Showing posts with label frozen food imports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frozen food imports. Show all posts

Sunday, November 15, 2020

More Catching Up to Do With Headlines on ....



November 14, 2020

It's taken me a half a month now to catch up on last month's headlines in here - that's how many there were and there's still tons more to go. I don't know if I'll get them all done this weekend or not, but I'm going to give it my best shot because I really need to get this over with so I can do other things - things that are important to me and my loved ones and to make whatever Christmas celebrations we do have a bit nicer than they'd be if I didn't get a chance to do them. So with that in mind I'm going to be posting as many headlines as possible and with as few comments as possible to get through the rest of them this weekend if I can. Hopefully, I'll be able to. 

First I'm going to start with the disturbing headlines of today's date November 14 - where I do the usual of picking 1 or 2 headlines that seem especially telling or disturbing to post before continuing with the October headlines. So here's the 2 I chose for today's date: 

And what they're saying here in Canada sounds like it's getting to that stage here as well. And it's not  helping that the premiers have placed more priority on the economy then on the health of their population.  Which the following headlines contends is the case with Doug Ford in Ontario - but he's not the only one who's priority is the economy, Mr. Gestapo Boots Legault  here in QC, does too.

As I said above, Legault is the same. Perhaps more so, because he doesn't let the people have any reprieve for enjoyment or social bonding, or physical exercise - it's like everyone's grounded in QC. They get to go to school or work but they have to come back home immediately after that and stay home and the only place they're allowed to go is to work or school and that's all. Like as if the entire population is composed of 14 year old delinquents. Whereas Ford is reluctant to shut things like  restaurants etc down, so that the workers do still have a place to go to chill out and have fun or just relax over a nice meal without having to hurry home from work to whip one up for the ravenous kids that awaits. Instead they can just pick the kids up and head on out for a nice meal and relax, at the end of super stressful day, in Ontario.
Now on with the headlines from October....

I just wish one of these articles about COVID19 & dogs would post the symptoms to look for in dogs in order to know if they should be seen by a vet or not. 
Sackville man hopes personalized buttons make mask wearing more friendly I wouldn't mind getting one of these for myself as I've run into people who don't recognize me with the mask on unless they are familiar with the glasses I usually wear, otherwise they're clueless as to who I am. 

Maybe they should resume the BcG vaccinations against TB, as it's also surmised to help protect against COVID19 too. So 2 birds with one stone so to speak. 
Public encouraged not to attend Remembrance Day services in Wellington County I think attendance was pretty much discouraged across the country.

Covid is even interfering with the dispensing of justice because of potential courtroom over crowding.




Other than increasing our electrical bill I don't see the point of this. If none of your family members have the virus and no one's been to visit, the point of doing this besides benefiting the power company in increased costs is what exactly? Yeah I know we need fresh air in our lives, but I'm not so sure that involves freezing us out of our house and home when there's really no purpose to it. If you want fresh air, get dressed and go out and get it along with some exercise as well.

The world needs to organize a day or weekend or maybe entire week where it's constant wall to wall protests all over the globe where more citizens come out to protest than they have police. I know I saw a demonstration in Germany on  TV tonight where the cops brought out the water cannon against the protestors - but there should've been thousands more protestors. They wouldn't have enough water cannons to target all of them. The way to get to the gov't and force them to give up is to overwhelm them and over throw them when needed.

One-third of COVID-19 patients suffer potentially permanent brain damage I hope not, because if this is true that's scary.

