Showing posts with label Pets & COVID19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pets & COVID19. Show all posts

Sunday, November 15, 2020

More Catching Up to Do With Headlines on ....



November 14, 2020

It's taken me a half a month now to catch up on last month's headlines in here - that's how many there were and there's still tons more to go. I don't know if I'll get them all done this weekend or not, but I'm going to give it my best shot because I really need to get this over with so I can do other things - things that are important to me and my loved ones and to make whatever Christmas celebrations we do have a bit nicer than they'd be if I didn't get a chance to do them. So with that in mind I'm going to be posting as many headlines as possible and with as few comments as possible to get through the rest of them this weekend if I can. Hopefully, I'll be able to. 

First I'm going to start with the disturbing headlines of today's date November 14 - where I do the usual of picking 1 or 2 headlines that seem especially telling or disturbing to post before continuing with the October headlines. So here's the 2 I chose for today's date: 

And what they're saying here in Canada sounds like it's getting to that stage here as well. And it's not  helping that the premiers have placed more priority on the economy then on the health of their population.  Which the following headlines contends is the case with Doug Ford in Ontario - but he's not the only one who's priority is the economy, Mr. Gestapo Boots Legault  here in QC, does too.

As I said above, Legault is the same. Perhaps more so, because he doesn't let the people have any reprieve for enjoyment or social bonding, or physical exercise - it's like everyone's grounded in QC. They get to go to school or work but they have to come back home immediately after that and stay home and the only place they're allowed to go is to work or school and that's all. Like as if the entire population is composed of 14 year old delinquents. Whereas Ford is reluctant to shut things like  restaurants etc down, so that the workers do still have a place to go to chill out and have fun or just relax over a nice meal without having to hurry home from work to whip one up for the ravenous kids that awaits. Instead they can just pick the kids up and head on out for a nice meal and relax, at the end of super stressful day, in Ontario.
Now on with the headlines from October....

I just wish one of these articles about COVID19 & dogs would post the symptoms to look for in dogs in order to know if they should be seen by a vet or not. 
Sackville man hopes personalized buttons make mask wearing more friendly I wouldn't mind getting one of these for myself as I've run into people who don't recognize me with the mask on unless they are familiar with the glasses I usually wear, otherwise they're clueless as to who I am. 

Maybe they should resume the BcG vaccinations against TB, as it's also surmised to help protect against COVID19 too. So 2 birds with one stone so to speak. 
Public encouraged not to attend Remembrance Day services in Wellington County I think attendance was pretty much discouraged across the country.

Covid is even interfering with the dispensing of justice because of potential courtroom over crowding.




Other than increasing our electrical bill I don't see the point of this. If none of your family members have the virus and no one's been to visit, the point of doing this besides benefiting the power company in increased costs is what exactly? Yeah I know we need fresh air in our lives, but I'm not so sure that involves freezing us out of our house and home when there's really no purpose to it. If you want fresh air, get dressed and go out and get it along with some exercise as well.

The world needs to organize a day or weekend or maybe entire week where it's constant wall to wall protests all over the globe where more citizens come out to protest than they have police. I know I saw a demonstration in Germany on  TV tonight where the cops brought out the water cannon against the protestors - but there should've been thousands more protestors. They wouldn't have enough water cannons to target all of them. The way to get to the gov't and force them to give up is to overwhelm them and over throw them when needed.

One-third of COVID-19 patients suffer potentially permanent brain damage I hope not, because if this is true that's scary.

Merkel warns against 'lies, disinformation' in virus fight You mean the lies that you and the rest of the politicians around the world are uttering and the disinformation you're intent on spewing to try to keep the masses scared and compliant? Because from all the headlines posted in this blog (and I'm sure I have the one of the largest on this subject gathered in one place on the internet) all the lies and disinformation I've seen to date came from the places like the WHO, CDC, politicians and the ash holes  they elect to be their health ministers (most of them aren't even qualified to put a bandaid on someone's paper cut let alone to be a health anything). The lies, the misrepresentations, the negligence, the pure idiocy associated with this plandemic of yours and the clowns that are running this world into the  ground is mind boggling. And you might be a PhD Merkel but I can guarantee you that's not in medicine. In fact you probably wouldn't know the difference between a pimple and a mole if one kicked you in the head and the other bite you on the nose. Same as the rest of your ilk (the political classes) they haven't got 2 clues to rub together about anything to do with health, so they're NOT QUALIFIED TO EVEN MAKE PRONOUNCEMENTS ON IT, LET ALONE DECIDE WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT IT. And most of those clueless idiots masquerading as leaders have equally clueless idiots masquerading as health ministers - case in point the art teacher in Ottawa and the pencil pushing number cruncher in QC City. Neither of them are qualified to put a bandaid on a someone else's papercut let alone guide a nation in the middle of a medical pandemic! So like I said the only lies and misinformation I see out there are from the political classes and their sicophants themselves. That goes for you as well Merkel because if you hadn't been negligent in your duties to protect your people from harm, you wouldn't be going through this now either. By that I mean closed your borders to everyone regardless of the EU arrangement between countries, on January 21st. It would be up to the other EU countries to follow suit, if they didn't and got the virus, oh well it's on them, but at least Germany would've been safe from it and continued to be so too for as long as the borders remain closed. But hey, you and your loosey goosey ways (I remember the half a gazillion refugees you let in to invade Europe) had this coming. So now deal with it.





