Showing posts with label travel bans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel bans. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Keeping Cozy & Warm While Working on this Blog About....



January 30, 2021
I tried talking to our son on the phone to see how he's doing and what he'd like for his birthday, but he was being a stubborn spoiled brat even at his age, so that conversation didn't last long. He wants what he wants whether we can afford it or not, is another story, to him I guess.  So um, oh well....  

It's freezing cold outside today -13C with a windchill of -20C. So that coupled with the not allowed to breath measures put in place by Mr. Gestapo Boots Legault there's not really much point in going outside anyhow, to buy birthday presents or not (because unless it's deemed to be an essential item like food, medicine, booze or flowers, forget it, can't buy it).

So might as well stay home, stay warm & cozy and try to finish up what I started last night before I run out of time and energy again tonight.  So anyhow, getting on with it now...


60-Year-Old Father Dies After Receiving Second Dose Of Pfizer Vaccine I'd be interested in finding out the exact circumstances surrounding his death. Was it because of some other ailment? Like heart disease or cancer maybe? Or did he have a severe reaction to the vaccine?
Israel leads the world in time spent in coronavirus lockdowns Hmmmm I know QC isn't a country, but it seems to me that from March 17th until mid June - that's 90 days right there. Then from October 1st until the 25th or so of November that's another 50 odd days. Then from December 25 until now that's another 35 days or so.... Add those up together and I'm sure it comes out to more than 139. In fact by my math it comes out to 175 days. And in between all those days we were still under partial lockdowns where we were forbidden to see more than so many people at a time and had to remain physically distanced with masks on and all forms of entertainment and amusement closed or basically closed as the amount of people allowed in at any one time was so pathetically small that a lot of establishments didn't bother opening for that amount of people. So Israel, you still have some catching up to do, to catch up to QC. But like I said, I know it's not a country, but regardless of that fact QC'ers have still had to endure longer amounts of lockdown time than you did.
WHO says team in Wuhan to visit labs, markets and hospitals I don't know what you bunch of ineffectual inbred idiots that work at the WHO hopes to find there now, a whole year later. Do you not think that the Chinese if they were responsible for this in any way, shape or form that they've hidden all the evidence, or scrubbed it clean or totally destroyed the evidence and maybe transferred the people who know and could talk about it, a thousand miles away from Wuhan to work in another lab there? I mean you'll NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS FIND EVIDENCE NOW!!! The time to have done the investigation was while the crime was still ongoing - while the outbreak was still raging in Wuhan and before they had time to transfer people, burn and shred and otherwise hide all the evidence. They've had a year to do that now. So what do you think you'll find a year later anyhow????? 


What's wrong with Ottawa DEMANDING THE ACTUAL NUMBER OF DOSES WE ORDERED INSTEAD OF 1/5th OF THOSE DOSES BEING FUMES???? Doesn't seem fair to me, that Pfizer gets away with this kind of sheite when the Cdn gov't would be holding Canadians and Canadian companies to their contracts or suing them in court, or at least threatening to anyhow.

Doctor says Canada’s LTCs are in a ‘humanitarian crisis’  I'm sorry but it took you this long to figure that out? Guess you never set foot in one in your life if you're only just discovering that now.

FedEx might wind up being the only reliable link in this whole vaccine chain of ours and that Cdn alternative you wanted might not be and only wind up making matters worse for us in the end. Because I can just see the Cdn airliner that's chosen will want to hold the shipments for ransom from the gov't too. Given that they're all whining like a bunch of spoiled brats about money and wanting money and needing money now. So whatever the gov't would negociate with them to do the deliveries wouldn't be enough and we'd only find out when they have the shipment in their cargo holds then before it spoiled we'd be held up for a king's ransom. I mean why not nearly everyone else in the world is f'n us over royally and getting away with it, so why wouldn't one of our desperate soon to be destitute (if you believe them) airlines do the same thing, especially against the universal idiot Mr. Numbnuts Dressup? 


Actually from what I can understand it's really only 5 full doses plus fumes for the 6th one assuming you can suck up enough of the fumes to make a full 6th dose. So that right there should be a violation of the contract and Canada should sue them for that, along with all the other breeches of the contract like cutting back on dose deliveries and changing schedules etc...
Trudeau doubles down on promise of vaccines for all Canadians by fall. Is that still a realistic target? I'm sorry but his track record on keeping promises isn't all that great. In fact it's downright miserable. I hope he keeps promises to his kids better than he does to his electorate, otherwise his kids are going to hate him when they grow and realize what a pathetic lying ash hole their father was.  So his promises mean nothing to me, except that it'll be broken for sure. That's all it means.

I hope they're better at keeping promises to their electorate than Mr. Numbnuts Dressup is.


And the countries that have those contracts with those drugmakers ought to go after the EU, because it's not just Canada that's getting held out on, Mexico, Australia and a few other countries are as well.
1 in 3 Ontario registered practical nurses considering quitting due to pandemic, poll suggests Wow. They've got staying power. If I were still in nursing, I'd have quit shortly after this started or asked to be transferred to a less stressful unit like the maternity ward for instance. Whether that request would've been granted to me or not is another story. But if not, I would've quit then and there.

'It's non-stop!' Ornge takes lead on moving COVID patients as Ontario ICUs fill up I don't even know if QC has an air ambulance service or not and if they do, if they'd transfer patients to less filled ICUs in the province or not. Probably not, because that would cost more than the 5 cents Mr. Pencil Neck Dube has allotted per patient. Money is more important than people's lives to that pencil necked accountant moron that thinks he qualifies as a health anything let alone a health minister of the province.

hehehehe.... I wonder why.....
French police face sanction for Macarena party amid virus hehehehehehe..... Ooops looks like the hypocritical power trippers got caught with their pants down! hehehehe...
Family wins fight to have woman's death at nursing home reclassified as COVID-related Is there a particular reason for this fight? I mean does the insurance company pay more if she died of Covid than of cancer? Just wondering what the fuss about cause of death on the death certificate is all about and why it's so important to the family.
Police in Ecuador Shut Down Clinic That Injected Thousands with Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Yup, I've been worrying about unscrupulous organizations and countries who might want to placate their populations, of doing something similar - injecting water and pretending it's a vaccine or giving them sugar pills and telling them it's an oral vaccine against the virus, considering no one's getting any vaccines anytime soon it seems like and populations are getting rambunctious and demanding.

