Showing posts with label legally requiring vaccinations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legally requiring vaccinations. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2021

Frogs Legs, Friends, & Flowers to Celebrate 46th Anniversay Amid the Neverending

 Covid 19


July 25, 2021

The picture above is very apt, first in regards to the frogs legs we had for dinner in the front yard with friends, who brought the flowers and wine to compliment the occasion of our 46th anniversary. And second the hear no evil, see no evil and as he's covering his nose and not his mouth I'm going to say smell no evil, is what I wish we could say about this stupid never ending plandemic, that just keeps getting worse and worse as time goes by.

As we never had frogs legs before we invited friends to have dinner with us, as there were a lot of frogs legs and we weren't sure we'd even like them let alone eat them, so we invited a couple of friends who does like frogs legs to join us. As it turns out we liked them too. And when you hear people say "it tastes just like chicken", they mean it, they're not just saying it to pull the wool over your eyes. If I ever see them listed for sale anywhere again, I think I'll buy some more, as they were really good. We enjoyed the meal, the company and the view of the water, wings of victory and our neigbhour's garden.

Now what's not so enjoying is all the annoying, neverending and scary covid 19 plandemic headlines that just never seem to quit and go away. Despite vaccinations there seems to be more and more covid19 infections and hospitalizations.  I know they're saying it's not amongst the fully vaccinated, but I've seen stories where there have been incidents of people who've been fully vaccinated contracting it and getting seriously ill with it.  I've still got a ton of headlines links in my bookmark file from the last time I posted and I've accumulated even more since then. Unless I go back to doing this as frequently as I did before, I don't see how I'll ever get on top of them. Trust me, that's not happening. In fact, I'm posting way more still than I wanted to because as you recall I said on March 16th that that was it. Right? 

Well apparently not, as I'm still posting stuff from time to time, even though I really don't want to. But as a promise to myself that I made about this being a running diary of sorts of how we got through the plandemic by posting some of the happenings in our lives along with the headlines, that's what keeps me coming back again to post. Mostly on certain occasions, like when we got our vaccines, certain birthdays and anniversaries among other things.  Well today was our 46th anniversary and rather than go out to a fancy restaurant somewhere we invited some friends to join us in our front yard for the frog's leg feast while taking in the breezes and the view. (Better ambience than most restaurants have, that's for sure). So that's why I'm back again with a new post, because I wanted to add how we celebrated our anniversary to this running sort of diary. If it weren't for that I don't know when I'd post again. 

Since we put the house up for sale we've had inquiries, visitors and over 20,000 views of our listings on the internet. So you never know. We might have a chance. I hope so at least. 

Canada-U.S. border rule change: Fully vaccinated Americans can come to Canada August 9, hotel quarantine will be eliminated

The Pandemic Has a New Epicenter: Indonesia 

Can Employers Require Employees to Get Vaccinated? Plus, Answers to Other Legal Questions as We Return to the Office This is in the US and probably more specifically in the state of NY. 

Some Sacramento Businesses Require Proof Of Vaccination Upon Entry It was going to start eventually I guess. 

COVID-19 risk-taking is going up as people become more desensitized to pandemic life Some of those people may be more willing to take risks thinking that there's enough people vaccinated around them, to protect them from getting it themselves. Our son thinks like that. No matter what we try to tell him.

Report links Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to case of Bell’s palsy Then Jean Chretien won't feel so awkward and out of place because of his looks anymore.

Stem cell model reveals how COVID-19 can infect the brain  This is scary. It's bad enough what it does to the rest of the body but infecting the brain is another story altogether.  Especially if it lingers and morphs over time like it's been doing in other body systems.

1 in 5 small business owners were on brink of closing forever during pandemic That's pretty bad when you think that 20% of small businesses were ready to close forever.  

India’s pandemic death toll could be in the millions That is absolutely horrible! And shameful that the gov't would allow that to happen to it's own citizens when it's been touted to have the largest vaccine manufacturer facilities and efforts going on in the world. A lot of what they gave away to other countries could've and probably should've been used for their own population, first.

Australia man ties bedsheets together to escape 4th floor hotel quarantine - police  hehehehe.... Well they do say, where there's a will there's a way. Kudos to him. Too bad he didn't totally get away with it. I am so against all of these draconian gestapo measures all these politicians world wide think they can get away with in the name of this plandemic, that when I see anyone with the moxie this guy had, I'm ready to throw him party to celebrate his cunning and daring attitude!

COVID-19: Nightclub owner shuns government's COVID passport ahead of reopening Good for him. The more resistance there is against this, the less it can be enforced and therefore will be used less too.

Flying to Maharashtra? No RT-PCR Test Required for Fully Vaccinated

Covid: Bus and train firms must decide whether to require masks 

An ‘absolutely unprecedented’ COVID surge in the Netherlands - so what can England learn?

