Showing posts with label food supply. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food supply. Show all posts

Monday, July 20, 2020

Coronavirus & ...

Cooking Corn Chowder 


July 20, 2020

I'm getting there with the freezer food salvation. I have only calamari, raspberries, pumpkin, and some fondue meat left to contend with, because I found this awesome recipe for Grandma's Corn Chowder  because I was looking for a recipe to use a lot of corn. This recipe not only did that (though I used only one can of cream style corn and substituted the rest with previously frozen corn kernels), but also provided a way for me to use up my previously frozen chopped shallots and celery, along with a package of previously frozen bacon and pork scraps. So it took care of a lot of things I was wondering what I'd do with. The recipe doesn't call for celery but my mother used to put some in her corn chowder and it doesn't call for shallots either, but it does call for a medium onion and I had about a medium onion's worth of chopped shallots frozen. So I figured hey what the heck they're almost the same. Plus I cooked & mashed the frozen carrots & turnips we had, together as one dish, to freeze for later.  

Geez, I never realized how much food we had in that freezer, nor how awesome it is to have things precooked for when you forgot to get something out to thaw up in the fridge, or when you're too busy to cook and just want to shove something in the microwave to warm up. 

The next things I'll be taking care of is the calamari and that fondue meat. Then I have only raspberries and pumpkin to worry about and both involve making desserts of some kind. Not sure what yet though. Have to take care of the really perishable stuff first before I worry about that. Besides I have a raspberry bush which is where I got the ones in the freezer from in the first place, so while it's wrong to waste food and I don't wish to, I won't be without raspberries unless that monster vine in the back of our property strangles the life out of them.

Like the monster morning glory vine did to my mint and corn. 'Cept that one I can get my revenge on as it's also considered to be "winter spinach", so I harvest it to blanche the leaves as a spinach substitute. That'll teach it to strangle my plants on me.

And by the looks of my garden even though it's been severely neglected by me because of the excruciating heat we've been having lately, I will have to start harvesting some stuff from it soon and take care of it, whether that involves canning, blanching or baking depends on the type of plant it is. But yeah even neglected weed infested gardens do yield some stuff worth saving. So that looks like that'll be taking care of whatever time I have in the near future as well and the closer it gets to frost, the busier I get trying to salvage whatever I can.  Typically in a typical year that's sometime in October usually. But this year is not typical by a long shot and it's not over yet either. So who knows maybe we'll have to harvest in August or perhaps maybe in December who knows?

Anywho..... Back to the Coronavirus headlines.... Get your cuppa whatever and settle in, there's a lot of it and it doesn't ever end either from what I can see....

Record Numbers of Americans Try to Buy Guns
That's not a surprise at all. Everytime there's a problem there they arm themselves to the teeth and go on a looting rampage.

Bolivian sex workers bet on see-through 'biosecurity' raincoats to reduce contagion risk

France will require face masks indoors as virus picks up   They're mandatory here in QC already and I don't know about you, but I can't stand them. They're suffocating, as far as I'm concerned.

A KFC Takeout Order Led Australian Police To Give Partygoers $18,000 Coronavirus Fine  They sound as ticket happy as the Montreal cops are! Wondering if they get a percentage added onto their salaries from the amount of fines given out as an incentive to give as many fines as they can?

Public's disconnect from COVID-19 reality worries experts  Because most people don't know anyone who's had it and everyone pretty much thinks that the measures used to combat it are all wrong, it's like using a jackhammer to kill an ant, pretty much. Given that by law (it's actually in our constitution - the outlining of how quarantines and health acts are to be handled) the governments around the world including ours, way way way overstepped their bounds, by law. I'm pretty sure in a previous post on here - perhaps the one with Final in the title, near the end of it, there is a link to, or maybe a copy & paste of what it says precisely in our constitution about handling pandemics, health emergencies and quarantines and it says that the person/people who are infected are to be quarantined. It doesn't say anything at all about shutting society down entirely.  So yeah, we're disconnected, because the whole freaking world is totally unhinged when it comes to this virus. So what do you expect of the average person then?

Quarantines or not, Americans descend on summer vacation spots   This goes right along with the previous article about public disconnect.

