Showing posts with label 6 month lag in vaccinations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 month lag in vaccinations. Show all posts

Monday, February 1, 2021

Taking Care of Business (to Quote BTO) and Working on Headlines About....



Feb 1, 2021

Well, well, well, whatd'ya know!?! We're only 6 weeks away from a year anniversary of this blog and our lockdown beginnings. Unbelievable, that we're still up to our eyeballs in it, with no end in sight, when all of this could've been averted entirely if we had just 1 person with 1 braincell in their head and a smidgeon of a backbone, who had the brains and guts to take the appropriate action of closing the border off entirely as soon as it was known that Wuhan China was dealing with a deadly epidemic. 
But of course not, because they're still so f'n stupid that they think that cutting down on flights GOING TO certain destinations will help cut down on the virus, when in reality it's FLIGHTS COMING INTO THE COUNTRY THAT'S THE PROBLEM & ALWAYS HAS BEEN THE PROBLEM.  
The virus isn't magic, it didn't just instantly appear in the country without having had help in getting here in the first place, via a human host who came into the country from elsewhere. So now numbnuts is cutting back on flights south, but not flights coming into the country from anywhere including south. But more importantly from the countries where the variants are prevalent, like the UK, Brazil & South Africa, we still have flights going to and coming from those countries apparently. 
Anyhow after almost a year of this totally unadulterated, unbridled idiocy surrounding the virus and gov't measures, I've basically had it. So come hell or high water (and I don't even care if it's both) on March 16th, I'm done with this blog and reposting headlines about imbeciles and morons who couldn't tie their own shoe laces if their pathetic moronic lives depended on it, let alone formulate a sound coherent science based plan on how to defeat this virus in Canada, once and for all. 
Because I get the feeling that as long as numbnuts is in charge he'll drag this out for as long as possible. Maybe that's the plan, maybe he has some kind of provision with the other parties in power allowing for little Mr. Wanna Be King Rat of the Universe to remain in power until this virus is defeated in Canada. If that's the case, you can be sure he'll purposely bungle every attempt there is at getting it under control, because he's a f'n wanna be for life banana republic dictator.  
And I'm not ready to dedicate the rest of my life to this sorry sack of stupidity known as headlines about COVID19 and efforts to get it under control in Canada & the rest of the world. Especially for the amount of money I'm making on all my efforts which so far has been zilch.
Other than that I spent part of the day taking care of our own private business, banking and bills etc...  

So now on with the idiocy that is all about containing & eradicating COVID19....



What do you expect? Everything else they might want to do is closed or cancelled altogether.
Canadian snowbirds abroad grapple with tough new travel rules that include a big hotel bill They should make the ash hole in charge pay for that bill hotel bill, since it's his fault the pandemic is in the country to start with and that big hotel bill is his idea too. So make him pay for it from his own pocket - Daddy's trust account ought to be big enough to cover.

What's the point of being a G7 nation when you're treated like a medium income nation? Thought we were one of the top 7 wealthiest countries in the world. Apparently not, we're not any better than Australia and Japan apparently. So the next time the G7 starts looking for contributors to their costs ask them to canvas Australia and Japan for them as well, since we're in the same boat as them and so should have the same responsibility as they do financially at keeping the G7 afloat (and they have no responsibility as they're not members of the G7). I'm tired of seeing Canada gouged by the UN and international community but getting kicked in the teeth when it's our turn to get a little help.
They've nurtured our babies through COVID-19 horrors; now, child care workers aren't sure when they'll get vaccinated If they're Cdn, they won't at least not in this lifetime if numbnuts has anything to do with it. But this is about American child care workers instead, so they're apt to get vaccinated light years before our child care workers do.


'They've failed Ontarians': Doctors highlight mistakes and missteps of Ontario's COVID-19 response It's not only the Ontarians who've been failed QC'ers have too and by far more than Ontarians have. 

Quoting the story now: In Canada, the provinces are reporting 5,017 new vaccinations administered for a total of 957,229 doses given. And for those who aren't aware that's since mid December. So in 6 weeks we couldn't even achieve a 1 million mark, while other countries finished vaccinating their entire population or nearly so in less time than that.

Wow talk about major idiocy here... What's wrong with simply quarantining that particular person and all their contacts either since their arrival in the country or for the past 2 weeks? But of course not, that's not as much fun for the draconian power tripping wanna be dictators, I guess.
Montreal's St. Patrick's Day parade postponed due to pandemic Of course it's cancelled. It's something fun to see and do so they're cancelling it.

Okay well I'm not aware of m/any (any really) dogs who have any kind of financial income or savings or anything remotely to do with economics... So um welll....
Judge mulls whether keeping kids out of COVID-19 hot spot is best for mental health What about their physical health? As in being in an area where they can play outside and get some fresh air and excercise and devoid of the plague called COVID19, vs the smog stranger filled cement areas in TO teeming with COVID cases.

Those symptoms almost describes me to a T these days.


Some worry that $5K fine under new order will harm Windsor's low income communities I swear the people who come up with these fine rates have their heads up their ashes. I bet not even they themselves would be able to afford such a fine, but yet, they're willing to impose that on others who're less well off then they are. Like I said draconian power tripping ash holes.

Being aware is one thing, acting on it is something else.
Another cancellation, of course. Can't have too much fun, can we now!?!

I'll believe it when I see it.
Exposure event at Maple Ridge high school involves more contagious coronavirus variant Yup so let's just forbid vaccations to southern destinations, rather than stopping people from coming to Canada from the areas hardest hit by these variants! I swear the imbecile in charge heard trains when God was handing out brains and took a dive in the ditch.

That's for sure.

I was wondering when they were going to get around to talking about this aspect of the plandemic in the news....


That's an idea, swamp the little prick with emails demanding he take concrete steps to end this plandemic now and he can start by shutting down ALL borders to ALL INCOMING TRAVELLERS EXCEPT CDNS RETURNING HOME, DROP THE EYE GOUGING QUARANTINE HOTEL BS, PETITION OTHER VACCINE MANUFACTURERS IN OTHER COUNTRIES FOR VACCINES, FINANCE THE CDN VACCINE MANUFACTURERS & FACILITIES and stop all manner of BS draconian measures that haven't been proven to work.




If that doesn't provide incentive for getting the population vaccinated, then I don't know what does! Take note sheite head and start to get the Cdn population vaccinated ASAP!!!!!

Parosmia: 'Since I had Covid, food makes me want to vomit' Euuu that's awful. I had that problem when I was pregnant with my 2 kids. I couldn't stand any odors at all and I wanted to vomit all the time because of it.




That's it for the day.... Until next time, take care & stay well.