Showing posts with label fortune telling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fortune telling. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Immunizing Us Against....



December 10, 2020

The UK okayed the Pfizer vaccine earlier last week and started inoculating people against it this week. Then Bahrain. Then the 2 countries that appeared to be dragging their feet, Canada and the US, approved it in short order. Canada being the first to approve it, yesterday the 9th of December and the US today the 10th of December. 

It's almost as though they're in a race to approve these vaccines in an effort to ensure that their country gets their reserved doses, as it seems it's being meted out on a first come first served basis. So in other words the first country/ies to approve of the vaccine will be the first in line to receive some of the already manufactured doses that are ready to ship. Or so that's what it seems like to me, hence the chronometer.

Now let's start with some of update headlines....


Geez maybe I should dust off some of my own  paraphernalia I had from days gone by, if it's that good, considering people used to beg me to read their fortunes for them. All of which I did in fun, never charging anything but still they always said I was accurate, or right, or scary (various descriptions I used to get on my accuracy) and I had many many repeat requests too. If I had've charged, I'm wondering if I would've still had that many requests, though. Probably not. 



I think this is true of everyone & not just Americans.




Very sad.

Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine could ship to Canada within 24 hours of approval, exec says Carrot being dangled to entice the gov't to approve of it's vaccine.

Anyone who's ever suffered domestic violence could've told them that, and probably did. Only they didn't listen. So now that we're at a crisis point with domestic abuse, they're starting to realize that maybe they should've listened to what the victims were telling them.
COVID-19 vaccine in Canada: 'We will immunize as many Canadians as possible, as quickly as possible,' health officials say In any case everyone should be immunized by the 31st of December 2021 or so they say now, but I'm still hedging my bets for December 31st, 3031, knowing how inept this gov't is and what kind of glacial speeds they move at.

Millions of hungry Americans turn to food banks for 1st time Same here in Canada, that is why I encourage everyone who can afford to give whatever they can to help those less fortunate this Christmas as so many have lost loved ones, will be isolated from loved ones to "celebrate" Christmas alone, have lost their jobs and thus income and can barely afford their rent/mortgage let alone groceries. So even if you yourself aren't doing all that great either but are better of than others as your mortgage is paid off, you & your family are and continue to be safe from covid, and maybe still have an income coming in,  and so don't have that to worry about, or have stocked up on food earlier in the year when everyone went nuts panic buying and you still have some left over from then, perhaps you can spare a can of food or a bag of dried lentils or whatever you can to help, will be appreciated by those less fortunate than you. You don't have to give much, just a can or two from everyone who can give will go along ways to helping those who need the help the most.
Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine means 'your body responded the way it's supposed to,' experts say That all depends on the side-effects, I mean I wouldn't call anaphylactic shock, your body responding the way it's supposed to. But then again, I was merely an old school nurse, who was taught medicine and not medical politics, like today's "doctors" seem to have spent more time learning than actual medicine. 

Yes, some Americans may be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine but not by the federal government. You mean they won't be requiring their military to get the vaccine? I'll believe that when I see it, as that'll be a historic first for sure, considering they've made them take some rather dubious vaccines for dubious reasons over the years already.

Many aren't buying public officials' 'stay-at-home' message. Experts say there's a better way Many here in QC are just fed up to their eyeballs with the lockdowns and stay-at-home rules.




Even though I was a nurse, I still can't get my head around why it's apparently alright if you die of a stroke, heart attack or cancer, but not covid19. Why do covid19 patients have the priority over everyone else? What makes them so special especially when most of those winding up in the ICU wind up leaving in body bags? Those suffering a heart attack or stroke winding up in the ICU have a better chance of leaving alive than those with COVID19, so why do the COVID19 patients have priority over everyone else?

Canada's food prices to keep rising in 2021: Report Oh well, I guess we'll just have to pay those prices if we want to eat. Hopefully, the Canadian pension plans will top up the pension payments to meet the cost of living increases. But I am not going to be putting myself through the gardening agony again this year. Every year since about 2015 something has happened (out of my control from insane stupidity like our city dumping a whole dumptruck's worth of cedar chips in our driveway even though we only asked for a fraction of that amount and my husband refusing to do anything with it to help me remove it and put on the gardens - so it was up to me to get it out of the driveway before autumn came, on my own with a shovel and a wheelbarrow), to the gov't driving me bonkers and demanding I go into their offices everyday when I qualified for my pension. That lasted a whole freaking summer long until I told the harassing officer to shove it up their keister where the sun don't shine that if they didn't like the documents I supplied so far (and I had photocopies of them having received them with their date stamp on the documents but which they kept saying they lost) I'd find out who was their boss' boss and talk to them directly. Because they may be drinking buddies with their boss, but it's doubtful they have as cosy a relationship with their boss' boss. So that stopped the unnecessary harassment. Then another summer I had a little more than 1/3rd of my hemoglobin in my body and had a hard time walking from here to the backdoor let alone looking after a garden, so it got over run with weeds (as it did the summers I spent running back and forth to the gov't offices and shovelling cedar chips). Then the last 2 summers it was the weather - either too hot, or too rainy or a combination of both. So, suffice to say, I'm not in the mood for any more agony like that, so we'll just buy our food like everyone else does and enjoy the summers instead.

I actually don't see anything wrong with that. Here in QC my kids were each issued a carnet sante - which was used to keep track of certain things like vaccinations and hospitalizations - like a health record, which I guess my son still gets asked for when he needs a vaccination - like for tetanus for instance, even though he's in his mid 30s. It's handy to have for yourself and for any attending physicians because that way they can see what your important medical history is at a glance without relying on your memory or a computer file which may or may not be immediately accessible.

