Showing posts with label Moderna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moderna. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2022

Things Seem to be Getting Worse, Not Better, and We're Definitely Nowhere Near the End of this Plandemic Caused by....

 Covid 19


July 15, 2022

Happy Birthday Steph! 

I chose this picture from Pixabay today, to represent what this virus is all about. In more ways than one too. First it has affected the global economies badly, the repercussions of which we're starting to feel now. Second it's been a giant money maker for all the companies who made vaccines, and PPEs and other supplies that are Covid related (body bags maybe, syringes, cotton swabs, alcohol swabs, etc...). Not to mention it was planned to use this plandemic to introduce digital currencies or is that one single digital currency world wide? So in it's entirety it all revolves around money. Money made  treating the disease for the hospitals, money made protecting ourselves from the disease (as in vaccines and PPEs), money made via share dividend payouts, and the future of money. Money lost due to the plandemic, more than likely having been incurred by forced lockdowns, shutdowns of various types of businesses and curfews. Most lost directly from loss of business but also lost now, due to the lockdowns having caused massive shortages and backlogs, so that if you want anything from those shortages & backlogs now it's going to cost you a pretty penny to get and not what it should cost.  Affecting everything from basics like food & clothes to furniture and cars and everything inbetween.
I believe MOST if not ALL of this was planned in advance. I mean you can't tell me that there's not one single economist out there that couldn't foresee what all the machinations they had planned would do to our economies and thereby warn the supposedly well intentioned  national leaders about it, so they would be able to circumvent and prevent the fallout of it in their own countries or maybe together, globally. For those economist to not have warned them is due to the same reasons all the scientists and doctors who didn't go along with the BS lines of the wanna-be power hungry dictators, weren't heard either, I'm sure. They were silenced by those wanna-be dictators, probably, - so no doubt the economists who saw this coming and could've recommended ways to stop it, were prevented from doing so.
 Because like I believe - like a guest on Jeff Rense's talk show once said, the elite are siphoning the wealth off all the lower classes. And a previous event (not sure if it was 9/11 or the 2008 collapse) had already siphoned a lot of it off, but there was yet another shoe to drop and that one would be designed to siphon the rest of it off. I believe that that's what this was about, considering the Event 201 held by Bill Gates and the World ECONOMIC Forum (not the World HEALTH Organization but ECONOMIC Forum) that talked about such a pandemic and how to handle it JUST BEFORE THIS VIRUS GOT LOOSE FROM A LAB IN THE SAME CITY WHERE THAT EVENT WAS HELD. Maybe some of that Event 201 wasn't recorded and it was just talked about in that room with that cabal of money grubbers.  Maybe the ways to siphon the remaining wealth off were discussed in private then and there and used and abused to their benefits ever since.
I wouldn't doubt that the vaccine manufacturers (and their supporters - like all the shareholders, and companies that make things for the vaccines - like packaging, needles, and other products used to administer the vaccines) are secretly wishing the plandemic continues so they can continue to make money hand over fist like they've done the past couple of years. So I wouldn't doubt it if a few nefarious individuals from that group, have either suggested, encouraged financially or helped engineer new mutations of the virus, in order to keep the plandemic going and as an excuse to keep making new vaccines and give more and more booster shots. Because everytime we think it's waning, ooops a new variant appears on the scene.  That just doesn't make sense. When most other viruses appear to be waning, it's because they're on their way out, not this one, it just mutates into something else. So I have a feeling that when the vaccine manufacturers figures it's waning and on it's way out and they won't be able to sell anymore vaccines or booster shots, they just mutate some of the viral specimens they have in their labs and release it. Then it gets going again like crazy, so they're able to continue producing their vaccines and booster shots because now the public is all panicked about it again and clamouring for a booster or vaccine.
Now on with the headlines....

Ontario woman enduring effects of long COVID begins process for medically assisted death So now someone wants to use medically assisted death because of being poor???? So I guess that means that all the people living on the streets, all the people on welfare and all the people declaring bankrupcty can now be put to death because they're deemed to be too poor to live? Wow. There goes half our population right there. Is this being used as a means to start a precedent whereby we can use that medically assisted suicide to rid society of the impoverished classes because the upper classes deem them to be "useless eaters"????? If it is, we need to think of a way we can start a precedent to rid society of the stingy malevolent money grubbers, too, then. To even things out on the "useless eater scales".


COVID-19: Quebec reports 23 deaths, more than 2,000 cases A staggering increase in just 1 day - 3 days ago now.


Not Again. Another Cruise Ship Has A Major Covid-19 Outbreak What else can you expect from a floating petri dish anyhow? If it's not Covid, it would be something else, but you are going to have an outbreak of something on one of those things. It's pretty much a given.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Current Therapy Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2031: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery  This is what I was talking about in my lengthy preamble above. They actually have a synopsis dealing with investing in anything to do with COVID. Here it is. It forecasts forward to 2031, so if you want to invest long term, you might find the strategy here, to do it. I mean other than tweaking and re-releasing the virus everytime it seems to be on the wane. 

Pushing Buttons: Is it game over for gaming’s pandemic boom?  See? Apparently even the electronic game industry made a killing during the plandemic! I bet the same is true for toddler toys, and kids arts and crafts supplies too - but maybe not to the same extent as the electronic game industry. 


Covid warning over symptom of new strain that affects sufferers at night In this heat, I'm not sure I'd know the difference, whether it was caused by Covid or just by the ambient night air.