UK govt plan to end virus orders queried as cases top 50,000 I agree it seems like they're working in reverse. The higher the case counts the more freedoms the people are allowed. Rather bizarre compared to the power mongers here in QC, who like to keep the screws on no matter how few cases there are. 

Dutch PM apologises for easing of COVID-19 curbs as cases soar It's things like this that angers people. They feel like they're just starting to get their lives and businesses back on track and start buying inventory to cook, and sell and hiring personnel and then suddenly without warning yet again they're told they have to close. Then the powers that be can't understand why everyone is so angry at them. To me it's a wonder they haven't all been overthrown and anarchists having taken over already. Because as I told Mulbaloney in the 80s - there's more of us than there are of them (meaning political class, elite, authorities, and military personnel all combined). So if enough people got enraged enough all at the same time it would be easy for the gov'ts to be toppled and there wouldn't be a whole hell of a lot they could do about it, short of kill all the protestors like Pinochet, and the clowns in China when they used tanks to run over protesting students. But then if they resort to tactics like that, we will see their true colours and realize they're not all that democratic after all and more authoritarian instead. Maybe some leaders would rather die themselves than be seen like that, but I'm sure there's plenty who don't gives a rat's ash how we see them as long as they're the ones in control and not us.

COVID-19: Hospital admissions could peak at 1,000 to 2,000 a day in England during third wave, scientists believe

Common cholesterol drug reduces risk of COVID death by 40%, study finds Oh maybe it lowers the risk of covid related deaths by 40% but I bet it increases the risk of homicide/femicide & suicide deaths by that much too, considering the drastic mood alterations this drug causes. It can cause someone to go from placid, benign moods to lethal rages in a blink of an eye where the person taking the statins based drugs just suddenly wants to kill someone because of some trivial trigger (whether that was a word, a look, a movement or whatever) or kill themselves because they suddenly just see no point in living for no logical reason. Like they weren't previously depressed before this sudden suicidal urge came over them, it's like it's caused by a random thought or mood swing like the enraged homicidal maniac described above.  So statins are NOT something I'd want to be using, nor have any of my loved ones using either. If it's because of high cholestrol, there's other ways to handle that - starting with a high fiber, low cholestrol & fat diet.  So lay off the butter, bacon and steak and chow down on more celery, bran, beans, broccoli, etc... Much better for you than those statins chemicals and much better for your sanity as well. And they probably do as much to prevent death by covid as well, as they probably provide a better boost to your immune system.

The European country that has recorded just one COVID death this year

Moderna is the Tesla of biotechs, stock price could hit $325: analyst I told my son to invest in this stock back when this company was first mentionned as being a potential covid vaccine producer. It's doubtful that he did as he doesn't listen to my advice much, only if I tell him and other people tell him the same thing, then suddenly his mother is a genius and someone to be listened to. Otherwise, what do I know?

Spread of Covid-19 variants heightens debate over extra vaccines This is turning into a pharmaceutical cash cow, money gimmick now. That's what it looks like to me. I don't care where I'll be allowed or not allowed if I don't get another shot, but I refuse to get a third or any other subsequent vaccine against a covid virus or variant for as long as I live. My 2nd Moderna shot was pain and agony enough for a shot for one life time  thanks.

Hotel Guests Find Damp Towels, Trash Piles Amid Worker Shortage Well what can you expect? If you want workers you have to pay and treat them decently, the same way you'd like to be  treated and given the same pay you'd want if you had to do the same jobs as them. It's called being decent and treating others no matter their station in life, with the same respect you expect for yourself. Like the golden rule says "Do Unto Others as You'd Have Them Do Unto You". It doesn't mention how high or low on life's echelons those others are. It says others as in all others and not merely your peers and equals but all others including those on the lower echelons in the workplace and in society in general.

Miami-Based Regent’s 2024 ‘World Cruise’ Sells Out Under Three Hours I couldn't understand for the life of me why tickets for a floating petri dish would sell out so fast until I read the itinerary. Even though I hate the idea of cruises on big ships like that, I would've signed up for that cruise myself if I could've afforded tickets for us, because it sounds exciting and after a year and a half of being stuck at home, it's something I could go for too.

Fiji rejects lockdown calls as virus cases soar

UC Mandates Coronavirus Vaccines, With Some Exceptions, For In-Person Campus Access In Upcoming Fall Term It's starting.... One university demands vaccines for in person campus access - it won't be long before others start doing the same until it's  a defacto standard for admission to any university in the US - and then Canada will follow suit (like we always do).

Covid-19 ‘is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ CDC director says

SURGE GOES ON UK Covid cases pass 50,000 in one day for the first time since mid-January as another 49 people die 

More than 1,000 Israelis test positive for COVID The PM there is saying the Pfizer vaccine is significantly less effective against the Delta variant. As Moderna is made basically the same way, I would assume that statement might also apply to Moderna vaccinations as well. Though I hope not. 

