Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Continuous Coronavirus Coverage & ....


May 8, 2020

Still here on my husband's computer because I can just never seem to get caught up on this neverending stream of coronavirus news reports and conflicting information. 

Things seem to be looking up one day or even one minute and then the next thing you know it sounds worse than ever. So I just don't know what to believe about it in regards to it's virulence and how contagious it really is. All I know is what I see around me and how things have been so badly handled from the beginning. I don't see the disease or any sign of it in my milieu, for the most part I don't see people hurting financially that much either, but I do see the overall economic picture and how badly the economy itself has been hit by the mismanagement of this virus.  Anyone with eyes should be able to see and understand that, but again.... The effects the virus has had on the general population has eluded me. In the old age death camps aka seniors homes and long term care facilities, yes it's as plain as the nose on your face, the horrible toll it's taken on them. But basically this doesn't even seem to have been as bad as most flus have been and certainly nowhere near as bad as the Hong Kong Flu was in 1969. 

So when they say that it's getting better and it's going away here, there and other places, and then the WHO comes out and says it's getting worse...... I'm stuck wondering what to believe because so far as I've seen the only thing that got bad and stayed bad and might get worse is the economy, because so far as I've seen, most normal people aren't severely affected by this virus.

Now on with the utterly confusing headlines....

Jobs bloodbath accelerates easing of lockdown for pubs, restaurants and weddings  From the look of this article jobs have taken a pretty bad hit in the UK. 

New Yorkers Anxiously Exit Covid Lockdowns After 80 Days of Hell  I used to enjoy Trevor Noah's Daily Distancing show where he numbered the days so far in lockdown and discussed days events, but Bell Canada (the ones that own CTV) had to take it off the main CTV network channel and put it on their comedy channel without even advising us in advance. Good way to make us choose between channels we have now and other ones in order to watch shows we were already able to watch. I'm not trading channels just for one show. I really don't understand why they had to do that to begin with. It's not as if their main channel has all that many wonderful shows on it so they could afford to get rid of a good one like that. 

Dutch mink cull starts as coronavirus spreads to 10th farm  Hmmmmm..... And here I thought the snoity Europeans were ardently against wearing real fur.... IF that's the case, how come they have so many mink farms to start with? Since that's the main reason they're bred. There was a mink farm right across the road from my grandmother's house in NS and they're bred according to coat colour and texture, because their coats (fur) are the only things they're bred for. Except in some cases the remains are sold to companies to make fish meal with, as bait. Which is probably also the case there, but that's not a lucrative enough reason to breed mink, if it's not for the fur. So I find it rather hypocritical them berating and chastising Canadians over their fur trade, all the while quietly raising mink domestically in order to use their pelts for fur. 

Now isn't the time to demand a refund for kids' sports, organizations say Now, apparently never the time to demand a refund, according all organizations and companies big and small. It's always the organizations and companies with money who have money that they owe to their clients that they don't want to give back, crying poverty and bankruptcy, while ignoring the fact that their clients have way less money and income than they do and probably need that money to feed their families during this time.

Province reverses decision to make masks mandatory in public buildings Probably because it's pointless to wear one, though they'll never admit that after trying to force everyone to wear one. 

Protesting amid a pandemic: New Yorkers vow to mask up and keep fighting From the pictures I saw, while yes  quite a few were wearing their masks properly there were several who seems to think they were meant to be worn under the chin in the neck area. I just didn't see the point of anyone wearing a mask if they were going to wear them like that.

'Alarmed:' Health critic calls for more data on COVID-19 in trucking industry  I thought everyone was screened when they crossed the border. So why aren't truckers? Or are they not considered to be people but extraterrestrials instead, maybe? 

Coronavirus outbreaks climb at U.S. meatpacking plants despite protections, Trump order  Too bad we can't plant meat in our gardens too, so we could ensure at least a small supply of meat with our veggies for our families. 

Coronavirus: Your pictures on the theme of 'home-made'  A light distraction from the whole sorry situation.

Almost half the world is living through this pandemic without the internet So I can imagine most of them have never even heard of the virus and don't know anyone that it affected and their ignorance of the whole situation is allowing them to live in bliss. Like the saying goes "ignorance is bliss", which is definitely true in these circumstances.