Long COVID patients going broke, traveling overseas for unproven ‘blood washing’ treatment Blood washing treatment? That's a new one on me.... Unless they're running the blood through a kidney dialysis machine, that's the only way I'm aware of that blood can be "washed". 

COVID-19 virus could be hiding in the meat in your freezer for weeks Who did or sponsored this study anyhow? PETA or a group of Vegans? The same ones that are trying to convince us that global warming is all due to cow flatulence? Wouldn't surprise me anyhow. Anyhow, whether it lurks in my meat or not, I'm still going to be eating meat.

Brace for winter lockdowns I'm positive that if Gestapo Legault gets re-elected that's exactly what we'll be facing. 

Canadian incomes went up in 2020 amid uptake of pandemic benefits: census data I didn't much of an improvement in my income in 2020.

It's unanimous: Canada's health care is crumbling, frustrated premiers agree  Really???? Ya could've fooled me! I thought according to Bozo Legault, that phoning 811 and talking to the janitor who just happened to be passing by the phone when it rang, was a great thing for our health care! Or at least that's what he says.



Blood donations desperately needed as Quebec enters 7th COVID-19 wave I encourage all those who can give blood to do so, it's always needed. I myself needed a transfusion a few years ago. I literally had only a little more than 30% of my hemoglobin left in my body by the time I got the transfusion. The doctors who saw me were all astounded that I was still alive and able to walk into the hospital under my own - albeit mostly dwindled- power. At that point I was so weak I needed help getting my medicare card out of my wallet. But things worked out in the end. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the 4.5 people who donated the blood I needed to survive.



Statement on the twelfth meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic As you can see by article 9 here the WHO IS STILL INTENT ON HAVING IT SPREAD INTERNATIONALLY. Someone or something at the WHO needs to be investigated for incompetency at the very least if not corruption.  Anyhow you can see all the other meetings since the beginning of this plandemic there too, along the right hand side. 

WHO warns Covid-19 pandemic 'nowhere near over' Of course not. It's a great cash cow for all those who have investments in it one way or the other. In fact from what I could see in a financial synopsis on how to make money investing in it, they plan for it to go on until at least 2031. Though I can promise you, I'll quit doing this blog long before then.

COVID-19: What you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic this week This is from the World ECONOMIC FORUM and their agenda for July 2022. ECONOMIC FORUM Folks. The instigators of this whole plandemic AND HOW TO MANAGE IT (INCLUDING THE MEDICAL PART OF IT - NOT THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - AS SHOULD BE THE CASE - NO - INSTEAD IT'S THE WORLD $$$$ ECONOMIC $$$$$ FORUM!!!!! This should set off several alarm bells that they actually have an "agenda" for this month of this year, considering we were all (or basically 99.99% of us uninitiated and uninformed) thinking and hoping this plandemic BS would've been over by now, and not have an actual agenda for this time period for it.
Qantas Ends Vaccine Mandate For International Flights I think this is basically the same as the previous headlines except that this is Australia's airline company and the other above is the gov't. Well at least they seem to be on the same page, unlike lots of other places in the world.

Biden administration set to extend COVID public health emergency: report I'm sure Mr. Dressup in Ottawa will follow suit. He's more like Monkey See & Monkey Do than the Monkey that does it first. Because he's too stupid to think to be able to do anything first.

Xi’s COVID authoritarianism meets red line at vaccine mandates and this is primarily why: China’s first attempt at a vaccine mandate was abruptly scrapped last week within days of it being announced by municipal officials in Beijing. The plan to stop people entering public venues without proof of vaccination sparked an outcry online, with Chinese social media users calling it an illegal cap on their freedoms and questioning how effective the vaccines are against immune-evasive variants.
The nitwits in QC meanwhile are trying to insist that even those of us who did get the vaccine shots are no longer immunized if we got them longer than 9 months ago and that we need to get them again or we'll be considered non-vaccinated. I don't give a flying F how many 9 months ago it was, I am NOT getting another one primarily for the same reason the Chinese don't want them either.
Which Coronavirus Stock Could Fetch Higher Returns? This one brought to you courtesy NASDQ. Like I said, money, money, money..... 
That's what this is all about and nothing else. Another reason I won't be getting any more shots - aside from the fact that I don't need them - because if out of the 2.5 years this plandemic has been underway my immunization was only good for 3 months (because that's basically it) - I mean our last shot was at the end of June last year - ergo 12 months ago - and out of that 9 months ago was the tops it was good for - meaning 3 months for TWO SHOTS.... Nope, uh, uh, no more. It means we were only protected for all of 3 months out of the whole 2.5 year period? Because that's what it boils down to. So I think we've done pretty well for only having 3 months protection out of the last 30 months. So why would I need any more shots if that's the case?  It's a money gimmick and I bet bogus numbers of cases and deaths and ICU admissions are meant to keep us scared and compliant so we'll get those bogus shots that last a week's time tops. But as the numbers show - that was in yesterday's headlines post - there were over 500 million cases world wide up until now but only about 6 million died from it. So a little more than 1% of the people getting the disease die from it. So what's the big f'n deal about the shots anyhow? Especially considering they're mostly useless. All they're good for is for the companies and shareholders to make money on.

Canada’s response to the initial 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison with peer countries Yeah????? Really???? I'd like an independant review not one bought and paid for by sheitehead & the too tightly wound turban. How about an international independant organization doing a review and presenting their findings instead? Bet in such a review we wouldn't be looking so great compared to other countries then, because they might factor in things like gov'ts resorting to draconian measures and dictatorships. Then that would put us way at the back of the entire pack for sure, if that were taken into account.


