Showing posts with label ebooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebooks. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Trucker's Protests, Ebooks, Repressed Truths, Lies & Much More About.....



May 16, 2022

Finally! It rained and cooled the place off a bit. Thankfully, as I frigging hate heat with a passion.

So I managed to get a few chores done, a little bit of shopping that needed doing and made some "Chelada BBQ Sauce" spareribs for supper. It's my own impromptu recipe that I came up with when I realized I didn't have the usual ingredients I use for rib BBQ sauce on hand. As there was nothing sweet in it, it was different. We both liked it enough that I could use this recipe again (and as it's not written down anywhere as of this moment, I decided to post it in here - more appropriate for diabetics than the typical homemade BBQ sauces that uses softdrink as half the mixture). So here it is - for my forgetful memory and anyone else that would like to try it:
๐Ÿ–Chelada BBQ Spareribs Sauce๐Ÿ–

1/2 & 1/2 ketchup and canned Chelada 4% alcohol drink (at least enough combined to make 1 cup if not more - depending on amount of ribs)
1/2 tsp dried cumin
1/4 sweet red bell pepper minced
1/4 medium onion minced
(optional - I didn't have any on hand but would put some in if I did) 1/2 celery stick minced and/or 2 cloves garlic minced

Preboil ribs so they fall apart when prodded with a fork or knife, remove ribs from pot with large tongs and place in an oven safe casserole dish. 

Mix all other ingredients well so that the cumin is well blended with the rest of the sauce. Pour over the preboiled ribs in the casserole dish and bake at 350F for 30 minutes.

Or alternately slather the sauce over the preboiled ribs and fire up the grill and lay them over the hot racks turning on  both sides long enough to get those charcoal lines and serve. 
As we had a wicked downpour around suppertime we had to use the first method for ours, but I would've loved to have tried them on the grill instead. Maybe next time. I might even add in the minced celery & garlic cloves to the mix then too. ๐Ÿ–
During my spare time  today I tripped over and downloaded a few books about Covid - after having found that book about the great Reset by Klause Schwab - the head of the WEF and one of the 2 organizations that hosted the Event 201 conference which is an eyeopener about the plandemic in itself. If you still aren't familar with that event you can find the link by clicking on the Event 201 label in the right hand  label column. It occurred at least a whole month before the plandemic started in Wuhan China. 

Between that, Event 201 which I heartily recommend you watch in it's entirety (yeah it's dry and boring but basically lays everything out about everything), to the 2 Married Pink Elephants (another link in the sidebar for you to follow) which you should not only read all available material there, but also follow all the links in the "bibliography" he supplied and read/watch all of that material too. (Gawd you'll have a doctorate in BS Plandemics - in no time) and read the following books and follow all the links in them (as they're all ebooks with html links in those as well). You can read them on most ereaders or your computer and tablets with the appropriate ereader programs like Adobe Acrobat (for PDF) and Calibre Ereader for almost all other formats (can be downloaded for computers) and for tablets get FreeBook (or FB reader). So you can read them wherever you are - if you have your tablet with you. I'm sure if FB Reader works on Android tablets it also works on Android phones. 

By reading all of those various books and articles and watching all those videos, you will be super well informed about all this BS (and that's precisely what it is now - is pure unadulterated BS) and how the governments lied, covered up and totally misrepresented facts in order to get people to comply with their draconian BS laws. Which (I'm not there yet but in my mind I am) I am sure all had to do with killing off as many people as possible, and jerry rigging the world economy to basically pretty much bankrupt everyone so they (the global and political elite) could suck up everything for themselves.  I intended to follow my own advice and read and watch as much of that as I possibly can, because I really want to get to the bottom of this, as I knew from the beginning it was all being handled wrong and I could never understand why if they genuinely wanted to protect their populations from this virus. 
I always thought that Public Health agency of this country WAS INDEPENDENT FROM THE GOV'T AND ADVISED THE GOVERNMENT ON WHAT TO DO & HOW TO ACT.... 

But piece by piece things are coming together to make more sense..... 

Especially after recent news reports about: Quebec coroner calls for independence in public health director role in final report on long-term care home deaths where this direct quote from the story is copied and pasted verbatim here: 

The government of Quebec needs to ensure the role of the public health director is independent and without any "political constraint"......
So that says a whole lot about why we're in the situation we're in. First Tam acquiesced to bozo brains in Ottawa by continuing to allow Chinese visitors into the country because bozo brains was afraid of offending the Chinese because by then they had the 2 Michaels in custody and were refusing all our goods in trade for one lame excuse after another. 

Then the public health director in QC acquiesced to Legault's power tripping power grabs by declaring whatever he wanted declared so he could basically rule unopposed and mandate all sorts of things from masks and lockdowns to cops entering homes that had one too many people in them (whether they all lived there or not was irrelevant apparently - and using that as lame excuses to give exorbitant bankrupting fines to everyone present in those houses). That's worse than a communist or even a dictator police state. I never heard of cops entering homes with too many people in them, in order to fine them, before. But hey that's what happened here.

Which also allowed Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup to declare an unprecedented nationwide state of emergency and to call the truckers, terrorists, and throw them in jail and confiscate their trucks (means of making a living) and other assets. The only terrorists I saw in Ottawa during that protest was Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup, his entire ILLEGALLY HELD LIEBERAL GOVERNMENT FORMING PARTY & THE TOO TIGHTLY TURBAN WOUND DICTATOR SUPPORTER & HIS NO DAMNEDGOOD PARTY AKA NDP. THOSE ARE THE ONLY TERRORISTS IN OTTAWA THAT I AM AWARE OF FELLOW CANADIANS, Oh Yeah! & THE COPS THEY CALLED IN - THAT BASHED PEOPLE'S HEADS IN RIFLE BUTTS, DESTROYED PRIVATE PROPERTY & RAN PEOPLE DOWN WITH THEIR HORSES.

Anyhow.... I guess I'd better give you the links to the books so you can read them. The other 2 links about Event 201 and the 2 Married Elephants are available by clicking on the label designations for them in the right label side bar. The link to the book about Covid and the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab is available on the previous post, if there's not also a link to it in the sidebar (don't know because in editor mode here, where I'm typing this, all I see is the editor itself). So here's those book links most are available in PDF, EPUB & MOBI:
Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns Part 1 Introduction and Death Counts and Estimates I'd advise you to start with this one - it starts in the beginning of the plandemic. Here's just one of the juicy morsels I found in there that I had no clue about: Oklahoma City hospital closed amid coronavirus spread This is what I mean by follow all the links - you have no idea the information you'll find that lends credence to the fact that this has all been one massive BS hoax in order to gain control over us, our finances, our very existences (as in the seniors old age death camps). 
Not to mention the plea that I posted in here some time ago where a nurse wrote a plea she posted online begging people not to allow themselves or their loved ones to be intubated as there was a good chance they'd come out of that dead, as the intubation process itself tears up people's lungs and airways a good deal of the time and that's even when supposedly qualified people are inserting and removing it. Which in essence is really what kills the person - the intubation process.

When you take all the garnered information together you have no choice but to believe this was planned and the powertripping powermongers who wanted a chance at ruling by decree rather than by a full and fair democractic government took full advantage of this plandemic as we've witnessed world wide. Except in countries where they already had that, like in North Korea. He didn't need the plandemic as he's already an autocractic dictator, so he had no rhyme nor reason to play the game in order to achieve that powertripping high. It's only just now that he claims to have COVID19 in North Korea.

There's another book you should read which was posted in the blog in the last post, but I'll make it easy for you as I seriously do believe you need to read this one as well: Covid-19 The Great Reset schwab2020
As well as visit, read and follow all links posted on the 2 Pink Married Elephants website too (available in the sidebar links).
Now on with the headlines....
Workers are out sick in record numbers, exacerbating labor shortage woes Or maybe the ones being mandated to be vaccinated are pretending to be out sick, while they hunt for other jobs that don't require being vaccinated. Only if they don't find one, will they return and succumb to the mandate, maybe.
The Fed may create a US digital currency and wants your input  If you don't think a Great Reset with a new digital currency is coming, feast your eyes on this article.

Moderna’s Covid Shot Alone Isn’t Enough to Revitalize a Sagging Stock Despite that, on that particular day, Moderna's Stock was valued at $136.26 and Pfizer's at: $50.67

Canada protests against Covid measures gain steam I have never been so proud of my fellow Canadians as when they took these steps to stand up against the tyranny of the Federal and provincial draconian dictators! 

CDC backs Moderna COVID-19 shots after full US approval Of course they only gave full approval months after they gave Pfizer their full approval - and that's only because Anthony Fauci & Bill Gates are heavily invested in Pfizer but probably not at all in Moderna. So they wanted to give Pfizer a head start at making money while holding Moderna off. It's all a colossal money making scam. 

US closely tied to 'nationwide insurrection' in Canada against COVID mandates: Live updates The birdbrains that run Yahoo had no problem hanging on to this headlines - because it goes along with their narrative that anyone opposing this BS  is basically an insurrectionist or a terrorist, but they had to get rid of the headline from the same date of "CDC backs Moderna COVID 19 shots after full US approval", which I had to look for elsewhere. Of course they had to bury that one as quick as possible because after all they want their piddly little Pfizer share prices to increase because right now they're not making any money compared to Moderna's (the stock stories above were taken from the same time frame as this story). The fact that the birdbrains cited above goes along with this narrative shows what kind of morons they are, when they can't understand that the "nation wide insurrection" has to do with fighting back against government tyranny and dictatorship. (I should've done the headlines in hindsight since the beginning - then I'd have had a better idea of what was really going on and why).


