Showing posts with label 2nd dose of vaccine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd dose of vaccine. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2021

Overwhelmed With Food Preparation &.....


January 10, 2021

Maybe you heard, maybe you didn't, maybe you were one of the ones protesting it and got fined for doing so, but in any case Quebec decided to impose 8pm to 5am curfews across the province until February 8th. It's doubtful it'll help much given the half ashed lockdown, where everyone must go to work and school. Besides what's stopping someone from having sleepovers for themselves or the kids? Or visiting someone immediately after work or school and staying until the last possible minute before rushing home to beat the curfew? Or instead of having people over for weekend dinner parties they have them over for weekend brunch parties instead? I mean if they want to get together with others under this stupid arrangement, there's plenty of ways left to do that, so this isn't preventing anything. The only thing it's doing is providing another excuse for cops to issue tickets that gouge the eyes out of our heads.

As for my "overwhelmed with food preparation", we recently bought a bunch of food on sale and as I explained elsewhere in the blog, we generally butcher and package in mealtime portions to freeze. We also bought a bunch of different fruit this time around too as IGA had all kinds of it on special, so we got some persimmons, mangoes, clementines, bananas, cherries, grapes, a cantaloupe, a papayas, and 2 different melons we never had before - they're from South America. Plus various other veggies including for salads & such. So this afternoon while also helping my husband package the meat he was butchering, I was chopping fruit for a fruit salad and salad veggies for a green veggie salad for supper tonight. Plus boiling some chicken torsos I got on special. One of them and the broth from the boiling of the 3 torsos creates will be used for chicken soup. The other 2 torsos I will take the meat off the bones and package in separate packages, to be used for things like maybe chicken ala king, or hot chicken sandwiches or fajitas or whatever strikes our fancy to use it for, maybe just chicken salad sandwiches too for all I know. Anyhow, it's always handy to have "rotisserie chicken" (in other words cooked chicken) on hand for  a lot of the recipes out there these days. So now we'll have some without me having to specifically cook and cool a chicken in order to make whatever it is.... Plus I boiled the spareribs to have for supper and made a BBQ sauce for them before slathering them with it and putting them in the oven in order for the sauce to cook too.  Now I'm just waiting for supper to cook, so we can go eat. 
Meanwhile, I thought I'd get a head start on the headlines I have to post today, so get your reading glasses on and dig in...

The idiots that run the QC gov't spends more time figuring out how to curtail our civil liberties and gouge our eyes out of our heads with hefty fines, then they do on figuring out how to manage and distribute the vaccines like everywhere else does. What a bunch of idiotic ash holes. If they don't give them the 2nd shot when it's required, it means they just wasted the 1st shots for nothing as they may be ineffective without the booster shot. I'm telling you that's what happens when you have pencil necked idiots posing as a health minister. 
They're smart to keep that vine a secret, because I can easily see the whole place being scavenged to pieces in order to find and root out every piece of the vine imaginable, rather than trying to take reasonable amount of samples to try to grow in a greenhouse or study it's properties for replication. 


I'll save you the effort of reading tons of hot air to get to the conclusion of "pretty bad".   There now you know.
Alberta doctors ask for vaccine priority for staff in COVID-19 hospital units I agree that all medical personnel who work with covid patients ought to be immunized against it. But not all medical personnel needs the shots right away, just those working specifically with the covid patients themselves. That would include the orderlies and the cleaning staff who have to clean those areas and not just the doctors and nurses.

Nope it won't. Primarily because the morons at the helm can't figure out how to get vaccines into this country and into our arms and because the lockdowns and curfews they have now are only half ashed. Nothing's really locked down at all. Schools and most businesses except stores and those in the hospitality and entertainment fields are still operating - manufacturing, construction, garages, dentists, optometrists, and everything else except those few exceptions mentioned above are still working and kids are still going to school. The only difference 'tween now the "lockdown" that started at the beginning of October, is that most retail stores are closed and there's a curfew, but as I explained above there's gazillions of ways of getting around that if you're so inclined.  So this won't be the last. Or if it is, it'll just drag on forever and a year because it'll be totally ineffective. Besides the lockdowns are making them money in astronomical fines they impose, whereas buying vaccines costs them money. So for them it's better to keep things going this way forever as it makes them money rather than costing them money.