COVID-19 Cases Expected To Break Pandemic Record That's not good. Not good at all. Wow.



3m adults in England still have no Covid vaccine Well even though we do have our 2 shots we were just informed on the news tonight that it's like we have no immunization against it because we had our shots more than 9 months ago. Yeah 12 months ago.... So our 2 vaccinations were only good for 3 months after we got them???? If I'd have known that I wouldn't have bothered even getting those. I figured they'd be good at least for 9 months to a year. But obviously that's not the case. So no more shots for me ever again.

Henan: Violent clashes after hundreds show up for China bank protest Is this the Chinese way of siphoning the money off the lower classes than the Chinese elite????? 
Premiers want Ottawa along for 'generational opportunity' to modernize health care The premiers all want to take care of their citizens...... All except Legault. He wants to take care of his own personal bank account and his pet projects like Bill 96 and others. Oh and maintaining the gestapo dictatorship here in QC. That's his priorities. Not us or our health. That's the last thing on his mind. 


Charter not violated in denying transplant to patient who refused COVID-19 vaccine, court rules Wow I've never seen a drug with so many laws, loopholes and legislations not only enforcing it, but protecting it from lawsuits as the Covid vaccines have. 


N.B. has no plans for mandatory COVID-19 measures, says top doctor That's what they always say a week or two before implementing them.

Mandatory random COVID-19 testing for fully vaccinated air travellers resuming next week  See what I mean about "lifted measures" as opposed to abolished measures? 

Parents, experts laud COVID-19 vaccine approval for Canada’s youngest: ‘It’s a relief’  My question to these parents is: If the kids survived this long (30 months) without it, why are you in such a big rush to get it now? Don't you think they'll survive another minute longer without it and perhaps, miracle of miracles be able to get completely by without it altogether? Don't forget these vaccines are still experimental and we don't know what they'll wind up doing to our DNA in the long run.

Surprise! These emails about returning CERB payments aren't scams Since when do you think the gov't jokes about wanting their money or their money back???? If you do, then the joke's on you, because they NEVER joke about it.

Now I am officially up to date with the headlines once again.... So until next time take care and stay well....
And remember in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:






Thursday, May 12, 2022

Still Super Exhausted & Still Trying to Catch Up with the Headlines About....


May 11, 2022
Geez, I don't know what gives but it feels like I'm walking around in a haze, with eyes half glued shut and yawning all the time. I just can't seem to wake up. My body doesn't feel tired or worn out it's just my eyes don't want to stay open, very long. I keep fighting it, but I never seem to be winning the battle. It's a constant one, going on all day long from the moment I get up until I go to bed again. Naw and I don't want to hear "it's because of Covid", because it's not. I think it's probably more to do with the heat and the sun, neither of which I can take for every long before it wears me out or gives me a migraine.
I spent plenty of time in both today, cleaning up after the smoked meat sandwich party last night. Cleaning the smoker and it's racks and water pan and drip trays were hard and dirty work in the heat and sun. That's one thing with the charcoal smoker, it wasn't nearly as hard to clean as the electric one  is. I think for cleaning purposes it's really badly designed. First of all the drip pan in the bottom is below the water pan. The water pan is just below the racks where the meat goes, so the water pan gets full of the drippings and the drip pan on the bottom has a hole to drain out into an exterior drip pan, but that didn't work. The exterior drip pan was clean, but the water pan and the interior drip pan were both full of grease and drippings which overflowed onto the floor of the smoker itself.  So it was a colossal mess to clean up. I got most of it off the water and drip pans and then put them in the dishwasher, with one of the racks that I couldn't clean by hand. But it was a chore and a half. It took almost as long to clean the smoker as it did to smoke the meat. Might as well have just used the charcoal smoker, would've come out the same time investment wise, but it would've been less strenuous and much easier over all.

Tomorrow, all I plan on doing is sit back and relax, after I get out of my shower. Maybe if it's not too stifling hot, go relax a bit outside as my husband got the patio furniture out for me, so if I want to go sit in the back in the rocker or in the front with the breezes off the water at the table doing something I can. So that's what I'll probably do, as I need to get a handle on all this tiredness and get it over with one way or another. Or spend the summer sleeping.

Anyhow, I'm going to be posting more of the backlogged headlines again tonight. Not sure how far I'll get again. I guess you'll know when you get to the end of them, which is probably where I left off because my head was hitting the keyboard.

To pee or not to pee: Lack of public washrooms in Charlottetown more apparent during COVID-19 Around here it wasn't due to a lack of public washrooms, as there were still plenty around, it was the managers/owners not wanting people to use them because of covid19.

Toronto Public Health dismisses all students from high school in Etobicoke hit with COVID-19 outbreak

LILLEY: Trudeau government warns against travelling ... seriously 

Sask. restricts family visitations at ICUs

More vaccinated people are getting hospitalized with COVID-19. But unvaccinated still make up the majority 

Health-care staff shortages could be on the way as COVID-19 vaccine mandates loom Which the  gov'ts all chickened out from implementing at the last minute, because they were afraid they'd be left with  hospitals full of patients and no one to look after them if they went through with the mandates.