Police target fuel supply for 'Freedom Convoy' demonstration in Ottawa So it was illegal to buy fuel in Ottawa apparently.... Talk about gov't overreach.

Ottawa police expect another 24 hours of traffic disruptions, demonstrations from ‘Freedom Convoy’ rally  Now this is the actual headlines that was supposed to be here but can no longer find at all on the web anywhere. Reddit had a copy of it, but Reddit forced the user who posted it to take it down, even though it was originally a CBC report.... "After night of fireworks, calls from convoy organizers for quieter morning go unheard | CBC News". It was originally posted on  But I guess the night of fireworks while noisy wasn't really all that scary or insurrectionist so it had to be removed while the more "news like" or "bad behaviour like" headlines had to replace it. Nothing like changing the facts after-the-fact is there... Except for one thing... I have the headlines from the date they were posted not the new whitewashed versions of them. So that allows me to see what's really going down out there in "fake newsland" and how they rewrite and reword things to suit their version of events after the fact when they think no one's looking, or will catch them.

No end in sight to Ottawa protests, not enough resources, says police chief As this ties in with the narrative they want of this whole affair, they left this story and it's title there and alone as it originally was. Same site - CBC.... Canadian BS Corp.

Impasse in Ottawa as protesters settle in, police are strained and politicians search for solutions | Nation World News Again this is another news story that conveniently went missing at: instead the headlines taking it's place is: Ottawa declares state of emergency as police boost enforcement, target protest's fuel supply a much more hardline stance against the protesters than the earlier "impasse story" sounded to be.  So do you see what's going on here folks? I mean it's right before your very eyes. I have bookmarked headlines in my bookmark folder. I follow them but get an entirely different headlines instead but the actual original story that was there is now available at another site.  Infact, I'll post the actual raw URL here so you can see I'm not making this up....  ----> See the word "impasse in that URL? Now if you don't believe me that it's now the "Ottawa declares state of emergency" story, all you have to do is copy and paste it into your browser's goto line at the top of the browser - usually the long empty white line at the top and hit enter.  Et voila folks, proven once again what kind of BS this plandemic puts all of us truth seekers through. 

Long road to recovery for Quebec's cultural sector after COVID-19 shutdowns Ouiiiiii ca va prendre de temps pour le revenir de poutine et sirop d'erable, en maudit tabernac, et l'hockey. Mais moi je peut oblier ca sans problemes. 
Protests against COVID-19 measures continue in cities across Canada Again, another headline that wasn't there, at this particular URL now: So as you can see, I'm not making this sheite up - the obvious biases these news sites have.

Quebec City convoy ordered to leave the National Assembly Oh but miraculously this one was still there, it's an original CBC news story appearing on Yahoo's news site. Funny how they both have room for the removal of the convoys stories but not for the nicer "fireworks" stories or the stories that demonstrate country wide support like the one above citing protests in other cities across Canada. Do you see their biases and BS yet or not? Because I'm sure there'll be many more examples I'll be able to cite and use if need be but right now I'd rather just post the headlines and if other, comments other than how far and wide I had to chase it down because the original no longer exists or does but has been rewritten, I'd rather just do my own comments on them rather than show how we're being lied to and things are being covered up and expunged from history so to speak.

‘The case for masks became hugely stronger’: scientists admit their Covid mistakes From the git go I was recommending masks, seeing as how it was deemed to be a respiratory virus.  Even now that the mask mandate is repealed here in QC, I keep a mask with me at all times in case, I'm asked by the premises I'm visiting to wear one, or in case there's one too many coughers in the environment for me to feel comfortable, then I have a mask I can put on to protect myself.

What will endemic COVID look like? Not like the flu, more like a cold Yeah like a cold that never goes away. Most colds and flus are seasonal, instead COVID seems to be around all the time. So this "endemic COVID cold" will be around forever too, probably.

Pantyhose found to be effective facemask hack for better protection - study That'll freak the machine gun toting bank guards out a tad too much I think, so don't wear one of those pantyhose improvised face masks if you intend on going to the bank. Just to be on the safe side.




Canadian police make arrests amid 'Freedom Convoy' protests and seize fuel, vehicles So much for our rights to protest, or to buy & own gas in Ottawa....

Alaska truckers form convoy to support Canadian protests  It was nice to see all the support that sprung up throughout the world. Just wish it could've evolved into something with more pressure on the wanna-be dictators out there and made them sit up and take notice and change their draconian BS tunes.

Two years after his death, the Chinese doctor who warned of the virus is remembered. Good, he deserves to be remembered for many more years to come. Too bad  none of the braindead idiots that run this world listened to him.

Police raid on Ottawa protest camp is strongest show of enforcement yet Because this is a hardline headline AGAINST the truckers, this story was allowed to remain. 

'Blockaded by an angry, loud, intolerant and violent crowd': Federal officials say 'unlawful' Ottawa occupation needs to end Yeah, I mean doesn't that guy in that picture just epitomize "angry, loud, intolerant and violent"????? ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’ Talk about exaggerations. OMG.... 

The latest on protests against COVID-19 measures in Ottawa and beyond Another one I had to track down as it was no longer on Yahoo, where I found it originally.


Well that's enough for now... There'll be more backlogged headlines soon, so stick around. Until next time take care & stay well.
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:







Friday, April 8, 2022

A Small Update Regarding .....

 Covid 19


April 7, 2022

As you might've guessed in my last posted headlines, I never completely got through with all stories dealing with the massive protests here in Canada via the truckers & their supporters (of which I am one), and the draconian dictatorship that reared it's ugly head as a result. So there are more previously unposted headlines dealing with that, along with a few others (if I can manage as I still have a cast of sorts on my thumb - it had to be rebroken and put into a kind of cast on March 22nd at the Montreal General Hospital). I will try to get to as many as I can before signing off for the night until the next time I'm feeling up to it to resume. As I don't know when that might be, I'm not making any promises, as I still have 4-6 weeks to go with this thing on my thumb and as per usual whenever I leave a busy medical facility I get all the germs on the loose in them, so I also got Omicron and was not up to speed for a week after I left there, because of that. I had all the symptoms posted about the 2nd version of Omicron BA.2 I think it is. I treated myself the same way I treated myself when I got the original version of Covid19 back in January 2020, with Robitussin pills, and acetaminophen with codeine and after a week it disappeared as fast as it came on. 
So, I'll see how busy I am, as Easter is also on the horizon and as it takes me way longer to do things because of my thumb, it'll take me longer to prepare all the Easter goodies I have planned to make (assuming I can).  A friend of mine also has a birthday coming up shortly after Easter and I wanted to make something for her, but I'm not even sure I can, but I want to try. Plus we still have the house up for sale, meaning everytime there's a visitor we have to leave and go somewhere for the time they'll be here and if we do actually sell the place, we'll have to pack and start looking for a place to move to. And on the 26th I have to go back to the hospital for follow up x-rays etc to see how my thumb is doing and figure out what comes next, I guess. Plus my husband wants to build some waist high planter boxes for me to plant a couple of mini - 4x8 feet gardens (the size of a sheet of plywood). So that ought to keep me busy as well. 
Not to mention I promised myself I'd start taking my daily walks that I stopped taking in 2007 when my knee got dislocated and remained so for 4 years afterwards. During that time I learnt to cook better thanks to the apprentice chef my son was dating for awhile back then, and I quit smoking as well. So that was a really dangerous combination for my weight, the lack of activity due to inability to walk, quitting smoking and improving my cooking abilities - meaning I ate more and exercised less. Ergo weight gain. Not to mention 2007 was the year I hit 50, so that figured into all of it as well. I know I'll never regain that figure and looks I had then, but at least I can prevent myself from getting worse. I hope. So a walking regimen is due to start the moment the sun comes out and it's not boiling hot. With any luck I'll lose an ounce or two here and there. Hey, I recently found out that my bones are better than most young people's are, because of the osteoporosis treatments I've undergone and still take supplements for. So I should be able to manage a walk for 45 minutes to an hour every weekday, like I did before except when it was super hot, raining or in the winter (due to ice & me being incompatible - take my recent broken thumb as an example of that). I can handle ice but only if I'm wearing skates and the ice is suitable for skating on, otherwise forget it. That weather still left plenty time for me to get the walking in that I needed to keep my weight down and allow me to eat like a horse. So it should be again. First though it's the weight that has to come down, before I can maintain it. Speaking of horses, maybe if I can manage it, I'll walk down to the equestrian stables to see and pet the horses like I used to do when the kids came for walks with me when they were young.

So as I said above, I will get to as many backlogged headlines tonight as I can and the rest will have to wait for whenever, I'm able to again, as this plandemic doesn't seem to be in much of a rush to play itself out, so it looks like it's apt to be around with us for a long time to come still and who knows, maybe forever. Hope not, but it sure seems like it might be at times. So that means this blog is apt to keep going for sometime yet. But as I want to live a life too, this will evolve into more of a time filler for me, than something I feel I need to do. So whenever I have nothing to do and am bored, I'll probably work on it, but if I have something better to do, that will take precedence over this.

So anywho..... On with it now....

This is not a headlines but a book, for those who are unfamiliar with Canadian system of politics, its in PDF format so Adobe Acrobat Reader should help you read it: The Canadian Regime: An Introduction to Parliamentary Government in Canada, 7th Edition Just download it from the longfiles link given on that page.

Dangerous Men: Ideology and the Personification of Evil Again another ebook you can download, that details what Canadian politicians consider to be dangerous men - which incidentally NONE of them especially TURDeau see themselves as, but DO SEE HARD WORKING TRUCKERS WHO ARE STANDING UP FOR OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, AS. 