HASSAN: Canadians are now paying for Trudeau's vaccine blunders We've been paying for that ash hole & his blunders since he first got elected in 2015. He wasn't in office a month before he made himself out to be a total freaking clueless idiot when offering condolences to the French gov't on the Bataclan masscre, with a smirk across his face. From that moment on, I saw what kind of clueless callous idiot was leading us and I haven't trusted him, nor believed a word he's said since. Too bad it's taken most of the rest of the population this long to catch on. Talk about slow learners.... Yikes.... There's slow and then there's sloooooooowwwwwww..... 

Oh what's new? Seems like all Cdn gov'ts will do whatever it takes to make themselves look better than they actually are in the eyes of their constituents. I swear if even one gov't could be upright and honest it would be a freaking miracle, especially during this plandemic.
Chris Selley: Quebec judge strikes a blow for Canadians' most basic freedom — leaving the house You should read this article just to understand the draconian absurdity we QC'ers live under these days. It's mind blowing when you look at it the way this journalist chose to look at it. Wow.... I live it and breathe it every freaking minute of my life and have had since March 2020 but even to me reading it like that is just mind blowingly surreal. I mean what kind of draconian luneytunes land are we living in now anyhow? Especially given the fact that none of these measures have helped a damned bit. Anyhow.... Read and believe it, because it's for real even if it seems surreal.
Mass immunization against COVID-19 in Canada likely won't be achieved before mid-2022: report I'm not sure if this is an optimistic outlook or a realistic one. If it's the optimistic outlook it's apt to be much longer than that still.

And we wonder where all the cases and strains are coming from eh? Hmmmmm..... That's baffling to say the least....



We have the opposite problem here in Canada there's a huge gap in vaccinations so it's relatively easy to keep track of the 3 people that got their shots.
Another consequence of Covid: a world without cash I wouldn't know about that. Yeah sure we use debit more than cash these days, but we still use cash. There's no way I'll use any of our cards at a gas station, having had our account cleaned out the last time we did. So it's cash for gas and there's a lot delivery services that don't use debit and want cash upon delivery too. So don't write it off just yet.


Kate Middleton Reveals She's Become a Hairdresser During Lockdown: 'Much to My Children's Horror' I thought they had a full house of servants from coiffeurs, to nannies and tutors along with the usual dressers, footmen, cooks, maids, butlers etc....

Ditto my comment above.
How the Valneva vaccine compares to other Covid jabs - and when it could be ready I guess we won't be seeing any of that here in Canada then if it's going to take until the end of the year to produce 80 million doses for the UK.

I think we should rename the plandemic the Vaccine Wars.

EU regulator authorizes AstraZeneca vaccine for all adults They forgot to add, "but only for those adults residing in Europe".

Doctor: 'These viruses are built to mutate' "Built" to mutate? As in purposely made that way? Or is that just a way of talking without any specific connotations about the "built" word? 


Most Americans reluctant to splurge immediately after getting vaccine, survey finds Splurging wouldn't top of my mind after getting a vaccination either. I recently had a vaccination against the flu and I didn't go out and splurge then either even though it was the first time I was ever vaccinated against the flu.


Powell: nothing more important to economy than vaccine Then I guess Canada's economy is going to be  in the can for a long time to come.

And Canada's economy waits outside the doors of the morgue as our vaccination program is DOA.
Travellers to pay ‘more than $2K’ for new mandatory COVID-19 hotel quarantine, Trudeau says Freaking self-entitled, self-serving from the taxpayer's trough little prick. I guess he figures everyone has a trust account and can afford ridiculous gouging like that. This little conniving prick needs to be removed from office ASAP and held on crimes against humanity, genocide,  treason, the crimes he committed with the WE foundation and SNC Lavallin along with the trip to the Great Kahn's private island. Don't let the conniving little prick off with anything. Throw the books at him and then throw the key to his cell away for good. Leave him there to rot. We wouldn't be in this mess now and having to have our eyes gouged out of our heads, IF HE & THE 2 GENOCIDAL WITCHES HE HAS AS COHORTS DID THEIR MOTHER F'N JOBS BY CLOSING THE BORDERS DOWN A YEAR AGO WHEN IT WAS TIME TO PREVENT THE VIRUS FROM GETTING IN HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! FAILING THAT, MANDATING WE WEAR MASKS INSTEAD OF "wash your hands and physically distance". BS. Those 3 genocidal ash holes needs to be hung for their crimes against the Canadian people. And THEY SHOULD BE PAYING FOR THIS OUT THEIR OWN PRIVATE POCKETS NOT US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Start your investigation with Trudeau, Tam & Haggydodo as they're the 3 to blame for letting it into the country in the first place.

And we have a number of braindead know nothing politicians who think they know it all, to blame for it starting at the top with Trudeau and his 2 braindead health know nothing genocidal beitches Tam and Haggydodo and then go on from there. Here in QC, it's Legault a business man and Dube an Accountant who are the ones dictating the draconian BS laws in this province and there's equally unqualified ash holes dictating the laws in other provinces too. Then you wonder why.

There may be a lot of teens who genuinely lost their full time jobs and needed the money. It doesn't necessarily mean because they're that age that they weren't all working. When I was 16 my parents up and moved out of the apartment on me and put the lease in my name making me solely responsible for it (I didn't know that that wasn't legal until many years later by then it was too late). I was working and going to school at the same time. If I lost my job, I'd have been on the street with nowhere to go and would've needed some kind of income to tide me over until I found another job again, but in the covid market there aren't many of those to go around. 
Our son was tired of school and just wanted to work, but he didn't have the education to get a decent job, so wound up doing grounds maintenance at a golf course for little more than minimum wage. After about a year of that - and working in a senior's residence as dishwasher, gofer and floor scrubber, he decided he'd had enough and went back to school to finish highschool and then applied took other adult ed courses for a variety of jobs from signalman for road construction crews, to drafting and interior decorating which is where he found out he was in the wrong course - he wanted to actually do interior design and architecture. But the drafting and interior decorating courses taught him 1st how to draw freehand, how to draft, how to put together a "look" for a space which helped when he had to present a portfolio to Dawson for their interior design architeture course. It gave him a way better chance than he would've had if he didn't take those courses before. But all the while he was taking those courses and even going to Dawson he worked part time and on weekends at the golf course. He paid his way through those courses and college. But the first year when he started working at the golf course he was only 16. It was a full time job. So if he lost it, he'd be entitled to the CERB benefits, no matter his age, I think. So if the gov't is even think of clawing it back from them, is just plain wrong. 

