Showing posts with label hand sanitizer recall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hand sanitizer recall. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Banana & Blueberry Ice Creams, Pumpkin Cheesecake and of course...

COVID19 Coverage


August 19, 2020

In order to do something to try to fix my sleep wake cycle and take care of some of the food we had here, before having to throw it out, I made a Pumpkin Cheesecake  using the recipe found there, but had to modify it, because I didn't want to make a shell from scratch as I already had a graham pie shell that I wanted to use instead. So because the recipe there uses a spring form pan which is twice the capacity of one of those graham pie shells, I realized I didn't need the 3 packages of cream cheese nor 3 eggs either and only used 2 of each instead, despite that,  I only used half of the mixture in the cheesecake (the other half is in the fridge awaiting ideas for it, or for me to get another graham pie shell to use with it). So because the quantity is less, it takes less time to bake. So instead of the full hour baking time I reduced it to 35-40 minutes, checking intermittently to make sure it didn't burn or wasn't under cooked. So whenever I can get another graham pie shell (which will hopefully be soon), I'll have 2 pumpkin cheesecakes for the price of one really. Not bad. Or if my foot prevents me from going anywhere anytime soon, I may look for recipes like cheesecake bars for the base, and make cheesecake bars instead, though I'd prefer to have an actual cheesecake, so I can freeze it and thaw it up for Thanksgiving.

I also made Banana Ice Cream using the recipe found there but added a tablespoon of Coconut Rum to the mixture - not really for flavour (but that too if anyone should taste it), but to keep the ice cream from freezing solid in the freezer. It's a little tip I read somewhere that in order to keep homemade ice cream from freezing solid to add a tablespoon of vodka or rum or some alcohol before churning it. As I just made and churned it tonight and put it in the freezer tonight, I don't know how well that trick works or not, but it would be nice if it did work.

The Blueberry Ice Cream using the  recipe found there. Though that hasn't been churned yet and will only be churned tomorrow probably. I don't remember if I put any alcohol in that one or not. I don't think so, so it'll probably freeze rock solid like all the other ice creams I've ever made. 

That's pretty much what's kept me busy and out of trouble. 

My foot is still sore though, not sure what's wrong with it, but our doctor can't be reached unless you call her at the crack of dawn otherwise her secretary isn't taking calls later than that.  Our emergency walk-in clinic that we had around here since we moved to this area, closed months ago - sometime in late 2019 and was supposed to be replaced with another one, but I've yet to see or hear about it.  It seems to me they're using COVID19 as an excuse to cut back on medical care overall - unless of course you have the coronvirus and then they over do it and have to shove whatever they can find down your airways whether it does you more harm than good or not, is irrelevant. Meantime though people are dying of heart attacks, cancer, and all sorts of other terminal ailments from kidney disease to ruptured appendixes. And forget trying to see a doctor over what they would deem to be a minor ailment altogether because OMG you might be one of those silent COVID19 spreaders and they don't want to be inadvertently exposed to that just for a minor problem, like a foot problem (like mine, for instance). 

So with that off my chest..... I guess it's time to start posting headlines links for those who are still interested in them.... So settle back and relax and get into your zen mode so you don't get too worried and anxious over the whole thing. 

Coronavirus reality: What day is it? Remove the mundane with days to celebrate white wine, cookies, beer and more   I started doing that years ago, but it's hard, because the others in your milieu think you're nutty and don't want to participate with you. So you're left trying to "celebrate" or remain upbeat on your own basically.  But hey if you can find someone willing to celebrate the mundane and everyday things with you on a regular basis it might be fun.  

Can the world's oldest restaurant escape the pandemic's grasp? They were talking about how the Montreal restaurants are struggling during the pandemic on the news tonight. I think they said that nationally restaurants across Canada have lost $12 billion so far on account of the pandemic. That's a staggering amount of money to lose in 6 months. I know it's not just one restaurant, but even collectively, it's a huge loss for them. 

Many parents may have to stop working entirely if schools don't reopen, Goldman Sachs says  This is probably where the governments are getting their advice on schools from and not their respective health officers. 

Southwest Airlines cuts back on Covid-19 cleanings to speed up flight turnarounds  If you travel via Southwest Airlines, you should be aware of this...

Nurse who spent 117 days in the hospital with Covid-19 says 'it feels great to be alive'  I can imagine how she feels after spending almost 4 months in the hospital.

When a man heard that farmers were destroying unsold produce, he arranged for trucks to deliver 3 million pounds of it to food banks  That's awesome! More people should be doing that and not just during the pandemic but during normal times too, especially when farmers are over their quotas - instead of dumping it, give it to food banks. That won't be cutting into your profits if you do that, because those going to food banks weren't going to buy your products anyhow as they can't afford to.

Do I need to wear a mask? Back to school rules by province  Yup, kids in QC will be starting back to school, this coming week. Wondering what kind of fiasco that's going to be..... Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

'Info ambassadors' comb Montreal neighbourhood to address COVID-19 misinformation  Here's the thing.... Most of the information they're saying is incorrect or a conspiracy theory, isn't. It came from mainstream media and not conspiracy theorist sites, or even tabloids like Huffington Post likes to rely on for their "factual" articles. ahem...😏

COVID-19 measures could disrupt rare polio-like disease  Well there's at least one benefit this scourge is having, so it's not all bad.

'Alarming' rate of cyberattacks aimed at major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure amid COVID-19: Report   I guess that's bound to happen when you have thousands of irate out of work programmers, who've lost their jobs, and along with that their lucrative incomes and are now being forced to "subsist" on a meager income doled out by the government, adding bitterness to their anger over losing their jobs. 

Coronavirus misinformation is spreading — what is Canada doing about it?   Not much apparently as Huffington Post is allegedly one of the preferred "mainstream media" but Huffington Post itself, relies on gossip and BS printed in Tabloids to base their mainstream articles on. That's one "mainstream media" organization I've caught doing underhanded stuff like that. So that when others like me for instance or a legitimate news agency reposts their bogus tabloid based articles as fact, it is accepted at face value by the public because before now, they were thought to be an honest truthful media organization with journalists who did their own bonafide research and based their articles on their own actual interviews, and research and didn't just flip through a trashy tabloid and reprint the garbage in that and try to pass it off as actual fact. CBC has been known to rewrite the facts to suit themselves too. So if those are our "mainstream media" and the media that we ought to trust is telling us the truth, but aren't, then who are we to believe anyhow? 