Merkel warns against 'lies, disinformation' in virus fight You mean the lies that you and the rest of the politicians around the world are uttering and the disinformation you're intent on spewing to try to keep the masses scared and compliant? Because from all the headlines posted in this blog (and I'm sure I have the one of the largest on this subject gathered in one place on the internet) all the lies and disinformation I've seen to date came from the places like the WHO, CDC, politicians and the ash holes  they elect to be their health ministers (most of them aren't even qualified to put a bandaid on someone's paper cut let alone to be a health anything). The lies, the misrepresentations, the negligence, the pure idiocy associated with this plandemic of yours and the clowns that are running this world into the  ground is mind boggling. And you might be a PhD Merkel but I can guarantee you that's not in medicine. In fact you probably wouldn't know the difference between a pimple and a mole if one kicked you in the head and the other bite you on the nose. Same as the rest of your ilk (the political classes) they haven't got 2 clues to rub together about anything to do with health, so they're NOT QUALIFIED TO EVEN MAKE PRONOUNCEMENTS ON IT, LET ALONE DECIDE WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT IT. And most of those clueless idiots masquerading as leaders have equally clueless idiots masquerading as health ministers - case in point the art teacher in Ottawa and the pencil pushing number cruncher in QC City. Neither of them are qualified to put a bandaid on a someone else's papercut let alone guide a nation in the middle of a medical pandemic! So like I said the only lies and misinformation I see out there are from the political classes and their sicophants themselves. That goes for you as well Merkel because if you hadn't been negligent in your duties to protect your people from harm, you wouldn't be going through this now either. By that I mean closed your borders to everyone regardless of the EU arrangement between countries, on January 21st. It would be up to the other EU countries to follow suit, if they didn't and got the virus, oh well it's on them, but at least Germany would've been safe from it and continued to be so too for as long as the borders remain closed. But hey, you and your loosey goosey ways (I remember the half a gazillion refugees you let in to invade Europe) had this coming. So now deal with it.





Okay well it sounds to me like someone likes to make excuses and is doing so in this article.
The One Vitamin Doctors Are Urging Everyone To Take Right Now Our family doctor recently prescribed vitamin D to my husband, she's had me on it for pretty much the last year already.



New coronavirus symptom 'Covid toes' scientists say to look out for This isn't exactly a new symptom. This was reported back in the spring too.

And who else has been granted that special exemption anyhow? Maybe this has something to do with why we can't get it under control?  Too porous of a border and too many exemptions given maybe?

Mutant COVID-19 strain in Spanish farm workers sparked Europe's second wave: scientists So what sparked the 2nd wave here then? Assuming you believe we're in a 2nd wave or that Spain is in one too for that matter. 


COVID-19 forced Toronto's $2.2B film and TV production industry to a grinding halt. With 23 projects now underway, insiders say it’s a strong comeback I don't get it. If Covid forced it to a grinding halt, how come it's making a comeback now then as Covid is still around and even more widespread now in Ontario than it was in the spring as they're seeing more cases now than they did then.

We're turning into  a police state, that's why. Probably all a part of the plandemic plan.


This is bogus made up BS, considering that if it were the case, the numbers would've descended by now instead of constantly rising. Thanksgiving was over a month ago (October 12th), but yet the numbers are still rising. So either there's something wrong with that theory or the incubation period is closer to a month than 2-14 days as everyone's been saying. In that case, everyone needs to quarantine longer. But I think it has more to do with the fact that everyone's been sent back to school & work and now they're all sharing their germs between each other and then bringing them home and passing them onto family members as well.

New study links air pollution to 15 percent of COVID-19 deaths This is what I thought was going on in Wuhan why they were having it so rough there, but I was told I was a racism idiot and to shut up, despite the well renowned lousey air quality in China.

Top doctor bursts Atlantic-Cuba bubble, urges Nova Scotians to stay close to home this winter Of course, having fun, relaxing in the sun and enjoying life, is out of the picture for Canadians. 


Introduction to First Aid With Covid stretching the first responders and medical teams to the breaking point this may be your only recourse to help someone who needs immediate help, as we'll be more or less on our own to cope with most medical problems from here on in, it seems.

I'm posting this now, after-the-fact, as more of record for posterity, of how Halloween was handled this year.

