Showing posts with label Quarantine Fatigue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quarantine Fatigue. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Raspberry Ice Cream, Dirty Dishes & Of Course...



July 23, 2020

Still dealing with the fallout of the freezer thaw up today. Thankfully, I'm getting near the end of it, I think or at least hope. Today's chore, was dealing with the colossal amount of pots, pans & casserole dishes used during all that cooking. Each night I put as much as I could in the dishwasher with the rest of the day's dishes to wash, but because some pots and pans are huge (take up almost 1/4 the room in the bottom rack) and don't always come clean the first time around in the dishwasher and so need to go in again sometimes, it got to the point where I had a lot of accumulated large pots, pans & casseroles to either wash or rewash. So I did that today as I had no more cooking to do, but I did have a ton of raspberries to try to salvage. So I decided to make an ice cream mix, loosely based on this recipe:  Raspberry Ice Cream , so that when the churn bowl is sufficiently frozen I can churn it into ice cream later on. Now that we have room in the freezer for it.

I am a lot less tired and frazzled today too. Having less to do, and more time to relax, so I've been busy browsing the net and gathering info on COVID19 and the fallout from it. All I can say at this moment in time is I've finally discovered what this whole thing is about all along. That will be revealed probably in the post about Bill Gates and his machinations behind this whole thing. It will be an eye opener for those who are unaware. Believe me. And none of it will be drawn from "conspiracy theorists" websites - it will all be from actual bonafide websites, like his own foundation's, news stories, patent office files, WEF and IMF's websites as well. Then we'll finally know the truth behind all of this and what's really going on. So here's hoping I have the time to draw it altogether into a post for this blog, in the near future.

That being said, I'm going to try to plow through the headlines links here today without too many outbursts and rants on them, if I can resist it.... So try to keep pace... 😉

Internet Was Not Under “Attack” During Global Outage, Says Cloudflare DNS; Sites & Services Starting To Stabilize – Update   Was this COVID related? As in, too many people on the net all at the same time? 

Already perfected your sourdough? Try these 6 creative twists on quarantine cooking trends  For something different. They even show how to make ice cream in a Mason jar.

Dexamethasone's Covid-19 Benefits Confirmed, Reduced Death Risk by 36% among Patients on Ventilator Support At least something is helping. Too bad the percentage wasn't a lot higher though.

Coronavirus: The slow death of the American all-you-can-eat buffet  Maybe that's a good thing. It'll help shrink waistlines and improve on their health.

'I thought I would be safe,' says personal trainer who spent weeks in coma due to COVID-19  I dunno.... but his name gives me the creeps. The last time I saw that name he was being released from a psych ward, and we were told his name was changed to protect him. Protect him, after him ate that kid on the Greyhound Bus! Like someone like that should be protected to begin with! Anyhow I hope this guy and that guy aren't one & the same because if they are, someone should've pulled the plug on his ventilator and let him die. Sorry, about that. I couldn't resist the rant.

Canadians are reluctantly wearing masks as support for mandatory masking climbs  The health authorities in Canada are bassackwards and stupider than a bucket of shrimp. These measures should've been taken in the beginning before it started spreading like crazy!  

Melbourne Man Travels 32 Kms for the Perfect Butter Chicken, Fined for Violating Lockdown  I guess when you have a hankering for something and it's strong enough, even a $1,600 fine won't deter you. I hope he enjoyed the meal because it seems it wound up being a  really expensive one.

U.S. reports more than 70,000 new coronavirus infections for second day in a row   Wow! Just  wow! That's a lot of infections in one day. At this rate the whole entire population of the US will have had it in less than a year's time!  Then they won't need the much delayed and long sought after vaccines!

Mistrust of a Coronavirus Vaccine Could Imperil Widespread Immunity  Maybe there wouldn't be any mistrust of it, if certain individuals and organizations stayed out of it altogether. Didn't fund it, didn't have anything at all to do with it. But with the Gates Foundation, who is intricately linked with the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) - in fact he might even be part of the BIS (the Bank of International Settlements - the ones that control all the banks in the world and is privately owned by 21 of the richest people in the world - and it wouldn't surprise me to know Gates is one of those 21 people).  There's a book that I wanted to recommend to everyone to read  called   The Octopus of Global Control to understand the complexity of the issue to do with philanthropist organizations so you could have it pretty much all figured out about what's going on and how things work.  How they have their tentacle into everything and how that all works. Maybe you can find it on the net. 

Underground parties continue to dismiss social distancing rules  Which is partially to blame for the resurgence going on everywhere.

FOX 35 INVESTIGATES: Questions raised after fatal motorcycle crash listed as COVID-19 death  I don't know if this is a new one, or the one that happened back in February or March, that the hospital listed as COVID related so they could get more funding for the hospital. But anyhow if it's another one, it's not the only one.

Hong Kong leader says coronavirus now spreading 'out of control'  So I guess it's not just the US & Brazil where this is happening. It's happening in a country that it's citizens are habituated to wearing masks because of the smog problems there, but it's still getting out of hand. 

South Africa is struggling with Covid-19 because its leaders want to emulate the “First World”  They're emulating the wrong people, they should be emulating the 3rd world countries on their continent, because they're the ones who have it under control, because they closed their border to all travellers when they first heard about the virus being out there, and didn't let anyone in. They did it the "old school way", which  turns out that it was the right way! The way I've been saying it should've been handled all along and the way it is laid out in our constitution for the handling of such situations.  The fact that those guidelines were flouted and caused all this sickness and death and collapse of the economy is enough to charge all the idiots at helm with treason, crimes against humanity and to hang them, because the health authorities knew it was being handled wrong but continued on with the charade anyhow. I know numbnuts Trudeau has a hard time reading grade 2 literature so we can't expect him to understand what it says in the constitution about quarantines and such, but there must be someone in the Liberal party that knows how to read and understand that, that is capable of translating it to the infantile mind he possesses.

