Showing posts with label zucchini relish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zucchini relish. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Zucchini Relish Preparations, Zzzzzzz's &

Covering COVID19


August 24, 2020

If I got all of maybe 3 hours sleep last night that was about it. Holy crap, a tiny little dog can take up an awful lot of room in bed when they want to and dictate whether or not I get to use the blankets or not. For most of the night, I was trying either to find a way to lay comfortably without hurting our dachshund (because she kept infringing on my space and as I'm basically night blind and can't see in the dark, I didn't want to push her too far for fear of maybe pushing her off the bed accidentally and hurting her). Or she was lying in her spot but chose to lie on top of the covers thereby preventing me from putting them on myself when I got cold, or else she was lying on my foot/feet/leg/legs (take your pick because she did all of that and then some) and causing me to boil. They're like miniature furnaces with the amount of body heat they give off. Holy crap. In the wintertime it's like heaven when she does that, but something to be avoided at all costs during the summertime, especially if like me, you can't stand heat.

Or, she would freak out over every little noise she heard, like the rain outside beating down and go totally insane everytime she heard a clap of thunder and start barking like a totally insane dog and she would run around the entire house barking her lungs out and then come back in the room and whimper and whine until I got her back in bed (because she can't get in on her own).  It was either get her back in bed, or listen to the incessant whimpering and whining, with her jumping at the sides of the bed and clawing the mattress to try to get up on her own. So for the sake of the mattress and  quietness at least (if there were not going to be any more thunder), I chose getting her up on the bed.  Which meant it was again a fight for space, covers and distance from her.

During the part of the day where I could keep my eyes open and function somewhat, that was spent making the preparation mix making Zucchini Relish. I've had that recipe for years and years now and up until now I've made it every year I've had zucchini growing in the garden. Which isn't every year because lately, the last few years have seen scant amounts of zucchini growing in the garden and this year, none at all. Not for lack of planting zucchini though.  For some reason it seems as though the zucchini seeds, no matter which company you get them from are infertile and refuse to grow. This year's crop totally failed in that not even so much as a leaf grew from the seed plantings I did.  

Anyhow as I am totally addicted to and spoiled by this zucchini relish recipe, I won't even eat any other kind of relish on my hamburgers or hotdogs anymore, and I don't have any more left from all the preserves of it that I made over the years, I actually bought zucchini (because it was on sale) to make the relish with. I planned on doing it last week, but life got in the way and so couldn't and the earliest I could start on it was today and figured I should before I have to toss all those zucchinis out. Though we did have a few of them cut up  and used on the kababs  for the birthday party dinner on Saturday, so they wouldn't have been totally wasted, but mostly wasted if I didn't push life back a bit in order to do this today. So if you read the recipe, you will note it's tons of ground zucchini, onions and peppers involved there. Though we added in two jalapeno peppers to the ground mix, instead of using the red pepper flakes the recipe calls for because I like it "zesty".

Then following supper which consisted of cauliflower, baked potatoes and lemon ginger chicken legs,  I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore and went and passed out for a few hours to catch up on sleep I missed last night.  

Now, I'm up and a lot more awake than I was, but because I spent my "spare time" napping, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to add headlines stories in here for your perusal. 

Singer's hilarious pandemic video racks up millions of views  I thought I'd start off first with this link, because I think she about sings it for all of us, stuck in pandemicland.

Pandemic denial: Why some people can't accept Covid-19's realities   I'll tell you why.... Because 90% of it is pure unadulterated, political and economic related BS. That's why. Whenever I can get caught up again like I was before Google decided to mess up the editing functions in the Blogger, causing me to fall behind by a few weeks before they deigned to reveal the "classic editor" button/mode so I could resume doing this blog the way I always did, I intend to do a mind blowing piece on Bill Gates and his BS behind the plandemic, vaccines, and what is being called "the Great Reset". That is assuming Google doesn't go do something else causing me problems that prevents me from doing so, or something else happens to me first. But you've been given enough terms right here right in this blurb for you to google and research and make your hair stand on end, whether I'm able to or not.  Just google Bill Gates vaccine, plandemic, Bill Gates digital currency chip, the great reset and whatever else you turn up in doing so and just keep following it wherever it leads and you'll have your minds blown to say the least. If you don't think you can stand the shock, physically, as in have problems adjusting to new realities, or heart problems that can't stand shock and stress, maybe you'd better not, or just take it slow. Anyhow that's a good portion of the reason no one is buying the so called "Covid19 realities". Because most of those so-called "realities" are pure unadulterated BS, geared towards keeping us scared and compliant until they can get their much vaunted vaccine ready or the rest of the pieces in place for the "great reset" globally.  That's what it's really all about.

