Showing posts with label conspiracies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracies. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Caught in a Flux Between Busyness & Restrictive Laws Pertaining To....

 Covid 19


May 16, 2021

What'd ya know.... I'm back again and way sooner than I planned ..... Who'd have thought? I sure didn't. All I know is there's been several developments that I wanted as part of this COVID19 record, that this blog is and the only way I know how to do that is to make a new post to include them.

Life has been crazy busy lately. Even though we're supposed to still be under lockdown and curfew etc, it doesn't feel like it. It seems that everyone's getting antsy and wanting to get out and do things and socialize once again. 
So aside from the usual, keeping me busy, neighbours, friends and family have too. In fact last night around 9:30pm or so I was informed by my son that they were inviting themselves over for supper tonight. Even though I was in middle of preparing the tons of dandelions I'd gathered for making dandelion wine and knew I'd still be doing that today as well, I said okay. Anyhow I just finished dealing with the actual dandelions themselves just as they arrived. Still have to go through all the other stages to make the wine though, but will have to do that tomorrow. 
They've had to hightail it home though before curfew strikes. Or else they're apt to turn into pumpkins and won't be allowed to attend the ball or get fined a gazillion dollars by the jack bootied gestapo police we have patrolling out there after 9:30pm in Quebec.

Life feels like it's gotten back to normal already even though none of the draconian laws have been lifted or anything like that. It's just that everyone is flouting them now as common practice it seems. All of our neighbours have been out socializing with each other without masks or distancing and probably without too much worry about hand sanitizing either for that matter. No one's gotten sick or any hint of an illness on account of it either.  No one seems the least bit concerned or worried about it either.

The reason for this posting is due to several different articles I felt were of importance and needed to be included in the blog, in order to form a complete picture of the whole plandemic going on out there. So I'll post those (again I have no idea how few or many there might be, so scroll down the page to see before deciding how comfortable you need to make yourself before starting to go through them).

Pressure increases for US to send vaccines to Latin America Most of the Americans who want to be vaccinated already are, so why do they insist on hording the vaccines anyhow?
Coronavirus cases hit a seven-month low Probably due to the number of people who've been vaccinated against the virus.

There seems to be a shortage of everything out there these days.  

Covid Forecasters Warn India Deaths May Double in Coming Weeks That is just awful, considering how generous and helpful their government has been to other countries around the world. 
Scientists see path for the coronavirus to invade the brain This virus seems to be the be all and end all of all viruses, considering it's capable of just about everything according medical science. Pretty soon they'll be saying it's capable of making us all grow wings and fly around too.  Personally I'm not too inclined to believe all of these "discoveries" about this virus. Yes, it may be able to do just what they're claiming it can do, but maybe there's other factors involved and not just the virus alone or the virus at all. Like other comorbidities or certain medications being taken for those comorbidities that is interacting on the virus itself, causing it to do those things. It's hard to know at this stage of the game.

A Small Brazilian Town Is Beating Covid-19 Through a Unique Experiment Precisely the same reason the case & death numbers are dropping in the US too.

Good for the police officer for standing up for civil liberties! In my opinion the "crackpot" spreading misinformation is the professor. He should f'n well know better if he's attained a level of education that allows him to be a professor, considering how all of these previous pandemics were handled in history was via SOLELY quarantining those who were affected by the virus and their contacts for 40 days and it was a strict quarantine and not society in general.  Obviously that professor never had a history lesson nor a lesson about public health in his entire life. He's probably a professor of art or maybe snowboarding like the  dimwits at the helm here in Canada are.
Fake COVID-19 test results: Travellers slapped with $9,000 for showing false documents at Toronto airport  What kind of highway robbery and undue hardship is that nonsense anyhow? Why not demand the keys & deeds to their properties and first born too while they're at it? Might as well given that fines like that will bankrupt a person, couple or family (depending how many are involved that survive on the same income together). They make the Sheriff of Notthingham of Robinhood fame, look downright  munificent. 

Of course not, because that genocidal c___ wants to keep this charade going for as long as possible, considering she's probably well aware that she'll be ousted the moment this is over and maybe hung out to dry for crimes against humanity. On top of that, why would they want it to end, considering the income the gov't is raking in all those ridiculously harsh fines like shown in the headlines above. Not to mention the draconian laws that keeps everyone in their place and prevents clandestine gatherings or large gatherings that may be fixing to overthrow these draconian wanna-be dictators (as they should be). There's lots of reason this gov't doesn't want to relinguish their power over this plandemic - mostly though I surmise is because they don't want to face the legal music at the end of it, and so they want to hang on to power and these draconian laws for as long as possible (to keep people afraid and compliant). 
CDC Limits Review of Vaccinated but Infected; Draws Concern  That is strange to say the least. You'd figure they would want to get to the bottom of why vaccinated people are still being infected.  But then this is the CDC we're talking about and given their behaviour since the beginning of this plandemic it's pretty much par for the course. As strange, stupid and uncharacteristic as possible. 
Mixing COVID-19 vaccine doses leads to more reactions, study finds, which may be 'first sign of success' Is everyone in medicine & the media in Canada total inbred idiotic illiterates or what? That's what I want to know.... More reactions doesn't sound like "success" it sounds way more serious and dangerous to me. But then what do I know I was "just" a nurse, not some art teacher or pencil necked accountant like the health ministers in Canada & QC and or some wanna be fiction writer who couldn't sell even a short fiction story turned journalist who's pretending to not only understand medicine but actually know medicine writing these ficticious fake news stories.

