Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Aggravated, Exhausted & Posting Headlines About

 Covid 19


November 8, 2020

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to strangle your significant other? If you have I'm sure you'll easily identify with me on this day when I say I seriously was considering it, if only I could get my hands around his throat. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

Talk about aggravation.... I think he did everything in power to drive me crazy, from driving like a total idiot - like dragging his ass inbetween lights and then speeding up near the lights when they were red or when there were slower vehicles in front of us and just barely slowing down or stopping in time. I mean his driving was so crazy, I was almost tempted to get out and call a cab to go and do the things I had to do.  Then we get to the grocery stores and yes I know his back is screwed up, and so he can't come in and walk around with me to get the groceries, so he stays in the car and waits, but when I get back to the car with the grocery carriage, I have to wait for Mr. Man to deign to open the trunk inbetween his socializing with every passing creature. Sir Yak-a-Lot doesn't know when to quit sometimes and will just completely ignore me and leave me standing there with a shopping cart full of food waiting for him to open the trunk. Then finally he finds the right button and pushes on it to open the trunk but do you think he'll get out of the car and help me lift the heavy bags from the cart into the trunk? Not on his life, he even had a young woman feeling so sorry for him, she offered to do it, and I refused her help because I know his back isn't all that bad. Not half as bad as his cussed laziness sometimes. And I did it myself to show the miserable jerk up for what he is. That wasn't just once that happened today. No that happened at both stores we went to. I had to go in and do all the shopping myself while he waits and then come out and put everything in the trunk of the car myself on top of that. 

Then when we got home and he had to unload the trunk himself and bring it in the house and the antics once he finished. Leaning on a chair pretending he's going to have a heart attack. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, scream or just throw a can of something at his head. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... He's the one that's going to have the heart attack because he did 5 minutes of work unloading the car to bring it inside, while it was I who traipsed up and down all the store aisles looking for everything, lifting it out of the carriage (especially the heavy stuff) to pay for it at the cash, put all the packed and thus now even heavier bags into the carriage took it out to the car, took the bags out of the carriage and put them in the trunk, took the carriage back into the store and came back out and got in the car. I did that both times at both stores which took at least a couple of hours of work by myself, while poor "Mr. My Back is Killing Me" sat in the car, listening to the radio and yakking at anyone walking by the car, getting out of or into a car next to ours and just generally taking it easy. 

Then after he brought the bags in the house, I was the one once again who had to unload them and put them away. Meanwhile he was helping himself to the food in the bags (whatever he found that he liked and could eat without cooking or liked to eat raw), while I was busy putting them away. So he already gorged himself, while I was starving because I hadn't eaten anything at all as I didn't have the chance to. Then he wondered why I was angry......  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I seriously wanted to kill him at this point because all my joints from my hips on down hurt by now, I'm tired and want to sit down and now my back is killing me too. Ummmm I dunno why I'm angry there Mr. My Back is Killing Me Genius.... 

Anyhow I just plunked my butt down in a chair and refused to move once the groceries were put away while moaning about how hungry I was. So whatever was left over from the sausages I had bought that he hadn't eaten raw already, he decided he'd cut up and fry with some rice and veggies to make a meal for us. It's not the usual way we eat the sausages, but it was good. Well at that point it was food and he knew he needed to make amends to me, or he'd be hearing it all night long. So he made and served supper. 

And after having relaxed a few minutes after supper and played a card game on my computer, I'm here trying to get some more of those October headlines posted here:

Lately because I don't want to post any headlines after the end of October here, there's been some interesting headlines to say the least (the last couple of days there's been at least one I posted in those posts along with the October headlines) well here's today's intriguing over the top headline: 
Now I'm not sure how or why he would think that. I think if there is a WWIII it'll be between the citizens of the earth and their rulers. I mean I can easily see citizens turning against their leaders and wanting to overthrow them given all the harsh measures they're enacting on account of this idiotic plandemic of theirs. But why country would fight against country? That just doesn't seem likely. It's more likely to be massive world wide revolts against the governments of the world.
Coronavirus: Food prices to rise across Canada as COVID-19 pandemic continues That's for sure! Especially canned food! Have you seen the price of a tiny little tin of Paris Pate lately? I mean there's like a thimbleful of pate in them and they're almost $1.50.  A box of KD is $1.75, cripes I remember when they were 11 cents a box. Yeah I know I sound like I'm older than Methusala, but honestly the price of that has risen astronomically, like instead of it being a box of elbow noodles with some kind of fake powdered cheese inside it was gold noodles with some exotic hard to find moon dust or something. I mean  get real, there's not even a cup of noodles in the box and that weird cheesy powder isn't worth the fortune they seem to think it's worth these days. A package of 2-3 slices of cold cut ham is almost $7 and forget canned meals like spaghetti or ravioli, or stew or things like that, the prices of those are just insane as well. We used to buy those sometimes for my husband to have for lunch. I don't eat lunch but he does, and doesn't always want sandwiches (can't say as I blame him - I personally don't like sandwiches much). Or at least those were the prices I was looking at at IGA & Metro today. Maybe at Costco they're different. 

I don't see anyone admitting failure anywhere. Even here in QC where we've had draconian lockdowns which still hasn't cut down on the spread of the virus.  

COVID-19: Montreal police receive 1,365 complaints, inspect 1,135 locations Wow.... That's a lot of snitches out there on the loose. Wondering how come the cops didn't investigate the other 230 locations?



