Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Waiting in the Car, Picking up Needed Groceries, & Awesome Roast Beef Supper - Along With Headlines on...



November13, 2020

Again today I spent time in the car waiting for my husband, only this time it was for x-rays of his back. I went with him because the idea was to accomplish several things in one trip, except that's not the way it worked out by the time he got out of the medical center (it took over 1.5 hours for his x rays which we didn't know about and hadn't planned on it taking), there was barely any time left to do the rest of the stuff, we had planned. So we stopped at a grocery store on the way  home and picked up the few things I wanted there - I think, but I'm not sure as I left the store thinking I had it all when my knee started acting up. As I left the flyer in the carriage, I have no clue if I got everything that I wanted there. 

When we got home I put the thawed out roast beef in the oven with some whole mushrooms around it in the pan and some potatoes. I cooked some broccoli to go with it. It was delicious.

While that cooked though I helped my husband package some pork cubes and pork cutlets that he made out of one of the pork roasts I bought. The other is in the fridge for tomorrow night's supper as a pork roast, or maybe Sunday night's dinner as we have things to do tomorrow and as pork has to be well cooked, I won't be here to cook it in time for supper. So Sunday, since we're not going anywhere. 

Our beloved dachshund is back to her usual self, doing all the stuff (that she's allowed to do) she did before she hurt her back earlier this month. It's awesome to see her play, hear the noises she makes when playing, to play with her, cuddle and hold her and just to see her being her usual self. 😃🐶

Now on to posting more Covid 19 related headlines, so I can come to the end of the October headlines someday soon, hopefully. It's doubtful it'll be tonight but you never know. If I get it an extra effort, maybe.... 
But first here's the scary headlines of November 13th (my 1 headline that I allow myself of the current day each day - if there's any of particular worthiness or needing attention) which I found this morning and needed to bookmark in order to alert people of how badly this plandemic is being used to thwart people's rights. 

Which I imagine is the same here in Canada only worse as we've been put under lockdown and get fined if we don't wear masks or social distance and here in QC the cops have the power to enter private homes if they think there's a gathering of any kind there. We're one short step away from totalitarianism. But most Cdn sheeple don't have the guts to stand up and fight back. They just sit back and let the gov't trample their rights in the name of this plandemic of theirs. 
 Now on to the October headlines....
Your home insurance policy may soon carry a COVID-19 exclusion Insurance against a communicable disease or conversely no insurance against it.... This is literally the first time insurance against a communicable disease even crossed my mind. I mean how many people are going to sue someone else for catching the flu, a cold, the measles, or covid19? I mean that's just ridiculous. By having a story like this, the insurance companies and journalist in question are setting up stupid lawsuits to begin by litigious people, who just live to sue people for whatever reason they can think of. I bet they never thought of this before - yeah maybe for AIDS as that was different, but other communicable diseases similar to those I named above, I doubt, but now they'll probably start pondering some such lawsuits. Now that they know such lawsuits might actually be feasible in a court of law. Watch out now, every litigious American who's ever had a cold will be clogging up the courts with lawsuits to sue whoever they think gave it to them. That should be a  fun  circus.


The area where most people have been fined for breaking coronavirus rules Here in Canada, it's probably QC that has issued the most fines for breaking the rules. 


More & more covid19 is being blamed for just about everything, that you can think of and then some. This is just another classic example of that.
Police 'don't have power to enter peoples' homes to break up Christmas gatherings', says legal expert I wish we could get some Cdn constitutional lawyer with guts to weigh in on the police powers Legault recently gave cops in QC when it comes to gatherings in private homes. 

With restrictions extended, Legault hopeful small Christmas gatherings will be permitted Like I said, whether they're permitted or not, I'm having Christmas with my family and I want to see them try to stop me.



The other numbers behind Canada's 10,000 pandemic deaths These deaths are to be laid on Tam's, Hajdu's & Trudeau's shoulders and they should be tried for mass genocide or mass manslaughter - take your pick, but either way they  need to account for those deaths and the million or more people who lost their livelihoods, and the thousands that will be left maimed and scared either physically or psychologically from this whole event due to their gross negligence at failing to close our borders to everyone and everything the moment they heard about it occurring in Wuhan. Because of their failure to act when they should've we taxpaying citizens are the ones paying the price for their negligence and stupidity. So they need to be held accountable before a court of law. 

