Showing posts with label pubs & bars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pubs & bars. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

COVID19 Canadian

Continuing Coverage

July 6, 2020

As promised here's the 1st weekly installment of the mostly Canadian Covid19 news coverage, with coverage of other stories that might be of consequence to us at some point in time, or the out of the ordinary stories:

Covid-19 How the Black Death made the rich richer  Something to ponder on while considering what's happening today with COVID19.

Latin America Seen Heading for Deepest Slump Since at Least 1901   Chances are Canada will be looking at facing something similar given all the previous reports I've seen and posted links to here.

China Never Reported Existence of Coronavirus to World Health Organization  Wondering why that might be? Is that possibly because they made it in their labs in Wuhan? I mean why else wouldn't they report it, if they had nothing to hide?

Researchers Debate Infecting People on Purpose to Test Coronavirus Vaccines I doubt that that's ethical to start with but is it even legal?

Unemployment rate won't recover for the next decade, CBO projects They are talking about the US here, but I'm pretty sure almost everywhere will be facing similar timelines and problems with unemployment.

'Oxford COVID-19 vaccine safe for people with weak immunity' Let's hope it is, otherwise the most vulnerable will be put at risk yet again, thinking they're safe now because they were vaccinated against the virus but wind up having other problems later on down the road because of the vaccine rather than the virus.

Passengers on 4 flights into YVR warned of possible COVID-19 exposure  When are the nitwits in charge going to clue in and SHUT THE FREAKING BORDER DOWN 

Dr. Marc Siegel says politics is masking the truth behind spike in coronavirus cases  Politics is masking the truth behind the virus period.

Some tourists cancel P.E.I. holidays as negative stories circulate in media  Good! They deserve it. I hope because of the way they treated certain travellers through their territory that their tourist industry sinks, dies and then rots and never comes back again. That'll teach them to be so sanctimonious like as if their shiete don't stink and everyone else's does.

Cape Breton researchers looking into plastic that kills COVID-19 It would be super great if they could extend that research to find out a way of killing it altogether no matter if it's on a surface, in the air, or on someone's person (skin, clothing, etc...). That would cut down on a lot of transmission possibilities if they could.

How a mutant coronavirus strain dominated the world: Scientists discover change to COVID-19 variant that lets it copy itself more efficiently - making it more infectious (but not more deadly)  Well at least we have that going for us, that even though it's more contagious it's not deadlier. So thank God for that at least.

SPY PHONE? Mystery ‘COVID-19 Exposure Logging’ function ‘appears in settings on iPhones and Android devices’  You might want to read this story and check your phones to see if your phone also now has that logging function in it. If so, you might want to be more than a little curious about how it got there and if that's all it's logging or is it logging your entire life too? And find a way to disable it and remove it. I would, I can tell you that because I don't trust anything that I didn't put on my electronic devices myself - unless it came that way when I bought it (even then I don't trust everything that just happens to have come with it).

COVID-19 is weakening, could die out without vaccine, specialist claims  Now if they're right, that would be super awesome! A cause for mass celebration world-wide!

'I don't think we're going to be able to contain this virus:' Fears of second wave loom large Trying to prepare us for yet another lockdown or even more stringent measures to disrupt our lives and economies even more? Is that what this is about now?

A coronavirus vaccine rooted in a government partnership is fueling financial rewards for company executives   What else can we expect from the US gov't? Or even our own it seems after the WE charity fiasco lately? 

British pubs, US beaches reveal summer virus dilemma OMG this ought to make any epidemiologist's hair stand on end! Just look at the pictures associated with this story. You don't even need to read the story to know how serious this is.  Given that scenario I don't think anyone from any country should be allowed to travel to the UK and if they do, they should not be allowed back into the countries they left. They should have to ride the entire pandemic out in the UK and only be allowed back into the originating countries once the pandemic has been eradicated, otherwise they'll just be bringing it back with them when they come home.  Everyone should close their borders to and from the UK immediately. But I know the genocidal maniac in charge of public health Canada won't nor will Trudeau for fear of alienating the Brits. Same reason they wouldn't shut the borders down when the virus was originally announced to the world by the Chinese gov't back in January.

French government ministers investigated over virus crisis  Yup, I think the same thing should apply here as well. I already can think of 2 ministers and 1 official that needs to be investigated and held on charges of gross negligence, namely Trudeau and Hajdu and the official in question is of course Tam.  All three of them should be tried for gross negligence causing mass genocide and crimes against humanity for all the pain and suffering and hardship they caused to just about everyone in the population except the ultra rich. 

Why is China becoming an existential risk for humanity? Why? Because they thought that they'd be able to hold world governments hostage for the anecdote redemsevir which they worked on with Gilead Sciences in Wuhan. But when it became obvious that we needed some kind of anecdote somewhere and I'm sure some convincing by the US gov't the Gilead Sciences company decided to probably move all production to the US and produce it there. So China lost control of it and had nothing to force other nations to kowtow to them for anymore after "letting" the virus loose and causing a global pandemic. ("letting" in quotes because I'm not entirely sure that they did let it loose but it sure seems like it from everything I've seen and read thus far. So because they lost control of the very thing they thought would give them influence and power over other nations they're resorting to other methods to achieve the same end goals, probably.

Scientists say WHO ignores the risk that coronavirus floats in air as aerosol  And it took them this long to come out with that statement when anyone and everyone in the medical field has known that fact about sneeze & cough droplets at least since the 1960s????? I'm sorry guys it's far too little and far too late for you to try to cover your hind quarters now. 