Coronavirus: Florida sheriff releases footage of people flouting social distancing rules at large street party  It's called quarantine fatigue and being fed up to the eyeballs with authorities trying to control every aspect of our lives.  I'm not a young adult anymore but even I feel like that too.

Reports: White House blocked CDC Director Redfield and other officials from testifying on school reopenings   Who cares whether he testifies or not? He's the one that was hiding the fact that COVID was in the US since January, by  writing everything up as the flu as per a previous testimony given to Congress - I have a link to that and some of the transcript on my blog, if you're interested.  Then when it was impossible to hide it any longer he demanded that all deaths be written up as COVID deaths or COVID related to cut down on time spent writing death certificates and incentivized hospitals to basically connect everything (including motorcycle deaths too apparently) as COVID deaths in order for them to get an extra $20,000 per claim for the hospital (allegedly to cover things like PPEs & ventilators etc - whether they were needed for the patient or not). I have a link to that 7 page document in a post on my blog somewhere, that you can download and read for yourself. So whatever he says is probably going to be one big stretch of the truth or an outright lie altogether. So who cares? Maybe that's why he was blocked because they already know that.

Leaky border: Tourists and quarantine cheats threaten Canada amid U.S. COVID-19 surge  No kidding. Given that we rarely ever see any foreign license plates around anymore, when we do see one it sticks out like a sore thumb. So NY license plates in parking lots are pretty easy to spot, as are VT license plates. We've seen a couple in local shopping center parking lots. I assume if they were parked in the parking lot they were inside one/some of the stores that parking lot belongs to, so that being the case the local clients of those stores are going to be exposed to whatever germs they're carrying. Given the explosion of cases in the US, I don't think it's right that Customs Canada allows these people into Canada, at least not yet.

Montreal Improv closes its doors for good due to COVID-19 financial hit I guess aspiring theatre arts students aren't going to have any venues to go to audition at to use their improv acting skills, anymore.  For the amount of actual actors being turned out in Montreal, I'm not sure that matters much, in the grand scheme of acting.

Quebec's new mask rule met with co-operation, and a few noisy protests Because of the difficulty in finding masks and the costs of them when we do, that's made us plan our outings carefully, trying to pack in as many chores and things we had to do in one day, so that we use only 1 mask each to get as much done as possible with that 1 mask. Otherwise we'll be forced eventually to wear those big bulky P100 rubber breather masks we have, that I have a feeling is way more uncomfortable than the surgical masks are and probably a lot hotter as well. Though they not only provide others protection from us, but provide us protection from others as well.

COVID-19 Symptoms: These Three Skin Rashes Can Be a Sign of Coronavirus  Yet more potential symptoms associated with COVID19. Pretty soon I think we'll be able to associate everything with it, health and real world wise.

Coronavirus: Lesser-known symptoms that could be linked to Covid-19  The delirium symptom I think is more related to a high fever. Lots of people (COVID related or not) who have high fevers experience episodes of delirium. So when you see or hear someone who is delirious and has a fever, you'd better attend to them quickly and try to bring their fever down via whatever means possible from fever reducing medicine, to tepid baths (if you're able to get them into a bathtub filled with slightly warm water) to ice packs on their chest and foreheads. But generally speaking someone who's experiencing delirium from a fever is now in dangerous territory and needs their fever reduced as soon and quickly as possible without causing cardiac arrest (suddenly being too cold as in an ice bath can cause a shock that causes cardiac arrest). So try not to go there all at once, you can maybe get there, by gradually lowering their temperature and getting them used to the coldness gradually. But delirium is not a symptom of COVID19, but rather of the high fevers associated with it.

COVID-19 New Symptoms: Mouth Rashes, Clinically Known As Enanthem, Listed As Possible Symptom for Coronavirus, Reveals Study   Even more possible symptoms.... I'm just wondering if they're really related to COVID19, or if they're related to other diseases that they're trying to pass off as COVID19 in order to get more funding (as explained above).

CDC: Hospitalized COVID-19 patients most likely to show these 3 symptoms  Meaning these are the 3 most common symptoms in those who wind up in the hospital.  So these are the ones you ought to be most concerned about.

Bangladesh Approves Late-stage Trial of China's Sinovac Covid-19 Vaccine  I wish countries and pharmaceutical companies would stop using 3rd world people as their guinea pigs and try this stuff out on themselves and their own populations first before injecting it into 3rd world patients.

Decks, fences and other pandemic projects lead to local lumber shortage   Yet another shortage caused by the pandemic. Who'd have thought? Just like who'd have thought there'd be a freezer (appliance) shortage at stores in the Montreal area due to the pandemic? But there is. There wasn't one freezer to be found anywhere despite all our best efforts and those of a few others who called hither and yon on our behalf. The soonest we could've had one, apparently was in mid August or early September (and that was best estimates, no guarantees). So it's good we got our freezer going again. So given all the time everyone has on their hands to get their long planned projects done, it doesn't surprise me that there's a lumber shortage. It might also have to do with mill workers too and them being off as well. Almost every aspect of our lives seems to be affected by this virus one way or another.

Global frustration: Online sentiments about COVID-19 have turned from fear to anger Because we realize now, that we're being duped, but most people have no idea why yet. I do and will divulge in the Gates post coming up as soon as I can find time to work on it. Hopefully that'll be soon. 

One less worry: Mosquitoes can’t transmit COVID-19 to humans My son asked me this recently and I said I didn't think so, because it's a respiratory illness and not a blood borne illness. Glad to know I was right.

‘You Can’t Fix It By Pieces’: Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez Wants ‘One Plan In Place’ To Fight Coronavirus  That all depends on how badly things are shattered. If it's shattered you have to fix it by pieces otherwise you won't be fixing it at all. And from what I can see here north of your borders, things are pretty badly shattered. The country and all their various politicians are so dysfunctional it's a wonder it's one cohesive country and not a bunch of tiny city states and state state countries. No one can agree on anything there, it seems. So when you manage to get all 50 governors, all the mayors of the various big cities in those states and all the federal government reps to agree on a single course of action is when you'll be able to fix it. But right now you're in 50 if not more pieces that needs to come together, kiss and make up and start to agree on things together as a cohesive group.