Dogs to blame for COVID-19? No way, says new study  I don't know which idiot was saying that dogs are to blame, but whoever they are, they do not deserve either, their grant they got to study that, nor their license to practice their profession whatever that's supposed to be. Half the time I think some of these so-called scientists are nothing more than shyster clowns trying to make living off of grants from others to study bogus BS and depending on who the study is done for, they'll find a way to finnagle the facts to suit their clients wishes.

One third of young adults at risk for severe COVID-19 infection  But hey, lets go party, at the beach, at the bar, in mommy's basement, at the park.... Doesn't matter where, happy hour can be anywhere....

Most air conditioning systems don't protect against the coronavirus. In some cases, they can actually facilitate spread Adrianna Rodriguez USA TODAY  Oh big choice here..... Die of heat stroke in a matter of hours from shutting it off, or leave it on and maybe just maybe, contract COVID19. I think I'll leave it on and take my chances.

Banks Stand to Make $18 Billion in PPP Processing Fees From CARES Act  Geez no matter what the crisis is, the US banks always find a way to profit off it.  Back in 2008 with the asset backed paper scandal - created by the banks themselves - they not only didn't get any repercussions from it (except Lehman Bros. went out of business but other than that....) instead they profitted it from it by demanding the government bail them out by convincing the government they were too big to fail.  So they not only created the crisis themselves, they found a way to profit from it too.

Caution: The Market Is Set for a 30-40% Drop Soon!  I'm just amazed it hasn't bottomed out like it did in October 1929 in the infamous stock market crash that caused the Great Depression. I'd have thought that by now, we'd be in the midst of it.

Texas’ Cadillac of Death Picks Up COVID Victim After Victim

The lockdown rule Prince Louis can't stop breaking  Maybe a little royal cuteness will lighten the mood a touch.

I Went To Disney World The Day It Reopened After The Coronavirus Closures, And This Is What It's Really Like  For those who can get there and are interested in this.

Potential scandal brewing over Florida COVID stats

'They're really trying to kill us': How the coronavirus crisis worsens food insecurity in Black communities  They're not only trying to kill you, they're trying to kill anyone that's old, sick, weak, poor, disabled and just plain "undesirable" in their books.

Gatineau woman describes atmosphere of fear in Florida

Confirmed US virus cases rise amid new global restrictions

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Adverse Reactions In "More Than Half" Of Trial Participants   I don't think the press release about it saying it was promising mentioned the stuff posted in this article, which is an eye-opener.

COVID-19 situation in the U.S. 'scary' and 'dangerous,' Canadian long-haul truckers warn

Alberta father-of-two dies after 'non-essential' heart surgery postponed due to COVID-19   Another sad side-affect of this terrible virus, depriving people of essential health care that they need to save their lives, like that. So if you don't die of the disease itself, they'll ensure that whatever other terminal/fatal condition you have you'll die of anyhow. So they should add those numbers of fatalities to the covid numbers to get the real death tolls. Because they should all be lumped in with it, they were deprived life saving medical care on account of virus. Then I bet the numbers would be much much higher than they are.

Montreal heat waves may have claimed 14 lives this year, public health says

Data map shows 45% of US counties are seeing uncontrollable spread of COVID-19 outbreaks - as latest model predicts 224,000 American deaths by beginning of November  And they want to come to Canada for vacation? I say, stay home! We don't want nor need your germs here! Keep them to yourselves!

Californians turn against each other amid 2nd coronavirus shutdown  I'm beginning to wonder if this whole thing is also being used as a psy-ops study. To see how people react in different situations, like to massive lockdowns and then reopenings and then lockdowns again....

Manhattan’s Party Scene Roars Back to Life, Covid or No Covid  And like Florida's party scene there'll be repercussions afterwards. Without a doubt.

'Epicenter of the epicenter': Young people partying in Miami Beach despite COVID-19 threat  Just keep right at it. The US population is too large anyhow. It needs to be winnowed out some. Maybe get rid of all the loose nuts and screws there.

Morgan Stanley Joins Wall Street Gold Rush on Record Profit  Oh surprise, surprise, yet another US bank found a way to make a killing off this crisis, while the average American is having massive financial problems now. Kind of like in 2008 when they were bailed out and the average American got foreclosed upon and no one bailed them out. It's just one gimmick after another on ways they can find to fleece the people of their money and tax monies too while they're at it.