Morocco gives approval for emergency use of Oxford-AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine Wondering when Canada will do the same? So we can get more than 3 phials of vaccine shipped to us on a monthly basis. Perhaps with them, we'll be able to get a reasonable amount each month rather than the drip, drip, drip, that Moderna and Pfizer have been providing. Maybe this time when Canada approves it, they'll pay more for it, so we can get it faster, rather than putting us at the back of the line, so we'll might get some before the end of the production - the leftovers - because of the miserly amount Idiots R Us in Ottawa wants to pay for them, now.
Quebec long-term care residents threaten legal action to get second vaccine dose The idiots in charge of our health care here in QC, basically left them no choice.

Yeah we can tell they used their judgement alright by the news reports we heard tonight on TV. Global News reported that there was a couple on their way home to a suburb in Montreal from NB and they arrived later than they thought they would get here, due to various circumstances. They were 2 hours past curfew when some ash hole cops pulled them over and the lady explained they were on their way home from NB, where she had to go to look after her father, but they had car trouble and other things that delayed them leaving NB when they originally planned. Then on their way back they ran into delays and things causing them to lose time (like kids needing to go to the bathroom along the way - and I know what that's like we actually labelled our daughter a bathroom inspector when she was 5 and we took a road trip from Montreal to NS because it seemed like we couldn't pass an establishment that had a public bathroom in it without her having to use it) needing gas, etc.... So they were actually much later getting back then they thought they'd be. So you'd think hearing that, the cops would use some judgement and give them a break but nope the cop issued both her and her husband (and they probably would've issued each of the kids one too if they were 14 & older) a $1,500 fine.  Talk about power tripping quota hungry greedy ash holes. Too bad we can't issue them a ticket for being out after 8pm themselves. Because the ash hole/s that issued them those tickets needs to be strung up by their freaking gonads. 

Scaling roofs and mountains, Philippine students battle to take online classes I don't see any Canadian kids no matter the reason going to this extent to get an education. 

Conservatives slam vaccine rollout plan that prioritizes some federal prisoners Quoting the story: "Not one criminal should be vaccinated ahead of any vulnerable Canadian or front line health worker," he said on Twitter. ------ I agree 101% with him! Once upon a time a good number of those Federal prisoners would be on death row, now instead of being on death row, they're ahead of the line in getting life saving vaccines administered to them.  Perhaps we all need to commit serious crimes so we can get vaccinated too? Because the way it's going all the rapists, murderers and terrorists will be vaccinated long before granny and granpa and their caregivers get it. Why do those despicable degenerate criminals deserve life saving vaccines ahead of the innocent vulnerable in society? Seems to me they have more rights than the rest of us do.  Same in QC, prisoners get free dental care, while seniors don't. I think society's priorities are totally screwed up when prisoners get more than the innocent hardworking taxpaying population does.


Prison guards need priority COVID-19 vaccinations, union says Oh yes, definitely they need priority too. So does the mailman, the FedEx truck drivers, the garbage man, the recycle truck driver, the street sweepers, gardeners, nose pickers, thumb twiddlers and just about anyone and everyone in the freaking universe. Oh and all the barnyard animals along with all our pets including the fish in our aquariums and fish bowls (can't forget them either) and maybe all the plants in our yards including every blade of grass and every weed, flower, vegetable, tree, bush and dammed might as well include all the fallen leaves as well, need priority too. You never know one of them might get it and then infect us.... So give priority to everyone and everything - including rocks and cement too if you can figure out how to get a needle into them without breaking it. I mean hey, when we want to get totally ridiculous and absurd we might as well take it to the extreme. No? 

IF our borders are CLOSED, there SHOULD BE NO FLIGHTS FROM ANYWHERE coming to Canada. No? Isn't that what closed borders are all about? Keeping people from crossing them into our country no matter the means?????

