Showing posts with label boosters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boosters. Show all posts

Friday, May 13, 2022

Eye Opening Education About the Gov'ts, and this Plandemic of .....



May 12, 2022

Like I said yesterday, I wasn't going to do much today because of the tiredness that's been affecting me lately and the heat. Well I didn't, do much at all. Not even get dressed or take my shower. I just sat around in my pjs all day and still have them on now, ready for bed again at the drop of a hat.....

But when I checked the stats on my blog here, like I do from time to time, I discovered  a very rare thing - a comment left on one of my recent posts - the one for Mother's Day. The only other time anyone commented on anything here was when one of my friends in Argentina did. This time though the comment was from a total unknown person, Anonymous. Whoever Anonymous is, thank you so much for that comment and the link to that site, in your comment. Much appreciated.

From past experience with blogs (I had an old blog that basically tried helping people with ideas on how to make it through the 2008 economic upheaval - tips & tricks on stretching budgets as much as possible with a few "how-tos" and recipes to help stretch things further). Occasionally there were comments on the articles (many more than I have had here in this blog) with links - some comments were only links to other sites. Because I wanted a clean blog with no links to porn or anything else I wouldn't want my kids going to when they were young, (they were all adults by then but still) I often clinked on the links to see where they went and what type of content was there. If it was something totally unrelated to what my blog was about or trying to do, or to one of those porn sites etc.... the comment was gone - if the comment was made by someone with a user name other than anonymous or anon, that user was blocked from commenting further.  So because there was a link in their comment here, even though the comment was very intriguing, I had to make sure it wasn't one of those types of alluring comments to lure people to some porn or gambling or darkweb site, so went there myself.

When I got there, I was SUPER ASTOUNDED, IMPRESSED, INTRIGUED, INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE, and just couldn't pull myself away from it. As there's only so much time in a single afternoon, I had nowhere near enough time, to peruse everything there, follow all the links or even bookmark them all. I figure as long as that webpage is still here, those links will still be there as well. Ergo the "distance learning" pic from today. 
Anyone and everyone who truly wants to learn more about all that's going on in this plandemic - all aspects of it, is advised to not only peruse this website: The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room and after you've read all there is to read there, follow ALL OF THE LINKS you can find there - there's a lot of them and they truly are eye-opening. You won't be sorry you did, though it may leave you in a total rage about what's going on and what your gov'ts are doing and saying to you about all of this. 
I was so intrigued and interested I couldn't pull myself away from that site and so literally did not get any of today's coronavirus headlines. But as I already have a gazillion of them bookmarked from way back when, I don't think it'll matter much. In fact I didn't do anything today, other than stab a couple of potatoes for my husband to bake on the BBQ and threw together a green salad for supper and that's about it. Lucky for me, my husband is the laid back easy going type, for the most part.  
Once you watch Event 201 (accessible via the right label side panel), read the 2 Married Pink Elephants in the Historical Room site, and visit many of the various links on that site you will perhaps have the entire infuriating picture of what's going on and why. Maybe enough so, that you'll actually understand and start supporting the truckers and lately the bikers efforts to stand up and take back our constitutional rights and stop letting Mr. Moronface Dressup walk all over us and abuse us and our constitutional rights, that his daddy worked so hard to patriate.
It seriously is time to stand up and take our rights back and throw those criminals in a dungeon for the rest of their miserable useless lives. Those are the true "useless eaters" folks. NOT US!
Now on with the old headlines from last year - still got a bazillion of those to get through before we even approach this year's headlines.... 
New in-person sitting of the N.S. Legislature starts today This is important to note, because pretty much from the start of the plandemic all gov'ts across Canada including the Federal gov't all became autocratic for the most part - without any opposition to oppose them and their machinations, and no question periods for the public to see and hear the debates about such machinations they had planned because everything and everyone worked remotely. Due to constraints on remote access, not everyone was able to "attend" every session and there were NO public debates at all. So it was pretty much a field day for the "reigning power" whether that was Mr. MonkeyFace Moron in Ottawa, Ford in TO, Legault in QC, Moe in SA, or whoever was at the helm of that legislature, as they basically passed laws and ran their jurisdictions without opposition or interference or any kind of public scrutiny at all. Allowing them to be as gestapo like as they wished as witnessed by Legault.  Who had the full-on moxie of an unopposed dictator. I'm surprised he didn't outfit the SQ and Gestapo Barbie with SS badges and jackboots as they had basically the same rights/sway and weapons as the SS did. Talk about usurping our rights under the constitution.....  (my husband just uttered, "we don't have any, those are a figment of your imagination" after I read this comment to him).
Threat of violent extremism rising in Canada, MPs told  This one is a brand new headlines from today, that I tripped over while clicking on one of the old ones that doesn't exist anymore, but I had to post it because it ties right in with the information you'll find at the at 2 Married Pink Elephants site that I was thoroughly intrigued with,  above. This story is a pack of BS written by an imbecile trying to masquerade as a journalist - who can't even understand simple democracy and how it works and what constitutional rights are and the fact that they're to be PROTECTED FROM WANNA BE DICTATORS & THEIR ILK.
'When hate is given space to grow, it spreads like wild fire': Police investigating harassment of Jagmeet Singh in Ontario  This was right beside it. And I'm sorry but if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen you traitor, YES TRAITOR, that's what people who support wanna-be dictators from being deposed when the bigger  opposition parties than yours and the people have a chance to depose such wanna-be dictators. Instead you made a deal with the devil to prop him up (yes the devil) until 2025 and not allow him to be overthrown in exchange for a few shekels (that's basically what it equates to, you Judas), all the while the basturdo erodes and tramples on OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS, which you obviously don't give a flying F about, otherwise you'd have deposed the cretin EONS AGO. So what else would you expect to be called if not traitor? Because YOU ARE, you're a traitor to the voters who voted you into office and pay your salary, asshole!  So wah wah wah.... Like I said if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen because we don't like what you're cooking up anyhow!

U.S. FDA staff says Moderna did not meet all criteria for COVID-19 boosters Back to last year's headlines again - sorry for that divergence - just couldn't help myself when I saw those 2 headlines above, but I digress.... Of course Moderna didn't meet all the criteria for the boosters, especially not when Fauci is involved with all the governing parties dealing with approvals of vaccines and treatments - because Fauci is heavily invested in Pfizer and so is Gates, and Moderna is a rival to that vaccine company, so of course they are going to put as many obstacles in Moderna's way to keep it out of their market for as long as possible.
IMF lowers global growth outlook as supply bottlenecks hobble pandemic recovery Well they should look to the planners and designers of this plandemic to engineer a solution to the problem that they created. So maybe they should be talking to Carl Schwabb from the WEF and Bill Gates about the problem instead of the media. I mean they engineered the whole problem so they must have the solution to it up their sleeves. Or else they're even more egotistical and moronic than I ever gave them credit for and trust me after learning what kind of conniving lying thief Gates is especially in regards to CP/M and PC DOS and MS DOS, that's going some.... - he wouldn't have even an iota of the amount of money he has today if he didn't steal CP/M's operating system from Digital Research and Gary Kildall and massage it slowly from PC DOS into MS DOS. Even Windows 3.1 was a knock off of Apple's GUI - so all he does is steal ideas from others and markets them as his own. Like his Bill Gates foundation - he wants to inoculate the world against one thing or another (well now he's found the 1 thing - the coronavirus) to make money on it, but it's not HIS VACCINES THAT HE MADE OR WORKED ON, IT'S VACCINES OTHERS CAME UP WITH THAT THE BLOODSUCKER INVESTED IN IN RETURN FOR A PRETTY PROFIT, I BET. That's how that conniving blood sucker works. 