The danger of blaming Covid-19 deaths on our genes  They make a pretty good case for blaming our genes and a pretty poor one against doing so.

Can employers ask staff what they're up to outside work during the pandemic? I suppose at some point this too will be tried in a court of law for breeching someone's right to privacy with intrusive questions.

Health Canada recalls six hand sanitizers containing industrial-grade ethanol  I suggest you verify whether your hand sanitizer is listed here or not before using or continuing to use.

People Aren’t Visiting Branches. Banks Are Wondering How Many They Actually Need.   As long as I can continue to do my banking via phone and only go to the ATM for cash or an update, I hate to say it but I wouldn't mind either. Except I used to be a huge advocate of supporting the bank personnel's jobs by actually going to the bank and standing in line to do my banking and refused to learn how to do it on the ATM because I didn't want machines taking over their jobs. But when I call to do my banking on the phone I'm being served by a person, so I don't feel so guilty about doing that as I would if all my banking needs were being served by a machine. What I like about the phone banking is it's available 24/7 (at least during this crisis it is - if it becomes reduced to bank hours afterwards I think I'll resume going back to the actual physical bank itself, because one of the reasons I like the 24/7 hours is because when I think of something I should pay or do, I can do it whenever that thought strikes whether it's within regular banking hours or outside of them).

Top Canada health official frets over higher alcohol, junk food use during pandemic She should be more concerned about the 7,773 deaths she is directly responsible for, due to her gross negligence and derelict of duties as a public health officer.

As Nova Scotia reopens, this company's staff can permanently work from home I think might become a new standard basically across the country.

Coronavirus: Mayors urge millions of residents to ignore easing lockdown over infection fears So then why are they easing lockdowns if they want them to ignore them? 

Factory Discarding COVID-19 Swabs Produced During Trump's Unmasked Tour: Report  More unnecessary waste and landfill material, when it doesn't have to be. So what someone breathed on them? Do you think crafters care? They and others who need things like that for applying things like glue or other substances to tiny inaccessible and hard to reach places could've used them. All they have to do is start using their brains and stop using their knee jerk reactions to deal with things.

The coronavirus pandemic has given India a rare chance to play catch up with China  I don't think India understands the message. It's not so much that the world doesn't want to deal with China (although in some instances that may well be the case), it's that the world doesn't want to be left in vulnerable positions by outsourcing all their manufacturing to someone else, especially of vital equipment and materials. Countries want to become more self-reliant, I think (or at least that's what they should be aiming for) and less dependant on others, who may or may not be able to meet their demands for whatever reason - be that pandemic, war, or just pure greed and laziness.

'Operation Warp Speed' is fueling vaccine fears, two top experts worry No I don't think the speed at which it's being done is scaring people. It's something else, that they're not mentioning in this article, because if it were just the speed that was scaring people, everyone would've been scared out of their minds about the H1N1 vaccines that were given out. That vaccine was literally made and churned out in the millions of doses within a couple of months. The virus was mentioned as starting in Mexico and the city of Mexico went into a panic and shut down (that's the first time I heard of and saw a massive city wide shut down due to a virus, in the hopes of containing it) and that was in late August early September of 2009. By the time November rolled around Quebec was lining everyone up everywhere to inject them with the vaccine that was made. My family (me, my husband and son who was attending Dawson College at the time) didn't get the shot, because by then we had had a mild form of the virus and so didn't need it. Since then we became immune to just about everything going out there (except possibly this - but then some of that immunity might've provided some protection against this virus too, I'm not saying it did, I'm saying it might've).  I have my own theories on why they wanted everyone to get the H1N1 vaccine and I think we (my family at least) are living proof of it... And that is that those who contracted the H1N1 virus basically became immune to almost everything else coming along since (in fact the British Health System wanted to adopt the H1N1 virus as a universal flu vaccine but for some reason didn't) - probably economic one - in that if they did the pharmaceutical companies income and profits would dry up. And I think that's the whole story behind the massive panic to inoculate everyone against H1N1 back in 2009 - to save the pharmaceutical industry because they would've had massive financial problems without the sales of all the cold and flu medications and annual flu vaccines they rely on as a source of income. Maybe it's the same thing here. It certainly looks and smells the same to me anyhow. Especially considering they're saying that having had the virus doesn't mean you're immune to it. From what I know about viruses, that would be a first. Most viruses confer some sort of immunity to the disease at least temporarily if not for life. So I'd be super surprised if this one was different in that it didn't confer any immunity. So maybe that's the real reason behind the fears here - that it's not really to benefit the people, but more to benefit the pharmaceutical companies than anything else. 

