Showing posts with label Moving Day in QC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moving Day in QC. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Constant COVID19 Coverage

Or Almost

June 29, 2020

As promised I'm back at it again with another installment of the comprehensive coronavirus coverage. I am doing my best to get it done before July 1st (Canada Day), because that is the day I promised myself my life again and to only cover major COVID19 news or news affecting Canadians in general and more directly those who live in Southwestern Quebec, and the absurd and weird news like some of the stories already posted in this blog - like about the apocalypse on June 21, or people being sacrificed to stop the virus etc... That type of weird.

Since basically almost all aspects of life have been affected by this virus one way or another and I think with the posts already posted and those I'm about to add, you can pretty much get the picture on all of it, already just from the content already posted in this blog and the stuff I am endeavoring to add before July 1st. So you should have a pretty clear idea on it's overall affect on the world, the various populations, industries and endeavors. 

So that being said, let's get started!

For those looking to celebrate Canada Day in true Canadian COVID19 2020 fashion visit:  

The list of who's most at risk for severe cases of COVID-19 just got longer, CDC says What's interesting here is that more people between the ages of 40 & 50 contracted the virus than those between the ages of 60 - 70!

As moving day approaches, tenants and housing advocates fear hundreds could end up on the streets Because the lockdown was imposed around the time tenants and landlords were renewing or not, leases and those not renewing would have to find a new dwelling by July 1st (moving day in Quebec), but it being made impossible by the lockdown, due to not being able to visit potential apartments in order to see if it was a place suitable for living in, many people didn't get a chance to visit m/any places and so probably haven't yet found any decent living arrangements, that they could afford.

Why Americans Are Having an Emotional Reaction to Masks   I am having different reactions than emotional to wearing masks. Mine involve discomfort, and inability to breath properly or catch my breath. So I essentially refuse to wear a mask that doesn't do anything except lend a false sense of security to others around me, because that's all they are. If I had access to N95 masks I'd wear those no problem because I know those are protecting everyone including me or at least to 95% degree of protection. I do have P100 masks but those are the rubber masks with 2 breathers on them - like the cops use when they make fentanyl busts, but who wants to use those to get groceries on a hot summer's day anyhow? I know I sure don't and I won't unless I have to, as in the virus has gotten so virulent and rampant that it's almost an automatic death sentence if you get it, or masks are made mandatory and I have nothing else to wear. But those masks afford 100% protection against almost everything, for everyone.

Hotel buffet breakfasts will be a 'thing of the past' post-lockdown, tourism boss warns   The way things are going, hotels themselves might be a thing of the past as well.

Chris Wallace on COVID-19: If Fauci says the next 2 weeks are critical, we need to take him seriously  Oh it'll be way more than 2 weeks if Americans keep on acting like insolent little brats, the way they tend to do and are doing now with this pandemic.

Canada commits $300M to global COVID-19 fight but PM urged to spend $1.5 billion  Wow! For once Santa Trudeau didn't give them all of what they were asking for! I guess he got the message about what the UN thinks of Canada, and now he's not as concerned about kowtowing to their every  whim, it looks like.

Yes, You Should Brace for a Second Market Crash

Huge differences between COVID-19 numbers in Canada and the U.S.  There's a huge difference in a lot of other factors too, like population size to start with. They have 10x the population we do, so you can right off the bat expect their figures to be 10x that of Canada's. Then they have 50 different regional governments and we have only 13. It's much easier to coordinate dates and policies between 13 entities than it is 50. So while we might all basically be on the same page in Canada with policies and dates regarding those policies - they're all over the map, in regards to those particular details. Then the Americans are more brazen and dare to stand up for their rights and what they perceive to be their rights, while Canadians are easily bulldozed into submission by their politicians and don't even raise an eyebrow, much less a fist against such bulldozing. So that might account for the difference in numbers.

Justin Trudeau defends awarding government contract to charity with family ties  I think it's time Mr. Grabby Paws, started to be held to account not only by lax gov't oversight commissions that do little more than chide him and tap him on the wrist, but by taxpaying voting Canadians. I can't wait for the day that he's no longer shielded by political immunity and has his comeuppance for everything he's done to Canada, against Canada, every penny he's pilfered from our coffers for his delight, every terrorist he's paid, every Syrian refugee he imported at $10,000 Cdn a piece, every illegal immigrant he allowed to waltz into this country and not only gave them shelter, fed, clothed, medicated & educated at our expense (when there's lots of Canadians that don't even get treated that good), all the lies he told about SNC Lavalin, all the Canadian people that he murdered by his own negligence as PM and all the rest of it. He seriously needs to be held to account for everything he's done! Though knowing how the Canadian political system works and how the Canadian sheeple with short memories work, he'll probably get away with all of it. Every single last little infringement.