Don't hold your breath waiting for this to happen dear fellow Canadians. Because I can tell you right now that if those genocidal c____s Tam & Haggydodo and Mr. Dressup has anything to do with it, we won't. It's that simple. They want to pretend that this thing is dragging on forever so they can keep their grip on power and us forever. Have them removed from office and you'll see how fast this virus goes away. It'll be a thing of the past so fast your heads will spin. That's how fast.
‘The lost month of February’: COVID-19 was preventable, report shows THIS IS THE STORY I WANTED TO MAKE SURE GOT POSTED. Basically, I hate to say "I told you so", but this is what I've been saying since day 1 and FINALLY I FEEL VINDICATED!!!!!!!! EVERYONE CHOSE TO SIT ON THEIR HANDS & DO NOTHING. BUT..... Were they following the directives given by Bill Gates and the WEF at Event 201?????? That is something we all need to be asking ourselves and investigating.  Because it seems like it probably was, since they basically followed it to the T. If it was, then the heads of state that decided to follow it to a T, along with Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, & Karl Schwab should all be tried for crimes against humanity and mass genocide.
'Zero evidence' COVID booster jab will be needed, top scientist warns In the case of Moderna they said the efficacy rate was 92% with one shot. So why would anyone need a second shot? It's highly unlikely that a 2nd shot would bring it up to 100% anyhow, maybe closer to 95 or 97%  - and 92% isn't far off that. I'm not sure I'll get a 2nd shot because I figure 92% is up there near 100% and for the extra possible 8% difference I'd be getting in immunity (if I got that much), is it worth it? I'm not sure it would be to me. 


It's not bad enough that they have a particularly wicked variant to contend with, now some of them have this to contend with even after recovering from Covid19. That's really sad.
People are panic buying homes as prices skyrocket around the world Like a friend of mine said the other day, she was thankful she owned her own home and didn't have to worry about buying one or having to rent an apartment because even apartment rents were skyhigh these days too.

Women are noticing changes to their periods following COVID vaccine Particularly women who've had the Moderna vaccination need to take note of this article. I know I was relieved after finding and reading it, as I was panicking thinking I had the same kind of cancer my daughter died of. But I don't - I just had the Moderna vaccination is all.  Phew.

I don't think Astra-Zeneca has the monopoly on burning hands though. Last night before even seeing this story while sitting here at the keyboard I told my husband it felt like the bones in my fingers were burning. It was the strangest sensation - like my fingers were burning on the inside near the bones. It didn't last long but I attributed to the vaccine I had - which was Moderna.  So is the vaccine/s doing that? Or something else?
Hundreds of bodies found buried along Indian riverbanks This is just horrifying. I can't even imagine the danger to the health of others in that area. That's just super dangerous, unhealthy, unsanitary and downright sickening. That should not be allowed at all under any circumstances whatsoever.

Look if that doctor Malthouse that sent that letter didn't think he would find other doctors who agreed with him why would he have sent it in the first place if he was wrong and he knew it? I think the doctors that are wrong are the ones trying to censor those those who think or know they can prove the contrary of this plandemic. It seems to me that the doctors like Vance, are so afraid that they might actually be proven wrong that rather than risk it, they want the dissenters censured and shut up.  It's entirely possible that in some areas there are NO or very LOW numbers of cases while in others there's a large/ish cluster of them. But it doesn't mean because there's a large cluster here that there's large clusters everywheres. So let's be realistic and let others speak their truths too. Vance you're not the only one with a truth or a view to this plandemic. Others have their own lived truths and realities and they should be allowed to voice them even if they don't jive with your own.  I know in my own little world here amongst everyone I know and that includes nurses and social workers too (people who are in contact with people in the health care system on a regular basis) don't know of anyone who's had the illness let alone died of it. I live just outside Montreal and one of the nurses I'm talking about works at the Montreal Super Hospital downtown. So put that in your peacepipe and smoke it, there chump Vance.

TWO just TWO out of a 100 thousand or so protestors????? And you want to use that as an example to scaremonger people with, do you CBC????? Well you'd better try harder than that, considering that just 2 people out of a hundred thousand or so people grouped together and maskless makes the point I've been making all along - it's no worse than a bad flu. Thanks for making it for me though.
Families want visitor rules relaxed in highly vaccinated Ontario long-term care homes There's no reason they shouldn't be relaxed, unless these long term care homes don't want visitors in because they still have something to hide and don't want visitors seeing the deplorable conditions their family members are living in. That could be a reason why they're reluctant to relax the rules and not because of anything to do with the virus and immunity issues. 

Anyhow that's the headlines I felt were important and needed to be posted as a means of providing a full picture of this plandemic for posterity. Assuming there is a future post, take care and stay well until then.

Friday, February 19, 2021

A Glimmer of Hope on the Horizon of the Seemingly Neverending Plague that is...



February 19, 2021

Whoo Hoo! After my husband left the slow trickle charger on the battery overnight, it had a full charge this morning and we were able to use the car again without having to buy a new battery!  So we went and did all the errands we planned on doing yesterday. Having gotten some cash back awards in the mail, basically what I bought, I only had to pay half price for. 

