Showing posts with label 2nd wave?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd wave?. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2020

Trying My Best to Get These Headlines Over With At Least For Now.....

 Covid 19


November 2, 2020

Here it is November 2 and I'm still far behind in posting the headlines, so since it's freezing cold out there today (yeah when I got up earlier our little table in the backyard had a thin layer of snow on it, so definitely cold enough for snow to land and stay without melting and the winds are pretty rough as well), I thought I'd give it my best to get as much of it done as possible today. I wish I could get all of it done, but that's not likely given the number of headlines there are, and those are just up until October 31st. 

So getting on with it now....

Well the answer to that question would seem rather obvious, I think. At least it is to me. And for those still trying to guess, the answer would be "no".
'Definite increase': Experts warn against underplaying recent surge in COVID-19 cases Oh definitely DO NOT underplay anything to do with this plandemic because we want to exaggerate everything as much as possible to use it to scare people into submission, whenever and however we can. Otherwise they won't go along with all the oppressive tactics we've resorted to using and may rise up against us. That's how they think. 

I can definitely understand the chef, while I can also understand the consulate employees who are still going to be there and will still need to eat during the plandemic, no matter how afraid the chef might be. Plus it's in the US and apparently they aren't operating the same way we are here in Canada where employees are allowed to stay home if they think their lives are in danger (or were during the first wave anyhow).
COVID-19: Hospital capacity likely to be surpassed in Montreal, surrounding regions Scaremongering at it's best. The hospital capacities in Montreal were never anywhere near in danger of being surpassed. Even now 23 days on, they're still not according to Legault.

Yup the  gestapo state in full force now!  

Thanksgiving gatherings can NOT be blamed for this surge because the date on this article is 4 full days before the Thanksgiving holiday. The ONLY THING THAT CAN BE BLAMED FOR IT is sending everyone back to school and work. But since they're not allowed out of the house otherwise, you can't blame social gatherings on it. So it has more to do with the return to school and work than anything else. Though they'll never admit it, because that would blow holes in their effort to keep their all precious economy alive even at the expense of many lives. That's why there was such a rise in cases and there will continue to be a high number of cases, all the while that's mandated.  
Canadian couple forced to quarantine at home after being denied entry at U.S. border They weren't allowed to drive through the US to their home in Mexico, but yet we allow Americans to drive through Canada to get to Alaska. How's that work? Is it a 1 way street here? Where the Americans get to do whatever they want but Canadians aren't allowed an inch inside their border? Then the stupidity of the law forcing them to quarantine for 14 days because they were in the US for all of 2 seconds, just long enough to get refused entry. They have to quarantine but bigwigs with gajillions of dollars who fly into the country don't have to quarantine at all, no matter if they're Cdn citizens or not. Seems like everyone else in the world has more rights in Canada than actual Canadians do. 

I still don't get how most countries in this world can claim they're in a 2nd wave when they didn't sufficiently get rid of the 1st wave!  

That doesn't say too much about the level of intelligence in our politicians nor medical community when everyone who practices medicine knows coronaviruses - the kind that causes colds, are airborne. So if the garden variety of coronavirus is airborne how come this one isn't????? I'm just getting so sick and tired of all the BS going on in regards to this virus and how dumb and pathetic they play when they want to and use whatever excuse they can to help it keep spreading (because that's what it seems like to me), so they can continue to use it for their ends of f'n our lives up permanently.  

The imbeciles in Ottawa wouldn't know a second wave if it bit them in the ass! Seriously. We haven't gotten through the first one yet. The numbers weren't sufficiently lowered for this to be considered a second wave, it's more of a resurgence of the first wave than anything else. But whatever....
Case counts alone don't paint a reliable picture of COVID-19 in Ontario, experts warn Like I've been saying.... But quoting the story: Instead, they say, Ontarians should consider a variety of statistics, including deaths, hospitalizations and positivity rates to get a clearer picture of what's happening --------> The case counts takes in all of those numbers since the beginning of the pandemic. Out of that number you minus the number of deaths, hospitalizations & current positive cases (which includes the hospitalized), to get the number of recuperated. The only numbers though that you have to be concerned about are the current positive cases combined with the current hospitalizations - to get the true picture of how many are currently infected in your province (whether that's ON, QC, PEI, BC or any of the other provinces or territories that's how you figure the current number of infections in the province). But some provinces like QC, likes to hide the current positive cases because that's not as scary as the other numbers like total cases over all, hospitalizations and deaths, so you have to do the math that I layed out above, if they have a "recuperated" number in their charts anywhere, which QC does. So first thing is take case numbers, minus number of deaths, and recuperated and you'll be left with the current number of active cases. To know the real number of active cases at large in the community and not hospitalized, just minus the hospitalized number from the remainder of the other equation. I'm glad they posted that article because it means the medical community is trying in a subtle way to show you that the numbers you're seeing in the news and media aren't really as big and scary as you have been led to believe they are.