Coronavirus: Is it an act of God?  Oh oh.... I bet there's a lot of Americans out there hoping and praying their health insurance companies don't start claiming it's an act of God and so stop covering all medical expenses related to it.  So for their sake, I hope it's not considered to be an act of God.

Pandemic throws lives - and waistlines - into flux Quitting smoking and then learning how to cook properly from a properly trained chef (former girlfriend of my son's), is what threw my waistline into flux and it never recovered from it. It's still in flux 11 years later. 😋

The Virus Will Make Everything You Hate About Flying Worse  Really? Because I seriously can not imagine how it could possibly get any worse!

Celebrities in Masks Are a Bummer for the Paparazzi Trade  So it affects them too huh? Oh well, c'est la vie, as they say in the region....

Isolating the Elderly Is Bad for Their Health  Which Einstein finally figured this out? And how much of a grant was he given before he could? This should be a freaking no brainer to anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together.  So why did they force the elderly to go through such things for the last few months anyhow? 

Contact Tracing Might Become Cops’ Newest Surveillance Too Oh goody! Yay! Just what we want! An unbridled police state that can check on anyone, anytime, anywhere, for any reason... 

Yoga for Stress Relief Is an epub ebook, downloadable at the longfiles link, as I know we all have stress we need relieving.  So just as an aside from all the gloom and doom, here's a book that might help you deal with it better. 

'If It's Here, It's Here': America's Retirees Confront the Virus in Florida   I guess there's not much they can do about it, except look out for themselves.

Hundreds camp out in Oklahoma unemployment lines  This is a very sad and scary state of affairs. 

Brazil set to test Chinese coronavirus vaccine  I hope it works and there's no problems with it, because as I said I hate when companies and countries use others as their guinea pigs. 

Until next time stay well and safe.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Hodge Podge of Stuff

From Cooking, To Thoughts of Mine

To Visiting Fun Sites and Random Information

April 27, 2020

Everyday I wake up hoping that we're getting closer to be let out of confinement, only to discover that the powers-that-be keep finding more and more excuses (most of them lame and without any validation whatsoever) to continue this lockdown charade. They don't even want to let those with antibodies out because they might get reinfected themselves or still be shedding virus and infect others. Gimme a break.... I'm getting about ready to go hang myself listening to all this unbridled idiotic nonsense and the public gobbling it up as though it's the truth. When it's not and what's more we have huge shiny example of that with Wuhan. If anyone was going to get reinfected and have mass outbreaks, don't you think that that would be occurring right now in Wuhan China? Wuhan China if anything is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that antibodies are conferring immunity to those who have had the disease, and they are not shedding the virus causing others to get it. But hey that won't fit the scenario that those crooked clowns have in mind I don't think so that's why they're turning a blind eye to that and trying to scare the masses into staying home for the rest of their lives, or so it would seem. 

I mean how stupid can all the medical professionals get all at the same time? It's like they all drank from the same stupid kool-aid mix, not one of them is using any previously acquired medical knowledge to base their opinions and work upon. All I want to know is why, what kind of bonuses are the governments giving them on their salaries to keep their mouths shut and go along with this charade is all I want to know? It would also be nice if they could remember their oath they took of "DO NO HARM", by not speaking out and stopping this neverending charade they are DOING PLENTY OF HARM

Harm to those who are having mental health issues because of this pandemic, harm to those patients whose medical treatments have been put on hold or put off altogether because of this disease, harm to society as a whole especially when authorities are using it to get people to snitch on their friends and neighbours so the communities can make money from fines, harm to the economy & financial sectors, harm to people's livelihoods and hence ability to manage to keep their homes and feed themselves. There is so much harm being done by this and we're not even 1/6th of the way through it yet if we have to wait 18 months for a vaccine. 

Just recently I've been reading reports of farmers burying their crops because the "supply chain is broken" - I guess that means there's no truckers willing to transport their produce to their destinations, because truckers themselves are having a hard time to find places to even go to the toilet while on the road. Then today I read stories where pigs and chickens were being euthanized by the 100s of thousands for the same reason. Which in the long run is going to turn into a very costly famine where people won't have food or those who do will have to pay a fortune for it. 

So those doctors who think by doing nothing and keeping their mouths shut about all this idiocy is doing no harm, ARE BLATANTLY WRONG!!!! IN FACT IT'S ONLY YOU DOCTORS WHO CAN RECTIFY THIS SITUATION BY COMING OUT AND SPEAKING OUT AGAINST ALL THIS NONSENSE & HOW BLATANTLY AND PATENTLY WRONG ALL THIS BS IS! AND IF NEED BE, POINT OUT TO THE IDIOTS IN POWER THAT WUHAN IS NOT RELIVING THEIR PANDEMIC NIGHTMARE BECAUSE THEY LET EVERYONE OUT OF QUARANTINE!!!! And those who don't speak out to try to rectify this situation, I hope when you see what happens down the line and see people starving or kicked out of their homes because they couldn't afford their rent or mortgage on them anymore, you remember what I said and I hope it burns a hole in your conscience forever, because you'll be as guilty as the rest of them putting on this charade if you don't try to stop it before it's too late. 

I've been trying to at a few forums over the months but I'm only a former nurse, not a doctor. So while people eventually clue in months later and do what I advocated months earlier (but I'm sure it's not because of me), something has to be done now to stop all this insanity of house arrest because as medical professionals we all know that quarantining everyone in the population is not how quarantines work and if we're to continue to have an economy and a reasonable society should not work even now under these circumstances. So please some doctors somewhere brave enough to face the frauds Tedros and Tam come out of hiding and speak up we need you now more than ever not just to save our lives but to save our way of life and livelihoods. If you're afraid of repercussions like having your licenses yanked, band together as a collective. What are they going to do? Remove all of your licenses especially now when we need all the doctors we can get? I think if several of you signed a petition and made it public with your real professional opinions on the handling of this fiasco and how it should really be done, the public would soon see that there's several more doctors advocating normal standard quarantine measures and reasonable sane medical practices on one side with only Tedros, Tam and a handful of other doctors on the other side. That would put Tam and the art teacher in their place along with the idiot PM as well.