Audience capacity at Confederation Centre expanded to 300 This is what happens when you shut your borders to one and all. You either don't get the virus at all, or if you did get it, you manage to get rid of it, so you can start reopening your society back up again, as opposed to implementing shut downs and lockdowns like everywhere else in Canada is doing now. If the imbeciles that run this country would SHUT THE MOTHER F'N BORDERS DOWN COMPLETELY & LEAVE THEM SHUT DOWN ONCE & FOR ALL.....WE MIGHT ACTUALLY GET RID OF THE VIRUS. But as long as we're letting anyone on a flight from anywhere in, all the truckers and even people in minivans from NY (like we saw out there on a local road - NOT A MAIN HIGHWAY but a local roadway) in, we will NEVER EVER GET RID OF THE VIRUS BECAUSE THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE NEW BRINGING IT IN & INFECTING US!!!!!! So PEI had the right idea. Close all borders to everyone including other Cdn provinces. We might even want to think of doing that as well, if we need to. 
Bylaw officers and police ready to enforce B.C. health order to only gather in smaller groups  Were QC'ers the guinea pigs for this gestapo method or what? Seems to me we were, because soon afterwards the UK adopted these draconian measures (but I don't think outside the Magna Carta that they have a Rights & Freedoms charter like us) and now BC appears to be doing the same. So in other words the so-called free and democratic countries are going all totalitarian on us? Would seem to be the case, considering it's creeping across the country and around the world, trying to seem like it's innocuous and won't infringe on our rights. But that law does and it should be repealed immediately or the ash holes who enact such laws, overthrown. Revolt en masse. 

Well that's good because they'd likely assign that by-law the same number already used by the dairy farm by-law and get them mixed up between them with the dairy farm number (that's still on their books) and the mask by law number and then when someone didn't wear a mask and cited the by law number which was also the dairy farm by law number, the judge would have no choice but to throw it out of court.  So maybe Regina is learning their lessons about by laws and so don't make them unless they have to because of all the useless obsolete by laws they have on their books now.




Opioid deaths skyrocket, mental health suffers due to pandemic restrictions, new federal report says And yet they don't seem to care. They're not doing anything about it, except making the restrictions tougher and lasting longer. I'm wondering if there might be a psy-ops involved in this plandemic too, to see just how close they can get to completely shattering our psyches before we fight back? I know after 9/11 in the US they had a psy-ops going on against their people, trying to keep them terrified and I guess as a result 100% compliant with the gov't, homeland security and all forms of authority. I know this because I'm the one that discovered it and indirectly caused it to stop. See every Thursday after 9/11 occurred until about March of 2002 they issue a "Terror  Report". Indicating that something was going to happen usually on that following weekend. I was doing work for a US talk show host and I found it super suspicious that these terror reports were issued only on  Thursdays and usually involved a terror warning for the following weekend in some big city and the citizens of that city were implored to stay home. The cities changed from one week to the next but the terror reports were always issued on Thursday, of every week until I discovered what was going on and alerted my boss  who then broadcast what I discovered and various assumptions as to what was going on and why.  From that time on there were no more terror alerts issued.  So I'm wondering if these increased numbers are for real and if they're not cranking them up as a means of scaring us and as an excuse to implement jack booted gestapo policies like what was first implemented here in QC and then the UK and now BC? So I'm wondering if something similar to the terror alerts are being employed here in this plandemic too? If so, to what ends?




Of course. Gouge the eyes out of everyone's heads because they want to have some fun. Why don't you gouge workers eyes out for going to work where there's more than 1 other person working? Or kids for going to school in classrooms full of kids? Seems a little hypocritical to me, that it's alright for workers to risk their lives and that of others by contracting the disease from colleagues and giving it to others at home, but it's not alright for those same workers to contract the disease while enjoying and living their lives. So it's okay to get sick and die, just as long as you're doing it for the economy, but if you're doing it for yourself, it's not. I say F the economy and either let everyone live their lives after their workday is finished, or close everything down until this virus is eradicated, but don't force people to go to work and come home and not have any fun to blow off the stresses of the workday and this virus, that's just not fair. It's either all or nothing. Because your happy mediums just aren't working, in fact those happy medium measures of making people go to work and kids to school and come home and stay home, is only making things worse. You can't blame the bars and restaurants now for the sky high rates, because they've been closed since the beginning of October, but the daily case numbers just keeps increasing day after day. So obviously it wasn't the restaurants and bars causing the increases, it's the asinine way you have things rigged now, that's causing it.