Bickerton and Gagnon: Canadian Politics, 7th Edition Another PDF book you can download, basically covering Canadian politics and policies on various topics including the relationship with the US - which may explain why TURDeau went nuclear ballistic on the truckers after Biden  told him, you do something about this or we will. What right Biden has to meddle in Canadian affairs, is beyond me. His authority stops at the border. If TURDeau had half the guts that Chretien or Landry (a former PQ leader in Quebec) had, he'd have told Biden in  no uncertain terms where the bear crossed the river and for him to keep his scrawny assed scarecrow nose out of our business. But instead the little chicken sheite that went into hiding because of the "big bad scary terrorist truckers" had to crawl out of his hiding hole and put his big boy pants on and show the truckers who's really in charge or Mr. Stickman south of the border was going to be wagging his scrawny fingers in TURDeau's face over it and he can't have that.

So those 3 books might shed some light on the BS Canadian political system for those who are wondering if we have a democracy or a dictatorship, as several European Leaders were wondering as of late. Let's see if I can find that link, to those videos as that was precious. At least some people out there in the world found some courage to speak the truth to the conniving BS dictator that now rules Canada with the support of the clown who's brain has it's blood cut off by the too tightly wound turban he wears. Two wanna-be dictators in cahoots with each other propping each other's sorry asses up. Wait we're not at 2025 yet (when this supposed conspiracy to keep Mr. Moron Face in power is set to end) before we even get close to that time, what do you want to bet those two clowns will form a coalition and basically shred the constitution (like they did during the plandemic & with the trucker protest) and declare a dictatorship with no more elections ever!?! You don't think that could happen? Really? Did you think that any politician in any jurisdiction in Canada whether that was a provincial, territorial or Federal jurisdiction would ever rule unilaterally without any opposition like ALL OF THEM DID DURING THE ENTIRE PLANDEMIC?????? So it didn't just happen once as in one politician did that, ALL 13 of them did! So it happened 13 times not counting the additional times where there were elections and a former leader who  was ruling at the start of the plandemic got voted out and replaced with another premier that had autocratic control of their legislature like all the other heads of provinces and the country did. Did any of you ever think that could or would happen here in Canada???? Ever??? At all???? I bet there isn't one reader who'd have thought that could happen here in Canada before it did. Right???? So why would you discount what I'm saying above???? Because everything else I've said would happen as a result of all the sheite going on has happened. It's so simple to see what's coming down the line at us when  you connect all the dots. And unless we have those two wanna-be dictators ousted, that pretty much is a given in my books.

So now I'm going to wade through my bookmark file to look for those 2 links backing up what I just said above......

Or you may prefer this version which seems to be more complete: "You are a disgrace": German MP calls out Trudeau to his face during intense speech (VIDEO)

They're both from the same organization, but the first one is from the Montreal branch and the 2nd is from the Vancouver branch - I can only surmise the Montreal one left out some of the more salient bits because TURDeau is an MP from a Montreal riding.

Like the old saying goes if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck. Same for sheite head if he's recognized as a dictator in previously communist countries that had dictators at their helms then I guess that means sheite head IS A BONAFIDE DICTATOR.

Now for the blood flow cut off from the brains bozo supporting the wannabe dictator currently at the helm, agreement....

Liberals, NDP leadership reach tentative deal to support Trudeau government to 2025 That tightly wound oxygen deprived brain sold his soul for dental care for kids under 12. Meaning basically for no one. Kids don't even have their full set of adult teeth until they're 12-13 years old. Ergo most dental work on kids isn't even recommended let alone needed as they'll lose their baby teeth to be replaced by their adult teeth as per this schedule:

Upper Jaw Permanent Teeth Eruption Sequence

  • Central incisor - Eruption time at 7 to 8 years
  • Lateral incisor - Eruption time at 8 to 9 years
  • Canine (cuspid) - Eruption time at 11 to 12 years
  • First premolar (first bicuspid) - Eruption time at 10 to 11 years
  • Second premolar (second bicuspid) - Eruption time at 10 to 12 years
  • First molar - Eruption time at 6 to 7 years
  • Second molar - Eruption time at 12 to 13 years
  • Third molar (wisdom teeth) - Eruption time at 17 to 21 years

Lower Jaw Permanent Teeth Eruption Sequence

  • Third molar (wisdom tooth) - Eruption time at 17 to 21 years
  • Second molar - Eruption time at 11 to 13 years
  • First molar - Eruption time at 6 to 7 years
  • Second premolar (second bicuspid) - Eruption time at 11 to 12 years
  • First premolar (first bicuspid) - Eruption time at 10 to 12 years
  • Canine (cuspid) - Eruption time at 9 to 10 years
  • Lateral incisor - Eruption time at 7 to 8 years
  • Central incisor - Eruption time at 6 to 7 years

So essentially he's having Mr. Moron Face Dressup cover a NON-ESSENTIAL SERVICE, while ignoring those who ACTUALLY NEED DENTAL HELP - the low income adults and seniors on OAS. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT NEED DENTAL HELP. Not kids who are going to lose that tooth any how.  Again the kids that don't need help gets helped while the seniors who do need the help gets ignored.  Unless you're a senior that's still around in 2023.... While we all hope to be, being a senior means we could be, like we might not be - the odds are more against us being around in 2023 than they are against 12 year olds being around then. So good luck with attaining help with dental issues seniors. Here's hoping you live long enough to see it.

That's as per this budget passed today: How the 2022 federal budget impacts yo

Okay now for some of the backlogged headlines.....

COVID Data Tracker From the CDC. So presumably it's data only from the US.

Pope questions vaccine skeptics, including cardinals  Like I said, some of these stories are really old. This is just one example of them.

'Misinformation can kill people': Friends and family grieve loss of loved ones who refused COVID vaccines Oh what'd'ya know? This story is still posted on Yahoo but the one posted the same day about a long weekend becoming a 9 week lockdown  in Vietnam isn't! Wondering why? 

Religious exemption to vaccine mandates may be difficult to obtain, as Amish case shows 

Federal workers can be fired for refusing vaccination, but must show up to work until their cases are determined, new guidance says  

Why Biden Bet It All on Mandates

Rowlett Restaurant Owner Explains No-Mask Policy After Asking Family To Leave Only in the US.

Times Square stormed by anti-vaxxers protesting in NYC

Some Rich People Are Counting Their Antibodies ‘Like Calories’  Like my mother used to say some people have more money than brains.

On the front lines of the U.S. homicide epidemic: Milwaukee faces historic violence The plandemic is being blamed for this and it's not hard to fathom, considering all the social distancing measures, the shut down of the economy & all the rest of it.

Premier Jason Kenney implored to seek military backup as Alberta health-care system crumbles

Ontario officials working to help Alberta's stricken health-care system battle COVID-19 surge 

Calgary UCP MLA says Alberta's COVID-19 inaction will 'cost us lives'

Canada's Trudeau hammers rival over COVID-19 stance on last day of campaign 

Incoming passengers recovered from COVID to no longer need a PCR test I don't see why not considering you can keep getting this stupid thing over and over and over again apparently.

Brazil’s Unvaccinated Far-Right President Bolsonaro Forced to Eat Pizza on the Street in NYC

S&P 500 falls 1.7% for its worst day since May, Dow sheds 600 points 

U.S. to ease travel restrictions for foreign visitors who are vaccinated against Covid

COVID-19’s US death toll on verge of surpassing that of 1918-19 Spanish Flu pandemic  That's a pretty grim statistic.

Pfizer says its Covid vaccine is safe and generates robust immune response in kids ages 5 to 11

Horse owners are struggling to buy ivermectin as Americans scramble for the unproven COVID-19 treatment and Amazon sellers cash in by gouging prices, reports say 

Flight bookings plummet amid delta variant fears 

Canada election 2021 live results: Liberals miss out on a majority government, but still nab win in historic pandemic vote  This should NEVER EVER EVER have happened! I simply can't believe Canadians are all collectively that stupid that they have to keep getting kicked in the head by this idiot before they realize they were duped. I've never seen such a huge number of eligible voting idiots in my entire life. All those who voted for that imbecile this time around need to have their voting rights removed, until they can be edjumekated properly. Seriously! Two years of Mr. Wanna Be Dictator's autocratic control wasn't enough to show them what this clown is all about?  Edjumekated, where they get to learn what opposition parties are for, what our constitutional rights are and the fact that NO ONE EXCEPT GOD can abrogate them on us, and what autocratic dictatorships are. Maybe if they knew even half of that, they would've voted differently because I can't believe that if they were well educated and knew half of that that they'd still vote the way they did, enabling that asshole to get back into power again. Sorry but if you voted for that imbecile, you deserve this, because it's because of you and others like you that we're faced with what we're faced with now. So if the shoe fits wear it. The next time you get into a polling booth lay off the wacky tobacky that he legalized and stop thinking about his looks/hair/whatever turns your crank about him and start thinking seriously about all the harm he's done to our country and how he trampled our constitutional rights without any qualms whatsoever. THAT'S WHAT YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT THE NEXT TIME YOU HAPPEN UPON A CHANCE TO DEPOSE THIS WANNA-BE DICTATOR.

Health and education workers support idea of 'bubble zones' after anti-vaccine protests at schools, hospitals

Health Minister Christian Dubรฉ promises 'mammoth' changes to public system hehehe they were mammoth alright. Basically he's done away with the need to see a doctor at all, by insisting everyone calls 811 instead. Who are basically going to tell you  to go see a doctor or go to the hospital. Except there aren't any walk-in clinics around anymore (none that I know of anyhow) and going to a hospital - unless there's a good chance you'll die in the next 10 minutes you won't be seen for hours - anywhere from say 10 hours to 36 hours. So um yeah...

