Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Cleaning Up Messes, Fixing Shelves or At Least Trying To &


October 17, 2020
We spent the day cleaning up some of the appliances that were covered in cooking oil and trying to get the oil off the floors. It turns out that we may need to wash it more than once with Hertel, because it sure wasn't enough the first time we did it. Maybe the dishwashing soap Dawn might work, since they have that commercial about cleaning oil off of ducklings. Something's got to work, as I'm getting tired of sliding around in some spots and sticking to others when I walk. 
As for fixing the shelves we went out  to buy different standards and brackets to hold the boards in place, but when we got there there weren't any in the sizes we needed. So came back home discouraged. So today my husband decided maybe he could fix the ones we already have and make them more secure. So he's he did that. But I think he's did a better job at injuring himself than fix those as he's needed to have bandaids applied when he started working on them.
Meantime I took whatever I could (the covers, or parts to) of the appliances (some are manual with no electric parts) and put whatever I could fit into the dishwasher so they could get a thorough cleaning. There's still more covers and parts to do, but at least some are  getting done now. 
We cleaned the shelves off and reinstalled them. After cleaning the appliances, I put them back on the shelves. For some unknown reason we seem to have a lot more room on them now. Hmmmm 
I found and swept all the additional glass that my husband didn't see or vacuum the other day. 
I made room for and brought in the nice house plants our neighbour gave us earlier in the week that were still outside because we were  too busy with the shelf fiasco. I hope they survive here, because up until now there haven't been many plants I've been able to keep since we moved into this house, because of how the windows are. The only plants I've been able to keep for any length of time is my big aloe plant and one of it's babies that I transplanted earlier this summer. The other babies died almost instantly and the big plant didn't die but the leaves are drooping rather than standing up on end like they used to, before the babies tried pushing it out of the pot they were all in together. The reason there was a transplant in the first place.
Our daughter-in-law - ever the nurse heard about the shelf fiasco from our son, so called tonight to make sure we didn't get hurt in the initial accident nor since, from sliding on the floor or things like that. I told her not to worry it was just more of our adventures we were having, that's all.  But I'll be so glad when it's finished with so we can get back to normal here and do the things we had planned but had to put on hold because of that.
Now..... Crossing all my fingers and toes, I hope I can start to work on the rest of the food here before it goes bad, like the leftover turkey that I didn't have a chance to get to, did. 
Needless to say with all of that going on, I didn't really feel like, nor have the time to deal with the aggravating and neverending Coronavirus garbage, so I just didn't bother with it last night. Instead I'll be posting some headlines tonight and I wish I could say I'd make up for the ones not posted last night but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep awake long enough for that. So whatever I can manage is what I'll post. So more coronavirus headlines coming your way:
‘Shoot on sight’: Boston Dynamics robot dog spotted out on city street triggers fear — and defensiveness   Who's the brainchild that put that thing on city streets during a pandemic anyhow?

The Forgotten Front Porch Is Making a Comeback  That seems to be the only way you can see your neighbours and neighbourhood now. 


Pandemic Will 'Take Our Women 10 Years Back' in the Workplace From my perspective it looks more like it'll take them back 40-50 years - if you're talking about staying home and raising kids and not having any daycare to take care of them. 



We were recently given an air purifier, I wonder if that would help.
P.E.I. restaurants suffered the worst downturn in the country in July  Well hmmmm.... I wonder if that might have to do with your inhospitable attitudes towards people from other provinces??? 

Demand for sports equipment and home gyms booms as Canadians prepare for pandemic winter I'd love a rowing machine if we had the space for it. But I am of the belief that walking, biking, jogging etc should be done outside, rowing too for that matter, but not all of us live near water or have rowboat. 

Justin Trudeau: 'The World Is In Crisis, And Things Are About To Get Much Worse' If he has anything to do with anything, for sure it'll get worse.  
Could coronavirus be hurting your sex life? Doctors weigh in Well if they insist on you wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart all the time, then yeah....




Yikes! Maybe I ought to consider getting an exercise machine of some type then.

It's their stuff, so if they want to take the risk of using it, then it's up to them I guess.
COVID-19 outbreak in Laval CHSLD; positive test at West Island's Herron Residence Like the famous line in Poltergeist - They're Baccccck..... only it should be It's Baccccck.... It's just about the same - a frigging horror story, that just keeps coming back again and again.
COVID-19 Fitness: Some Gym Exercises To Do At Home These exercises are exercises you can do at  home without a machine of any kind. But I still prefer the rowing machine to any of these exercises.