Okay well it sounds to me like someone likes to make excuses and is doing so in this article.
The One Vitamin Doctors Are Urging Everyone To Take Right Now Our family doctor recently prescribed vitamin D to my husband, she's had me on it for pretty much the last year already.



New coronavirus symptom 'Covid toes' scientists say to look out for This isn't exactly a new symptom. This was reported back in the spring too.

And who else has been granted that special exemption anyhow? Maybe this has something to do with why we can't get it under control?  Too porous of a border and too many exemptions given maybe?

Mutant COVID-19 strain in Spanish farm workers sparked Europe's second wave: scientists So what sparked the 2nd wave here then? Assuming you believe we're in a 2nd wave or that Spain is in one too for that matter. 


COVID-19 forced Toronto's $2.2B film and TV production industry to a grinding halt. With 23 projects now underway, insiders say it’s a strong comeback I don't get it. If Covid forced it to a grinding halt, how come it's making a comeback now then as Covid is still around and even more widespread now in Ontario than it was in the spring as they're seeing more cases now than they did then.

We're turning into  a police state, that's why. Probably all a part of the plandemic plan.


This is bogus made up BS, considering that if it were the case, the numbers would've descended by now instead of constantly rising. Thanksgiving was over a month ago (October 12th), but yet the numbers are still rising. So either there's something wrong with that theory or the incubation period is closer to a month than 2-14 days as everyone's been saying. In that case, everyone needs to quarantine longer. But I think it has more to do with the fact that everyone's been sent back to school & work and now they're all sharing their germs between each other and then bringing them home and passing them onto family members as well.

New study links air pollution to 15 percent of COVID-19 deaths This is what I thought was going on in Wuhan why they were having it so rough there, but I was told I was a racism idiot and to shut up, despite the well renowned lousey air quality in China.

Top doctor bursts Atlantic-Cuba bubble, urges Nova Scotians to stay close to home this winter Of course, having fun, relaxing in the sun and enjoying life, is out of the picture for Canadians. 


Introduction to First Aid With Covid stretching the first responders and medical teams to the breaking point this may be your only recourse to help someone who needs immediate help, as we'll be more or less on our own to cope with most medical problems from here on in, it seems.

I'm posting this now, after-the-fact, as more of record for posterity, of how Halloween was handled this year.

They say a picture speaks 1000 words, well in that case you need to see the pictures that goes with this article in order to understand what the author means by gridlocked. 
Fury Over New Covid Lockdowns in Europe Threatens Compliance  I can't even imagine why, at this point. (said sarcastically).

Ottawa's wastewater suggests COVID-19 levels are plateauing Really because the daily case numbers wouldn't suggest that.  





There's an important link between vitamin D and coronavirus I wish they'd tell us what the amount was that is needed on a daily basis.




CDC lifts cruise ban, says companies can restart once they prove COVID-19 protocols work  That didn't last long as there's already a person aboard one of those cruises who has COVID19.



Well according to health authorities the whole  frigging year has not been the time for parties or large gatherings. 










Don’t be fooled: Even a simple card game could spread COVID-19  What about a simple cup of coffee or tea and good convo? Is that forbidden too? What about laughing? Or for that matter breathing? Are they all forbidden as well?


I guess these interminable lockdowns are doing a number on relationships. Too bad that's the case though. 



Everywhere it seems there's more people in need this year. I've been sitting here mulling over what we can do to help others this Christmas, because we can't afford to give as much as we used to either, primarily because the prices on all the foodstuffs we used to buy has jumped so drastically, it's like we'd need to spend double the amount we used to spend just to get half as much as we used to get. It's crazy. Anyhow, I guess we'll figure something out. 

Energy’s Plunge Is Now Worst Among S&P Sectors Dating to 1928  That must be in the US because quite frankly here in QC, Canada I haven't seen that much of a plunge in prices. The gas price is only 3 cents lower than it was a couple of months ago and our hydro bill is the same. So I don't know where this plunge in prices is. Sure not around here.



Oregon health official dressed as clown while announcing coronavirus deaths And they want us to take this seriously and believe them do they? When they treat death counts like this? Seriously????