If the borders are closed, there should be no need for testing of any kind as no one should be allowed in no matter what anyhow!




They should join that lawsuit the families from that nursing home is launching. 


Lets hope the rest of the vaccines do too.
'We are in a crisis. It is scary': Ontario Premier Doug Ford begs for AstraZeneca vaccine, as province enters 'serious' state with over 4,000 cases in a day Sheitehead in Ottawa is waiting for the majority of us to get the virus itself, thereby developing herd immunity for the country on the cheap. That way it won't cost so much in vaccines.

Words of wisdom: 4 tips from experts on how to endure until the COVID-19 pandemic ends It's not so easy to have an optimistic attitude when you have a gov't like the QC gov't who specializes in abrogating our rights and freedoms and spends more time figuring out how to curtail our freedoms and fine us if we don't comply then they do in figuring out how to inoculate people with the vaccines they have on hand. There doesn't seem to be anything to be optimistic about really. Because they've imposed a half ashed lockdown that won't do any good, coupled with an idiotic curfew that won't do anything to stop the spread, while not providing those who had their 1st shot of the vaccine the 2nd dose thereby immunizing them 100% against the virus (so they can still get and spread it and after awhile the immunity the 1st shot provides might wear off on top of that) and dragging their ash on immunizing the rest of us. I mean what's there to look forward to? More of the same ad infinitum ad nauseum? Seems like it.

So says the gestapo beitche. Using judgement.... Cops don't have any judgement, because if they did, they wouldn't be cops in the first place. They're basically thugs with badges and guns and then you give them ticket quotas, so that they have to hand out so many tickets in a month, what do you think is going to happen here? You think they'll use something they don't have like judgement? First they'll have to find some in order to use it, and it's not sold in stores, so they'll be very unlikely to be able to find any. The very first night of this curfew they demonstrated their total lack of judgement, reason and empathy with that one stop of the family returning home from NB. The power tripping creeps not only had to ticket the driver (which was the lady I guess), but the husband as well. It's like ticketing everyone in the car because the driver was speeding or something.... I mean gawd get real, if you think that was good judgement you have none yourself.

I can just imagine there were some chafing at the bit, wanting to give a few $6,000 fines out, but I guess they figured they had to restrain themselves because after all this was the first night of the curfew. I guess they'll wait awhile to give those out, trying probably to claim that the person getting the fine already had a few before or something like that (whether they did or not would be irrelevant in the cop's mind all he wants is to fill his ticket quota and if they get a percentage of the fines given out the more the merrier for the cop at pay day, isn't it!?!).


Very sad.

Exemption granted for Calgary police officer's funeral to allow 50 people to attend hehehehehe.... What a crock of sheite! I can see that if anyone buys this after watching the news on it, it's not only their literacy skills that got affected but their numeracy skills as well! Holy crap there were nearly 500 or more just lining the sides of the cemetary road, just in one camera shot. We didn't get to see how many were actually gathered around the graveside but there were way way way more than merely 50 in attendance there. That's for sure!

I still think that figure is low, because the initial figures were really low. 
At least two senators left country amid COVID-19 pandemic, five not saying Yup, more "do as I say, not as I do" power tripping hypocrites.

Sask. health minister takes aim at federal government over vaccine rollout hiccups Hiccups???? That what you call those full on stoppages is it???? Wow.... That's being overly generous with them! They don't deserve that. They need to have their noses rubbed in it so they can get the message loud and clear.



No wonder it's a slow start. Look at how many people they have there to inoculate that one woman! Egads, they could be doing 3 more at the same time she's getting her shot just with the amount of personnel shown in that picture. So they could literally probably be going at least 2x if not 4x as fast as they are now.

When I first read that headline all I could think right away was  - geez maybe we all need to get COVID so we can get younger. Then I realized what the author was trying to get across. I know sometimes I have senior moments too. 😉

Your history lesson for the day.....