There is a certain pecentage of the population who are immune compromised, as in having things like HIV/AIDS, diseases that attack themselves, like inflammation related diseases, psoriasis, diabetes, etc.... Quite possibly it's patients like those are don't develop immunity. But as in all diseases that confers immunity after having had it, it doesn't mean that you'll automatically be immune if you did have it, especially if you are immune compromised for one reason or another.
Men far more 'comfortable' than women with having sex outdoors after Tier 2 indoors meeting ban And we needed a news story to tell us that boys are more brazen then girls???? I think most people know and understand that intrinsically.


Centre to import 1 Lakh MT of medical Oxgyen anticipating Covid-19 cases surge in winter I have no idea what a 1 Lakh MT is but I think it must be a measure of some type.

Yes, the man is a walking plague factory we all know that. It's unreal how they painted him during his term in office. No matter what he said or did, they were always after him. From the moment Hillary Clinton lost they went after Trump. I'm not defending him at all. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.
The US is betting on 3 types of coronavirus vaccines, one of which is totally unproven. A diagram shows how they differ. Guaranteed now that Biden won the election, one of those 1 will start being mass produced, another will qualify for approval by the FDA and the other will start being distributed this week.


I wish there was a way to enforce something to crush the WHO and the corrupt overall organization that's it's a part of, the UN.  

Border Crossing Caught on Camera This is an illegal border crossing between Quebec Canada and Vermont USA, that was caught on camera.

Euuuuu isn't this tyrant generous! Allowing ONE visitor for solo dwellers. What about a young adult that lives alone and the parents want to visit for some reason? I guess they're not allowed.

Quebec's public health director says he has a driver and bodyguard because of threats Hey you clowns are earning your threats! People aren't threatening you for the fun of it! They're threatening you because of the sheite you keep pulling in the name of this plandemic of yours! So smarten up and fly right and stop with this draconian BS of yours and maybe you wouldn't be facing so many threats!
Dear Premier, you're abandoning women in Quebec's COVID-19 recovery plan Women aren't the only ones being abandonned. Seniors, homeless, the poor, the disabled and many other disenfranchised groups are also being abandonned. 

COVID-19 in Canada: Trudeau debunks COVID-19 'internment camp' misinformation and rumours; Ontario's daily case count jumps up over 800 He can deny whatever he wants doesn't mean he's telling the truth. The truth is that here in QC there is an "internment camp" or something akin to that for those testing positive or don't want to follow the guidelines. There's a video that you can view using the "QC Secret Facilities" label on the right side, of a gov't official admitting that here in QC. Go view it for an eye-opener.


Too much! Sometimes I wonder though how anyone manages to stay with someone else for 60 years even though we've been together for 45 years and known each other for 50. It's just that there's days like today where I wonder how I managed this long with him and if I'll even get through today without breaking up nevermind another 15 years together.
Covid: How to protest during a global pandemic I think we all need to know this. But given that it's a BBC article - ergo gov't owned media site, this is HOW THE GOV'TS WISH YOU'D PROTEST.... So maybe it's not a good idea. Because if we're not going against the grain we're not really protesting. 








They make this seem like a bigger deal than if he shot someone. There's a bigger bruhaha over the fact that a cop has a mind of his own and his own opinion (and the last I checked he has a right to it and to express it as well unlike shooting people), than if he shot someone. Unbelievable!




1,000 Fredericton customers at risk of water shut-off I thought according to the UN everyone has inalienable rights to air and water. So if that's the case,  how can the city just shut water off on their residents and how much do they charge for it anyhow? It must be pretty steep if they can't afford to pay for it. 

With no avenues left, families take fight for school-trip refunds to court months into pandemic For some unknown reason businesses operating under the "tour" industry banner and insurance companies seem to think they're above the law and don't have to adhere to standard practice business law. I hope when they get sued the judge throws the book at them as a precedent setting case to make sure all other tour and insurance companies in the future don't try stuff like this.

St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto declares COVID-19 outbreak among ER staff That's not good when the ER staff are going to be absent for long periods of time under quarantine, because they're generally always short staffed as it is and the ER is where the greatest influx in the hospital is.

Well this pretty much goes without saying since everything else all year long has been cancelled, so why not Santa parades too???? Just wouldn't be 2020 if they weren't cancelled.
As calls flood mental health hotline, premier encourages struggling Quebecers to pick up the phone I'm beginning to think he, Dube and Arruda are the ones that need their mental health checked! Considering how paranoid they are of this virus and how over the top draconian they've become over it! It's either their super paranoid of it, or they're using it to go on a super power trip - either way it's a mental health problem that they should have checked.



Well "fake news" goes right along side "fake doctors" and "fake pandemics". So what can you expect you genocidal witch doctor? 

That's probably a similar if not the same story here in Canada too.
That being said.... This is it for the night.... Until next time take care & stay well.


New Toilet Installed, Motor Cycle Accident, Waiting Anxiously For News, & Posting Headlines on...



November 7, 2020

This is how our day started. Our son called early this morning to wake his father up to tell him that he and his friend were going to be here shortly to install the new toilet we bought last week. So my husband got up and got ready to be of help if he could (with his back messed up the way it is, it's a wonder he could be of any help). While he's waiting for them to show up we got 2 more phone calls, one right behind the other. The first one was from our son's wife telling us our son was in a motorcycle accident with only a few details. Immediately after he hung up from her the phone rang again and it was one of our son's work colleagues who happened to be there on the scene when the accident occurred so he stopped to check on our son when he recognized the bike and saw it was our son lying on the road. Because he was on the scene when it happened and because he talked to our son (that's how & why he called us), he was able to get a few sketchy details about the accident and how our son was feeling at that moment and the information on which hospital the ambulance was going to be taking him to.