American Medical Association slams Trump's claim that doctors are making money from listing COVID-19 as cause of death, as cases continue to climb I don't know if the doctors are, but the hospitals are getting $20 extra per covid patient they treat, whether the patient lives or dies is irrelevant. Allegedly it's to cover the cost of  PPE except that has incentivized the hospitals to list more covid patients than they actually have. 


If this isn't an eye-opening treatise on COVID19 from the vatican then I don't know what is. This is not a conspiracy theory either folks. If anyone would know about the machinations behind the scenes of gov'ts and at the UN, it would be the Vatican. So you should not only take the time to read it, but to seriously consider what's being said in that document as well. 


I wish all governments would be forced to justify their actions with scientific data and reasoning. So far they seem to just make sheite up out of thin air and tell us it's for our own good and that that will bring the cases down - which it hasn't, but yet they haven't changed their methods. If anything the case numbers keeps going up despite their BS methods that has no backing in science or medical methodologies. It's just stupidity on a stick is all it is.
Blenheim church outbreak an example of a 'quintessential super spreader event'  Thought that was a wedding and a birthday party that did that. Funny but the same figures are now being used for this superspreader church event. That other event with the exact same figures is listed above in one of the headlines. Seems to me they use the same number just different venues and types of events to try to say there's super spreader events and these are what they look like - church gatherings, weddings and birthday parties - all with the same figures though.... Which is super coincidental to say the least. So I'm sorry I now do not believe either of these stories. They were both fabricated by who knows who (whether it's the media or some pencil pusher that thinks they're a medical anybody) for the purpose of scaremongering.

Or when the economy's bottom line is worth more than the workers lives - aka cogs in the economic engine. 
2 new cases of COVID-19 in N.S. as state of emergency renewed Holy Crap! State of emergency renewed over SIX CASES IN THE WHOLE PROVINCE! Geez we should be on all alarm Fire Engine Red with Bright Orange Flames shooting out of the side borders of the coloured square, here in QC then! Considering the amount of cases we have. 


Same is true for QC.

Federal public health officials release new data that shows how COVID-19 is being spread I don't believe a damned word this genocidal beitche says. 


'Panicky pandemic publishing' of COVID-19 research erodes trust in science: report Or idiot media mouthpieces that don't understand what it is they're talking about and screw even the most basic of information up. Personally I don't think media types should be allowed to report on anything they don't have at least a basic degree in - like if it's medicine, a bachelors in some medical science, or if it's science, then in science, or law, then in law and so on. Then we might get better and more accurate information if that were the case and it wasn't just some grade 7 brat with a tape recorder and an internet connection masquerading as a journalist or journalist/blogger.


Okay well now it's long past my bed time and pretty soon I'm going to need toothpicks to put under my eyelids to hold them open if I keep this up much longer. So even though I gave it my best shot to finish up until the end of October, I still have several headlines left to go..... So until then take care & stay well.



Monday, October 12, 2020

Picking Berries, Tons of Dishes, Shopping & ....



October 11, 2020

The day after our Thanksgiving celebrations left us with a ton of dirty dishes to wash, so much so in fact, we can't have dessert tonight until the dishwasher is finished washing dishes. It's crammed full with just about all the dishes in the house. 

Speaking of Thanksgiving and QC's restrictions on crowds etc... hehehehe.... That's funny, because not a soul seems to care about those restrictions in our area.  Despite the fact that we're in the red zone and everyone is supposed to stay 2 kilometers apart and wear masks at all times and only associate with those in their immediate households. heheheh OMG.... You should've seen the houses we passed with tons of cars in the driveways and parked out front on the road and people wandering around in yards and on top of each other with no masks, like 3 old men we saw near here. We know one of the old men and we know the other 2 don't live in the same house with him and his wife, but yet they were basically on top of each other laughing, talking, slapping each on the back sans masks, etc... I assume their wives were inside doing the same with the lady of the house as well. And we're talking about an old man that was super paranoid in the beginning and wouldn't leave home nor approach anyone closer than 10 feet away (that's 3 meters for anyone not knowing the conversion). He had to have everything ordered online or the phone and delivered - he wouldn't even go out for groceries or medications. Now it appears he's just like us, he doesn't give a flying F about the rules and regulations. Because no one believes it anymore.

But just incase there's some in the Vaudreuil-Dorion district who were intent on having Thanksgiving anyhow.... Hydro Quebec (yes another branch of the miserable nazi QC gov't) is shutting the power off for the whole day to the whole district. So no turkey dinner for you and yours - turkey sandwiches made with cold cuts will have to suffice. Unless you decided to outsmart the miserable SOBS and have your celebrations today. Even all the restaurants are closed except delivery and take out. But there might be a lot of those affected by the power outage too, so the few who aren't will be super busy, so you'll have to wait an eternity for dinner.