Most Canadians support health-care workers refusing treatment to threatening, disrespectful unvaccinated patients: Nanos survey  That was a load of BS if I ever saw it. I don't know of anyone who thought that. They all realized that everyone pays for medicare and some make bad choices but still get treated anyhow, as in the case of skiers who break their necks flying down skihills, or motorcyclists who wind up half mangled due to riding a motorcycle or being a risky rider, drinkers who wind up in mangled wrecks due to their overindulgences and driving afterward, and smokers who just can't seem to quit until they need oxygen tanks strapped to wheelchairs or double lung transplants. Or those who love food a little too much or not nearly as much as they should. Or kids who cut themselves etc... Nearly everyone at some time in their lives has done something, risky, stupid, or adopted habits that were bad for their health. So while I heard a couple of callous beitches on the radio talk shows suggest that they shouldn't be treated in hospitals if they refused the vaccine, for the most part I don't know anyone in person and even the talk show host on the radio was aghast at the callousness of that idea. Asking the beitch that suggested that if that were even legal since everyone pays for medicare and could they just refuse it to someone like that because they didn't agree with the choices that person made. I believe medical care under the medicare act and the constitution is actually a constitutional right to all citizens of Canada so for beitches to suggest such a thing, I suggest for those particular beitches that when it comes time to treat them for their cancer (as I'm sure someone like that WILL develop cancer and since she's a beitch it's likely to be breast, ovarian or cervical cancer) that we should find an excuse to not treat her - as in she put out too many times for too many people or animals (whatever turned her crank) or she was such a dried up prune she never put out or had kids and as a result didn't contribute anyone else to the human race, so she wasn't needed and so we don't need to treat her cancers. Or if she ever smoked (cigarettes, cigars, tea leaves, cannabis, seaweed, weeds - the good old garden variety - no matter what), drank, worked in places where any of those things were consumed and used - as in liquor stores, pubs, bars, restaurants, tobacco stores etc, then all cancer related medical services were denied to such beitches. I would. That would be on all the questionnaires I handed out to cancer victims along with what did they think of those who didn't get vaccinations against covid (multiple choice answers there too) and depending on how that form was answered would depend on the type of treatment the person got. It just blows my mind to see such a bunch of sanctimonious assholes out there. Who would deny people the right (even after they pay for the right through their taxes) to medical services, because the gov't has scared those moronic assholes silly and brainwashed everyone into believing that the vaccines protect everyone. Yet it's the assholes who've had their vaccinations that are super paranoid of the non-vaccinated. It's the NON-VACCINATED THAT SHOULD BE THE ONES THAT ARE PARANOID OF CATCHING IT ******** NOT THE VACCINATED ******* because if the vaccines actually worked as they're supposed to the vaccinated would be immune to it. But again we're talking about Canadian sheeple which for the most part have been scared silly by the wanna-be dictators in power. So since they've been scared silly that's what they are now, SILLY. Too stupid to think for themselves. But again we're also talking about snake oil elixirs that aren't really vaccines and only placebos at best.

Russia's new COVID-19 infections, deaths near all-time highs 

Finland joins other Nordic nations in curbing Moderna shots 

Moderna plans African vaccine plant as drugmakers urged to help poorest 

New Brunswick’s active COVID-19 caseload surpasses 1,000; Prince Edward Island reports three new cases 

AHS responds to more than 3,000 COVID-19 health measure complaints  

This area has Ontario's highest vaccination rate. One of the lowest is just 100 km away 

N.B. COVID-19 roundup: 109 new cases, 63 people in hospital 

Italy is about to bring in the strictest COVID-19 measures in Europe 

Still worried about getting a vaccine for COVID-19? Here's how to understand the rare, but real, risks 

VERIFY: Can the COVID-19 vaccine lead to a false-positive mammogram? 

Moderna asks Health Canada to approve COVID-19 vaccine booster shot Which they obviously did.

Sydney reopens after nearly four months under lockdown

Resistance against vaccines rising among U.S. first responders You have to wonder why, if the vaccines are so great and work so well, so many medical personnel from nurses and doctors to 1st responders are refusing them. You'd think being medical personnel, that they would KNOW without a doubt how good or bad those vaccines are and how reliable they are at protecting people from the illnesss. With so many of the medical personnel refusing the vaccines, it only leads one to believe that those vaccines aren't all they're cracked up to be and probably should be avoided altogether if medical personnel who are in daily contact with covid patients are refusing the vaccines. You'd think if they were constantly in contact with covid victims they'd want to protect themselves from catching the disease by getting the vaccine, but yet they're refusing them. So obviously those vaccines probably aren't as great as the authorities would have you believe if medical personnel are risking their jobs by refusing to get jabbed.

Vast majority of cases at shuttered Etobicoke school are result of student-to-student transmission: official

Swedish study finds link between Covid vaccination and reduced household transmission 

COVID-19 updates, Oct. 12: Too soon to say what impact looming mass suspensions will have on health system, Dubé says  That's because he's a DuMbe, too stupid to figure out that if everyone is suspended there won't be anyone left there to look after the patients. Um f'n duh....

A record 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in August, led by food and retail industries Headlines from October in the USA.

Why some young workers are leaving their office jobs to work on farms: "This is how I want my life to go"

A record number of workers are quitting their jobs, empowered by new leverage 

After family members contracted COVID-19, Ozzy Osbourne says worshiping Satan protected him from virus hehehe.... There's all kinds of fruit loops out there of all different colours and flavours and this one seems to be the darker crispier more burnt one, that stayed in the oven a lot longer than the others. He's not half baked, he's fully baked in fact to a burnt crisp if you ask me.