On top of that no matter where I looked in the headlines today there was cause for major hope! Except for us Canadians, because of the dearth of vaccines, we could be looking at a very serious 3rd wave of the neverending doom and gloom plague, compared to most other places that are talking about the virus being in a form of retreat. As the numbers of cases, and deaths are declining and in some cases drastically. But no one can figure out why. 
Personally, I think it's got to do with herd immunity. I know Fauci and other bigwig white coats will disagree with me, but unless there's a built in timer in how long it can continue to spread (which is highly doubtful - as that would be a first quite literally) there's almost no other explanation. But the bigwigs in white coats will say yeah but not enough people got vaccinated or had the virus for herd immunity to start occurring now. 

Or so they think.... But what about people like me, our son, his wife, our neighbours and others that had very mild symptoms that sounds an awful lot like Covid19, who didn't seek medical attention because they weren't affected by it severely enough to require that? Or the asymptomatic ones who had it, but never knew about it? 
But here in Canada we'll never know because for some f'd in the head reason we're not allowed to have antibody tests to see if we ever had it. Which if we did would bring the numbers of those with immunity against it, up and maybe provide an answer as to herd immunity or not being the cause of the dropping cases.  But like I said, we'll never know because we have idiots and ash holes at the helm in this country. 

I do know one thing that according to our local paper that we get, the amount of cases in our region has dropped by over 68% just since January. And I believe Canada wide the statistic is something like 17% reduction in cases. It's definitely not because m/any of us are vaccinated, so it might have to do with naturally acquired herd immunity. And that might be the case the world over? 

So just those facts alone, went a long, long way to lifting my mood and giving me a reason to smile for a change. 
But I hope Turdface is wrong about the 3rd wave hitting us though. And instead we are in the same category the rest of the world seems to be in, that the virus will pretty much have had it around April. If so, that would be the most awesome news I've read in over a year now!
So now on with the headlines for the day..... Which reminds me, I'm taking the weekend off so the next headlines will only be posted on Monday or Tuesday.... Anyhow, now on with it...
We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April  This article says their cases dropped by 77% in 6 weeks - and they've been getting vaccinated against it, left, right & center, whereas we haven't but still in our area the cases have dropped by over 68% in the last 6 weeks. So I think herd immunity is already here and acting to bring the case numbers down.
Johns Hopkins Doctor Predicts Covid ‘Will Be Mostly Gone By April’ Oh that would be soooooo awesome!!!!! And I sincerely hope he's right! 
Coronavirus: A hyped-up flu or a fatal pandemic? Hallelujah! Amen! This is precisely what I said early on in my blog here. I compared the deaths from it to deaths from the flu for earlier years in Canada and basically it was just about on par with the deaths from flus  of previous years. What makes it harder to figure out now is that most flus have a "season" - they last a few months and they're gone only to return later that year for a few more months, but this virus hasn't left us alone even for a few months. So instead of comparing flu numbers for a few months  it a few months with a full year. Well of course if it's a full year you're going to have more deaths than if it were for the same amount of time as the other milder flu's seasonal duration was for.

Is it really all that brazen? I don't know as I'd call it that as I've seen and read reports about Fort Detrick having something to do with it too.  


Well those are definitely much nicer tactics than those employed by the jack bootied gestapo gangs in QC, Canada and the UK, where they gouge the eyes out of your head in fines and demand you pay a king's ransom for a quarantine hotel or risk 10 years in jail.  As I'm the stubborn sort who despises being TOLD what to do, but will go along with polite requests usually, I'd probably comply with the Chinese demands using their methods of getting compliance than the jack bootied gestapo wanna be dictators methods. If anything, I'd rebel against those ash holes. Especially if I were half the age I am now. Euuuuuuuu I'd have no problem telling those ash holes where to stick their ridiculous tickets and quarantine dives. But if I were asked nicely and offered a nice incentive to comply, I just might do that without thinking 2x about it.


Taking a page out of the gestapo bootied draconian wanna be dictators ruling the UK, I can see.... Well lucky it's only $10,000 Cdn and not 10,000 Pounds sterling because that's probably about $20,000 Cdn. Even still gouging like that should be ILLEGAL EVEN IF IT'S THE GOV'T DOING THE GOUGING!!!!!! I sure hope that after this is over you all wind up with a taste of your own medicine, when you get sued, charged with and tried for abuse of power, criminal negligence causing mass murder and you f'n well name it. It will suit all you all fallutin' ash holes right! Gawd, I can't wait for all of you to get thrown out of office and into jail. I hope there IS a spring election and at the end of that election you find yourselves without any parliamentary seats, but instead a nice stiff cot in the local prison to sit on and reflect on WHY you're there in the first place.
Why Canada is falling behind in Covid vaccinations It's not very complicated. We have a gullible asinine ash hole at the helm. That's why.

And what about stealing joint venture vaccines????? Shouldn't that have stopped before China even did it????? 
Liberals move to add weeks to EI, COVID-19 benefits for workers and parents Once again more help for those who don't need it anywhere near as bad as those who keep getting ignored by this jackash gov't does, like the homeless, the disabled, the seniors, the working poor.... Etc.... 



Good! I'm glad I wasn't the only one that noticed the lamestream media's role in promoting conspiracy theories and then trying to blame it on conspiracy theory sites.