Patient 91: How Vietnam saved a British pilot and kept a clean Covid-19 sheet This is an absolutely amazing COVID19 story! We can't say that about very many other COVID19 stories that's for sure!

Coronavirus: The health claims that won't go away  To dispel some of the false claims you should watch this video. Though the premise about herbal remedies won't work. There should be a qualifier here.... None that we know of, will work. Because most pharmaceuticals are made using plants. We all know that, but what we don't know is which if any plants out there might fight this disease. Trust me if one is ever found, the pharmaceutical company will be buying up the whole area where it's grown, and then building green houses miles long to grow their own crops in and they'll never release the name of the plant in question, so no one else can get and grow it too. 

For millions of low-income seniors, coronavirus is a food-security issue  Something that Santa Trudeau has failed to even acknowledge let alone address and help. But then if the point of this whole exercise is to rid Canada of as many seniors as possible that might be the reason why he's not helping them out any.

What health experts want you to know about travel and vacations  I'd make this a 9 point list rather than just an 8 point list and the top one would be, if you want to travel just avoid the United States as a destination like the plague, because that's basically what it has. This list obviously was made for Americans travelling outside their country, but I guess a lot of the advice should also hold true for Canadians as well.

Meat packing facility reports over 200 cases of coronavirus Which will inevitably add to food shortages in that area.

'They sent them literally into a death trap': Families recall horror as Covid-19 ravaged Massachusetts veterans home  Like the seniors here who were sent into death traps too. I call them death camps because that's what they turned out to be. After having seen this and how those elderly were treated I can tell you I'd rather die at home, alone, if need be, but I do not ever want to be consigned to anything like that, ever!

Hating lockdown? A third of Brits have actually enjoyed it  I think we kind of did too, considering we spent most of our time wandering around in the house in our sleepwear and mostly relaxing doing a whole lot of nothing and piling it on.  That's one of the reasons I started the blog, to give me something to do during lockdown and to keep track of what we might've done (sort of an open diary) and what was going on in relation to the pandemic in the world at large. Another was to help, inform, enlighten & maybe provide some levity and entertainment to others.  But I never dreamt it would last this long. I thought at most by the end of May it would be over with and we'd be able to get on with our lives as per usual, but I'd keep the blog here as a sort of comprehensive testament to all that went on, providing the links stayed active.  Which I hope they will, but realistically speaking very few news organizations keeps their links or stories active for more than a few months. BBC is one of the few organizations that I know about that keeps their stories up at the same links for what seems like forever, because I've been able to find stories that they had posted in the 1990s, that are still there. Too bad, they all don't, because they are keeping a record of daily events world wide, which would be invaluable in the future to historians. 

Many Americans didn't receive a stimulus check because of who they married  I'm sure under Santa Trudeau here in Canada, everyone whether Canadian, married to a Canadian or just a plain illegal immigrant that came across our border in the middle of the night, got money doled out to them except if they were disabled or senior. Then they basically got ignored like the rest of us probably.

76 coronavirus cases have been linked to one Michigan bar That's easy to believe considering the bar scenes in Michigan. My cousin lives there and she's told me some stories about some of her bar outings, that sound pretty wild.

US 'likely' to see shortage of pharmaceutical drugs if coronavirus outbreak continues, intelligence report finds  I know the Montreal news on CTV tonight was discussing the possible shortage of antibiotics, because they're being used a lot to try to treat secondary infections in COVID patients.

Card games, pool, TV shows entertain Zimbabweans in lockdown  And all the high tech gadgetry we have along with those things mentionned here and we're still bored, while they're staying entertained just with what they have.

P.E.I. sees rise in anti-outsider sentiment as COVID-19 travel restrictions ease I think I suggested a cure for what ails them, if they decide to take a trip out west traversing Quebec & Ontario, on here last night. Maybe after an experience like what I outlined there, they'll think differently.

Monk believed to be 114 survives coronavirus  That's just amazing! Here's wishing him all the best from here on in!

Tweets comparing U.S. and Canadian health care during pandemic strike nerve  It's not entirely a lie. I do know of instances where people have had to or would've had to wait extremely long times to see a doctor or a specialist.  In fact, my daughter would've died before ever seeing an oncologist if she stayed in Ontario when she was given her cancer diagnosis. Instead she came back home here to Quebec and was able to see an oncologist in a matter of a couple of weeks from the moment she stepped foot in the province, versus the over 3 month wait she was given in Ontario.

Alberta will be first province to launch serology testing All provinces should do this! Otherwise we're never going to get a handle on this. On how many in the population have had it, how many have it currently and how many haven't ever had it.