They say a picture speaks 1000 words, well in that case you need to see the pictures that goes with this article in order to understand what the author means by gridlocked. 
Fury Over New Covid Lockdowns in Europe Threatens Compliance  I can't even imagine why, at this point. (said sarcastically).

Ottawa's wastewater suggests COVID-19 levels are plateauing Really because the daily case numbers wouldn't suggest that.  





There's an important link between vitamin D and coronavirus I wish they'd tell us what the amount was that is needed on a daily basis.




CDC lifts cruise ban, says companies can restart once they prove COVID-19 protocols work  That didn't last long as there's already a person aboard one of those cruises who has COVID19.



Well according to health authorities the whole  frigging year has not been the time for parties or large gatherings. 










Don’t be fooled: Even a simple card game could spread COVID-19  What about a simple cup of coffee or tea and good convo? Is that forbidden too? What about laughing? Or for that matter breathing? Are they all forbidden as well?


I guess these interminable lockdowns are doing a number on relationships. Too bad that's the case though. 



Everywhere it seems there's more people in need this year. I've been sitting here mulling over what we can do to help others this Christmas, because we can't afford to give as much as we used to either, primarily because the prices on all the foodstuffs we used to buy has jumped so drastically, it's like we'd need to spend double the amount we used to spend just to get half as much as we used to get. It's crazy. Anyhow, I guess we'll figure something out. 

Energy’s Plunge Is Now Worst Among S&P Sectors Dating to 1928  That must be in the US because quite frankly here in QC, Canada I haven't seen that much of a plunge in prices. The gas price is only 3 cents lower than it was a couple of months ago and our hydro bill is the same. So I don't know where this plunge in prices is. Sure not around here.



Oregon health official dressed as clown while announcing coronavirus deaths And they want us to take this seriously and believe them do they? When they treat death counts like this? Seriously????



American Medical Association slams Trump's claim that doctors are making money from listing COVID-19 as cause of death, as cases continue to climb I don't know if the doctors are, but the hospitals are getting $20 extra per covid patient they treat, whether the patient lives or dies is irrelevant. Allegedly it's to cover the cost of  PPE except that has incentivized the hospitals to list more covid patients than they actually have. 


If this isn't an eye-opening treatise on COVID19 from the vatican then I don't know what is. This is not a conspiracy theory either folks. If anyone would know about the machinations behind the scenes of gov'ts and at the UN, it would be the Vatican. So you should not only take the time to read it, but to seriously consider what's being said in that document as well. 


I wish all governments would be forced to justify their actions with scientific data and reasoning. So far they seem to just make sheite up out of thin air and tell us it's for our own good and that that will bring the cases down - which it hasn't, but yet they haven't changed their methods. If anything the case numbers keeps going up despite their BS methods that has no backing in science or medical methodologies. It's just stupidity on a stick is all it is.
Blenheim church outbreak an example of a 'quintessential super spreader event'  Thought that was a wedding and a birthday party that did that. Funny but the same figures are now being used for this superspreader church event. That other event with the exact same figures is listed above in one of the headlines. Seems to me they use the same number just different venues and types of events to try to say there's super spreader events and these are what they look like - church gatherings, weddings and birthday parties - all with the same figures though.... Which is super coincidental to say the least. So I'm sorry I now do not believe either of these stories. They were both fabricated by who knows who (whether it's the media or some pencil pusher that thinks they're a medical anybody) for the purpose of scaremongering.

Or when the economy's bottom line is worth more than the workers lives - aka cogs in the economic engine. 
2 new cases of COVID-19 in N.S. as state of emergency renewed Holy Crap! State of emergency renewed over SIX CASES IN THE WHOLE PROVINCE! Geez we should be on all alarm Fire Engine Red with Bright Orange Flames shooting out of the side borders of the coloured square, here in QC then! Considering the amount of cases we have. 


Same is true for QC.

Federal public health officials release new data that shows how COVID-19 is being spread I don't believe a damned word this genocidal beitche says. 