As soon as he hung up from talking to our son's colleague, he noticed our son's friend (who does a lot of the construction work for our son & his colleagues - who are all interior designer/architects) was already here and out of his car and standing in our driveway, so he went out to greet him and the guy came in the house and at first he wasn't going to change the toilet, instead he was just going to try to fix the problem with the one that was there and come back later when our son was able to. Then for some reason he just decided to change it and so my husband went with him to the shed to bring the new one in and unbox it and take it in the bathroom after he took the old one out and checked the floor underneath and the flanges etc...  Made sure everything was alright before installing the new one, which he did an excellent job of. Our son had told us that he had a sweet tooth and liked baked goods, so I got out a previously made and frozen pumpkin cheesecake to give to him as a kind of tip to go along with the payment for his time along with travel money to cover his gas. He didn't want it. None of it, not even the cheesecake until I told him he'd offend me if he didn't take it and if he didn't want it to take it for his daughters, so he smiled and accepted that, but he wouldn't accept any money even though my husband tried to force him to take it by trying to put it directly in his hand. I am not quite sure why he refused to be paid for the job, as it's an excellent job and he doesn't know us personally from a hole in the ground - only our son. 

Meanwhile while the guy was still here working on the toilet inbetween all the happenings at the hospital on my son's end, he called to talk to us directly to let us know directly from him, that despite the speed he was travelling (100kph or 60mph) he was alright and according to him only a sprained ankle, but he still hadn't been seen by any doctors - just paramedics and nurses doing the preliminaries like vitals and stabilizing etc...  Then later on his wife called me to tell me about some of the things they'd done, like x-rays of his foot and CT Scans and other tests, to make sure there was no internal bleeding or other injuries and she said she'd call me with the results. 
So I waited and waited but no call came so I went to have a nap as I had only 3.5 hours of sleep when we were awakened with the 1st phone call from him saying he was coming here to help his friend. 

After I got up, I waited some more and still no phone call. So I decided to rattle their cages by phoning each of them but wound up going to voice mail. But, as soon as they got the voice mail they called back and told me that all the tests were fine, but when they went to release him and he tried to stand up or change position on the bed, he got dizzy. So they tested him for a concussion (as they x-rayed his head to make sure there were no fractures of the skull already) and sure enough he has a concussion. So they're making him stay there until he's not dizzy and can stand and walk on his own. Then when they do release him he has to stay home and stay quiet for a few days before he can even resume doing design work - which is done on a computer using AutoCad 3D & auxillary programs that compliments AutoCad.  Then he's only supposed to gradually resume working, if he's able to.

Given the stressful day we endured as parents, of a son in a motorcycle accident, I decided to make a spontaneous change to the planned dinner, by jazzing it up a bit. It was supposed to be BBQ chicken drumsticks with baked potatoes and green beans, instead it turned into Orange chicken drumsticks with baked potatoes & green beans.  As I wasn't in the mood for cooking I used a trick I found before when making Canard a l'orange using a mandarin salad dressing (Kraft brand), and orange marmalade. So I poured the salad dressing over the drumsticks before I baked them and then about 20 minutes before serving, I daubed each drumstick with a teaspoon of the marmalade. My husband loved it and he's not a big chicken fan and of course our dog loved it too. It made it extra yummier than it would've been had I just used my Chicken wing sauce.

As I said last night in the previous post one of my hygge moments is the sunset we get to see across the water. Tonight's sunset was particularly beautiful. Maybe the universe understood I was in dire need of a hygge moment to end off the day.  So, even though I don't normally upload any pictures in here of my own, I'm going to make an exception tonight to share this with all others who may also need a hygge moment of their own or in good ole English a zen moment.... Just to zone out and relax with....

While typing what my day was like, I just turned my head towards the window and this is what I saw. So I couldn't resist taking a picture of it. I must have hundreds of sunset pictures and all of them are unique, some prettier than others and some not quite as much. This one is in the top half of the prettiest ones and very unusual for this time of year as the sun is usually rather bleak looking and so are the sunsets. This is more akin to a spring or summertime sunset especially late summer. The difference in this between the spring and summertime sunset pics is the lack of leaves on the trees in the picture.  I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I do and I hope it provides the same soothing benefits to your mind and soul as it does mine. 

So now that we've had our zen moment and lowered our blood pressures a bit, it's time to get them jacked up again with the COVID19 headlines. I am still slogging my way through to the end of the month of October here and I'm sure I'm not going to be finished it tonight either.  But trust me when I do finally reach the end, I will not be doing this again, unless there's a drastic change in how this plandemic is going either for the good (hopefully good) or the bad (hopefully not), but considering it's pretty much the thing over and over again with no real drastic changes, there's no point in keeping this up unless I intend to become the internet's repository for all articles COVID.... But I'm not up to that on my own, or what I'm getting paid for doing it. So when I finish October's headlines if I resume because of a drastic change in the direction of the plandemic I'm only going to do what I can and will not be as thorough as I tried to be this time around. It's too time consuming for me alone.

So on with the show.....


Apparently it's getting to be like that around here too. Gawd, ordinary bungalows are now selling for $1.5 million  around here and when I say "around here" I don't mean in the exact same area where I am where we have beautiful views of  the water & sunsets like posted above. I mean around here as on a busier road than this with only houses across the road to look at and behind the house just trees (like a forest) on roughly the same size land our house is on. They have no rights of passage to the water and none of the tranquility we have as we're on a deadend street at the edge of the water and they're on the main road of the area.  So we're actually starting to think of listing this place for some insane price and sitting on it until we get it, if we get it. If not, we'll still be living here happily until we are no longer of this earth, hopefully as we both refuse to go to the seniors death camps that pass as seniors residences here in QC. 