Pingdemic: England’s covid app sent half a million exposure notifications in a week Wow!

Singapore and the UK are both planning to 'live with Covid.' They are worlds apart on how to do that Sounds like we're approaching a post apocalyptic world where it'll be treated like the flu, but how's that going to work, when it's spread so easily and rapidly? How many times will a business be expected to open, close and stay locked down  for x amount of times? What will happen to the owners and creditors of those businesses? Will they survive or just wither and die? What about the employees of those businesses? Who's going to support them when their main source of income is taken away?  Has anyone actually thought any of this supposed fairytale nonsense through?

Antibody testing increases as FDA authorizes different tests This would've been nice to have access to  BEFORE I acquiesced to getting the vaccine.

Thailand bans public gatherings as coronavirus cases and deaths hit daily records

After a Steep Plunge in Virus Cases, Every State Is Seeing an Uptick 

Censorship Coordination Deepens Yup. That's for sure. That's one of the reasons I try to stick to the lamestream media as much as possible and use their own headlines to post here. So that later on when they want to turn it around and call it fake news or a conspiracy theory or whatever I have the link/s that prove it started with them. So it would be hard to censor me given that I'm getting it from the lamestream media directly themselves.

Biden says social media carrying COVID misinformation is 'killing people' More like the inept negligent politicians whose too stupid to tie their own shoelaces and chew gum at the same time but apparently bright enough to make policies that affect everyone in their nations, but can't figure out that the best way to keep a disease that's in one country out of their country would be to close the borders tighter than a drum. If they did that in the beginning there would be no "killing people" BS going on now, because there'd be little to no disease in their country to start with.

Music banned on Greece's Mykonos in new COVID-19 restrictions I can understand banning dancing and maybe singing along, but banning music (even if it's CD or radio or whatever?) is just about as draconian as QC is. It makes not sense at all. Why are they doing that? Will everyone's ears catch covid if they hear music now? Or might it have more to do with not wanting anyone to actually enjoy themselves a little bit? I think that's probably got more to do with it than anything else, because since this started, the powers that be have been bound and bent to suck the enjoyment and life out of everything, it seems.

Quebec families, business owners eagerly await U.S. border's reopening It would be nice to get reacquainted with a cousin of mine that lives in Micihigan. We have always been going to do it and we kept putting it off and then we couldn't because of the plandemic. But now with putting our house up for sale, if we sell we plan on moving to some place in the Maritimes. If we do, we'll be even further away from her than we are now, so it'll only make it that much further to travel to see her. So might as well do it while we're still relatively close, if we can. On the way there or back we could take a detour and check out Niagra Falls (I was there as a little kid but my husband never went) and whatever else there is to see in Ontario (on our way back from Michigan and/or Niagra Falls) that we haven't seen before. 

Government working with other countries to recognize Canadians with mixed doses as fully vaccinated Even though, that's not how the WHO sees it.

COVID-19: Travellers frustrated at 'chaotic' government U-turn over France quarantine rules 

Delta variant's rise plunges Europe into uncertainty — and offers a warning to the U.S. 

Olympic Village's COVID-19 bubble sees first positive test I'm wondering if this was allowed to go ahead on purpose hoping that it'll allow for multiple variants and strains to cross paths with each other and form one mega monsterous variant from hell, in order to decimate much of the earth's population (and all the olympians would basically be returning back to their respective countries with it) that even the vaccines can't fight? I wouldn't doubt it, that the Olympics were figured into the equation before the virus was let loose in 2019, only they thought Tokyo would host the Olympics in 2020 like they were supposed to do, instead of now, a year later.

COVID has become 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'; Pfizer vaccine full approval may take months: Today's updates

Meet the unvaccinated: Why some Canadians still haven't had the shot I agree with all the dissenters here. They all have valid reasons. I got it, because my husband wanted me to because he wanted to get himself vaccinated. I didn't think I needed it because  I am sure I had it back in January 2020, but I couldn't be sure as I could never get an antibody test. So to appease my husband I got the vaccinations - mostly to protect him - because he didn't have any illness back when I think I had it. I do believe though that his pneumonia vaccine probably protected him from it and that's maybe why he didn't get sick when I did. But anyhow, we both have our vaccines now whether we wanted or needed them or not.

UPDATE 1-Delta COVID variant now dominant strain worldwide; U.S. deaths surge -officials

Florida’s weekly COVID update: Cases surging with 45,449 new cases, 1 in 5 cases in U.S. That's not good. 

The Latest: SKorea sees 11th straight day over 1,000 cases

New infections rising almost 50% across US; FDA issues new warning on J&J vaccine: Live COVID-19 updates The J&J vaccine seems to be having more than it's fair share of issues connected to it.  This new warning about it, is quite serious.