Why Alberta's new COVID-19 vaccine card could lead to fakes

'This election was an abuse of power': Canadians criticize, roast Liberal leader Justin Trudeau after repeat minority win in 2021 election That election was nothing in the way of "abuse of power" compared to his over-the-top draconian full on nuclear mode dictatorship  response to the trucker protests earlier this year. That election abuse of power was tame in comparison to the trucker crackdown.

Biden promises ‘relentless diplomacy’ to skeptical allies Personally, I don't think the scarecrow stickman knows the meaning of the word "diplomacy". He wasn't too diplomatic when it came to telling Mr. Moronface Dressup what to do about the truckers and lately he's shown he's clueless about what diplomacy is, by the names he's been calling Putin and basically just sticking the stick in the hornet's nest trying to stir it up. But then again maybe it's intentional and not all the fault of old age dementia, who knows?

San Francisco’s mayor blasted for dancing maskless at a crowded club. She called her critics the ‘fun police.’ Uh uh, no way, those troops were all here and all based here in QC, at the time, as Legault's special gestapo force charged with ticketing anyone out one minute past a certain time, singing in a bar, walking a centimeter too close to someone else, not wearing a mask out in public, walking a dog more than one kilometer (which is roughly a half a mile) from home with exorbitant bankrupting fines. They're all still here and on stand by waiting for the next time Legault decides to go draconian on us again. So the "fun police" couldn't have been there too.

A Caribbean Island’s Audacious Tourism Experiment

Brazil’s unvaccinated Bolsonaro appears to break U.N. vaccine ‘honor system’ during address 

Gas station clerk murdered for asking a customer to wear a mask Okay, I know murdering someone for any reason is wrong, so I'm not trying to defend him, I'm merely pointing out the headlines and how the media gets you to read stories, by sensationalizing headlines and exaggerating the circumstances. While the headlines is technically correct, it's not what you would think it is. It's not a customer sitting in  his car or standing at the pumps pumping gas that they're asking to wear a mask, whereby the customer takes exception and kills the clerk. No, he's not outside or in his own vehicle at all. He's in the store trying to buy beer. 

People are worried about going back to the office because they don’t want to poo at work  As with the rest of it, I'm wondering why all of a sudden now that things are supposedly getting back to normal people are suddenly worried about things they always must've done, been exposed to, or taken for granted before, now suddenly worry them? I mean up until the first lockdowns & working from home started in 2020 as a result of the plandemic, what did people do before? Like the people who have health problems who are belly-aching because mask mandates are being abolished because they wish for their sakes they'd go on forever. What did those people do before the plandemic happened and no one even thought of wearing a mask except at Hallowe'en? What'd they do then?  I mean all of this bruhaha and worrying about every little thing, especially things that were perfectly normal before the plandemic, is just over the top silliness and the idiots in power pandering to those worry-warts ought to be locked up in a  luney-bin right along side the worry-warts they're pandering to. I mean if your pysche is too fragile to handle normal day to day life there's more wrong with you  then  you realize and you need professional help in a psych ward, ASAP.

German officials fear anti-mask radicalization after killing Well people were and continue to be fed up with all these mandates and vaccines and booster shots, none of which seems to have been of any use in stopping or even slowing the virus down any.

Melbourne police fire pepper balls, pellets to break up COVID-19 protest More Dictators'R'Us in supposedly other democratic countries. Funny how they're all Commonwealth countries....Canada, NZ, Australia and the UK..... Wondering what's the agenda here?

New Zealand Cops Arrest Men Entering Locked-Down City With ‘Large Amounts’ of Illicit KFC OMG..... KFC is illicit in NZ now???? Why what crime did Colonel Sanders commit there I wonder? Talk about Dictators 'R' Us, I guess that beitch along with the Prime Minister/President whatever they like to call themselves in Australia, Mr. Moronface Dressup and 2 Faced Bad Hair Johnson must have some dictator's play book they're all taking direction from. Legault must've got his grimy paws on a French copy of it, too as he seems to want to snuff all the fun and interest out of life as well. SF Mayor that's where the Fun Police really are.... In Canada, NZ, Australia and somewhat in  the UK, except at Johnson's backyard parties.

Are Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Cards The New Fake IDs? 

Emmys granted exemption to COVID-19 mask rules  

Unvaccinated forward Zac Rinaldo reportedly 'not welcome' at Blue Jackets camp 

Australian police fire rubber bullets to clear demonstration at Melbourne's war memorial as third day of rallies by anti-vaxxers turns violent  I'd lay odds of 2 to 1 that the cops are the ones that started the violence or provoked it in some way. Just like what happened in Ottawa at the trucker protest. Until the cops showed up it was peaceful, but after they arrived things changed. They started bashing people with rifle butts, smashing and damaging trucks with their rifle butts, running over people in the crowd with their horses and you name it.

VIRUS SCARE New Covid variant found in Kentucky nursing home has deadly mutations that could evade virus antibodies This is an R.1 variant. Little talked about and little known variant.

Breakthrough COVID-19 cases expected to become more common in coming months Which is another way of saying the vaccines and boosters don't work, so people are still getting infected anyhow, no matter how many doses they've had of that snake oil elixir trying desperately to pass off as vaccines.

Travel in Canada is a prize for the vaccinated and vigilant Orrrr they could just travel across country or province to province using their own vehicles.

Delirium very common among severe COVID-19 cases

Ontario COVID-19 vaccine passport: What you need to know about the certificate, fines and exemptions They're not being used anymore but when they were first introduced this is what Ontarians needed to know about them.

Doctors say Sask. vaccine exemption letters not a free pass to avoid COVID shots

Moderna vaccine provides better long term protection against COVID-19 hospitalisation than Pfizer: CDC study 

Which Covid vaccine is better? How long does it last? The most common vaccine questions answered

Vaccine passports OK during pandemic: Ontario Human Rights Commission  Hmmmm they said they're alright, but I wonder what the constitution would say about it?

Cabinet shuffle won't save Jason Kenney from COVID-19 crisis in Alberta, critics say

Canada election: How Kenney's handling of COVID-19 may have hurt Conservative votes in Alberta 

'Can't take it anymore': Operating-room nurses at Lakeshore Hospital stage sit-in, refusing move to ICU

As COVID-19 vaccine passports kick in, doctors see a rise in medical exemption requests – but few patients who actually qualify 

COVID-19 patients in B.C.'s north being flown elsewhere for care as local hospitals hit limits

Is it COVID or a cold? How to know as Omicron cases rise I had all of the symptoms listed there except the shortness of breath. I knew it wasn't the flu as I had my flu shot back in the fall when they were giving them out and I came down with it just a couple of days  after going to the Montreal General Hospital. As I never get fevers unless I'm dying or it's something serious, and I got a fever this time, along with all the other symptoms especially the scratchy throat, runny nose and fatigue, I knew it was Omicron - but was it Omicron or the variant of it. Not sure.

Pfizer Canada to apply for authorization for kids' COVID vaccine Like I said these are old headlines, so we now know they not only applied for it, but got it as well and have used it on almost all kids in Canada.

Infection-control practices at the Herron were lacking, coroner's inquest is told  There are still reports about atrocities committed at that place that are still coming out today. Including no one on staff being there when a nurse who's mother lodged there showed up to see her, and medication mix-ups or not being given at all, the administrator pleading with people in charge of the medical and social services here in Quebec to help them, but being ignored and you name it.

Police in Sherbrooke, Que. searching for man who allegedly punched nurse for vaccinating his wife

Clover's COVID-19 shot tames delta in pivotal study, delivering boost to global vaccination campaign 

The cure for COVID-19 may come from bats

Half of moms are postponing plans of having more children due to COVID Smart women, because we're not only dealing with Covid now, but super inflation rates, skyrocketing cost of living and uncertainty due to the war in Ukraine. The world's just gone to hell in handbasket right now.

Dr. Fauci Warns of "Terrible" New Death Rate

MTA To Start Issuing $50 Fines To Riders Not Wearing Masks 

At an Overrun ICU, ‘the Problem Is We Are Running Out of Hallways’

Domestic flight vaccine mandate? Not ‘off the table’ 

Moderna chief executive sees pandemic over in a year - newspaper That would be nice but we're already pretty much 3/4s of the way through that year since he made that prediction and it doesn't look like it'll be ending anytime soon, let alone 4 months from now.

Anders Tegnell: Sweden won the argument on Covid

Semiconductor shortage that has hobbled manufacturing worldwide is getting worse 

Costco warns customers over delays on essential household item That's weird as there doesn't seem to be any shortage of the stuff around here and never was, that I'm aware of.

Why Liquor Shortages Caused By The COVID-19 Pandemic Persist In Some States  And  now with the Russian Vodka being removed from shelves, that only makes the problem worse, I'd think.

Sri Lanka shaman dies of Covid after touting 'blessed' water cure

Kicked In The Ribs. Harassed At Vaccine Sites. Health Care Workers Are Tired Of New 'Normal'  

Mormon church to require masks in temples amid COVID surge

A ‘Get COVID’ Party Helped Overrun Alberta’s ICUs: Report  Sometimes I wonder if some people are naturally born bereft of a brain, or if they actually have one but haven't figured out how to use it yet....

Both vaccinated? Oregon health officials say you can kiss on dates again

Restaurant staff seeking proof of vaccination receive threats, verbal abuse If there's no law requiring you show proof of vaccination in order to get into an establishment and that establishment is requiring it anyway, all you have to do is boycott that establishment and go elsewhere.

Saskatoon YMCA to require proof of vaccination to pick up children, enter building starting Oct. 1 hmmm was that even legal? I mean how would that work if you dropped your kid off there to participate in some activity there and then later show up to pick them up, but you're not vaccinated so the YMCA is what? Holding your kid hostage? Kidnapping them? Removing them from your custody without a court order permitting them to do so????? Because all of those options are what it would seem like to me. Meaning I don't believe they can legally do that and get away with it. All they'd need is for some parent to press charges against them for that. Seriously.