Other than doing dishes and shopping I went out to pick what will probably be the final few raspberries and strawberries of the season. I almost didn't get any strawberries though because my husband just decided to go clomping through my garden without watching where he was going while I was screaming at him to stop and not go there, he kept going anyhow while arguing with me about the strawberries. Him saying there's none there (well duh they're under the leaves so you're not going to see them anyhow even if you knew what a strawberry plant looked like to begin with and he doesn't) and me knowing precisely where they are screaming at him telling them are are there. Plus he removed the grapevine supports even though I was telling him not to. I'm telling you he can be clueless when he wants to be and when it comes to gardens he wants to be. He's like the chainsaw wielding guy in Chainsaw Massacre, as he loves to cut just about every plant that's higher than his ankles down to that size. From trees, bushes, garden plants etc... Sometimes I'd like like to strangle him.  'Cept my hands aren't big enough to fit around his neck. Lucky for him. 😏😉
Before we get started, I want to share an awesome video of Dachshunds on UK's Got Talent show, that my neighbour sent me the link to - just to add a touch of awwwww cuteness, to this hideous awful plandemic BS we're going through now. So please enjoy - courtesy of my dear friend and neighbour Marie:  👍
Anywho.... On with the never ending slog of trying to get through the COVID19 headlines some time this century. Because honestly they never end and I just can't keep up with them all. Though I try my best to see & post what I can.  So get comfy and settle in for some reading....

Liberals pledge $1 billion for cities to buy motels, hotels for rapid-housing program That's not going to fix the problem as no one in their right minds want to live a motel or hotel 24/7 365 a year. 


I'm sure a lot of them will appreciate it.

Experts Demand Transparency This is a demand made by scientists (medical, bioethicists, etc...) who work in the field of medicine who are demanding transparency from the government regarding COVID19 (visa a vie where they're getting their data from, who's making the decisions that they use for government policy etc.) They have a petition that they're asking people to sign so they can petition the government to release that information. I'm not sure if that petition can be found at this site or not, but it has a lot of other info on COVID19 etc that you might find useful: Covid19 Resources Canada
Chronic pain patients suffer as treatments delayed due to pandemic You'd think that the only sick people in this world or the ones needing medical attention were solely COVID19 patients, because apparently no one else counts to the medical establishment anymore. Wondering what all the idle cardiologists, endocrinologists, oncologists, orthopedic surgeons etc are all doing with their time these days. Must be a lot of golf club memberships being sold to them and they must be spending an inordinate amount of time at those facilities rather than in hospitals. Seeing as how all their hospital space has been converted to COVID19 wards. 


I don't know why those symptoms were included in the first place, since they never were mentioned as being COVID symptoms from the onset. 

First we're told they can't catch it. Then we're told they can but it's rare. Then we're told yeah they catch it, but it's no where near as severe as it in humans and they rarely if ever die from it. Now we're being told there's a substantial proportion of them catching it. I wish they'd make up their minds. 

Probably because there is a theory in medicine that says that your body needs to be exposed to certain bacteria and viruses in order to build up a resistance against them and know how to handle them and that if the body isn't exposed on a gradual and progressive basis or at all, then when it is exposed suddenly to a "regular sized dose" of it, your body will be overwhelmed and not be able to cope with it at all and go into severe fight mode with excessive responses, like excessively high fevers and auto immune responses that aren't called for to actually fight it off. Kind of akin to taking a sledge hammer to something that only requires a fly's swatter as an analogy. So these social distancing and mask measures maybe harming us more than protecting us in the long run and not just against the COVID virus but all the germs out there.  


Employers Using Private Investigators To Prove Employees Didn’t Get COVID-19 At Work So what if they got it at work or not? If there's an employee there who has it, the rest of the workers should be in quarantine too, at least until their tests come back negative. So it's irrelevant where the employee got the virus from as all employees will be affected by that one employee one way or the other and so will the company (as in what the governments will subject it to - as in closing or having the place completely sanitized professionally or what). 

China sentences property tycoon Ren Zhiqiang to 18 years in prison for criticising Xi Jinping on COVID-19 response Wow! Now imagine what they'd do if you were a virologist who tried to expose the origins of COVID19 to the world!?! Maybe that's why she is asking for asylum in the US.
Pentagon redirected pandemic funds to defense contractors See? It just shows you how seriously even the pentagon takes this virus. The governments all know that this is a run of the mill virus that they can use the excuse of they have no treatment for to keep the masses scared and compliant and towing the lines.


