Showing posts with label COVID19 around the world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID19 around the world. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2020

COVID19 Continuing...


May 27, 2020

This plandemic just seems to go on forever, with so many different aspects and angles to it, there`s just no end in sight it seems.  Especially when it comes to news coverage. It seems that that is all the media is fixated on and wants to report on. Although recently there have been other stories in the news like murders and tow truck wars, so it looks like as the lockdowns let up, the usual murder & mayhem incidents and stories start back up again.  Well I guess we`re getting back to normal somewhat, I mean what would normal be like if there were no murders and turf wars over things?

But anyhow, back to regularly scheduled programming and on with the COVID19 news coverage....

Caretakers say dolphins at popular spot miss tourists and keep leaving 'gifts' on shore

Will pandemic push humans into a healthier relationship with nature? Oh maybe for a half hour or so. Look a few weeks of shutdown isn't going to change lifetimes of habit. That just won't happen. Maybe some will consciously make efforts to change some of their habits and that'll last for as long as they remember if they don't get habituated to them, but for the rest of us, we'll just be back out doing our thing the way we always did before.

Spy agency flags possible security breaches at Canadian pandemic research facilities I don't see how they can flag anything as they don't know where or when it occurred (so did it?) or who is behind it. In fact they don't seem to know much at all about it, so how can they come out and state what they did?

Coronavirus: Homemade masks and scarves can limit spread of COVID-19, study says, but there are downsides  Given that they don't protect the wearer from anything, and according to this don't stop droplets from sneezes and coughs getting out into the air (which was supposed to be the reason everyone was wearing them - in case they sneezed or coughed to prevent the aerosols and droplets from getting into air), so I don't see what's the point of wearing one now. Especially on boiling hot days like today. All I can see them doing is suffocating the wearer, as they wouldn't be doing much else, that's for sure.

Goldie Hawn cries 3 times a day over thought of 'abuse and anger' happening in lockdown

At Least 5 Million People Globally Have Been Infected With COVID-19 That's the ones they know about. I'd say that probably 75% of the earth's population has been infected with it by now, just that no one knows as no one's doing the testing for antibodies to find out.

Hairstylists look ahead to reopening with precautions  Even still I don't think I'd go to one for a long time considering all the stories of people getting infected by visiting salons in the US.

WHO Members Reject Trump's Demands but Agree to Study Its Virus Response

Trump says he won't close the country if second wave of coronavirus hits Considering none of the countries should've been shutdown to begin with, I guess he's one of the only leaders who's actually learning by his mistakes, because it seems Canada and the UK want to keep on shutting down every 30 days or so. I guess they won't learn a damned thing until we march Trudeau and Johnson to a gallows at the end of a very short rope, otherwise they'll just keep on keeping on with the lockdowns and letups every so often.

Peru town mayor lies in coffin and plays dead after police catch him 'flouting lockdown to drink with friends'  Told you there's tons of aspects and angles to this plandemic everything from this to dolphins bringing gifts to lure visitors back to see them.

Why time seems to be going faster while we are in lockdown Really? I hadn't noticed. It seems about the same to me.

'All the psychoses of US history': how America is victim-blaming the coronavirus dead  Annnnndddd it just keeps getting weirder....

Brazil coronavirus outbreak worsens as country could soon be No. 2 in cases

Scheer says Canada has been following 'a policy of appeasement' with China Of course that's why we didn't shut our borders down when we should've as we didn't want to offend the Chinese, and why we sent them all of our good PPE and got back second rate shoddy PPE and a planeload of nothing from them. Trudeau is a spineless idiot when it comes to China. Oh sure he's good at chastising Canadians on the pronouns they should be using but when it comes to crawling down China's back on how they've been treating Canada since we put that woman under house arrest, he's a wussy spineless wimp.

Go Topless Jeep Weekend Leads To Hilarious Viral News Report -- And 180 Arrests During what was supposed to be a letup on lockdowns but still everyone was supposed to physically distance themselves.

COVID-19 in Canada: 'Worst of the worst': Ford vows perform random spot checks on care homes, doesn't want minister to resign

Mother of killer Luka Magnotta begs for his release, worried her son could contract COVID-19 in prison Too bad we don't have the death penalty in Canada anymore because if it were up to me  that little snot would be dead already and not have to worry about COVID19. But in this case, I hope he does get it and gets it worse than anyone else has ever had it before or ever will and that no one helps him and just lets him suffer and rot in his cell like they tried to do with the seniors in the longterm care facilities.

Masks problematic for asthmatic, autistic, deaf and hard of hearing Besides the fact that they're useless to begin with.