As it's well past my bedtime and I can barely see through my eyes anymore I've got to end it here, but as you can tell these are old headlines from last year that never got posted. The next time I pick up posting headlines in here, will be from where I left off, so there's a full-ish record of the plandemic out there for posterity if nothing else. 

So stay well and try your best to evade that virus, until next time.




Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Lots of Headlines to Get to About....



February 15, 2021

As you might've surmised by the picture above, some serious border controls have been introduced in various parts of the world, recently. The most stringent being in the UK, which came into effect today apparently. Since there's a rather steep fine and or jail time associated with breeching the laws surrounding that border control mandate, I thought everyone visiting the blog ought to be made aware of it, in case they have travel plans to the UK.
There's new rules in effect for people coming into Canada today as well. I do believe it's for those crossing the land border between our country and the US.  There shall be more about this in the news stories posted below. So keep your eyes peeled if you need that particular information.
Anyhow, I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day with their significant other. I know I did. We had planned to have something specific for supper, but wound up having something else entirely - which was an awesome surprise to me as it's my all time favourite meal, which up until yesterday I had to rely on my own recipes I concocted for it, because I didn't know the real recipe (I was close but no cigar). All I had wrong though was I was using Sherry instead of vinegar in the recipe. Anyhow I found the recipe, online,  from one of the family members of the restaurant that invented and served this recipe.  When I made it as per their recipe, it was awesome! Now I don't have to go back to NS just to get a decent serving of it, I can make it in my own kitchen now. That is so awesome! 
But what's even more awesome is my husband agreed to have some with me, for dinner, because he is not a big lover of fish or seafood, so a hot lobster sandwich isn't his thing. He's more of a smoked meat sandwich guy. 
Hmmmm, I just noticed something..... Both of our favourite sandwiches are regional to the areas where we grew up. I'm from SW NS, which is where that lobster sandwich was invented and he's from the Montreal area, where Smoked Meat originates. 
If anyone wants the recipe to that lobster sandwich there's a link to it on my Valentine's page - just click on the Valentine's label in the right hand side bar to get there. 
Then afterwards we watched a movie together with a glass of wine in hand. That was our pandemic lockdown Valentine's celebration. Normally we'd go out to a restaurant where we could enjoy a good meal and a drink in a nice ambience. 
Now on with the neverending news about this dreaded disease and all the fallout from it.... 
Challenges to Covid-19 Lockdowns Have Been Mostly Losing in Court  This is bad, bad news. If they're losing in the US, they'll never fly in Canada, because in the US the courts actually knows what their constitution says and means, whereas in Canada the whole entire judicial system from the courts on down to lawyers have no f'n clue what it says or means or how to interpret it or defend it, apparently because everytime there's a case that someone wants to bring to court because of the constitutionality involved in the case, it's a big deal just to find a lawyer who can do that. Then the judges have to deliberate on it forever before making a decision of any kind so it could be decades before we'd know if our laws breached our civil rights as defined in our constitution. Meanwhile they've rotted in the jail cell forever, if they refuse to grant them bail. 

Even despite the much hyped vaccination campaign? Hmmmm..... Wondering why.... 


COVID-19: More than a quarter of adults struggling financially as pandemic bites - poll That's sad. Considering it's ALL the gov't's fault 1) because they didn't act soon enough to close their borders to all incomers when the plandemic first started and 2) because it was by their mandates that people were forced to shut down their businesses causing all of this hardship. So it should be the gov't that pays these people to support them during this time!!!! Not charities and other organizations but the ones directly responsible for all this BS, namely the governments!!!!! Not just in the UK either, but all the gov'ts who can be tarred with the same brush. Like this book  Snakes and Ladders: The great British social mobility myth  depicts, to the ruling elite it's all just a game, they let you climb so high on the socio-economic ladder and then whoops that's it, you're back down on the ground again. I think they play that game all over the western world, because they're very adept at playing it in North America too as the next story demonstrates....

Again very sad! And I applaud Biden for giving them some relief in the form of a $1,400 cheque, but in the case of these people I think it's going to take much more than that to get them at least in some form of secure shelter with enough food to eat. And same as I just said above, it should be the gov'ts responsibility to take care of them since it's the gov't's negligence and then resulting policies  that caused them to be in this position in the first place! So the gov't is the guilty party here (no matter who the president was at the time) and they need to fix it, but in the meantime they also need to help the people that were worst affected by their negligence and lousy decisions. 
Manitoba buys COVID-19 vaccine candidate, first province to bypass Ottawa Quebec should do the same thing, only buying the one made in Quebec by Medicago. 

Parents of children returning to UK alone face ‘stressful’ quarantine dilemma What's going to happen to the kids if they forget to mention some place they've been? Or don't understand what's being asked and so answer erroneously? Are they going to be fined 10,000 pounds and locked up for 10 years too?
The science behind why hobbies can improve our mental health Without even reading this article I can tell you why they help me. First they give me something to focus my attention and mind on while I'm working on them. I mean you have to watch what you're doing when you're using dremels,  utility knives, hot wax, woodburning tools, sewing needles or machines,  or knitting patterns - counting stitches and rows and paying attention to all the various stitch instructions. (And yes I actually use all those things, along with a lot of other tools, materials and machines in my crafts) You can't afford to let your mind wander - you have to stay focused. So if you're staying focused and concentrating on what you're doing, you aren't thinking about other things. Plus once you complete your project, it gives you a sense of satisfaction and if others compliment you on it, a sense of pride as well. That's why I enjoy making things (not just crafts but food items as well, from a jar of chutney or jam, to jerky, or bread to a sumptuous feast for guests.) It gives me not only something to do but something else to focus my mind on so I can forget about what's going on out there in the world for a little while. 

I hope they get the answers they're looking for and if they do they share them with the rest of the world, so we all know.
China refused to give COVID data: WHO investigator Right there it looks like they have something to hide and are trying to cover it. So why wouldn't we think they had something to do with it, when they refuse to be transparent about it?

7 Small Things You Can Do to Help Protect Yourself From COVID-19 Variants All good advice, amazingly. Since we don't see that in the media very often. 

Pharmacies ready to help administer COVID-19 vaccines across Canada, association says Good. Then if it goes the same way they administered the flu shot in November, we don't have to do anything except answer a phone, make an appointment note on the calendar and show up at the appropriate time wearing the appropriate clothing (short sleeved shirt). 

Families could get stimulus checks every month, starting this summer  Not sure if they have family allowance in the US or not, already. If not this may be their excuse to implement one, in order to come more in line with what Canada has. I mean after all if we're going to make one happy hemisphere under the OAS  (Organization of American States) then eventually we'll all have to align our policies one way or another, if it's going to be anything like the EU in the end.
How Emergencies Like Coronavirus Expose Nonsense Business Practices Not to mention how it exposes the ash holes in power and all their agendas, intelligence or lack thereof etc.... 

Desperately Seeking Septuagenarian: Vaccine Buddy System Sets Off Old Rush Yup, the day this was announced Trevor Noah had a little joke about this too. 

CDC: Strong evidence in-person schooling can be done safely  Then other things like going to church or movies where people remain seated and can be seated so many feet apart from each other like in school, should be allowed. I don't see the difference there. 

To bad they don't say why, because from what I read here, there's no reason for a stay or acquittal either for that matter.

White tiger cubs in Pakistan likely died of COVID Awwww so sad, such beautiful creatures too.



How much are Schwab & Gates paying you to be their front man for them? I hope it's worth it in the end.

Except "some" countries in the G7 have NO VACCINE with which to do that! Or did you conveniently forget that the EU blocked shipments of the vaccine even to Canada and the US won't share any of it's vaccines with us..... So um yeah so much for partnerships and allies. With friends and allies like the likes of you hypocritical clowns, who needs f'n enemies anyhow?????

Talk about overkill. Nfld & Lab are HUGE areas, separated by ocean, requiring ferries to traverse from one area to the other or back to Canada's mainland. So if  a variant was found in St. John's for instance, why are you shutting down the entire province? Why not just shut down the highways that leads from St. John's to anywhere else, that way Corner Brook and Portes aux Basques aren't affected by this stupidity too, especially if there's no need for them to be affected by it.  Not to mention Anthony's and Gander and the rest of the province, or Labrador City for that matter. I just find it incredibly draconian when gov'ts do this, especially for no explicable reason.
Taking Valentine's Day safety to heart Yup, you're supposed to SOCIALLY distance yourselves, so remember that. Can't be developing any kind of social bonds, doncha know that? That's what socially distancing is all about and lockdown and quarantine - being cut off from emotional support groups and those that care about us and those we care about. Has nothing to do with staying 6 feet away from each other because if it did, people wouldn't be acting the way they do in stores. 

