended that conference to begin with, I wonder? 

That's probably true of a lot of cities.

Wow! That's a lot of work, cut out for her! I hope someone pitches in to help her and to help her cover her costs too!

North Korea accused of using virus to crack down on rights  Ummmm I can think of a few other places that are doing that too and they're supposed to be democratic countries/provinces! Like here in Canada for instance and especially here in QC where the gov't has given the cops the power to enter someone's home if they think there's too many people inside at any given time. Come to think of it the UK is following almost in lockstep with QC and mimmicking QC's every move right down to rescinding the right to have a 4-5 celebratory period during the holidays. The UK hasn't done it yet but they're talking about it in the media and that's how it always starts. So it's pretty much a given that that's what's going to happen there too, like it did here.


Texas couple has saved 68 lives and counting with their COVID-19 plasma donations Good for them! I talked about doing this earlier in the year, if I could've only had an antibodies test to see if I really did have the virus back in January like I thought I did, but nooooooo can't get one of those in Quebec at least not for a reasonable price. And they only just became available a short time ago.

That's it for now, all the headlines to date worthy of mention are posted.... So until next time take care & stay well.