Moderna to cut deliveries to Canada in new blow to vaccination campaign Of course, because by now they know they can get away with it. Pfizer pulled the same sheite and Mr. Numbnuts Dressup, sat back and did nothing, so they know he won't do anything to them either.

Quoting Ms. Gestapo Beitche:

Travellers will then have to wait up to three days at an approved hotel for their test results, at their own expense, which Trudeau said is expected to be more than $2,000.

"If the federal government would have announced it earlier, we would have been pleased," Guilbault told reporters.   ---------- Of course you would've been pleased. Because you and your gang are on nothing but a power abusing trip now. Trying to see how much abuse you can force us to take before we revolt and lynch you or maybe sue your smarmy ashes off and have you thrown in jail for violating our constitutional rights.

Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine not as effective as others

Cancer Physicians Outline Patient Challenges With Covid Vaccine | NBC News NOW 

Quebec buys $330 million of masks from AMD Medicom 

Canada's economy grew in the last months of 2020, despite COVID-19 lockdowns You think that maybe Christmas might've had something to do with that huh?

Canada's economy looks like it shrank by 5% last year, says Statistics Canada

LILLEY: Trudeau MIA amid news of further vaccine delays What's new? He's been MIA for most of the time he was PM. Most of that time though was consumed with gallavanting around the world on the taxpayer's dime rather than doing any actual work for Canadians.

Morning Update: Pfizer vaccine delays are more than expected

Really???? How shocking!!!! (rolling eyes and wondering why these clowns aren't expecting more of this sheite from them by now).

What are Canada’s latest COVID-19 travel restrictions? Quarantine hotels and airport testing explained As usual bozo brains has everything bassackwards. Border closures should be for those wanting to come into Canada, not for those who want to leave Canada for some sunny destinations or wherever. People leaving Canada aren't the problem as far as bringing virus loads and variants in, it's arrivals that are the problem and those are people who could be arriving from anywhere and everywhere. Like I said we have the universal idiot at our helm.

Blame game: The varying tones from premiers on Canada's vaccine shortage

Analysis: "Russian roulette" in Europe as needle shortages hamper COVID-19 shots  

Covid-19 cases in Malaysia cross 200k mark with 5,725 new cases reported  

Covid: EU approves AstraZeneca vaccine amid supply row 

Covid: Why is EU’s vaccine rollout so slow? 

Covid-19 vaccines: Is it OK to get a leftover jab? 

How Covid-19 mutations are changing the pandemic 

'I have cried. I have begged. I have yelled': Couples clash over COVID Here in QC under our draconian gestapo leadership you wouldn't have that problem. He'd either wear a mask or be fined so much he wouldn't forget it in a hurry.

Pain relief medications like Tylenol and Advil are 'perfectly fine' – but only after COVID-19 vaccine, experts say

These colleges survived World Wars, the Spanish flu and more. They couldn't withstand COVID-19 pandemic. 

Cuomo: NYC restaurants can resume offering indoor dining starting on Valentine's Day

'This is fantastic': Mass vaccination clinics to play key role in ending COVID-19 pandemic In certain countries maybe, but not in countries like Canada where there is no vaccine to use for vaccinating anyone.

Lady Gaga feels an 'epic sense of powerlessness.' Here's what she's doing about it.

Virginia fails to protect elderly: My parents caught COVID while vaccines languish unused 

Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine, how it works and why it matters

Anti-science movement set up US for worse pandemic, infectious disease expert says You're kidding me right? Besides denying it's existance in the US what was the CDC doing? I mean where were they when they heard about the outbreak in Wuhan? Why weren't they advocating for closing your borders down then? It seems to me that the head of the medical community in the US and scientists are the ones that fell down on the job especially if they were relying on the likes of Donald Trump to know anything about how to deal with it on his own, and without their guidance.

Overwhelmed by Covid deaths, America's largest cemetery refrigerates bodies as families wait weeks for funerals

World's busiest air route hit by Covid ban 

How much Covid-19 protection does travel insurance offer in 2021?

She was a healthy mother but is still battling Covid-19 10 months later 

Maskless crowds pack Australian Open tennis exhibition in Covid-free Adelaide

Could a Minister of Loneliness help Canada's seniors through the pandemic's isolation? If this keeps up it won't be long before we're opening the office of the Ministry of Silly Walks too.

University students without histories of mental health issues are feeling pandemic distress: study

Canadian astronaut swaps space suit for lab coat to practice medicine in pandemic Got to put some of those hard earned degrees to work doing good, sometime, so it might as well be now.

Quebecers' lifestyles have deteriorated from the same time last year: study 

Um duh, I wonder why that could be. 1) This time last year we weren't under lockdown, let alone curfew. 2) We weren't afraid to go for much needed medical attention - so we were probably in better health. 3) We weren't relegated to going out to the SAQ and to buy food, for something to do and some place to go and then confined to our homes after 8pm, so we could sit there and consume it all without going out for exercise. 4) We were more sociable - visiting more people and enjoying life more. 5) We were allowed to go to movies, go skating, go to concerts and hockey games and any other form of exercise or entertainment we wished without limitations on that too. 6) We all still had our jobs 7) At that point it wasn't too likely we'd lost family members or friends to this deadly disease and definitely almost all the seniors in seniors homes were all still alive and healthy. So of course our lifestyles and lives overall have deteriorated since last year. 

A top Russian diplomat was caught secretly getting the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, shunning his country's prized Sputnik V 

New clinical trials raise fears the coronavirus is learning how to resist vaccines 

Very very scary.