You want to talk about power tripping and abuse of power???? Here's a prime example. The cops weren't happy enough with handing out the tickets to the couple in the car, they had to follow them to their destination and then try to get inside but couldn't without a warrant which they got and then went in the house to ticket everyone inside too. Wow, just wow.... That's not exactly what I call fair and unbiased here. Like the clowns driving with their lights off after curfew and the cops searching their car for all the weapons and everything else they found. They might've had a leg to stand on in court about that if they weren't caught driving with their lights off, but since they were the cops could use that as a reasonable excuse for search and seizure and arrest too. But following a couple that's already been ticketed for something in order to give them another ticket???? That's like following someone who was caught speeding in order to give them another ticket the moment they're one kilometer over the speed limit. I think that's called harassment.  Anyhow.... Just f'n WOW.  
Ontario unveils more reopening details as 3rd wave fears grow I don't live in Ontario, but if I did, I'd be demanding that these reopenings are pemanent, no matter how many dozens more waves we have to face. Because I get the feeling that a lot of these "new strains" are merely more means of scaring us into compliance and letting them shut things down and cage us up in our houses for even longer. If we don't stand up to them and refuse to be put back in our cages every few weeks, we'll have wave after wave after wave and this will go on forever, like the waves in the ocean. They'll just never end. So at some point people are going to have to stand their ground and refuse to be put under lockdown anymore . And the only reason anyone should allow themselves to be put under quarantine is if they have the disease themselves or know of someone who does and they were in contact with them. Otherwise F that noise too and defy the hell out of it. Because it's getting ridiculous now, here in QC where cops ticket someone and then follow them so they can not only ticket them again but everyone else in the house where they went. That's called police state and police abuse and harassment and that's what all other places will wind up being if they let the authorities (aka gov't) have that much leeway. So before you get there, stop it and stop it in it's tracks. You're lucky in Ontario that Ford isn't as much of a power tripping dictator as Legault is here in QC, that's all I've got to say about that.

We just had some sczechuan food at home, with some sake and that was our muted celebration this year. Normally we'd have gone to the restaurant for such an event, but alas it wasn't open so we couldn't go and could only order. It was better than nothing and gave us a little something to celebrate to change the mood from monotony, boredom and apathy towards the plandemic and anger towards the govts, to something a little happier and nicer. 

While my son's wife is a nurse and she's not in danger of losing her job anytime soon on account of the plandemic, his work life has been a bit precarious, given that he's an interior architect/designer and also a professor teaching 3d design via AutoCad. Because for a while all construction was shut down that meant there was no demand for interior designers or architects and because all schools were shut down or went online in the spring, for a while he wasn't teaching at all and then he was but online. But that took almost his entire waking life because what he teaches is complicated and so he had to allow a certain period of time after class per student for them to get help if they needed it. I forget how much time he had to allot to each student but he said he wound up basically spending 16 hour days with the class online and then he still had to grade their work afterwards (which he did  on weekends). So he was basically only getting paid for 1/4 of the amount of time he worked. Which he wasn't too happy about and I don't blame him. Since his motorcycle accident he hasn't been able to walk without crutches and a boot cast, and so hasn't really gone anywhere. Fortunately for him I guess, he has a partner that works with him and so does all the running around and our son does all the design work and other "paper work" (mostly done on computers with no paper involved, but you get the idea).  So while he didn't lose his job per se, he did lose a lot of business and a large portion of his work was unpaid because of the plandemic. But it caused a great deal of anxiety and uncertainty for him and his wife because of their finances, as CNA nurses (which is what she is - it's equivalent to an LPN in the US I guess) they don't make a ton of money. You'd think they made more than they do, but basically it's the same rule of thumb as it was when I was a nurse - 2x whatever the minimum wage is. That's the basic salary. When you look at the training involved, the responsibilities (I mean legal liabilities they face if things go wrong, or a doctor wishes to lay the blame at the nurse's feet), all the sheite (literally and figuratively speaking) they deal with and abuse they take from anxious angry relatives to belligerent patients or male patients with grabby paws that you just want to smack but can't. I mean to me it just wasn't worth the paltry sum I was getting paid to put up with that, but she is and all I can say is she deserves way more than she's getting. So do all nurses. But there were times when he had no work because the construction was stopped that they were worried about things because they had to rely on what she was making which wasn't much more than double the minimum wage. 
Saskatchewan pressured to prioritize all health care workers for vaccines That should've been a no-brainer.... But like everything else with this plandemic most people in charge of dealing with any aspect of it, seem to have no brains... 

Seriously???? You clowns make it sound like we never administered vaccinations en masse before!!!! I guess most journalists were only born after 2009 when H1N1 went through eh???? So now we have 12 & 13 year olds in charge of our vaccination campaigns and news media do we???? No wonder they don't know how to do it. Look you bunch of inbred idiots (gawd, it's incredible how f'n stupid everyone's gotten all of a sudden) if we could vaccinate all 35 or 37 million Cdns in 3-4 months max for H1N1, I'm pretty sure we could do it again for the Coronavirus, if we really wanted to. Trouble is, it seems like everyone's pretending they have mass amnesia and dithering and dancing about it as a means of procrastinating the rollout, for some reason. And I'm sure it's not a good reason either.
Some foreign nationals are getting coronavirus vaccines in the United States  Geez you're only finding this out now? Canadians could've told you think about a month ago or so when some Cdns in Florida were getting vaccinated along with the residents of Florida.

 Hmmmm wondering why.... Does he know about something to do with it, that no one else does? 

Ummmm.... Either because they don't exist or they're not so much deals as they are raw deals? Could either of those be the reason? I'd go with the first reason as in they don't exist.
Canada is 'playing chicken' with COVID-19 by reopening while variants are spreading widely Apparently there's 4,000 variants that scientists are aware of. So if we were to keep our economies shut while each of those took a turn at sauntering through our population, the economy would sink and collapse and never revive or relaunch again. So at some point we're just going to have to suck it up and open up and hope for the best. But if we're removing the restrictions on businesses we should be removing ALL restrictions on everyone for everything. Because it's not fair forcing someone to risk their lives just to go to work, without having any opportunity to enjoy their lives outside of work. After all it is their life and if they want to do something they should be allowed, even if it means putting their life at danger - after all it's their life to live and die as they please.


I hope these passport thingies are just temporary until the vast majority are vaccinated and there's a herd immunity thing going on. Because the passport I proposed a year ago was for this very reason, to allow people with immunity to move around unimpinged while the vast majority of people still didn't have immunity and were subject to acquiring the virus and getting sick from it. Just as a temporary measure so that those who were immune wouldn't have to wait months more for everyone else's immunity to be equally protected from the virus, in order to start to live a little and visit others (who were immune or not). That's what I proposed the passport for but it wasn't meant to be digital and definitely not after there was full herd immunity. That after that, the passports would become redundant and just not used anymore or thrown out altogether.
Owners of CHSLD Herron to seek delay, publication ban in public inquiry on deaths in long-term care homes I think part of their punishment should be FULL PUBLIC HUMILIATION and so they shouldn't be allowed a publication ban. 

I bet you anything, that IF we did check for strain differences when doing the negative/positive tests we'd have noticed that we have several different strains all uniquely Canadian and have had since the beginning. They say there's 4,000 variants in the world, that they know about. I bet there's a couple dozen or more Canadian strains too, only no one knows about those because no one ever checked for those. In fact Canada never checked for strains at all until the UK said "oh btw, we have a particularly contagious strain floating around here in the UK and have had since September". Then health Canada and the other health depts across the country pulled their pants up and sat up and took notice of what was going on and decided that maybe they should at least check for that strain here in Canada, but only since the recent announcement out of the UK. They didn't go back among the positive samples taken since October to see if there might be any of that strain in those samples. In fact they never looked for various strains before recently. So these growing threats of variants are probably already here and maybe there's more than a couple that are Cdn in origin but we'd never know because of the whole shoddy way this whole plandemic BS has been handled from the get go.

Of course, just as I thought. I'm sure that back in November there were people running around Wuhan with the virus. 
Lockdown opponents call for arrest, assault and murder of Niagara’s medical officer of health I'm not so sure I'd call for assault and murder of the guy, but arrest yes, having him removed from office yes, defy all his directives yes definitely. 

My Phony Valentine: Covid Fuels Romance Scams  Why not? There's been puppy scams, vaccine scams, cat scams and now this all related to COVID.... Might as well. I'm sure it's not going to be the lst one before this plandemic is over with either.

Did you think they'd abstain from swindling during the plandemic? 
Coronavirus: Canada to receive 400,000 Pfizer vaccine doses next week As I said before, I'll believe it when I see it. 




I guess Canada's one of the poorer ones then even though we're in the G7.
Some Europeans get choosy about which vaccines they want It's your body, so you should have a say as to what goes in it. If you want one particular vaccine for whatever reason and they have the doses available then you should be allowed to have it.

But again as I stated above, these should only be used until there's mass herd immunity and then after that thrown out. 
Ozzy Osbourne receives first dose of vaccine after sharing COVID-19 fears: 'As soon as I got it, I felt relieved' I have a lot of comments I want to make about this one.... But I'll refrain from it. Trying to act my age and not my shoe size here. But ummmm there's some humdingers I could make.... 

More than 15 million in UK given first dose of coronavirus vaccine

Schools need more resources to reopen safely amid pandemic, CDC says 

Dr. Anthony Fauci sees 'sobering' data on South Africa variant; US daily cases below 100K, but danger lurks: Latest COVID-19 updates 

Quebec health minister calls for caution as hospitalizations continue to decline Better listen to Dr. Pencilneck Dubious... After all he got his medical license out of cracker jack box, so he ought to know all about what he's talking about when it comes to medicine.

4 N.B. RCMP employees self-isolating after COVID-19 exposure on duty

France reports 21,231 new coronavirus cases over 24 hours Wow....

City reports COVID-19 variant of concern at Toronto homeless shelter 

'She looked after a lot of people': Beloved 'Namgis elder, Lilly Whonnock, dies of COVID-19 

La dรฉtresse psychologique en hausse chez les adolescents 

Motoneige en temps de pandรฉmie: sortir de sa zone 

Retirement home operator launches probe after handles removed from residents' doors Can anyone of those idiots imagine what would've happened if there had've been a fire and the people couldn't get out or be rescued because of lack of door handles???? It's just totally unbelievable the lack of brains out there and how many empty clueless brainless bobbleheads are walking around and what's even more shocking is they're getting employed in jobs where their total lack of brains could do the most harm.