COVID-19: How breakthrough cases could impact pandemic management NEWSFLASH! There would be NO SUCH THING AS BREAKTHROUGH CASES IF THE VACCINES ACTUALLY WORKED AS VACCINES SHOULD! So the fact that there are "breakthrough cases" means the vaccines are worthless crap. 
Breakthrough COVID-19 cases bring confusion, concern Of course it's confusing and concerning when you've been told you need an mRNA shot (which has the potential to mess with our very systems years down the road from now even) to keep from getting covid, so you get the shot despite your hesitancy and concerns about what you're setting yourselves up for by getting an unproven method of delivering any kind of medicine - whether that's for vaccination purpose or to cure a disease or modify dna purposes - as it may very well in the long run do just that modify dna into what we don't know as it hasn't been in existance long enough to find out. So you succumb to the constant government barrage of YOU MUST GET VACCINATED NOW!!!!! OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE OR PASS THE DISEASE ON TO GRANDPA & HE'LL DIE - DO YOU WANT THAT ON YOUR CONSCIOUS??? messaging - it's called brainwashing or at least wearing you down.... So you get the vaccine because of that BS, because after all you'd never forgive yourself if grandpa got covid from you and died as a result of it. Now you're told after you got the vaccine that was supposed to not only prevent grandpa from getting it from you, but you getting it yourself from anyone, that you have it and have to be hospitalized because of it. I can see the reason for confusion and concern there quite easily. You have every reason to be confused and concerned because you've been duped into taking experimental vaccines that don't do anything they were supposed to do, except maybe put you at risk for some future disease due to dna modifications done by that mRNA vaccine. 
Quebec health minister won't budge on Friday's vaccine deadline for health-care workers Yeah right, DuMbe found out that even though he didn't want to, he sort of had to or else all the hospitals would've been bereft of workers as there wouldn't have been anyone left in them to look after all the patients.
‘Very, very selfish’: N.S. restaurant association blasts proof-of-vaccination protesters  Quoting this story now:

“On a personal side, I think it’s very, very selfish. They’re all about themselves. They don’t care about their community, they don’t care about the health of other people,” he said.

“Somehow they think their rights have been trampled on,  --------- THEY HAVE BEEN TRAMPLED ON BY THE GOVTS!!!!!  

What the pro - vaccination groups do NOT SEEM TO UNDERSTAND is that the ones that should be the most concerned about unvaccinated people ARE OTHER UNVACCINATED PEOPLE, since they're the ones MOST LIKELY TO CATCH THE DISEASE & DIE FROM IT. 

IF you're vaccinated you are technically SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTED & IMMUNE TO IT, SO VACCINATED OR UNVACCINATED PEOPLE BEING AROUND YOU EITHER WAY ----- SHOULD  N_O_T BOTHER YOU!!!!! Technically speaking - but these vaccines are another story altogether...

On top of that the breakthrough cases of vaccinated people getting it are also able to spread it to other vaccinated people AND UNvaccinated people. So being vaccinated doesn't mean safe from catching and spreading the disease. IF THE VACCINES WORKED LIKE THEY SHOULD THEN WE WOULD REASONABLY ASSUME THAT ALL VACCINATED PEOPLE WOULD BE IMMUNE TO IT. BUT THEY DON'T WORK AS THEY SHOULD. So vaccinated or not, we're all vulnerable to catching COVID.
The sooner the general public can get that through their thick skulls the better off this society will be. 
Calls for U.S. to reopen land border to vaccinated Canadians grow louder The date of that headlines was October 12, 2021



Unvaccinated Texas GOP candidate who was hospitalized with COVID-19 says his illness made him 'even more dedicated' to fight vaccine mandates this is actually amazing that this story was out there and has stayed out there and available for this long considering the content of it and the media's agenda to bury all such stories or yank them the moment they think they can get away with it.

CDC study shows many experience side effects from booster shots Meanwhile we've been hearing for the most part that they're harmless....

Neo-fascists exploit ‘no-vax’ rage, posing dilemma for Italy As we saw with the truckers protest here in Canada, anti-vaxxers or those just wanting to stand up for their rights and freedoms are called all sorts of things by the ruling classes from terrorists and nazis to fascists in Italy.  How about the public call those tyrants what they are.... Tyrannical despots that have usurped their citizens rights, criminals that deserve to be tried for genocide, senocide and crimes against humanity in general. 

Florida issued a $3.5 million fine against a county that enforced COVID-19 vaccine passports It would be the exact opposite here under Gestapo booties Legault el. al.





These Quebec nurses are willing to sacrifice their careers to avoid getting COVID-19 shots IF nurses are willing to sacrifice their careers to avoid getting those shots, you have to wonder why, if they're so wonderful? Just think about that for a moment or two and let it sink in.


Baby bust: How the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped family planning Well who in their right minds would want to bring a kid into the world now? With all the things going on in it and the cost of living and wars and you freaking well name it.

Russia marks pandemic high of infections, deaths  I guess they didn't get rid of enough of their population via the plandemic so they had to start a war in Ukraine to help rid themselves of more excess population.  That's what it looks like to me.

Why So Many Products on Grocery Store Shelves Claim They Help Your Immune System Why? Well that's easy enough to answer.... To be more appealing to the covid paranoid customer.

Foreclosures are surging now that Covid mortgage bailouts are ending, but they’re still at low levels Part of the plan.... to try to find a way to get everything you own so they make you dependant on handouts and then abruptly stop them - the ones that can't handle that wind up going bankrupt and having to be foreclosed upon. But wait there's not enough people being bled dry yet.... So now we have cause massive inflation to gouge everyone's eyes out for everything they can think of, but that's not enough the banks have to get in on the act so they can get their fair share too, so they start gouging people with higher interest rates on all their loans and mortgages while still paying the minimum rates they can get away with to the savers.  It's all designed to suck as much money out of us as possible. That way they get richer while we all get poorer and easier to use and abuse (as in line up slaves if you want to have your daily portion of gruel, and get to work - no slacking off either  or that gruel will go to the animals). Right now employees are having their way and demanding salaries, and perks and pensions they could only dream of before the plandemic occurred but when that peters out the tables will reverse so hard and so fast their heads will spin. I can just see it coming now.

US wholesale prices rose record 8.6% over 12 months There's a Fox news story that just came out today claiming that there's an 11% wholesale increase in the month of April (I do believe). I haven't seen/read the story but I think that's what it's claiming. So add those percentages together and that's almost 20% in a matter of months.




White House heeded pressure to reopen Canada border -U.S. lawmaker They shouldn't have had to yield to pressure, they should've just done the right thing and reciprocated border opening to Cdns when Canada opened the border to Americans. That's what friendly countries do between each other. Oh yeah I forgot, since Baby Bush was in office we've been deemed to be 1) terrorists, 2) weak 3) free loaders 
4) someone to boss around (like Biden did with Mr. Moronface in regards to the trucker protests) - anything but friends or relations (a lot of us have family on both sides of the border). 


Covid-19 Precautions Prompt Backlash on College Campuses Authorities have taken this plandemic as a free for all party of authoritarianism, draconian measures, fines bordering on excessive and cruel, surveillance, and just general dictatorships. In other words for the most part they've used the plandemic to excessively abuse their powers to the extreme.

43,000 people in England could have received wrong COVID-19 test results 4, or 43 or even 430 people receiving the wrong results I could possibly understand but 43,000???? Were the people doing the results sleeping on the job? I mean how is it possible that sooooooooooo many wrong results got by them? You'd think after the first few hundred they'd have figured out what was going wrong and corrected it, so that the rest weren't wrong. But I guess not.

Quebec nurses refuse mandatory overtime this weekend as pandemic adds to pressure Finally, for once they stood up for themselves. Hope they continue to do that.

COVID-19: UK records 148 more coronavirus-related deaths and 43,423 positive cases in 24 hours  Hmmmmm I'm wondering if those 43,423 positive cases are the very 43,000 cases that were given the wrong results? Wouldn't surprise me any, if that were the case.





Coronavirus: Israel is reaching herd immunity – Health official Yup or so they think.... Stay tuned and see what happens next....


In Peru's Amazon, 'forgotten' tribes discover COVID-19 as vaccines arrive Maybe if the goody good do-gooders didn't feel so compelled to absolutely take that vaccine to them, they would've never contracted covid in the first place as they would've never been exposed to it. Um f'n duh. I swear there's no shortage of idiotic assholes out there in this world. Those goody good 2 shoes are perfect examples of that I think.


COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic The World O Meter that shows as of today's date May 13, 2022 there's been, 519,865,036 Cases worldwide, with 6,284,713 deaths (so a little more than 1% of those who contracted the disease died from it) with 474,595,557 recovered. So they trampled our rights and freedoms, locked us down, made us take unproven and experimental mRNA vaccines, made many of us go out of business, or bankrupt, lose our jobs and our homes for a disease that kills just a bit more than 1% of the patients who gets it. I bet the flu and pneumonia have higher percent casualties than covid does, but yet they didn't try to do any of those things to us because the flu and pneumonia were making their rounds every year.  Those tyrants need to be strung up and hung out to dry for a good long time. 

Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are ‘criminals’  I do believe I addressed this particular article in here before when it first came out, because I was so angry that he had the nerve to call people who questionned his BS useless does nothing vaccine criminals when HE & HIS FIRM ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS WHO HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SELL THAT SHIT CLAIMING IT'S A VACCINE WHEN IT CAN'T PROVIDE MORE THAN 5 MINUTES WORTH OF PROTECTION AGAINST THE VIRUS AND HE'S MAKING MONEY ON PEOPLE'S GULLIBILITY AND MISPLACED TRUST - AND THEY STILL GET SICK WITH IT, SPREAD IT TO OTHERS & DIE EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE FULLY VACCINATED WITH THAT SNAKE ELIXIR OIL THAT HE'S TRYING TO PASS OFF AS A VACCINE! The criminals are the ones making and selling and making money off that stuff, while the gullible and desperate for a cure are taking it hoping it'll save them & their loved ones from the virus and potential harm or death, when it does NOTHING. They STILL GET IT, GET SICK & DIE DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY WERE FULLY INOCULATED ACCORDING TO THE CRIMINALS WHO RUN PFIZER! 

Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks READ THIS HEADLINES WHERE IT SAYS THOUSANDS, NOT dozens, not hundreds, not a thousand, but thousandS with an S. who were fully vaccinated, died in the prior 4 weeks alone. How many died before or since that article came out? Now we can pretty well presume the 2 vaccines in use there were Astra Zeneca (but only for a time until they started having all kinds of problems rear their ugly heads) and Pfizer. So we can probably pretty much assume that the majority of these people had Pfizer vaccines and not Astra Zeneca. But it would be interesting to see the actual breakdown of how many had which vaccine. So if Pfizer has the lion's share of deaths in that data, who's the criminal now???? 

Thousands of low-income families, seniors see decline in federal aid benefits, documents show  Of course, because low income families and seniors are a burden to the gov't and deemed to be "useless eaters" so got to make sure they wind up starving themselves to death or wind up out on the streets, so the gov't can claim all their broken down rickety furnishings, old TVs and microwaves to give to all their new imported preferred people - like anyone that's NOT a true Canadian - or to try to sell for a couple dollars a piece at some depraved auction, rather than let the low income family survive and live where they were with their things (such as they are). 

COVID-19 Likely Started With A Vendor At Wuhan Animal Market, Says New Analysis Not quite, but you'll find out eventually.... Actually in my last post I posted a link to a long article that proved the NIH funded the Wuhan Virology Lab to study the Bat Coronavirus. So you can think what you want but I think the smoking gun still points at that lab. Eventually there'll be more evidence posted in the blog, when I get to that point in my bookmarks. So stick around.

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now  Right now being November 18, 2021.


Europe’s COVID crisis pits vaccinated against unvaccinated Which is just total insanity, considering the vaccinated should be protected from the virus no matter what (IF THE VACCINES WERE REAL AND NOT JUST SNAKE OIL ELIXIR), while the unvaccinated, well are unvaccinated, so may or may not acquire the virus and may or may not die on account of it. The only reason this headlines makes sense is because the vaccines DO NOT WORK LIKE THEY SHOULD AND PROVIDE VERY LITTLE IF ANY PROTECTION FROM THE VIRUS.

The new COVID war: Redefining vaccinated yeah, now they're trying to say that vaccines don't always inoculate you 100% against the disease they're supposed to protect you against. That sometimes they only last for a few months or only have an efficacy rate of 50% or some stupid hogwash like that. Look if all prior vaccines we've developed to protect us against deadly diseases worked as bad as these vaccines work, I wonder how many people would be alive today. I think we'd still be around the 4.5 billion that we were at in the 60s and 70s, because most of the childhood diseases, polio, and smallpox would've killed half the kids off before their 5th birthday. Not to mention the other diseases making the rounds like flu and viral pneumonia, hepatitis, heart disease, cancer and you name it. But the earth has roughly 8 billion inhabitants now and it's largely due to vaccines that work like they're supposed to and SAVE LIVES and basically ERADICATES THE DISEASE ITSELF. UNLIKE these idiotic snake oil elixirs they're foisting off on us and trying to tell us they're vaccines. BS. They're nowhere near close to being such a thing.
U.S. Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Surpass 2020’s  Yup, as I pointed out in an earlier post, that despite the fact that in 2020 the vaccines were only available  in the last couple of weeks of that year and only to a select few. So for the most part 2020 there were no vaccines available to anyone and there were FEWER DEATHS FROM COVID THEN THAN THERE WERE IN AN ENTIRE YEAR WHERE VACCINES WERE AVAILABLE TO ALMOST EVERYONE WHO WANTED ONE. So what does that tell you? It tells me that either hardly anyone got vaccinated, or that they did, but the vaccines didn't work, or didn't work as well as they should've, but the people didn't know that and because they thought they were protected, let their guard down and got infected anyhow. That's what it tells me.

Woman caught Covid and 'died' eight times regrets 'listening to anti-vaxxer rubbish'  This sounds more like a fiction than actual fact, but then again you never know. There's been so many fairytales and outlandish stories to do with this plandemic, who knows anymore?

New documents back theory that Covid outbreak started in Wuhan lab More information pointing to that lab.... 



RFK Jr.: Fauci And Bill Gates Should Be Criminally Prosecuted For Gross Negligence And Profiting Off COVID Robert F Kennedy one of the political elites of the US is saying this, not just me. So imagine.... 


Scarred by COVID-19 lockdown, some Indian migrants stick closer to home This is a current headline of today, which was where an old bookmarked headline about another aspect of Covid was supposed to be instead.

Covid vaccine that creates T-cells ‘gives better immune response than current jabs’ Yup after everyone's already had 2 jabs of mRNA pumped into their system, they come out with this one.


COVID-19 Made Democracies More Authoritarian and Authoritarian Regimes Even Worse Aha! I knew it! So it wasn't my "overactive imagination" after all! 


New Coronavirus Variant a ‘Serious Concern’ in South Africa Your first official introduction to what will later be called "Omicron".... 

And that's where I'm leaving it for now, as I gave it my best shot to cover as much as I could tonight but now I've had it and have to go snore on my pillow. Until next time take care and stay well....

In the meantime remember BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:





Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Hot Sauces, Lemon Breads, Apple Cake, & Other Foods, Cops, Off the Market & More Plus Headline Inundations About....

 Covid 19


November 1, 2021

Since my last update in here, I've worked with a lot of food, I can tell you that, hence the chosen picture this time around. I made a few jars of hot wing sauce that I canned. I made some Louisiana hot sauce, some Mozambique hot sauce and some Szechuan hot sauce. Enough for us, and 2 friends. I made a couple of lemon breads, more of those southwest muffins, apple cake and apple donuts and I'm still not finished working with food. I still have more apples, lemons, rhubarb and leeks to work with still. I think for now though, I'll just chop the leeks and rhubarb up and freeze them for later use, because this is getting ridiculous and time consuming. 

Plus we had to call the cops on our neighbours because of their security camera they had set up directly across from our upstairs bedroom window. The policeman that showed up was actually very nice and very friendly. One of the nicest cops I've ever met aside from my brother-in-law who was a mountie aka  RCMP officer.  The cop that came here was a provincial cop though.

Our real estate agent paid us a visit to put the sale of our property on hiatus until after the holidays. But we sold the house before he could get the sign off the lawn. At the last minute someone made an acceptable offer on it, which we accepted today.

And nurse Ratshit gave me the ammunition I need to fight her and her idiot family, if we're here long enough to do that.