COVID-19 Updates: Alberta sees 69 new cases | Airbnb cleaner raises concerns about rentals during pandemic  The Airbnb story is what concerns me the most. I think even in normal times Airbnb should not be allowed to exist. There's too many horror stories associated with that company and methods of doing business, from shootings at wild parties where the premises was just rented in order to have a wild party, to roach holes being shown online as luxurious palaces that people pay high money for in advance and then when they arrive are greeted with something that looks like an apartment from hell and definitely not worth anywhere near the amount they paid, or not being available at all and then trying to get reimbursed etc... Not to mention the noise, inconvenience and neighbourhood disturbances because of those rentals.  This is just one more thing that just screams at me "When the hell are the gov'ts going to shut this scam operation down?"

Air Canada, WestJet stop physical distancing on flights  I'm sure everyone's heard this already, but in case you haven't, here it is again.

45 residents of this Calgary highrise have caught COVID-19 but outbreak's cause remains unknown  Could it have been because of a delivery/service  person or visitor who had it, taking an crammed packed elevator with residents of the building? See unless you recognize everyone in the building and know everyone you encounter in the hallways and elevators it could be anyone, including people not normally in the building.

Nova Scotia marks 18 days without new case of COVID-19  That's awesome! I hope they're able to maintain the momentum and keep it going forever!

Rising Coronavirus Cases Put Fresh Strain on Mask Supplies If it's not one thing it's another. It just never seems to end, the incessant problems caused by this pesky disease.

Three people died and one is permanently blind after drinking hand sanitizer in New Mexico It's really really really hard for me to get my head around how stupid anyone has to be to do this, nevermind 4 someones. That'll teach them to listen to Trump again! I don't believe it. 

Scientists just beginning to understand the many health problems caused by COVID-19 Some of the things listed here are really bad and I myself, there are some I'm not sure I'd want to live very long with. I think in those cases, I'd prefer to die than live for years with such problems.

Adele's manager Jonathan Dickins confirms her musical comeback has been delayed because of the pandemic That's too bad, because she's a terrific singer! One of the best I've ever heard, and I've been waiting for a new album of hers to come out. 

Health authority warns of possible COVID-19 exposure at Vancouver strip club  I guess patrons at that bar got a little more than they paid for. I'm surprised those are even open in BC, already.

Liverpool, city calls out ‘unacceptable’ fans who celebrated after title amid COVID-19 pandemic They seem to be responding the same way the Americans are, to the reopening of society. Going hog-wild as Ford would say.

A look at COVID-19 travel restrictions in each province and territory  Personally, I think Quebec is being super generous and super lenient on the NB & PEI travellers who'd want to traverse our province. If I were the premier I'd impose the same restrictions on them as they impose on Quebecer's traversing their provinces.

Porta-potties fill Montreal bathroom void caused by COVID-19 closures  Maybe there's a lot in Montreal but there doesn't seem to be any around here. Wherever we go there's never any bathrooms open to anyone and we have to make sure we go before leaving home and hope we don't have to go again until we get back home, as no one but no one will let you use their washrooms and there's none of these porta-potties around either.

Micheál Martin becomes new Irish PM after historic coalition deal  Who says his first job will be to fight COVID19. 

To Italy with Love: Postcards from a Covid-America Just something a little different than the usual...

Science by press release: When the story gets ahead of the science Some of what's wrong with the COVID related news stories.

Pence says it’s ‘a good thing’ younger Americans make up portion of new coronavirus cases  Since he's basically kept his mouth shut as VP up until recently I always thought he was the intelligent half of that Presidential team.... Not anymore. Now I am beginning to understand why Trump chose him - they match each other intellectually speaking, it looks like.

COVID-19 in Canada: The CRA is being flooded with anonymous tips about possible CERB fraud This disease has brought out all the snitches in Canada, what with the physically distancing tickets and now the CERB fraud line.

Success of Quebec's plan to recruit orderlies for CHSLDs has left many seniors with no home care  So typical of governments. Solve one problem but create a half a dozen others.

So obviously we're not done with this yet, either. But yeah, I can see why we'd open everything up now. Sure.

'Window is closing' for US to get coronavirus under control, Trump's HHS secretary warns The window "is closing"? Shouldn't that be "The window has closed"!

‘STAY HOME’: Texas Residents Receive Emergency Alert Regarding COVID-19 Surge  Wow.... Not even "as of tomorrow stay home". Nope it's an emergency alert ordering them to stay home, like right now, this second. 

Sacha Baron Cohen Pulls Epic Prank on Far-Right Militia Event  I guess we had to expect something like this from him, sooner or later...

Pandemic-Emptied Hotels Could Become Affordable Housing, City Officials Suggest I think this could possibly work everywhere and not just in NYC.

Closing time for some California bars as U.S. posts record coronavirus cases Sounds like it ought to be closing time for some bars in BC as well.