Rep. Stephen Lynch Tests Positive for COVID-19  

'F***ING NUTS' Hero 9/11 vets blast Biden as Pentagon approves vaccines for Guantanamo terror inmates MONTHS before most Americans Well I see it's not only the Cdn Liberals that love, support and protect their friendly neighbourhood terrorists but the American Liberals do the exact same thing too, it appears.

Playing favorites? Hospital boards, donors get COVID shots

Why America is ‘flying blind’ to the coronavirus mutations racing across the globe  

Pentagon close to reaching agreement to provide around 450,000 Covid-19 vaccinations a day if they're available

As California virus cases fall, more people than ever dying 

Airlines push back on potential Covid testing for domestic flights

France to close its borders to arrivals from outside EU Canada should close all it's borders to arrivals from outside the country too.

Alberta to ease some COVID-19 restrictions on gyms, restaurants, school sports

Pensioner gets married in hospital ward while being treated for COVID Ahhhh.... Most people would think that's sweet, but I look at them and I see a woman who's on death's doorstep and probably couldn't give a hoot if the old codger married her now or not and an old opportunistic codger who's only marrying her because he thinks she'll die and she must have some money somewhere that he wants and a pension to get as well. That's what I see. He couldn't be bothered to marry her while she had some life ahead of her. No he has to wait until the last minute to marry her and probably only for whatever assets she has and nothing more.

Covid lays waste to fragile, unjust food system in need of rescue

Canada's largest airlines hit hard after the country suspends flights to Mexico and the Caribbean to curb COVID-19 Yeah like I said before.... That's how you stop the virus & strains from coming INto the country, by suspending flights GOING to other countries NOT. Mr. Sheite For Brains is really working overtime now thinking up stuff like that, must've been all on his own too. It's just incredibly lamebrained stupidity like this that just drives me around the bend. I don't even know how  the rest of the population of Canada can tolerate such idiocy, without saying or doing anything about it.

MAST Academy quarantines 25 teachers, 200 students after a dozen COVID cases this week

AstraZeneca publishes vaccine contract after pressure from EU I seriously don't see how redacted material is acceptable in such situations. If it's supposed to be transparent, shouldn't all the information be made visible and not just select portions of it?

COVID-19: 40% of us exercising less during third lockdown - as happiness levels decline and fear of falling ill rises

More than 900 people dying a day on average in first two weeks of 2021 More saddness.

UK confident Brussels won’t block Covid vaccines after ‘reset’ to ease tensions

Special syringes shouldn't overshadow other vaccination tools, pharmacy prof says 

Rapid tests key to reopening remaining southern Ontario schools: Williams 

Vigilance malgré la baisse des cas actifs de COVID-19 

Four more COVID deaths in Hamilton and a new outbreak at Canada Bread 

A look at the details of the new COVID-19 related travel restrictions 

COVID-19 isolation centre opens in Oshawa 

'I can't keep up': Delta massage therapist sees demand surge amid pandemic, seeks to expand Doesn't that violate the 2 meter physical distancing directive?

BC Panel Rejects a Universal Basic Income

Un taux d'infection de 63 % à la Villa Les Tilleuls Don't let Legault find out because he'll have you locked down and under curfew forever with an infection rate that high.

New COVID-19 variant found in Haldimand-Norfolk

Fauci sees vaccination for kids by late spring or the summer 

Fire at Romanian hospital treating virus patients kills 5

Governments Sign Secret Vaccine Deals: Here's What They Hide 

A look at COVID-19 vaccines already in use, or getting close


I'll be back with more of the headlines tomorrow. Right now I've got to pack it in for the night. So until then take care & stay well.



















Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Better But Worse News About....

 Covid 19



The Earth, the People, and the Enemy
Planet, humanity, coronavirus
Pandemic, isolation, missing
Fresh air, health, breathing, blue sky
Confinement, solitude, fear
Run, travel, live

Trust, Hope, Live/Life

January 26, 2021

I thought the French message above would be appropriate for today, given the mixed nature of the news and stuff. Lots of it is super depressing, especially if like me you're Canadian and figure you might see a vaccination against this virus in your lifetime, but heard the news coming out of Europe today (which is where our supply comes from). Then there's the hope that eased restrictions in different jurisdictions, will allow for more normal living. So it's a mix of everything today. Some good, some bad, and some downright awful, but at least here and there, there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

As for my day. 😋😊  What a difference a day makes (as the song goes), wow. By the time I got up this morning my husband had taken care of all the clogs and toilet problems and made a delicious cup of coffee for me as well. Then this afternoon we spent the afternoon peeling, chopping and slicing a cantalope, cherries (to remove the pits), persimmons, mangoes, bananas and oranges and pulling grapes off the stems, to make a huge fruit salad with some of the fruit in the house that would've gone bad before we had a chance to eat it. So now we will as it'll be dessert for the next several nights I think. 
Except tonight as we're both too stuffed from dinner. Which consisted of poutine (yeah that Quebecois favourite of french fries slathered with poutine sauce and melted cheese), t-bone steak, salad and fried mushrooms & onions. By the time I pushed my chair back from the table I was too stuffed to move almost and I didn't eat all of my salad either. I put the rest in the fridge for a snack whenever I need one. So we didn't try our fruit salad that we worked on for most of the afternoon together. Tomorrow night maybe.

Anyhow as there seems to be a lot of headlines today, I'd better get on with it, if I hope to finish it tonight. So run and get your specs and beverages and hurry back to start reading....

Anger on Czech border as Germany demands virus tests Well at least the Germans are still letting the Czechs onto their territory, if they have a virus test, unlike here in Canada where various provinces are completely segregating themselves from the other provinces, tests or no tests.

Virus-plagued Italy in political turmoil after PM quits I wish the imbecile at our helm would quit too, but that's highly unlikely because he wants to continue to suss as much as of the taxpayers dollars as he can before he leaves office.