Finding time for new hobbies during COVID-19  There are many sources of information, and how-tos on the internet, from YouTube videos demonstrating how to do something, whether that's how to use a particular tool, or how to make a particular crochet or knit stitch, or certain cooking or painting & sketching methods. Whatever you want to know how to do can probably be found online for free via video demonstrations or ebooks, or other. I've given sources for ebooks of all types on here already, just look in the right hand side column of labels for ebook and click on it and it'll take you to various sources for such. For video tutorials YouTube seems to be pretty good, just use their search engine to find whatever it is you're looking for and you'll be presented with  a list of videos of that type.
India-Israel 30-second coronavirus test should be 'ready in days' Unlike here in Canada, where we had various kinds of tests made all the way back in May but the bozo brains in Ottawa would approve them, because the art teacher is too stupid to figure out how they work, probably.

McDonald’s, Chipotle and Domino’s Are Booming During Coronavirus While Your Neighborhood Restaurant Struggles  Most of the restaurants in our area have always had and still have their own delivery services, like Domino's.

Lesson not learned: Europe unprepared as 2nd virus wave hits Well at least here they admit it, instead of sitting around and stupidly wondering if it was....

She didn't die because of the virus but because of the stupid measures taken on account of it. 
FBI busts militia 'plot' to abduct Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer I have a feeling that while that was a first plot to take down a leader of a jurisdiction (state, province, country, whatever), that this isn't likely to be the last, but the next ones might succeed, because people have had it. The next plots may not necessarily even be in North America, but be elsewhere, but that won't be the end of them either if things keep going the way they are.
U.S. government won't say why it allows Canadians to fly to U.S. despite border closure Same thing here, we have Americans flying into Canada as well, which no one even mentions, let alone justifies all this international travel to and from our country when the borders are supposed to be closed.
At Disney World, 'Worst Fears' About Virus Have Not Come True Because everything's always over hyped and exaggerated when it comes to this virus. Got to keep everyone on tenterhooks and afraid of everything all the time. 

Quoting the article here:  "As long as the virus continues to spread, previously normal activities such as going to a bar, attending a crowded concert, or even hosting a family gathering over the holidays will continue to come with significant risks. And those risks aren't only about your own health, Tsipursky stressed. 

Because the virus preys on the vulnerable, this year a normal holiday gathering can "kill grandma," Tsipursky said. And the virus' path to such a vulnerable person can wind through their family's everyday activities." --------> Do you see where they list the risks? Well I have one question for those scaremongering geniuses..... If that's the case, how come here in QC, the numbers keeps going up or are up around the record high of 1,000 cases per day, daily, when the only things we're allowed to do is go to work and school. All bars and restaurants are closed and we're not allowed to socialize with anyone outside of our own households, so how come we're seeing those numbers if it's family gatherings and bars where we're getting this disease from???????????? Please answer me that oh genius scaremongerers, would you please???? For my sake so I can finally understand how even though all those activities you had the audacity to mention as being the cause is both forbidden AND closed here in Quebec, but yet there's no relenting in the spread of it!!!!!! So PULEASE explain that to me! Because I seriously want to know!

Majority of Canadians support closing non-essential businesses during second wave: Nanos survey I guess they think that means they'll get another long extended paid vacation courtesy of the taxpayers (which they are too but seemingly too clueless to figure things out on their own). But what happens if or when the government runs out of money to dole out to everyone every month? Or when the payments come due and we have to repay all that money so the country doesn't go into receivership with the IMF and they come and loot every resource and dollar they can find to pay themselves back, for lending us the money to bail us out with our debts all over the freaking world!?!  Yeah guess none of them thought of that. Bet most don't have a clue about anything to do with that either. 

'We have to do a hard reset': Experts say some Albertans becoming complacent in COVID-19 fight 

Covid: UK at 'tipping point', top scientist warns 

BCG: Can a vaccine from 1921 save lives from Covid-19? I remember having that vaccine when I was a kid, there weren't too many vaccines available for me to get, so the few I did get I remember. Just wondering though if it would provide me protection from it? Or if I would need a booster shot?

Covid: Brazil's coronavirus death toll passes 150,000 

Covid: Trump 'no longer a transmission risk to others' 

Covid: India's coronavirus outbreak in 200 seconds 

Trump-aged Covid survivors on the president and the pandemic 

Covid on campus: Partying, isolating - and sometimes both 

Jon Karl Says White House ‘Wouldn’t Allow’ Fauci, Other Medical Experts to Appear on ABC’s This Week Fauci has his own agenda in regards to this pandemic, so I can see them not wanting him to appear on a particular or speak to anyone about anything. His agenda is more inline with pushing his vaccines and remedies so he can profit from it, than just being a doctor, from the things I've heard and seen about him. 

All the TV Shows That Were Canceled Due to COVID-19 (Photos)

In case you were wondering....