'Panicky pandemic publishing' of COVID-19 research erodes trust in science: report Or idiot media mouthpieces that don't understand what it is they're talking about and screw even the most basic of information up. Personally I don't think media types should be allowed to report on anything they don't have at least a basic degree in - like if it's medicine, a bachelors in some medical science, or if it's science, then in science, or law, then in law and so on. Then we might get better and more accurate information if that were the case and it wasn't just some grade 7 brat with a tape recorder and an internet connection masquerading as a journalist or journalist/blogger.


Okay well now it's long past my bed time and pretty soon I'm going to need toothpicks to put under my eyelids to hold them open if I keep this up much longer. So even though I gave it my best shot to finish up until the end of October, I still have several headlines left to go..... So until then take care & stay well.



Monday, October 5, 2020

More Mint Jelly Making, Stacks of Dirty Dishes & ....

 Covid 19

October 5, 2020

Using the last of the mint harvest I decided to make mint jelly instead of dehydrating it for tea. Since I already have a large quantity of dehydrated mint and we use more jelly/jams than we do teas - we're not big on tea, and usually only drink it as a remedy of some sort. Like when we have colds, we use ordinary tea with lemon and honey in it. When we have upset stomachs we steep finely chopped ginger in hot water to make a tea out of it. Or maybe my dried mint as a way of relieving stomach problems or for me anyhow it's a go to remedy for headaches and when I just need to relax after a hectic day. Being retired and all you can imagine how many hectic days we must have and now with the covid lockdowns and all.... Well you get the picture, I guess. So my dried mint lasts awhile to say the least. Hence the reason I felt maybe we might want the jelly more than the dehydrated mint itself. 

On top of that after my husband finished cooking supper tonight, using up all the biggest of everything he could find in the cupboards in order to do so (so biggest sieves and colanders and dutch ovens) to make his dish for supper,  plus the dishes I used to make the mint jelly (also large) and the dishes from  the day's meals it was like trying to do the rubics cube in order to load the dishwasher tonight. A real brain teaser on how was I going to fit all this big stuff plus all the other stuff into it, so I could get them done. I finally managed, but had to leave a frying pan and a drinking glass out of it. But I managed to get the rest of it in there.
Now for some more of those neverending COVID19 headlines....
Time to start wearing that mask — or risk a $240 fine People in QC, should be so lucky. That's a miniscule fine compared to what QC'ers would get. Not sure what it is exactly, only I'm sure it's way more than that.

We probably won't be wanting to have many more of those for this year anyhow so we shouldn't have to worry about it, until next year.

Bleach touted as 'miracle cure' for Covid being sold on Amazon Now that should be ILLEGAL!!!! I know for a fact that in Canada it would be, as we have laws against false advertising and that's the epitome of false advertising if you ask me. 

Tens of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts traveled to the Lake of the Ozarks for a bike rally weeks after a similar event in Sturgis was linked to COVID-19 cases in 8 states Wow, they just never learn in the US do they? They have to keep repeating their lessons over and over again before they learn anything at all apparently. Sturgis wasn't enough for them? Now they have to go to the Ozarks and see if they can repeat the lesson? Well it's true, bikers always were more brawn than brain.... Not the brightest bunch that's for sure.

Far-right conspiracy theorists say 94% of US COVID-19 deaths don't count because those Americans had underlying conditions. That's bogus.  Really? Personally I don't know how anyone would know anything about why anyone died in the US after that CDC mandate dictating that all deaths be labelled COVID19 in order to save time doing autopsies. So yeah the numbers are all wrong because  everything's been determined to have been COVID19 related whether it was or not. Even motorcycle accidents that killed the riders. Those weren't necessarily "underlying conditions" - though maybe you could say mangled everything is an underlying condition, but they didn't start out with those conditions before they died, just that they didn't have COVID19 either.