Oh and I learnt that the NHL player son of her's - the one that took too many pucks and sticks to the head and was out on concussion leave, was out in the middle of the street yelling and screaming at my husband about us doing stuff to them. hehehehe..... He's a delusional moron, that's for sure because the only thing we did to them was throw their shit they put on our property back onto theirs. I walked away with one of their pipes they put on our property in the beginning - just to prove a point - that possession is 9/10s of the law and that anything they put on our property we can keep - it's like they gave it to us. My husband though didn't want trouble so took it back to them and told them to keep their stuff on their property otherwise we could legally keep it and do whatever we want with it, as possession is 9/10s of the law, but that's the only thing we did to them. 

The rest of the stuff that's been done, like them cutting 9 branches off our maple tree, installing security cams across from bedroom windows, trying to steal some of our property, burying my mint patch, was all done by them. We did diddly squat to those ash holes except what I said above. Oh and that doesn't include them letting their contractors treat our yard and patio table and chairs as it if it all belonged to them. 

Gawd I hope the delusional moron starts making threats out in the middle of the street like that, where all the neighbours can hear.... Then we'll sue him for his entire 5.3 million contract, so he'll be playing hockey and taking more hits to the head just so he can pay us. What an ash hole. Well his whole family are ash holes, so I guess he can't help it. 

They should be moving in this weekend I guess and taking up permanent residence there. Oh goody... Just what we've been looking forward to, full time aggravation instead of just a bit of it at a time. But it'll be my turn to aggravate them a bit with some registered letters and lawsuits.... See how they like them apples....

They will not win with me, because we are in the right and they aren't and we will stand up for ourselves no matter how much money they have, the law is the law. Period. We'll show them where the bear crossed the river and then some when we finish with them. Because of all the aggravation they've caused us, on each court case (and there's going to be at least 2 of them, one in small claims court and one in the regular court system) for the judge to award the maximum amount due to all the aggravation they've caused us. Maybe by the time we finish with them, they won't be able to afford those houses and they'll have to sell them in order to pay us. That would be really sweet justice, if you ask me. 

Since they've moved in we've seen sights we can't unsee, though we wish we could.... Nurse Ratshit in a bikini (yeah the high temperatures outside haven't been higher than 11C lately) and Mr. Pink Pussy in swimming trunks outside in their what seems to be, leaks like a sieve hot tub.   

Our real estate agent came to get the sign off our property today, which will only be reinstated next year sometime. He did say that someone made another offer on the place and he told them they'd better make good on the offer as the place comes off the market tonight. So he's going to tell them what our response to their offer was and they have 24 hours to accept or reject. So we'll see, what happens. And as divulged above we accepted so the house is basically as good as sold.

Since they agreed we'll be moving and and may not have the time and opportunity to sue the clowns next door for all their infringements on our property, property rights and our own personal rights (such as the right not to be snooped on via security cameras). We'll leave that for the buyers to do if they wish.

Other than that as the title suggests I have an inundation of Covid related headlines in my bookmark file, that I wish to unburden as much as I can. And I have to say that because things seem to us (in our day to day lives and milieu at least) to be back to normal, that I doubt I'll be carrying on with this blog much if at all after this entry. As it's getting to be a chore that I don't relish. 

In fact, I had most of the above written a few days ago, but I just didn't feel like getting around to posting the headlines and basically just wanted to go through my bookmark file and delete them rather than post them here. 

So I'm doing the reverse tonight of what I normally do, and that is starting with the most recent  headlines first and working my way back through them until I get tired, which is where I'll end and then just delete the rest of them (as they'll be so old they'll be irrelevant if or when I decide to post in here again). So that way I'll clean the bookmark file up once and for all. And if things plandemic and COVID 19 wise starts to play a role or havoc in our lives or milieu, then I will resume posting in here, but as long as that doesn't happen, I doubt I will as I don't see the need for it, at all. 

So now getting on with the purge....

Canada won't say if free COVID-19 tests are admissible at the border Of course not, because Canada wants Canadians to have their eyes gouged out of their heads if they cross the border and want to come back home.

Chief medical officers still hedging on whether COVID-19 booster shots needed for all Canadians  

Provincial COVID Update Impacted by Health Care System Cyber Attack, IT Issues 

'Systemic ageism' to blame for CHSLD deaths during pandemic's first wave, says expert Didn't I say at the start of this, that seniors were basically deemed to be expendable and called them by the name that Henry Kissinger always referred to them as? That being "useless eaters". Well here's the proof needed to show that they didn't care for seniors and in fact, diverted care and resources away from them! Seniors are among the most feeble and vulnerable members of society, who have more than paid their dues, both in building this society and country into what it is today and in taxes, but they're the ones getting the least benefits from all their hard work and taxes (and since they paid taxes the longest it means that they have more money in the taxpayers trough than any other group does). So all the way around seniors have been given the short end of the stick and treated injustly - even if they didn't die from this virus. 

27 fired at CKHA for refusing COVID-19 vaccine Oh they won't be the only ones, as you'll see by some of the other headlines posted here. 

Ottawa Hospital places 186 employees on unpaid leave for violating vaccination policy

2 operating rooms temporarily closed at KGH due to staffing shortages after vaccine mandate 

WestJet suspends nearly 300 employees not fully vaccinated for COVID-19

What we learned from the CHSLD Herron investigation  

COVID-19 rules lifting for Quebec bars, casinos and restaurants starting Monday 

Who Had COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases?

Nearly 34,000 people were locked down at Shanghai Disney Resort, mass tested for COVID-19 I guess that's what is meant by "being Shanghai'd".

Arizona man contracted Covid and spread it to his dog and cat in first-ever case reported of human to pet transmission of the virus in the US Seriously? First ever eh? Well then why were they warning people about letting strangers touch or come near their pets because if the stranger or other person had the virus they could give it to their pets, who in turn could pass it on to their owners?  You can't have it both ways where humans have given animals the virus before in other cases and then this guy is suddenly the first human to give it to his animals. Maybe that's what it is, he's the first pet owner to give it to his pet. But I seem to recall a girl in Korea or Japan or some place like that, that had the virus and gave it to her dog (one of those small cutesy dogs - that she dressed up like a little doll) and that was last year sometime. Then vets were warning people about letting others pet their pets, because those others might have the virus and give it to your pet- who might in turn give it to you. But you will note that it's the OTHERS WHO PETTED YOUR PET - who are typically other humans who do things like that. Though who knows? Maybe some people let bears, raccoons and coyotes pet their pets? You just never know, where those wascally wabbits got the virus from in order to give it to your pet after petting it. I mean if it wasn't humans petting your pets, then um, I just don't know... Must've been the native wildlife that couldn't resist the urge to pet your pooch while you were walking her. And that's where she picked it up from, in order to give it to you. So um, yeah, more fake news - trying to cause more paranoia and hysteria.

COVID-19 in Sask.: Province reaches 851 deaths, highest reported month for fatalities 

Mexico celebrates Day of the Dead after pandemic closures And there's been a lot of death associated with this plandemic - approximately 5 million deaths so far and counting.

When Wearing a Mask Covers Up a Social-Anxiety Problem 

Nearly 5 million people have died of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic  As stated above.

NYC Vaccine Rule May Leave City Services Unmet

Sheriff warns vaccine mandate causing 'mass exodus' among personnel 

Federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for travel begins

Hundreds of thousands of snowbirds expected to flock south after spending last winter hibernating 

Health officials preparing for flu resurgence as COVID-19 restrictions relaxed 

Bryan Adams Tests Positive for COVID-19, Pulls Out of Tina Turner Tribute at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 

More NYC workers get jabs amid mandate; 1 in 6 still refuse That's still a pretty significant amount of people.

COVID-19 in Sask.: ICU patient receiving out-of-province care returns, 23 remain in Ontario

COVID-19 bylaw not an option without province, says Saskatoon mayor 

Canada to donate 10 million doses of Moderna vaccine to COVAX  What a bunch of nitwits... Donating the best of the vaccines while keeping the garbage for Canadians. Well why not? That's pretty much par for the course of how Mr. Generous George wants the world to see him. His image is more important to him than anything or anyone else. So long as he looks good in the eyes of the world for his generousity etc, Cdns can go F themselves, basically. 

Seven Sharks players, coach Bob Boughner enter NHL's COVID-19 protocol The NHL player next door to us, has entered the one too many hits to the head protocol. 

Axios AM Deep Dive: Our mental health crisis

Need for liver transplants due to heavy drinking soared during the pandemic, study finds   Wondering if this is related to the mental health crisis too? Or just the fact that they didn't have to worry about how they were going to get home if they drank too much, because they were already home?