Citing pandemic, Greece bans protests for a week Starting to go a little draconian there now too? Thought Greece was the cradle of democracy, so what's it doing starting these tactics now?
They Lost Sons To Drug Overdoses: How The Pandemic May Be Fueling Deaths Of Despair While I try my utmost to not let these headlines get to me, and maybe it's good I don't live out there in the real world, but in my own little cocoon with my husband, surrounded by beauty & tranquility and nice neighbours and not seeing how bleak, rough and miserable it really is out there for a lot of people these days except through these stories that I post headlines to. But even I too, sometimes feel the depths of despair some of these people must be feeling after I read their stories and find it hard to snap out of it sometimes. That's when my husband drags me out of here to go watch something with him, or gives me a hug or does something to try to cheer me up a bit. If it weren't for him, I don't think I'd be able to do this blog, because I'd probably be one of these deaths of despair this article talks about, after a while of doing this. So I can't imagine how bad I'd be feeling if I were as adversely affected by the plandemic as some of these people are - as in loss of job, income and home, loss of a loved one to the plandemic, or as a nurse dealing with it day in and day out. 
I couldn't stand being a nurse anyhow (I was because when it was time for me to continue my education and choose a career, I was given the option of being a nurse, a teacher or a secretary - as I learnt typing in highschool I saw no point in secretarial courses and have lousy patience when it comes to dealing with bratty kids, so chose the only other option open to me, even though I'd have preferred to either be a geologist or archeologist - the geology thing was more appealing to me though - but on both accounts I was told "girls don't dig in dirt all day long"). Soooo nursing it was. But after dealing with cranky and irritable patients and their families and half baked doctors and even the odd cranky head nurse, and the rest of it, I quit. Like I said I have no patience for brats, and cranky, irascible people. I know, I know, a lot of patients don't feel good and so that's why they're like that, you're going to tell me. I understand that, but it doesn't mean because you feel awful that that gives you the right to take your misery out on someone else, especially the someone elses who are trying to help you, or family members taking care of you while you're sick. Like the old cartoon saying from Yogi Bear went "Grin and Bear It". Or at least try.

Even though I couldn't stand the practical side of nursing, I loved the theoretical side and I think even years later even though I haven't ever had a need to use any of that knowledge in my private life, I've still retained a great deal of that knowledge, even now.
Germany mulls cutting international air traffic 'to almost zero' Everyone should do that and only allow cargo planes in from international destinations to allow for international trade & goods to be brought into the countries.

So so sad. 

Mexico's pandemic policy: No police. No curfews. No fines. No regrets.Well some people just want to live their lives until they die. Not die before they're dead. As in boxed into a small apartment or home alone under lockdown or quarantine and not allowed to go anywhere, do anything or see anyone. A lot of people would think they might as well be dead as to go through that. Sometimes I'm of the same opinion.

Hey Mr. Bozo Brains, there's more than just the US Canada border, borders. I mean hello.... What about all the international travellers arriving by air and sea? And what's your BS excuses now about not doing it? Oh yeah I forgot the Emergency Measures Act and incoming cargo in the belly of passenger jets.... Un F'n DUHHHHHHHHHHHH sheite head.... How'd you manage back in the spring? You didn't diddle and dance about an emergency measures act, if you had to implement it, you did. So why the F NOT NOW???????????????? On top of that, what the F do you think cargo jets are for huh??????? So instead of having sheite delivered via passenger jets opt for cargo jets. I mean what's your f'n inbred imbecilic problem anyhow there moron face????????????????
Hong Kong fourth wave: sudden coronavirus lockdown ends within 12 hours; Carrie Lam seeking Beijing’s help in securing Sinopharm vaccine Wow! They're lucky! Ending in 12 hours? Quebec's been under total or partial lockdown continuously since March 17, 2020 with no let up at all. It would be nice to have the lockdowns totally lifted even if it was only for a few minutes. Gawd, it might give us a chance to breath and jump for joy instead of this never ending drudgery of you can do this, but only if, and you can't do that at all, and you have to be in bed by 8pm and no more than 2 people per household - your kids have to sleep under the veranda in case they're seen inside the house with their parents putting it over the limit of people allowed per household at any one time, and police who can't tell the homeless from non-homeless populations and so ticket both, even though they're supposed to use judgement. But they don't have any - never have and never will have any and they can't buy any either because judgement isn't for sale anywhere.  I mean gawd almighty just trying to stay on top of the never ending rule changes and stuff is a freaking full time job in itself, here in Quebec. I wish it or this f'n gestapo government would end SOON!!!!!!

He should considering at least one of them is made in the UK. So there's that much. Which is way more than some of us can say.


The list of fireable offences has grown thanks to COVID-19 I'm just waiting for the day that breathing becomes either a fireable or fineable offence. Oh it's coming the way this society is going. I swear society's going to hell in a handbasket on an express elevator.

Yup so in 2025 we can expect for it to be approved and the first doses of it coming off the production line. Assuming there's any Cdns left alive then able to start the production line up and get it going and we haven't all succumbed to one strain or the other of the virus by then. Because it doesn't look like m/any of us will be inoculated against it anytime soon.

They were probably made by Fauci or that lying weasel that was/is the head of the CDC - Redsomething. 
Bruised by India's vaccine diplomacy, China adopts smear tactics against New Delhi fearing loss of influence in South Asia Doesn't surprise me. Tigers don't change their stripes and I  think most countries out there recognize China's stripes by now and know what kind of lying, deceptive, bullying beast they're dealing with, when it comes to China.
Split doses, delay second shot, inject into skin; in crises, vaccines can be 'stretched': Experts Gawd, the medical community is getting desperate to provide effective inoculations with what they have on hand, despite the 2 doses recommendations.

Okay well I'm not sure that emergency approvals consist of all mandatory checks. Because if that were true there wouldn't be any further need to check it further than it's already been checked.
More Than Three Dozen Capitol Police Have Reportedly Tested Positive for COVID-19 Since the U.S. Capitol Riot Is it entirely due to the riot or might some of those officers come into contact with others outside of the riot, who had it? Because it seems to me to be the American way to find one scapegoat to blame everything on, that they can possibly get away with blaming on it. In this case the riot.

Really???? Or is he just saying that in order to assuage our anger at him????
Canada seeking reassurance as Europe mulls export controls on COVID-19 vaccines We would need those assurances in writing with official stamps and seals from the EU, Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca and whoever else is involved in that decision, before I'd believe a freaking word of this. We've been dicked around and lied to so many times about this in the past 6 weeks it's unreal. Now I don't believe any of this BS about we'll get 4 million doses by any f'n date even if the date was 2,999 December 31. The only way we'll get that many doses of anything by then is if we make it ourselves and even then, I don't know - especially if Mr. Wussy Boy Dressup has anything to do with those arrangements. Yes I despise him with a passion. Can you tell?