Two athletes in Olympic Village test positive for coronavirus, the first instances of athlete infections there 

Police scramble to deal with deadly road rage during pandemic 

France to require negative Covid test within 24 hours for some European arrivals

Facebook says it should not be blamed for U.S. failing to meet vaccine goals I agree. Everyone who reads, hears or sees something has a mind of their own and can formulate their own opinions based on whatever they saw read or heard. Personally when I hear, see or read something that I know is 100% BS or sounds so outlandish and full of it, my reaction is to roll my eyes and shut it off or walk away or just find some other site to go to. It doesn't mean because I read something on a website (no matter how much I like the site) that I'm going to automatically believe it. I was taught to think critically and reason things out for myself based on everything I know up until this point, like all my collective knowledge and experiences and if it rings hollow or sounds too wacky and outlandish still then I ignore it. If it has some points of validity to it, I might research it further before deciding and if it sounds like what I know to be  true, then I'll probably be inclined to believe it 100% without too much resistance. For something as important as this, I think whoever is reading, seeing or hearing something about this issue, ought to do further research rather than just rely on that one source of information (no matter where or who that source is). Google the names of the vaccines, or the companies names, or the inventors names, ask people who you know who's had a vaccine about their experience (side effects, adverse reactions, etc..) and weigh all of that information up together before making a final decision.

Johnson U-Turns, Says He’ll Isolate After U.K. Covid Contact 

Visitors from across Canada welcomed with open arms — and gift cards If I go to PEI, it'll probably be via the Confederation Bridge, as much as the idea makes me queasy to start with.

Canada needs to jump-start a stalled first-dose campaign to avoid a fourth wave, experts say

LILLEY: No need for mandatory vaccinations or vaccine passports  Agreed 100%!

Canada surpasses U.S. in COVID-19 vaccinations, despite its slow start Was that because all Canadians were psyched into believing that if they didn't get their vaccine when they had a chance they wouldn't be able to later on because there might not be enough doses for them to? Could that maybe have had something to do with it? 

COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know this weekend I don't know how you would opt in to the lottery if you've already gotten your vaccine and your QR code to prove it.

20% of Americans believe microchips are inside COVID-19 vaccines - study The way everyone's trying to push the public to get vaccinated, I sometimes wonder myself....

The new real estate normal Yup that's what happened here. As soon as the sign went up neighbours started calling the agent to find out how much we were selling it for. Other agents who didn't know it was listed with a real estate agent, called me, because they said they had a client who was interested in buying it. So I referred them to our agent and she was stunned that we had one. Since it was listed earlier in the week (Tuesday I think) we've had over 20,000 views of the listings online. Plus we had a visitor come to see the house. Our agent sent us packing while the visit was going on so we don't know what the outcome was, only that we weren't presented with an offer *yet*. But everyone's circling like sharks. Our neighbour, asked if we really want to move or to stay. I said it doesn't really make a difference, that while we love the neighbourhood and them and some other neighbours, we didn't like the new antagonists beside us. If we move it's because we got the money we were asking for it, or more (and he seems to think we could get a lot more - he's one of those millionaire neighbours we have now)  and if we stay it doesn't matter as it's paid for already. So he shook his head and said he thinks we'll sell and we'll get way more than we're asking. Only time will tell, I guess. But it sure would be nice if he's right!

Warning to the Real-Estate Cartel Maybe that's why they're giving such high evaluations on houses, so that when the seller sells using their inflated evaluation, they make more money. 

L.A. County coronavirus spike hits alarming levels, with 10,000 infected in a week, as Delta variant spreads 

Dow tumbles 700 points for its worst drop since October as investors fear a Covid resurgence 

Japan girds for a surreal Olympics, and questions are plenty 

Olympic athletes test positive in Tokyo days before Games 

Australia deports commentator Hopkins for quarantine boast 

Anger as French protesters compare vaccines to Nazi horrors Okay well that's just a little surreal over the top hyperbole. 

The Pain of the Never-Ending Work Check-In This sounds like the 3rd incarnation of this phenomenon where employers try to take advantage of the situation. Like they did when workers first started having work related email accounts and the ones that had computers at home and could check into their work related email account were expected to stay on top of all their email all the time, until there was legislation against it. Then came the company cellphone given to employees and it was used like an electronic leash so the employer could call them at all hours of the day and night to keep track of their whereabouts and activities and then to demand that they use it to call customers even after normal working hours etc... So of course now that there's no one else keeping eyes on each other to prove the amount of actual time they're working employers are loving that situation too because now they're using that as an excuse to say "well how do I know you're putting in the hours you say you are, because you were more productive at the office?" (That's an exact quote that someone I know who works from home for Air Canada, said her boss said to her and her husband said, she actually works more hours now  than she did when she was going to work, but not getting paid more). So this doesn't surprise me in the least as they did it before and will do it again too, the next time there's a new situation or technology that comes along that they think they can use to force their employees to do more work for the same amount of money.