The New Rulebook for First Dates: Sweatpants, No Makeup So in other words people stopped putting on airs trying to impress others and instead decided to just be themselves so the other person could base their opinions and choices on honesty instead of contrivances? Very refreshing and for a change very honest. A breath of fresh air, really. 

How Does Eric Church Keep Touring in the Pandemic? With a One-of-a-Kind Concert Bubble 

Ontario won't issue retroactive long-term care fines over pandemic violations Of course not. Just let them get away with blue murder like they've been doing. I guess the reason for this is because they don't want to be setting precedents, that could be used to go after the lawmakers themselves too, for the very same reasons. I wouldn't doubt it. Which is probably the reason why the owners of the CHSLD Herron in Dorval QC was allowed to get away with gross negligence causing deaths. 

COVID-19 vaccine medical exemptions: who qualifies and how to get one 

Ottawa residents charged with forging proof of COVID-19 vaccination Yet, something else in to charge you with in order to fleece you alive and then some.

Heads of world’s 20 biggest economies kick off two days of talks on climate change, Covid-19 ahead of COP26 summit 

An Indonesian woman tried to report an attempted rape. She was turned away for being unvaccinated Hmmmm wondering if male mugging victims get turned away when they try to report it, if they're not vaccinated too? Or if it's just women that are discriminated against like that?

South Korea eases curbs as it tries to ‘live with Covid-19’ Yes, continue to try to live with it, while it continues mutating into a million different strains and variants. That way we'll be sure to be wiped out as a species and maybe the rest of the animal kingdom as well - considering they can get it too. The only way we can ensure our survival and the survival of all other animal species is if we get this sheite wiped out. Like you know the way we wiped out smallpox. ERADICATE IT FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. 

Why 1/3 of new COVID cases are in people who are fully vaccinated

After 18 Months, Australia Is About to Allow Citizens To Leave   Maybe they'll never want to go back there again, citizen or not.

China doubles down on COVID-zero strategy That's what has to be done. Is to have zero toleration for it or allowance for it in our society.

Russia says at least 44,265 people died from COVID-19 in Sept Are they trying to take over where the US, Brazil and India left off? If so, they're off to a good start. 

Deaf and hard-of-hearing organizations call for 'adequate' transparent masks Yeaaah.... Like they've been doing ever since masks were mandated.

COVID-19 vaccination proof required to rent from real estate company in Calgary or Edmonton I wonder if that's even legal for a landlord to require proof of anything to  do with medical treatments.

What's the difference between a booster shot and third dose?

NACI names several more groups who should qualify for COVID-19 booster shots 

Tonga reports its first COVID-19 case from plane traveller This is a typical example of why countries should've closed their borders to incoming travellers and kept them closed until the disease was eradicated. Proof positive that that virus only managed to get all the way around the world because all the various countries let it in, by not closing their borders in early January 2020 when the reports of what was going on in Wuhan first started coming out.

How regulatory agencies, not the courts, are imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates

Yukon issues 6 COVID-19 public exposure notices including 1 for daycare, 3 flights 

Unvaccinated students can’t attend school for 14 days after returning to Canada from international trip

Canadian Armed Forces releases details about Saskatchewan COVID-19 support 

How should Canadians prepare for a 1-day trip to the U.S. once the border reopens? Good question, considering the stupid PCR test that's required to get back into our country. No one else has to take that stupid test, only Cdns - even double vaxed Canadians. Like I said, our gov't is and always has been BIASED AGAINST IT'S OWN TAXPAYING CITIZENS AKA CANADIANS. One of the reasons I despise the federal government so much - no matter who's at the head of it, whether it's the half baked bozo we have now, Harper, Chretien, Martin, Mulbaloney or who - they're all the same when it comes to how they treat Cdns in comparison to how they treat everyone else. For instance Mulbaloney couldn't see the apartheid English Quebecers face right here under his f'n nose, but he had no problems seeing the South African apartheid going on a half a world away. He also had no problems stepping up and getting involved in that, while he tried to avoid the English's plight here in QC, like the freaking plague. And they've all been like that and continue to be like that. You want to talk about discrimination. Being female you're already up against odds the country over, but try being a white English speaking protestant female in Quebec. No maybe it's nowhere near as bad as being an indigenous woman here in Canada, but it's not that far from it. Joyce Echaquan wasn't the only non Francophone woman to be ridiculed and mistreated in a Quebec hospital. I have some horror stories of my own that I could tell, both as a direct recipient of such maltreatment and as a witness of such, that was directed at other anglophone or other ethnicities. Does "maudit tabernacle de sal anglais va t'en chez vous" ring any bells for any anglophones here in QC? Because I pretty much have that memorized by heart. But as long as the world thought Mulbaloney was a great guy for fighting the SA apartheid, that's all that mattered to him. What was going on right here in Canada with our own indigenous and English here in QC didn't matter, at least not to him anyhow. All the other leaders were just like that too, in that their international image and what they could do for everyone else out there in the world was more important than what they could for their own voting taxpaying citizens. Even the moron at the helm now, who keeps trying to come up with ways to gouge the eyes out of our heads in order to prevent us from leaving the country or coming back home. 

Next time, manage risk instead of closing border, task force urges Canada, U.S. I suppose the task force is comprised of idiots and imbeciles, because it pretty much has to be, to come up with this suggestion. Just look at Tonga for an example of that. They kept their borders closed and then whoops they reopened it to an incoming flight from New Zealand - one of the safest countries in the world when it comes to this plandemic (as they had it managed the best with the least amount of cases) and what happened? They inadvertantly let in the first case of this virus now 18 months on. If they kept their borders closed it would not have happened at all. So this task force as far as I'm concerned is composed of nothing but morons and imbeciles. All of whom are to be totally ignored.

‘Dishonest competition’: Putin lashes out at G20 over vaccines

Indians await WHO nod for homegrown Covaxin shot to travel abroad 

Canada lifts Covid-19 global travel advisory

Fully-vaccinated man dies after COVID-19 sweeps through Newmarket hockey league Shhhhh we don't want this getting out that a fully vaccinated man died. That's supposed to be a guarded secret.

Not to mention this newly released 11/11/21 information where over 2,500 over 50 double jabbed people died in the last month alone in the UK alone (wondering how many that might be world-wide)... Anyhow here's the headlines about that: Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks

Why provinces and territories 'jump the gun' on Canada's COVID-19 vaccine guidance

Ukraine sees new record high in virus deaths, infections 

An American woman had COVID-19 for a year. This is what doctors learned

New benefit for workers only intended for those in 'complete' lockdowns: Qualtrough  

Kids who learned remotely felt they 'mattered less' than peers studying in-person, study suggests Well yeah, it's called INCLUSIVITY. For those who can't figure it out.

Vaccination protects against COVID-19 more strongly than previous infection does, CDC study finds That would be a mind blowing first! Since most other diseases it's the natural immunity that protects longer and better than vaccinations do. So I'd have to see that data to believe it, especially given how lousy the vaccines are at protecting anyone from it.

LTC studies suggest antibodies from vaccines wane much faster in seniors: Task Force report And they want us to believe that these vaccines are better than natural immunity eh? What kind of kool aid do they think we've been drinking that we'd believe that hogwash that barely effective vaccines which weaken over time is better than natural immunity anyhow? I mean do any of those morons even realize what the other half of their faces are saying? 

U.S. officials confirm negative COVID-19 test won't be required to cross land border

FDA approves kids' COVID-19 vaccine in U.S.; Canada likely close behind Of course, Canada always plays Monkey See Monkey Do with the US.

Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Saturday

Vaccine mandate for travel begins Saturday. Minister says fly-in communities exempt 

The painful, impersonal reality of Saskatchewan's COVID-19 transfers to Ontario

Students in Ontario will not require COVID-19 vaccination to attend schools 

Debate grows over mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for children

Bakeries, diners and bars serve up defiance to Alberta's vaccine passport program They're not doing that here in QC, because for the most part the fines are too exorbitant and the business owners are too poor after being closed down forever, to be that defiant.

Federal vaccine card allowing travel within Canada and internationally now available in B.C.