Oh goody. Just what I wanted to know. 

What's new? Isn't this their usual mode of operations? I mean everytime they get money for anything they immediately scoff it for their own pet projects or maybe Swiss bank accounts of whatever but it rarely ever goes to the program the Feds gave them the money for in the first place.

I guess this is one group of people who're making lemonade out of life's lemons. Good for them.
London, Ont. father confirms teen son's death from COVID-19 Very sad. Losing a kid is difficult at any age. My daughter was 31 when she died of cancer, but even still it was hard to lose her. I'm sure it's even worse for a young son who was still living at home with his parents, unlike my daughter who'd been out of the house for at least a good 10 years before she died. 

And that's only because we actually got a few vaccines to inject before the tap got turned off. 



Ottawa teen fined for breaking Quebec curfew while trying to return to Ontario Just shows you the "good judgement" the gestapo bootie bozo cops in QC have. They have no judgement. None. They're just power tripping thugs with badges and guns and ticket books.




Whoo Hoo! Finally a tiny bit of justice meted out against Mr. Gestapo Boots, "cops will used their judgement" (when they have none and it can't be bought for love nor money either, soooooo, so much for their judgement).  
That's good news for a lot of regions in the province, I think. Except I know our region which is one of the biggest and stretches the furtherest being the Monteregie, will still be under strict measures because of some of the cities in the "region" which is well over 50 miles away from where we live. Where we live in a local paper showing the 1,000 km square region there was a total of less than 500 cases, but yet we'll be penalized for all the cases on the south shore which is also part of the Monteregie area. The way they've divided it up really isn't fair at all, when most of the cases in the Monteregie is over 50 miles away from us. We're actually closer to Laval and the Laurentians than we are to the other southern areas of our designated region.

Oh man whoever said that about their taxpaying citizens ought to be ousted from their position. 
When your 'pandemic puppy' doesn't work out Awww just awwww..... I hate to break it to all those people who thinks their puppy didn't work out, but usually it's them themselves who didn't work out. Ever since we've been married, in 1975 we've had dogs. We've had German Shepherds (one rescued off the streets starving), a Great Dane (from the Humane Society in Regina), a Chow Chow German Shepherd mix - given to us by the owner, a Rottweiler Golden Lab mix bought from a farmer who was going to drown unsold and unwanted puppies, a I don't know - but supposedly Australian Cattle Dog - daughter's dog, who we took in when she died. He was 12 years old at the time and we just put him down in the summer at the age of 20 and 2 Dachshunds - the 1st one was going to be put down that night if we didn't take him because for some reason the owner hated him (though I never understood why as he was a love puppy from the moment they put him in my arms) and our current little girl dachshund. The only dog we had a problem with was the German Shepherd rescued off the street. She had major separation anxiety issues and used to trash the place (I mean tear up the furniture or the car upholstery, tear up and spread the garbage around the house etc...). She was super protective of me though and I guess that was her redeeming quality as far as my husband was concerned and so wanted to keep her even though I didn't. Anyhow eventually she smartened and flew right. All our other dogs though we've never had a problem with them at all. Usually when we say Enough, they know it means it's enough and stop immediately. Everyone of them have been awesome furry four legged friends and really beautiful souls (and yes I believe they have a soul too - after all we're all animals, so if we have a soul then the rest of the animals must too).


Why camels are worrying coronavirus hunters As if we don't have enough to worry about already.

I can't stand them. I have a hard time to breathe with them on and when I take them off it takes me a few minutes to catch my breath again.
Coronavirus updates: CDC researchers say schools can reopen safely; Dr. Anthony Fauci offers hope on variants; 100M global infections We've passed the 100 million mark in cases. When we get to 5 billion we'll consider we have herd immunity and not have to worry about vaccinations anymore.

If they start mandating 2 masks, I'll just start wearing the P100 mask we bought and use that instead. 


I've already addressed some of these in previous posts, so won't belabour the point now.


I broached this idea a year ago in a comment on the net. Only it was in relation to those who've had the virus and thus had antibodies towards it.

Ha! That'll be a job & a half considering all the trouble they went to, to demolish and destroy the trust they had with the public. Starting with their lying about the cases they had in the US back in January 2020 that they tried to hide and bury as being pneumonia and the flu, but not the coronavirus.
Well that's it for the day's headlines..... So take care and stay well until next installment.... See you then!




What a Crappy Day and What Awful News About....

 Covid 19


January 25, 2021

OMG, what a 💩💩💩 day. Quite literally. If there was any saving grace to the day it was pizza we ordered from a local restaurant. It was the best part of the day. Though we hadn't thought about ordering dinner tonight, at all. In fact, I had planned on a roast chicken with baked potatoes, an already made green salad and maybe some asparagus - a super easy meal, because it just means topping the chicken with daubs of butter, stabbing potatoes, and throwing the lot in the oven, getting some frozen asparagus out of the freezer and plopping it in a pan of water to cook, setting the table complete with the salad, personal side salad bowls and salad dressing. Et. voila, a 4 course meal fit for any family restaurant meal. 

But that's not the way the dinner turned out at all because the chicken was frozen even though it was put in a refrigerator overnight, and the rest of the day's plans were equally screwed up as well and believe me we tried everything to rectify the situation. Until near store closing time. With a half hour left to get to the store before it closed we hightailed it there to get some drain unclogger and my husband ever the sucker for tools he doesn't already have, bought a plumbers fish that attaches to a drill, "in case". 

But the way things went today, we may well need it, because we tried everything we could to unblock the clogged toilet. Literally. Plunging it a gazillion times. Nope doesn't work. Flush it a few times with the overflow valve lifted, nope doesn't work. Finally we tried dishsoap and hot water (not boiling), it worked somewhat but not well enough because when we flushed the toilet everything just came back up again. So baking soda and vinegar, other than the fizzy fancy bubbling action I didn't see any improvement in the toilet situation at all. So my husband tried plunging it again a few dozen times, still to no avail. Finally like I said we just threw our hands up in the air and headed to the local Home Hardware store to buy a supposedly better unclogger than Draino is and well he saw that fish gizmo there and couldn't resist and so bought that too. 