Coronavirus conspiracies spreading at alarming rates across Canada, experts say   Then thank the mainstream media for that as they're the ones doing most of the spreading.  Which I've pretty much proven with this blog, because just about everything they're claiming is a conspiracy theory came from mainstream media and the links to those articles are here in my blog to prove it. 

Fewer in Sask. willing to get potential COVID-19 vaccine compared to rest of Canada: poll  Smart people! As far as I'm concerned any vaccine that the Chinese or Bill Gates had a hand in - either financing, or researching and making, will not be injected into my body. And it seems to me that Canada is partnered with China to produce a vaccine here in Canada and well Bill Gates is financing just about anyone and everyone that he thinks might be able to produce a vaccine. So that basically means just about all vaccines are going to be highly suspect and as a result I won't be getting one.

Shopping malls are in crisis due to COVID-19 — but they’re not dead yet, experts say   The mall in our area certainly looked like it was on critical life support when I went into it last week. There were lights on, but very dimly lit, so that you don't walk into things basically. It almost reminded me of night lights we install around the house to see after we turn the room lights out. I wasn't in there long because the store I wanted to go to had it's inside mall door blocked off and we were directed by a sign in that door to use the outside one.  But it was very dim and no one inside walking around, so it pretty much looked like death warmed over to me. But I hope it doesn't die, because the stores in that mall are our mainstay for shopping. I mean if the mall closes where will they relocate to? Some place even further away than they are now? Probably....

Yes, your pets can get COVID: Signs to watch for I wish they'd make up their minds. First they can get it, then they can't then they could, and then they couldn't and now they can again.... Geez which is it folks?

Canada signs deals with Pfizer, Moderna to get doses of COVID-19 vaccines  Bill Gates has invested in these companies and given them money to work on vaccines.... 

No masks required as 250,000 expected at 10-day Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Here's what to know.  What'd you want to bet that if they were told no face coverings allowed, they'd have all shown up wearing bandanas across their faces like outlaw cowboys!?! But because everyone wants them to wear masks or mouth/nose coverings, they won't. Rebels R' US...

Extreme poverty rises and a generation sees future slip away This "plandemic" seems to have been planned to cause as much economic problems as possible while eradicating as many people as possible. 

Coronavirus Cancellations: Every Film, TV Show, and Event Affected by the Outbreak  This just goes to show you just a fraction of the things that this virus has affected.

COVIC-19 Death Toll Rivals Fatality Rate During 1981 Flu Epidemic  Not to quibble with the author on this, but the 1918 flu was not merely an "epidemic", it was a global pandemic just like what we're going through now.

Canada Is Sick of Americans Crossing Over During the Pandemic  First of all our borders are supposed to be closed to Americans so how are they managing that? Second of all, no one wants more coronavirus carriers running around everywhere, we already have enough of our own, thanks.

Hurricane-force storm in Iowa flattens 10 million acres of crops  Wow, this combined with all the other food loss and waste due to the pandemic is really going to start to add up and make life rough for some people.

The pandemic will make movies and TV shows look like nothing we've seen before  Good because I'm already getting bored with the movies & tv shows we've seen before.

Infectious coronavirus particles found in hospital air add to mounting evidence of airborne transmission It's amazing it's taken them this long to figure out a respiratory virus is spread in the air. What the hell is wrong with everyone when it comes to this virus anyhow? Especially considering all other coronaviruses, and other respiratory diseases are all spread via the air and thus are "airborne". 

Delaying college in the pandemic could cost you: Study says students could lose $90,000 over their lifetime  The operative word there is "could". It doesn't mean it will cost you over your lifetime. On the other hand, not delaying college, could cost you your life. Thereby shortening your lifetime considerably.

Russian Covid-19 Vaccine Not Among 9 Considered for Advanced Test Stages, Says WHO  Considering Bill Gates probably couldn't get control of or make money on this vaccine in any way it's not surprising that it won't be one of the 9 being tested.

FDA issues warning for hand sanitizers carrying a dangerous toxin  Yet more warnings for you to check out....

China Says Frozen Chicken Wings from Brazil Test Positive for Virus  Like New Zealand reported about imported frozen foods.

Pandemic has driven Americans to depression and drinking, CDC says Could the same be said of everyone everywhere maybe?

Coronavirus Lockdowns Could Ramp Up Obesity Epidemic, Study Warns  Well when you have nothing better to do with your time except sleep or make pumpkin cheese cake, banana ice cream and blueberry ice cream, what can you expect?

Virus Vaccine Rush Leaves Little Recourse for Anyone It Harms  This should be plenty cause for not taking the vaccine, simply because we don't know the repercussions of taking it, short term even, nevermind long term. So we may be setting ourselves up for a life time of misery if we take the vaccines, and there won't be anything we'll be able to do about it legally.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

COVID19 Coverage



July 31, 2020

I wasn't able to get much done on the computer today, because someone and I shan't name names, kept disconnecting the network.... Allegedly to chase down and eradicate a couple of viruses from the other computer and him not wanting the network on to expose the unprotected computer to even more viruses.  So as a result, that meant this computer couldn't get online either.

Nevertheless I did manage to do a cursory scan for today's headlines to do with the virus and I'm not sure I got them all, but I did get quite a few, so I shall try to get as much posted here as I can time permitting.

So here we go.....

Saudi Hajj coronavirus curbs mean 'no work, no salary, nothing'  Doesn't everyone in Saudi Arabia already get free money given to them? So if that's the case, even though he can't work, he should still be alright, no?

'My Tanzanian family is split over coronavirus'  Divisive views in the same family.

Coronavirus: 'Mum died while we were at dad's funeral'  Stories like this are always super sad. 

International students turn to food banks in lockdown  You'd think that them being international students that their parents who probably paid for them to be there, would be able to send them some money in order to buy food. I mean if you as a parent are rich enough to afford plane fare, tuition, rent and utilities on a room/flat/whatever in the city where the school is, that you'd also be rich enough to afford a few hundred dollars extra a month at least until the pandemic is over with to feed your kid too. 

Good news prevails: 100 positive things that happened in 2020 (so far)  A little diversion. I'm sure we could all stand some, so enjoy.