Because as we are seeing now, one thing leads to another. Restaurants and truckstops are closed, so truckers have no where to use the toilet, so they've stopped trucking, so because of that the farmers are plowing their crops under and euthanizing their livestock, which down the road will lead to excessively priced food causing a lot of people to go without and thus suffer from malnourishment if not die from starvation. There's massive domino effects going on here with one little break down in the chain and the rest further on down the line that depended on that component goes kaflewy. The only way to fix that is to get the economy up and running again but no one will because they're all terrified that antibodies won't confer immunity because of a few bozo brains doctors who want to win a nobel peace prize by being heros that saves humanity so are spreading  BS rumours that they don't and what's more the people with them might be shedding virus that could infect others (which as I pointed out, is not happening in Wuhan China - so it's obviously a BS scare tactic) that's all it is. But we need professional qualified doctors to speak up about that. 


Then I realize that it's near the end of April and I still haven't even dealt with the dead growth from last year's garden so I won't be able to plant anything until I do, whereas most years the cold weather crops would've been planted by now. Then I also see the end of the month creeping up real fast on me and I still haven't done our income taxes yet either and I only have 2 days to deal with those now because on the 30ieth we have appointments and won't be here. I see things in the fridge that needs to be dealt with before they have to be thrown on the compost heap and just turn around and close the fridge door. I don't know what's wrong with me, yeah I always procrastinated when it came to doing income taxes, but not on all the other stuff, but lately I just don't seem to care or have the energy or anything to deal with it. Depression maybe? Don't know, never felt like this before, but likely considering the neverending confinement. I mean we never really went anywhere anyhow, but it was nice to know that if we needed something at the store it wasn't a big deal to go and get it. Now because my husband is over 70, I can't get anything without a decent mask (not just those stupid make your own masks but N95 or better - we do have P100 masks but.... those are big rubber masks with 2 filters one on each side of the face and not all that comfortable to wear - nor are the N95 masks for that matter but still) and gloves because we couldn't find hand sanitizer so I wear gloves and wash or sanitize them each time I go in somewhere and remove them before getting in the car and then wash my hands when I get home. I mean it's a huge production now just to run to the store for a litre of milk because we ran out or I forgot to pick some up when I did the groceries.  Now it's getting so I can't find gloves either. If this keeps up for 18 months, I'll just go insane, is all.  I don't know if anyone else feels this way or if it's just me.... 



Changing gears now, or trying at least not to be so maudlin and outraged and a little chirpier to try to lift spirits - mine at least if not anyone else's. So I thought since we all need to eat but for some of us cooking is a more or less new experience and aren't quite sure how to make the most of the food we panic bought when the outbreak happened (you remember all those cans of soup and tomatoes etc), that I'd start with cooking (maybe it'll inspire me to get into my own fridge and start cooking to take care of some of the produce there before it goes bad).  And the first link here fits in perfectly with what I was talking about: 

Speaking of Canned Tuna Recipes my mother used to make salmon loaf for dinner every now and then and that uses those large 14 or 16 oz cans of Salmon (in Canada they come in weird slightly conical shaped cans - you know narrower at the bottom than at the top). It feeds a family of 4 quite economically and I like it, so maybe you will too. So while I think of it, here's the recipe: 

Salmon Loaf or Salmon fishcakes/patties

1 large can salmon & liquid
1/2 small onion chopped
1 stick of celery finely chopped
1/2 cup fine bread crumbs
1 egg
1 Tblsp butter or margarine
milk - enough to make the mixture just moist but not wet
pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients except pepper together well in a mixing bowl using a fork or spoon, when well mixed put into a loaf pan and pat down. Sprinkle with pepper to taste. Bake for 45 mins at 350. 

You can also add more bread crumbs or mashed potatoes (as a way of using up leftover mashed potatoes) and make them into salmon patties or cakes (whatever you wish to call them) that you fry on top the stove. In fact you can basically do that with almost any kind of fish including tuna.

Online Cooking Classes

The Best Free Virtual Cooking Classes To Take During Self-Isolation   This is a list put together by Huffingtonpost. I haven't checked any of the sites out so don't even know if they're operational or not, let alone how good they are. But you're free to explore them at your leisure.

6 Virtual Cooking Classes to Inspire You In the Kitchen Right Now  This list is put together by My Recipes site. Some are pay sites.

Canadian Museums & Galleries

Now for some virtual tours of Canadian art galleries and museums. I will start off with a site that seems to link to most if not all of the virtual museums of Canada:

The Art Gallery of Ontario

Royal Ontario Museum A walking street tour of the museum.

History Museum of Canada

Canadian Museum For Human Rights

On Demand Stratford Festival I'm not totally sure, but I think you can watch some of their previous productions online at this site.

Other Places of Interest

 Explore Google Arts & Culture

Museum of the World  is hosted by the British Museum and is a virtually interactive timeline of history.

Space Center Houston Exhibits & Experiences

Amazing Bryce Canyon Virtual Hike - 4K Footage for Fitness Equipment/Training Simulators - 1.5 HRS 
This is just an awesome site. We found it by accident because it wasn't on any maps we had when we were in the area and it didn't seem to be all that well known and the only thing there was a Best Western Inn, no park gates (to pay admission to) or anything. It was rather weird seeing the Inn sitting almost on the side of the canyon there like that. But it is a beautiful place.

Grand Canyon National Park Virtual Rim to River Run Down South Kaibab Trail 4k  This virtual hike lasts 2 hours, I hope you're up for it.