That's all this sheite is, is a money grab. Period end of freaking story because we all know that preventing someone from going somewhere between 8pm & 5am isn't going to cut down on the spread of the virus as long as the schools, construction sites, manufactering plants, accounting offices, and other professionals are open. It's just the freaking retail, entertainment and hospitality sectors that are closed, while everything else is still open. 



Millhaven among prisons to administer first COVID-19 vaccines to inmates Yup, the rapists, murders & terrorists lives are valued more than everyone else's apparently. Well it's true that we have an awful lot of terrorists who wind up in some legislature or other in the country here. Look at all the FLQ members they wound up teaching university and sitting as a MNA in QC. They were nothing more than terrorists and common thugs. One of my friends wore the scar of Paul LaRose's ring under her eye for most of her life. He had a huge initial ring on one of his fingers on the hand that he punched her in the face with. Real chivalrous guy, wasn't he!?! But those are the types that are apparently valued more than the average Canadian's lives are here in Canada, since they're the types getting vaccinated ahead of everyone else.

I believe them, given the total cluelessness and ineptitudes of the clowns at the helm now, it's a wonder if we get 10 more people vaccinated this month and maybe 50 next month and well if they approve of another vaccine maybe 100 each successive month thereafter, so it'll be the year 3001, December 31 when they finally finish immunizing all 35 million of us - then they'll have to continue immunizing the rest of the expanded population after that. Perhaps by the year 5000 they'll be finished entirely.
Frustration growing over slow COVID-19 vaccination roll out in Quebec Ya think? Geez whatever gave you that idea anyhow?


Ah yeah but Mr. Pencil Neck Accountant Dube, who's our health minister says otherwise, so he should know because after all he's a health minister. So he should know everything there is to know about health. Except the moron doesn't. That's the f'n problem with what's going on here in QC, when we had the lady doctor as Health Minister back before bozo brains took over, we were cutting down on the amount of cases, but since Legault replaced her for his buddy buddy bozo brains Dube who's TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED FOR THE JOB, we've been going downhill really fast and getting asinine policies like this that makes no sense and contradicts the manufacturers recommendations. He's the type to prescribe 1 antibiotic pill hoping it'll cure the infection (just 1 single dose when 3 per day for 10 days is needed, in order to save money) because he knows better than medical doctors and pharmaceutical companies who made these drugs.  He's a HUGE GIGANTIC ASH HOLE. PERIOD. He needs to be fired and that lady doctor put back in charge if we're ever going to get beyond the same BS we've been living under since October 7th. Because we'll be in year 2525 and still going through the same sheite unless he is thrown out and replaced with someone who actually knows what they're doing when it comes to medicine and health.
Moderna CEO says its mRNA vaccine could potentially offer protection for a ‘couple of years' At this point no one knows how long the vaccines will offer protection for because they only just started being used. We have to wait and see over time if they still maintain their effectiveness or if some people who had the vaccines start contracting the illness again, sometime in the future.

You need to do more than just "scale up" the deliveries you need to mega boost them!

So then approve some more ASAP!!!!!

Yup more "do as I say and not as I do" 'ers.... 



Ottawa promises more COVID-19 vaccines to come next week I'll believe it when I see it. Right now it's just more promises....


That's probably the only way senior Canadians will have of getting vaccinated as the Cdn gov'ts sure aren't doing it.

Wow! Just Wow!
Quebec defends decision to reopen schools despite imposing provincewide 8 p.m. curfew Like I said we're being governed and this plandemic managed by a pack of idiots. So what else would you expect from them anyhow?


Like I said before.... There's a bazillion ways around that stupid curfew of yours. First of all no one I know has time after 8pm to go visiting people on weekdays. Most people who work, come home already tired from the day's work, then make supper, clean up the kitchen, take care of the kids and then after the kids are in bed, unwind a few minutes themselves in a bath or on the couch and then hit the sack to start over again the next day. On weekends when they might have time to see others, they can arrange sleep overs for their kids or themselves, to have brunches or early dinners if the idea is to have a dinner or brunch date of some kind. Or if they're neighbours walking their dog to their friend's place to see them for a while and then back home again afterwards. 