Coronavirus: Second wave could last until April in ‘worst-case scenario’, leaked document reveals I don't know how they'd know how long it'll last, or not. The only thing I can figure is they're planning on pretending it's lasting that long in order to implement whatever it is they have planned.




Police will enter homes and break up Christmas dinners if families break lockdown rules - and there will be riots, predicts police commissioner Yup draconian jackbooted gestapo at work not only in QC but in the UK too.... I don't even see how the taxpaying voters can even put up with this and don't demand a repeal of such a draconian law, or simply overthrow the tyrannical gov't. I know here in QC the Cdn sheeple are  too chicken to even consider it, never mind try or actually do it. 


Coronavirus: Remote Marshall Islands records first cases See if someone from outside the islands with the disease wasn't let onto the islands they still wouldn't have the disease. This disease was carried by people around the world and it's the idiot governments of the countries around the world that let those people in. Like I've been saying if the borders were closed to everyone from everywhere on January 21st we wouldn't be going through this now. It's as simple as that and the fact that the borders are still porous sieves letting all kinds of people in from everywhere still doesn't help us get it under control, any faster.

Banks roll out robots as pandemic shakes up IT plans Yup I suppose any excuse is good enough when it comes to automation and cutting back on employees.


With that unique and neat idea, I'm going to close for now and until next time take care & stay well.



Thursday, November 12, 2020

Trying to Digest While Posting Headlines About ....



November 12, 2020

Groan.... Sorry about that, but I am stuffed to the gills. Holy cow, I haven't eaten so much in such a long time, that now that I have, I'm reminded of why that is.... Because it hurts when I stuff myself this much. I had no idea that what we had for supper tonight would be so filling. I guess it must be the cream of aspargus soup that's the culprit here, because carrots, roast chicken, and baked potatoes aren't usually that filling. Unless it's the peanut butter cookies I made this afternoon (and we each had only 1 of them - albeit right after they came out of the oven in mid afternoon and not tonight after supper) that stuck with me through to supper time. Which is doubtful. So cream of asparagus soup it must be. I never made that before, so we never had it before now. Well this batch was made in the summer when the freezer went on the fritz and my frozen asparagus was in danger of going bad. So I made a cream of asparagus soup with all of it and then froze that and I only pulled it out last night to thaw up in the fridge overnight so we could have it tonight for supper. Which we did and now I'm super stuffed. It would've been good as a meal all on it's own, I think. 😓

Now if my body doesn't get super exhausted trying to digest all of that 😪, I'm going to try to post some more of those October headlines, so I can get them finished with, which I doubt will even be tonight, but at least it'll put me that much closer to the end of them. 🔖
And I hope that once I do get to the end of the October headlines in my bookmark file I'll be able to get some time to myself to do the things I want to do for my own family and Christmas, before all hell and high water breaks loose again. But the headlines I saw today and heard on the news tonight wasn't all that encouraging considering they're now talking about the US going into a full nationwide lockdown - so you know what that means for Canada eh? Because as these 2 countries goes, it's a case of monkey see, monkey do. So once bozo brains in Ottawa sees Biden lock the US down he'll get the bright idea to do the same here in Canada, despite the fact that Quebec has been in lockdown pretty much all year with only about 3.5 months out of lockdown since March, when all this BS began. 
We're still in lockdown pretty much unless you go to work or school then you get to go to those places, but the rest of us, who don't work or go to school are in lockdown like we were in March. So that means the seniors, the unemployed and in a large part the disabled. 
Regardless of the headlines (despite an earlier statement of mine where I said I'd resume this blog if things changed drastically - which looks like that might be the case, sooner rather than later) I intend to take some time off for myself. To make the gifts I want to make and prepare for Christmas and just for my own frame of mind and mood. 🎅
I need a breather from this never ending BS plandemic that is being used for all sorts of nefarious purposes by the governments around the world while causing the people to be fearful and depressed and in some cases impoverished too. So it might be a little while before the blog resumes once I get to the end of the October headlines. In the meantime I will probably post a post here or there on some fun things and ideas on things to make, do or see for Christmas etc... 🎄🎨🎮🎥🎧🍪
Plus I have that Bill Gates thing to do as well - but that too requires time. So I'll get to it as I can - I'll make that a priority over the resumption of the daily covid19 headlines probably. 
Speaking of which I don't know if anyone else out there is noticing it, but it seems that politicians and finance ministers in particular are talking about the upcoming "reset".  So now, it's starting to be out there and in our faces and it seems like it might be a coordinated plan like the plandemic was.💱
COVID-19 red zone restrictions extended until Nov. 23, Legault announces He's pretty much designated the entire province as one big red zone too.