Quebec reports 910 COVID-19 cases, 15 deaths as hospitalizations continue decline

China fires back at Washington after it raises concerns about WHO COVID report 

EU to speed approval of variant-modified coronavirus vaccines: paper That would be good, especially if you stop hoarding the stuff for yourselves and honour contract commitments like Canada's for instance!

Catalonia election: Separatist movement put to test as region votes despite pandemic

Ontario health-care workers sounding alarm over burnout as economy prepares to reopen 

Australia's locked down Victoria state reports 2 new local COVID-19 cases

Police investigating after Niagara's top doctor allegedly threatened over COVID-19 restrictions 

Nearing vaccine target, Britain offers COVID shots to more people

Prince of Wales ‘saddened’ by ‘variable’ uptake of Covid-19 vaccines 

UK watchdogs say people with learning disabilities have been given inappropriate 'do not resuscitate' orders for COVID-19

If this is true it's totally reprehensible! Not only should they be blamed for their actions but held to account for them too! I wonder if this is part of the triage group in QC, that's supposed to be left to die if the hospitals can't handle the amount of patients any more? I'm pretty sure there's age groups in the triage, along with certain health problems other than covid, involved as well, but I wonder if there's other criteria like learning or other disability or perhaps ethnicity? I'm talking about the type of people doctors will be asked to triage to the back of the line if the hospitals become over crowded here in QC. I mean until I saw this article it never even occurred to me that they'd use such classifications for such purposes. 

Homebuying Intentions Soar As Canadians Redesign Their Lives For An Era Of Remote Work Yup I know. We've had a couple of real estate agents call us about selling our house and then we had a neighbour come over and ask if we thought about selling our house and if we do to let them know as they'd be interested in buying it. Yeah, sure I'll do that immediately considering I know they won't be able to afford it.... I mean I don't know what's the sudden interest in our house all about..... Anyhow when we do decide to sell it'll be on our terms for our price and if the buyers don't like that, oh well that's their problem not ours. One way or another we have to live somewhere and we might as well continue living here as anywhere else, especially considering we love it here and the only reason we'd sell is so we could get a nicer place, that's all. If we can't afford something nicer after selling this place, then what's the point of it? Might as well stay where we are.

New app created by U of M researchers gives Indigenous people voice during COVID-19 pandemic

Contagious variant of COVID-19 now identified in all 10 provinces as P.E.I. logs case 

Kelowna 'mega rally' draws about 250 protesters against public health orders to combat COVID-19 250 protesters isn't much of a "mega rally" but at least it's a start and we have to start somewhere, standing up for our rights against the tyrannical draconian gov'ts, if we're going to protect the ones they haven't trampled on yet and gain the others back.

Can I gather with friends and family after getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Can I travel? Here is what health experts say

Personally, I don't give a sheite what the experts say. If I am fully vaccinated against COVID19, then I'm going to do what I bloody well please and I want to see the power tripping ash hole on his high horse try to stop me. We'll be in court so fast his head will spin. I can promise that, for sure.

Japan formally approves its first COVID-19 vaccine 

Fewer sexual assault survivors visit Ottawa Hospital emergency department during pandemic  

New rules at border affect more than just snowbirds 

Dealing with stress in this leg of the pandemic 

Business is good; COVID didn’t cause rose shortage this Valentine’s Day, shop owners say (3 photos) 

Coronavirus in North Texas: Cases falling, though deadlier variants are spreading 

Covid: New Zealand Auckland lockdown ordered 

Covid-19: Celebrating Valentine's Day during a pandemic 

Covid-19: Five ways to avoid lockdown eye strain I think I'm falling victim to eye strain from spending so much time on the computer doing this blog that sometimes I need time just to do other things so my eyes can refocus and readjust and get rid of the headaches and eye strain.

The greatest security threat of the post-truth age

You know gov'ts should've thought about this before they agreed to go along with the WEF/Gates plandemic plan and let Gates sully up all the vaccines on the markets by investing in them all. If you wanted people to take the vaccines it would've been better if Gates had nothing to do with the whole damned plandemic and there was no RNA based vaccines either. With those 2 things together you're lucky anyone wants to get the vaccine. 

COVID-19 'didn't scare me away': Nursing schools see enrollment bump amid pandemic 

Galentine's Day: What is it and how do I celebrate it during the COVID-19 pandemic?

We do – but we can't. COVID-19 has changed everything about weddings 

Bill Gates' daughter Jennifer jokes about conspiracy theory after getting Covid-19 vaccine hahaha.... So funny I forgot to laugh. She sounds about as retarded as her father is.

How to rekindle the flame that the pandemic extinguished

It's better later than never....

They love each other but Covid has torn them apart 

How Brazil gambled on unproven drugs to fight Covid-19

Nearly all US kids live in red zones under new CDC school guidance 

In pictures: Lunar New Year 2021 Just something a little different.

Virus may never go away but could change into mild annoyance

COVID-19: 40% of new serious cases are under 60 - here’s why 

For Better Health During the Pandemic, Is Two Hours Outdoors the New 10,000 Steps?   2hrs a day out in these temps? What for? There's no sun to be seen since it's overcast and/or snowing all the time!

'Our grandchildren's grandchildren will get Covid'

I hope not. I hope we are able to develop a vaccine that's good enough to cope with all potential variants, sooner or later.

How Effective Is AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine? Here’s What Experts Know so Far 

Royal Caribbean Group, Norwegian probably will require crew to get COVID-19 vaccines before boarding cruise ships

They should, considering that those things are nothing but floating petri dishes. So the fewer people aboard carrying fewer germs is probably better for everyone overall.

India to ship COVID-19 vaccines to Canada as diplomatic tension eases Of course because the leadership of India is way more mature and wise than the little imbecile we have at our helm. It's very nice of India to do that for us. I would like to thank India myself, for that.

Bill Gates says innovation sparked by COVID-19 pandemic could help eradicate global diseases

Oh yeah right. I'm sure it's going to eradicate everything from cancer & cardiac problems to arthritis and ulcers. This guy is such a freaking blowhard, he's unreal.

Quoting the blowhard, now: He said the pandemic had led to great strides in global health  ------> Yeah 2 million people dying who probably wouldn't have died otherwise was great strides in global health alright. Strides backwards he means.

N.B. has received only 59% of COVID-19 vaccine doses expected 

Israel plans to reopen restaurants in March, restart tourism with Cyprus 

'On its knees' travel sector demands UK government plan for summer holidays 

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now 

Lebanon administers 1st vaccines to health workers, elderly 

The Latest: Mardi Gras muted in New Orleans by coronavirus I do believe that's supposed to today's celebration. Too bad it's going to be muted somewhat. But I do hope that those who celebrate the day find a way to enjoy it.

Une St-Valentin sans cas de Covid-19 sur la Cรดte-Nord

How love survived the pandemic air, N.W.T. edition 

How To Deal With Being Around Your Romantic Partner 24/7

Face au scepticisme des employeurs, les tรฉlรฉtravailleurs se rendent plus disponibles pour signaler leur engagement 

COVID isolation kits created for vulnerable seniors, disabled

That's very nice of them, to help the seniors and disabled out with kits like that. I'm sure they'll be very much appreciated.

OGOW means 'to know': Canadian man helping Somalis understand COVID-19 

Most at risk, first in line: Public health experts say racialized Canadians should be prioritized for vaccines

So basically that leaves the below 65 whites at the end of the line. I mean if you're prioritizing the elderly, the essential service workers, the health care workers, the natives, the criminals, and now the visible minorities, that only leaves the whites below the age of 65, who will find themselves at the back of the line. Talk about reverse racism and prejudices.... Just for your information only 16% of the world population, is of European descent. While the Asian races makes up almost 50% of the population. So who's more at risk of going extinct here? White Canadians or other race Canadians besides blacks who make up 13.x% of the population and the natives who make up a very minor amount? So how about this if you want to go by race, then fine put the Natives first, Blacks second, Whites 3rd and then all the rest behind the Whites!?! That way it would be fair to the population demographics of the planet.

Instead of a universal basic income, governments should enrich existing social programs

I agree and that should also include the seniors pensions as they perhaps have the highest upkeep costs - just to maintain their health on all levels. Not to mention that groceries, gas, rent, and just about everything else that it costs the single young adult making minimum wage, it also costs the senior citizen living on very minimum pensions (usually less than $1,000 a month for single individuals). So if it costs a young person $2.50 for a loaf of bread, it also costs the senior citizen that as well. There aren't any senior citizen discounts on things like food, gas, shelter and the like. So if you can give a young person $2,000 a month to live on you should bloody well be giving single seniors the same damned amount unless their income tax returns show that they earned over a certain amount the prior year. 

Considering this is what they had in mind to do: On the other hand, according to a report released by the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer in 2020, the estimated cost of a watered-down version of UBI — called a guaranteed basic income — covering only low-income, working-age Canadians (estimated at 9.6 million Canadians between the ages of 18 to 64) would be in range of $47.5 billion to $98.1 billion for a six-month period

Leaving the senior citizens high and dry without any help yet again. Gawd I hope and pray that when those little self entitled idiots in parliament get to be retirement age that they get next to no money to live on too. That none of them manage 8 years in office and so don't qualify for a cushy gov't pension and instead have to live off the scraps they throw the way of the average Cdn senior citizen. And whoever is in power when they get to be that age, is as callous and stingy with them as they are with the current senior citizens of today. Or maybe with any luck they'll have a reincarnation of  Paul Martin as a finance minister and he'll use their pensions to pay off the deficit with. Then they'll find out what it's all about... Hope they like the deschets haute cuisine because they'll have to live on it.