Covid19 Resources Canada

A site for everyone but primarily volunteers, researchers, scientists and if the politicians actually want to learn anything about the disease and what they should do (SHOULD DO as OPPOSED TO WANT TO DO) to help cut down on spread, this would be the site where all those people should go. 

Solitary confinement: 4 in 5 seniors have felt more anxious, depressed during pandemic Seriously? You needed a news story to get this across to people? This senior feels more angry than anxious though, wanting to flout the rules is an understatement now.... Now I'm up for a full on revolution and capitol punishment of all who allowed this to happen - for aiding and abetting the disease, basically and for mass genocide. 

Media trust linked to how careful Americans are during COVID; CNN tops Fox News in poll

COVID-19 vaccines won’t be affected by virus’ ‘G-strain’ mutation That's good to know....

‘Brain fog’ after COVID may reveal patients have PTSD

Small-business owners add curbside pickup, FaceTime virtual shopping, online sales to compete this holiday season 

CNN exclusive: Fauci says he was taken out of context in new Trump campaign ad touting coronavirus response

Coronavirus May Stay for Weeks on Banknotes and Touchscreens  

‘I Feel Like I Have Dementia’: Brain Fog Plagues COVID-19 Survivors

Longterm Care Residents In Greeley Protest COVID-19 Restrictions 

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson confirms new three-tier system of local lockdowns for England

PAPAL PANIC Coronavirus fears for Pope Francis, 83, after four members of his Swiss Guard test positive for Covid-19 

CDC forecasts coronavirus death toll to hit 233,000 by the end of the month with as many as 6,800 new fatalities in the last week of October alone

Trust in science wanes, another casualty of coronavirus pandemic Well because if the politicians are getting their advice on how to handle this pandemic from "scientists" then I wonder why it's waning.... It's amazing they still have even a modicum of trust in them left. Because being a former nurse and knowing how contagious infectious diseases are SUPPOSED TO BE HANDLED, has left me ALL ASKEW. I mean I can't even fathom why they didn't enact proper protocol and measures and just let this virus into their respective countries to run rampant. Anyone with a half a braincell involved in medicine should've been ringing the alarm bells loud and clear even if their govt and heads of public health weren't. It was equally their job to prevent the disease from getting into the country as anyone else in authority's simply because it's a doctor's job to "DO NO HARM". And let me just hazard a guess and say there was MEGA HARM done to millions of people world wide because physicians who were hoping for grants and promotions couldn't be bothered to jeopardize those benefits for the sake of alerting their fellow citizens and media (who would then promulgate for border closures all on their own whether the politicians and public health authorities wanted it or not).  Let me just say that I not only HOPE & PRAY that you were denied all those grants and promotions BUT THAT YOU TOO GOT SWAMPED WITH TREATING THIS DISEASE & ALSO CONTRACTED IT YOURSELVES!!!!! That would serve you all right! But that doesn't let nurses off the hook either as they too knew full well how to stop it and what had to be done to prevent it from getting into the country as well, but they didn't do or say anything about it either. I get they feel they don't have the authority, but they should have MORAL AUTHORITY to do what's right even when all the doctors around them are being pigheaded stubborn ash holes. So theoretically it doesn't let them off the hook either. You all fell down on the job and now you wonder why trust in science is waning????? Hmmmm sure beats me.... Ummmm duhhhh....

Remdesivir study finally published – an expert in critical care medicine gives us his verdict 

Indian man who fasted for four days ‘to pray for Trump’s coronavirus recovery’ dies of cardiac arrest 

7 physical symptoms of loneliness you may not be aware of Amidst all of these lockdowns these days we need to be aware of things that could be detrimental to our health, such as elevated blood pressure levels, etc...

A Canadian Man Being Held In Isolation Only Just Found Out About Coronavirus

Yeah one of the Canadian hostages that China grabbed when we grabbed the Wa Way woman for the US. He has been in isolation with no news of what's going on here in Canada as I bet the other Michael has, who was also grabbed around the same time as him. 

COVID-19 could cost Canadian universities millions, even billions: Statistics Canada

Maybe they could sue the governments for their ineptitudes and negligence on handling the pandemic and everything surrounding it including the losses they incurred on  account of it. 

Your Past Colds Could Help Ward Off Serious COVID-19 Symptoms: Study

I'm hoping H1N1 wards it off, since I haven't had a cold or flu or even sore throat since I got the H1N1 virus in 2009. So maybe if H1N1 wards off the common cold virus (which is a coronavirus) it'll ward that off too. Assuming I didn't have COVID19 back in January, as I'm sure I did but can't prove at least not without an antibody test.