Canadian-American couple forced apart at border after they couldn't prove common-law status And they had nothing showing that they lived at the same address together either huh? Like a driver's license, or other IDs, or even a phone bill with their name and address showing on it huh? If not, oh well then, them's the breaks, especially if he thought he'd just sneak his American girlfriend across our borders like that. 

Suburbs Boom, Toronto Fizzles As World's Major Cities Witness A Pandemic Exodus  Personally, I don't know why anyone would wait for a pandemic to move out of the city. 

Was coronavirus really in Europe in March 2019? I wouldn't doubt it at all. In fact that might explain a lot, like how it was able "to get around the world so fast", when in actual fact it wasn't "so fast" at all, because it was there for a long time already.

Daughter able to see terminally-ill father after isolation waiver granted It's good she's getting to see her father before he passes. It would've been nothing short of colossal idiocy and pure cold-heartedness to keep her from seeing him trying to make her self-isolate for 14 days, considering he's dying anyhow. 

Social-distancing is wrecking the economics of South Africa’s most dysfunctional—and vital—public transport  It probably should be wrecking the economics of our public transport systems as well, but I think they're bound and bent to not let it, by removing the mandatory distances we're supposed to keep from one another.

Amazon workers in Germany to go on strike over coronavirus infections  It's a wonder they didn't go on strike in the US too. 

Here’s When the Stock Market Crash Will Happen  I don't know how anyone can know that precisely, unless they're psychic. But you don't have to be psychic to figure out that there has to be one coming given everything that's happening out there.

New Yorkers will lose paid sick leave benefits if they travel to states with high COVID-19 infection rates says Governor Andrew Cuomo  I can't say as I'd blame him for implementing those measures considering everything he had to do to combat that virus and it's still not complete eradicated, but they are doing better than before and he definitely doesn't need any yahoos thinking they're going to go have a blast in a state that has COVID numbers and bring it back home with them when their vacation is finished and then he's looking at the same fight again. So yeah as the saying goes if they want to play then they should pay.

I'm a Health Care Worker. You Need to Know How Close We Are to Breaking. Like I said before.... Most if not all of this could've been avoided if even one of you had a backbone and spoke out against the way this whole thing was being handled by the politicians back in January when China made the announcement to the world about it and when you saw the warning that Chinese doctor left, or the female Chinese doctor that filmed inside her clinic/hospital that said she was seeing 100 patients a day with that and each of the rest of her colleagues were seeing 100 patients each as well.  I mean you had to know then what was coming if the borders weren't closed. So it behooved you all to start yelling and screaming at the top of your lungs like in the Game of Thrones to SHUT THE GATES or the borders in this case! But since none of you did that, well, you reap what you sow. So I'm sorry I have no sympathy for you, because it's only the doctors who could've spoken out enmasse (both in Canada and the US) and defied their superiors orders to keep quiet and let the rest of their citizens know and just start screaming about closing the borders then. If you did things would be different here now. Sure the borders would be shut, so we'd have to make do without some imported stuff, but no one would be frazzled to death from over work, no one or very few would've died and we'd be through it all by now. So don't think because none of you are chief public health officers that you can't look out for the public health by sounding alarms and raising the alarms if the public health officers on duty aren't.  Even nurses have a voice collectively and could've done the same - raised their voices about what was coming if nothing was done to stop it, rather than just sitting around and waiting for it to arrive. So like I said when the nurses in QC were all over the gov'ts case about being over worked, "I'm sorry but it's your own fault, so I have no sympathy for you whatsoever". 

CanSino's COVID-19 vaccine candidate approved for military use in China I guess it's good they're using their military as guinea pigs and not ours. So we'll see how that goes, before giving it to Canadians I hope.

Australia sees biggest daily rise in COVID-19 cases in two months  Too bad, because they were doing quite well, not too long ago.

Coronavirus: Only 6% of public want life to return to pre-pandemic times   Hmmmm I'd be interested in seeing a poll of the same sort done here in Canada to see what the percentages are here.

Coronavirus: Thousands of drivers caught speeding during lockdown  Even here in North America we've seen some humdingers on video, usually on the news.

German yields hover near lows as COVID-19 deaths top half a million I guess the COVID19 half a million death rate had an effect on the German stock markets.

Providing free legal advice to Canadians during the pandemic I think they're providing a half hour free legal advice to Canadians during the pandemic. For more info, see this story.

Until tomorrow, when I'll be back with what will hopefully be the last comprehensive COVID19 installment which will be followed by weekly updates consisting mostly of major related news, Canadian & Quebec related and the odd bizarre related story, until or unless we go back into lockdown again and then I'll resume comprehensive coverage again.  But in the meantime there will be the odd post here and there covering other things that I may find of interest that I would like to share with whoever might be interested.  So keep checking back as you never know what you'll find.