Farrakhan Accuses Fauci And Bill Gates Of Plotting To ‘Depopulate The Earth’ With Coronavirus Vaccine   Oh it wouldn't surprise me in the least, considering all the nefarious stuff I've discovered about Gates in the lead up to my upcoming post about him and his entanglement with this virus and in fact whole plandemic. 

Shelters struggle to keep up with skyrocketing demand for pet adoptions during COVID-19  I hope that means all the animals that had to be given up to the SPCA on July 1st due to moving here in Quebec, can look forward to getting adopted again quickly. 

Walking a 'tightrope': Bill Morneau and the path out of the pandemic economy 

Coronavirus: World has seen record 24-hour rise in COVID-19 cases - WHO At this rate we'll reach 1 million more cases every 4 days.

Coronavirus vaccine developers to launch phase 3 studies in US 

Coronavirus: Spain puts 200,000 people in Catalonia back into lockdown as cases rise  And they were doing so good just a couple of weeks ago. 

Man who allegedly crashed truck through Rideau Hall's gate with four guns is soldier troubled by COVID conspiracies  It's amazing most of us aren't because it sure looks conspiratorial if you ask me. 

CERB poses back-to-work dilemma: ‘We’re being incentivized to make just under $1,000’  Geez I'm sure families of 4 can get at least that much on welfare, so why would they work for that piddly sum in that case?

DNA Inherited From Neanderthals May Increase Risk of Covid-19 

‘Covid’ Movie Latest – ‘Deaths’ Become ‘Cases’ On The Road Back To Lockdown – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast (Please Share To Counter Censorship)  A video by David Icke about the pandemic, which YouTube won't be able to remove as it's on his own server.  So should be there for awhile in case you don't make it right away.

Police State Contagion: US Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time  The thing with bioweapons though is they tend to get out of hand and spread amongst innocent populations, a lot like what we're facing now with the plandemic.

Epidemiologist slams coronavirus lockdowns: 'We could open up again and forget the whole thing'  This is an epidemiologist saying this and not me.

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket  Another video you might wish to see about this whole subject.

More Evidence That Most Coronavirus Cases Are Now Weaker Than the Flu This would definitely be good news if it's verified to be true.

Red Flags Raised Over Chinese Research Published in Global Journals  

WHO halts hydroxychloroquine, HIV drugs in COVID trials after failure to reduce death 

WHO reports record level of new coronavirus cases, largest single-day increase 

Governors stress ‘personal responsibility’ over virus orders So in other words the governors in the US are putting the onus on the people to try to eliminate the virus they so callously let into their own territories. How dare them! They should be the ones taking the full responsibility for it and not laying the burden on their taxpaying voters!

Nightmare in New York: How Covid-19, BLM protests and a liberal mayor are turning the city into a no-go zone as murders skyrocket, shops are looted and 500,000 middle-class residents flee 

ROUND TWO Second coronavirus wave ‘won’t be long in the making’ says top cop as drinkers hit pubs and bars for Sunday session  That's for freaking sure going by the pictures in this story!

Singapore Invokes Fake-News Law to Defend Migrant Workers’ Tests  Fake news eh? Sound familiar to you? A method being deployed here in Canada and the US as well, when news gets out that goes against the government's narrative or the mainstream media's agenda or take on it. 

239 Experts With 1 Big Claim: The Coronavirus Is Airborne 

Covid-Like Virus Was Sent to Wuhan in 2013, Sunday Times Says  That would totally explain how Gilead Sciences and China's Wuhan Labs were able to come up with the anecdote redemsevir by 2016!

Coronavirus: Debt is the 'sleeping giant' of problems caused by COVID-19, charity warns  Well if the world's idiots at the helm of their respective countries didn't lock their countries down, there wouldn't be a debt problem like this, if they handled it the proper way instead of the idiotic way they handled it. Maybe we should make those imbeciles pay the countries debts off, by garnishing their salaries for the rest of their lives and confiscating all their wealth and properties and selling that to pay off the debts they caused. Wondering if they thought they could be held responsible for such economic debts if they'd have done it the same again, or if they'd have done it the proper way of only quarantining those that needed to be quarantined due to having the virus, or being in contact with someone who did and let the rest of the population carry on with their jobs.

Coronavirus: Former MI6 boss says theory COVID-19 came from Wuhan lab must not be dismissed as conspiracy 

The Pandemic's Big Mystery: How Deadly Is the Coronavirus?  Until we know the total portion of the population who has antibodies for it and compared to those who've been hospitalized and recovered and those who died, we won't know for sure.

Montreal nightclubs reopen with strict new COVID-19 regulations  The patrons at that bar didn't seem nearly as bad as those in the UK bar pictures, but they definitely weren't following the social distancing guidelines nor wearing masks, either. 

Worst year in a decade for forest fires in Quebec and COVID-19 is partly to blame, say firefighters along with the insane heat. 

Quebec reports over 100 new COVID-19 cases for the first time in two weeks Not good. We're regressing, it seems like.

The latest numbers on COVID-19 in Canada for Monday, July 6 

See the map: Tracking COVID-19 cases across Quebec This is an interactive map, allowing you to click on the area/s of interest to see the numbers of people affected in that region.

Some kids suffer mysterious brain damage from coronavirus, study finds  

Coronavirus vaccine developers to launch phase 3 studies in US 

Seniors who qualify receiving one-time COVID-19 payments of up to $500 this week   It's taken long enough to get anything and even though we are getting something, it's just a drop in the bucket of what's needed.