COVID coping: In the pandemic, getting through the day feels like a project

U.S. records a coronavirus death every minute as total surpasses 150,000   This is very scary and very sad as well.

LA City Council Proposals Would Pay COVID-Positive Angelenos To Self-Quarantine 

Almost 30 Million in U.S. Didn’t Have Enough to Eat Last Week   Another sad commentary about the effects this virus is having on people's lives.

Bill Gates: Spread of 'outrageous' coronavirus video shows flaw in social media platforms I can't help it.... I can't. But I can't stand that lying finnagler at all. I've known about his lying BS since the late 70s early 80s when he stole Gary Kildall's CP/M operating system to sell it to IBM as their operating system for their early desktop computers, which he then renamed MS-DOS, and on it went from there, from that to basically "stealing" Apple's GUI (Graphic User Interface) to use for  Windows 3.1 and well on it goes. He does nothing, absolutely nothing, unless he stands to make a buck on it. And the reason he seems to be so vehement about anything at all that might detract people from his vaccines is because this was the pie in the sky wet dream of his, where he could supply 8 billion people world wide with a vaccine in return for payment of course. He's not just going to distribute 8 billion doses of vaccine for free.... No way, someone will have to pay for it, whether it's the governments themselves or the individual recieving the vaccine. That's for sure. But he's realized the logistics of that now and so instead of having his company do it all, he's investing in several other companies around the world - from which he'll reap profits on his shares. This is all about money and I think the reason he's so vehement about this video (which he was careful not to name but nevertheless was easy to find) is because I think he's afraid that a lot of people will believe it and opt for that treatment instead of the vaccines he's got tons of money already invested in. Just watch this video of him muted and watch his facial expressions and hand movements. He's worked up and angry. If he doesn't watch it, he'll have a heart attack (if he has a heart that is), because he's so angry. I guess I would be too, if I had billions invested in vaccines that I thought I'd make gazillions on once they were developed, but someone's trying to taking the air out of my balloon by promoting a much cheaper and older remedy that might even be as good or better than my vaccines I've been working on. I'd probably blow a few gaskets as well.

Dr Stella Emmanuel - DOCTORS, STOP BEING COMPLICIT; RISE UP! I do believe this might be the video or one of the ones he holds in vehement contempt.

DOCTORS SILENCED BY SOCIAL MEDIA ABOUT COVID-19 AND HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE TREATMENT  Or perhaps it's this one....  I think it's more likely this one.  In any case, I know nothing at all about this drug in question, so can't even give an educated guess as to whether it might possibly work or not. I am just posting the information as I find it and it's up to the reader/viewer to make up their own minds. When I know something for a fact, I'm not afraid of posting it, like what I said about Bill Gates above, I stand by all of it, because it's all true. So I just pointed those facts out to you, in order for you to judge for yourself.

Mike Pence Met With Group Behind Viral Coronavirus Misinformation Video  With so much going on behind the scenes, with the money invested in producing a vaccine for this virus and all the people who have vested interests in those vaccines like Fauci, Gates, various members of the CDC and others, how can you trust it when one of those factions or laboratory involved with one of those entities declares something useless against the very thing they've sunk their life savings into combating via another method - namely a vaccine?  Because right now, I'm not so sure that that drug doesn't work, given the amount of doctors saying it does, versus the players named in this particular blurb, who all have their fortunes pinned to a viable vaccine instead. I know one thing for sure though. Gates is not, & never was a MEDICAL DOCTOR. Fauci is, but he's already been named to be a crooked, conniving, controlling, opportunist in the Plandemic video, who probably has no qualms about quashing anything that ruins his chances at making a gazillion dollars on something.

A man who thought the coronavirus was a 'scamdemic' wrote a powerful essay warning against virus deniers after he hosted a party and got his entire family sick

Are Face Shields Better Than Face Masks For Protection Against COVID-19?

Australians likely to withdraw $30 billion from pensions to weather coronavirus

Eurozone economy suffers record drop during lockdown months

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now

Coronavirus News: 1st dog with COVID in US dies, NYC family details fight to get pet tested   Awwww so so sad.

Johns Hopkins Experts Address COVID-19 Vaccine Challenges, Realistic Timelines

Dr. Fauci: Wear goggles or eye shields to prevent spread of COVID-19; flu vaccine a must If the Chinese Dr. in Wuhan didn't mention this, I'd think it was just another Fauci scam (because maybe he has shares in eye shields and goggles, who knows with him?) Because that Chinese Dr. mentioned it was being contracted via eyes too, I believe him. Trouble is though where do you get those face shields from? I'd much rather wear one of those than a mask any day, but I can't wear goggles because I also wear glasses and I'm afraid goggles (or at least all the ones I've seen) won't fit over my glasses.

Mask Fatigue: Some North Texas Workers Claim Headaches, Shortness Of Breath And Anxiety

U.S. economy plunges at titanic 32.9% rate in 2nd quarter and points to drawn-out recovery

Opinion: Bye, boomer: the coming cull of workers over 50

Bill Gates on Elon Musk’s controversial coronavirus comments: Stick with electric cars and rockets   Hey Gates! What've you done that's so great????? Besides steal CP/M from Gary Kildall and Jobs's GUI????? Musk has to be the smartest person on the planet right now! Beside him you look like a total thieving dunce! That man Musk has to be light years beyond you in intelligence! You're too stupid to even read the daily case, death and recovery rate of the virus and realize it's nothing more than a bad cold or flu. At least Musk realizes it, and says it. You though Gates are so freaking idiotic you can't even figure that out without being told. I get it though. You want everyone to believe it's worse than it really is and to be terrified enough to succumb to getting vaccinated for it, as you have billions invested in those vaccines hoping to make gazillions from it. But not everyone is as stupid and as scared as you think they are!

80% of older Americans can't afford to retire - COVID-19 isn't helping

The 2nd wave is coming. Here's what public health experts say we should expect

Colorado restaurant owners who defied COVID lockdown orders and reopened forced to close business for good

Getting a COVID-19 test to see family or friends? Good intentions come with risks, experts warn

Bill Gates: We will have a coronavirus vaccine, but the disease will keep coming back if there's a US 'leadership vacuum' I guess Trump doesn't want to play ball with the conniving "philanthropist" so he's sticking his nose where it doesn't belong now. Someone really ought to shut the gate on Gates. He's just getting really super annoying now, where he thinks he's the know-it-all of the world. When like I pointed out above Musk has probably more brains in a single cell in his body than Gates has in his whole body.