It's long past our tobogganing and skiing days (though we never did ski to begin with - I'm not allowed because of an operation I had on a leg when I was a kid) and as for skating I would love to but I hate skating alone and my husband won't skate (not that he can't, because he used to play hockey when he was young - not professionally, just for fun) and so I haven't skated in years and I'm not sure I'd be able to again without sustaining severe injuries in the process.  So we'll just do what we've been doing in the wintertime since the kids have grown and that is keep busy inside. Though my husband loves it when it snows because then he can get the snowblower out and snowblow. For some crazy reason, he loves doing that.


I wouldn't call it traumatized, but I was surprised to learn from my son's wife today that she was only allowed to visit with him for 1 hour (until she got special permission from a nurse on duty there) and that the patients there are only allowed 1 visitor per day for 1 hour, supposedly that's to do with COVID19 too. That's not much time to spend with a loved one per day, especially if they're very sick or very young or maybe elderly and senile and who don't know what's going on or understand what the nurses and doctors are telling them.
'Verge of burnout': COVID-19 a factor for universities, faculty in contract talks Based on my son's experience teaching during the spring semester, I can certainly understand why.

Canadian business sentiment improves, but remains weak amid COVID-19 uncertainty Well no wonder with lockdowns and heavy duty restrictions being threatened every few days, I can understand their uncertainty. It's amazing that the imbeciles who impose those lockdowns can't see or understand that.
Canada’s woeful track record on children set to get worse with COVID-19 pandemic I have nothing against helping needy families get by, by adding more programs to support and help their kids, what I have a problem with is extending those same programs to the so-called "Middle Class" (which is really the lower upper class) and upper classes. They are already affluent enough to be able to afford to raise their own kids without the gov't's help or very little help compared to those in the lower tax brackets and indigenous communities who have no tax brackets. And it's the middle and upper classes that are the ones fomenting the most about getting more child support in the way of monthly benefits and tax breaks and subsidized this that and the other things and year long maternity or paternity leave etc...  But not because they want the lower classes to have those benefits, no it's because the greedy guts generation needs more, more and yet more at the expense of everyone else in society especially the poor, disabled and elderly. Those are their favourite punching bags - to be kicked and trod on when they're down (and not necessarily their targets being the ones that are down but the ones doing the kicking and punching - them being down as in not having gotten their own way and so taking it out on the other groups).


Pages accuse MPs of ignoring distancing, mask rules Of course they do, because 1) they think they're above the law and 2) They KNOW that this isn't so much a pandemic as it is a plandemic and that there's little danger of getting seriously sick and dying from this, no more so than with the annual garden variety flu would be and they know it. Don't forget these are the people who really knows what's going on behind the scenes, because they're the ones pulling all the strings and enacting all the laws. So if they feel it's safe to wad their masks up in their barehands or not wear masks or physically distance themselves from each other they probably also know the risks of such actions. 
Canadian ski resorts face winter without international cash cows As did the rest of the country during the summer months when tourism was forbidden then too. 

Coronavirus: Belgium facing 'tsunami' of new infections Wow! Those are staggering figures for a population of just over 11 million. We have a population of 8.5 million here in QC and Legault thinks it's the end of the world and he has to go all gestapo on us because we have a thousand cases a day. I'm wondering what he'd do if we had cases of 7,000 more a day like Belgium. He'd probably lock us inside our houses and forbid us ever going out again for anything at all for at least a month or two. We'd be ordered to stock up on whatever supplies we need for the duration and given a few days to accomplish that probably and then we'd go into full lockdown mode where the only people allowed out of their houses and be able to do anything would be REAL essential services like cops, firemen, paramedics and medical personnel. Like when everything used to be ordered shut down on Sundays and Christmas Day. Nothing operated then not even gas stations - everything was closed except for those essential services and media types had an exception too, in order to keep us informed of the weather and news and that was it. I wouldn't put it past him if we even remotely approached the same daily cases as Belgium has.
Covid: What the tier rules say about the split between science and politics The same thing is going on here in QC & ON. In QC everything's locked up tighter than a drum unless of course it's something that isn't any fun like manufacturing, warehouse work, and commerce, but gyms, bars, restaurants, etc are shut down, whereas in ON, the neighbouring province those things are open.


What do you want to bet that now that Biden's been declared president they'll start approving and distributing the vaccines right away? I wouldn't doubt it.

We have a small room air purifier, which I'm hoping will be sufficient if we should ever need it for that purpose.


That's probably true of businesses all across Canada.




With such a nice story, I will end the postings tonight and hope you take care & stay well.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Back at it Again - Slogging Away at the Backlog of Headlines Dealing With....

 Covid 19


November 3, 2020

As the title implies I'm back at it slogging away at the neverending Covid19 headlines up to Oct 31st's date. Since I have to stay home today to watch over our sweet little dachshund who's suddenly developed the back problems that plague that breed of dog, until we get to see the vet with her tomorrow, I decided to put my time to good use adding more of the incredible backlog of headlines I have in here. I'm beginning to think I might never finish when I see the size of that bookmark file. It's unbelievable (even to me) that there could be that many headlines just on one subject. 
Anyhow... I won't get them finished if I don't get started.... 
Cineplex CEO calls Ontario's new COVID-19 restrictions 'excessive' Yup well, you know.... That's fun, so that's why that's getting shut down. Now if it were work (whether it generated anything for the economy or not, I'm beginning to think) then it would be allowed to remain open.



Probably because either they or someone in their family was sent back to work and/or school and they picked it up there and brought it home and gave it to their family member that's currently testing for it.