Adriana Cohen: Coronavirus 'shelter-in-place' orders -- Did they suddenly vanish?  That's a good question. I'm even  wondering about that here in QC. 

Why is coronavirus so deadly in Montreal? An infectious disease specialist weighs in  Oohhhh I can think of tons of reasons why.... From Quebecois snowbirds driving through NY state on their way home from Florida once it was mandated that they return and NYC being the epicenter of it in the US. Undoubtedly there was maybe more than just a couple snowbirds who stopped for some reason in NYC itself before coming home. Then we have PE Trudeau airport which is an international airport in which (at least we know about this one but the question remains how many more and starting when) at least one Iranian passenger who came from Iran with the virus traipsed through the terminal to make it to a connecting flight to BC. How many people did she pass on the way, how many things did she touch or cough on etc... But where there's 1 there's 100s more or so the hidden rodent population specialists tells us. So she's probably not the only one to saunter casually through the airport spreading the virus on everything she touched and everywhere she went. Infecting other passengers and personnel who work at that airport but live in Montreal. Who also shops and takes public transit and attends cultural events etc in and around the city. Then we have those who came in and admitted to having symptoms who were told to self isolate but just couldn't help taking several buses and metro rides all over the city during the self-isolation time....  And that's not counting the fact that the genocidal maniac in charge of Canada's public health did nothing but sit on her thumbs when it was time to ACT & CLOSE THE BORDERS.  Not to mention the proximity to NYC and the amount of cross border traffic going to and coming from NYC on a daily basis.  Given the amount of cases and deaths just in NYC alone you'd think we'd have had more than we did in Montreal, all things considered. I mean it's a miracle that the numbers aren't higher than they are.

Here's a list of IGA, Metro stores in Quebec with confirmed cases of COVID-19 In case you wanted to know.... Thankfully there's no cases listed in the stores in our area.

Interactive: Which benefits am I eligible for during the COVID-19 pandemic? This should help you find and claim the benefits to which you should be entitled.

Experts worry that people are wearing disposable masks too long  Well they aren't exactly cheap nor easy to find either, so that may be a couple of reasons why. 

Dogs can detect Covid-19 by sniffing armpits, study claims This is no surprise considering they can also detect people with diabetes too.

Sweden didn't lock down, but economy to plunge anyway They didn't lock down but did they use mandatory quarantine when someone had it and also place all their contacts in mandatory quarantine? Because voluntary self-isolation as we all know is a farce. 

Ardern dances for joy after New Zealand eliminates coronavirus Considering their country has the population of some of our smaller provinces - 3 million inhabitants, and they're in middle of the ocean (ergo easy border control), they should be virus free by now. If they had've stopped anyone coming from China to begin with they wouldn't have had any to start with.

Pandemic drives broadest economic collapse in 150 years: World Bank This is super scary if that's true, considering the Great Depression was only 80 years ago, so this dire warning includes that. Most of which could've been avoided if they handled this pandemic properly from the beginning. 

Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is 'very rare,' WHO says So then that super spreader Asymptomatic in the UK story, was BS then? 

Satellite data suggests coronavirus may have hit China earlier: Researchers That would actually go a long way to explaining a lot of discrepancies between what actually happened and what the authorities are trying to make us believe happened (as far a time lines goes).

'S**thole' Countries Have Handled The Coronavirus Better Than The United States Probably because the public health officials in those countries relied on their medical knowledge on how to treat and prevent contagious diseases and since they have very little sway on the international community they weren't bribed or colluded with to act in orchestration with everyone else to crash their economies,  probably.

China demands proof from U.S. senator for COVID-19 accusation I have a feeling the senator is right considering the colossal 4 year fight the Chinese gov't had with Gilead Sciences fighting for the patent rights on redemsivir - which they both worked on together.