2nd COVID-19 surge could mean long-term health-care strain for chronic illnesses Don't worry, here in QC, they've figured out how to handle that..... Unless you have COVID19 they won't bother with you. That's how.


Police intervene after hundreds pack Ancaster, Ont., parking lot for event What's the difference between that, the drive-in comedy festivals, or drive-in movies, or drive-in bingo games, or drive in church services or even the stupid drive in or drive by graduation ceremonies they had in the spring? People are just getting sick and tired of being told what they can and can't do. Has it ever occurred to the authorities that not all people like doing the same mainstream stuff that some have  interests in the way of the obscure or fringe or maybe totally not mainstream and they might want to get together sometimes too? We're not talking anarchist clubs or anything like that here, just you know car buffs, or maybe off roaders or people who have other interests that don't necessarily fall into the church, bingo and drive-in movie categories.
Coronavirus: Ontario restricts social gatherings amid COVID-19 case surge But I bet the head honchos in government are still going to attend all their dinners and banquets they had lined up.

It's true they have almost no cases to even worry about, so having festivals isn't a problem for them. But it shouldn't be a problem for any event organizer who can figure out how to keep large groups a part and separated into individual family groups. It should be relatively simple if they have well defined entrance gate rules, with signs posted telling them to stick to the group they arrived with and don't commingle with anyone else (even if they know the other person in the other group). It's okay to wave, and maybe kind of yell hi, but not to approach and if they do, they'll be tossed out of the venue and forfeit the entrance fee. To keep their distance from all other groups at all times or again forfeit entrance fee and be tossed out. And that management reserves the right to refuse service and can terminate the attendees presence at the festival upon their discretion. As simple as that. Signs like that worked for other things (from shirts and shoes to bad behaviour to illegal or contraband items being brought in and all sorts of other things). That's all they have to do is set up strict conduct codes and enforce them. That way the majority of the people can still have a life and some fun in that life and do things without being treated like criminals and told to stay home under house arrest all the time. Like the saying goes "where there's a will there's a way". Trouble is the event organizers who say they want to have these events and stuff don't have either the will or the way (not sure which it is, maybe both - maybe they're just a bunch of lazy clueless idiots who can't chew gum and walk at the same time so doing and thinking of things like that is a stretch for them). 
Quarantine exemption for billionaire | Sunday Scrum One rule for us little minions the cogs in the economic engine, and another rule for the billionaire owners of some of that engine, apparently. 


Coronavirus is inspiring Halloween costumes, from Trump masks to tiaras: 'Most feared monster out there' Let's hope there is a Halloween and they get to use their costumes for some fun in this miserable cancel all the fun year we've been having.

Sounds like the same thing they had to endure here in Quebec and probably all of Canada, because unless you're a COVID19 patient (no matter severity), you don't count, even cancer and cardiology patients don't count anymore it seems. It seems like the hospitals have devolved into large units that specialize in one thing and only one thing and that is COVID19 - not even other respiratory illnesses count anymore  either, just COVID19.

Coronavirus: WHO sets rules for testing African herbal remedies I bet if any of them work they'll confiscate them and tell the people there that stuff is illegal and they can't have it and meanwhile reap as much of it as they can for their own purposes and keep all the seeds from the plants to sow in greenhouses on some other continent where they'll put that herbal remedy to use and into large scale production. And the people in Africa who discovered it will get no mention and no compensation for it's discovery. Instead some ivy league scientist with seniority, who's had his head up his ash for most of his sad, miserable life, will get the credit for it's discovery and development and get a Nobel Peace Prize from it too probably. Sorry if that sounds super cynical, but I've seen stuff like this happen before. 
Why falling immigration isn't that bad for the economy during COVID-19 It's actually great! I don't think we need all those immigrants anyhow. Canadians should be encouraged to procreate to replace themselves and keep the population numbers up, without having to import people from everywhere.
Roy Green: It’s time Canada’s members of Parliament shared the financial pain Are you dreaming in techocolour there Mr. Green? Because you know & I know what's more likely to happen here in Canada is they'll share in the financial gain - all the money they're stealing from the poor in the way of fines for stupid shiete. That's what's more likely to happen. There's no way any of those lousey flea brained slouches would take a pay cut because OMG they're just so self-important & must be the be all and end all of all our lives here in Canada. That we just wouldn't be able to get along 2 seconds without them. 