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now

COVID-19 is changing the way men and women split the risk in the workplace 

Daily lives of Italians during pandemic lockdown preserved by photojournalists at new exhibit

COVID-19 closed this man's gym. Here's how he's staying fit and seeing Toronto at the same time 

Canadians are rich, but this Thanksgiving, our well-being is trickier to measure

Of course we care about each other even if the politicians don't. That's why I spend hours a day doing this, for the benefit of other Canadians who might wish to know something in particular that they might've missed or didn't get all the facts on, or who needs/wants to know where they can find financial aid or other. That's why our neighbours help us out with things that we need done.  That's why our family helps each other out doing whatever we can to help despite this stupid pandemic. It's only the gestapo and nazis in power that don't seem to care and those career minded medical professionals who put their promotions, and grants above all else. 

Technical glitches briefly mar first day of applications for Canada Recovery Benefit No surprise there considering the Cdn gov't is nothing but one big technical glitch for most of us anyhow.

Pandemic has prompted interest in wills, Edmonton estate lawyers say

It's really sad that a pandemic had to come along to make people care about not dying intestate. Everyone over the age of 18 or legal age in your province should have a will. If you own anything at all, whether that's merely a starting bank account or that along with say some cool electronic gadgets and a car (no matter the age of it), you should have a will otherwise the gov't can determine who gets what and if you're single, never married that'll be your parents if they're still alive and if not, it'll be your next next of kin which could be a sibling (whom you may or may not get along with). So if you have something that you would like to go to someone in particular you need a will. Whether there was a pandemic or not, because we're all prone to dying anytime anywhere. We can get zapped by a bolt out of the blue, as easily as we can get hit by a car, or just have our heart stop beating. We don't need coronavirus around to do us in.

Loyola High School to close for 2 weeks after school community members test positive for COVID-19 

New Brunswick details outdoor mask rules for Moncton, Campbellton areas

Three cohorts of Catholic school board students cleared of possible COVID-19 exposure 

Applications open for new COVID-19 support programs after hours of technical troubles

Long-term care homes suffered due to efforts to help hospitals, inquiry hears 

UN warns against pursuing herd immunity to stop coronavirus

Oh well yeah, they have a vested interest in seeing us all vaccinated and probably chipped via the vaccinations as well.

Tory critic dismisses Chinese pandemic 'excuse' barring access to two Michaels We were introduced to one of those Michaels in the isolation story above.

COVID-hit UK arts groups welcome government cash infusion

Gawd, I wish I could get gov't cash to fund my arts. Like I said I love making things and that's what I plan on doing as soon as I can get caught up to October 31st headlines on COVID in here.

Canadians create COVID-era Thanksgiving traditions as cases climb, restrictions mount I didn't give a flying F about restrictions etc.... We had our usual Thanksgiving celebrations that we've had since the year after our daughter died (who came home to die around Thanksgiving, so she could have her last Thanksgiving with us - but she couldn't eat anything). So since that Thanksgiving there's NOTHING that's going to stop me celebrating Thanksgiving with our son. NOTHING. A gov't directive wants to try and I'll have it in court as being unconstitutional it's head will spin. 

Red Cross workers being dispatched to Ottawa-area long-term care homes

Lessons learned from COVID-19 outbreak in remote Sask. First Nation 

COVID-19 cases a concern in remote Manitoba First Nations 

COVID-19: How different parts of Canada are managing upticks 

Is Canada focused on the wrong COVID-19 tests? As is the habit in Canada, to always be focused on the wrong thing or wrong time or both.

Some snowbirds headed south despite pandemic

Might as well enjoy whatever's left of one's life. That's maybe how they feel and I know that's how I feel.

COVID-19 study on surface spread inconsistent with real-world scenarios, expert says Science never does match real life. Everything's got to be in a controlled setting etc... Except that things in life don't happen in controlled settings. They usually happen spontaneously out of the blue. 

COVID SCIENCE-COVID-19 antibodies last at least 3 months; so do symptoms for many

As Covid Cases Surge, More Public-Health Experts Say Lockdowns Aren’t the Answer  Obviously. I mean look at how lousily QC is doing despite the "lockdown" which they don't call a "lockdown" because everyone is still going to work & to school. 

As pandemic rages, Mexicans pray to death 'saint'

Best Western CEO fears for the industry’s future: ‘It’s really bad’ No doubt for Best Westerns it is really bad, considering the cost they charged for mediocre rooms (and that was back in 2014 & in Nfld). I mean gawd in some other hotel/motels you can rent a luxurious suite for the same price as a mediocre room in a Best Western. I know we did in Lunenburg NS. We had an awesome motel suite - it was like an apartment with separate bedrooms, kitchen (not kitchenette a whole sit in at dining table kitchen) and livingroom with laundry facilities and a patio outside complete with patio equipment and BBQ. It was beautiful and it was much cheaper than the Best Western there. So until the Best Western gets competitive it's likely to keep getting worse for them. It's a wonder they manage to survive as it is (before the pandemic started). 

CDC: Teen gave COVID-19 to 11 relatives across 4 states, including Illinois, during a family vacation. Case is a cautionary tale as holidays approach, experts say.