Pfizer Canada head says company 'extremely committed' to meeting vaccine delivery targets Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it. 

COVID-19 'long-hauler' calls for greater availability of antibody tests in B.C. to determine spread of virus

Those tests should be available Canada wide including here in QC too as I'd like to know my status in regards to that as well.

Too early to say if COVID-19 booster shots will be needed, Pfizer Canada head says  While others are saying we will need them and still others are saying this damned virus will be around for generations to come.

French hospitals to move into crisis mode from Thursday, report says

LeBlanc: Ottawa not blocking provinces from buying vaccines, despite Manitoba premier’s accusations 

Well good then. QC should do the same then.

Canada's Wonderland to be COVID-19 vaccination site as mass immunization plans ramp up

Such grandiose plans for such piddly amounts of vaccine that will actually be available at any one time. It doesn't matter if you designate half of Ontario as a mass immunization site, you're not going to have that much more than you're already slated to get. So you really don't need that big of a space really. Unless you plan to use all your doses up in 1 or 2 days. I mean the way you're ramping up you'd think you were getting a gazillion doses a day or something. Gawd all of Canada is only getting 400,xxx doses per week. That's like 40,000 doses per province and even fewer when we take the territories and Nunavut into the equation.  I mean gawd use your common sense, why don't you? That works out to about 8,000 jabs a day given per province. So unless your whole entire population is near that theme park, that's just pure unbridled silliness. I mean what about places like Barry? Sudbury? Ottawa? Thunder Bay? Windsor? Kitchener/Waterloo? London? Wawa? They're not all going to want to drive from wherever they live to that theme park. That's for sure.

Oil hits pandemic high as winter storm pushes demand and poses production risk 

Study finds 7 new 'worrying' coronavirus variants in the U.S. 

From medieval times to our current crisis, plagues often accelerate extremist movements 

The superspreaders behind top COVID-19 conspiracy theories 

Remote students are more stressed than their peers in the classroom, study shows 

Ancient Rome Has an Urgent Warning for Us 

Honolulu mayor extends coronavirus restrictions 

Israel to ease more COVID curbs, launch leisure 'Green Pass' on Feb. 21 That could've been us, if numbnuts hadn't dropped the ball and let us get sucker punched by Pfizer, Moderna and the EU the way we did. After all we had the vaccine right after the UK (they were the first in the world and we were right behind them by a few days). Israel only started later near the end of December. 

Remote Workers Flee to $70,000-a-Month Resorts While Awaiting Vaccines 

Geez most remote workers or workers of any kind don't even make that in an entire year.... 

Pakistan lab expects Sputnik V doses for commercial sale in a week 

WHO authorizes AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine for emergency use

COVID-19 : l'espoir pour appuyer la santรฉ mentale 

Mounties say church ignored COVID-19 rules again following charges against pastor Good and I hope they keep right on ignoring them and I hope all other establishments, churches, bars, restaurants, etc all ignore them too. Until the f'n gov't and courts get the idea that we're not putting up with this sheite anymore and that we've had enough.

COVID-19: 'No decision' made on how long to keep 'one metre plus' rule for restaurants, bars and pubs

Author Murakami hosts live jam for relaxation amid pandemic 

Japanese suspicious of Covid vaccine despite pressing Olympics timeline

Racialized adults on revised federal COVID-19 vaccination priority list Like I said above: 

So basically that leaves the below 65 whites at the end of the line. I mean if you're prioritizing the elderly, the essential service workers, the health care workers, the natives, the criminals, and now the visible minorities, that only leaves the whites below the age of 65, who will find themselves at the back of the line. Talk about reverse racism and prejudices.... Just for your information only 16% of the world population, is of European descent. While the Asian races makes up almost 50% of the population. So who's more at risk of going extinct here? White Canadians or other race Canadians besides blacks who make up 13.x% of the population and the natives who make up a very minor amount? So how about this if you want to go by race, then fine put the Natives first, Blacks second, Whites 3rd and then all the rest behind the Whites!?! That way it would be fair to the population demographics of the planet.

All residents of Mississauga condo building to be tested for COVID-19 variant 

The Latest: Fauci wins $1 million for "defending science"

Colombia to start COVID-19 vaccinations on Wednesday: president 

Four people in Oregon contract Covid-19 after receiving both doses of vaccine

So what was in those shots? Water? Diluted maybe?

Variants make school reopenings a 'challenge' despite new CDC guidelines; IRS won't push back tax deadline: Latest COVID-19 updates 

Premier warns of COVID-19 bullying as cases escalate in Newfoundland and Labrador

S.Korea cuts Q1 COVID-19 vaccination plan, restricts use of AstraZeneca shot 

Ontario plans to expand vaccination as COVID cases stabilize in several provinces

Tam takes aim at COVID-19 'infodemic,' urges vigilance over misleading online content You want to talk about misleading information and outright lies do you?????? WELL YOU & NUMBNUTS ARE THE 2 BIGGEST BALD FACED LIARS & MISINFORMATION BS SPECIALISTS IN THIS F'N COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Considering you started by denying the need to close the border after the announcement from China about the Wuhan epidemic AND THEN you lied and said we didn't need masks and to wash our hands and SOCIALLY distance and we'll be fine and then suddenly when the rest of the world was making you look like a total clueless dunce, which undoubtedly you are, you decided to follow them with oh you must wear a face mask and socially distance and we'll be fine. Then suddenly we had to all go under lockdown (even though as a doctor you should KNOW that's not how infection control is handled) and we'd all be fine etc... YOU HAVE BEEN THE ONE MAJOR LYING MISINFORMING MASTERMIND IN ALL OF CANADA!!!!! So you want to call the kettle black do you???? Well look at your own lying face in the mirror first and tell me who's the worst misinformation specialist in Canada.  If you're honest you'll admit it and label bozo brains in Ottawa as the runner up.

Adults 80 and over among next priority groups for vaccination, Ontario task force says

Israeli study finds 94% drop in symptomatic COVID-19 cases with Pfizer vaccine 

Canadian military short thousands of troops as COVID-19 impedes recruitment, training

Nothing like advertising to our adversaries that our once colossal 10 man military is now down to 2 and dwindling fast on account of COVID.

Nisga'a couple died of COVID-19 nine days apart 

CDC chief warns it's too soon in U.S. to lift COVID-19 mask mandates 

Biden to discuss pandemic, economy and China in Friday G7 meeting What's Trudeau going to do at that online meeting? Show off his falling down stairs skills? Or maybe his Mr. Dressup trunk? Or perhaps just sit around and whine and moan about everything instead?

Negative COVID-19 test no longer required to enter Alaska

It must be nice to be so confident. I think Nfld was pretty confident too, not too long ago. Now look at them, on full lockdown and worrying about their upcoming election.

Cancer patient travelling to U.S. for treatment wants exemption from quarantine rules 

Negative COVID-19 test required at border crossings

What we know about COVID-19 variants so far 

U.K. enacts hotel quarantine rules

Feds expect Pfizer to start ramping up vaccine deliveries to Canada this week 

A closer look at where $82 billion in CERB payments went at the beginning of the pandemic

Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Monday 

Snowbirds seek exemption from new COVID-19 inbound travel regulations 

N.L. marks first hospitalization in new COVID-19 wave; 7 new cases confirmed 

Lawyer for CHSLD Herron requests delay as coroner's inquiry into COVID-19 deaths begins

Oh lookit this.... People who couldn't wait to frigging hightail it out of there in a living hurry when Covid was inside ravaging their patrons, now want a delay.... How come you lousy no good for nothing negligent homicidal maniacs couldn't delay your departure from there and stick around and take care of the people that were paying you do to that for them????????? I wouldn't grant a delay in fact I'd hurry the proceedings up just to show you what it's like when people are in a hurry to treat you the way you don't want to be treated.

For 10 months, this West Islander has been feeding the Lakeshore General's front-line workers Kudos to her.

Toronto will likely enter grey zone of province's reopening framework next week, Tory says

Coronavirus: Web portal, service desk in development for Ontario COVID-19 vaccine appointments 

Covid-19 cases have declined sharply. Experts say these factors will determine how the pandemic unfolds

Quebec reports lowest COVID-19 increase in months with 728 new infections 

Federal government looking at testing essential workers crossing land border: Blair

Now that we have and can use (even though everyone else was using them back in May) those rapid tests, I don't see why they shouldn't be tested. It's only fair. Everyone else has to be, even returning Cdns. 

'I'm literally breaking inside': As COVID-19 leaves millions jobless and struggling, the mental health toll rises 

Boris Johnson says 'very low' Covid case rate key to easing lockdown

He's probably just riding high on his power tripping draconian dictatorship he's got going now and doesn't want to loosen the grip on it any because he can bear giving up some authority and power like that.

Dominic Cummings denies pushing for lucrative Covid contract to be awarded to ‘friends’ Ahhhh I see patronage scandals aren't exclusive to Canada.... 

Palestinians accuse Israel of preventing COVID-19 vaccine transfer to Gaza

The Feds Did a Good Job: Bankruptcies in Canada in 2020 Hit a 20-Year Low 

Boris Johnson says move to ease lockdown will be ‘irreversible’

It SHOULD BE irreversible considering the amount of time it's gone on now. I mean aren't you afraid that if you don't ease up on the lockdown some irate citizens somewhere will find a way to have your head on a platter (figuratively or literally)? I mean there's only so much people will take, before they've had enough.

Cuomo defends handling of nursing homes Covid tragedy: ‘New York was ground zero’ I thought Wuhan China was ground zero.

Anyhow, that's it for now. Take care & stay well and for all of those who celebrate Mardi Gras, have a great celebration no matter how muted it is.