CDC guidelines urge families to avoid trick-or-treating this Halloween In other breaking news from the CDC they are urging families to refrain from laughing and having fun as that may attract the virus - it's a party animal apparently so that's why no one is allowed to have fun, or laugh. This just in, the CDC is issuing an urgent call to stop breathing as exhaling your breath is causing the virus to spread exponentially through the entire universe.  This bit about the breaking news and urgent call from the CDC is being sarcastic & facetious. It's not something they really decreed, so please don't take it seriously. 😷


'PERILOUS POINT' Boris Johnson speech: PM warns Britain facing six MONTHS of stricter lockdown ruining Christmas for millions of families Well yeah. That's the point of this whole exercise isn't it? To break everyone's spirits, wreck their health and ruin the economy, and rid the world of excess population along the way, isn't that the point of this whole exercise? Seems like it is.

Of course they don't want the app. Why would anyone? I mean why would anyone trust the government to be honest about the app and it's abilities or lack thereof to trace your movements or infringe on your privacy in other ways? It's not like they've been overly transparent in their bids to monitor our daily communications otherwise. So if they lied about that, why wouldn't they be lying about this app too?  Same goes for the apps used for that purpose here in North America. The US & Canadian governments are just as guilty as the EU of spying on their citizens, probably more so. We do know for a fact that Canada's spy agency CSIS and the NSA in the USA have and continue to regularly eavesdrop on all our telecommunications whether it's via, cellphone, landline, fax, modem or internet, they intercept and analyse it all. I'm surprised they don't open our postal mail and read the letters before putting them back in the envelopes resealing them and sending them on their way, like the KGB did in the USSR. Maybe the reason they don't is because they have a machine that's capable of doing that through the envelope without opening it and reading it upside down and folded up (like an xray machine that can read multiple layers of handwriting in any direction). Who knows? 

Mental Health Experts Warn About Dangers Of ‘Doomscrolling’ You read that I hope! If so, what're you still doing here? 

Even though my husband and I hug each other often I found that I still needed to be touched by my kids and get a hug from them too. Everyone in my life has a different touch and feel to me and I didn't realize how much I missed the hugs of my son & daughter-in-law until I got some this past summer. We still haven't had the familiar touch of friends touching us on our shoulders or hands etc... We still stay socially distanced from them even when visiting with them. So I miss those casual little touches sometimes too I think.
"Profit over people": The business of Canada's for-profit long-term care sector called into question You could look at that as being the motto for the entire country and not just regarding long term care homes and old age homes. No, it seems to be the way the country is operating now, having people go back to work and school to keep the economy going, but not allowing them to LIVE THEIR LIVES and I don't mean merely exist. I mean actually live - like as in doing things they enjoy doing and maybe even live to do, but they're not being allowed to because OMG we need all the cogs in our wheel, so we can't let them get sick outside doing something they actually enjoy doing. They can only get sick being enslaved by the economy, for the government. 
Anyhow..... That's basically it for now... Be back soon with more. Until then enjoy whatever's left of your long weekend and Thanksgiving holiday, stay well and take care.



Thursday, April 30, 2020

Whew! Wow!...

There's a Lot to Digest Over the Last Couple of Days!

April 29, 2020

First I want to take the time to thank the visitors who are coming to visit my blog. I didn't realize I had any, until just recently when I went to visit the stats section and noticed I had some not just from Canada (which were probably all mine 😉 ), but the US, Turkey, Russia, Belgium & Unknown Regions (wherever that is).  Just that alone is a big Wow! And a big Surprise! So thank you to everyone who have paid a visit and I hope you like it enough to return and maybe bring a friend or two with you.  You're all welcome here and all welcome to leave comments in the comments sections as well, especially if you have anything related to any of the topics here to share. I know I would love to hear about it - news, ideas, anecdotes, information, first hand experiences or witnesses to events related to the topics here, even recipes or how-tos, are all welcome. Just feel free to dive right in and make yourselves at home. That's what I set this blog up for. Well in the beginning, as I assumed that only I and a couple of people I told about the blog would even read any of it and that it was mostly me who'd be doing that, more often than them, I wasn't really expecting them to participate in it in any way and while you aren't obliged to either, I would love to hear from you about whatever is on your mind. You can even use the comments section to connect with others if you wish, to cut down on your solitude and loneliness if it helps. I don't mind. Just make yourselves at home and take as much advantage of whatever is here that you want, just please keep it civilized and clean. That's all I ask.

Then I woke up yesterday morning after bemoaning on here a day or two before about permanent house arrest and not ever being let out of it, to hear news that Legault is actually letting all of us captives out of our cages, slowly but ever so surely, at least according to this link:  Gradual resumption of activities under the COVID-19-related pause   Okay, so that in itself deserves a big Whoo Hoo and a happy dance around the livingroom at least! I just wish hair salons were included in there somewhere. Because it's getting to the point where I have to get this dead animal off my head and may wind up asking my husband to give me a bean shave.  Well at least it'll be cooler for the summertime.