What's the point of being protected by a constitutional law when the lawyers make it so f'n expensive no one can use it to uphold their rights????? Are the lawyers in this country really that stupid and brain dead that they can't defend a person using  a freaking constitutional law?????? I mean if it's a constitutional law it should theoretically supercede and over ride all other laws that infringe upon that law. No???? Isn't that how that works???? If not what's the point of the constitution to begin with if all other more minor laws takes precedence over a constitutional law? So if what I assume is correct, what's the problem there? Are the judges too blind and stupid to understand simple English? If so they have no business being on the bench in the first place! Then our whole freaking judiciary is corrupt and useless!   And one more thing, why don't all the defendants join together in a class action suit to fight it on the grounds of it's unconstitutionality? Maybe then it wouldn't be so expensive per person or are the courts denying them that right too? In order to protect the gov'ts abuse of power in NS???  Maybe a legal expert can use the comments section below to explain that one to both me and whatever other people may visit and read this page, pro bono of course.


Ontarians unclear on how to access social support during pandemic, survey finds I think that's true of all Canadians, including Quebecers. That's primarily why I set up this blog, so that when or if I ever found details of various programs, organizations and funds that would help Canadians but especially Seniors anywhere in Canada (and that's partly why there's so many headlines in here as I combed through everywhere looking for anything to do with anything that might be related to Covid19, but a lot of it was because I was looking for articles about funds, organizations and other that might be of benefit to Canadians - as this country is so large with so many different media, that meant I had a lot stuff to wade through - so to cut down on my time of reading every little article I just bookmarked it all to throw in here, with the hopes that some of those articles would be of use to someone).  Whatever I did find is either on the first few pages of this blog which are directly accessible at this link:  Opening page of blog ( this is also the page you'd use if you want to read the blog in chronological order since it started up until now and follow the progress of the disease and the ensuing idiocy that followed) and  various pages with various resources listed. For instance if you were a senior in the Montreal area sweltering and looking for a free air conditioner this past summer information on how to attain one was given on the page where it was talked about (to access that particular page you simply look for "free air conditioners for seniors" in the right hand labels column and click on it. Same for all the other resources, like the CERB, or certain local organizations like for those in the Vaudreuil Soulanges area catering to seniors and those in need of certain services during this pandemic. That right hand column is the closest (albeit severely limited) thing there is to an index in here. But if you are in need (there's some resources listed for people all over the country but not all resources because I don't know of all resources - that's also why I wanted people to use the comments section - to leave info for others on resources and help that they knew about in their particular area, but wasn't listed in here - but I guess not. That apparently was either too much work or something). Anyhow.... Whatever I knew about and managed to find is in this blog somewhere. You may use the labels section on the right or comb through it with a fine tooth comb to find it, if you wish. Hopefully, you'll find some useful helpful information in here somewhere. 
Wave of 'Nutcracker' cancellations hits dance companies hard Who didn't see this coming? Please raise your hands. 

Canada did too! And we're already signed up to get ours. I wasn't going to get one - as I've never had one nor a flu in my life, so didn't figure I needed one now, but my husband wants one and figures I should get one too. So to please him, I am, otherwise I wouldn't.
Singing in silence: How this Whitehorse choir is rehearsing during COVID-19 This has to be one of the most idiotic headlines I've ever seen and trust me after a 150 pages of them, I've seen my fair share. 

Domestic violence calls to police on rise during pandemic, yet some Alberta shelters have been quiet I can't even get my head around why anyone would stay with their abuser during a pandemic or not. If you're being abused, LEAVE & LEAVE NOW!!!!! It's as simple as that! Don't stay in an abusive situation no matter what. Find a shelter or somewhere where you can go to be safe and don't worry about anything except your life and the lives of your kids and maybe pets. Just get them and leave and find a shelter or go somewhere where your abuser won't find you. Don't stop and don't look back, just go and keep going from there.
World Food Programme says needs $6.8 billion over next six months to avert famine I think some of that food famine is apt to be right here in North America too, especially as families lose their incomes and maybe don't qualify for or can't get government support. 
Smash and Angel Delight: 'The mixer that helped my family through hard times' This is more of a sentimental reminisce about a mixer, than anything to do with the pandemic, although for some reason the editors at BBC seem to think it ties in somehow. As I read it and found it entrancing and quaint and it somehow lowered my anxiety and heartbeat while I was reading it, I thought, ah what the heck even if it's not directly related to COVID19, I'll make it related too, with the hopes that others who read it get the same benefit from the story as I did at least for the time they're reading it. 

'An unbelievable chain of oppression': America's history of racism was a preexisting condition for COVID-19 What's every other country's excuse for having COVID19 then huh? I'm not saying there's no racism in any other country, while I acknowledge that there is, it's not as blatant, permeating, and oppressive as that of the US'. So I'm wondering why the rest of the countries also are experiencing COVID19? The author of this article makes it sound like the US is experiencing COVID19 as some form of divine retribution or something. Maybe it is in the US' case and maybe all countries have sins to atone for and need some form of retribution as well, but seriously, I don't see how the author can connect slavery, racism, BLM, etc to the virus which began in Wuhan in China. I mean, not everything in the world is connected to the racist problems going on in the US, so give it a break for awhile, why don't you!?!
Staying Apart, Together: How to say no to your friends in the COVID era Personally I don't think we should be forced to say no to friends, but again, that all depends on how many friends at a time we're talking about here. Having a friend or two over once in awhile in my estimation should be fine, it's when we want to party with 50 - 100 of them at a time that may be a slight problem. 

More than 1 million mink will be killed to help contain a series of Covid-19 outbreaks on Danish farms So so sad, they're such cute little critters. When I was young there was a mink farm just across the road from where my grandmother lived. The lady there, had no kids and so took a special interest in me whenever I was around and invited me over to see the mink and do things with her - mostly things like help water her house plants, play bingo and fish, pet her dog, help her bake cookies etc... Things a kid would want to do. So whenever I see the mink cull headlines like this, it makes me sad for people like her & her husband as that was their whole livelihood, with all their money invested in it too. So I can't imagine how devastated she & her husband would be, if they were still mink farming now. 