First major Mediterranean cruise liner sets sail since pandemic   I don't even understand why anyone would want to actually get on one of those things at this point in time.

Student with COVID-19 knowingly attends first day of high school, Oklahoma officials say  I'm sure there'll be a few of them doing that here too, due to parents not wanting their kid to miss school or just not believing that the kid doesn't feel well.

Back to the paddy fields. COVID smashes Indian middle-class dreams  It's not just our economies they're trying to wreck, they're trying to wreck everyone's it seems.

Patients who tested positive for Covid 'were knowingly sent in to Scottish care homes'  Oh oh is this an admission that infected patients were purposely sent into care homes in Scotland in hopes of infecting the occupants of those homes? Kind of like giving blankets covered with smallpox to the Native Americans????? Is that what happened? If it happened there, do you not think it happened elsewhere like here in QC for instance? Or perhaps everywhere, as a concerted effort to eliminate the frail, weak and elderly from the population? 

Thailand's Economy Shrinks Most in More Than 20 Years Due to Coronavirus Crisis  As I said it's a global effort to collapse the economies the world over, except of course the 3rd world nations that basically have no economies to speak of.

This Is Us to Write In COVID: 'We've Decided to Attack Things Head On'  I guess it was only a matter of time, before TV shows and movies started incorporating the pandemic into their storylines, as if it's something we will actually want to remember once it's over with. 

Laboratory in Argentina assured the vaccine against COVID-19 will be ready by December  Most everywhere else though will have to wait until March or mid 2021 apparently.

Mat leave struggle just the tip of the iceberg on COVID-19's impact on women  It always takes a good crisis to highlight all the cracks, injustices, inequalities and problems in our society and everytime they're highlighted all the politicians pay all kinds of lip service to them and make all kinds of promises - most of them paltry to downright laughably inadequate, but despite how miserly meager they are, they still don't even follow through on that much, nevermind fix things properly the way they ought to be fixed once and for all. So I'm wondering what kind of weasel words will be thrown around at this crisis facing women (not just in Nfld and Lab, but Canada wide) and what kind of weasel faced back tracks and take backs will be used to not follow through with the paltry inadequate promises this time around.  Bet if it were men in the same situation, oh boy they'd move heaven and earth to make sure they were well taken care of and then some but because it's women and because women are good at sticking things out and making do with whatever they can get, men will just keep taking advantage of those traits and remain as stingy as possible. Until or unless women refuse to "settle" for whatever they can get and demand to get all that they need & want and then some (in case, after all it doesn't hurt to have extra and left-overs in case it's needed - whether that's resources, money, time off, or whatever it is that's wanted and needed). Stick to your guns ladies and don't let the miserable misers of men stick it to you yet again. It's time you stood up for your needs and wants, without backing down and settling for things.

Worse to Come? Malaysia Detects New Coronavirus Strain 'DG14G' Which is 'Ten Times' Deadlier  10x deadlier or spreads 10x easier? Because I've heard both but I'm not sure which it is, either way it's not good.

Facing unmasked diners and sick colleagues, restaurant workers worry about safety - and their livelihoods Hopefully restaurant workers are not allowed to go to work sick. Whether it's coronavirus related or not.

North Koreans are ordered to hand over 'decadent and bourgeois' pet dogs for 'restaurant meat' as the country is rocked by food shortages  That should not be allowed! There should be a way to prevent countries from doing things like that, even countries like NK.

Parents should be told about COVID-19 cases in child's school, epidemiologist says  They would be told about any other serious contagious disease like measles, etc.... So why not this?