Hoover Dam Rail Trail Virtual Hike in 360 VR This hike of the Hoover Dam Rail Trail is only half as long as the previous hike.

Redwood National Park 4K Virtual Hike !  This hike lasts about as long as the last one, but you get to see some gorgeous huge trees while hiking.

CA 1 0:00 / 10:18 Top 5 BIGGEST Trees on Earth  A video exploration of the top 5 biggest trees on earth. The tree you see on the opening screen I stood in front of while my husband took a picture of me in front of. In order to get the whole tree from the base to the crown of it, in the photograph he had to back up to the other end of the parking lot in order to do that. So in the picture, I look like a miniscule little thing in front of the tree. You can barely see me in the picture, that's how far away he had to get in order to fit the whole thing into the viewfinder.

Highway 9 through Zion National Park Utah, the best scenic road in the USA A virtual drive through this park, which at the time we went through it was unmarked. The only way we knew it was special was by the scenery we were seeing, but we had no way of knowing the name of it, or if it had a name because it wasn't indicated on our map and there were no signs or park entrances indicating it as such either. 

Canadian Rockies National Parks in 4K Some beautiful Canadian Parks. The Rockies really are awesome, if you ever get the chance to go out west to see them, you can't pass it up.

Pyramids of Giza Walking Tour (4K/60fps) This is an almost 2 hour walking tour around the Pyramids of Giza. Doing it this way is perhaps less dangerous and less strenuous than actually taking the walking tour in real life.

Tour the Sydney Opera House in 360° | Featuring soprano Nicole Car and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra  Wow! This is definitely different. Not only is it a video on YouTube, but it's an interactive video in that you get to choose the direction you wish to view. Very interesting.

4K Virtual Hike Near River through the Forest - Baker River Trail & Chain Lake Trail 
This is a pretty long virtual hike through the woods - almost 3 hours long, so only take it when you have the time.

Havasupai Falls Full Hike 4K  Another walking hike this time through what looks like the southwestern area of the US in amongst badlands and lots of rocks.

VR Hike - Nicole Bloom Memorial Trail Hike  This hike through the snow is a lot like the tour of the Sydney Opera House, in that you can control the direction you want to look.

VR 360 Video of Top 5 Roller Coaster Rides 4K Virtual Reality  Another controllable virtual reality experience. This time it's wicked roller coaster rides for the big kids in us or our grandkids.

360 3D VR video T-Rex Dinosaurs Jurassic World 360° Virtual Reality  Another virtual reality video of dinosaurs that your grandchildren say 7+ might enjoy playing with.

3D 360 VR skydiving experience with the Vuze camera (4K)  If one of the things on your bucket list is to go sky diving but you haven't had the opportunity or when it comes right down to it, you don't know if you have the guts to or not, and prefer not to find out, here's one way to get at least an idea of what it might be like when everything goes according to plan.

Red Bull F1 VR / 360° Video Experience  Virtually drive an F1 racing car around the track in this video.

The Jungle Book: King Louie's Lair in 360 Degrees  The younger grandchildren might enjoy this virtual reality video.

3D 180 VR video of hiking in Zion National Park  A very pretty short walk through Zion National Park.

Smithsonian Institute  They have so much to explore you're apt to get lost in here for hours if not longer.

Silk Interactive  Very nice abstract drawing app online, to put you in a zen mode - relaxing and calming. Just to show you what I'm talking about this is one I made:

A National Film Board of Canada site where you can learn about the Ocean.

Cryptaris  This is a military training simulation.

Radio & TV & Movies Online

These are sites where you can listen to radio stations from around the world, watch Canadian TV channels online and find and watch other TV shows and movies online as well. 

Radio Garden  You should be able to listen to live radio broadcast from anywhere around the world. I tried the Montreal area and all I could see were a few of the stations but not all of them. So I don't know, but you may still like it anyhow.

CTV What To Watch Stream shows from the CTV channel. I do believe these are older TV shows that are no longer aired, but there may be some current shows in there as well. Not sure. If you click on Full Episodes I guess that's where the current shows are.

CBC Gem - Watch TV Shows Allows you to watch CBC shows online. 

The next three links are to various PutLocker sites - because they have a tendency to be up, down and sideways. So if one doesn't work try another. But these are sites where you can look for specific shows, or movies that you'd like to see, and watch them online. If one of the PutLocker sites doesn't have what you're looking for try another maybe they have it, or maybe their copy is of better quality.

Until I get the chance to finish adding some of the other interesting links aside from the COVID19 stories, I hope this helps pass some of the time you have to spend under house arrest, aka quarantine. Enjoy.


Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

And the Downright Bizarre About COVID19

April 26, 2020

In the last couple of days or so the news about COVID19 has gotten somewhat good, somewhat bad and just plain bizarre. I mean did you get that about what Trump the US president said about bleach? Is he all there, I wonder? I mean what kind of nutcase is he to suggest that publically? And then the frantic efforts by the medical establishment and media to try to stop anyone from doing that....  Well I'll say one thing.... If it doesn't cure them, it'll kill them and then they'll be cured for sure as they won't have to worry about it any more... I mean talk about strange times we're living in, that has to be the epitome of it. Anyhow, there's a lot of different articles relating to this strange time, that I want to post here, so had better get started, I guess.

Trump Suggests Injecting Disinfectant, Shining UV Light Inside Patients to Kill Coronavirus in Bizarre, Rambling Tangent   If you missed what I was talking about above you can catch up on it here in this article. Be prepared to be totally flabbergasted though.

What's fueling anti-lockdown protests in the United States? A news video about that subject here.

