Showing posts with label Vulnerable Seniors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vulnerable Seniors. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Dills, Dishes, Dreariness &



Sept 10, 2020

I finally got the dill pickles made using Bernardin's Dill Pickle Mix, that I bought at Walmart. I got more out of my cucumbers than I thought I would, but now I have no more jars to can anything else with. I haven't been able to find any either. I guess maybe tonight after dinner we'll go out again and look some more for them and other things we want.

As a result of all that canning and cooking I've been doing lately I've wound up with a ton of dishes I had to do, as well, so that's taken a chunk of my time too. 

Like everyone these days it seems, this monotonous lifestyle is getting to me. We can't do anything really on the spur of the moment, or have fun, or see people we haven't seen in a long time and it's just getting super monotonous - to the point you wonder why you even get out of bed in the morning now. What's the point of getting up as there's nowhere to go and nothing to do, except housework Yay! You know how we all love doing housework, don't you!?! 

In the meantime though, before we have dinner & go out hunting for stuff in stores,  I thought I'd start early on adding headlines here, because over the past two days I've seen Google getting itchy pants'ed over the new blogger and keeps trying to make me use that instead of the "classic blogger" which is what I am using now. It seems like they want to convert everyone over to the new blogger by the end of September. To be fair I haven't looked at it again, so I don't know if they've addressed my problem that I had with it or not, but if not, I won't be adding anymore posts to  my blog after the conversion takes place at the end of the month, but I will leave it online for those who wish to refer to it for whatever reason.  Hopefully between now and then I'll be able to get caught up on all the headlines, like I managed to do before at the end of July, and also get that "exposee" about the Gates Foundation and the vaccines etc done as well. If I can't. I will tough out the new blogger for that expossee but that'll be it as far as new posts will go in the new blogger if the problem I had wasn't fixed. Just a heads up.

So now for some of the headlines......

Investigation links three COVID-19 cases to unit in western Manitoba hospital  Another Cdn hospital doing a bang-up job at preventing infection spread, I see.

N.S. warns of potential COVID-19 exposure on 2 recent Calgary-Halifax flights  What a bunch of useless hypocritical nitwits they have in government there in NS. Quebecers & Ontarians are not allowed to drive there (the plates on the cars gives originating point away to all residents who see them pass by or encounter them parked in driveways and parking lots) because they don't want people from outside the Atlantic bubble coming and bringing the virus with them. But it's some how alright if they arrive on flights from anywhere including QC & Ont, because that way it's incognito and the general population won't know about them and how hypocritical and lousy their government really is at keeping them safe from the virus.

First aid classes find solutions for COVID-19 era   Maybe it's worth getting informed about those solutions.

In my opinion it's the WHO and Tedros that was the recipe for disaster! MEGA DISASTER - on the scale of crimes against humanity disaster! More like a planned atrocity! And they can't say they didn't know and could allow Tedros to sit there and constantly issue "wash your hands you'll be fine" statements, when anyone with a half hour in med school and as Trump proved in a taped convo, anyone with a half a brain cell in their heads knew it was very contagious and a RESPIRATORY DISEASE!!!!! ERGO Washing Hands was NOT GOING TO CUT IT!!!!!  So for the World HEALTH Organization to allow what was supposed to be a doctor at one time in his lying life, sit there and say that to the world while they caught it and died, WAS THE RECIPE FOR DISASTER! So they have one helluva nerve now blaming other politicians for how they're operating. They have no choice, since they not only have their citizens lives to save, but their economies as well. 

Ontario teen in group home reunites with family for first time in six months  Poor kid. Even kids that can't speak and has developmental difficulties needs affection from their families and 6 months is a long time to be deprived of such for anyone, let alone a kid.

Annual Quebec peewee hockey tournament cancelled for 2021 because of COVID-19  Look it's getting really easy to figure out what will be cancelled and what won't. From now on, just think that if it's fun, might exercise some muscles a bit and gets them out of the house and off the screens, or might be something you'd like to see (as in fireworks or a live show) or hear (as in a concert) it will be cancelled. That's a given. Oh but if some politician wants to make a stump speech due to a possible up coming election or something like that, it'll be "the more the merrier". You wait and see. They just want to sap all the joy out of life and take away anything that might provide one of the reasons that you have for living.  That's how I see it now.  Like I said above, it's getting to the point you wonder why you put your feet on the floor off the bed in the mornings now, unless it's to go to the bathroom.