Corona virus Update: Virus can survive on Note, Mobile Screen for 28 days 

Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'

I don't think we need to worry about reinfections, because up until now there haven't been that many reported reinfections in the news and if it weren't a rare phenomenon the media would be ignoring the reports like this as there'd have been so many it would seem commonplace. So the mere fact they're reporting this means there haven't been that many and it's still a rare occurrence.  

'Like we're going into quarantine': Americans plan to stockpile food this fall over fears of COVID-19 surge, election unrest

Face masks are 'less effective' in the rain, what to do when it gets wet 

Exclusive: America's true unemployment rate

I wonder what the true unemployment rate in Canada is as compared to these standards applied in this article.

U.S. pauses Eli Lilly’s trial of a coronavirus antibody treatment over safety concerns 

A Super-Spreader Jail Keeps Sparking COVID Outbreaks Across the U.S.

More masks, less play: Europe tightens rules as virus surges 

Russia reports record high daily coronavirus cases and deaths 

Paris hospitals near Covid saturation 

Covid patient ‘becomes first in world to die after being reinfected’ 

AMC Theatres Says Cash Resources to Be "Largely Depleted" by End of 2020 or Early 2021 

Canadian province Alberta to cut up to 11,000 health jobs to save money

Only in Canada would you cut 11,000 health jobs in the middle of a pandemic, to save money!

First, a Vaccine Approval. Then 'Chaos and Confusion.' 

Cow-hugging is the new animal therapy trend we all need

I'm sure all the cattle ranchers in Alberta will wind up having to do that, after the health job cuts, especially if they or one of their loved ones comes down with the virus, they'll need someone to hug and since they'll have to self quarantine it won't be a loved one, so it'll have to wind up being one of their bovine.

COVID-19 in Canada: Ford addresses 'disturbing' anti-maskers at his home; Alberta sees lack of cooperation with contact tracers Why would you cooperate with contact tracers when you know they're cutting back on 11,000 health care workers anyhow? It'll just make their jobs more overwhelming for the ones that didn't get cut.

Scared of a $2,000 CERB Audit? Make Sure You Did These 3 Things Right

Oh now comes the audits.... The gov't is really piling it on, aren't they!?! Well this is Canada and it run by self-entitled clueless ash holes, isn't it!?! None of them have ever done an honest day's work in their lives nor had to earn a penny for themselves. So this doesn't surprise me.

Anyhow that's enough for the day.... Until next time take care & stay well.












Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Doin' Nothin' But This & Paying Bills, While Wading Through Tons of Headlines About

 Covid 19


October 28, 2020

I am truly giving it my best shot to get caught up with all the headlines by October 31st, in order to give this blog a rest until things change one way or the other in the plandemic. When they do the blog will be revived and those changes will be chronicled in here, but as I said earlier I see no reason to keep it going when it's just repetitive sorts of incidents & headlines, with no new major developments either in the pandemic itself, the social response to it, the economic situation created by it, or anything else. So as long as things remain on the same footing, I see no reason to keep posting similar articles day after day. 

The blog won't be totally dormant though, as I do intend to make the post about Bill Gates and how he seems to be implicated in this whole mess starting with the conference together with the WEF in Wuhan just weeks before the plandemic got under way and what that conference was about, along with all the fishy business to do with his vaccine efforts in Africa and all the rumoured reports about the "Great Reset" and chips in vaccines etc... It's one big spider's web of interconnectedness that basically would make your head spin - I know it makes mine spin. 

Plus I will try to post the occasional posts about various things of interest, like for instance suggestions on things to cook, make or do for various holidays. Or maybe I'll post more of those fun interactive video sites, or other things that I find that might be of interest, like maybe just a whole freaking page full of links to recipes or things like that. Anyhow it won't be totally dormant while things are more or less the same as they are now.  