Why is the government insisting no one knew about asymptomatic spread of COVID-19?  Well given the news that came out recently about little kids, I think I know who those super spreaders and asymptomatic spreaders might be.... Take a look at that cute little guy holding your hand to cross the street with you....

In just days, Vietnam shifts from virus-free paradise to panic  That's sad. I was really rooting for them after having read a story about how they looked after a Scottish tourist who was there and developed the virus while there.

COVID-19 pandemic derails Germany's push for migrant integration

McDonald's partnering with Mayo Clinic on COVID-19 'infection prevention best practices'

9 Everyday Experiences You May Never Have Again Post Pandemic  And please explain to me precisely why you won't have those experiences ever again? Are you going to tell me that years after this virus has been eradicated we'll still be working from home, doing elbow bumps, not playing outside, not hugging, not meeting someone at a bar or just on a whim in person? So the human race is going to stay totally paranoid for the rest of humankind's existance? Seriously? I for one can't wait to get back to normal. To being in groups/crowds, to shaking hands, to hugging people, even to meeting strangers and talking to them face to face, to living life instead of being afraid of little thing and for not valid reason, other than "just because".

Coronavirus: India's outbreak 'not letting up' as some forced to use filthy hospitals where pigs roam grounds  
Euuuuuu that's just gross. Squalor like that should never be permitted in or anywhere near a hospital. Talk about sepsis and disease....

Sask. hockey teams' trip to Winnipeg tournament put 'entire safe restart of the province at risk': premier  Talk about exaggeration, I doubt it put the whole entire province at risk. Nothing like trying to make things seem worse than they really are. Huh? Somehow from what I can see, hear & read these days, that seems to be the whole reason for governments around the world's existance  - to make their population feel as bad and scared about everything as they possibly can.  This is just another fine example of that.

B.C.'s COVID infections jump by 41 with more cases at packing plant, Haida Gwaii

Ontario pediatric hospitals release full-time school guide, with older grades wearing masks - They should all be wearing masks from the latest news I've seen about the younger ones & COVID19.

Canada urged to avoid 'vaccine nationalism' in race for COVID-19 cure Well if this isn't a case of "do as I say and not as I do" then I don't know what is, when the Americans are praising us for not being nationalistic and greedy with our vaccine, while that's all they're doing and being with their anecdotes and vaccines alike.  Leave it to Trudeau and he'll make sure even the ISIS members in Syria are inoculated before Canadians are. We'll be the last ones on earth to see a vaccine if we leave it to him and  Tam. She'll give it all to the Chinese first and he'll give whatever's left to the rest of the world including ISIS members, before he allows Canadians to get any.

Toronto food bank sees surge in clients amid pandemic-related food insecurity With CERB coming to an end, it's bound to get even worse as far as food insecurity goes.

SAQ closes 3 retail outlets north of Montreal after 8 employees catch COVID-19

COVID-19 in Sask.: 50 new cases on Wednesday

Toronto mandates masks in residential building hallways, elevators

Back to school plans for students across Canada in the age of COVID-19

Canadian province of Alberta loosens animal slaughter rules after pandemic hit packers  I wish we lived close enough to take advantage of this terrific opportunity! I remember growing up, families bragging about buying a whole hog, a whole side of beef, or a standing beef to fill their freezers. With food regulations and meat prices colluding together to make such a thing almost impossible in the intervening years, this would be an awesome opportunity for anyone in the area with a large capacity deep freezer, now, that's for sure.

N.L government considers unlocking pensions for COVID-19 relief

Australia reports record spike in coronavirus cases, 14 deaths

Mandatory temperature screening for departing passengers begins Thursday at YVR Now how many hours earlier do you have to be at the airport just for the temperature check? Pretty soon you'll have to arrive a week in advance of your departure just to make sure you have time to jump through all the hoops required of you before boarding a flight to anywhere.

Alaska requiring negative COVID-19 test results from non-resident travellers

N.W.T. hands out 8th fine for pandemic-related public health violation  Well you can tell by that number they're not ticket happy like the cops in Montreal are. That's for sure.

P.E.I. EMO reviewing emergency plans with COVID-19 in mind

Monday, July 20, 2020

COVID Coverage Comingled

With Cooking


June 19, 2020

I can't believe how much food a 14 cubic foot freezer can hold! About a quarter of the contents remained frozen so we put them back in without doing anything to them except wiping the packages off. We gave a good quarter to third of it away to our son and I still had the rest to deal with here to try to salvage by cooking up ready for use on short notice (basically throw in microwave to defrost and heat et voila - good to go). Of course I've been dealing with the most expensive contents to the least expensive in that order so that it's not as much lost as if I just did it willy nilly. Now I've finished the meat and almost the all fish contents and am working on the veggie & fruit contents. Fruit is easy it can be used in all kinds of things from muffins (depending on what it is) and compotes to pies etc. The veggies though I've been working diligently trying to figure out what to do with them to cook them into some kind of tasty meal to be frozen and thawed and used like the meat contents. I guess I'm not vegetarian or vegan enough to figure things like that out, so I might have to look for specialized recipes for those things. But right now I have a variety of soups in the works, like chicken veggie soup, cream of asparagus and corn chowder. After those are made and put away I'll work on the more elaborate veggie dishes if I can find any.

As that's taking a lot of my time I don't have as much time to devote to the blog and the headlines, but I am  trying my best to get a few of them in everyday until caught up again (which isn't likely to happen in the very near future considering the nature of the coronavirus beast and the news stories associated with it).  But from now on, no matter how complete or incomplete the post is, it'll be posted before midnight my time and a new one started the next day.

Anyhow, as they say in showbiz..... On with the show....

FDA expands list of hand sanitizers to avoid due to methanol risk with more being recommended for recall Another list to check to see if the ones we have is on it or not. Seems like they are coming out with new ones every week or so.

Is the summer road trip spreading the coronavirus?  Probably. I know if we let them be and cross our borders it'll be making things worse here, for us. 

Woman refused entry to hospital emergency because she can't wear a mask  The hospitals have a lot of stringent and I believe in some circumstances detrimental rules for entering a hospital. I know a little girl that could die, because while the virus is raging she's not allowed in a hospital at all, so she and her parents have been quarantined at home since the lockdown came into effect here in Quebec.