Biden Outlines How Trump 'Failed' To Help Americans Get COVID-19 Vaccines I suppose the fact that most of the gov't branches whose heads didn't like Trump and tried everything to circumvent and obstruct his efforts in everything he tried to do, had absolutely nothing to do with that eh? I'm sorry I am NOT a Trump fan at all, because even I'm not so obtuse I couldn't recognize the obstructionism going on over there in the US gov't branches when it came to following Trumps orders to fulfilling his requests. I mean weeks before the US election the FDA flat out said NO they weren't going to approve any vaccines before the election, but then within a week after the election they approved the Pfizer one. Obstructionist, favouritism, what? You tell me and we'll both know, but I can guarantee not all of it was Trump's fault, as much as the media, the demoncrats and the public at large like to blame him for everything, no matter how ridiculous that might be. 

They never did list the 10 countries. I really wish they did though so we'd know where to lay the blame, because I know for sure it's not Canada. Then this article also has the nerve to insult Canada for taking vaccines from COVAX to which we had a right to do, BUT THE ARTICLE ALSO NEGLECTED TO MENTION WE HAVEN'T SEEN HIDE NOR HAIR OF THOSE VACCINES EITHER LIKE WE HAVE BARELY SEEN HIDE & HAIR OF THE ONES WE PAID FOR! Like Pfizer and Moderna! I mean if you want to start slamming countries AT LEAST GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT & ALL OF THEM & NOT JUST SOME OF THEM, those being the facts that suits your storyline. I'd call that unethical & unconscionable  reporting. Or as Trump used to call them FAKENEWS!!!!
Mandatory hotel quarantine rates far lower than $2,000 touted by government It looks like the hotel managements have more of a conscience than the f'n no good lousy crooked wanna be dictator at the helm does. Considering they could've easily used the gov't mandate to charge that much to the customers and keep the difference between what things cost them (gov't included) and what the gov't said the charges would be.

Yup have to keep us scared and compliant even still, especially now that we know the numbers are dropping on their own.
COVID-19 variants will drive resurgence without stronger health measures, modelling warns I don't believe a f'n thing that lying genocidal witch says! She's done nothing but lie to us from the get go, so why all of a sudden would she start telling the truth now? She has an agenda and that's to keep us scared and compliant and at home shivering in our boots being too afraid to go out let alone defy the ash hole gestapo jack booted wanna be dictators. 

That's precisely what they want, that way all the alphabet soup agencies of the UN like the IMF, WTO and WEF can take us over and enslave the population and take all our natural resources for themselves to sell on the world markets, while giving us nothing in return just a "forgiveness for our debts". That's what sheitehead in Ottawa has always been about either selling us out to China or the UN or both. Anyhow, that fits in nicely with the ambitions of the Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset.
Canada and G7 boost vaccine funding but won’t share their doses yet So in other words they're giving them MONEY BUT NOT VACCINES and as we Canadians know already we can't inject money into our systems and hope it fights the virus for us, that we need vaccines to do that and if we don't have any, having more money isn't going to help the situation. So in other words the G7's efforts are almost as useless as tits on a bull is.


That's not right. 



It's only really a problem because the gov't isn't getting their cut (taxes), otherwise I don't see a problem. 
Canadians are angry about vaccine delays. It’s hurting Trudeau’s poll numbers: Ipsos Good! I hope his rating plummet and we never have to see that scuzzbucket back in parliament again!

An American woman's pandemic parking bill in Toronto: almost $3K Holy cow! I used to think we were getting our eyes gouged out when we used to go visit our daughter in the hospital before she died of cancer. We were paying daily rates for an entire day because sometimes she'd want us to stay there with her until we were ready to pass out and crawl in bed alongside her, so quite late at night after having arrived there early to mid afternoon. Anyhow, between that and the gas (as gas was $1.50 a litre then and we had a car that guzzled gas) it was quite expensive to go in and back on a daily basis, but we did because we knew she was in stage 4 of her cancer and so she probably didn't have a lot of time left, so we wanted to spend as much time with her as we could, so that's why we wound up paying such exorbitant parking fees - hospital parking fees. Instead of paying directly for medical care, we have medicare here and exorbitant hospital parking fees (which is where hospitals get a major amount of their funding from).  Essentially we paid the same amount in hospital parking fees in the 4 months she was there as this woman paid in a whole year in  Toronto. It's good she didn't leave it in a hospital parking lot, or she'd have to mortgage her house just to pay the bill.




Trudeau warns of a dangerous third wave as Canada copes with a vaccine 'drought' All I can say is I hope Turdface is wrong and that if there is any dangerous third wave it confines itself to his and his family's quarters.


Gwyneth Paltrow reveals she had Covid-19 and is suffering from 'brain fog' Maybe some of her crazy goop mixtures will help with that. 




And that's it for this installment of the headlines. Will return on Monday or Tuesday with more, as I'm sure there'll still be plenty left. In the meantime take care and stay well.




Monday, January 18, 2021

Another Day & Another Group of Headlines About....



January 17, 2021

As we just had about 20cms of snow drop on us over the weekend (finally a decent snowfall), I figured this picture above might be appropriate (at least for around here). I know how confined everyone's feeling now - not being allowed to go anywhere or do anything, so maybe it's good we got this snow to let kids go outside and play in their own backyards building snow forts and snowmen, while the men get to play with their snowblowers having a blast running that up and down their driveways. I know my husband loves using his snowblower - it gives him a reason to get off the couch and outside in the wintertime.  Besides the picture is a little cheerier than some of the ones I've used recently.