Most Americans Who Carry the Coronavirus Don’t Know It To suppress Covid-19, we need to test those with no symptoms.  I agree. I don't know how any government can know for sure, who's had it, who hasn't and who's got it now, without testing everyone including those without symptoms. That way we'll know how prevalent it was/is and if most people have already had it or not. 

A spike in New Yorkers ingesting household cleaners following Trump’s controversial coronavirus comments  This one is just really hard for me to believe that people would actually do that to start with, but I suppose if a man leading a country can suggest it, then people electing him ought to believe him and so act on his suggestions. Which leads me back to the original shock that he would say that in the first place. 

Online alpacas calm Germans amid virus lockdown  Ahhhhh.... Doesn't this just relieve some of the accumulated stress? He's so cute! 

Fights resume in Nicaragua because ‘boxers have to eat’  Sports events are cancelled everywhere else but not here, apparently.

USDA let millions of pounds of food rot while food-bank demand soared  This is basically criminal and should not have been allowed to happen.

Biden Assails Stimulus, Calls U.S. Corporations ‘Greedy as Hell’  Typical large corporations, that have no scruples and no morals and then wonder why no one is buying their stuff. Well hello, greedy idiots. They might've been able to buy your stuff if they had the money that was supposed to be theirs but that you stole from them!  It just boggles my mind when I see stuff like this and them getting away with it on top of that. But I think that's probably the point in the US. They rig things so they look like they're being fair & just to everyone except that they're not, because the big companies always have a backdoor to get to everything first before the ones it was actually intended for, can.

'We do see it as a critical situation': How COVID-19 is impacting Canada's meat supply So even though the economy is opening up, it doesn't mean everything will be available to buy, at least maybe not for a time.

Minister says COVID-19 is empowering domestic violence abusers as rates rise in parts of Canada  I don't know why they couldn't figure this out before either. 

Coronavirus Lingers in Air of Crowded Spaces, New Study Finds  I'm sure it's not just crowded spaces where it lingers, considering the report the other day that showed that the virus was on smog particles in the air. 

I'm not to sure I'd believe this one, considering the story appeared in the Miami Herald and  that the USA  is using COVID19 for a lot of reasons, so this report just falls into that category  for them to use for other excuses like 1) efficacy in filling out death certificates 2) a psy ops to scare the population in complying with the house arrest orders and 3) which I found out just last night, but will be posting the link about it here too, further down the page, they're using it to get funding for their hospitals, because apparently the hospitals in the US that treat COVID19 patients qualify for 20% increased funding. So they're basically listing everything now as being COVID related, including head trauma that causes death.  So a lot of fraud going on there in relation to the numbers in the US I think. 

Exclusive: She's been falsely accused of starting the pandemic. Her life has been turned upside down  How do we know she's been "falsely accused"? We need an inquiry or investigation at least if not a trial to ascertain if she's telling the truth or not. Until then it's just her word against other versions. 

Individualistic mindset of West comes through in protests against COVID measures It's not just "the west" as in the Wild West like they try to make it seem here, it's basically everyone who's tired of staying home forever with no end in sight. I know that's how I felt until Legault allowed some things to reopen.

Coronavirus In Minnesota: 200K Pigs May Be Put Down Due To Processing Plant Closures  The Americans at least are looking at either super high prices of food in the not too distant future or a famine, on account of this nonsense. 

Coronavirus Forces Farmers to Destroy Their Crops The sub headline here reads: Amid pandemic orders dry up, You don't want to see your crop rot & suffer. - The idiocy of this just boggles my mind. They'd rather euthanize their animals and turn their crops under than help the many millions of unemployed who are going hungry in their country. What's wrong with donating it to food banks? Honestly. I just don't get the American attitudes.

Experts say U.S. could be just weeks away from meat shortages  Really? Experts eh? Well I'm no expert, but I'm sure I could've said the same thing after reading all the stories out there.

The Secret Group of Scientists and Billionaires Pushing a Manhattan Project for Covid-19   They seem to be focused on this big time, forgoing making money on it, apparently. I guess trying to make it look super altruistic to the world, but I get the feeling if they produce one, they'll all be the first buying shares in the company that produces it and trying to get promoted for the nobel peace prize for saving the human race with their vaccine.

Are Temperature Checks Effective In Stopping Coronavirus Spread?  I think the masks are probably more effective.

Study finds coronavirus could be more contagious than previously thought This is the study where they discovered the virus on some air pollution particles. Meaning you can wear all the masks you want and physically distance yourself from everyone but unless you live in a hermetically sealed unit and never open the door or window, you can still get it just by breathing polluted air. So like as my mom used to  and my husband likes to say, "doesn't matter what you do or how careful you are, if it's your time to go, it's your time to go and nothing will change that". So with that in mind, I figure we might as well live whatever life we have left rather than stay confined in a house for the rest of our lives, as we may still get it anyhow.