Russia imposes nationwide paid holiday to curb Covid 

Russia Suffers Deadliest September Since World War II With Covid Untamed 

Vax mandate could force FDNY companies to close, as NYPD faces street cop shortage  

NYPD preparing for potential crush of retirements ahead of vaccine mandate 

Xi Hasn’t Left China in 21 Months. Covid May Be Only Part of the Reason.  Maybe he's afraid of receiving the same treatment he's been doling out to others and is afraid of being detained on fake espionage charges and thrown in a dungeon to rot for a couple of years. 

U.S. spy agencies may never be able to identify origins of COVID-19 They probably already have, but won't divulge it, because of some political interests or other that they may have. Or maybe China is blackmailing them with information they have on them too.

‘Couldn’t Believe How Unsafe It Was’: Kiss’ Roadies Blame Lax Covid Protocols for Guitar Tech’s Death 

Vaccine Mandate Deadline For New York City Workers Arrives; Officials Preparing For Possible First Responder Shortage 

NYC braces for fewer cops, more trash as vax deadline looms

Cheap antidepressant shows promise treating early COVID-19 

Travellers face high cost of COVID-19 testing, uncertainty ahead of U.S. land border reopening

Romantic encounters between Cuban zoo animals surge during quarantine quiet Well at least they didn't have to be socially distant from each other. 

20% Less Ambulances? FDNY Union Warns of ‘Catastrophe' as NYC Vaccine Deadline Hits 

Unvaccinated Americans to face tighter COVID testing requirements in new US travel system 

Smaller needle, lower dose, fewer side effects, same benefit: What to know about the newly authorized COVID-19 vaccine for kids

UK study finds vaccinated people easily transmit Delta variant in households 

Global Food Prices Set To Soar As The Oil And Gas Crunch Continues And of course the plandemic is to blame for this.

Global Chip Shortage ‘Is Far From Over’ as Wait Times Get Longer Something else they're blaming the plandemic for. Though I don't think this chip shortage was ever adequately explained.

Vatican to Exorcists: Please Don’t Try to Cast COVID Out of People hehehehhe.... Seriously????? I mean com'on now..... Seriously??? Were priests really that dumb???? hehehehe.... OMG.... Wow.

U.S. posts weakest growth of pandemic recovery

Britain plans to remove travel 'red list' and hotel quarantine - The Telegraph 

Bank of Canada Accelerates Potential Timing of Rate Hikes Yup even though we have sky high inflation, the plandemic is still raging around us, the gov't assistance cut off from those who may still need it and lots of people still unemployed, just hit them while they're down and barely able to get back on their feet again, with higher interest rates. For us savers who have nothing to spend our money on anyhow, that's great, but for the younger generations who've just bought their first car, furniture and home, just before the plandemic hit and have been struggling ever since, clobber them while you can. That way you can make sure you can foreclose on all their assets and bleed them dry. I mean that's what this is intended to do, isn't it?

Bank of Canada ends quantitative easing, signals rate hikes could come sooner Ditto what I just said.

Brazil Senate committee backs criminal charges against Bolsonaro ALL THE HEADS OF GOVERNMENT AROUND THE WORLD WHO WERE IN POWER WHEN THIS PLANDEMIC HIT NEEDS TO FACE THE SAME CHARGES. All of them needs to be charged with crimes against humanity, considering they all basically just let this virus waltz across their borders unaccosted and then let it ravage their populations and here in Canada most especially the senior citizens. Every single head of state and their health ministers all need to stand trial for genocide and senocide and gross negligence on a grand scale.

3 people given accidental COVID-19 vaccines at JBLM

Kamal Khera, MP for Brampton West, appointed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 2021 cabinet This is the Federal gov'ts minister for seniors here in Canada. So now you know who to go to when you as a senior needs something. 

Jean-Yves Duclos Another pencil necked idiot who wouldn't have two clues on how to apply a bandaid, is now Canada's newest Health Minister. Replacing Haggydodo the art teacher. Neither one has even a remote idea about medicine or health. So I don't see how they can qualify to hold that position. 

CDC approves COVID-19 vaccine mixing for booster shots

Which COVID-19 vaccine booster shot should I get? Here's how to choose 

Even COVID Lockdowns Couldn’t Stop Greenhouse Gases From Hitting New Record What a bunch of horse manure.... There's tons of articles referenced in this blog from last year declaring how wonderful the plandemic was for the environment. That the skies were clearer and cleaner (ergo you'd think there's be less Greenhouse Gases in it then no?), the wildlife more prolific and visible - as they were less afraid to wander the streets and so on. There's a lot of stories like that referenced in this blog. So that's BS by the shovel load if you ask me .

Covid: Biden sets new rules as air travel to the US reopens

Cuba to welcome tourists as home-grown vaccine drive takes hold Wondering if our neighbours will be going there again this year? I know she was pining to go, but was having 2nd thoughts about it, because of the cost of the PCR tests.

4 Alberta doctors launch lawsuit over mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy

College enrollment notched the largest two-year decline in 50 years, due to Covid Wondering if it's the same  here in Canada?

1M in mortgage forbearance, highest number since financial crisis Wondering if that means we'll be able to pick up the other half of Michigan State for a song and dance too? I know that in the 2008 crisis people in Detroit couldn't give their houses away due to a lot of reasons and not always because of the state of the actual house itself, but maybe because of the fact that there was no city services or fire services or whatever. Some of the homes that were abandonned were beautiful looking, but not worth buying because of some of those reasons I listed, along with a plethora of other possible reasons as well.

Boomerang Boomers the Over 50s Moving Back in With Their Parents As the last of my parents died before I got to my mid 30s something like this never even occurred to me. I found it quite fascinating to read. I haven't had parental support or help since I was about 32 years old and even then it was barely what you'd call help or support - more like a birthday card with a bit of money (I'm talking a very little bit) and a Christmas card with the same. Though they were quite generous with our kids. So that was a help, but nothing like the help most kids expect or get from their parents today - or even these boomer kids are getting from their elderly parents (well the ones getting the help and not giving it). So I found this article to be so alien as to be fascinating to me. 

Discharged Covid patients will be quarantined: govt 

'GET OFF MY FENCE' Gran who sprayed neighbours in disinfectant after they ‘coughed’ in garden is convicted of ASSAULT 

Arizona's pandemic outlook worries experts as mask and vaccine mandate battles rage

‘We will not comply!’: NYC workers protest vax mandate with march across Brooklyn Bridge  

U.S. to require contact tracing, Covid tests when international visitor curbs lift next month

U.S. Covid-19 Battle Turns a Corner as Borders Open to Foreign Travelers  

New York City Inches Toward Covid-19 Becoming Endemic This is nothing but stupidity to the nth degree.

Has Israel become the over-inoculation nation on COVID-19? - analysis

CFOs Plump Salaries, Perks to Land Elusive New Employees  

China to start vaccinating children to age 3 as cases spread

People vaccinated against COVID-19 less likely to die of other causes - study  So according to this we vaccinated people are less likely to die from lightening strikes, heart attacks, car accidents and croc attacks. I mean the only criteria for "other causes" was anything but COVID19. So that being said, it sounds an awful lot like those who are vaccinated against COVID 19 are less likely to die of other causes, hence more than likely to die of COVID 19. I mean what other conclusion can you logically come to other than that? 😜

Austrian chancellor considering implementing lockdown for unvaccinated Draconianism at it's finest.

NC fraudster went on crime spree while at home on COVID release from prison, feds say 

Miami school says vaccinated students must stay home for 30 days to protect others, citing discredited info OMG Talk about Dumb & Dumber.... Wow.... 

The House of Commons vaccine rule puts O'Toole in an awkward spot Especially since he's a spineless coward, who is too chicken to be a leader and stand up to his caucus and tell them what they have to do. No wonder he was in the military. He made a perfect grunt, only good at taking orders, but lousey at giving any. And he wants to be the leader of Canada? He couldn't lead his way out of wet paper bag even if there were tons of arrows and flashing neon signs pointing the way out.

Even Doctors Struggle To Tell A Cold And COVID Apart, But There Are Some Signs To Watch

An OSHA Cover-Up Feeds Vaccine-Conspiracy Theories 

CDC director: U.S. may change definition of "fully vaccinated" as boosters roll out Canada will probably do the same and you can bet your bottom dollar that if they do that, that the "passports" that you have now will no longer be valid. 

