Showing posts with label Experts Demand Govt Transparency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Experts Demand Govt Transparency. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2020

Picking Berries, Tons of Dishes, Shopping & ....



October 11, 2020

The day after our Thanksgiving celebrations left us with a ton of dirty dishes to wash, so much so in fact, we can't have dessert tonight until the dishwasher is finished washing dishes. It's crammed full with just about all the dishes in the house. 

Speaking of Thanksgiving and QC's restrictions on crowds etc... hehehehe.... That's funny, because not a soul seems to care about those restrictions in our area.  Despite the fact that we're in the red zone and everyone is supposed to stay 2 kilometers apart and wear masks at all times and only associate with those in their immediate households. heheheh OMG.... You should've seen the houses we passed with tons of cars in the driveways and parked out front on the road and people wandering around in yards and on top of each other with no masks, like 3 old men we saw near here. We know one of the old men and we know the other 2 don't live in the same house with him and his wife, but yet they were basically on top of each other laughing, talking, slapping each on the back sans masks, etc... I assume their wives were inside doing the same with the lady of the house as well. And we're talking about an old man that was super paranoid in the beginning and wouldn't leave home nor approach anyone closer than 10 feet away (that's 3 meters for anyone not knowing the conversion). He had to have everything ordered online or the phone and delivered - he wouldn't even go out for groceries or medications. Now it appears he's just like us, he doesn't give a flying F about the rules and regulations. Because no one believes it anymore.

But just incase there's some in the Vaudreuil-Dorion district who were intent on having Thanksgiving anyhow.... Hydro Quebec (yes another branch of the miserable nazi QC gov't) is shutting the power off for the whole day to the whole district. So no turkey dinner for you and yours - turkey sandwiches made with cold cuts will have to suffice. Unless you decided to outsmart the miserable SOBS and have your celebrations today. Even all the restaurants are closed except delivery and take out. But there might be a lot of those affected by the power outage too, so the few who aren't will be super busy, so you'll have to wait an eternity for dinner.

Other than doing dishes and shopping I went out to pick what will probably be the final few raspberries and strawberries of the season. I almost didn't get any strawberries though because my husband just decided to go clomping through my garden without watching where he was going while I was screaming at him to stop and not go there, he kept going anyhow while arguing with me about the strawberries. Him saying there's none there (well duh they're under the leaves so you're not going to see them anyhow even if you knew what a strawberry plant looked like to begin with and he doesn't) and me knowing precisely where they are screaming at him telling them are are there. Plus he removed the grapevine supports even though I was telling him not to. I'm telling you he can be clueless when he wants to be and when it comes to gardens he wants to be. He's like the chainsaw wielding guy in Chainsaw Massacre, as he loves to cut just about every plant that's higher than his ankles down to that size. From trees, bushes, garden plants etc... Sometimes I'd like like to strangle him.  'Cept my hands aren't big enough to fit around his neck. Lucky for him. 😏😉
Before we get started, I want to share an awesome video of Dachshunds on UK's Got Talent show, that my neighbour sent me the link to - just to add a touch of awwwww cuteness, to this hideous awful plandemic BS we're going through now. So please enjoy - courtesy of my dear friend and neighbour Marie:  👍
Anywho.... On with the never ending slog of trying to get through the COVID19 headlines some time this century. Because honestly they never end and I just can't keep up with them all. Though I try my best to see & post what I can.  So get comfy and settle in for some reading....

Liberals pledge $1 billion for cities to buy motels, hotels for rapid-housing program That's not going to fix the problem as no one in their right minds want to live a motel or hotel 24/7 365 a year. 


I'm sure a lot of them will appreciate it.

Experts Demand Transparency This is a demand made by scientists (medical, bioethicists, etc...) who work in the field of medicine who are demanding transparency from the government regarding COVID19 (visa a vie where they're getting their data from, who's making the decisions that they use for government policy etc.) They have a petition that they're asking people to sign so they can petition the government to release that information. I'm not sure if that petition can be found at this site or not, but it has a lot of other info on COVID19 etc that you might find useful: Covid19 Resources Canada
Chronic pain patients suffer as treatments delayed due to pandemic You'd think that the only sick people in this world or the ones needing medical attention were solely COVID19 patients, because apparently no one else counts to the medical establishment anymore. Wondering what all the idle cardiologists, endocrinologists, oncologists, orthopedic surgeons etc are all doing with their time these days. Must be a lot of golf club memberships being sold to them and they must be spending an inordinate amount of time at those facilities rather than in hospitals. Seeing as how all their hospital space has been converted to COVID19 wards. 


I don't know why those symptoms were included in the first place, since they never were mentioned as being COVID symptoms from the onset. 