England to demand vaccination proof for clubs, mass events Doesn't surprise me. Seems like they're almost in lock step with the gestapo here in QC. 

2020 Sets Records for Negative Emotions I think we all get why.

Vaccines for kids not likely until after Christmas

Politics the reason Canada has surpassed U.S. on COVID vaccines, Fauci says Actually I think it has more to do with mind games where the gov't was constantly keeping Cdns on their toes wondering when or if we'd get any vaccines and if we did, if we'd be able to get a dose (even just one shot) before we ran out and couldn't get anymore for a long time. That's what I think it had to do with.  Being psyched into believing we might be left behind and not get a shot, let alone a second one. So everyone scrambled to be ahead of everyone else, for fear there might not be any doses left by the time it got around to us. 

Public health experts concerned by Alberta premier's claim that pandemic is over Hmmmmm...... Yeah.... I wish it was over. For sure.

Quarantine exemptions lure visitors to Canada in advance of busy travel weekend

'This isn't over': COVID-19 pandemic will continue and rules don't 'go out the window' after being fully vaccinated, expert says So what's the point of being fully vaccinated if I still have to wear a mask, keep my distance, wash my hands and only see so many people at once?

Masking doesn't need to be mandatory in Ontario anymore, doctor says Wish we had the same doctor here. 

Third ship anchored off Newfoundland coast with COVID-19 cases confirmed among crew

5 million jabs: Alberta reaches COVID-19 vaccine milestone 

Opposition calls for COVID-19 vaccine clinics in Alberta schools this fall

Total COVID-19 cases rise to 71 at Tokyo Olympics Yup, it's looking good here too.... Wondering what they'll call the mega monsterous variant that emerges from this fiasco?

COVID: Singapore bans dine-in from 22 July, social group limit back to 2

COVID-19 vaccine might be required for some federal positions, Treasury Board says Annndddd it starts.... Just a few need their vaccinations for now. Others will probably need it too and eventually it'll be a flat out requirement across the board.

Protect Canadians from another COVID-19 wave by ramping up vaccination in developing countries, experts say Orrrr.... If you're so terribly concerned about foreigners bringing it to Canada - here's an idea that you don't seem to be able to get..... Close the borders. That's all.

A look at COVID-19 reopening plans across the country

When will we know the impact of 'Freedom Day' on England's COVID rates? 

Olympics chief does not rule out cancelling Games at last minute amid fears COVID bubble has burst Rigghtttt.... I think that was all talk and no walk. He's too chicken to cancel the games despite the fact that everything he said he'd cancel them for, is or has or will happen. The only thing that maybe won't is an earthquake or Mt. Fuji erupts. Otherwise the typhoon is on it's way, which will bring heavy rain, the virus has breached containment.... So what else was there besides an earthquake? I threw Mt. Fuji's eruption in there for good measure.

Man tackled by bouncers for dancing to live band in Welsh pub Of course, this should be expected, because we're not allowed to have any kind of fun during this plandemic. And if you are, watch out someone somewhere will rat you out to the authorities or the authorities will see and find out for themselves and bust you and maybe fine or arrest you as well. 

Iran's daily new coronavirus infections hit another high

'Game Of Thrones' prequel 'House Of The Dragon' filming halted due to positive COVID test 

Iqaluit's COVID-19 outbreak declared over after 28 days with no new cases That's good news!

Drive-thru, drop-in COVID-19 vaccinations expanded In the rural areas I think that's the way it should be.

COVID-19 in Canada: Could some Canadians be left out of future U.S. travel rules?

Delta variant: ‘A perfect storm is brewing’ in certain parts of America, health official explains 

Back-to-school tensions run high for families amid rise in COVID cases: 'The last year and a half has been brutal for kids'

Chris Selley: Ottawa’s awful border management should be a ballot question  First Mr. Selley I think you have us confused with the US, since Canada does not have questions on their election ballots, just do you want to vote for this jerk, that jerk, or some other equally braindead lying jerk? That's all. That't the only question on our ballots that I've ever seen.  But if you want to make that an election issue, how about we make all of it from the time Mr. Nitwit Dressup took office in 2015, with him trying to push Islam down our throats, showing favouritism to them over and above all the rest of the religions including his own Catholic religion (where more than 40 churches have been burned to the ground since the unmarked graves scandal started - he doesn't mention a thing about those. But if they were mosques he'd be jumping up and down yelling and screaming about hate crimes and racism). Then there's the mass genocide he presided over aka coronavirus and how him Tam and Haggydodo not only let the virus in they welcomed it with open arms as they didn't want to offend anyone (least of all the Chinese - who incidentally have no qualms about offending us any)  by closing the border or imposing mandatory quarantines on those who came into the country from China and may have had it. Nope but he had no problem quarantining planeloads of Canadians at CFBs in  Trenton and other areas and commandeering a hotel in Cornwall for them to stay at for 2 weeks. Meanwhile he had no problems letting all the seniors in seniors homes die not just from the virus but from abandonment which caused them to starve to death, to the SNC Lavellin affair, accepting gifts from the great Kahn or is that the Great Con? Importing potential terrorists on our dime at $10,000 a head. Giving taxpayers dollars to convicted terrorists to the tune of $30,000,000 - ten to each of the three he gave money to. Maybe the rest of the Canadian population has forgotten about all those crimes that he ought to be charged with not the least of which is negligence and derelict of duty causing mass senicide and genicide. That ought to lock him up for all eternity and then some. So I think those should be but a few of the election questions, the border issue is the least of our problems at the moment I think.