An ill wind: The pandemic is giving states political cover for controversial acts And before you start to get smarmy about this, Canada's Trudeau is one of the culprits here. Copying and pasting the last couple of paragraphs of that story here for your edification:
Meanwhile, in Canada
Canadian politicians are not immune to the temptation to make the most of COVID-19.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's attempt to run Canada without having to consult with Parliament until the end of 2021 was condemned as a "power grab" by opposition parties, constitutional scholars, historians and non-partisan watchdogs.
The notion of allowing a minority government, which placed second in the popular vote, to govern without normal democratic checks for 21 months was soon abandoned in the face of resistance by outraged opposition parties.
In Alberta, Jason Kenney's UCP government was accused of staging a power grab of its own when it passed the controversial Bill 10, which gives it sweeping emergency powers that some have called an affront to constitutional liberties.
And some Conservative premiers responded to the pandemic by calling for the urgent repeal of the carbon tax — something that was a favourite political target long before COVID-19 struck.

'Emotional hangover' predicted when busy snitch line's days are over The authors of this article are being generous about all of this to say the least. To me the "social distancing" and the "snitch lines" are all part and parcel of turning us against each other period. That way we're more easily controlled by the government as we have no one else's opinion or thoughts to help form our own about any particular law or policy the government might want to pass in the future and it'll be easier to physically drag anyone of us away and throw us in a dungeon forever, if we have no one that cares about us. That's what I'm afraid this whole socially distancing (because they weren't calling it physically distancing but socially distancing - in other words we're not just staying physically apart but socially/emotionally apart as well), is all about. I think this whole thing was engineered and planned for decades from SARS1 & MERS right on up until now. This time the spread and contagion worked like a dream and so they decided to use it to collapse the economies for their easy pickings and when this charade ends, and they decide it's time to start to let everyone out of quarantine, we'll be so psychologically distanced from everyone even our own family who lives in separate places, that we won't care what happens to anyone but ourselves.  That's what I'm afraid is going to happen. If that happens, the powers that be will have a hay day doing whatever they want because everyone will have been turned into psychopaths with no empathy for anyone, so they'll be able to burn people at the stake for the least little thing and until it directly affects us ourselves, we won't give a hoot. That's maybe what their aim is in this socially distancing experiment. I think this crisis has made the elite crazy mad with power and power-trips.

WHO set pandemic response back by 2-3 weeks, says doctor on federal task force  Again they're being generous here. I'd say the pandemic response was set back by 2 full months considering the announcement by the Chinese gov't was on January 21 and the WHO only declared it a pandemic in mid March. They should've seen what was going on in China and known it was a pandemic that was going to hit the world and prepared the world for it by declaring it a pandemic then, instead the fraud Tedros insisted that it wasn't serious (but in the first announcement he made on TV about it, the man sitting to his right visibly disagreed with what Tedros was saying about it being nothing to worry about and if you wash your hands you'll be fine - when I saw the look on that man's face and the nearly imperceptible nod in the negative that he gave I knew Tedros was lying and that that man knew it was much more serious than what Tedros was saying). 

Mystery of India's lower death rates seems to defy coronavirus trend  It's not what you probably think is the cause of the lower death rates

Scientists can't rule out theory that coronavirus is sexually transmitted Oh boy! Then there must be some real randy dandies in those old age homes with a lot of hanky panky going on there then, since it's mostly those places where the most people are dying. Better start putting salt peter in the food there then if that's the case.

How the Emotional Landscape Has Changed Amidst Coronavirus, According to an Expert  I'm sure most if not all of us can relate to what's being said in this article.

France limits sales of nicotine products after fewer smokers catch coronavirus This makes no sense unless they want everyone to catch it, personally if I were running France I'd encourage smoking - because you can always quit smoking later on if you want to. I know I smoked for over 4 decades and I quit - so did my husband. It's been 11 years now since we smoked anything. So wondering if ex-smokers are affected the same way? That would be interesting to find out.

Coronavirus: China rejects call for probe into origins of disease If they're so squeaky clean and telling the truth like they claim they are, what are they so afraid of?

China 'sought to block EU report that claimed it was spreading coronavirus disinformation' Another obstruction from China into letting the world find out the real truth behind the virus here.

Blood pressure drugs are in the crosshairs of coronavirus research Those taking pills to control their blood pressure ought to read this story.

World leaders launch plan to speed COVID-19 drugs, vaccine; U.S. stays away Wondering why the world leaders thinks a vaccine (which will probably be impossible to produce given the amount of different strains of this virus already) will work any better than antibodies will? 

Coronavirus: Should I worry about my lockdown eating?  If we're cooking or baking more just for something to do, maybe, but otherwise I wouldn't think so.

Pandemic Deepens Catholic Church’s Financial Crunch, From Vatican to Parishes   Oh well, guess they'll have to sell off some of those gold statues and stuff.

1 in 10 Canadians believes a coronavirus conspiracy theory, survey suggests  Well gawd, you'd have to pretty well brain dead to not think that there's conspiracy here. I mean with all the things converging for the benefit of the elites, what else should we think?

One Wuhan resident's story of testing inaccuracies

Has Coronavirus Been in California Since the Fall? Researchers Investigate   I'd say probably yes. I'm sure it's been around here a lot longer than they think.

Coronavirus detected on particles of air pollution   So if this is the case, you could be totally clean, taking all the precautions with masks and gloves and everything, then you open your door to go in the house and a particle of smog with that virus on it, comes in the house with you. And there you go. So it doesn't matter really what we do or how far apart we stand from each other if it's on smog particles in the air and we breath those in even in the confines of our house, that's it, we're getting it too.

Millions of Credit-Card Customers Can’t Pay Their Bills. Lenders Are Bracing for Impact.  I imagine that soon this will be the same story here, especially in regards to the seniors who are being forced to stay home and buy everything either online or over the phone - which requires credit card payments, which entails interest charges if it's not paid off at the end of the month.

'I want my life back': Germans protest against lockdown I guess I'm not the only one on the face of the planet that's getting sick and tired of these charades going on and am concerned about our constitutional rights. Except that these people are in Germany and I'm in Canada. Too bad more Canadians aren't concerned about their constitutional rights too. And I'll tell you something, according to the story that starts with "An Ill Wind" above you ought to be, after you see what the wanna be dictatorial tyrant in Ottawa tried to pull.