‘Out of stock’ items plague grocery delivery services. Personal shoppers at Target’s Shipt aim to fix that 

'Desperate for tires.' Components shortage roils U.S. harvest 

Parents sue Wisconsin schools after their children catch covid: ‘Recklessly exposing the public’ 

Hospital Patient In Denver Shares Story Of 20-Hour-Long Wait For Room OMG that's a short time compared to the 36 hours my husband spent lying on a stretcher in a hallway in our local hospital in 2014 - so no covid to blame that on then. Then it was just standard operating procedures at most QC hospitals - plagued with shortages of staff, beds, and rooms etc... Thanks in large  part to Peg Legged Lucien Bouchard, that decided to close a large number of hospitals in the province while he was premier. I don't know what the moron was thinking when he did that considering he knew the population was getting older and there were more people in the province who would eventually need medical care. Ironically the moron himself needed dire medical care shortly after he did that, as he had flesh eating disease and one of his legs had to be amputated. At the time I was so angry at him having closed most of the hospitals that I wished it was his head that needed amputating instead of one of his legs. But you can see over the years (when you live long enough and can see in hindsight what each action does) how you wind up with 36 hour hallway gurney waits for rooms in hospitals and that's before any plandemics came along. Now, it's probably more like a few weeks or your entire hospital stay (unless you have covid - then they find you a room pronto but otherwise....) before you get a room with a door and a connecting bathroom.

Rising COVID-19 numbers returning to pre-vaccine levels in Minnesota 

Why Some Nations Have Deadlier Outbreaks With the Same Vaccines 

Russia to test COVID-19 vaccine in form of nasal spray 

This Couple Caught COVID-19, So Authorities Drowned and Burned Their Dogs  THIS is SO SAD & SO SO SO CRUEL!!!!!! Those men should be stuffed in bags and drowned and then have their corpses burnt too. I'm sorry but you just don't treat animals like that, not if you're a decent human being that is. 

Bookings for COVID-19 boosters jump as seniors in Alberta eligible for 3rd dose

Alberta doctors, nurses redeployed to COVID-19 units and ICUs share what it's like on the inside 

Alberta reports 1,256 new COVID-19 cases, 16 deaths ahead of Thanksgiving weekend

Alberta's COVID-19 vaccine verifier app launched 

COVID-19: 'Serious errors' by ministers and scientific advisers 'cost thousands of lives' during pandemic, says report by MPs  Serious errors were made in Canada too. But given that they seemed more intentional than errors, I'd say they were serious crimes as in against humanity, genocide and senocide to name a couple of those serious crimes. 

Cabinet Minister Refuses To Apologise After Damning Covid Report Gawd those clowns in the UK have a nerve and a half, asking HIM to apologize. What the F for? For telling the truth? If anyone should apologize it should be the assholes to made those "errors" - that is a polite way of putting it I think. I think they should more aptly be called criminal negligence rather than errors. 

COVID-19 pandemic not in 'rear view mirror' for hospitality sector, pubs boss warns PM

Report concludes UK waited too long for virus lockdown Waited too long for a LOCKDOWN???? What about having waited too long to CLOSE THE BORDERS TO PEOPLE TRYING TO ENTER THE UK FROM ELSEWHERE????? THAT would've done more to protect the population than lockdowns did - especially since those were proven to be useless for disease spread and harmful to the economy and education.

Ex-police will enforce COVID-19 rules, 'secure isolation site' to relaunch, Sask. doctors told in other words more Canadian gestapo tactics being used here.

Shuffling health-care workers around won't solve COVID crisis: Sask. nurses' union president  Of course not. They proved here in QC that shuffling health care workers around amongst the CHLDs  (long term care homes) is what helped spread covid from one facility to another. It's just a way to keep the disease going - being transmitted from one institution to another.

COVID-19 deaths are surging in Russia, but vaccination lags

That's it for now.... Hopefully, I'll get to more of the backlogged headlines soon. In the meantime take care and stay well and remember....

In the meantime remember BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:





Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Celebrating Anniversaries & Lockdown Reopening Because Of Receding.....




June1, 2021

Finally! I never thought I'd live long enough to see the day that Dictator's R Us in QC City would loosen the reins on their draconian measures and allow us to breath a little again, as per this article:  Montreal and Laval to go into the orange zone Monday, no more red zones in Quebec
I guess it took a few hundred thousand rebellious souls to go out and protest a few weekends in a row for them to get the message. So I'm very proud of the Quebecois who seem to be the only really brave souls in Canada, willing to stand up against their wanna-be dictators.
My husband and I actually went to a burger joint "Harvey's" and had a dine-in meal, today. That was a first time in a long time, we've been inside a restaurant, to sit and eat something. I guess because we haven't had a Harvey's hamburger in ages, it tasted almost as good as what we had last night to celebrate 50 years of knowing each other.
For that occassion we had Avocado & Cottage Cheese Salad, Asparagus with Sherry & Bacon Vinaigrette, Garlic Parmesan Duchess Potatoes, Capital Grille Filet Mignon (copycat recipe), all taken from this page: 65 Easy Romantic Dinner Ideas For Two: Best Valentine’s Day Recipes and my Blueberry Cheesecake recipe. Along with Rose "champagne" from Italy to toast with friends and neighbours that came over for the toast with us.  It was so much fun having a get together over champagne in our front yard and talking to others sans masks for the first time in over a year. Just that alone was memorable.
For those wishing to try those recipes for themselves, don't be daunted, if I can do it, so can you. Just follow the directions precisely, and you'll do fine.
I had wanted to go to a fancy restaurant to commemorate the occassion, but none of them in our area were open for business inside because even though they were allowed they were afraid of the big bad boogey man germies that might get them, and most of them didn't have terrasses, nor do delivery. 
So I had to get creative and looked around for some fancy recipes that I could make here at home. Something out of the ordinary to make the occassion memorable because eating at home isn't all that remarkable, as we do it all the time. But those were definitely memorable dishes and all quite delicious. But I impressed myself with the duchess potatoes. Eu la la... Even I can make something that fancy and it so it won't cost me mega bucks the next time I want to have it. No need for fancy restaurants for us, from now on. If we want to change the ambience, all we have to do is drag the food outside and eat it in the front yard, overlooking the water and it's a fait acomplit. 