On that note, I'm ending the segment for today.... Until next time take care & stay well.




Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Banana & Blueberry Ice Creams, Pumpkin Cheesecake and of course...

COVID19 Coverage


August 19, 2020

In order to do something to try to fix my sleep wake cycle and take care of some of the food we had here, before having to throw it out, I made a Pumpkin Cheesecake  using the recipe found there, but had to modify it, because I didn't want to make a shell from scratch as I already had a graham pie shell that I wanted to use instead. So because the recipe there uses a spring form pan which is twice the capacity of one of those graham pie shells, I realized I didn't need the 3 packages of cream cheese nor 3 eggs either and only used 2 of each instead, despite that,  I only used half of the mixture in the cheesecake (the other half is in the fridge awaiting ideas for it, or for me to get another graham pie shell to use with it). So because the quantity is less, it takes less time to bake. So instead of the full hour baking time I reduced it to 35-40 minutes, checking intermittently to make sure it didn't burn or wasn't under cooked. So whenever I can get another graham pie shell (which will hopefully be soon), I'll have 2 pumpkin cheesecakes for the price of one really. Not bad. Or if my foot prevents me from going anywhere anytime soon, I may look for recipes like cheesecake bars for the base, and make cheesecake bars instead, though I'd prefer to have an actual cheesecake, so I can freeze it and thaw it up for Thanksgiving.

I also made Banana Ice Cream using the recipe found there but added a tablespoon of Coconut Rum to the mixture - not really for flavour (but that too if anyone should taste it), but to keep the ice cream from freezing solid in the freezer. It's a little tip I read somewhere that in order to keep homemade ice cream from freezing solid to add a tablespoon of vodka or rum or some alcohol before churning it. As I just made and churned it tonight and put it in the freezer tonight, I don't know how well that trick works or not, but it would be nice if it did work.

The Blueberry Ice Cream using the  recipe found there. Though that hasn't been churned yet and will only be churned tomorrow probably. I don't remember if I put any alcohol in that one or not. I don't think so, so it'll probably freeze rock solid like all the other ice creams I've ever made. 

That's pretty much what's kept me busy and out of trouble. 

My foot is still sore though, not sure what's wrong with it, but our doctor can't be reached unless you call her at the crack of dawn otherwise her secretary isn't taking calls later than that.  Our emergency walk-in clinic that we had around here since we moved to this area, closed months ago - sometime in late 2019 and was supposed to be replaced with another one, but I've yet to see or hear about it.  It seems to me they're using COVID19 as an excuse to cut back on medical care overall - unless of course you have the coronvirus and then they over do it and have to shove whatever they can find down your airways whether it does you more harm than good or not, is irrelevant. Meantime though people are dying of heart attacks, cancer, and all sorts of other terminal ailments from kidney disease to ruptured appendixes. And forget trying to see a doctor over what they would deem to be a minor ailment altogether because OMG you might be one of those silent COVID19 spreaders and they don't want to be inadvertently exposed to that just for a minor problem, like a foot problem (like mine, for instance). 

So with that off my chest..... I guess it's time to start posting headlines links for those who are still interested in them.... So settle back and relax and get into your zen mode so you don't get too worried and anxious over the whole thing. 

Coronavirus reality: What day is it? Remove the mundane with days to celebrate white wine, cookies, beer and more   I started doing that years ago, but it's hard, because the others in your milieu think you're nutty and don't want to participate with you. So you're left trying to "celebrate" or remain upbeat on your own basically.  But hey if you can find someone willing to celebrate the mundane and everyday things with you on a regular basis it might be fun.  