This is a very good article, very detailed and well written. I commend CBC on this article. I don't usually like the calibre of CBC's journalism, but I have to say this article is exceptionally well done and I recommend you read it if you have questions about this.
Kids' mental health, other dangers outweighed COVID risks in back-to-school decision: Quebec minister BS! More like the economic factors outweighed the risks.... They need parents in the workforce, which they won't have if the kids have to stay home from school. 
Majority of Canadians in recent poll support stricter COVID-19 lockdowns, hefty fines for rulebreakers Those supporting the hefty fines are those that think they're perfect and never to run afoul of such laws, until they find themselves out past curfew one night due to no fault of their own and issued a $6,000 ticket on account of it. Then watch how fast they start whining about it in the media afterwards.






Pope Francis says he is in line to take Covid-19 vaccine I'd have thought he'd have had it by now.




Well at least the throwback to our old caveman genes is good for something.


Coronavirus: Ontario reporting nearly 120% spike in COVID-19 cases involving school-aged children But of course the kids in QC are immune to it, as we don't appear to have any cases of kids with it, even in the children's hospitals. Probably more like they are being told to ignore any symptoms in kids - that way if we don't find it  it didn't happen.

Heavy police presence was an understatement in a news report I saw. In one news report there must've been a line of cop cars a whole city block long, all of them with their red & blue flashers going, what for I don't know as there was nothing to be seen there except them, making a visual nuisance of themselves.

Japanese pray for end to pandemic in annual ice bath ritual at Tokyo shrine I think we should all be praying for an end to the pandemic.

Canadians are on track to be vaccinated by September, 'if not sooner,' Anand says Gawd one side of your face makes a liar out of the other side. There's a story above where you said we weren't on track to be vaccinated by September with the already approved vaccines. So if no other vaccines ever gets approved or approved in time we won't be on track to be vaccinated by September, according to you. So make up your mind. Either we are on track or we aren't. Can't have it both ways.


Quebec’s first night of curfew in photos You have to see the picture of the Turcotte Interchange. I don't think I've ever seen it like that, even at 4am there's cars & trucks on it, headed in one direction or another.

That's the cops being judicious too.... Meaning there were probably only 17 protestors there and so they gave every damned one of them a ticket without any leniency for any of them.

Warnings Quebec's curfew will take a toll on mental health Well when I heard the new measures and realized they weren't really doing anything to slow the spread, but just to drag it out longer, I got depressed and for the first time since the plandemic began told my husband that was it, I needed to go buy a ton of junk food just to get me through this. So when we went grocery shopping the other day I loaded up on chocolates, candies and chips. Of course it's not something I cram into my mouth all at once, but over time from day to day depending how I feel I might get a chocolate bar, or a couple handfuls of chips instead of the good for you snacks like fruit etc (which we have plenty of too). Because this idiotic curfew won't do anything except drag things out more than they already have been dragged out. The way to stop it once and for all it to shut everything except the essential stores down like they did in the spring - a full on lockdown, where everyone except essential service workers stays home 24/7. No visiting anyone and no going anywhere except for walks. But this idiocy that they've enacted now does nothing except exasperate, anger and depress everyone, that's all.

F'n pigheaded pig in a suit. Oink, oink, oink. I hope the next time there's an election none of your constituents have time for you either! I don't know how a crowd kettling jack booted police of chief like yourself could get voted into office for anything to begin with. I guess it's only due to the short memories Canadians have, for them to be able to forget how you treated people during the G20 summit in Toronto and then vote you into office like that. Gawd, I'd slit my throat first before I voted for you to be in anything except prison. You're the biggest pig I've seen in a pig's uniform in my whole life. The name pig suits you to a T in looks, behaviour, reasoning, manners and everything. Just everything about you is pig like. 

Anyhow, that's all the neverending depressing news for now.... Until the next installment, take care and stay well and if you see a cop avoid them like the plague - because they are the plague these days.