Top Manhattan ER doc commits suicide, shaken by coronavirus onslaught   So what I'm wondering is why she waited this long and didn't take her life back during the 2018-2019 flu season where they had over 40 million cases and over 60,000 deaths from it. I mean that's an onslaught compared to the numbers for COVID19 in the US now.  So, this is another story that the media is putting a spin on just to make it seem worse than it is.  So there's definitely more to this suicide than just COVID19 is.

CDC recommends social distancing for pets after some test positive for coronavirus   You should probably take precautions with your pets if you are suffering from COVID19 yourself, but it seems that even when the get the disease they fight it off relatively easily & quickly compared to us.

Losing It: 72% Of Locked-Down Americans Say They’ll Reach ‘Breaking Point’ By Mid-June  I think the politicians see and know that now and know that the populations aren't going to take much more of this so they're trying to find ways to reopen.  But more and more I'm questioning what's going on here and I sincerely doubt it has anything to do with Coronavirus. I think this has been a test run using the virus as the cover excuse for whatever it is they were testing (like how long they have to implement home arrest before there's mass revolts maybe? Or how easy it would be to segregate the elderly or a chosen population from society under the guise of protecting them and so leave them alone and forget about them?)

Lonely Lives: Alarming Number Of Seniors Go Entire Week Without Talking To Anyone  Look at the date on this article - September 7, 2019. So this was true before COVID19 hit, so imagine what it's like for a lot of them now! Now that people have explicitly been told to stay away from their elders "to protect them".

These are the 6 new possible symptoms of the coronavirus the CDC added to its list  Yeah.... I'm sorry but I'm just not buying this, given that I've suffered headaches all my life and have arthritis (a form of inflammation) for awhile now. It seems that they're trying desperately to lump everything under COVID19. So my question is why? Is that because all of these things actually do belong to COVID19 as symptoms? Or are they merely trying to use that and anything else they can think of to lump under the COVID19 umbrella in order to get 20% increased funding or to try to persuade everyone that they have COVID19 and so they all have to stay home under house arrest? Or to inflate the numbers artificially for the same reason? I mean I'm just getting more and more suspicious of everything being related to COVID19 since the CDC issued orders for the doctors to just assign COVID19 as the reason for death if it could reasonably associated with COVID19, in order to make life easier for the doctors (and at the same time artificially inflate the numbers which can be used for psy ops reasons and given their attempt after 9/11 to scare their population into staying home by issuing "Terror Alerts" every Thursday for several months following the attack - it wouldn't surprise me.)

Chinese 'activists arrested' for publishing censored coronavirus articles  I wish I knew where they were published and if any of those articles are in English and if so where the English ones in particular are. If anyone out there knows please leave a comment in the comments section below to le me know too, please.

The First To-Do Once a Coronavirus Lockdown Is Lifted? A Haircut  I wish here in QC, hair salons were included in the ones allowed to open in May, but unfortunately for me, they're not. So I'm going to be sporting a GI Jane look I guess.

This Past Flu Season Was the Longest in 10 Years, the CDC Says This is a TIME article about the 2018-2019 flu season. Where I got my figures for what I said above about the doctor that committed suicide due to COVID19.

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says And apparently in 2017 they had an even worse flu season where 80,000 Americans alone, died, nevermind how many died in the rest of the world from the flu that year, but I bet it far surpasses the numbers from COVID19. This is precisely why I think something else is going on here and not just the COVID19 virus, as being the reason for the house arrest etc.... 

U.S. coronavirus cases top 1 million as projected death toll rises As you can see from this article the COVID19 cases come nowhere near close to the numbers for the flu each year which mostly attacks and kills the elderly too, but yet you didn't see the authorities flip out and put everyone under house arrest every year on account of the flu, did you?

How hospitals were incentivized to diagnose patients with COVID-19 This is a news clip that shows how hospitals decided to classify nearly everything as COVID19 related. 

How accurate is the US coronavirus death count? Some experts say it's off by 'tens of thousands'  Yeah but they're trying to say they're under counted, but given the fraud going on with it, I think they're way way way over counted.

Cyberscammers: Pay Up or We’ll Infect Your Family With Coronavirus  Yeah.... Great! Come infect us! That way we'll know we had it for sure and can develope antibodies against it! 

'Canine surveillance': How Labrador retrievers are being trained to sniff out coronavirus cases  Dogs are incredibly smart and great at finding things with their noses. I know it's possible because a lady who had a dog that was able to detect Diabetes in people, the dog started following my husband around - who is diabetic. She was chasing the dog to get him/her back and when she finally caught up to us, I commented that her dog fell in love with my husband and she said that my husband must be diabetic, which he is.

Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice The state is about to find out how many people need to lose their lives to shore up the economy.  Euuuu this sounds rather grim. I hope that's not what's happening here in QC, in that we're not being used as a test case. 