Rather than band together and fight the gestapo government they capitulated like the good little Canadian sheeple they are.
Gatherings in private homes restricted, after B.C. announces record high 817 new cases over the weekend More attempts at eroding our social contacts, by using stupid excuses like this. 

I'm wondering how many fingers Bill Gates has stuck in this pie.... And if it's safe from his meddling or not.
Having purpose in life helps people deal with COVID-19 stress We all need something to do, just to keep ourselves from going crazy. Whether that's a "purpose in life" or just to do the daily chores that needs to be done, or immerse yourself in a good book or hobby, or take long walks in the fresh air, or even binge watch a Netflix or Crave series. But a "purpose in life" sounds rather valiant and something that may elude many of us especially after retirement or our families have grown and flown the coop. So just finding things of interest to keep our minds and bodies occupied so we aren't dwelling on this infernal plandemic all the time, may be all that's needed. So that being said, taking up a blog about it, like this, isn't a good idea if you want to try to avoid the stress caused by this neverending nightmare we all seem to be subject to. Maybe avoiding blogs and sites dealing primarily with COVID19, altogether would be another way to deal with it too.
Halloween 2020: Parents letting kids trick-or-treat at just five houses on average this year We didn't see any trick or treaters this year and only a couple of houses in the area were decorated for Halloween as well. So it seems like the politicians got their way and most of the parents chickened out and kept their kids at home. Even my daughter-in-law went shopping for Halloween candy but instead of the kids in her extended family going around to everyone's houses - including theirs this year, she and our son made Halloween candy deliveries to the kids at their houses. That way the kids didn't have to leave their own homes to get something. Which is a whole other way of doing it, having the people deliver the candies to your place instead of you going out to get them yourself. Maybe that'll catch on.... Who knows?
Holiday jeer: Two-thirds of Americans believe the coronavirus pandemic will ruin their holidays They've been so brainwashed by the media and scared into thinking that this plandemic is essentially the end of the world and so it's going to be the end of their holidays too and thus don't know how to plan for them or even if they should. I plan on having a Christmas no matter what and I plan on enjoying that Christmas no matter what too! I'm not letting the gov't rob me of that, like they did the rest of the year! No way. Life's too short as it is (coronavirus or not) to continue to live like this. I plan on living my life and enjoying it to the fullest extent possible and if that means flouting some of their draconian laws, then sobeit. I defy them to do anything about it, because I'm the type that doesn't back down or chicken out easily - as our city found out the hard way a couple of decades ago. I won against them and I know I'd win against any gestapo government law they want to enact because we still have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, so I defy them to come after me. I'll have so much fun with them in court it'll be a freaking blast and I'm also the type to turn around and sue them for damages as well, for as much as I can get. And hey if convicted terrorists can get $10 million from our loosey goosey government, then I should be able to get a fair amount too, for all the abrogations of my rights since March of this year. I'm not kidding. I'm perfectly serious here. I know my rights and I won't get bullied out of them by some wanna-be nazi dictator. So I intend to have Christmas as usual, except that I refuse to contribute to the economy because right now the wanna-be dictators seem to care more about that than the people that keeps it going. So I'm making the presents (using tools and materials bought prior to this plandemic - things like yarn, thread, cloth, polymer clay, wax, beads, etc.... don't go bad and keep forever - and I have plenty of it from before the plandemic began), doing my own baking, with ingredients I need to buy anyhow and giving money (because some of them need the money just to plug a few holes or for things they need but couldn't afford to buy for themselves). But I refuse to go out Christmas shopping this year on account of how the people's health is being put behind the economy in the politicians priorities. I refuse to contribute to someone being forced to get sick on account of me wanting a certain product to give as a gift. I'll make my own, thanks. That's why I need the time off from this blog. So I can get some of that done besides just spend my entire free time on this blog and plandemic that has no end in sight.