Study links good health-care in Canada to higher COVID-19 death rate If this isn't a load of hok'um I don't know what is. Gawd, if that's the case the Japanese should have the highest death rate, since they have the most seniors on the face of the earth.

Why do we have different blood types — and do they make us more vulnerable to Covid-19?

YouTubers Turned Down Trying To Hand Out Free Masks In Huntington Beach  If we weren't forced by law to wear one, I wouldn't either, especially considering all the scientific reports I've seen on their effectiveness at controlling spread (which is they're basically totally ineffective), and how suffocating they feel on me.

New US coronavirus cases hit record high, south and west worst hit

Eviction Looms for Millions of Americans Who Can’t Afford Rent   So what happens when the buildings are emptied of tenants who can't pay rent and new tenants who can pay it can't be found?  What will the landlords do with a bunch of empty buildings that they have no income coming in on? What will the banks do with them once they're foreclosed upon? Where will the people go? Will they set up shanty towns just on the fringes of town? Will they all start living in tents on campgrounds?  Wouldn't it just be better for the landlords to accept payment over time and possibly lower the rent for future months so that it's more affordable for their tenants? I mean there's a difference between no money, money coming in hand over fist and making obscene profits, and covering costs with a little left over for profit. Maybe the landlords could settle for the last option rather than the second one and by doing that they let their tenants live and they get to live as well, maybe not in as much luxury as they were accustomed to before, but at least they're not getting their buildings foreclosed upon and having their credit ratings wrecked on them. I don't know, I'm just saying, if I were a landlord I wouldn't be so hard on my tenants because I need them to survive too and if I get rid of them and can't get new ones because my prices are too high, then I'm only shooting myself in the foot, the knee and eventually in the end, in the head.

Scientists call for volunteers to be exposed to the coronavirus to test vaccines

Chinese executives get ‘pre-test’ injections in vaccine race In a way it's good they're testing it on themselves first. That would inspire more confidence in me than other firms that ask for volunteers like the ones in the story above.

Russia is hacking virus vaccine trials, US, UK, Canada say  

US sanctions world's top surgical glove maker over forced labour 

Portuguese officers raid clinics claiming 'ozone therapy' cures COVID-19

Germany readies tougher lockdowns to ward off second wave

Mosquitoes flying free as health departments focus on virus  Mosquitoes are always flying free around here. We live in mosquito alley I think. Some days we can't go outside in our own yard without being covered in Muskol.

Coronavirus: Spain orders culling of almost 100,000 mink It's going to bankrupt the mink ranchers. Wow. There goes a lot of fur coats down the drain. Why? I don't know as they have been telling us and telling us that animals (though that's supposedly where it started - was in animals) don't have and can't get coronavirus. So what and who do you believe?

Coronavirus: 'How we’re surviving a second virus lockdown'

'You call me selfish for not wearing a mask?'

Coronavirus: Big choices for EU leaders on recovery billions I think it's going to cost us billions just in taxes nevermind recovery. We have to fill to hole Trudeau dug in our money pit, now.

24 hours in a COVID-19 hot spot leaves no walk of life unscathed. This is what it's like.

Cruises will not sail in US waters until October after CDC extends its 'no-sail' order For those who thought trying to cross the land border might be impossible and thought about sailing to the US coastline instead.... I guess that's out now too. Maybe if you hire a skydiving plane and fly over the US border and jump out with a parachute on, you'll be able to get there. If you really want to, that is.

More than half of all states, including California and Michigan, pause reopening or take steps to halt the spread of COVID-19

'COVID hallucinations saved my life': Coronavirus-induced vision told a woman near death to call 911  It's more like a feverish delirium that saved her life. It's the fever and not the virus that causes delirium induced hallucinations. That's true of any high fever whether it's caused by coronavirus or kidney infection, or any other illness that can cause high fevers.

A nightmare scenario for farmers is happening right now  That's rough when the food isn't refused right away and it sits and spoils and then you find out and have to take it back after that. That's a loss and a waste of perfectly good food.