How did the coronavirus start and where did it come from? 
I'm sorry but is this story actually trying to blame wildlife? Seriously? You mean the wild mad scientists in lab coats wildlife? Or the furry 4 legged kind? Because, I think it's more like the wild mad scientists in lab coats wildlife than the furry 4 legged kind!

COVID-19: Ottawa announces $62.5 million for country's fish and seafood sector  Throwing more of our money around out there, I see. Creating more inflation in the future, while not helping the seniors that have been forced to stay home and order everything - which is making life more expensive for them due to the interest rates being tacked on to all their purchases that they have to pay for with credit cards now. By the time that clown in Ottawa finishes throwing our money around we'll be so far in debt we'll never see the light of day again, and with all the extra money floating around in the economy everything will just be that much more expensive, because of inflation caused by all that extra money. The so-called beloved seniors who are supposed to be the ones being protected by all of these measures are not being protected at all, in fact they're being hurt more because of them because they aren't getting any financial help  at all - unless you call the $5 & $7 waiver of the delivery fees financial help, but are being forced to buy everything on interest laden credit cards and once this is over and they can go back out in society, everything will cost a lot more because of the inflation, so unless they get financial help, they'll be hurt the worst.   I seriously take issue with a government that stresses that the seniors are their utmost concern in this pandemic, but yet they aren't doing anything to help the seniors themselves. In fact they're doing whatever they can to ensure their deaths or that they get bled dry financially speaking.

Mass Coronavirus Antibody Tests Have Serious Limits  Like I said elsewhere, there's nothing stopping governments from giving those who have antibodies a "passport" to go back out into society while keeping track of them and their related data, such as date they acquired antibodies (if known - if not assume the date being the date of the test and the issuance of the passport). Set requirements that they must follow, like for them to report immediately if they feel like they're getting the disease again and to self quarantine until tested again and told they cleared the test, or regularly scheduled meetings with say a coronavirus officer to be debriefed on their health since the last meeting. So say in the beginning every 3 months and then if they're clear for 2 consecutive 3 month intervals, then go to 6 months and if they're still clear do another 6 month meeting with them and then after that 1x a year for however many years you wish to see how long the immunity lasts. But we're not going to know if we never take the chance to find out and insist on everyone staying home, no matter if they have the antibodies or not. And I don't see how they can pin hopes on a vaccine working if antibodies don't. It's really not that hard to find out but you have to be willing to find out.

Skip college this fall? How some students are rethinking their school choices 
I really can't see how those who would be finishing high school now could consider college because they haven't finished and aren't likely to finish before fall anyhow given that the schools have been closed down.

Coronavirus is scaring people away from the hospital. Some are dying because of it   I can understand that especially since it keeps spreading beyond where they think it's contained, but aside from that we're basically hearing stay home and out of the doctor's hair as they have enough to contend with. I know I got a phone call last week all in French jibber jabbering on about something to do with Telemedicine. I have no clue what they said as I couldn't understand the robocall's female French speaker they chose to use and there was no option for English given and no one called back in English either. So I guess us English seniors are just supposed to grin and bear it or suffer & die, as far as the Quebec gov't is concerned.

WHO warns you may catch coronavirus more than once   Actually, I think the WHO should be warning us about their idiocy and whatever it is they have planned for us (as I have a feeling it's nothing good). Personally from what I can figure is some people due to something to do with their own immune system gets relapses (like some people with the flu), and others who were thought to be over it really weren't, but the test they took was faulty indicating that they were over it.

Canada shouldn’t reopen economy without worker PPE, Trudeau says   And this idiot that can't tie his own shoes and chew  gum at the same time, is an expert in what we should and shouldn't do all of a sudden? Where's he getting his advice from? Canada's Health Minister Hajdu? The art teacher? Because her degrees are in Fine Arts and has absolutely nothing to do with health or medicine! So Canada is being led by a negligent doctor that failed miserably to do her duties when it was time (Tam), a ski instructor (Trudeau)  and an art teacher (Hajdu) in this pandemic.  Yeah we're in good hands for sure. I'm sorry if just don't agree with any of them. I think it's another delay tactic to try to stretch the home arrest out for as long as possible - because for some unknown reason they want us all to have this fancy vaccine they think they're going to magically come up with sometime in our lifetimes. I have my suspicions about that, that's for sure.

Safer to eat in restaurants than at home claims top French chef Alain Ducasse  Some of these headlines and stories are pretty self-serving to say the least. I don't see how anyone can think eating in a restaurant is safer than eating at home.  I prefer eating at home, because I know what goes into my meal, whether the ingredients I'm using are fresh, frozen or canned, and if frozen or canned, was it by me or did I buy it? If its by me, I know what's in it and I know the only preservatives that will be in the canned items is either pectin, vinegar, or sugar or salt. And as for the frozen food I frozen I know I didn't add anything to them before freezing them. If they needed blanching then that's all they got, otherwise they were packaged and put in the freezer as they were. I know I don't use wire brushes to scrub grills and so there aren't apt to be any such bristles from them hiding in my food, I know I don't use a half shaker of salt on my food either. I don't know any of that about restaurant food. Not only that I don't know who coughed or sneezed on my plate while it was being prepared or who did worse things to the food.  If you know how to cook your food properly so you don't get salmonella or ecoli from it, and follow proper sanitation procedures (like washing your hands and your food before cutting it up to cook or put in a salad) and thoroughly cooking your pork and chicken, then there shouldn't be any problems with safety issues.

Scientists fear the hunt for a coronavirus vaccine will fail and we will all have to live with the 'constant threat' of COVID-19  This is what I've been saying all along and why I believe letting people who have the antibodies back out into society again is so important. Not only will it give us a chance to get our economies up and running again, but it'll give the scientists the opportunity to find out just how many have had the virus overall and to see if it does provide any immunity and if so for how long if they do it the way I described above or similar.