I don't know why, but I find this one hard to believe. I mean given their "independence" I find that a little hard to swallow. But then again.... Who knows - I know they melt down over the least little thing. The lights go out in a major city for a few minutes and they're looting and shooting and just going ape sheite wild.... So this plandemic must be playing real havoc with them and their nerves, making them think, want and say weird things like that.

Bonuses before bankruptcy: Companies doled out millions to executives before filing for Chapter 11 Oh what's new!?! This seems to be standard operating procedure no matter if it's normal times or plandemic times....

Careful of your furry friend, they may wind up getting it too. If you suspect that they may have it, for whatever reason - either someone in the household has it, or the pet was in contact with someone outside the household who had it, then you should get the pet seen by a vet. 
Covid: Belgian doctors with coronavirus asked to keep working THIS IS INCREDIBLY STUPID & RISKY!!!!!!! Sometimes I think the people with the lowest IQs on the scale are the ones running this world and this is a perfect case in point. How f'n stupid do you have to be to ask a doctor who's infected with the virus to keep working with other medical personnel and patients???? Isn't that a surefire way to make sure everyone in the hospital gets infected with it? And what about those patients with weakened immune systems like those fighting cancer, or people who've recently had an operation, or heart patients, or dialysis patients,  or newborn babies and other fragile patients in that hospital? Since it's a doctor who's being forced to work while infected with the virus, that doctor is going to infect other doctors and nurses (those that he has to work with) and they are going to infect others and nurses will more than likely infect all the patients on all the wards as they deal with them on a regular basis, not to mention all the orderlies and technicians etc.... Honest to gawd, whatever imbecile gave that order needs to be shot. Period end of freaking story on that idiot's existance. 
Toymakers expect strong Christmas sales despite coronavirus I'd encourage those who aren't working because of the virus, to maybe save some of that much needed money for other things and make some of their own toys for their kids this year. Granted you can't make a game machine or other electronic gizmo the teenager on your list might want, but you can probably make some nice toys for the younger crowd if you're handy with tools and various materials. Anyone's daughter who has a Barbie doll knows how expensive the clothes and accessories (like houses and cars and furniture) are for them, so you can maybe make some using some of the instructional YouTube videos for miniature dollhouse furniture and clothes etc... Stuffed toys and teddy bears are always appreciated by all age groups too. Guys can put their woodworking tools and skills to good use making moving wooden toys and wooden puzzles for the really young ones. There's lots of good books at the ebooks sites on making various toys and on YouTube. It'll save you money and give you something to do with your time rather than sit around and worry about everything. There's lots of different toys you can make. 
Coronavirus: How the world of work may change forever May isn't will. None of us knows 100% for sure what's going to happen in the future.

Staying Apart, Together: The pandemic made me forget how to talk to people I believe that's one of the planned objectives of this plandemic. To make us forget how to socialize and interact with people and to become loners relying on ourselves.

Drop in non-coronavirus hospitalizations suggests people are skipping key medical care I wonder why, especially when you have clowns like Fauci saying seeing your doctor regularly is one of the top 10 things you shouldn't be doing  in order to avoid spread of this virus. That article is in here somewhere too. Look for an article about him and him listing the top things not to do.



One-third of Canadians may never recover financially from COVID-19: report This is very sad, considering this whole fiasco could've been avoided had TAM the genocidal beitche done her job, WHEN IT WAS REQUIRED TO DO IT - BEFORE THE VIRUS GOT INTO THE COUNTRY TO START WITH! So many lives have been lost, or wrecked due to health associated reasons or economically speaking that this should be considered a crime against humanity on a grand scale. And ALL the leaders and public health officers that let this happen in their country too, should all be rounded up and tried for crimes against humanity and genocide. Show future generations that they can NOT expect to pull sheite like this and get away with it, because the survivors of it won't tolerate it the least little bit. And there'll be more of us than of them, no matter which generation we're talking about here. 