As few as 247 travellers brought coronavirus to Quebec: study When all you really need is 1 sauntering through the airport lobbies, coffee & gift shops and then getting on public transit to go downtown, then out shopping and dining out and back onto public transit to go back home or to the hotel. 247 would be a lot! And despite what it says there about the 1st being at the end of January, there's a pharmacist's association report that puts it at the end of December. 

Because they have no bearings on economic realities. Those play the stock markets live in their own little fantasy lands. 
14-year-old 's Thanksgiving feast goes viral on Twitter with more than 787,000 likes Wow! I wonder how many people are going to be eating that meal! Because it definitely looks like more than would be allowed to enjoy it here in QC! 

Alyssa Milano reveals her coronavirus symptoms have lasted for six months I'm wondering at which point these symptoms that everyone is enduring for months will be declared a chronic life long condition that they may have to endure?

Yup, so see? If 7 people potentially exposed 1,700 people to the disease then how many people were exposed to it by the initial 247 people in Quebec? Especially back then when there was no masks, social distancing or even hand washing mandated to avoid the spread of it?

I don't know about Ontario, but since we went back into "lockdown" except for being the good little cog in the economic engine, but yet our infection numbers keeps rising here in QC, I'd say it's highly likely that social gatherings of any kind are no more to blame than any kind of gatherings - whether for work or for school, is.  

Party organizers fined for breaking COVID-19 rules If this keeps up, I can easily see certain well to do families factoring in these fines in the cost of their parties and weddings etc... So that they can continue living life to the fullest, as before. It's just the poor people who will be living the drudgery of being permanently grounded by the nanny state. And not being allowed to do anything other than go to work or school and come right back home afterwards, like a delinquent 14 old brat. Until they get brave enough to revolt en masse, that is.




That is definitely good news, if it continues to be the case.
Coronavirus: Half a million sharks 'could be killed for vaccine', experts warn So then don't waste the rest of the shark's carcas and sell the fins for soup and whatever else you can salvage out of it for use.

Canada's COVID-19 cases: Quebec, Ontario record largest spikes since May; 2,300 people potentially exposed at two Toronto bars Then I wonder how many of those went  to work the next day and exposed all their colleagues to it too? Not to mention all their family members - and whoever those other family members goes to school with or works with. Oh yeah, I forgot, people don't get the disease at work unless they work on a farm or as a meat packer and kids definitely don't infect other kids because after all they're immune. NOT.

Good! So when are we going to get to see for ourselves just how wonderful these vaccines are and not just constantly hearing about how wonderful they are! If they're so freaking wonderful, you'd think the gov'ts would start approving one or some of them for use, instead of sitting on them forever like they're doing. 
Nearly 1M Who Died Of COVID-19 Also Illuminated Treatment At least all those deaths weren't in vain. I would hope that the doctors and scientists treating this disease would learn something from all their mistakes (the lives they couldn't save). 




Thought there weren't supposed to be any parties now.....
Visits suspended after outbreak on floor of CHSLD in Laval Here we go again. Are they sure it's not the staff that's bringing the virus in, like last time?


The residents are in isolation after a STAFF MEMBER tests positive. Did you get that? I hope so. Because I think it should be the other way around if you ask me. In any case what can you expect when it's a pencil necked pencil pushing accountant that's the health minister here in QC? I don't know what Arruda is then if he's not the health minister. Since he's the one with the medical license you'd think he should be the health minister but apparently not. Instead we have a number cruncher posing as a health minister.
Ipsos poll shows 75% of Canadians support shutting down businesses in face of 2nd COVID-19 wave Well if that's where the disease is spreading from, then yeah. And here in QC considering our lockdown where we're not allowed to socialize at all and can only go to work and come home but yet the number of infections is increasing, it's definitely not from social gathering as it's been more than 14 days that we've been on "grounded after work & school" mode.

Good for them. Let's hope for their sake that it's near the end of it and they can resume normal daily life once and for all, like I hope we get the chance to do around here soon too.

Do they always have to squabble over everything? Can't they just put differences behind them and work together to get rid of this stupid virus once and for all?





Seems like he was just asking for it, as far as I can tell.




Covid-19: Up to £10,000 fine for failure to self-isolate in England Wow! But I bet you anything that when it was really crucial to self isolate - in the beginning - all they had to do was voluntary self-isolation. There was no oversight nor fines involved. They're doing everything bassackwards here and it's not just the UK, it's everywhere. Stringent measures like these should've been taken in the very beginning and it would've cut down on spread drastically and we probably wouldn't be going through this now.

Anyhow, that's about it for now. More later on maybe tomorrow.... In the meantime take care and stay well.