From Flour to Canned Soup, Coronavirus Surge Pressures Food Supplies  This is one of the reasons I'm going to so much trouble and effort to try to salvage the food that was in the freezer that thawed up, rather than throwing it out. First we can't afford to restock the freezer the way it was stocked originally, second that would be a colossal waste of food to throw that out and third I see how and tenuous the food supply has gotten out there, that just that alone makes it immoral to throw out salvagable food like that, because a lot of others may not be getting the food they need due to the ravaged food supply.

Florida reports largest, single-day increase in COVID cases  This is the first of such daily increases they'll be reporting.

Seniors reflect on how they're enduring COVID-19 seclusion The seniors in this house at least are tired of it already. 

India's growing Covid-19 waste challenges workers  That's one big massive pile of coronavirus right there. That alone should be a public health problem.

Anonymous letters providing solace in the pandemic  Maybe I'm paranoid or more than just a little leery but after watching the movie "Greta" last night, I wouldn't want to get too chummy with totally unknown strangers. 

'No one is safe until everyone is safe': Vaccine nationalism threatens global coronavirus effort Of course the vaccine makers love pushing that idea, because of course that means that every single individual on the planet will be a client of theirs. So if there's 7 billion of us, that's 7 billion times x amount of dollars per dose at the minimum. If it's made by one manufacturer in the world that company will basically be the richest company ever in the entire history of the world and then some. Basically a wet dream for the person who owns that company or has the most shares in it. 

Florida woman took dishwashing job so she could visit husband with Alzheimer's during pandemic That's what you call devotion. For sure. I'm wondering how many other spouses would do something like that if they could.

AOC suggests NYC crime surge due to unemployment, residents who need to 'shoplift some bread'  Maybe or maybe it's just Americans being Americans. This is normally how they behave when there's no lockdown. 

French bus driver dies after brutal attack by passengers who refused to wear face masks  This is just plain savagery killing people over something like wearing a mask or not. So if the virus doesn't get you, the fallout from the laws and rules will, it looks like.

Fuelled by U.S. and Brazil, world sets new record in daily COVID-19 cases  I'm sure that'll be a new daily norm at least for a while. 

Nearly 90 per cent of Ontario's new COVID-19 cases reported in people under 60 I guess it's already killed off all the seniors it could find, now it's going to work on the younger generations.

Bars not required to report COVID-19 infections or to close for cleaning: Quebec health authorities  Doesn't that make you feel all snuggly cozy safe and secure? 

US warned coronavirus will last 2 more years and force 'American way of life to change'  I suppose that means that that goes for the Canadian way of life as well, given that the 2 ways of life are indistinguishable from each other.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Bollywood star known as 'world's most beautiful woman,' tests positive for COVID-19   I  guess this virus won't spare anyone, not the beautiful, not the rich and not the famous either. Everyone is and equal opportunity victim of this virus.

Honk for Bingo: Bingo lovers get their fix from their cars in Windsor Church services, bingo games, rock concerts and movies by car. 

Heat wave shows plan needed 'right now' to keep care homes cool  This should've been done decades ago. There's no excuse because air conditioning hasn't been an expensive luxury for decades now.

Quebecers must now register online with NB and PEI to travel to Iles-de-la-Madeleine  Wondering if they have to also register online with Quebec if they want to travel through Quebec's territory?

Coronavirus crisis may get "worse and worse and worse", warns WHO I sure hope not. Things are already pretty bad as they are already.

Woman infects 71 people with coronavirus after 60-second elevator trip  How the heck do you fit that many people in an elevator anyhow? The most I've ever seen be able to enter at once was perhaps 20-30 people. 

Coronavirus masks, gloves polluting Europe's rivers  And everyone was having hissy fits over the single use plastic shopping bags before, talking about how bad they were for the waterways. Now you have everyone having to have these masks and gloves - single use by law, everyday, everywhere they go, so what can you expect?

Families of Italy’s virus dead seek answers, solace, justice  I guess we can pretty much say the same for all families who are grieving, they all want answers, solace and I imagine justice too.

Coronavirus lockdown leads to less air pollution, more clean energy  Well at least that's a positive side to this pandemic.

Weather forecast wrong again? Researchers say COVID-19’s impact on air travel is to blame Even when planes were flying and able to help them out, they still weren't getting it right. So what was their excuse then?

Mystery as Argentine sailors infected with virus after 35 days at sea   Obviously 14 day quarantines aren't working when 40 day quarantines are the proper way. Then you'd find all the people who had it but didn't fully recover from it, or the ones who developed the disease more than 14 days after exposure. 

Police levy thousands of fines as Indians chafe at mask rules  I'm sure the cops here in Quebec will be doing the same in short order. They were issuing physical distancing tickets like there was no tomorrow, before. So I'm sure they'll do the same in regards to masks.

Former Fiat engineer aims to put the brakes on COVID A weird impractical device that sounds about as useless as it does stupid. 

Swiftly waning COVID-19 immunity poses vaccination challenge But are the antibodies really waning or would they fire up again if they were exposed to COVID19? I mean if you think about it a bit, all of our antibodies we've developed over the course of our lifetimes can't all be raging in our blood at the same time and all the time. I mean I had measles when I was a kid, I'm in my 60s now and I haven't had the measles again in my life, but I bet unless I'm somehow in contact with measles again my measles antibodies are there but taking a back seat to other more relevant antibodies I need at the moment. When or if I come into contact with measles again they'll come raging back into play to protect me. I somehow don't think all our antibodies are at full force all the time, and that's probably true of the antibodies for this virus as well.

University wants students to sign liability waiver to return to class during pandemic  That doesn't surprise me. Nearly everyone and everything in Nova Scotia tries to weasel out of responsibility of any kind. 

Record Numbers of Americans Try to Buy Guns Apparently it's because of Coronavirus. What can I say? I'm not American and don't understand the mindset involved in needing guns.



Saturday, June 27, 2020

Storms, Power Outages, Surprise Visits, Deep Fried Plantains, Radish Bouquets & ....

Restaurant Meals In the COVID19 Era...

June 26, 2020

I know the title seems long, rambling & confusing but all of those things are relevant to events in my life since I last posted here, a few days ago.