Grocery stores are portioning flour from industrial bags to deal with demand Another weird thing happening because of COVID19.

The U.S. has a quarter of the world's confirmed coronavirus deaths despite having less than 5 percent of its population  So it's a wonder we don't have more cases than we do, considering our borders were open for cross border travel forever and only just closed a couple weeks ago.

Judge rules that COVID-19 physical distancing laws are not illegal confinement (head in hands and shaking head sadly).... OMG how do idiots like this even make it through law school to start with? Of course physical distancing isn't unlawful detention. Staying home though could be, but why mention that as it might be too obvious?

COVID-19 in Quebec: A timeline of key dates and events

Four-legged, furry friends can help ward off the isolation blues, Montreal researcher finds I hope this "researcher" wasn't paid any money for that study, considering just about everyone who has or ever had a pet could've told us that for free. But for those who weren't convinced by all their friends who had pets, now it's not just your friends saying that a real researcher said it too, so it must be true. So now you can feel better and more confident about getting a pet for yourself.

WHO warns against 'immunity passports' as a ticket out of lockdown  Well yeah if you don't do anything to ensure that it's working like keeping track of how long they've had antibodies for and whether or not they're reporting sick again or not. But if you don't do anything to find out, you'll never know and so we'll be in lock down forever because of being stymied by fear of "what ifs".

Global death toll tops 200,000 as some virus lockdowns eased

Trudeau says too early to discuss 'immunity passports' for people recovered from COVID  Oh surprise surprise Trudeau is going to follow the grossly negligent idiots that caused this genocide by not acting sooner. So um yeah.... Continue following their advice Justin and let's see how much further our economy can collapse by keeping us home indefinitely,  so your WEF friends like Soros et. al. can come and pick up everything for a song and a dance and literally buy our country out from under us. So we belong to them and not to ourselves.
This pause in our lives can lead to reflection and greater fulfillment Well the title of this post does say "The Good, the Bad, the Ugly", so here's one of the good stories related to COVID19.

Montreal speech therapists, social workers threatened with firing if they refuse to work in seniors' homes  Okay I do not know nor understand what is going on here. Considering that they've had thousands of applications from nurses & doctors applying to work in those homes and lots of relatives who have been itching to get in there and look after their relatives themselves (thereby cutting down on the work required of the staff), but yet the government hasn't hired anyone who applied and despite telling the relatives they could go be caregivers to their loved ones, it seems a lot aren't being allowed in to do that.  Now they want to force speech therapists and social workers to go do that?  Something is seriously wrong here and I don't know what it is, but I'd lay odds that it's serious government bungling going on. Meanwhile seniors are languishing in thirst, hunger & filth with no one to help them.

COVID-19 shelter-in-place order causes change in crimes Here's another weird story related to COVID19

Experts worry 'quarantine fatigue' is starting  I seriously can't imagine whatever gave them that idea anyhow.

Pressure Builds on Europe’s Fragile Banking System Yet more financial fallout from this virus.

Classic Rock Gives Comfort to Music Fans During Coronavirus Lockdown  With that in mind.....

The Rolling Stones Hit Number 1 on iTunes (First Time Ever) with Spectacular Quarantine Anthem “Living in a Ghost Town”  In case the article disappears and you still want to see the video and hear the song here's the YouTube link to it too: The Rolling Stones - Living In A Ghost Town (Official Video)

Thousands of flamingos flock to lake in Mumbai as COVID-19 causes cleaner air Another beautiful side effect (if you want to call it that) of COVID19.

Coronavirus Forces Farmers to Destroy Their Crops  And here we are worrying about whether there'll be any food available or not and what the price of it will be if there is, while planning to plant gardens as a contingency.

Lawmakers warn coronavirus contact-tracing is ripe for abusive surveillance  Oh you can be sure that some agency like CSIS or NSA or CIA or someone somewhere will be abusing it.  For sure! That's pretty much a given.

Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal  Oh look it hasn't been "normal" for years now. All you need is a moderator on some forum somewhere who doesn't like what you said and blocks it and deletes it altogether or bars you altogether period and you have no recourse even if what you're saying is justified. I've been in forums already where the moderators didn't like what I said about Trudeau and his shenanigans over the years and who's deleted my posts and basically made my life miserable on their forums, even though what I was saying was fact.  The people who own these sites and forums etc all have their own agendas and if they don't like something you say, they have no qualms about deleting it, and abrogating your rights to free speech.

One in 3 death certificates were wrong before coronavirus. It's about to get even worse.

Making sense of a stock market just 16% off its high while a pandemic costs 26 million jobs

Parisians defy lockdown by dancing, briefly, in the street  Can't say as I blame them. I'm itching to throw a pizza party in the street for the everyone in the neighbourhood. Just to say hi to them after all this time of not even seeing anyone from the neighbourhood.

Canada braces for higher mortgage defaults - but it won't be the next "U.S. crash of '08"  Or they hope it won't be. I'm not so sure though. It might be worse for all we know.

Germany warns against race to restart tourism  Very good advice that I hope all of the politicians in Canada heeds!  Because the last thing we need is to say "oh we're free and clear so let's open the borders to everyone" and then a ton of Americans who are into it up to their eyeballs starts flooding across the border and reinfecting all of us again (especially if the WHO is right and says we can all be reinfected with it), along with others coming from other regions with a lot of cases of it too.

Latest on the spread of the coronavirus around the world

Coronavirus: Government adviser questions science behind two-metre social distancing  Personally all I've ever seen that as was a means for cops to see and judge the distance between people so they could issue tickets more easily.

Detailed COVID19 Data in Quebec - In French  It may be in French but there are a lot of graphs there that tells the story so even if you only understand a little bit of French you should be able to understand the graphs and numbers.

Next time it'll be a combination of more fun stuff and more useful information that you can use in your day to day lives while living through this pandemic & shut-down.