But when I started this blog back in March it was only supposed to be for a few weeks, until we got back to normal (or at least that's what we were told and judging by how quickly Wuhan seemed to have recovered from it, that was believable) but I guess not. Then in July when it looked like we might actually have the health emergency act repealed I thought great I can resume my normal life again. But it wasn't. It was but only for a few hours as in they hadn't renewed it and let it lapse for a few hours before renewing it. Then they renewed it and never let up on it and again Legault renewed the lockdown until the 23rd of November so you can be sure the health emergency act is still in force at least until then if not longer. And I know I said I'd keep this blog going for as long as the pandemic lasted, but again according to everything (as said by the authorities and as what was seen in Wuhan and how quickly they recovered) I thought yeah it might extend a bit past the few weeks the authorities said it would be in the beginning, but now it's way more than just a few weeks or even just a bit past that. 
It's officially 7 and a half months now that I've been doing this alone. Just me reading, bookmarking and later posting those headlines into this blog, which takes a substantial portion of my day to do. In the beginning when there was nothing else to do because of the lockdowns and the weather etc, I didn't mind and while basically nothing in regards to the weather and lockdowns has changed much since March when I started doing this, my urge to get back to making things has changed. I need time in the day to do things I want to do for myself. I want to get back to having time to enjoy (not in a rushed sort of manner like I've had to do when the freezer went on the fritz or when I had things to take care of at harvest time) cooking, baking and crafting. I haven't done any crafting since I started this blog and now my fingers are yearning to do something different besides type and control a trackball. But like I said I didn't mind in March because of the lockdowns and weather - and the lockdowns and pandemic was supposed to be over by the time the lousy weather we were experiencing in the spring months was over with anyhow. So I had in mind that maybe by June I wouldn't be doing this anymore, but I find I'm still here 4.5 months later doing the same thing, by myself. I can't keep this up forever by myself but the way it's going it looks like I might have to if I allow myself to get stuck to the "promise" I made about keeping this blog going until the end of the pandemic. 
For the amount of money and feedback I've gotten so far, it's not even worth a day's worth of work, let alone keeping it going 7.5 months like this. Not that I was doing it for monetary compensation, but a comment or two would've been nice every now and then.
On top of that I started this for Canadian Seniors to keep them informed about the pandemic and whatever help and services there are out there for them. I know a couple seniors personally who accessed the blog in the beginning and got all the relevant information they needed from it then, but they never returned and only one of them even mentionned it to me and thanked me for providing that information. 
Other than that, hardly anyone from Canada visits the blog, it's mostly international visitors I get and while I appreciate that (hence the reason I've included more international stories than I did before), none of them have ever even left a comment here either. Either adding something to the topics using the Comments Section below each post, (as in maybe saying "yeah, I know I was there at that event" or "it's the same where I live") or making some other comment or even suggestions on how to do or deal with stuff mentionned on that post. Or sharing experiences. That's what I had originally wanted. I originally wanted us seniors to band together as a way of sharing experiences, ideas and helping each other by whatever means, whether that was sharing info on how to make or bake something or how to get a gov't official to get off their lazy arses and do something to benefit us all, or form a lobby group to lobby the gov't with - as they do say there's power in numbers. But none of that ever happened despite my encouragement in the beginning - when no one was taking me up on any of that, I just didn't bother making any more appeals for it. So for the most part it's been me airing my opinions and knowledge while posting headlines about the stupid plandemic ruining all our lives.

Now like everyone else I've had enough of it and plan to get back to my real life as soon as I'm caught up on the end of the month's headlines - meaning Oct 31st's headlines. When things plandemic wise change, I'll resume posting plandemic related headlines/articles in here. 
So you'll be on your own to stay current with all the ever-changing relevant by-laws and rules the tyrants want to throw at us using the plandemic as an excuse for such.

So now I'm going to give it another good go tonight to get as many of those headlines into this post as possible....
From Broadway to playing in a New York City park It looks like just about everyone was severely affected by this plandemic one way or the other, including professional performers.

She lost her job in the pandemic. She can't even afford the dollar store to feed her kids This is very sad and shouldn't be allowed to happen in a rich country like the US. Shame on a country that rich that would let it's kids go hungry. When they have money for all kinds of armaments and stupid stuff like mining meteor dust and all sorts of other useless and lethal stuff like that, but no money to give to a mom to help her feed her kids. No wonder that country has seen every hurricane that came out of the Atlantic hit them this year, mega fires in California and Colorado, and the most pandemic cases on the globe. I can't help but think that might be some kind of divine retribution for allowing things like that to happen, when they have the means to prevent it (the hungry kids I'm talking about and not all the rest of it - the rest of it is the retribution I'm talking about).

A vaccine can provide better immunity than an actual infection. Here's why.  Hmmmm having had just about every major childhood disease because there were no vaccines available against them at the time, and not ever having had a "relapse" of any of them despite me having suffered through those illnesses in the early 1960s and never needing a "booster shot" of any kind either, I wouldn't know about that. Personally I think me having suffered through all those illnesses was better than having had a vaccine against them because my immune system developed a lifelong immunity against such diseases and I never needed to worry if my vaccinations were up to date or not. Unlike my son who recently had another MMR shot "in case" because of the measles that was going around last year. I didn't have to worry about that at all. 

This just epitomizes the ridiculousness of it all. Why in the world did they make her take a test for COVID19 when runny noses were never a symptom of the virus!  

Man dies from COVID-19 after travelling from Central Africa to Newfoundland via Toronto And how many other passengers and airport personnel did he infect along the way? 
Yeah... a virtual nuit blanche.... A virtual dinner.... Hope those bytes and pixels are as yummy as the real thing would've been!
Trump has repeatedly blamed China for a virus that now threatens his health. This will make Beijing nervous Good! I hope they're trembling in their boots! They deserve to be after unleashing it on the world, and then not sharing the obvious cure that they have! Considering they managed to eradicate it in 3-4 months from onset to good riddance of the virus! So they must've been hiding an anecdote to it somewhere in order to get rid of it that quickly in that large of a population like that!