Some of the day's headlines are just as irksome and blood pressuring raising as on other days before, but I'm going to forego my opening rant today in favour of getting the headlines posted - don't worry you won't be missing my usual rants on the various stories, I'm sure I'll still have plenty to say about them.

So anyhow, here we go....

Pandemic stokes worries about disturbances and fuels gun-ownership boom in California Gawd, those trigger happy Americans can find any reason to get and carry a gun, it seems like.
Covid-19 Vaccine Leaders Waited Months to Approve Distribution Plans  Here in Canada too, it seems. Gawd, if any of these leaders had a thimbleful of brains combined they might have enough to figure out how to tie their own shoes, and stop tying them together with each other's shoe laces. No wonder they aren't getting anywhere. Idiots R Us rules supreme! 
Biden to deploy FEMA, National Guard to set up Covid vaccine clinics across the U.S. Oh oh.... I can just hear all the conspiracy theorists now, especially when it comes to trusting anything to do with FEMA and well if the National Guard is involved, it'll some how be due to the fact that the gov't is trying to force everyone to take the vaccine and then, OMG..... I can't even imagine all the conspiracies coming from that, I mean we already know about the "sterilization" the Pfizer vaccine could cause but there's other theories that say there's a chip in them etc, etc, etc.... So I can easily see a mass revolt against getting vaccinated now, especially if FEMA & the National Guard is getting involved. 

Covid-free world: How 11 countries escaped the pandemic with zero coronavirus cases  Like I've been saying, it wasn't rocket science involved in this, I will quote the article now to prove it: As might be expected, almost all the virus-free nations are islands in the Pacific which locked down hard and early, banning all visitors from the outside world. ------> That's ALL any so called civilized and edujumecated society had to do. Seems like small little island regimes have smarter and savvier people in charge then all the swaggering and strutting idiots in suits we have at the helms of our countries and medical systems. Like I keep saying.... Idiots R Us rules this f'n world and now you have the proof you need to understand what I've been saying all along since day one. Just because you're a smooth talker and look better than your opponent in a suit doesn't mean you're qualified to lead anyone or anything, anywhere. It takes more than looks and smooth talking to know and understand certain things. Like being educated in certain disciplines, or staffing your cabinets with those who are that you can rely on for sage advice, instead of more idiots r us imbeciles like Haggydudu and Tam. 
3 with COVID-19 owe lives to girl, 17, who smelled smoke from early-morning fire It's lucky for them that she still had a sense of smell.

NEW THREAT More ‘super-Covid’ mutant strains are coming as global surge of cases lets virus thrive, scientists warn It seems to me that some governments at least like the Canadian one for example might be dragging their ashes on this plandemic on purpose in order to let the plandemic thrive and let more of us die. Maybe Justine Waterhole is listening to Henry Kissinger's and George Soros' pleas to let useless eaters die, before wittle mr dressup can pull his big boy pants up and do something to stop the spread like demanding that some of those so-called secured vaccines starts getting approved and arriving in a timely fashion. The spineless, useless idiot is one of the useless eaters out there, too. Given his ineffectiveness at standing up  for Canadians in this plandemic and getting some of that overly secured vaccine here in Canada for use on Canadians.

Hmmmm..... I thought he promised $2,000 cheques. Now it's $1,400  - reduced by $600.... So does that mean that by the time he's actually inaugurated it'll be down to $800???? Or is that $600 reduction because of the $600 that they may have gotten in December? Don't know but I do know that after that $600 fiasco, Biden clearly promised $2,000 aid cheques. Which I thought was in addition to the paltry $600 sum already given. 

Wow! Just wow.... How can you cut down on a pandemic when you're giving certain entities and individuals free passes to ignore the rules that are implemented in order to cut down on such pandemics? 



Study: In pandemic era, older adults isolated but resilient That comes from a lifetime of experiences of having to adapt to and adjust to new things and situations over time. Don't forget most of us grew up without computers and screens to occupy our time and our minds. Most of us were given books to read and hobbies to pursue as kids, as a means to keep us busy and occupy our time but in a constructive positive way. So even now those are the things we gravitate to the most. Books and hobbies - of course hand held hobbies like knitting, embroidery etc is much easier to keep doing even in a wheelchair than something like woodworking and things like that. So sitting in a nursing home in a wheelchair with a book or hobby in hand, while a plandemic rages outside, or sitting in a nursing home in a wheelchair with a book or hobby in hand while it's normal outside, doesn't really make a difference to them. Yeah sure they might miss seeing people and being able to physically hug someone but if they have enough interaction with various people (like caregivers and other residents of the nursing home) that may alleviate that craving to a large degree and so they won't feel so bad about everything as they would otherwise.

I guess Mr. Bozo Brains is taking the IMF's advice to spend like crazy, so we can be taken over by the IMF in return for them bailing us out of the debt he created.



A shot of euphoria, a dose of regret: Some health-care professionals who got vaccinated before front-line workers have second thoughts It should haunt him if longterm care patients are dying from it, nevermind the general public who aren't getting shots at all.