Public health orders enforced in provincial parks despite easing of some COVID-19 restrictions Wow! Those are some hefty gouge your eyes out fines there Pallister!

Some animal rescues warn pet surrenders are rising as pre-pandemic life returns That's so sad. My belief is when you adopt an animal it's like you adopted a kid. And when life gets rough or you can't find a place to live that accepts kids you don't take the kid back to the adoption agency you find a place that does accept kids even if it's not the greatest place and to your liking and if you have to work you find ways to have your kid taken care of while you work. Even if you have to hire someone to do that for you, like a babysitter.  But you don't take pets back to animal shelters because you went back to work, it's not the pet's fault.

Border reopening plan facing roadblock as thousands of border officials consider strike action hehehe... Good! I hope they're on strike for the next year or so until the plandemic is over with as we don't need them bringing their viruses here and they will. 

Quebec's vaccination passport plan threatens to infringe on 'freedom of movement,' expert says Oh and knowing the wanna be dictators in power at the moment, they're going to mandate that ALL data collected by all establishments that use those passports to allow people in, will have to be sent to the gov't on a regular basis. Then the gov't is going to use that to track us and our habits. They'll see that so and so likes to go to this restaurant quite often and they go to that bar every Friday night and to this gym 3 times a week and to that hair stylist once every 2 weeks and so on. So that they can pretty well predict where we'll be any given day at any given time - so if they want to pick us up, they know where to go to get us if we're not home. Or if they demand that the establishment not only sends the date and time you were there but all the particulars of your visit. So say you bought a meal at that restaurant you go to quite often and it cost $30.85 and you left a 15% tip , but then you went to that bar you frequent on Friday nights and spent a whopping $2,000.00 buying everyone the bar drinks and left another15% tip (which in that case is $300) but you make minimum wage and you have no credit cards and no debts - ergo whatever you make is used to pay bills and your cost of living - so you shouldn't have this kind of money to throw around buying drinks for everyone. So that red flag is sent to the CRA, who soon comes knocking on your door to audit you etc... You see where and how that can be used? Without you even knowing about it, nor anyone outside the gov't offices knowing about it, for that matter, until they do, because people are suddenly being picked up at places they frequent or audited for having over spent on something rather frivolous etc... I trust the gov't as far as I can throw them and I know that if they don't start right off doing that, it'll eventually wind up being done as some brainiac in the gov'ts employ will come up with those ideas and more on how that data could be used. Another reason to sell and get the hell out of this province.

30% of Canadians say they’re insolvent, MNP debt survey shows That's super scary. So if everyone's loans and mortgages got called in (I don't mean entire mortgage just the mortgage payments that are due) right now, this country would technically be in a depression. Wow. Just freaking wow.

Canada Child Benefits gets mini bump in payments with pandemic playing a role Meanwhile the supposed supposed to be protected group the Seniors got SFA. Oh yeah, I'm sorry they got a piddly little bump up in their GST payments last year. That's it. That's all. 

Grey Bruce Health Unit to charge local party hosts and attendees as COVID-19 spreads

COVID-19 bubble around Tokyo Olympics athletes’ village is now ‘broken’: expert  But still the games go on, despite the head honcho in Tokyo saying that if the virus escaped containment that would be one of the reasons he'd cancel the games.

Delta COVID-19 variant now behind more than 80% of new U.S. cases 

Pointe-Claire breaks ground on memorial orchard in honour of local COVID-19 victims  I saw it on TV tonight. It looks nice and I like what they have in mind to do with the veggies from the vegetable garden. I think that's a great idea.  Kudos to them!

Covid: The Mexican villages refusing to vaccinate

'Jews are behind the pandemic' chanted at anti-vaccine protest in Poland I don't even know what to think or say about this one it's so off the wall.... 

Indonesian Covid-positive man disguises himself as wife on Citilink flight in order to fly Here's another one... Hope no Americans try anything like that to get into Canada.