Just be careful that  you don't start feeling like Alice in Jefferson Airplane's song "White Rabbit".... 

Scottish government criticised for 'absolutely terrifying' advert showing how coronavirus spreads Nothing like scaremongering. Seems like governments today have to go for the most melodramatic way they can find to get a message out to the masses. Simple words don't seem to suffice anymore. 





Is there anything? Any tradition? Any celebration? Any fun thing that COVID 19 has not buggered up? I would really love to know of something that it didn't some how alter, or cancel?  

Another cancellation to COVID's credit. 



So they slow the testing down as cases rise? Isn't that a little bassackwards?

Rich nations tighten firehose of aid as virus outlasts early efforts I don't know if it ever occurred to anyone in power in any of these countries (including Canada & the USA) to find out just exactly how China managed to defeat the virus the way it did? Then maybe try the same things in their respective countries in order to get back to normal once & for all. Because obviously the China had something, or knew something that we don't, in order for them to defeat the virus in 3-4 months the way they did and that's supposedly without any vaccines either. So maybe we should find out what they used or did and follow their example in our countries? 

Forget money — Alberta woman's app lets you barter skills and services with your neighbours This is an awesome idea! Just think of how many goods and services hairdressers and barbers would've acquired during the last lockdown! 😉

COVID-19 case counts will drop artificially as testing moves to appointment only, experts warn You mean the public needed to be told that if they're testing less because of needing appointments that there'll be a lower count? Geez I think I inferred that above under the headlines saying that they were moving to appointments for testing.


No matter how they  end, I really wish this one would end soon. But you can see in the numbers there that this pandemic is nowhere near as deadly as any of the previous pandemics, with or without a vaccine to fight them.

I love all of these sudden computer glitches that the world is having in order to explain why all of a sudden there was no or very little cases around and then suddenly there's a gazillion (because apparently they went unreported due to computer glitches). That excuse is being used there in this report as it was used here in QC and in a few other provinces as well. Very convenient to make up astronomical numbers out of thin air. 

Phew! And I thought it was just me!

'A devastating experience:' Temporary layoffs just became permanent for millions of American workers When I read stories like this, about how this virus hasn't only permanently damaged someone's health, or killed a loved one, but managed to wreck the lives of those it hasn't physically touched "yet" and KNOWING ALL OF THAT COULD'VE BEEN PREVENTED IF THE IDIOTS IN CHARGE STARTING FROM TEDROS AT THE WHO ON DOWN TO ALL THE POLITICAL LEADERS & THEIR SYCOPHANT CHIEF DOCTORS IN CHARGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH FOR THEIR NATIONS. IF THEY HAD'VE ACTED PROMPTLY & PROPERLY TO CIRCUMVENT THE VIRUS FROM ENTERING THEIR TERRITORIES IN THE FIRST PLACE & FOR THOSE WHO COULDN'T CATCH IT ALL & IN TIME, MANAGED PROPER QUARANTINE MEASURES  P R O P E R L Y, THIS WOULD N O T  HAVE HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It literally INFURIATES ME!!!!! So MUCH SO THAT I ADVOCATE FOR A WORLD TRIBUNAL SYSTEM TO TRY ALL THOSE MOTHER F'N GENOCIDAL ECONOMY WRECKING ASH HOLES AND BRING BACK BURNING AT THE STAKE TO  BURN ALL THE WITCH DOCTORS THAT WENT ALONG WITH THAT IDIOCY AND KISSED THEIR BOSSES ASHES BY ALLOWING THAT VIRUS IN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!! There HAS TO BE A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR THEM - ALL OF THEM!!!!! INCLUDING THE ART TEACHERS & ACCOUNTANTS THAT HAVE THE AUDACITY TO THINK THEY'RE QUALIFIED AS ANYTHING TO DO WITH MEDICINE. GAWD THEY'RE NOT EVEN QUALIFIED BY LAW TO PUT A BANDAID ON A KID'S FINGER, OR GIVE THEIR FATHER AN ASPIRIN!!!!!! NEVERMIND PRETEND TO BE A HEALTH MINISTER IN CHARGE OF A PANDEMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THE IDIOT LEADERS THAT PUT THEM IN THAT PORTFOLIO NEEDS TO BE HANGED FOR BEING SUCH A CALLOUS MONSTEROUS AIRHEADED ASH HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry if I'm losing it here. But this isn't the first story like this I've seen all the while reading how rich all these bazillionaires are getting and now add the vaccine makers into it as well. Not to mention the PPE and hand sanitizer companies. This whole fiasco is just a money game for those in the know behind the scenes and knows what's going on and what the next moves will be. Otherwise the rest of us can die of starvation as far as our governments care, as witnessed by this and other reports like it. I think they're using this pandemic to kill as many of us off any which way they can, whether that's from the virus itself or maybe starvation or exposure to the elements now that a lot of people have been kicked out of their homes because they couldn't pay their rent or mortgage. 