We had decided before we left we'd have steak for supper instead because at least we had 2 T-bones that weren't frozen that we could cook, but by the time we got home, neither of us felt like cooking so that went in the fridge for tomorrow night's supper (assuming nothing else happens to derail that plan) and we decided to order a pizza instead. That wound up being the best part of the day so far. Well the day's done already, it's evening time now.... 

Anyhow, I hope that stuff works when we pour it in the toilet. We didn't do that yet because we want a breather (literally) from it. 

So that coupled with the lousy, ever gloomier and darker news about this plandemic we're all suffering through made me want to post a picture that might provide a moment's cheer or sense of wellbeing at least. I hope the little masked teddy with roses has the same calming and uplifting effect on you as he does on me, at least for a moment. 
Now on to the nasty news about Covid19.  So get a cup of something soothing to drink, get comfy and try not to let the news get to you, take it all with equanimity and in stride.
AstraZeneca to slash EU vaccine deliveries by 60% in Q1 Another one pulling the same crap as Pfizer is, now. These companies should be sued to oblivion for breaching contracts, the way they're doing. 

The genocidal witch doctor shouldn't be allowed to remain in charge of our public health office. She should be removed and locked up for negligent manslaughter bordering on genocide. 
Garneau won't rule out invoking Emergencies Act to limit pandemic travel Hey you clowns had absolutely no problems limiting both incoming and outbound travel back in the spring! I remember because friends of ours were in Cuba and weren't due to return home for another week after you implemented the lockdown, but they managed to get out and back home just in time anyhow! Where they quarantined for 14 days after arriving! So why are you suddenly dithering and dancing around it now eh? Bunch of incapable moronic imbeciles.... What's the matter your short term memory of a flea failing you or what? Can't remember how you did it less than a year ago? Is that the problem? Or are you just waiting for enough of those various strains figures to be high enough before acting? Or are you just totally incompetent pieces of chicken excrement????? I seriously can't decide which category to put you idiots in, since you DID DO THIS BACK IN THE SPRING WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM. So why are there problems now??????????? Other than you all being a bunch of clueless, brainless, spineless wonders.... 
I get the feeling that even if we were at 0 cases that would be too soon to ease restrictions here in Canada because now that the power tripping authoritarians have had a crack at what it feels like to be able to abuse their power and get away with it, they'll want to continue to do so long after the plandemic is over with and there are absolutely no more cases of it anywhere in the world, let alone in Canada.
Coronavirus updates: 17% of US has been infected, model estimates; Capitol Police, National Guard outbreaks reported That's around 50 million people give or take a few million. Wondering how many have been infected in Canada and if there's any model estimates to show that?
Thank You India, PM Modi: WHO on Nation’s Global COVID Support Quoting the story now: India sent free supplies to countries, including Bhutan, Maldives, Bangladesh and Nepal. This is part of the country’s decision to supply made-in-India COVID vaccines to its neighbouring and key partner countries. ----------- They do indeed merit the kudos for doing such a nice thing for others out there in other countries.

AOC says FEMA is preparing to cover $2 billion in COVID-19 funeral costs across the US: 'We finally got it done' It's sad that something like this would be needed, but I'm sure it is, in a big way especially for those families who have no provisions to cover unexpected funeral costs, like that.

COVID-19 scare prompts cancellation of Canada-U. S. soccer scrimmage in Florida Yet another cancellation to add to the ever burgeoning list of cancellations.

I get the feeling that this is just for show since the WHO have investigators there looking into the origins of virus. So they're trying to act like nothing ever happened there by the looks of it.
Coronavirus: Feds deploy mobile health units to GTA hospitals The feds can deploy those units to Ontario hospitals but not Quebec hospitals????? Instead Quebec doctors are being asked to triage patients for death instead of treatment????? Might this have something to do with some kind of linguistic bias, perhaps?

This is precisely it, quoting the story now: 

"It's like saying that I have negotiated a contract with six fire departments to respond to my fire, but they won't respond for six hours when I do have a fire. And my neighbour has negotiated one contract with a single fire department to respond in five minutes," Chong told host Chris Hall.

"Personally, I'll take the single contract with the fire department that responds in five minutes because that is going to save my house. We are the country that's negotiated the contract with six fire departments ... that's the problem here."

There's no better apt description of the stupidity that Waterhole signed us up for.

EXCLUSIVE-Biden to impose South Africa travel ban to combat new COVID-19 variant -sources I don't think that'll help keep it out of the country, considering it's spread world wide by now, considering we have cases here in Canada, it's in the UK and lots of other places as well already.

Welcome to the club. Sounds like you're in the same boat Canada is in. Sounds like the countries need to take one massive class action suit against that lying cheating contract breaching company and sue them into oblivion. I mean you aren't getting your vaccines now, and if you wait you may not get them then either, so if you aren't getting them to begin it's not going to hurt you one iota to sue their ashes off and leave them for broke. At least you'll get something out of them even if it's not a vaccine. At least with the money won from them you'll be able to up the ante on the purchases of other vaccines as you'll have more money to spend on them.

100 Million shots in 100 days! Wow! That's impressive. Canada can't even get 1 million shots in 100 days.





I think they should name them. But then again, that's just me.




Coronavirus: 'Lockdown made me feel like I was in prison' I don't have any such impairments but yet I feel like I'm in prison too.


Despite COVID-19, Amazon requests in-person unionizing vote for 'valid, fair and successful election' As if Bezos hasn't been able to exploit this plandemic for his own benefit enough, he has to ask them to have in person votes jeopardizing their health and lives. Is this his way of trying to stymy their vote for unionization?

COVID-19 'vaccine tourism:' Unwanted travelers lining up for inoculations That's what happens when other countries with no vaccines available sees other neighbouring countries that's swimming in the stuff.



I wasn't hospitalized nor even seen by a doctor, but I know I had the virus in the first week of January last year. The symptoms that were reported then matched precisely the symptoms I had but recovered from at home, on my own.