I've been so busy doing things and enjoying life that unbeknownst to me, I've accumulated a freaking slew of COVID19 headlines here in my bookmarks file. I didn't realize I had accumulated that many. So once again, I don't know if I'll get through them all in this one post or if I'll have to post another post or two to manage to get through them all.  I'll do the best I can, by keeping my remarks, to a minimum or as succint as possible in order to get through them as quick as possible and posted for you to read too. So settle in comfortably with your favourite beverage and start reading....

The greedy grubbied paw gestapo doesn't seem to know when to quit.

They’re Vaccinated and Keeping Their Masks On, Maybe Forever They sound a lot like the paranoid restaurant owners in the vicinity.

COVID Data Tracker For the American stats. 

COVID Data Tracker For the Global stats.


Changed by pandemic, many workers won’t return to old jobs  In a lot of cases, I don't blame them.  

I love these dunces that can't seem to get the "long term" questions out of their heads, even after you've already told them a bazillion times NOBODY KNOWS BECAUSE IT HASN'T BEEN AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW.  Let that sink into your thick skulls and stop asking such idiotic questions.
Worldometer Covid19 A much quicker loading and easier to use stats monitor for global and single country by country stats. 

Canada’s COVID-19 border rules are not to blame: Travel didn't cause third wave, Premier Doug Ford ‘deflecting again’, critics say Of course not. Travel isn't to blame at all. All of those exotic variants from the UK, SA, Brazil and Indian variants just magically travelled thousands of miles on the atmospheric clouds and rained down on us when it rained. That must be how they got here if they didn't get here via human travellers bringing them in from elsewhere. Um f'n duh. How stupid are the politicians in power today anyhow? I just can't believe how pathetically stupid they all are. It's un f'n believeable!

'Reprehensible, callous, and ethically odious': Canada receiving COVAX supply while other countries fall way behind Hey whoa there, hostee tabernacle de sale enfants chienes qui veut dire des chose contre nos autres qui manque notre vaccine propre!  Mange la merde! In my wonderful street language French. In other words the ash holes that has the audacity to say sheite like that ought to take good long hard looks in their mirrors to see what kinds of ash holes they are, since they're the ones with the vaccine manufacturers in their countries stock piling & HOARDING vaccines to the heavens & back and not letting one single simple dose of it escape their grasp, but could be donating that supply to others instead of criticizing countries like Canada that do NOT HAVE ANY VACCINE MANUFACTURERS TO OVER RULE AND OVER RIDE & DEMAND THEY KEEP IT ALL HERE IN CANADA FOR OUR OWN USE!!!!!!!!! So SHOVE IT UP YOUR DEEP DARK SHEITY HYPOCRITICAL  ASHES WHY DON'T YOU!?!?!? 
Canada ‘on track’ to shorten 16-week interval between COVID-19 vaccine doses, Njoo says  That would be nice because I think pretty soon my vaccine will be running on fumes and will need a boost soon. Like what you'd expect from a country with vaccines piled up sky high, while they make all their citizens wait forever for a booster shot. For the brain dead ash holes out there in this world that still don't get the idea that we HAVE NO VACCINES OF OUR OWN. Like all the other countries that don't have any UNLIKE THOSE THAT ARE CRITICIZING US FOR GETTING SOME FOR OUR CITIZENS WHILE ALL OF THIER CITIZENS ARE ALREADY MOSTLY OR FULLY INOCULATED & THEY STILL STOCKPILE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that plain enough for you ignorant morons to understand yet??????????
Covid vaccine profits mint 9 new pharma billionaires Yup well I think I mentionned what would happen with the companies making these vaccines in the beginning. I mean it was as obvious as the nose on your face, that they'd wind up making bazillions if not gazillions in profit from this. I mean just think there's 8 billion customers for your product and they're all going to need a 2nd dose so that's 16 billion at x amount per dose, what did you think they'd make anyhow? I mean even if they only had a one cent profit per dose.... What do you think that works out to in dollars? 

Let me know when they've managed to link hangnails and ingrown toenails to the virus as well. Because it seems to me that any new/strange thing to come along medically speaking these days they're linking to the virus whether it ought to be or not. 