Why doesn't she tell bozo brains to close the border altogether? Like should've been done from the beginning! Let's try to get rid of the cases already here, before importing more, shall we? I mean ummm f'n duhhhhhhhhhhhh.... 


You mean like their moronic "human behaviour" at the beginning of this plandemic? By ignoring it and then telling everyone to just wash their hands they'll be fine BS???? Like that kind of human behaviour of negligence, stupidity and lies???? 
Review: 'Locked Down' mirrors our quarantine experiences I was wondering how long it would take for a movie or show to come out based on our locked down experiences.

Hamilton woman promotes acts of kindness to help senior home residents cope with loneliness Good for her. I wish there were more like her out there in society.


Télétravail: Mirabel ne respecterait pas les consignes Well if you're the public works manager, or the water purification plant manager, or the building inspector where people drop off their building plans for approval, or the snowplow driver, or compost picker upper, it's kind of hard to work from home in those instances, don't you think? So how many would be working from home exactly? The comptroller, mayor and receptionist? I mean.... gawd, there's only so many jobs that can be done at home without having to go into wherever it is you work and a city job is one of those jobs in the can't stay at home category, I wouldn't think.

Rapid tests coming to 2 Montreal high schools with hopes of detecting COVID-19 faster Wow! Amazing! Absolutely amazing that the pencil necked idiot allowed them. They must've come down in price and so that's why.

That too is awesome! So long as the recipient of those calls don't view them as prying and hangs up on the callers.
Doug Ford évince rapidement un député de son caucus I talked about this in my last post. If you can read and understand English there's a copy of the letter in question in my last post along with links to 2 English articles about it. To find that click on "Baber's Letter" in the right hand column. 
Trudeau leaves door open to tighter travel ban, eyeing COVID-19 mutations abroad This nitwit is always leaving doors open especially the ones that really ought to be shut. That's how the virus got into this country in the first place, because he left the door open to it. The moronic idiot.

Get this.... According to this article "only 11 million people have been inoculated so far" ONLY 11 million.... Gawd that's 1/3 of our entire population! We can't even get 1% of our population inoculated and we had the vaccine before the Americans did!!!!! We have to be the laughing stock of the freaking universe on this.
Quebec College of Physicians calls for cosmetic surgeries to stop during lockdown Ya think? These have been going on for a year now and you're only just calling for them to stop now?????? Gawd almighty, we are doomed when even the medical professionals are too stupid to figure out how to be efficient witht his plandemic of ours. Idiots and imbeciles everywhere it seems.... Even well edjumecated ones.

Lucky them, I wish us QC'ers and all Cdns in general could head to the polls to get of our respective imbeciles and power tripping gestapo at the helm.

Policing Ontario's new lockdown order will hurt racialized communities, doctor says Here in QC the stupid curfews are hurting the homeless the most as they have no where to go and so are still on the streets after 8pm and thus are getting clobbered with $1,500 fines. 

So in otherwords if someone can't or won't get vaccinated for some reason they can stay home and starve to death, because they won't be allowed in stores, or to work, or anywhere except their own homes. Well that doesn't surprise me since they've proven that at least 50% of Canadian adults are functional illiterates, who can just barely read or write. So they probably can't string two logical thoughts together either, as in "can't get into business because of not being vaccinated" ergo "starving to death for not being able to buy food". Because don't forget if they can't get into businesses they can't work, if they can't work they can't earn an income to support themselves and so will have to go on social assistance. Once they're on social assistance they can't get any credit, ergo no credit cards to use to shop online. So um yeah, that doesn't surprise me in the least, since most Canadians are sanctimonious imbeciles who think they never do wrong and will never wind up on the streets either because they're too perfect. But like I said, they can't string 2 logical coherent thoughts together, so we know where that leaves us, with BS like this. Now you know why we're in the boat we're in? 

Of course not, because Mr. Dressup transformed the image of Canada in the world from a serious, decent G7 country, into the pushover doormat country of the  G7. One that they can walk on and use anytime they see fit, without worrying about consequences.
LILLEY: If you're against lockdowns, present a realistic alternative I'm basically with Mr. Baber and what he said in his letter. 

At least those numbers sound realistic and not some kind of hyped up BS to scare us into compliance.
Ontario to delay 2nd vaccine dose until up to 42 days due to Pfizer shipment delivery pause They'll probably have to be delayed more than that, by the time Pfizer finishes screwing us around.
Anti-mask group holds another rally in Steinbach Like I said if the gov'ts can't provide us timely vaccines then the only way we have of inoculating ourselves is to go maskless and catch it ourselves so we can develop natural immunity against it. That's the only way I see us Cdns being inoculated against it anytime soon.


I'm sure most Ontarians are just enthralled about that.
64% of Canadians in favour of mandatory coronavirus vaccines: poll I'll only comply with such a law if it came into effect if I get to chose amongst the ones available, for the one I want. Because I definitely do not want the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccines as they use rna genetics and I don't trust stuff like that. It's too new and hasn't been used in other medicines and so we have no clue what it'll do to our bodies down the line. So only if I could choose between some of the other vaccines that hopefully gets approved and brought in for use.
Quebec threatens construction, manufacturing sectors with more COVID-19 restrictions Ah why not? Might as well threaten them too, otherwise they'll feel left out and unloved by the gestapo boots party.