The West is being left behind as it squanders Covid-19 lessons from Asia-Pacific That's probably intentionally, all in line to do with the plandemic and maybe the Great Reset as well....

Nashville officials investigating a religious concert that lacked a permit and drew thousands without masks Wow, I managed to post quite a few links before a "masks" related story turned up. Imagine that. 

How Climate Change Affects Covid-19 Believe it or not they found a way to connect the two, just like they find a way to connect these two different subjects to everything else as well.

Governments Use Pandemic To Crack Down On Online Dissent: Watchdog No kidding. They're using the pandemic to crack down on dissent period, whether online or offline. In fact they're using the pandemic for all sorts of draconian and authoritarian agendas, even here in Canada.

So it's either going to wind up being extremely boring viewing or else they're going to be relying on more computer graphics for action and pizzazz.
Facebook to Ban Ads Discouraging Vaccines  Yup the anti social media who thinks they were made judge, jury and executioner of peoples rights to free speech & expression. If you happen to have opposing political views or views that aren't mainstream in society they shut you down and censor you. So everyone on those social media sites  either all have to espouse and spout the same regurgitated nonsense that the owner/founder believes in, or nothing at all. That's not only how you silence dissent, but also make sure no one has any ideas out of the norm. Ergo a bland vanilla society all thinking and doing the same thing with no creativity or imagination or even daring to think outside the box. I'm sorry I'm not defending the anti-vaxxers here because I do believe in vaccines, just not this particular one because of the back history (that you can read about using the label in the sidebar by looking for the label to do with "back history") to this whole virus. What I am defending though is their right to post ads there or for anyone to say whatever they want there, that Suckerburger doesn't own everyone's right to free speech and expression.
EXCLUSIVE-FDA faults quality control at Lilly plant making Trump-touted COVID drug Was that just to stymy Trump and his promise of having a vaccine before election day? Which I guess in the US is today. Wondering how that'll turn out...  But quality control could be something as ridiculously simple/stupid (depending on how you want to see it) as they found a bottle where the cap wasn't tightened enough and it may have been 1 bottle out of a million produced. Who knows? But the point being that the other branches of the US gov't has had it in for Trump ever since he got elected and have done all that they could to thwart every effort he made to do anything at all over his 4 years in office, so this move by the FDA doesn't surprise me at all. The Lilly vaccine might've been 100% perfect, but with some minor problem like the loose cap, I mentioned above and that was enough of an excuse to shut them down to thwart Trump's promise. I can easily see that happening.

'Hunker down': The fall Covid-19 surge is here At least they realize it's a surge or a resurgence of the first wave and aren't calling a 2nd wave like they are here in Canada!


No need for mandatory masks in city-owned buildings, say top public health doctors Are the law makers there in BC that blind and stupid that they can't see how confusing and hypocritical this is? If they're mandatory for all other buildings, why not in government buildings (because the city is a tier of government)? 


Hmmm.... Does it have limits? I don't know, I've seen other stories that seem to suggest the opposite... So who's right & who's wrong on this issue? I guess only time will tell in the end.

Rich get richer, poor poorer: Two reports say pandemic intensifying inequalities Well of course, I mean didn't they rig the plandemic that way on purpose when Gates and the WEF got together in Wuhan before the pandemic started? Wouldn't surprise me if they did.

Mom loses hearing in one ear after mild COVID-19 infection could it have no been caused by a simultaneous ear infection that had nothing to do with COVID19? Because now, I'm starting to find it a little extreme the things that virus is linked to. Pretty soon they'll declare it to be the cause of toenail fungus or ear wax too for all it matters. Maybe we can blame it for hiccups and ingrown toenails too.

Join the group, now that you're no longer in danger of dying from COVID19 you can join the rest of us, who don't have COVID19 & never did, but can't get medical attention either. Just so long as you don't have COVID19 and are in danger of dying from it, they don't want to know about or care for you. It's that simple. And the BS that does pass as medical care these days is a phone call from your doctor - in lieu of actual in person medical appointments. The doctor will call you when it suits the doctor - whether it suits you or not is another story. But I was a nurse and there are a myriad of things that I know you can't check for remotely (either via video conferencing or the telephone) as they need a hands on diagnosis from the physician themselves, like palpating an abdomen, listening to the heart or lungs for signs of problems checking someone's tonsils or inside their ears, testing reflexes, and things like that that home thermometers and blood pressure gauges and even those fancy smart watches can't do. But no, they don't do those things anymore because OMG euuuuuu they might come into contact with some germs like COVID (even if the patient disinfects themselves and wears a hazmat suit) and they don't want that. Because after all they're doctors. While everyone else in society is supposed to take those risks on a daily basis and they have nothing to do with the medical community - like store clerks, bank tellers, bus drivers, school teachers, assembly line workers, etc.... Some how doctors are special people and can't come into contact with germs, while it was an implicit and fundamental understanding by all students who wished to get into the medical field that there was a very large risk (larger than most other people would have) of coming into contact with germies and some of them might even be deadly germies.... Euuuuuu That's Gross.... Now though the snowflake doctors can't go near them as they might get them too. So they have to resort to phone calls as a substitute for a visit to their office. You know, I remember back when doctors made housecalls as a matter of course because very few of them had their own office or clinic. Then it evolved that they couldn't come to our homes when we were sick in BED, but we had to somehow drag our sorry miserably sick ashes off to their offices/clinics to see them instead and now it's devolved to phone calls. What's next? Self diagnose and self medicate and still pay medicare deductions? So, don't despair COVID19 long haulers, it's not just you they don't want to see, they don't want to see anyone but they still want their annual salaries I'm sure.
How COVID-19's latest wave will hit our economy You mean we still have an economy to hit? 