Life seems to be returning to normal (cautiously optimistic that it is), because "normal" things have started happening again, like surprise visits from family members bearing some prepared deep fried plantains (because they know I love them, probably as a bribe for the help 😉 - seriously though it's not really likely) requesting help with something.  A neighbour just popping by with an armload of radishes freshly pulled from their garden, the day before a wicked storm cut our electricity off for a long period of time. Doing errands and noticing some of the restaurants diningrooms are open once again and deciding to go to our favourite one first, to have a yummy meal and it was. Still licking my lips while digesting it. It gives us hope that this stupid virus won't overtake us the way it's doing in the innumberable news stories that follows below.

Speaking of which, I have decided that since here in Quebec Canada things seem to be quietening down and life is slowly but surely returning to normal (though the physical distancing & hand washing measures haven't been lifted yet), I will only be posting the most important and strangest COVID19 related stories once a week from now on. If there should be an upsurge in the cases in Quebec or Canada, causing a retightening of the measures and lockdowns, I will resume the comprehensive coverage I've tried to provide on a continuing basis here. Otherwise as I said it'll be a once a week posting about COVID19. Though I may make more frequent posts than that, but about other topics that may be of interest to some of the readers here too.

I do still intend to fulfill my promise about the Gates conspiracy, article once I've had time to do thorough research on the subject.

In the meantime stay tuned and don't go anywhere as I'll always be back with another post.

Now on with the myriad of news stories I've collected since I last posted here. Get your reading glasses on, grab a cup of tea and settle back in your favourite chair as this is going to be a long one, as this is the last comprehensive, thorough posting there'll be for awhile or possibly if all goes well here in QC & Canada, forever.  (All we can do is hope and pray).

Final Comprehensive COVID19 Coverage Posting

COVID-19 taught Canada a costly lesson — that early border closures can work  Like I've been saying anyone who spent a half hour in med school would've known that. So why didn't Tam and why did she ignore her own training?

Arizona Mega-Church Set to Host Trump Rally Falsely Claims Its Air Filter Zaps COVID-19 How can anyone claim that an air filter zaps the virus? If that were true we wouldn't have so much problem with the virus as everyone would have that air filter installed and so the virus would be zapped out of existence altogether.

Fauci: Next few weeks critical to tamping down virus spikes Good luck with that Fauci. It's only been 3 days since you said this and you've already lost total control of it, going by the headlines coming from the US.

Anthony Fauci doesn’t see COVID summer lull as Sun Belt cases swell

Breaking with Trump, Fauci says U.S. will do 'more testing, not less'

EU May Ban Travel from US as it Reopens Borders, Citing Coronavirus Failures

SCREW THE RULES Three in 10 Americans have ‘broken coronavirus quarantine rules to have sex’  I'm just wondering how the hell they know this.

Germany Orders First Local Lockdown Since Easing

Florida’s Reopening Party Season Is Already a COVID-19 Fiasco  Really? You think? What ever gave you that idea, I wonder....

Trump team weighs a CDC scrubbing to deflect mounting criticism  Typical politician. It's never them that's wrong, it's always someone else or something else, but definitely not them, themselves.

Texas Children's Hospital admitting adult patients to free up hospital beds in Houston  That's saying one of two things..... Either they have a huge number of COVID19 cases, or their hospital for adults has very few beds to start with.

Key Support for the Economy May Be About to Buckle  That's why we felt it necessary to go have a meal at our favourite restaurant tonight. We don't normally buy much outside of a grocery store or pharmacy even before the pandemic hit, so we don't spend a lot at any kind of store other than those two. We don't frequent m/any places on a regular basis anyhow, so we don't really have a lot of local businesses to support, other than restaurants, the movie theatre and some parks (but because we're residents of the area, the parks are free to us) and that's basically it. So we're rather limited in the amount of support we can give to our local economy.

The decline of the U.S. dollar could happen at ‘warp speed’ in the era of coronavirus, warns prominent economist Stephen Roach   I thought that that was what usually happens to the Canadian dollar in relation to the US dollar. One second it's worth so much and then the next thing you know it's not worth anything. Sometimes it feels like it's the Canadian pesos instead of Canadian dollar.  So if the US dollar drops what's that going to mean for the Canadian dollar?

Trump tells aides he supports second round of stimulus checks, but White House divisions remain

Common COVID-19 mistake: The 'one thing' a doctor would 'recommend against'

South Korea becomes first country to announce second wave of coronavirus

COVID-19 in Canada: Military troops in long-term care homes could have been asymptomatic carriers, Ford won't let Ontario go 'hog wild' like the U.S.

Trump Deportations Helped Spread COVID 'Disaster' to Central America

Top US health official Fauci warns of 'disturbing' new US surge It is disturbing. So disturbing in fact, that even though we don't live in the US, I was wondering if we really should be going out to a restaurant so soon, given the resurgence going on elsewhere where they opened up already.  Anyhow the way the restaurant was set up and stuff we felt pretty safe.

As it happened: England lockdown easing 'not risk free'  I don't imagine it is  anywhere in the world. Risk free that is. Life itself isn't risk free, there's always risks no matter what you do.

'Coronavirus hit our business like a hidden tsunami'

Hairdresser: 'We've built a waiting list of over 2,000 people'  Wow! Just wow! I was afraid there would be a long waiting list around here too, so I cut my own hair mostly with my eyes shut or just by feel and I have to say even though my methods may not be conventional nor wise, it didn't turn out half bad. In fact my son, the avante garde fashionista (he started working when he was 13 because he didn't like the clothes we bought for him and wanted designer clothes, that he bought & paid for himself) thought I'd gotten a regular haircut from a hairdresser the last time he saw us. I cut it myself figuring oh well if I botched it, my husband could either use the razor on it and give me a buzz cut, or maybe I would be able to see a hairdresser in the near future maybe. Anyhow as it turned out quite good and it was free and easy too (considering I just grabbed hunks of hair with my eyes closed and chopped them off) and when I heard that most hairdressers in the region are tacking $10 onto the price of their cuts as COVID costs, I figure I just saved myself a good $40 plus tip. So I'll be cutting my own hair from now on, I think.

Coronavirus: Warning thousands could be left with lung damage  Doubtlessly, considering the scars seen on x-rays from it. Some of it looks quite severe and I can't see how it wouldn't leave lasting damage.