Can the world's oldest restaurant escape the pandemic's grasp? They were talking about how the Montreal restaurants are struggling during the pandemic on the news tonight. I think they said that nationally restaurants across Canada have lost $12 billion so far on account of the pandemic. That's a staggering amount of money to lose in 6 months. I know it's not just one restaurant, but even collectively, it's a huge loss for them. 

Many parents may have to stop working entirely if schools don't reopen, Goldman Sachs says  This is probably where the governments are getting their advice on schools from and not their respective health officers. 

Southwest Airlines cuts back on Covid-19 cleanings to speed up flight turnarounds  If you travel via Southwest Airlines, you should be aware of this...

Nurse who spent 117 days in the hospital with Covid-19 says 'it feels great to be alive'  I can imagine how she feels after spending almost 4 months in the hospital.

When a man heard that farmers were destroying unsold produce, he arranged for trucks to deliver 3 million pounds of it to food banks  That's awesome! More people should be doing that and not just during the pandemic but during normal times too, especially when farmers are over their quotas - instead of dumping it, give it to food banks. That won't be cutting into your profits if you do that, because those going to food banks weren't going to buy your products anyhow as they can't afford to.

Do I need to wear a mask? Back to school rules by province  Yup, kids in QC will be starting back to school, this coming week. Wondering what kind of fiasco that's going to be..... Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

'Info ambassadors' comb Montreal neighbourhood to address COVID-19 misinformation  Here's the thing.... Most of the information they're saying is incorrect or a conspiracy theory, isn't. It came from mainstream media and not conspiracy theorist sites, or even tabloids like Huffington Post likes to rely on for their "factual" articles. ahem...😏

COVID-19 measures could disrupt rare polio-like disease  Well there's at least one benefit this scourge is having, so it's not all bad.

'Alarming' rate of cyberattacks aimed at major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure amid COVID-19: Report   I guess that's bound to happen when you have thousands of irate out of work programmers, who've lost their jobs, and along with that their lucrative incomes and are now being forced to "subsist" on a meager income doled out by the government, adding bitterness to their anger over losing their jobs. 

Coronavirus misinformation is spreading — what is Canada doing about it?   Not much apparently as Huffington Post is allegedly one of the preferred "mainstream media" but Huffington Post itself, relies on gossip and BS printed in Tabloids to base their mainstream articles on. That's one "mainstream media" organization I've caught doing underhanded stuff like that. So that when others like me for instance or a legitimate news agency reposts their bogus tabloid based articles as fact, it is accepted at face value by the public because before now, they were thought to be an honest truthful media organization with journalists who did their own bonafide research and based their articles on their own actual interviews, and research and didn't just flip through a trashy tabloid and reprint the garbage in that and try to pass it off as actual fact. CBC has been known to rewrite the facts to suit themselves too. So if those are our "mainstream media" and the media that we ought to trust is telling us the truth, but aren't, then who are we to believe anyhow? 

Coronavirus conspiracies spreading at alarming rates across Canada, experts say   Then thank the mainstream media for that as they're the ones doing most of the spreading.  Which I've pretty much proven with this blog, because just about everything they're claiming is a conspiracy theory came from mainstream media and the links to those articles are here in my blog to prove it. 

Fewer in Sask. willing to get potential COVID-19 vaccine compared to rest of Canada: poll  Smart people! As far as I'm concerned any vaccine that the Chinese or Bill Gates had a hand in - either financing, or researching and making, will not be injected into my body. And it seems to me that Canada is partnered with China to produce a vaccine here in Canada and well Bill Gates is financing just about anyone and everyone that he thinks might be able to produce a vaccine. So that basically means just about all vaccines are going to be highly suspect and as a result I won't be getting one.