THIS IS A SPECIAL HEADLINES THAT I JUST SAW NOW NOV 3rd AND NEEDS TO BE POSTED FOR ALL CANADIANS TO KNOW OF & BE WARE OF! (The connotations of which are beyond mind boggling and alarming - will explain in comment):
Okay 1) Since when does a government (other than a gestapo or communist government) deploy their military in any operations AGAINST THEIR OWN TAXPAYING VOTING CITIZENS????
2)  The myriad of ways this could be used is mind boggling. We'll start with this pandemic we're now living through as an example. If the government wants you do something that you don't want to do, they'll use military tested propaganda techniques against you in order to convince you to do otherwise. Think take the vaccine, or willingly go to work for slave wages, or worse, convince you to betray friends, neighbours and family members for whatever reason (to do with the pandemic or not) - Hitler used his propaganda machine like that. The Soviets did too. So what would stop this little puke from doing the same thing?
3) They'll be able to influence election outcomes using this propaganda machine of theirs as well. Ergo we'll have that imbecile with a thimble full of brains in power forever if we let the little creep get away with this ploy. Because he'll make sure that they crank up their propaganda machine full max to ensure he stays in power, no matter how many elections we have. 
4) Then the next thing you know he'll be influencing us to all become Islamic jihadis terrorizing the US until they become Islamic too.  I wouldn't doubt it with that little idiot. Gawd, get him out of our faces ASAP! Pulease, as I've had enough of his idiocy already. I can't take anymore of it. Seriously! 

Yup the QC gestapo are at it again..... YOU DO SEE WHAT'S COMING AT US USING THIS HEADLINE & THE ONE DIRECTLY ABOVE, DO YOU NOT?  I mean it's blatantly in your face now. If you can't see it clear as day, you're either willfully blind to it, or just a plain idiot who can't see past the end of their noses. So people the time has come to REVOLT EN MASSE! Don't wait much longer because it may be too late. NOW IS THE TIME! I'm telling you. The writing is literally on the wall for all to see now. I'm a senior so my time is pretty much up and I'm not going to have to live in this world much longer, but you younger generations will. If you want to live under fascism or communism (whatever is coming at you under that little wanna-be dictator) for the rest of your lives, then sit back and ignore all these flashing red light warning signals, but if you can't see yourselves living the next 40 & 50 years like that, then now is the time to step up and take action. I'm not kidding.


Chris Selley: Rank fear mongering behind Ontario's mostly evidence-free new COVID restrictions Yup I can go with that, fear mongering.... Like I've been saying about almost everything else to do with this virus. Like I said it's time to stop being so afraid and quaking in your boots and stand up for yourselves and your freedoms WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THEM. AFTER THEY'VE BEEN TAKEN AWAY, IT'LL BE TOO LATE, YOU'LL HAVE LOST THEM FOREVER! I'm serious. The fear mongering is meant to keep you afraid and compliant. You have to start seeing the truth behind the BS numbers, even Yahoo news is waking up now and posted a beautiful chart that shows the real numbers versus those they want you to believe. But you have to say enough is enough, what's the odds that out of a population of 8.5 million (that's here in QC) I'm going to run into any of those 9,000 odd people who are positive, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE QUARANTINING AT HOME!?! And take a chance at standing up for yourselves and your rights!  Remember there's more of us then there are of them. And it's time we took our power back instead of financing our oppressors powers!
More than 75 per cent of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital reported abnormal symptoms three months later Do they really? Or is this just another fear mongering number because the other numbers are starting to lose their power against us? Just wondering...

'Too soon' to say whether 28-day semi-lockdown will lift on Oct. 28, Arruda says Given today's date, I already know the answer to that one as I knew it then... The answer then was no and now it's no too. And yes it'll lift on Nov 23 if only to allow everyone time to do their Christmas shopping and keep the economic wheels churning.

How broke and broken do you have to be before you start pushing back and stop letting them f your lives over like this? Just wondering.... I know Canadians are renown for being sheeple but jemus H christopher where does it end? Are you all going to willingly and blindly walk off the edge of the cliff for them, too?
COVID-19 myth-busting: Five things you should know I'm so tired of banging my head against brick walls and repeating myself ad infinitum, that I'm not even going to comment on anything in here including the inconsistencies in the water myth.... I'll let you figure it out.

I tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies after seven months. Here’s what that means It means you've been immune against it 4.5 months longer than the scientists are saying you should be. I bet in 5 years from now you'll still have antibodies against it.

Don't you mean Canada's top WITCH DOCTOR? Because if she's a doctor that's the only way she could be one, or else she got a doctor's license out of a cracker jack box, because there's no way that genocidal witch could be a doctor. She's too f'n stupid to be a doctor.
Coronavirus: B.C. man fined for hosting weekend party with 60 people, live band Of course he was, because he and 60 other people dared to have fun.

Idaho university ‘deeply troubled’ by students contracting COVID-19 to sell plasma I guess they have to find ways to for those steep tuitions American unis charge.


Good nothing like making the draconian wanna be dictators lose their grip on things. Here's hoping there's more unraveling to come.
Coronavirus: Berlin ad sticks middle finger to mask rule breakers Well at least it's only the middle finger and not their whole fist into your bank accounts like here in QC where they don't mind gouging the eyes out of our heads for not wearing a mask and robbing us blind on top of that.