Coronavirus: German outbreak sparks fresh local lockdowns

Coronavirus: How coming-of-age rituals were interrupted - and reinvented  I think it's sad what most Montreal area highschools tried to pass off as graduation ceremonies. I mean how lamebrained and lazy could they get? And most of the teachers in sweat shorts and t-shirts handing out the certificates etc.... Really? Couldn't any of them afford to buy decent attire or at least rummage through their closet for a dress or dress pants with a shirt and tie to try to make it look somewhat special? Gawd what a sorry sight most of those ceremonies were that we saw on TV. There was one school, I don't remember the name of it, that had a pretty decent ceremony, almost resembling the convocations done in the auditoriums, except it was done outside on the athletic field, and all the students wearing their gowns and mortar board caps, instead of the stupid drive up or walk by on the sidewalk crap the rest of the schools tried to pass off as convocation ceremonies. I would've been so disappointed and probably cried if I were one of those kids getting that type of ceremony. They might just as well have stayed home and had their certificates mailed to them.

How Asia's biggest slum contained the coronavirus

Li Wenliang: 'Wailing Wall' for China's virus whistleblowing doctor   I thought he was a very brave soul when I read what he was trying to say to the world. Then when I later learnt he died, I felt very bad for the loss to the world and to his family. I wish the doctors in Canada could've been brave enough to defy the idiots at the helm and have warned Canada about what was coming in advance of it getting here and then been brave enough to contradict the genocidal maniac in charge of Public Health Canada and said "no washing your hands is NOT enough, you need to wear masks - N95 masks or better in order to protect yourself from this disease".  But we seem to have mostly yellow-bellied chickens for doctors in this country. Nowhere near as brave as Li Wenliang, even though they don't live in as nearly a repressive regime as he did, and are allowed to speak out by law, but they didn't.

'It’s going to be really tough to keep a traveller down': Canadians will face another 'huge challenge' with COVID-19

How COVID-19 has changed Canada's economy for the worse — but also for the better

How one of Toronto's COVID-19 hot spots is struggling through the pandemic

Pandemic relief money no help to Corner Brook woman living on disability   I'm pretty sure that the disabled along with the elderly were pretty much excluded from help from the Feds. The amounts given to those groups were basically insults compared to what was given to all others. Even under-aged kids who basically have no bills of their own to pay got more than the elderly or the disabled. So go figure.

Closed borders leading to more dangerous street drugs: OPP

Will my hot flash set off a temperature check? Your COVID-19 questions answered

Anderson Cooper Calls Out Trump’s COVID Hypocrisy: He’s in a ‘Biological Bunker’

Sammy Hagar Is Willing to Play Despite Pandemic: ‘Sorry to Say It, but We All Gotta Die, Man’   'Cept that we don't have to die all at the same time, man!

Children unlikely to pass COVID-19 to each other, says provincial health officer

Couples moving at a faster pace as relationships intensify in lockdown, experts say  That's what happens when you spend a lot of time together, usually, you bond together more. Sometimes it's the reverse where you just start hating each other's guts and can't wait to be rid of each other, but I think that's rarer than the ones who bond tighter together.

Gas industry sees strong demand post-COVID, LNG shortfall by mid-decade Going by the increase at the pumps in the area, I'd say there's probably a strong demand here too.

Tokyo Virus Cases Jump to 55 With Workplace Clusters in Focus

German minister stresses coronavirus risk despite low infection numbers  I hope he's right for their sakes.

Japan's success in curbing COVID-19 cases now hampers search for cures Maybe they can enlist the aid of some of those 55 people to see if whatever medicine they're working on, cures them.

The Future Of One-Night Stands In The Age Of Coronavirus  Another one of those angles.....

Las Vegas Casino Workers Beg Guests To Wear Masks As Nevada Cases Rise Why don't the owners of the casinos just post a sign at the entrance that masks are required for admittance, like their signs saying "no shirt, no shoes, no service".

Movie Theaters’ Botched Mask Messaging Ignited an Avoidable Political Controversy

California Breaks Record For New Daily Coronavirus Cases, Hospitalizations Surge

Gold Falters in Ascent Toward $1,800, Buffeted by Rising Dollar

‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ Producers Blame Last Week’s Production Shutdown on COVID Testing Lab Even soap operas are affected by it too, apparently.

Warren Buffett says this is how to financially survive the coronavirus  I guess everyone these days, needs some financial advice on how to make it through this pandemic, so who better than Warren Buffet to get it from?

More than $20,000 in COVID-19 fines issued, but few details on violations  That's nothing in comparison to what Quebec issued....

COVID-19 Will Rage 'Like A Forest Fire' In Unprepared America, Top Doc Warns Looks like that "forest fire" has started already.

One new, travel-related case of COVID-19 in New Brunswick: person in their 50s

'Don't be a Sheep': Washington Sheriff Suggests Residents Defy Statewide Mask Rule It seems like the cops in America love breaking and defying as many laws as possible, by all the latest news stories and this one doesn't take the cake because the black deaths by cops takes the cake, this one is just another one of those twisted COVID19 angles.

Coronavirus: Women denied abortions because of the pandemic

Coronavirus: Domestic violence 'increases globally during lockdown'  This is the flip side of the story about bonds strengthening during the lockdown.

Coronavirus in India: Inside a Mumbai hospital ICU

How to pack for a road trip during a pandemic  Just in case you're thinking about taking a road trip vacation across the province or country this summer, these tips in this story might be of interest to you.

In person, online classes or a mix: Colleges' fall 2020 coronavirus reopening plans, detailed  Same as here in Quebec. From what I can understand the classes will mostly be online but some will be in class.

Big life events keep happening, even in a pandemic  And some have been hard to even acknowledge let alone celebrate or mourn or just commemorate.

Coronavirus pandemic could lead to up to 500,000 fewer US births, study suggests Another aspect of it, that most people weren't thinking about or realized. I know  I didn't think about or realize it until I read this story.

Covid-19 devastates remote village in Amazon That's too bad. Things like this should not be allowed to happen. It just cuts down on our diversity as a species.

Restaurant menus are getting smaller. Here's what some big chains are dropping  The restaurant we went to earlier tonight, used their takeout menu rather than their in restaurant bound menu. The takeout menu basically contained their "fast food" items like pizzas, subs, sandwiches and a few other things, and not their larger more expensive meals like steak and seafood dishes, which is what we would've preferred, but oh well, what we had was still good too.