France requires COVID-19 pass for Eiffel Tower, other sites Another wanna be dictator government here. This reminds me so much of what our Czeh friends said about living and working in the USSR and Czecheslovakia while the communists were in power. They said if you worked somewhere  and lived a distance away (say a few miles) you'd be issued a paper that allows you to travel between those 2 destinations. Now let's say you want to go visit a friend or family member that lives in another part of the country or the Soviet Union, you'd have to apply for a special travel pass that would allow you to travel from your home to their home before you could go. If you wanted a TV or a car or anything that was deemed not necessary, you had to not only apply for it but prove that it would be essential to you and your life. If approved (which could take several years to get) you'd still have to pay for it - whichever one they chose for you - you couldn't chose the one you want, they chose for you. Unless you were the president it wasn't very likely you'd be getting anything too nice or special. It would serve it's purpose and be functional and that'd be about it. Sounds like we're well on our way there between France, the UK & QC. 

Australia, under lockdown, sees jump in COVID-19 cases

‘This Virus Will Find Everybody Who Is Not Immune’: Mayo Doctor’s Strong Warning Over COVID’s Delta Variant I tried telling my son that, but he says he is immune as he's sure he had the virus last year too.

U.S. extends travel curbs at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21 But yet they were getting pissy at Canada because we weren't allowing them to cross our land borders. We're always the ones that have to give in first. I wish that just once in awhile other countries would defer to us for a change and I don't mean some dirt poor country that's come begging Canada for donations, I mean a country like the US or UK or even China (I just wish in that instance they'd play fair and be decent - but that's not too likely as I don't think they understand what that is).

California coronavirus hospitalizations hit highest point in months as Delta spreads 

COVID-19 anxiety eclipses Olympics as athletes test positive 

Lambda COVID variant found in Texas hospital And another one... And another one.... And another one bites the dust... Though I don't think any of them will be biting the dust only their victims that they infect.

Gamma Variant Cases Still Exceed Delta In Illinois, But Delta Surging As COVID-19 Cases Climb Again and another one.... Still not biting the dust though.

Chicago expands travel advisory again and mayor warns restrictions could return as COVID-19 numbers creep up

AP Breakthrough COVID-19 cases rattle Capitol Hill  Yup well I can tell you they're not the only ones rattled by breakthrough covid19 cases.

Five-year-old Georgia boy with no underlying health issues dies of Covid Very unusual, very scary and very sad.

'I'm sorry, but it's too late' - unvaccinated patients beg for shot; new infections nearly triple in two weeks: COVID news

Those fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can be infected, but serious illness is rare: 'Nothing in this world is 100%' I wished I'd have known about what's going on with Delta and the fully vaccinated before I got my 2nd shot, because I probably wouldn't have bothered, knowing that it could still attack me and cause me problems even though I was fully vaccinated.

Three states are seeing about 40% of the country’s new Covid-19 cases 

China Refuses WHO Plan To Probe COVID-19 Lab Origin Theory Because they're guilty as hell and they know it, but they don't want the rest of the world knowing it too. That's why.

C.D.C. Director Warns U.S. at ‘Another Pivotal Point’ in Pandemic 

Then the Birds Began to Die Yet more death and morbidity amongst this plandemic that's already spawned so much of it world wide.

Tokyo Olympics begin with muted ceremony and empty stadium

COVID patient in Louisiana says he'd opt for hospitalization again over vaccine 

England quarantine rules being relaxed to avoid shortages That's as good an excuse as any I suppose.

Delta variant outbreak pops travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand 

Covid Explodes in Cancun, Los Cabos as New Wave Hits Mexico  

Nightclubs are a new battleground against Covid, but the young yearn for freedom If that's the case, they could offer shots at the entrance of these night clubs, without making them into a condition in order to get into the night club.

At least 100 US Olympic athletes are unvaccinated as 2020 Games begin

Most baby boomers fear they’ll never be able to retire thanks to pandemic Annnndddddd TOTAL LACK OF HELP THEY GOT FROM THE GOV'T TO MAKE IT THROUGH THE PLANDEMIC!!!!! THEY WERE THE ONES WHO WERE FORBIDDEN TO GO OUT AND HAD TO STAY HOME AND SHOP  ONLINE USING  A CREDIT CARD IN ORDER TO PAY FOR STUFF. CREDIT CARDS HAVE INTEREST CHARGES ON THEM!!!!!!  NO ONE OFFERED TO HELP DEFRAY THOSE ADDITIONAL EXPENSES THEY INCURRED ON ACCOUNT OF THE PLANDEMICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile brats sitting around mommy's kitchen table munching on fresh baked cookies while colouring or playing monopoly and who had NO BILLS TO PAY (since MOMMY & DADDY WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR BILLS) GOT $600 EACH JUST TO SIT AT THE KITCHEN TABLE MUNCH ON COOKIES & SQUABBLE WITH SIBLINGS ABOUT WHO WON THE MONOPOLY GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So of course the plandemic did a number on us, but the gov't doesn't give a flying F about that or us for that matter.