Alberta and Quebec lead the country in CMHC-insured mortgage deferrals

UK PM Johnson orders for plans to end reliance on Chinese imports: The Times Personally, I think we all should end reliance on all foreign nations and try to become as self-sufficient as possible. That way when anything like this occurs again we make and have our own supplies that have been kept for ourselves and not shipped off somewhere so we can get substandard garbage in return.

François Legault's approval ratings fall back to earth as Quebec tries to reopen The governments have no one to thank but themselves for reactions like this, after they've terrorized the public into staying home, they're too afraid to go out now. If they'd have enacted quarantine measures like they always used to be enacted, by only quarantining those who are sick and those they've been in contact with for 40 days, everyone else would've still been living life as usual and not be afraid of doing so now.

'Planes spray the city at night': Covid-19 conspiracy theories in Mexico's motor town

The Healing Power of Proper Breathing

In Brazil, COVID-19 hitting young people harder

Brazil suffers record daily coronavirus death toll, pushing total deaths past 20,000

Online alcohol sales skyrocket during coronavirus Oh it's not only online, but I've never seen so many people going to the local SAQ on a daily basis before now. Everyday - no matter what time of day it is, there's a block long line up to get in there.

Ecstatic and Terrified, Americans Are Rushing Out of Their Homes

Little sense of shared grief as virus deaths near 100,000

In virus chaos, some find solace, purpose in helping others

Sex robot shop 'can't keep up with quarantine demand' for human-like AI dolls Like I said aspects and angles....

Canada is reopening without knowing where Canadians are getting COVID-19

Yemen's health system 'has in effect collapsed' as COVID spreads: U.N.Coronavirus: Acting earlier would have saved lives, says Sage member Oh for sure! In fact if all countries acted earlier and shut their borders to anyone coming from China back as soon as they heard about it in December of January, there'd have been hundreds of thousands of lives saved.

Coronavirus: What are the numbers out of Latin America?

COVID-19 spreads mainly from person-to-person, health officials sayNew Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows coronavirus conspiracy theories spreading on the right may hamper vaccine efforts

Fortunes of US billionaires grew by $434B since coronavirus crisis Of course they did. They never pass up a chance to pick over the spoils of those less fortunate.

'I had no choice': Sex for rent rises with coronavirus poverty There's plenty of that happening here in Canada too.

Nearly half of Twitter accounts discussing coronavirus are likely bots, researchers say

Uruguay and Costa Rica: beacons of Latin American virus success

Study: Texas leads the country at coronavirus spread

Record virus infections, deaths are ravaging Latin America

Australian coronavirus death toll rises after Victorian man in his 60s dies in hospital

Real estate resilient during COVID-19 but CMHC warns about debt’s effect Jessy Bains

A Microsoft crop circle, C.S. Lewis, and other COVID-19 misinformation  More angles & aspects to this crazy pandemic.

Thousands Attend Israeli Music Festival Despite Country’s Lockdown

Silver Lining: 2 In 5 Adults Have ‘Changed For The Better’ Thanks To Lockdown Lets hope they're right.

2/3 Of Americans Have Anxiety From Coronavirus News — Yet Watching More Than Ever That's what I found with this blog too. It's only the pages that talks about the plandemic and news surrounding it, that gets any traffic. All the other pages with resources for help and information or for fun are virtually ignored.

Black Americans and Latinos nearly 3 times as likely to know someone who died of COVID-19: POLL

Mexico says it has avoided coronavirus 'deluge' even as cases mount

Vancouver police report swell of anti-Asian hate crime since beginning of coronavirus outbreak That's just sad. I can't understand how people can behave like that. Can't they differentiate between the Wuhan Lab workers (who obviouly live in Wuhan China) and the Chinese living in Canada?

Ontario's hospitals are filling up, hampering the resumption of surgeries

Many rooms remain empty as hotels reopen after COVID-19 outbreak Well no wonder in NB especially considering anyone entering the province isn't allowed to stop anywhere for anything and must drive straight on through, from what I read in other stories.

Ontario's auto sector returns to work under a COVID-19 cloud of doubt

N.W.T. housing minister wants to turn self-isolation rooms into public housing post-pandemic At least some government somewhere is thinking about the poor.

'Out in the open': Homeless camps in Edmonton less hidden during pandemic

COVID-19 could complicate preparations for hurricane season: meteorologist  That's almost impossible to avoid last minute purchases at stores ahead of hurricanes. There's always something that you either ran out of and need, or something you'll need but is stupid to buy before it's needed - like ice for coolers for food incase of power outages and things like that.

Canada needs Parliament fully functional in pandemic crisis, Scheer says I don't even know why this needs to be said in a news story. It should be an automatic no-brainer and Canadians should not only realize that on their own but demand that as well.

Ontario needs clearer messaging about COVID-19 testing, expert says The whole world does I think because up until now all the directives, pronouncements, laws, regulations etc, have all been at odds with each other and in some cases downright contradictory.