People in their 20s and 30s are spreading the virus

Public restrooms: What you need to know about using them safely amid the pandemic  Around here, you'll be lucky if you can find one to use, safely or otherwise.

Coronavirus: Fact vs Fiction  This is a page with links to podcasts that discuss various facets of the disease and how we deal with it.

Wall Street thinks the economy will recover fast — here's why  And others like the IMF etc thinks we're looking at something much worse than the Great Depression of years gone by. I hope they're wrong and the Wall Street gang is right.

As COVID-19 cases rise, these are the symptoms to look out for. They include diarrhea and nausea.  Pretty soon they'll add things like peeling skin, strained muscles, hearing loss and you freaking well name it. I've never seen a disease that's had a constantly growing list of symptoms, like this one. I'm beginning to think that what they're seeing and maybe misdiagnosing as COVID19 is really a variety of different illnesses but the person also has a case of COVID19 along with those other illnesses. 

South Korea sues religious sect over COVID spread as it grapples with 2nd wave

Utah governor pushes back on health official warning 'complete shutdown' is needed to curb COVID-19 spread

This couple is helping NYC's homeless amid the coronavirus pandemic   Speaking about NY..... I got super angry today when we were out in a local shopping plaza's parking lot and saw a pickup   truck with a couple, driving around in it with NY state plates on it. Obviously they'd been to some store or establishment there and were leaving, when we arrived. But I thought our borders were closed to Americans! And I especially hoped they'd be closed to of all places NY travellers coming here, since it was the state with the highest cases & deaths until just recently. And we're letting them in here to come shop at our stores? Why????? I thought that was illegal. After all the Mounties are ticketing people who stop in Banff  while driving through Alberta on their way to Alaska, because it's supposedly illegal for Americans to stop and shop or do anything in Canada. Yet that pick up was driving around in a shopping plaza's parking lot. So clearly they'd been to some store in that plaza and were leaving just as we arrived.

Without training and EI updates, many on CERB program will remain unemployed for a ‘long time’

Can your employer really cut your pay for working from home? If my employer tried to cut my pay because I was working from home doing their work, I'd start charging them rent for the "office space" being used to do their work and for a fair portion of the utilities bills and insurance and if I had to pay a business license or tax to the city because I'm working from home, that too. Trust me, they wouldn't get away with it that easily.  I mean after all, fair is fair. If by me working at home, along with all my colleagues they're able to closed down some offices thereby saving themselves, the cost of a hefty lease on office space, the utilities, and insurance on those premises, I'd make sure they paid mine or they could look for some other desperate sucker to do their work for them. I think that's what this whole collapse economy was about. To make workers so desperate they'll settle for any old crappy deal employers wanted to foist off on them.

Health Canada posts recalls for three more hand sanitizer products  You should take note and make sure your hand sanitizer isn't listed here.

Quebec reports seven new COVID-19 deaths, 49 new cases as testing nosedives  Maybe they're taking Trump's advice on "the way to cut down on cases".

COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know on Tuesday

COVID-19 Contact Tracing App Emphasizes Canada’s Health Care Divide

COVID-19 lockdown reveals human impact on wildlife, researchers say

Trump visits border wall to drive immigration message amid coronavirus and civil unrest

Palm Beach ‘Patriots’ Are Ready to Die for Their Freedom to Breathe Mask-Free

Public-Health Officials Targeted, Live and on Facebook   This is just wrong, unless these public health officials can be held accountable for it being in the country in the first place, like here in Canada Tam and Haggdu. They should be held accountable in a court of law for all the deaths they've caused here in Canada due to their negligence and outright lies and bad advice given to Canadians about how to protect themselves from this disease because they'd prefer to ship our PPE to China or hoard it for themselves.

Hospitals Are Counting Beds Again With Virus Cases Rising (1)

Rural Missouri pastor: Virus ‘just started to sprout up’

HORROR SCENES Coronavirus bodies stashed in BIN BAGS right next to patients as Brazil death toll tops 50,000

‘Coming back and biting us’: US sees virus resurgence

Washington state to require face masks after county runs out of hospital beds

SECOND WAVE HITTING Virus cases surge back to where they were at peak of outbreak as five states hit record COVID numbers  This is not a second wave! It's a resurgence of the first wave.

As Texas hits all-time high in new COVID-19 cases, Gov. Greg Abbott tightens outdoor gathering rules

Family party spreads coronavirus, infecting at least 12, California county says Very sad.

Virus Surges Across U.S., Throwing Reopenings Into Disarray

Tri-State to Require Visitors From COVID Hotspots to Quarantine We should do the same thing to anyone coming from NY as well. I mean how the hell did that pick up get into Canada in the first place? I thought the borders were closed still. I'm still fuming about that, because I can just see our area becoming the next hot spot of the world thanks to them and the lax customs officers at the border.

‘Herd immunity music festival’ to take place in July, against the advice of medical experts

The New Escapism: Isolationist Travel

The Dalai Lama on the coronavirus, Donald Trump, and "old thinking" in America

Don't open the door!: Japan haunted house goes drive-in  Slightly ahead of their time I guess, but hey why not, lots of kids will love something like that come Hallowe'en.

The Second Great Depression  You can't shut all the economies of the world down and not expect severe repercussions of some kind from such actions.

IMF says global economic collapse caused by coronavirus will be even worse than feared

Parks Canada website dedicated to camping during COVID-19  The Parks Canada official website detailing camping requirements and rules at their parks this summer due to COVID19.

Corona Is One Of 2020's Top 100 Baby Names Because Of Course  This is another twist on the Coronavirus story, which is just cruel and inhumane punishment to name a kid after this disease. I mean can you hear the taunting and name calling in the schoolyards now? Being told to stay away from the other kids because the kid is just a virus and they don't want the kid near them to make them sick and all sorts of taunts and stuff like that!?! That's just plain mean for a parent to do something like that to their kid. The parent probably thinks it's cute and funny now, but wait until they have the kid coming home for the millionth time from school crying, with injuries or wrecked stuff on account of it. Maybe then they won't think it was so cute and funny after all, but it'll be too late then unless they want to go through major expense to change the kid's name to something more decent.

I have a few more posts to make on this before I'm finished with my comprehensive coverage, as I wasn't able to post them all in this message tonight, because like everyone else, I do need to sleep once in awhile. So check back later for more....