Cambridge woman outraged after late sister's photos used in Ontario MPP's anti-vaccination posts

Canada's COVID-19 travel vaccine passport: Canadian government reveals standardized, national proof of vaccination 

China-linked disinformation campaign blames Covid on Maine lobsters hehehehehe.... This is so insane, it's unreal. Whichever Chinaman cooked that half baked idea up, needs his head examined and to be put in a rubber room so he doesn't wind up hurting himself, even accidentally. Wow.

FIRE AND FURY Firebrand host Candace Owens calls on US to INVADE Australia to free people from ‘tyrannical’ Covid lockdown  hehehehe.... These headlines just keep getting funnier and funnier. Unreal.

Russia’s COVID Nightmare Spirals With a Viral Corpse and a Hospital Suicide Leap  

Bolsonaro Accused of Crimes Against Humanity in Covid Probe Like I said above, all the leaders of the world who were in power when this virus swept across their borders, should also be accused and charged with the same crimes.

Paul Tudor Jones says inflation could be worse than feared, biggest threat to markets and society

Jim Cramer Says ‘Astounding’ Inflation ‘Much Worse’ Than Thought: ‘Just Unbelievable’ First they try to kill us all with that virus and then they try to force "passports" on us in order to for us to be allowed to do ordinary things, we always used to do without needing permission in the form of a "passport" (think of those passports like hall passes in high school maybe?). Now they're going to bleed us dry by forcing us to pay highway robbery prices for the bare minimums. Is that a way to get the money the gov'ts gave to assist  people during lockdowns when they couldn't work or go anywhere - so they saved it? But now that the gov'ts aren't providing that assistance and people have some money to live on for awhile, they don't want to go back to work under the indentured slavery conditions, the businesses are trying to use highway robbery prices to bleed people dry of their savings so they'll be forced to accept low paying and  lousey condition jobs again? Is that what's going on here with the sudden unfounded BS highway robbery prices? Seems to me like it very well might be. Another one of those plandemic steps towards achieving total and absolute control of the population, so that they have no choice but to do as the puppet masters demand they do.

Inflation Is Approaching a Tipping Point at the Grocery Store Yes it is. Even here in Canada it's ridiculously high. That's why when I see specials on things, I buy more than we can possibly consume before it goes bad, and then do whatever is required to keep it for a later time, when we might want it, whether that's blanche & freeze in meal size portions, butcher meat into cuts and types of meat we'll want it for and package in meal size portions, or if necessary even dehydrate, bake or preserve (via canning methods). That's why I spent so much time working with food lately.  That way we have it for later whenever we want it, without it costing us a fortune. But there is work involved in that. But you've got to do it anyhow if you're going to eat it. I mean you're not going to get a 25lb chuck roast and stick it in the oven to cook, because it'll be in the oven for at least 12 hours and still not be done properly, but besides that, that's a honking huge piece of meat to try to fit in the oven, nevermind in a roasting pan.  So of course if you have something that big, you're going to carve it into steaks, cubes, roasts, strips and make ground beef out the parts not suitable for those cuts. Same with the veggies, for the most part you aren't going to eat them whole anyhow, they'll have to be sliced or chopped somehow in order to eat them. So might as well do it when you bring it home. Slice or chop it the way you want and then blanche & freeze, or pickle, dehydrate or make/bake something with it to eat now, or freeze for later. So instead of doing all the cutting and chopping when you go to consume it, it's already done for you, by you when you prepared it to save for later. And all the rest of the foods you get on special. If they're not already frozen or canned for you, then do it yourself. You'll save a lot of money like that and still eat well without letting the highway robbers fleece you blind.

Record shortages, shipping delays expected this holiday season. Here’s who shoppers blame Shortages??? I dunno about that.... From what I can see on TV and elsewhere, most of those things are probably sitting in containers on cargo ships off shore all over the freaking place. Or floating around the Pacific and landing on beaches in BC.  The shortages seems to be either in longshoremen to haul that stuff off the boats, or in the wages paid to the longshoremen. That seems to be where the real shortages are, either in the personnel themselves or the wages paid to that personnel. The problem could be solved very easily with wage hikes and condition changes (like maybe better working hours or dental plans or things like that) or more personnel. So the harbour masters need to put their big boy pants on and make the necessary changes in order to get the longshoremen back to work and doing their jobs.

Wanted: 80,000 truck drivers to help fix the supply chain Yup and they need the same kinds of fixes the longshoremen do. Better hours, more money and better working conditions along with benefits. These should be easy fixes for those companies that are intent on gouging our eyes out with their super inflationary prices. Use some of that money you're fleecing off of your customers to pay your employees better! Um f'n duh, bozos! 

You want more money for your stuff, without paying more for anything - not for the products themselves nor for your labour. You're just a bunch of greedy ash holes who are intent on gouging their clients while giving them nothing extra for all that extra money being gouged out of them. Once upon a time, that was called robbery and thieves were thrown in jail. Now it seems to be standard practice and the gov'ts are allowing these highway robbers to get away with it. 

Supply chain crisis not seen since WWII when 'there were submarines sinking commercial traders' will bring retail DISASTER for Christmas: Resellers jack up toy costs by as much as 400% as goods fly off shelves and freight remains stranded Thing is though there are no submarines sinking ships out there. It's just the ships refusing to dock, or the shipyards refusing to let them dock because the longshoremen don't want to unload them, or there aren't enough longshoremen on hand to unload in a timely fashion and the harbour master is either refusing to hire more or to pay the ones that are there what they want. It's all just pure greed that's got this whole cycle going now. It's not inflation it's greed. That's what this is. So let's call it that.

Funny memes may help relieve COVID-19 stress Well usually funny things makes us laugh, and they do say that "laughter is the best medicine" and basically that's true, especially when it comes to our moods. When we laugh, our mood gets lightened, generally speaking.

Pandemic isolation IMPROVED well-being for people of all ages, study claims Of course we all learnt to rely on ourselves and our own abilities to get things done and when we were successful that built new confidences in us. 

`Children’s screen time doubled during pandemic — and hasn’t changed much since

Ill will: 1 in 4 still try to ‘power through’ symptoms when feeling sick 

Kitchen nightmare: 1 in 3 agree pandemic has dulled their love for cooking

New York mandates vaccination for all city workers, but offers $500 to comply; FDA backs Moderna, J&J boosters: COVID-19 updates  

In-N-Out Burger clashes with San Francisco over vaccine mandate: ‘We refuse to become the vaccination police’ 

In secret vaccine contracts with governments, Pfizer took hard line in push for profit, report says   No doubt, and that's also maybe why they made their vaccine so weak and ineffective, as a way of pushing for booster shots, which they'll also be selling to the gov'ts for more money. So it wasn't just the double jab vaccines they wanted to sell, they probably had in mind all along to sell those along with booster shots. And given how ineffective Pfizer's vaccine is, they'll probably require 2 booster shots per year, one every six months, or something like that. That's a really profitable business to be in, 2 initial doses per person and then afterwards 2 more shots each year, per person. I mean multiply that by the number of people who got those vaccinations from Pfizer (and it's a lot) and even if they only made 1 cent profit per shot, they still made millions of dollars from the sale of those shots. I mean if I were a greedy guts pharmaceutical company like Pfizer that's probably how I'd work it out, so I could keep on raking in the cash. 

If the chickenpox vaccine lasts 20 years, why not the COVID-19 shot? Exactly! I'd like to know the same thing too! Especially considering the Pfizer shot barely even lasts 20 weeks, nevermind a year, let alone 20 years. To me that whole thing is nothing but a scam, especially considering that fully vaccinated people are still getting and transmitting the virus anyhow. 

Walkouts and strikes hit hospitals in pandemic hot spots

China's COVID-19 outbreak grows as cities race to trace infections 

How Many Boosters Will We Need? Israel Says Too Soon to Know Probably the Pfizer recipients will need boosters 2x a year, every year either until the virus is vanquished, or the person dies. Whichever comes first.