Quebec's museums, libraries and drive-ins can reopen May 29 Well it looks like there might be some hope for something to do, other than nothing.

Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau says Canadians want a 'functioning parliament' Sure took him long enough to realize that, now if only he'd do something about it.

Quebec launches investigations into COVID-19 death of Montreal inmate And how many seniors died in seniors homes and long term care residences without anyone launching any investigations into those deaths? Why are prisoners afforded more rights and scrutiny in unjustified deaths than law abiding taxpaying seniors are?

Hertz files for U.S. bankruptcy protection as car rentals evaporate in pandemic Yet another angle of this plandemic to reckon with.

Chileans rediscover community kitchens as coronavirus, and hunger, bite

Brazil becomes a global epicentre for COVID-19, as political turmoil hampers medical response

Italy's daily coronavirus death toll dips, new cases steady

Stay vigilant as COVID-19 restrictions loosen, health officials urge Are they mimmicking Boris Johnson's "Stay Alert" advice?

Public washrooms remain closed as other services reopen This is not only freaking dumb, but literally over the top stupid. Along with the QC allowance of 3 families up to a maximum of 10 people getting together outside at someone's house, but no one being allowed to go into the house. What if one of the guests needs to use the washroom? Are they supposed to do it in the bushes or out behind the garage or what? I mean if they live a distance away they obviously can't go home to use their own washroom so they'll have to use one somewhere or else urinate and defecate outside somewhere. Same with the opening of the libraries, museums and drive in movie parks.

Memorial Day tempts Americans outdoors, raising virus fears

Mexico cancels soccer season because of coronavirus pandemic  This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

'Only collect what's necessary,' says privacy commissioner on contact tracing Riggghhhhttt and do you honestly think they will?

Coronavirus 'immunity passports' are a terrible idea that could backfire, experts warn Excuses, excuses. I could probably pick apart and refute most if not all of the lame excuses listed in this article, but the fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter how lame they are, they'll use them because they benefit their agenda - which is to keep everyone home and out of the work force. To impose poverty and hardship and crash the economy. That's what this is all about and not about any virus that for the most part goes after the 85 year + crowd, because if it was, every flu we've ever had would've been treated the same way considering the victims are basically in the same age category and not all flu vaccines worked on all flus we've had.

'Normal was the problem': Why one expert says we shouldn't go back to the way it was There was absolutely nothing wrong with "normal". What was wrong was 1) globalisation 2) The WHO who seriously fell down on the job they were tasked with doing 3) the governments and doctors of the western world who stood by and welcomed this virus into their countries with open arms and then aided and abetted it's spread by telling everyone "oh no, it's nothing to worry about, just wash your hands and you'll be fine". And then putting everyone under house arrest. But if we all lived, worked and played normally and those responsible for protecting 1st, world health and then their own national health and protecting their citizens from such diseases did their jobs that they were supposed to do and were paid for doing (even though they didn't), WE wouldn't be having this problem now and we'd still be able to live normally. THAT WAS THE PROBLEM, the WHO & ALL THE WORLD GOVERNMENTS IN COLLUSION ON THIS. IF there was a government or two in the western world who did NOT go along with that BS, and stopped all incoming traffic at their borders in January AND ONLY quarantined those who were sick and their contacts and continued live as usual, we'd have seen what normal was.  THIS WAS ANYTHING BUT NORMAL AND NORMAL IS THE WAY THINGS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE.

'This is not business as usual': You may start seeing a COVID-19 surcharge on your receipts  Anyone who pays that is nothing but a pig for punishment. Don't pay it. That's all. It's NOT a government tax and so they can't legally force you to pay it if you don't want to. That's akin to charging so much per scarf or pair of shoes or haircut for the cost of their rent or fixtures they had to buy and install in the store. It's a COST OF DOING BUSINESS WHICH CAN BE WRITTEN OFF AS AN EXPENSE IN THEIR TAXES. So REFUSE TO PAY IT, THAT'S ALL. I intend to. There's no way they're going to charge me a surcharge for those things when I know full well they'll also be writing it off as an expense in their income taxes. IF any company does try to force me to pay it, I'll tell them only if it's clearly marked on the bill and after they hand me the bill, I'll thank them and tell them I'll be adding it to my income taxes next year and informing the gov't of what they did and that I hope they don't plan on claiming those expenses on their tax returns too. I will too, because I'll not be gouged because they have a few more exigences put on them by the gov't. Is that how they reacted when the gov'ts first made it a requirement to install washrooms for staff and employees? Did they dock the pay of the staff and employees to cover the cost of the plumbing installations or what? I don't think that was legal if they did. Same thing here. They can tack on a surcharge but you can refuse to pay it and be entirely within your right to do so. Another way to get the message home to the shyster crowd is, okay fine you want to charge me an extra percentage on your goods? Then keep your f'n goods because they're not worth that much to start with. And go somewhere else to shop. And keep reacting like that until they get the message. I will.