Breath test ‘could diagnose Covid-19 within one minute’ That's awesome. Just what we need. That way no one's left unsure about whether they have it or not and can continue on with life if they don't and quarantine right away before spreading it more, if they do.
Vaccine candidate shows ‘strong immune response’ among the elderly Like I said above, I wonder how many fingers Gates has stuck in this pie....

That should be everybody's goal - to defeat it. But first I think you need to be able to get it under control in order to defeat it.





Diagnostic and surgery backlogs set to worsen without government funding: CMA Well our medicare system was old and decrepit and creaking at the seams as it was before COVID came along, now it's only been made that much worse.

Canada women's security envoy sees rising authoritarian control during COVID-19 That's from a Canadian Press article, not exactly one of those conspiracy rags, too. 



What's new? Given the litter of cancellations and virtual changes, this shouldn't come as any surprise. 
Sobering COVID-19 milestones reached by hardest hit Canadian provinces   It took this guy over 3 weeks to realize that we are on different trajectories? Wow.... Just wow.... Despite the different trajectories the end results appears to be about the same. Ergo proving lockdowns don't work any better at curtailing the virus than letting it run rampant does. 

This site has a map showing where the most cases are, but also a record of the cases of around the world including the most recent numbers - showing total cases and deaths and  daily cases etc...


I don't know how they'd know because according to an article I posted last night they have no idea what the case rate is, apparently. But anyhow...


The strange ingredients found in vaccines If Bill Gates has his way you could add microscopic chips to the mix too.


It's so obvious that this is needed I don't know why the unions have to ask the gov't to do it.

This is an epub ebook that may come in handy if we go into an extended lockdown again. It's downloadable at the longfiles link.





Most of the shows I like were supposed to return this season, but I've yet to see even any mention of them, let alone an episode of them.

CDC pushes back deadline for states on vaccine delivery until after Election Day Of course because this whole thing was a hot political issue and having to stymy Trump any which way they could. That seemed to be the entire mission of all the government branches ever since he got elected. 

Florida changes COVID-19 data on the percent of tests coming back positive If one gov't body can do that then all of them can. No one would be the wiser, as no one but them have access to the real numbers anyhow. So who's to say they aren't all doing it, to suit their own agendas?


That's not the only thing you should be worried about. With the rush to get it out to people, they've skimped on a few steps in the stages to get to market. What are those steps they skimped on? Testing? Testing long enough and waiting to see if there's any long term issues with it? Testing for side effects or clashes with other medications/vaccines?  etc.... It's not just does it prevent the disease or not, there's other issues involved too. How are people with certain health issues affected by it? Like is it safe for heart patients and cancer patients? What about people with inflammatory diseases? Etc... 

You can now apply to work remotely from the Cayman Islands — if you earn more than $100,000 a year Well aren't they la-ti-dah now? I remember in the 70s and early 80s they were so desperate for money for their banks they'd take money from anywhere and anyone and there was no minimum requirements. 


What else can we except from Cdn sheeple anyhow? Unfortunately Cdns as a whole will never stand up for their rights against a government that's breaching all their rights under the charter. They'll just put up and shut up and go along with it until the very end. 
Store guard stabbed 27 times for asking women to wear masks OMG.... That's just insane. What is wrong with people these days anyhow?

That's for sure, they're called "The Ruling Elite" and "The Rest of Us". 


Ford says Ontario's COVID-19 numbers 'moving in right direction' Really? 1,400 daily cases is the right direction is it?



So in other words they don't care if people over 65 suffer detrimental life threatening reactions when trying experimental drugs. Because if they're testing them at home, there's no medical professional handy to see if they're having a dangerous allergic reaction or what and able to provide life saving help to them. Yup another way to get rid of the aged "useless eaters" eh? 
With that despicable news story, I'm out of here for the night.... Until next time take care & stay well and if you're over 65 & in the UK don't be a tester who tries those things at home alone.  It's not worth it.