Irving refinery scored 'free' oil from historic price collapse, according to Higgs And now those shysters are trying to once again gouge our eyes out for a litre of gasoline. The price is back up around $1 a litre here in SW QC.

Coronavirus: Lockdowns in Europe saved millions of lives I don't know how they can figure that out, especially when another person said that he doubted that the lockdowns saved any lives and in fact blamed the lockdowns for costing lives (from those not seeking medical attention when needed, to victims of domestic violence to suicides etc...).

Coronavirus: New UK travel quarantine rules a stunt, says Ryanair boss  A stunt? A stunt that might cut down on infection rates in your country.... That's a good stunt. 

Coronavirus Pictures From Around the World Most of these pictures show how others are dealing with it and the fallout from it, like isolation for instance. I was mesmerized by one tenacious little girl who was intent on talking to her friend in another courtyard in Spain and how she was going about it. There's lots of other interesting pictures to be seen there as well.

Quebec to reopen restaurants in some regions as of June 15, everywhere by June 22  Whoo Hoo! I can't wait! It'll be nice to go out to a sit down meal where I don't have to either cook it, and/or clean up after it.

Canadian banks' mortgage deferrals, at double the U.S. rate, likely to curb earnings  This does not forebode well for our economic recovery.

S&P 500 Wipes Out 2020 Loss With a Historic Rally: Markets Wrap  It would be so nice if everyone and everything could just bounce back like that!

ANALYSIS: A looming coronavirus debt crisis could swamp Canadian households Let's hope not, but I'm pretty sure numbnuts Santa Trudeau made pretty darn sure of that by doling out billions here and billions there and billions everywhere, everyday on his doorstep.

Why Canada might need a temporary COVID-19 tax and repayment fund Why? I think I just pointed out why in my comment directly above.

World reports highest number of COVID-19 cases in a single day, WHO says Soooo? Does this mean we're only now reaching the peak of the 1st wave or is the 2nd one upon us now?

As coronavirus deaths in Brazil surge, Bolsonaro limits the release of data  I guess that's one way to control the narrative in regards to what's going on with the pandemic in that country. 

Legault says Quebec's new coronavirus numbers are "very encouraging"  I hope they continue to stay encouraging and improve.

After months at sea, the final cruise ship carrying passengers makes it home  It's about time. I feel so bad for those people being confined to a floating prison like that and not just for a few days but months. That's just surreal.

Is it safe to hug a friend or loved one at this point in the pandemic? I don't give a damn whether it is or not. I still hugged both my son & his wife when they came over this weekend. It's been too long since we were able to, that even though there was no story about this then I still hugged them anyhow telling them "to hell with social distancing, I've had enough" and they both smiled and said they did too.

World Bank predicts worst recession in 80 years amid coronavirus  I wish  they'd make up their mind and proclaim either one or the other as in worst in 150 years or worst in 80 years. Either way it's pretty bad, but if it's actually worst in 150 years, that's the worst of the 2 I guess.

No students in school without coronavirus vaccine, Philippines says  Annnnnddd the mandatory vaccine is starting and it's not even made yet and maybe never will be made. Wondering what the Philippines will do then in regards to schooling?

Why you may have 'quarantine fatigue' and how to overcome it  I don't plan on overcoming it. I plan on flouting it. Sorry, but I've had enough of this BS that was mainly designed to collapse the economies. And since I'm sure I've already had it, I'm not going to be terrorized into submissiveness again.

COVID-19, the new 'occupational disease'? Thousands of workers compensation claims filed over coronavirus infections  Well when all the frontline workers are getting it and losing income because of it, I can understand this.

Singaporean man, 26, among 386 new COVID-19 cases in S'pore, total crosses 38,000 mark Wondering what happened in Singapore? They were doing so well with hardly any cases at all and now suddenly 38,000?

A Crash in the Dollar Is Coming  They're talking about the US dollar, but since the Cdn dollar is tied to the US one, if it crashes we're going to get dragged down with it, as if it's not already low enough. Better get your wheelbarrows ready as you'll be needing them to carry enough cash in it to buy a loaf of bread.

Pandemic measures expose work-from-home inequality, says Statistics Canada  Well grocery clerks, coal miners, factory line workers and truck drivers sure can't work from home....

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