What post-pandemic fashion may look like Isn't that what current fashion before the pandemic came along looked like? Everyone wearing what in my time would've passed off as pjs to the office. I swear I saw Rosemary Barton wear a few nightie or pj ensembles while doing the newscast on CBC. 

Global travellers still arriving in Canada amid restrictions  I swear the idiots at the helm are total morons if they couldn't learn the lessons about the open borders the first time around. We're just going to keep going through this like the movie "Groundhog Day" where we are destined to do it over and over and over again ad infinitum, ad nauseum, because the jerks at the head of the country are super slow and mentally challenged learners.  

Toronto will have to close subway lines, fire hundreds of cops and shutter libraries without help: Tory  I guess they want their share of the Federal handouts too.... Though I thought cities shouldn't be all that strapped for cash considering the cost of the social distancing fines they've been handing out to everyone and their dog, while incurring no extra expenses due to the pandemic. So I don't see why they'd need extra money, but hey while Santa Trudeau is in the giving mood, might as well line up for their fair share of it too, I suppose.

How do we evaluate risk? The psychological process of making decisions in a pandemic Well after you've been brainwashed and terrorized long enough via all available forms of media and peer pressure, you don't bother making decisions anymore you just go with the flow. That's how you make decisions in a pandemic.

Together, Alone. The Car as Shelter in the Pandemic. Eventually though everyone has to get out of the car, either to stretch their legs or use a washroom or for some other reason. Cars are great but we all by virtue of our own bodies need to get out of them every so often.

Outrage Grows Over Boris Johnson Aide’s 260-Mile Trip During Lockdown I can't say as I blame the Brits for being outraged. It's as though the politicians think the laws don't apply to them and only to the rest of us. 

Welcome to Puerto Rico, Now Line Up for Your Virus Screening As should've been the case from the beginning world-wide.

Alberta government considering immigration changes during pandemic I think all provinces should consider allowing less immigrants into their territories.

Mayor John Tory apologizes for 'personal behaviour' at Toronto park where thousands gathered Another case of a politician's "do as I say and not as I do" example.

DANGER: 3 Coronavirus-Hit Industries That Will NEVER Be the Same Don't worry the travel industry will bounce back. In fact, it's not completely dead now, since we're still bringing passengers into this country on a daily basis. The real estate industry will also recover because they'll just rejig the existing office space that no one wants to work in anymore as condos or something else and as for brick & mortar stores going the way of the dodo bird.... Pulease, anyone saying that has never shopped online themselves. When you shop online you're lucky if you get what you ordered and even a refund for it or it fits or it's not up to snuff. Shopping online is nothing but a colossal waste of time at best and a colossal rip-off at worst. So brick and mortar stores are in absolute no danger from online commerce. I mean you can't judge the quality, the suppleness, look, feel and fit from a picture of a piece of clothing online. You need a brick and mortar store for that. Then you have the big box stores who don't send things that you ordered even though they accepted the payment for it and then fight with you to reimburse you (and in the end don't). Or they simply shirk the responsibility altogether by saying "oh it's from our associate" even though it was never indicated as being from anyone other than Walmart themselves on their site when you ordered it online from them. And because it's from their associate Walmart won't reimburse you if their "associate" doesn't send it to you. So no thanks online shopping, been there, done that, have the t-shirt too and not interested in any more of it.  So this guy has no clue what they're talking about here.

Coronavirus: Study suggests COVID-19 immunity could last just six months Hmmmm how would they know that because apparently according to all the authorities on the subject, this virus hasn't been around for 6 months yet. So how did they test that to find out it only lasts that long? Unless this is an underhanded way of admitting that it has been around at least that long if not longer.... 

Lockdown Living: Europeans Eat Less Meat and a Glut Is Growing I guess that's not the case here, because the prices I see for meat in the current grocery fliers are insane, like as if there's no meat animals left on the planet or something.

Australia suspends bid to host 2032 Olympics due to coronavirus pandemic They have 7,000 cases and 102 deaths and their suspending their bid so they can work on the pandemic? Just one province here has 6-7 times as many cases and 50x as many deaths and that's just one province and I bet every single province would continue to bid for the 2032 Olympics given that that's 12 years away. 

Why your reduced carbon footprint from lockdown won't slow climate change  Before you start thinking about "going green" maybe you should watch this video Planet of the Humans  another video removed from YouTube because it didn't follow their agenda. This one has a YouTube intro by Michael Moore here: "Planet of the Humans" Earth Day Live Stream w/ Michael Moore, Jeff Gibbs & Ozzie Zehner
To be continued still.....