Shopping malls are in crisis due to COVID-19 — but they’re not dead yet, experts say   The mall in our area certainly looked like it was on critical life support when I went into it last week. There were lights on, but very dimly lit, so that you don't walk into things basically. It almost reminded me of night lights we install around the house to see after we turn the room lights out. I wasn't in there long because the store I wanted to go to had it's inside mall door blocked off and we were directed by a sign in that door to use the outside one.  But it was very dim and no one inside walking around, so it pretty much looked like death warmed over to me. But I hope it doesn't die, because the stores in that mall are our mainstay for shopping. I mean if the mall closes where will they relocate to? Some place even further away than they are now? Probably....

Yes, your pets can get COVID: Signs to watch for I wish they'd make up their minds. First they can get it, then they can't then they could, and then they couldn't and now they can again.... Geez which is it folks?

Canada signs deals with Pfizer, Moderna to get doses of COVID-19 vaccines  Bill Gates has invested in these companies and given them money to work on vaccines.... 

No masks required as 250,000 expected at 10-day Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Here's what to know.  What'd you want to bet that if they were told no face coverings allowed, they'd have all shown up wearing bandanas across their faces like outlaw cowboys!?! But because everyone wants them to wear masks or mouth/nose coverings, they won't. Rebels R' US...

Extreme poverty rises and a generation sees future slip away This "plandemic" seems to have been planned to cause as much economic problems as possible while eradicating as many people as possible. 

Coronavirus Cancellations: Every Film, TV Show, and Event Affected by the Outbreak  This just goes to show you just a fraction of the things that this virus has affected.

COVIC-19 Death Toll Rivals Fatality Rate During 1981 Flu Epidemic  Not to quibble with the author on this, but the 1918 flu was not merely an "epidemic", it was a global pandemic just like what we're going through now.

Canada Is Sick of Americans Crossing Over During the Pandemic  First of all our borders are supposed to be closed to Americans so how are they managing that? Second of all, no one wants more coronavirus carriers running around everywhere, we already have enough of our own, thanks.

Hurricane-force storm in Iowa flattens 10 million acres of crops  Wow, this combined with all the other food loss and waste due to the pandemic is really going to start to add up and make life rough for some people.

The pandemic will make movies and TV shows look like nothing we've seen before  Good because I'm already getting bored with the movies & tv shows we've seen before.

Infectious coronavirus particles found in hospital air add to mounting evidence of airborne transmission It's amazing it's taken them this long to figure out a respiratory virus is spread in the air. What the hell is wrong with everyone when it comes to this virus anyhow? Especially considering all other coronaviruses, and other respiratory diseases are all spread via the air and thus are "airborne". 

Delaying college in the pandemic could cost you: Study says students could lose $90,000 over their lifetime  The operative word there is "could". It doesn't mean it will cost you over your lifetime. On the other hand, not delaying college, could cost you your life. Thereby shortening your lifetime considerably.

Russian Covid-19 Vaccine Not Among 9 Considered for Advanced Test Stages, Says WHO  Considering Bill Gates probably couldn't get control of or make money on this vaccine in any way it's not surprising that it won't be one of the 9 being tested.

FDA issues warning for hand sanitizers carrying a dangerous toxin  Yet more warnings for you to check out....

China Says Frozen Chicken Wings from Brazil Test Positive for Virus  Like New Zealand reported about imported frozen foods.

Pandemic has driven Americans to depression and drinking, CDC says Could the same be said of everyone everywhere maybe?

Coronavirus Lockdowns Could Ramp Up Obesity Epidemic, Study Warns  Well when you have nothing better to do with your time except sleep or make pumpkin cheese cake, banana ice cream and blueberry ice cream, what can you expect?

Virus Vaccine Rush Leaves Little Recourse for Anyone It Harms  This should be plenty cause for not taking the vaccine, simply because we don't know the repercussions of taking it, short term even, nevermind long term. So we may be setting ourselves up for a life time of misery if we take the vaccines, and there won't be anything we'll be able to do about it legally.