DRASTIC MEASURES Four key restrictions Boris Johnson could bring back in weeks if Covid patients rise and vulnerable don’t get boosters

Energy crunch hits global recovery as winter approaches Of course it has. After all they've got to find a way to get their fair share of the pie. Everyone else is busy gouging our eyes out, so while we still have eyes to gouge, the energy sector needs to take a crack at getting an eyeball here and there too. 

Doctor: 'Just a matter of time before another COVID-19 surge' as new infections fall Really? Ya think? Of course it's just a matter of time, because everyone is managing this whole plandemic in such a half assed manner, it's inevitable. As no gov't yet has gotten the idea that this plandemic is not over, but they're all acting as if it is. Everyone can travel, go out drinking and to eat with friends, to rock concerts and ball games like before and work and go to school as if there was no virus out there, while there's so many different levels of vaccinations in the public and for that matter different vaccines of different strengths and types. So of course the virus is going to have a field day adapting to and mutating to beat all those variables and then because everyone is back at work and school and out partying like it's 1999 (without the Y2K worries that were present then), it'll have a field day spreading as quickly and rampantly through the population as possible. So um, yeah, it's freaking inevitable, just because of the gross mismanagement of this stupid plandemic, to begin with.

Why COVID boosters weren't tweaked to better match variants  Well what would be the purpose of that other than to put the pharmaceutical company that makes those vaccines and booster shots out of business? I mean if they can completely eradicate the virus from the population via vaccines and booster shots, then there will be no more need for those shots and if that's all they make or it's their cash cow, it'd be like shooting themselves in the foot, if they did that. That's why despite whatever lame lies they're going to try to feed you in this article.

UK hits highest level of coronavirus deaths and cases in months

New “Delta Plus” OffShoot Called AY.4.2 May Be Most Infectious Covid Variant Yet; It’s On The Rise In The UK I'm pretty sure it's in Canada too.

Saskatchewan's chief medical health officer was sent threatening emails: government Well at least he's a doctor unlike the pencil necked idiot in charge of QC's health dept.

Sask. health-care workers, seniors among those eligible for COVID-19 booster shots as of next week

Premier Scott Moe admits Sask. could have responded faster to 4th wave of COVID-19 

U.K.’s Boris Johnson Predicts Difficult Winter as Covid Deaths Rise 

Conservative radio host says he caught COVID on purpose: 'What I hoped for the entire time' 

Air Canada, WestJet facing new competition, thanks to COVID-19

Airplane passenger uses microphone to rant about pandemic midflight 

New Zealand Covid cases hit record despite vaccination push

Still unvaccinated in Ontario? Expect a call from the government   That's a tad fascist, isn't it?

Chicago Police Union President Estimates More Than 3,000 Officers Defying City’s Vaccine Reporting Mandate

Some Workers Want Covid-19 Recovery Accepted as Evidence of Immunity As it should be.

World Faces Fiscal Problems Much Worse Than Those From Covid, OECD Warns

‘People Are Hoarding’: Food Shortages Are The Next Supply-Chain Crunch 

One in five COVID-19 deaths were people who were fully vaccinated That's a lot of people! 20% of all the deaths were people who were fully vaccinated! And those vaccinations are supposed to protect us! Imagine how many would die, if they weren't supposed to protect us? 

NHL hands Evander Kane 21-game suspension for submitting fake vaccine card  Good! It's my experience that NHL'ers are nothing but a bunch of lying thuggish punks and it's good that they get brought down a peg or two every now and then.

Vaccination passport required at Quebec health-care institutions starting today So if a parent who's not vaccinated has a gravely ill or injured kid, they won't be able to take them to the hospital, so the kid will either have to recover or die on their own as the parent won't be able to get them medical care, with stupid bills like this one.

Quebec releases new type of proof of COVID-19 vaccination for travel out of province I guess we're going to have to get those for ourselves if they're different than the ones we already have, so we can travel interprovincially.

Two Ontario doctors banned from giving medical exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine Talk about dictatorships.... I guess the gov'ts now know more medicine than actual doctors do and thus know better what's best for those patients. 

Pfizer officially requests Health Canada approval for kids' COVID-19 shot

Vaccines less protective for multiple myeloma patients; beware of fake stem cell treatment claims for COVID-19 

Senior army commander says 90 per cent of military personnel are fully vaccinated

Labor flexes its muscle as leverage tips from employers to workers  It's about frigging time!

Gov. Northam, leader of Virginia’s fight against pandemic, has had ‘long COVID’ for a year

For 105 days, COVID-19's death toll in Florida counties went missing 

Health pass protest continues at Italian port despite police water cannon, tear gas

Colin Powell, first Black US secretary of state, dies of Covid-19 complications amid cancer battle 

Mother of 10-year-old who died of COVID-19 warns pandemic 'is not over

But I think for now for me, & this blog, the plandemic is over. This has become too much of an onerous chore for me now, that I dread doing really, so I'm just going to stop. I doubt I'll resume it, unless things get really bad, out of hand or the gov'ts do and I feel I need to document in here somehow. But right now everything and everyone seems to think things have returned to normal - even though it's worse now than it ever was in some areas of the world. The state of affairs regarding this plandemic just doesn't add up and compute any more - on one hand you have places like QC lifting restrictions and then on the other hand you have places like Russia making everyone stay home for an extended period of time because of the ballooning case & death rates there. And I know as I'm sure a lot of you also know but the gov'ts seems to be oblivious to, is the fact that if case and death counts are ballooning in other vaccinated areas of the world (like Israel for instance), it's only a matter of time before they are here too, especially given the fact that the gov'ts have basically let things return to normal for the most part. Masks are still mandatory and hand washing but otherwise it's back to normal. So knowing what's going to happen in advance and how this will just keep going on worse than the Energizer Bunny (at least we can take the batteries out of him but we can't do that with the virus) forever without end because of the complete incompetence everyone in power around the globe is displaying (and honestly I have a hard time believing that they're all that stupid - I think they're doing it on purpose now) that allows this to continue on the way it's going. I guess 5 million deaths isn't a high enough death count for them yet. They need more deaths before they decide to act responsibly and reign this virus in once and for all, by acting and ruling in accordance to infectious disease control protocols. Until they clue in and start acting accordingly, this virus will just keep making it's rounds and mutating as it goes, and when I started this blog it was for a couple of months, 6 months tops, that I thought this plandemic would be with us. Now it's over 3 times that length of time and I just can't keep doing this, anymore. 

So I'm wishing you all well and that you stay healthy and happy. But one word of advice - Stand up for your rights always! Don't let the gov'ts push you around and remove your rights arbitrarily. No matter what rights they are. 

 Like this creep at Pfizer is trying to do as per this story: Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are ‘criminals’  


So watch out for ass holes like that out there, that want to deprive you of your right to think and form opinions for yourselves based on what you've seen, heard and read. 

If you want my honest opinion I think the company Pfizer ought to have their asses sued off by the people who've lost loved ones who were fully vaccinated with Pfizer's vaccine, but died of COVID anyhow. As they were induced by the media, the gov't and Pfizer themselves to believe that it was a vaccine that would protect them from serious illness and death, but despite that they died anyhow. 

Snake oil sales were outlawed over a century ago, but it looks like it's back again with blessings from the world gov'ts and WHO on top of that. Personally, I think anyone that sells anything to anyone (whether that's a human being, a corporate entity or government agency) proclaiming it's a safe and effective vaccine or cure for some contagious disease and induces those entities to take it, but it's later found to be not much better than injecting saline solution into your body when it comes to protecting you against said contagious disease, should have the same repercussions all other companies who sold fake goods faced when it didn't work and in fact caused harm or allowed the person to feel secure enough to put themselves into tenuous situations that allowed them to get exposed to the virus and then later dies, or contracts it from someone else, even though they took all  necessary precautions and still dies from it. 

As they should NOT be dying at all, if it's a vaccine that actually works. 

And I'm sorry but this vaccine does NOT WORK LIKE A VACCINE SHOULD. 

Lock me up now ass hole, I dare you! I have enough freaking evidence to support my opinion right  here in this blog, infact, I probably have more than enough evidence right here on this one page, so I don't need to look anywhere else for it. 

So go F * U * C * K*   *** YOURSELF MR. Pfizer CEO!

So to all those who visit my blog, so long, stay well & take care of yourselves and your loved ones ....