Yup and our new neighbour, decided to introduce herself to our dog who was outside in the backyard, this morning. Which caused our dog to flip out, so my husband went to see what was wrong and let her in and found out it was the new neighbour talking to our dog. When he opened the door to let our dog in the new neighbour decided to introduce herself to him and wanted to talk, but he was in his longjohns and couldn't go out, so told her that. So she disappeared.

That's another thing, when that Iranian woman came into Canada with a case of Covid19 early in the spring last year and I commented on it saying wherever she was on the plane, terminal buildings she connected flights at etc, she spread it all through those areas and people nearby likely got infected too. Gawd, I was so badly attacked online for saying such a thing it was unreal. A flight attendant of 40 years told me how the air was recirculated etc and well being a nurse I can put the rest together myself without needing diagrams and connect the dot pictures.
1,500 flights and rising as Canadians seek sunny escapes despite surging COVID-19 crisis This simply should NOT BE ALLOWED BY LAW! The borders should be closed tighter than a drum BOTH WAYS, NO EXCEPTIONS. Period end of story. 

And thanks to the 20cms of snow we got.
Emergence of new strain could cause Ontario's COVID caseload to explode, doctor warns There's that beloved word of speculators - "could" in this title. Could, would, should.... We'll find out when we get there. No sense in speculating and scaring people silly, when it's probably not needed.

Andrew Potter: Canada's lack of interest in self-defence explains COVID failures Maybe the morons at the head of the country aren't interested in saving us, but I'm sure We the citizens are very interested in saving ourselves. So the question remains.... Do we use the Americans tactics and storm parliament or maybe enlist a few opposition party members via email to cause a non-confidence vote so we can vote the little imbecile out of office once and for all, or perhaps ask them to have the RCMP arrest him and charged with negligence causing mass genocide and crimes against humanity, along with treason and all the other charges we should bring against the little idiot?  Personally, I'd love to see the RCMP arrest him and charge him with all those crimes and all the others that he should be charged with too - like stealing from the taxpayers for all his elaborate trips hither and yon that had nothing to do with Cdn affairs or business. 

Nearly 40 flights with confirmed COVID-19 cases arrive in Canada since negative test requirement Soooo what was the point of those tests then if you're still going to allow positive tests on the aircraft????



I can tell you it's a year and 11 days since I had it myself. And yes the answers sure do matter considering the coincidental (to say the least) events surrounding it's beginnings - the Bill Gates and WEF (World Economic Forum)'s  Event 201 held in Wuhan China in November 2019 - and that particular event was about how to handle a global pandemic. Now note that it was the Gates Foundation and the World ECONOMIC Forum and NOT the World HEALTH Organization aka WHO, that attended that Event 201. So other than Gates and his lust for vaccinating the world for whatever disease he can think of or find, WHY would the  WEF be there? What does a body concerned with world economics have to do with a world wide health pandemic? And isn't it awfully fishy that they have that Event 201 in the same city where the pandemic starts and just barely a week or two ahead of it starting? So yeah the answers really do matter. 
Tracking COVID-19 vaccine distribution by state: How many people in the US have received a shot?  Here's the page where you can keep track of how many vaccines are getting distributed around the US. We have one for Canada which was posted in a prior post. 

In case you're wondering if you might be having problems but can't decide and there's no one around to help you to decide.

I don't see why the pencil necked idiot that masquerades as our health minister can't requisition a few hotels around the province for such a purpose. I mean it's not as if the hotel business is going gang busters right now. There's plenty of them that are probably closed altogether. So get them to reopen and used as a Covid hospital if extra space is needed instead of telling the doctors to triage people for death.

Now social media and the powers that be have even taken to censoring the clergy and honestly you have to wonder why especially after reading what this particular cardinal had to say. The video is in Spanish so if you understand Spanish you'll probably get the real picture behind this story. The rest of us have to rely on a translated text. You can read and hear what he said here: What did the Mexican Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez say that earned him censorship on Facebook?
COVID-19: England isn’t listening to Johnson’s lockdown orders any more Yup well you know, I can't say as I blame them. I'm tired of listening to Mr. gestapo boots orders here too.

Oh what a nice carrot to dangle in front of people to get them to take the vaccine.


Ha! Yeah I've gotta see that one! If he does, he'll be the first & only politician in this world who does, I can tell you that much. So I think I'll believe it when I see it.
A look at COVID-19 vaccinations in Canada on Jan. 16, 2021 How's this for pathetic? Just over a half a million doses have been given Canada wide since we got the vaccine in mid December. We had the vaccine 1 week before the Americans did and they've gotten 11 million doses out so far. At that rate we'd have our whole entire population vaccinated before the end of March. But we won't even have a million vaccinated before then that's how pathetic our vaccination campaign is. Other countries already have their entire populations vaccinated, but we can't even get a half a percentage of ours done. Talk about incompetency on a grand scale. It's just wow and double and triple wow, is all it is.

Coronavirus: Ontario study finds people on homeless spectrum hit hard by COVID-19 You mean you actually NEEDED a study for this? I mean gawd almighty this should be a frigging no brainer. I just wonder how many of these poor homeless people had to suffer before you could figure this out enough to start to do something about it? Sometimes the idiocy and bureaucracy of this society I live in, just blows me away. How they need studies for something as plainly obvious as this is even to elementary school kids, in order to do anything about it, just is totally mind boggling. Here's an idea for you inbred idiots, instead of wasting time doing stupid pointless studies that's basically going to tell you what you already should know assuming you have a braincell or two in your heads, that instead of wasting time doing that, that you recognize it immediately and act on it as soon as possible to prevent more suffering and deaths. I mean ummmmm duhhhhhh.... How obtuse do you really have to be to require a study to figure something like that out anyhow?