Manitoba premier issues ‘call to arms’ for more COVID-19 vaccines from U.S. I agree with him 100%. Instead of everyone coming down on Canada because we're trying to just get enough vaccine to at least inoculate everyone once (and that seems to be a chore and a half to do between all the excuses, delays, and gov'ts overriding companies on what they're allowed to do with the vaccines they produce in those countries) nevermind 2x or in other words fully inoculated, WHY don't those loud mouth hypocritical ash holes come down on countries like the US who INSIST ON STOCKPILING & HOARDING THEIR VACCINES WHEN THERE IS NO NEED FOR IT AS MOST ARE ALREADY VACCINATED!!!!!! And they could save the required amount of doses needed to ensure everyone gets their full vaccine dosage and let the rest go. But NOOOOOO THEY DON'T. But it's CANADA that's the "ethically odious" here apparently...... I hate to disagree with that assessment but I DO!!!!!!!! I'm just freaking tired of waiting and wondering when or if I'll get my second dose or not, while countries like the US have more than they need but won't let one single dose escape their grasp.
COVID-19: Ontario reports 1,691 news cases Sunday and 15 deaths; More than 8 million doses of vaccine administered further down the page it says more than 50% Cdns have had their first dose of the vaccine..... Meanwhile back in the US over 40% of Americans are FULLY VACCINATED or
As of 6 a.m. EDT May 30, a total of 135,087,319 Americans had been fully vaccinated, or 40.7 percent of the country's population, according to the CDC's data. as per this page: States ranked by percentage of population fully vaccinated: June 1 You do get the discrepancy between the amounts of people who've been vaccinated only once versus those who've been vaccinated fully or 2x here don't you? In the Cdn article that declares a victorious 50% have had their first shot that 50% equals 20 million people getting ONE shot, while in the US 135.1 million have had 2 shots totalling 270.2 million shots given just to that group alone, while a large percentage of Americans have had 1 shot already too. So how many shots does that total that they've not only had access to but given to their citizens while we have had a problem getting 20 million doses in 6 months - that works out to about 3 million a month coming. At that rate it'll take 10 months just to give each Cdn a single dose and and another 15 months for them to get both doses! We need 70 million doses to inoculate each Cdn fully. That's 1/4 of the doses already given to those fully inoculated in the US, but yet they can't spare any.

Majority of Canadians support COVID-19 vaccine passports for concerts, travel: Ipsos poll Like this book that I saw recently about a pollster who worked for polling companies who said that they basically engineer the results of the various polls to suit the desired outcome of the client asking for the poll. But aside from that I don't know how Ipsos can claim a majority of Canadians feel this way or that if they didn't ask the majority of Canadians that question - so over 20 million people needed to be polled for them to say "a majority" voted either way on that question and I'm sorry but I wasn't polled for it. Were you? Do you know anyone who was? Because I certainly don't. So that's a load of horse manure if you ask me.

I don't know why people are afraid of Moderna, both my husband & I got it and we didn't have any issues. In fact, so far as I can tell from all the postings in my blog and all I've read about all the vaccines, it's the one with the least issues - both real and imaginary. Pfizer is plagued with conspiracy theories which may or may not prove real in the end - only  time will tell, Astra Zeneca and J&J have all kinds of serious health issues attached to them. The only one that doesn't is Moderna, so it seems to be the safest out of all of them.
Heart condition in some young people linked to vaccine This is scary. Wish we knew which vaccine was causing it though.

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin Maybe they should find a way to do a covert interview with those people to find out what really happened and why. Maybe offer them asylum in the US in return to talking if what they say proves out. 

My dad always said there's more than one way to skin a rabbit. 

Oh really? We're waiting for 2nd doses? How can that be? The know-it-all hypocrites of the world figures we should have more than enough to vaccinate  ourselves a thousand times over, plus everyone else in the world and shouldn't need any imported doses from Covax, even though we paid for them!!!!! So if we have so many doses of vaccine as they seem to think we do, why are we waiting for our 2nd doses then? Could it possibly be because we DO 💥💥💥 N O T💥💥💥 HAVE ANY OF OUR OWN?????? Because if we did, we wouldn't need to wait for the 2nd dose like we are now. Um duh, for the clueless wonders out there, who just don't seem to get it.

That's great news! Too bad, they couldn't have been a little quicker at getting this going then maybe we'd have been able to use this vaccine, instead of relying on the vaccines coming from the greedy guts countries.
Wuhan Researchers Were Hospitalized With COVID-19 Symptoms Pre-Pandemic: Reports Of course they were. There were reports (some posted in this blog) of people in Wuhan being sick before December 2019 in fact there's spy satellite pics that were being used to infer that there was an outbreak there September or October of 2019 because of how full hospital parking lots were compared to the same time a year prior or even just days or weeks prior.

Timeline: How the Wuhan lab-leak theory suddenly became credible  Gawd, I am so relieved that I'm now being vindicated about my thoughts on this whole plandemic with all the dirt that's coming out about it now. 

Mild COVID-19 cases can lead to antibody protection for life I for one don't know how they can know this because it's only been 1.5 years since this disease has been plaguing humankind (so far as we know - maybe it was before in China but we have yet to learn about it). So given that amount of time, unless we're talking the lifespan of a flea, I don't know how anyone can know the protection lasts a lifetime or not. If that's the case, then I shouldn't need to worry about my 2nd dose because I'm sure I had a mild form of it back in January 2020. 

What Doctors Don't Tell You - May 2021 It's a downloadable PDF version of this magazine issue - downloadable from the longfiles link. The reason I'm adding this link is because there is a very interesting and eyeopening article in here about Covid19 that I think you should read. Actually if memory serves me correctly I think there's more than 1 covid related article in there that you might find interesting.

Poll: Over 1 billion people worldwide unwilling to get COVID-19 vaccine, global herd immunity at risk Hmmmm well if that's true I don't see how herd immunity is at risk considering they say we need 70% to achieve herd immunity. Considering there's 8 billion of us, that leaves 7 billion still willing to get the shot, that right there would be 70% even if there were 10 billion of us, so I think there's sufficient people willing to get the shot to provide herd immunity. 