Italy to take legal action on COVID vaccine delays to get doses Canada should too. So should Mexico for that matter.



Drug users at greater risk of dying as services scale back in second wave of COVID-19 Here's an idea.... Stop doing drugs! Or better yet, don't start in the first place!


Does that include the supply contracts for Canada & Mexico too?








Prince George residents perform weekly Indigenous drum dance to cheer on health workers, patients That's awesome! I remember when we lived in Regina, a group of indigenous men did a pow wow dance on our front lawn. I was home alone and I heard some weird noises in the front yard. I thought our deranged psychopathic neighbour had brought a little TV complete with long extension cord & lawn chair over onto our front yard to watch a western movie at full volume in order to annoy me and our dogs or something like that. When I got to the front door I noticed a bunch of natives dancing and chanting in our front yard. I opened the door to look and find out what was going on - I thought it was a war dance or something and they'd declared war on us - what for I didn't know - but Regina was a completely new experience to us, so as far as I was concerned just having QC plates on our car might've been enough for them to declare war on us. I guess I must've looked super worried because one of the men saw the  look on my face and straightened up and started walking towards me and smiled and said "relax darling, we're welcoming you as a friend, with a pow wow just for you & your husband" while the others continued dancing - he rejoined the group and finished dancing with them.  I didn't know a pow wow meant dance of friendship until sometime later. So that's why I posted this story because whenever I think back to that moment it's one of the most special moments of my life and I can remember it like yesterday. So this is truly something special they are doing for the Prince George healthcare workers & patients. 
Ontario officially extends state of emergency and stay-at-home order by 14 days You Ontarians didn't think you'd be getting off that quickly & easily did you? He's taking lessons from the power tripping monster Legault here in QC, now.

If we're vaccinating 0.0001 person a day, that's about it. Gotta make that vaccine last as long as we can, so can't give out too many vaccines, otherwise we'll use it all up.
LILLEY: Canada gets zero, takes the brunt of vaccine slowdown Of course because Pfizer knows we have a little Mr. Wussy Boy at the helm that's spineless and clueless and wouldn't know how to stand up against them for us to begin with. 



Former casino CEO, actress identified as couple who flew to Yukon, got COVID-19 vaccines Yup, from the self-centered, self-entitled, gimme, gimme, gimme generation I see.

Quebec reports lowest COVID-19 daily increase since end of November But even still the power abusing gestapo bunch won't let up on any of their draconian measures.

SHOT IN THE BARK Cats and dogs may need to get Covid vaccine to stop spread of virus, scientists say Oh lookit them Americans. They're swimming in vaccine and don't know what else to do with it, after they finish inoculating everyone, they're going to start inoculating all their pets, then before you know it, they'll be out wrestling alligators and darting all the deer, buffalo and bears too so they can inoculate them against it as well. Meanwhile there's countries like Canada that hasn't got a dose to spare, well nevermind to spare, they haven't got a dose period, to spare or for actual use on someone who might need it.



I know a couple of "health chiefs" here in Canada that need to be fired too.

Thousands died at a nursing home chain. Its CEO got a $5 million bonus It doesn't surprise me that the CEO would get a hefty bonus for helping out the plandemic's planned senicide campaign.



'Wealth increase of 10 men during pandemic could buy vaccines for all' But they won't buy any for anyone except themselves and their families.





They should but they probably won't given the dithering and dancing they're doing about it this time around, when they had no problems doing that back in the spring.
China pushes conspiracy theories on COVID origin, vaccines The Fort Detrick theory has been around since the beginning of the plandemic. In fact it's someone in the US gov't that proposed it considering the disease itself seems to have started simultaneously (seems to at least) all over the place, - in the US, in China, in the UK etc... In the early pages of my blog, there's links to such stories, which you might find under the "Back History to COVID19" label in the right hand column. 

Yup just keep finding more and more ways to gouge the eyeballs out of everyone's heads, instead of just shutting the border down so no one comes in or leaves the country, period.
'#ScienceUpFirst:' Social media campaign targets COVID-19 misinformation with science Okay well this story is just hype and BS with no substantiating info to base anything on. For instance this quote here:  Microsoft founder Bill Gates did not create the virus that causes COVID-19 -------- No one said he did create it. Although there are several allegations that the US military Ft. Detrick to be specific created it and released it and/or the Wuhan lab that was working on it with Gilead Sciences also released it around the time that Gates and the WEF held the Event 201 convention in Wuhan China. Coincidental? Planned? Accidental? You tell me and then we'll both know for sure.  
Then there's this: "Things like the vaccine will change your DNA. No, it won't. The idea that the vaccine is associated with infertility. No, it's not," Caulfield said Monday in a phone interview.  ---- Just saying "No it won't" and "No it's not" is not debunking anything, that's just a flat out denial, without backing it up. I think I'll take a former pharmaceutical company's CEO's word over some junky tabloid journalist's. I don't see why the former CEO of Pfizer would say it could cause people to be sterile if there was no chance of that. He wouldn't want to take chances with his reputation and or wind up being sued by Pfizer for saying things like that. Since there hasn't been any lawsuit launched against him by Pfizer you have to wonder why.  And who the hell knows what mRNA in vaccines will do to our genetic code down the road from now? It could be a slow insidious messing with our DNA, that we don't find about until much later when it's too late to do much about it? Or in future generations? We just don't know because it only first got injected into humans about 6 weeks ago and that isn't even enough time to find out if it provides full immunity to the disease it's supposed to be inoculating us against let alone what the long term repercussions and side effects might be from it. So that clown is just a jack ash regurgitating the gov't and lamestream media's propaganda on this.

I don't think they're even finished preparing for the spring and summer vaccines yet.


Facebook earnings still flourishing amid pandemic, economic slowdown and antitrust scrutiny   I'll never understand why, for the life of me. When I was on Facebook at the behest of my brother, I couldn't stand it. It was the most boring banal place I ever went to on the internet and I've been online since it was available in our region in 1993 or 1994. Such shallow vapid mind numbingly boring garbage, it was just unbelievable. So I never could understand the attraction to it. 

Anyhow, that's it for the plandemic headlines today.... Until next time take care & stay well.