But in Florida lawyers are trying to get laws enacted to shield companies from Covid related lawsuits. 


Me neither, but alas, I've been stuck in one since the beginning of October and before that a semi kind of lockdown from the end of September back to the middle of June. From the middle of June back until March 17th full lockdown again. So out of the last 9 months I've endured 5months of total lockdown and 4 months of partial lockdown. So maybe you should be our health minister so we can get out of this lockdown BS once and for all.

If Canada were operating at the speed you're going now, we would be back at full normality by the end of April even allowing for the time for the last of the 2nd doses to kick in and provide full immunity. But we're so pathetically drag our ash slow, even snails move faster so if you're pegging your timeline to ours you won't be going back to normal until 3021 December 31st either. Because that's when we'll finally finish vaccinating everyone - given that we can't dispense more than a teaspoonful of vaccine a day for the entire country, because more than that would be putting a strain on the braindead idiots who are responsible for getting it done and it would just be too complicated for them. 
Coronavirus: Hajdu says decision on AstraZeneca vaccine expected in ‘near future’  Haggydudu how are YOU going to make a decision on it, considering it has nothing to do with the colour wheel or 2 or 3 d perspectives. It's just a little more scientific than trying to decide whether you should match orange and purple together or if perhaps yellow and purple would be less harsh on the eyes. Not quite the same depth of thought required for that as for approving a vaccine (which YOU are not qualified to do). 

Regina woman fined $2,800 for COVID-19 health order violation Gawd, I'm beginning to hope that these huge house gatherings are gatherings to plot the overthrow of the various governments now. Here's hoping they came up with a strategy before the cops showed up. 
Canadians leaving big cities at record numbers: Statistics Canada Well yeah why wouldn't they? I mean who would choose to stay in a smog filled, crime ridden, noisy city if they could trade it for a backyard with fresh air and some tranquility, while still being handy to the city? It's just common sense that tells us most people would choose a quieter life that had some form of greenery surroundings, instead of just cement, dirt, and smog. 

So essentially he's saying that they the army can't get more than 380,000 people done in a week all across Ontario. Why not? That's freaking pathetic compared to how fast everyone was inoculated against H1N1 back in 2009! That was without the army's help then too! 

Nearly half of adult Canadians struggle with literacy — and that's bad for the economy This is just totally freaking sad! No wonder the idiots in power can get away with so much BS, because nearly half of Cdn adults aren't able to grasp what's going on as they don't understand what's being said or written either for that matter. I think they've done more than enough of a good job on dumbing people down as it is now. Now it's time it stopped, otherwise we'll be nothing but a nation of total morons led by more inbred idiots (like our leadership is now) right over the edge of a cliff. Where we're headed now at high speed because bozo brains can't seem to find the brakes even though he secured more than we needed for our particular bus of unvaccinated Cdns. 

The list of Quebecers exposed to COVID-19 on international flights is growing The way to prevent that is to close the borders once and for all and if there's Canadians stuck on the other side of the border after they've closed, oh well, c'est la vie, all they had to do was stay home in the first place and they wouldn't be stuck wherever they are now, kind of deal.



Turkey is accused of extraditing Uighur Muslims to China in exchange for COVID-19 vaccines I sure hope this is reported around the world, because this is what I first surmised about this whole pandemic thing and working on a vaccine. Hoping to use the vaccine they created as leverage or a bargaining chip on the world scene, to get their way with things they want. 
My whole theory when I heard about the Chinese gov't and that company that makes Redemsivir working on an antidote together and were fighting over patents on it since 2016, that indicated to me, that they made or found that virus and examined and experimented on it, long before then. And they both wanted the patent rights on the antidote which is Redemsivir (which was the only known thing that would help against this virus at the time) and were fighting over the patent rights. 
This indicated to me that the Chinese gov't wanted exclusive rights on Redemsivir so they could hold the world hostage, to do whatever the Chinese wanted or pay whatever they wanted, in order to get some for their covid patients. 
Then when they stole the vaccine they were working on with Canada and absconded back to China with it and all the data on it, it seemed like they thought they had the  winning vaccine and could get it out early enough to use that as the leverage to have global control. 
So to me this was planned a long time in advance by the Chinese,  and because the company that makes Redemsivir, Gilead Sciences, is an American company, it's pretty safe to say that Gates knew about it too, and maybe even the US gov't as knew as well, when Gates held the Event 201 in Wuhan with the WEF.  Once the conference was over with and they were safely away back to the US, they had the company that makes Redemsivir release the virus to get the plandemic rolling. 
Since Gates backs the Pfizer vaccine (with invested money and not just verbal endorsements), it's probably pretty safe to say he finessed the info on the virus and redemsivir out of Gilead Sciences the maker of it, and gave it to Pfizer to help them beat everyone else to the finish line with a vaccine.

Vaccine skepticism hurts East European anti-virus efforts


Anyhow that's it for the night... Until next time, take care & stay well.