She's the first in the Western World to get a vaccine period. Lots of Chinese and Russians have already had a vaccine jab before now apparently. Don't know how good or bad those vaccines are compared to the Pfizer one, though.

If you're still waiting for a package, this may have something to do with it.

I'm not a Don Cherry fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I do agree with him on this.

Apparently Canada is being singled out because we apparently ordered enough to protect each citizen 5x. However, I think that's because of the double cross and thus trust issues numbnuts developed on account of China screwing us over on the CanSinoVax we were developing in cooperation with them before they grabbed it and absconded with it to China and refused to share any of it with us - even after we worked on it with them. So I think out of mistrust and also guilt feelings on how he let Cdns down by getting involved with China in the first place, he probably wanted to make sure that if any other manufacturers wanted to rescind our agreement with them, there'd be others to fall back on. So that may be why. So in this case, that's one of the only things during this whole pandemic I am not inclined to hold against numbnuts et. al.





Good and for those who still haven't found a hobby of interest, I invite them to go through my Christmas Crafts page, and other pages with crafts on them - just click the  "crafts" or "crafts for beginners" labels on my right hand sidebar to be taken to relevant pages. 



Hmmm wondering what he knows but isn't saying....

2,210 Quebec schools reporting nearly 12,000 COVID-19 cases Yup, but we gotta keep those schools and factories open and force people to put their lives at risk to attend school and keep the economy going, while denying them the right to enjoy their lives the way they see fit.

Of course not, because those are probably all his friends, family & cronies all the while denying the elderly, homeless & disabled much if any help at all. He's such a crooked lying scuzzbucket, I have little to no use for him.  
Oh don't worry, when you see a headlines like this in the news it's not long before we're hit with the not ruled out stricter lockdown. So today's Thursday, so what do you want to bet that between tomorrow Friday and Sunday he doesn't announce a fullblown lockdown to start on Monday? It must be nice to be the one in power deciding when or if things happen especially when you know you got all your holiday shopping done, who gives a flying F about anyone else's holiday shopping especially when they're supposed to hole up in their bedroom alone for the holidays. I mean what do they need gifts for as they won't be allowed to see anyone, not even housemates, because OMG they might be able to enjoy themselves together too much and that's just plain ole illegal this year.



I'm glad they're finally starting to ask questions like this of people like him - quoting the article now: Liberal Party Leader Dominique Anglade wanted to know what Arruda had done before March 9, 2020 to alert the government to the emergence of the virus. --------->>>>> Epecially given that it's THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP PANDEMICS OUT OF THEIR REGIONS, by alerting leaders and petitioning them to close the borders and implement other measures to keep the citizens safe. AND I can GUARANTEE YOU THAT NO ONE IN HIS POSITION ANYWHERE IN CANADA DID ANYTHING TO THAT EFFECT! THAT IS WHY we're in the straits we're in now. If they had've, this would've/could've/should've all been prevented and would've been other countries problem but not ours.

They're just discovering this now and I've been talking about this being the case for how long now???? Gawd imbeciles, dunces & idiots R us in the gov't these days. Talk about slow learners there's slow and there's a glacial pace - I'd call it more like a glacial pace rather than just merely slow, if it took them this long to catch onto the fact.



The Jet-Setters Scheming to Break All the COVID Rules My mother always said "where there's a will there's a way", I suppose that could be said for anything, legal, illegal, good, bad or indifferent.

So then imagine how the elderly feel, those who've been shut-in and deprived of any kind of life, or happiness. They haven't been allowed to go anywhere, do anything, not even to shop and definitely not see anyone either. It's like their lives have just been shut down altogether but yet they're somehow expected to "want to live". Why? Why would they want to live anymore than others who've basically had the freedom to come and go as they please or more so than the elderly shut-ins have had and they see more people on a daily basis than the elderly do. But they want to commit suicide and while it's not deemed acceptable it is deemed understandable so then why is it so hard to swallow that a great many elderly are sick of the BS pandemic rules and their lives and just want to end it all now? Especially since they're saying just because you get the vaccine that doesn't mean life will be returning to normal any time soon. 

I don't know why they should be able to track them, and what's the purpose of that. It should be enough that they give them a card indicating they got the vaccine - like my husband got for his pneumonia shot he had or like the signature in a health record indicating the type dose and date given, for the recipient to keep. No governments should need to keep track of that.

sad, sad, sad.

So.... Walmart is going to have 5,000 freezers that freeze at -80 in the US? Well if they can manage that in the US, perhaps they can find a couple hundred more for the Canadian stores too?
Syrian refugees overcoming war memories brought back by COVID-19 I'm sorry, but am I supposed to feel bad for these narcissistic whiners? The ones who are devastated because they can't see their production on a big screen right away and have to wait and the egotistical wife who wanted an art exhibition here? I'm sorry, but you people are freaking lucky if you got that far in the art world here in Canada. Lots of talented producers and artists never even make it half as far as you did and they have nothing to blame their bad luck on except maybe not knowing the same crowd of people that you two clowns know. I don't see how that compares to life in the middle of a war in Syria..... Sorry.... Find someone else's shoulder to go cry on if you're expecting sympathy, because you won't be getting it from me.







So you've got Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday to go before you can start rolling your sleeves up Ottawa.

That's it for now..... Until next post, take care & stay safe.