Yeah we might even list our home for some insane price and sit on it until we get it. That way if we get it yay! If not, yay! We can still stay here rent and mortgage free.

Seriously??? They're going to sing that song again eh? Okay then, I defy them to explain WHY Quebec & Ontario the two most humid provinces in Canada because of the seaway & great lakes, have the most cases, while Saskatchewan and Manitoba the 2 prairie provinces which are drier than QC & ON have up until now had very few cases compared to QC & ON? Even AL has and had fewer cases.  Why is it then that Cal and NY and FL (all seacoast states) had higher cases than say NV and AZ (the drier states)?  Explain that one. Seems to me given the real world examples that super computer isn't so super, in fact, it's just plain wrong.




We were told to keep family gatherings small or virtual this Thanksgiving. People didn't listen Well considering we weren't allowed to have Easter together, and all the other holidays and festivities and reasons to celebrate were verbodden, we've had enough. Enough is enough and it's time the leaders learn where the line in the sand is drawn and stay on their side and we'll stay on our side, but the minute they cross the line (which they've done already with the gestapo laws in QC and the wanna-be bozo brains dictator military propaganda proposal - the minute that becomes law is the minute that little puke crosses the line and I hope the House of Commons brings him to his knees by calling a non-confidence vote and the rest of Canada gives him his walking papers in the ensuing election). So if they throw the little puke out of parliament (and hopefully into jail where he belongs) we won't need a full on rebellion, but if they don't and he does pass that law then we do need one in a big way. The more these power hungry ash holes push us the more people are going to want to push back. So yeah take  all our holidays and everything fun that we like to do away and see where that gets you you bunch of nazified gestapo booted idiots. We've just had it. 









I think gyms, bars & restaurants are doing that in QC, also.


I hope this dirtbag isn't given any cause to cry mistrial or whatever because of it being  held virtually and him getting off scott free because of it.

Windsor restaurant threatened with human rights action after mask dispute at takeout window They're going after the wrong people. Instead of threatening the restaurant threaten the government that enacted it (if it was enacted by a gov't and isn't just an arbitrary "rule" the restaurant itself enacted on it's own behalf).




Canadians divided over mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, priority inoculations Really? They're divided eh? That's funny because I don't know of one single person that is even considering getting it let alone having decided to definitely get it.  So I guess all those wanting it must be living in different areas away from where I live then.

Some Canadians won’t get the flu shot because they haven’t gotten COVID-19: poll Well that's skewed reasoning if I ever saw it, but hey.... We're talking British Columbians here... 'Nuff said, on that score.

Seriously? Short breaks after peeling veggies? Is that standing or sitting while peeling? I would assume if they're that weak it's sitting... I can't say as I understand that at all, given that I've never ever in my entire life been that weak even when I was down to only 1/3rd of my red blood cells left in my body (which would've killed most other people by the time they were down to about 1/2, but hey I was still kicking and able to walk myself into a hospital when I was registering a little more than 1/3rd) or as a nurse seen anyone that weak either. Sometimes it's not the physical strength that's lacking but rather the mental fortitude to push through it and that's likely to be the case here. Either that or it's a sympathy ploy - to get those that live with them to do more of the work, so they can do less of it. But I'm just not buying that unless they're like my mother and weren't peeling anything unless she was standing up to do it, which apparently she was or so the story would lead you to believe. Then yeah I can see that, that would be about the same as when I had to keep taking breaks to sit down while trying to shower when I lost 2/3rds of my hemoglobin. 
People with blood type O may have lower risk of Covid-19 infection and severe illness, two new studies suggest That would definitely explain why if I had it in January I wasn't sick for very long with it, that coupled with the mega doses of vitamin D my doctor started prescribing to me right around then too.

I guess the leaders are clueless and all they seem to care about is the economy and COVID hospitalizations. But what about the rest of us? Those who want to live a life (or don't have a job or school to go to anymore and therefore no form of socialization or anything to change the scenery from one day to the next - as in not going out to school or work and no colleagues or classmates to talk to, and not allowed to go anywhere fun because that's all closed) or who have other ailments (some of them life-threatening) that aren't related to COVID19 and would like some medical attention for such? The leaders don't seem to care about us, just COVID, COVID, COVID and the economy. Period end of story. That's all they see, hear, read, & think about. They don't care that the workers and students and retired people have mental health issues from not being able to see friends & family, or enjoy life at all and that all their lives have boiled down to is being good little cogs in the economic engine, just eating, sleeping and working or studying without anything to look forward to in their off hours. No visits from friends or family, no socializations of any kind, no sports, or entertainment events, no holidays or other celebrations, nothing. What kind of life is that for anyone? So F the economy and start thinking about the workers in that economy too! Their wants and needs (and no it's not just eat, and sleep - they may have health needs that aren't being met, or psychological needs, or desires and wants and above all a need for fun and to feel loved). 



They're still dying anyhow. So what's the difference? Either we get herd immunity, or a vaccine but one way or the other we've got to get this over with. We can't live in lockdown forever.

Britain's spies defending Covid-19 vaccine work, MI5 chief says Obviously CSIS (Canada's spy agency) wasn't defending our vaccine we were working on here in Canada in conjunction with the Chinese, because they took off with it, leaving us with nothing. 




For employers, testing workers for COVID-19 is easier said than done For much of this plandemic that's true, that it's easier said than done, or easier said than proving it.




Wondering what the count is here in Canada....

😱  Oh gawd, what's next? If it's not one thing it's another, it seems.


I guess those people know who not to vote for. 
Anyhow.... Until the next installment take care & stay well.... Don't despair, there's tons more headlines to go before I'm finished, plenty enough to get all your COVID19 news fixes satiated.