Books in quarantine: What Windsor Public Library is doing to safely reopen I don't even know why people bother going to libraries anymore. Most smartphones can be used as ereaders, you can buy gizmos specific to that purpose called ereaders, or tablets that you can get apps to allow you to read electronic books on, or laptops or good old desktops with the appropriate software to allow you read the various ebook formats. Then you can download hundreds of thousands if not more ebooks for free from all over the place - look in the side bar for "Funny Dog & Cat Videos", that post has links to a few places online where you can get thousands of free ebooks, including Project Gutenberg that is attempting to put all public domain texts online and basically started doing that the moment the internet came online back in the early 1990s so there must be close to a million of them there already if not more. You'll never find as good of a selection of books and documents at any Cdn bricks & mortar library as you'll find online for free. 

Hospital begins staged approach to relaxing restrictions for visitors  It's about time. Being in the hospital is a scary time for most people, but most especially for those who don't know what's happening to them or why they're there, like kids and the elderly or cognitively impaired (like someone who was knocked unconscious in an accident) and those who need a patient advocate around to speak for them. 

Three World Cup speedskating events in Canada cancelled because of COVID-19  Told ya. If it's fun to do or you look forward to seeing it, it's cancelled. That's all.

Markham teen writes song about seeing girlfriend for first time after self-isolation   Aw remember the days of all that pent up teenage angst? This story about epitomizes it.

Portugal Communist Party gets OK for 16,500 people at event  This only demonstrates what I was talking about above. I bet the same thing will happen here if we have an election, there'll be large numbers of people being allowed to participate in it, despite the fact that they're not allowed to participate in anything else.

Seniors more vulnerable to abuse, scams amid the pandemic, say Windsor advocates  If you live in Southwestern Quebec, you may be able to get some help from some of the sites listed in my sidebar under the labels, Help for seniors on Ile Perrot and in the Vaudreuil-Dorion region of Quebec, Legal help for Seniors, and possibly under the Helpful Sites Label too. Just click on any of them to be taken to the page/s dealing with those issues.

27 poisoned by carbon monoxide at bunker rave party in Oslo   The story doesn't mention it, but I think we can safely assume this was another illegal rave party contravening the local pandemic laws.

These Scientists Are Giving Themselves D.I.Y. Coronavirus Vaccines Maybe they'd prefer their own DIY vaccines compared to the company manufactured ones, because no one knows what might be in theirs. 

Pandemic brings hard times for farmers, worsening hunger  I'm not a farmer, just a gardener that's basically had it with the Quebec climate. One day it's boiling hot (as in super high humidity factor) and the next it's raining cats & dogs and on it goes like that all summer long. I bet even the Amazon rain forest doesn't have such heat & humidity and as much rain as we get in the summertime. So I gave up even trying as I never had the satisfactory temperatures or weather that would allow me more than a few minutes at a time in the garden (thanks to the fact that I don't tolerate heat very well). 

Welcome to my nightmare: researchers to investigate the strange world of Covid dreams  Another aspect of COVID that we had no way of knowing about before, unless we experienced it for ourselves.

6 Ways to Tell If You've Already Had COVID  There were 7 in the other post I posted before on the blog somewhere.

This Florida School Is What a COVID-19 Fiasco in the Making Looks Like  You don't need to read the story, just look at the picture.

A grieving daughter in Wuhan is suing China, saying its early cover-up of COVID-19 killed her father. In response, the authorities reportedly intimidated her family.  The WHO & ALL governments around the world should be held responsible for the deaths of their loved ones. Because quite honestly if any of us were as negligent in the duties on our jobs that caused death even one death nevermind hundreds of thousands we would be held legally responsible for it. So what gives governments free passes anyhow?

COVID-19 in schools inevitable, reducing class sizes unrealistic: Kenney  But Kenney, you have a lot of unemployed oil field workers, why don't you get them busy making modular school room add-ons that can be removed and redeployed when needed or if needed elsewhere because of a sudden population boom in a certain area for example? That would solve that classroom size problem and also an unemployment problem as well.

9 ways to prepare for the next COVID-19 lockdown  We're just trying to get an appointment to get the car tune-up done and to find someone that we can actually afford to help fix the bathroom from hell that we inherited when we bought the house.  It seems that every 20 years or so, it needs to be completely redone - plumbing, floors and even walls. Gawd I hate that bathroom.  Between that and the roof, that's where all our money that we could've used to do renovations keeps going to.  This time though I don't want to spend a fortune on the bathroom because no matter what we spend on it, it never lasts more than 20 years and this time it's highly unlikely we'll still be here (in this house I mean) in another 20 years given our ages etc.... By then we'll probably be relegated to one of those seniors' death camps aka long term care facility or seniors residence. It would be nice if we could get both the car and the bathroom taken care of before the next lockdown comes along.  

Canada has contracts for up to four COVID-19 vaccines but they won't be mandatory  Maybe if I can afford it, I'll buy a share or two in each of the companies and that way when they start mass inoculating everyone around the world I'll get rich. 💰💰💰