NDP proposes guaranteed basic income for Canadians What'd'ya know? The NDP along with the Liberals, several other governments, groups and agencies around the world coincidentally are all suddenly fomenting for a guaranteed basic income. Wondering if this has anything to do with the alleged "great global reset". 

From masks to cohorting, a guide to back-to-school rules across the country  We are officially there. The kids in QC start back this week and I do believe all other provinces will be starting soon too.

Pandemic threatens to wipe out decades of progress for working mothers  Like I said above in regards to the Mat Leave Just the  Tip of the Ice Berg on COVID19's Impact on Women story.... Stand up for yourselves and demand not only what you need but what you want overall to make your lives better, easier, healthier and saner and don't settle for half-way solutions or platitudes. Demand your full rights and fight for them if you must.

Sons use e-books to help virus-stricken dad, other patients  If you would wish to use ebooks for yourself or your loved ones to help them through this pandemic or just because you love to read and can't get to a library anymore or can't afford books because of job loss or whatever, you can download lots of books in various formats at:, and not to mention Project Gutenberg (they have lots of portals) along with a myriad of other sites that offers ebooks online.

Young COVID-19 survivor shares cautionary tale  As you can see, it's not only the seniors that this disease is getting to now.

Masks to be mandatory indoors in public starting Aug. 24 in N.L.  Just a heads up for you over there on the rock!

Experts say COVID waivers unlikely to shield private schools from legal action  Good because no one should have to waive their right to life or good health just for an education. What good is an education without your health or your life anyhow?

N.B. doctor accused in COVID-19 outbreak to face charge under Emergency Measures Act  Oh good! If he can be charged then all the other lazy no good for nothing imbeciles masquerading as public health officers and premiers and prime ministers and health ministers in this country should be able to be charged under the same act! I say we start proceedings immediately!

Furniture companies benefit from pandemic shoppers  I can definitely understand that, especially when you're couped up 24/7 with a hideous eye-sore, or the most uncomfortable seating or sleeping furniture or maybe a stove that only half cooks the meals or a dryer that needs an entire day to dry a single load of laundry or things like that. Sometimes enough is enough, you've had enough of sleeping on a saggy lumpy mattress, or looking at that hideous eye-sore of a couch or dealing with the half working stove and want to change them for something better. 

Canada's homeless population could grow as pandemic drags on  Really? Ya think? You mean the landlords aren't going to let tenants keep their apartments forever even if they never pay rent? Or the banks aren't going to be generous and just let the home owner (weird term for a person who doesn't actually own the home) stay in his home if he can't pay his mortgage?  I mean who'd have thought? This should've been a no-brainer for just about everyone out there. Though there might be some kind hearted landlords that can't bear to throw people out into the streets and let them stay on just until they can start to get back on their feet again, but those are few and far between. Most landlords are like everyone else, they too have bills to pay and if they don't pay them, they'll be facing their own unique set of consequences for nonpayment (like having their building foreclosed upon or utilities shut off, or insurances cancelled or all of the above).  So unless you live in mommy's basement and her house is paid off, or your house is paid off, you might be one of those people facing those problems.

Coronavirus: Victoria records fewest new infections in a month   Don't go getting excited there people, as this is Victoria Australia and not Victoria BC.

Coronavirus: Blackburn wedding party of 100 broken up by police  I guess these gatherings in large groups despite government regulations goes on around the world. 

COVID-19 will hit colleges when students arrive for fall semester. So why open at all? Money is a factor.  Money is at the center of everything to do with this pandemic. All of it, from colleges reopening to vaccinations, to fines for not complying,  to PPE, to lockdowns and closing of various businesses etc to the eventual "great reset". 

Virus is No. 3 killer in the US This story is a little further down the page from the top.

Agency: First US virus cases in mink found at 2 Utah farms Guess the price of mink coats is going to skyrocket now.

That's it for now. Almost can't see out of my eyes any more I'm so tired, so I'd better call it a night and pack it in, because I have canning to do tomorrow along with other things. So until next time take care and stay well.