I don't know what the kitchen sink is exactly, but last night I posted an article itemizing all the meds he was on and some of the meds had nothing to do with the virus. Some were for stomach ulcers and others were the aspirin a day thing, because of aging and potentially clogging arteries. There were only 2 meds listed that I could see that were for the virus and one wasn't named but was by Regeneron and the other was Remdesivir made by Gilead Sciences and the other a steroid which because he's the president was probably given to him to ensure he doesn't get worse and not necessarily because he is worse than being let on. So what's the kitchen sink there? The aspirin maybe? Or perhaps the stomach meds to prevent or treat ulcers? I mean most medical professionals would do whatever they could to give their political leader an extra little boost to get better, rather than waiting for them to get sick enough to require that medicine, when they know full well the medicine won't hurt but will likely help enormously. Gawd, I'm not a political leader of anyone or anything but I've been given an extra little boost when the doctors thought it would help rather than hurt me, even though at the time I was given it I didn't "need" it.   Like I said many times before, but I am so tired of the stupidity, the lies, the made up BS, the hyperbole and just all of it, that I guess it's starting more and more to show in my comments on these stories. So yeah it is getting to be time I stopped doing this until something changes. Either people smarten up and start flying right and acting and thinking logically and rationally about this whole thing (I mean the politicians, the doctors that value being called a doctor and not just a grant chasing sycophant of someone or other and the media). Which given the track this whole thing started down, that's highly unlikely until or unless real doctors and those who really care about people and the economy get together and overthrow these bunch of treasonous genocidal ash holes, en masse and world wide. Don't let a one of them escape. Not one. Get 'em all and try them all! Because we really do need a "Great Reset" alright, but not the same kind Gates has envisioned for us all.


Israeli Couple Caught Violating Lockdown While Having Sex on the Beach Sure why not? After all the other lockdown violations I've read, might as well add Sex on the Beach - hey isn't that a drink? Hope the hot, wet, gritty sex was worth the fine!

So roughly 800 million of us then huh? And out of that there's a little over 1 million deaths? Then it's nowhere near as deadly as you've been making it out to be. So time to stop all this BS over it and let us get back to normal life then! 
Poll: Many Americans blame virus crisis on US government It's not just the US gov't that allowed the virus into their countries. Just about all the western countries did. 

Sikkim Governor announces Rs 1 lakh ex-gratia each for frontline warriors killed by COVID I hope that's a substantial enough amount to help them and not something that's worth something like $5 Canadian. Because otherwise that's more of an insult added to the injury than help.

Pretty soon if this keeps up we'll all be living virtual lives on the net with no real lives involved.  

Well that's good that  Twitter changed it's mind, because I don't recall anyone giving them the authority to abrogate  anyone's rights to freedom of speech and or expression, nor to any social media giant for that matter including Yahoo. 

Really???? Dr. Jenna M. figures that maybe taking anything at all, like say vitamin D isn't boosting your immune system against Covid 19? Well I've read a half a dozen or so articles lately that would argue that with her.  So while I'm not saying for sure that vitamin D does provide a boost to your immunity against Coronavirus, I'm saying there's a damned good chance it does, I'd even stick my neck on the line here and say probably at least an 80% chance. 


Good! I'm behind them 100%! 
Coronavirus: Trudeau says there’s "still time" to "turn around" 2nd wave by Christmas First we'd need to be in a 2nd wave, which we're not. But even still the way things are going even if we turned the first wave around, we'd never know it, because the authorities are intent on keeping us locked down until their magical cure-all vaccine is ready.

Which you haven't done and aren't capable of doing either. None of the politicians in this country nor any of those masquerading as health ministers are capable of finding the right balance.  Because you're all so privileged, you can't imagine what it might be like for some old person living alone, or some poor slob that lives in a 1 room roach hole that can't pay this week's rent or afford a loaf of bread, or the teen who so desperately wants to live a normal teenagers life but feels like they're perpetually being grounded for something they didn't do or the kid who's summer vacation was spent alone in his backyard playing in an ankle deep wading pool because he wasn't allowed to see his friends, go to day camp or even swimming in a decent public pool. No because you all have your decent salaries, well stocked fridges and pantries, plenty of colleagues you see and socialize with during working hours, your own inground swimming pools complete with slides and heaters. So you don't feel deprived of anything at all, nor does the rest of your family. So it's easy to go all draconian on the rest of us, when you yourselves aren't being affected by it at all. Try living in the real world though, like the rest of us have to do, and see how long you could stand it. Probably not more than a whole day (and that's those who are really trying their best to give it a good go) most though probably wouldn't manage a whole afternoon under those same conditions you impose on the rest of us.  That's also why I'm fed up here. I'm fed up with your hubris and hypocrisy, where you seem to think it's alright to impose harsh measures on the rest of us while you're impervious to it all.

Anyhow ending it here for the night before I wind up getting so angry I give myself a stroke or something. So until next time take care & stay well.