USS Kidd Arrives in San Diego to Treat COVID-19 Outbreak; First Cases Emerged More than A Month After Hawaii Port Visit This is a perfect example of why the quarantines should've lasted 40 days - you know when people were coming into Canada from elsewhere, not just 14 days and definitely not voluntary 14 day quarantines. They should've been mandatory 40 day quarantines (like all quarantines used to be before). So no wonder the disease is spreading so much because people who had it were let out of quarantine early before they even started showing symptoms. So that means if the outbreak in Wuhan started in December that this disease was around at least since the end of October if not earlier.

Nearly half of global workforce risk losing livelihoods in pandemic - ILO  We're looking at a severe economic crash from what I can gather from everything I've seen, heard, or read.

Coronavirus 'will become a seasonal virus' and could blight world for a decade  So obviously the world will have to find another way of coping with & combatting this virus because we can't be kept under lockdown for the next decade. 

The Roads Are Quieter Due to Coronavirus, but There Are More Fatal Car Crashes  Oh I can believe that after seeing that motorcyclist go over the divider railing on the 40 on the news tonight.

More than half of Canadian companies see sales drop at least 20%: StatCan  That along with the 80% of workers that lost their jobs according to the news on TV tonight, doesn't paint a very pretty picture of our economic future either.

'It's a lot:' Fort McMurray residents deal with floods during COVID-19 pandemic Wow! This poor community, first they got burned out, then having to fight the Coronavirus like the rest of us, now they're flooded out. What's next? A pestilence - maybe locusts eating everything in sight? Seems like they're trying to get through all the Biblical Plagues as soon as possible.

Coronavirus cases in Canada: Over 51,000 infections and 2,900 deaths  And all the pretty charts and graphs that were released over the last week or so as well. How accurate they are, is anyone's guess, though I'm going to say probably not all that accurate considering the previous ones weren't.  So here you go.

 BC's Comparison of timing stringency of public health measures, with other countries.

BC's cumulative cases to April 14th.

BCs Projections to April 17th.

This shows how many patients in Canada were tested up until April 20ieth and of those how many tested positive and how many were negative.

This shows the "curve" as of April 20ieth. I don't know about you, but I don't see any peak, nor leveling off. So I'd say it's still pretty much raging on as before.

On April 20ieth these are how many cases overall there were in Canada and the breakdown per province.

These were the projections for Canada wide ending on April 16th.

Country comparisons of epidemic growth. I guess Tam, Hajdu and Trudeau are trying to pat themselves on the back for a job well done. If they really wanted a well earned pat on the back for a job well done it would've been if they didn't let the damned virus in to begin with or failing that made damn sure that everyone entering Canada, was quarantined for a full 40 days before being allowed to roam around freely.

I guess this chart is self-explanatory, in that it's cumulative deaths - comparing some Canadian provinces with other areas of the world.

This is a chart showing the cumulative cases of residents & staff, in nursing homes & long term care facilities in Ontario.

Cumulative deaths under strong, weak or no controls. Supposedly.

A comparison between various Canadian provinces and other areas of the world's epidemic curves.  And if you ask me , there doesn't seem to be any curves there they're all going straight up, except BCs.

Scenarios for the course of the pandemic illustrating again the difference between strong, weak & no controls. All meant to scare you into compliance. But as we saw above the numbers for the flu in the US in one year alone and knowing what the current numbers for the entire world for COVID19 is now, this is just scare tactics. I did try to find the numbers in a clear cut format (like those of the US' that I found) for flu patients, hospitalizations & deaths in a recent years. But as the saying goes they like to boggle your mind with BS and that's precisely what the Canadian flu stats are. Because they only list them by week, by province and per 100,000 population. So you have to know the population size to start with of the demographics it's taken from and then find all such listings for all regions across the country, add them all up week by week for the entire season and then find the amount in all that chaff. They can't provide the wheat only the chaff to make you keep hunting for the needle in the haystack, because they don't want you to know how many people actually succumb to the flu in Canada annually. That way they can't scare the daylights out of you and coerce you into getting the flu shot, if you know the actual number, maybe.

Well we'll soon find out how accurate those projections are. Won't we?

Let's hope it's the lesser of the projections here. Though I don't think it will be.

Let's hope the worst case scenario isn't realized and that they don't have to worry about needing that many hospital spaces for COVID19 patients.

Boy, they're really trying to drive the point home, aren't they! How many graphs do they think we need to get the picture anyhow?

I put this in so we can see how accurate their projections were. It's not hard to find out. I can find and post the information here:

Situation in Québec

April 29th, 2020, 13:15

Confirmed cases
26 594
Negative cases
183 222
Number of hospitalizations
1 648
Number of deaths
1 761

This is a Canada wide forecast to May 5th.  Guess we'll find out how accurate this is when we get there too.