First we're told they can't catch it. Then we're told they can but it's rare. Then we're told yeah they catch it, but it's no where near as severe as it in humans and they rarely if ever die from it. Now we're being told there's a substantial proportion of them catching it. I wish they'd make up their minds. 

Probably because there is a theory in medicine that says that your body needs to be exposed to certain bacteria and viruses in order to build up a resistance against them and know how to handle them and that if the body isn't exposed on a gradual and progressive basis or at all, then when it is exposed suddenly to a "regular sized dose" of it, your body will be overwhelmed and not be able to cope with it at all and go into severe fight mode with excessive responses, like excessively high fevers and auto immune responses that aren't called for to actually fight it off. Kind of akin to taking a sledge hammer to something that only requires a fly's swatter as an analogy. So these social distancing and mask measures maybe harming us more than protecting us in the long run and not just against the COVID virus but all the germs out there.  


Employers Using Private Investigators To Prove Employees Didn’t Get COVID-19 At Work So what if they got it at work or not? If there's an employee there who has it, the rest of the workers should be in quarantine too, at least until their tests come back negative. So it's irrelevant where the employee got the virus from as all employees will be affected by that one employee one way or the other and so will the company (as in what the governments will subject it to - as in closing or having the place completely sanitized professionally or what). 

China sentences property tycoon Ren Zhiqiang to 18 years in prison for criticising Xi Jinping on COVID-19 response Wow! Now imagine what they'd do if you were a virologist who tried to expose the origins of COVID19 to the world!?! Maybe that's why she is asking for asylum in the US.
Pentagon redirected pandemic funds to defense contractors See? It just shows you how seriously even the pentagon takes this virus. The governments all know that this is a run of the mill virus that they can use the excuse of they have no treatment for to keep the masses scared and compliant and towing the lines.


CDC guidelines urge families to avoid trick-or-treating this Halloween In other breaking news from the CDC they are urging families to refrain from laughing and having fun as that may attract the virus - it's a party animal apparently so that's why no one is allowed to have fun, or laugh. This just in, the CDC is issuing an urgent call to stop breathing as exhaling your breath is causing the virus to spread exponentially through the entire universe.  This bit about the breaking news and urgent call from the CDC is being sarcastic & facetious. It's not something they really decreed, so please don't take it seriously. 😷


'PERILOUS POINT' Boris Johnson speech: PM warns Britain facing six MONTHS of stricter lockdown ruining Christmas for millions of families Well yeah. That's the point of this whole exercise isn't it? To break everyone's spirits, wreck their health and ruin the economy, and rid the world of excess population along the way, isn't that the point of this whole exercise? Seems like it is.

Of course they don't want the app. Why would anyone? I mean why would anyone trust the government to be honest about the app and it's abilities or lack thereof to trace your movements or infringe on your privacy in other ways? It's not like they've been overly transparent in their bids to monitor our daily communications otherwise. So if they lied about that, why wouldn't they be lying about this app too?  Same goes for the apps used for that purpose here in North America. The US & Canadian governments are just as guilty as the EU of spying on their citizens, probably more so. We do know for a fact that Canada's spy agency CSIS and the NSA in the USA have and continue to regularly eavesdrop on all our telecommunications whether it's via, cellphone, landline, fax, modem or internet, they intercept and analyse it all. I'm surprised they don't open our postal mail and read the letters before putting them back in the envelopes resealing them and sending them on their way, like the KGB did in the USSR. Maybe the reason they don't is because they have a machine that's capable of doing that through the envelope without opening it and reading it upside down and folded up (like an xray machine that can read multiple layers of handwriting in any direction). Who knows? 

Mental Health Experts Warn About Dangers Of ‘Doomscrolling’ You read that I hope! If so, what're you still doing here? 

Even though my husband and I hug each other often I found that I still needed to be touched by my kids and get a hug from them too. Everyone in my life has a different touch and feel to me and I didn't realize how much I missed the hugs of my son & daughter-in-law until I got some this past summer. We still haven't had the familiar touch of friends touching us on our shoulders or hands etc... We still stay socially distanced from them even when visiting with them. So I miss those casual little touches sometimes too I think.
"Profit over people": The business of Canada's for-profit long-term care sector called into question You could look at that as being the motto for the entire country and not just regarding long term care homes and old age homes. No, it seems to be the way the country is operating now, having people go back to work and school to keep the economy going, but not allowing them to LIVE THEIR LIVES and I don't mean merely exist. I mean actually live - like as in doing things they enjoy doing and maybe even live to do, but they're not being allowed to because OMG we need all the cogs in our wheel, so we can't let them get sick outside doing something they actually enjoy doing. They can only get sick being enslaved by the economy, for the government. 
Anyhow..... That's basically it for now... Be back soon with more. Until then enjoy whatever's left of your long weekend and Thanksgiving holiday, stay well and take care.