Healthier living? 3 in 10 Americans take more supplements since the pandemic I did the reverse. I used to take a ton of supplements but I think for the most part they made me worse. I still take a few - I need potassium regularly and magnesium on a daily basis for sure. Otherwise I stopped taking the multivitamin and all the other supplements I was taking. Now I only take those 2 named above and occassionally 3, 1000 mg vitamin C pills if I feel a cold or something coming on. Taking those 3 pills altogether at the same time usually provides enough umph to knock whatever it is out.

COVID-19 vaccine immune response weaker in older adults

Ontario reports 192 new COVID-19 cases, 1 more death 

SF Bay Area restaurants are still struggling. Returning customers don't see that. I wouldn't know about SF Bay Area restaurants as the last time I was in one was 40 years ago, but I know the restaurants around here seemed to have improved. They've modified their menus a bit and raised the prices too, but the food seems to taste better than it did before and the wait staff are way more efficient and courteous. Then again it could just be my imagination. 

‘People are just walking out in the middle of shifts’: What it’s like to work in a restaurant right now

‘WE ALL QUIT’: How America’s Workers Are Taking Back Their Power It's about time. Workers have been used, abused and exploited for everything employers thought they could get out of them for as little remuneration as possible, for as long as I've been alive and probably much longer than that still.

Regina offering free Queen City Ex tickets for getting a COVID-19 vaccination Euuu that's a huge event there in Regina - it used to be called Buffalo Days when we lived there. Everyone young and old looked forward to it every year. As there were all kinds of entertainment for everyone from midways to concerts even to good old country fair kind of events. It was only there for a week or two - just long enough for everyone in the city to attend at least one day or night. I  myself loved it. I took it all in when I was there. So poorer people being able to get free tickets for getting a vaccine is maybe a little too tempting for some to pass up. I know I'd go for that deal if I were still there and still not vaccinated.

Quebec's health minister says young adults key to avoiding COVID-19 vaccine passport

Japan Covid Cases Surge As Olympics Get Underway; Tokyo Officials Warn Healthcare System Crisis “Highly Possible” 

Surge of covid delta variant poses new political threat to Biden and his agenda

DOJ says it will not investigate Covid-19 nursing home deaths in New York  And they have the nerve to call themselves the DOJ which stands for Department of Justice, when there will be NO JUSTICET HERE FOR THOSE SENIORS WHO DIED, MAYBE NEEDLESSLY TOO. But hey, why bother to investigate? They're dead now, so they don't matter. Right? I bet that's not how their loved ones feel about it and would like for their deaths to be investigated to find out what really happened, like here in Monteral where nursing staff abandonned some patients at one nursing home and left them there to die of starvation and via other means. 

Some Florida Hospitals Have More COVID Patients Than Ever Before

COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know on Friday 

N.S reports two new cases of COVID-19 Friday; warns of vaccine side effect

Global National: July 23, 2021| Could Canada see COVID-19 surge as vaccinations plateau? 

Delta variant: Now is 'probably the most dangerous' time to avoid vaccination, doctor says

Australian anti-lockdown protestors violently clash with police and yell anti-vaxxer slogans in rallies across the country in response to harsh new restrictions after just 176 new daily infections It's akin to taking a sledge hammer to kill a flea.

Australians may face longer lockdown after "reckless" mass protests It sounds like they have a gestapo wanna be dictatorship for a government too.

French protesters against Covid-19 health restrictions clash with police in Paris  Yay! You've got to stand your ground and fight for your rights before they strip them all away because once they're gone it's hard to get them back again. So while you have them, protect them even if it means fighting the authorities for them.

Germans divided over restrictions for the unvaccinated

Technical difficulties on first day to register in Quebec vaccination lottery Of course what's new!?! Everything is always bungled up in the beginning here in QC!  

Anyhow, that's it for me for now and maybe forever here due to Blogger's "technical difficulties".  If posting links continues to be as difficult as it was tonight, I won't be able to do it anymore. For some reason the link posting feature wasn't working right and even now I'm out typing the message editor so it takes some time for what I'm typing to appear and so I can't see how many spelling or grammatical mistakes I've inserted into the text and have to wait for it to appear to read it back. Then trying to fix typos and the like is "fun" to say the least because of it not appearing instantaneously while I type. So if I think I need to backspace 2 or 3 spaces to erase the letters that were tehre to relace them with the letters that should be there, but I backspaced too much or not enough, takes time for it to appear, same with fixing the letters in question. So it's aggravating to say the least. So if it's like this the next time I come to post links I may not bother. 

So everyone stay safe and take care of yourselves.