Wouldn't it be easier to quarantine the 12 people along with their families and contacts for x amount of time rather than a whole freaking city???? I mean that just doesn't make any kind of sense whatsoever to me. It's like taking a sledgehammer to kill a fly.
Moderna says 2 million more COVID-19 doses will arrive by the week of June 14 Wondering if that means we'll be able to get our 2nd doses then or if we'll still have to wait for another eternity?

Physician warns Tokyo Olympics could spread variants The scenario he paints here is very scary indeed, especially if what he envisions actually comes to pass - whereby all the various variants out there converge in Japan and wind up forming one super variant from all the strains. Then we could be looking at something that none of the vaccines and/or boosters will have a chance against, if that happens.  

Argentina battles health and economic crises as COVID cases soar I have a friend in Argentina and I hope she and her entire family are okay. Guess I'll have to get in touch with her to make sure.  

Who besides the WHO and China gives a flying F if it's disrespectful to them or not especially considering we're in this mess BECAUSE OF CHINA & THE WHO!?! Personally I hope since the shoe fits they wear it with shame, as they should!
Fauci once argued for risky viral experiments — even if they can lead to pandemic Like I've been saying since the beginning - but maybe not so plainly - I think,  he's an untrustworthy, lying, sleezy, snake in the grass, so far as I'm concerned. This is just one example of what I'm talking about.

As U.S. calls for focus on covid origins, China repeats speculation about U.S. military base Yes, I've heard the Ft Detrick suspicions too - one even came from an American source, though I don't remember who exactly at the moment. 

Researchers held an experimental indoor concert in Spain with no social distancing. No one contracted covid. So what's that actually say about the whole pandemic BS anyhow? To me it says it's not as contagious as everyone was making it out to be and probably on a par or even less to the garden variety flu. 

2020 Was the Year of Lost Friendships I don't know about that. My experience is that we gained friends during 2020 rather than lost some. Probably because more of us were trying to look out for and reach out to others to help or provide some companionship to them. So we seem to have made several friends during that year, considering everything.  

The (very strong) case for COVID-19 leaking from a Chinese lab   I don't want to see stories next month about how this was all conspiracy theories printed in some tabloids and conspiracy theory printouts, because there's been enough "reputable" lame stream media sources for this now, to basically be considered as news, if not actual fact.

Cuba bets on biotech prowess as it rolls out homegrown COVID-19 vaccine Good for them! They've been forced all these decades to be self sufficient and self-reliant and so I'm sure by now they've got certain things like medical research and technology down pat (especially in certain fields like cancer), so I'm sure their vaccine will provide good protection against the virus too.

I was always thinking the same thing, only not for the same reasons. I was thinking it's an airborne disease and air doesn't stop flowing at the plexiglass, it'll do like any other gas or liquid would do - flow around it. That means the air currents will go up, down and around all the barriers they put up unless they're hermetically sealed all the way around (which would not be too too good for the people in those areas).  
Vietnam identifies new, highly transmissible variant of coronavirus  Yup, here's a new variant to take to the Olympics to mix with all the other variants out there to ensure a super duper variant that no vaccine will be able to take down.

NACI COVID-19 vaccine communication sparks some 'confusion' and 'mistrust': Second doses should be offered 'as soon as possible,' group says No sheite sherlock! Vaccines were always supposed to be given as per manufacturers instructions. And not played fast and loose with the guidelines like those genocidal beitches at the head of Canada's health policies, wanted to play. I mean it's akin to giving someone an aspirin for their pain and making them wait a week before they get the next one for their chronic uninterrupted pain they've been experiencing for the past week since they got their first aspirin. But then when you think of it, that kind of mirrors the pain relief policies the medical establishment in Canada has already. You're allowed 1 325mg aspirin per week. Any more than that and you're an aspirin addict and you'll need to spend the next 12 weeks in rehab detoxing from that 2nd aspirin you had the nerve to take 4 hours later (even though it says you can take 2 aspirin every 4 hours). But then like I like to say "hey we're Canadians, so we're supposed to be tough and can take anything you want to throw at us, pain and all, without any help from anyone or anything". Or at least as a patient in the health care system that's been my experience. Literally forcing me to walk on a dislocated knee for 4 years, no pain killers, no walking aids, no knee supports, not even physio  therapy (until my husband threatened to fix that clown's knees for him), or worse yet enduring incapacitating week long migraines without any help whatsoever either, had one each month from the time I was 3 months old until I was well over 42 years old. All I got for those was used as a guinea pig for medical research. So yeah that sounds about par for the course for the Canadian medical establishment. Genocidal beitches and all.

Moderna Scientists And Execs Warn That New Viral Variants Of Covid-19 Coming  I'm pretty sure we didn't need them to tell us that, that we were able to figure that much out on our own. 

OMG! Now we're getting so desperate for vaccines the medical authorities have lost their collective minds and literally gone insane! I mean how many documentaries and news stories have we seen about the results of things that were used beyond their expiry dates in Africa and other places like that? Now here we are, SUPPOSEDLY a G7 country, but acting more like a 3rd world country by the second, extending expiry dates of critical medicine, that anyone with a half a braincell in their heads should KNOW should NOT be done!
Uptick in coronavirus cases prompts Chinese city to lock down neighborhood Good! Too bad it's not the entire country under lockdown!


UK reports no new COVID-19 deaths for first time since March 2020 Whoo Hoo! Awesome news! Now if more countries could do the same soon, that would be even better news.
Wow! I actually managed to get through them all. So it'll be awhile before I'll be posting anything here again. In the meantime take care and stay well.