Rand Paul has some wildly irresponsible ideas about a future coronavirus vaccine  I'm not a doctor either, but I was a nurse and I agree with Paul Rand on this and call the idiot reporter out for being a total moron with a megaphone on a pedestal peddling FALSE NEWS. That's where false news comes from, from totally uninformed and uneducated and lazy reporting. Since the 1980s I've seen a super decline in journalistic integrity and this one is one near the top of "it has to take cake" category. So don't believe everything a journalist says over what a doctor says in this pandemic as I think doctors know more about what they're talking about than some loudmouth know-it-all blabber mouths, like this reporter appears to be.

24-year-old who beat Covid-19 after nearly 80 days in the hospital says she regrets not wearing a mask  80 Days in the Hospital! Wow! That's a long time especially for someone so young, who are supposed to be able to beat the virus easier than older people do. She must've had it really rough! I'm glad she survived in that case!

Militant groups use murder, arson to enforce lockdown in Colombia, says rights organization and we think wearing ankle bracelets to keep us at home is bad.... Wow...

This is what awaits us after the pandemic Well nationalism and a cold war doesn't make for a new world order. A new world order is based on a one world government with nations linked together kind of like the now failed EU, but on a global basis allowing all citizens to travel and work anywhere they want etc... We don't see that now. We see a major clamp down with closed borders and all nations for themselves. Kind of like the world I grew up in before all this globalization garbage started.

Canada to inessential US travelers: Please stay home   Seriously!

FBI warns public about surge in scams amid coronavirus Even criminals can't resist taking advantage of a good crisis or pandemic either. I'm sure some of the scams happening in the US is also happening here too. So be vigilant.

Pompeo says China 'was aware' of human coronavirus transmission before telling world, WHO was 'co-opted'   He's probably right, considering they were messing around with this particular virus since before 2016 because in 2016 is when Gilead Sciences & them came up with a anecdote aka redemsivir that they began fighting over patent rights on then too. So of course they knew. You can't make an anecdote for a virus you never saw, studied, or experimented with. Doesn't happen.

COVID-19 power shift: Experts have 'deep worries' about hospital data sent to Washington

Troy Harlow has always made sure to pay his mortgage on time. Wells Fargo had other plans for him.   I don't think I detest any commercial establishment more than I detest Wells Fargo. It's the only bank I've ever been in where the security guard trained his gun on me and held it there, while I asked for my Canadian money to be exchanged into American money (I was going to pay the exchange rate and whatever fees they wanted to charge). The teller whined at me in a nasal voice "we don't do foreign currency exchanges here". It was the only bank in the area and I was exasperated because the Americans wouldn't take Canadian money, they called it monopoly money because of the colours on it, so we couldn't buy gas, we couldn't get a meal, we couldn't do anything as we had no American money left on us. (This was in 1980 so long before debit machines and ATMS).  I was ready to basically cry because we were literally stuck there within walking distance as we couldn't even put gas in our vehicle to go anywhere. And here's this gun-toting trigger happy American standing there with his gun on me as if I was a communist (they were against all commies at the time) trying to exchange my Russian Rubles for US Dollars or something.  Later on when I came back to Canada and saw that people in stores, gas stations and literally everywhere were accepting the Yankee Greenback and giving them fair exchange rates on it right there at the business establishment's cash register, I was fuming mad. I figured we should not accept their money either as it looks like old antiquated dish rags that's been laundered so many times it's starting to look smeared. So I have a particular interest in posting this story, just to hold their nastiness up to the light to let more of the world see what kind of rotten (a few expletives) bunch of thugs they are and rub their noses in it!

Graphic: Coronavirus deaths in the U.S., per day

The coronavirus has destroyed the job market in every state  Wondering what it's done to the provincial job markets here...

A Better SUMMER  Just a fun article to help you enjoy your summer a little more this year.

Remdesivir shortages force doctors to make "heart-wrenching" choices  Until the production of this is ramped up and they can make more doses in shorter periods of time, doctors will have to continue to make these anguishing decisions. I'm just glad I'm not a doctor and never was, in cases like this.

Iceland is broadcasting the world's screams to relieve coronavirus stress  More coronavirus craziness..

Doctors share sobering stories as coronavirus cases spike

Domestic abuse isn't a crime in Russia. One survivor says "the police don't help."   There was a report out the other day saying how drastically the percentage of increased domestic violence has gone up in Canada since the pandemic began. I don't remember the numbers but they were incredibly high and here we have laws (weak as they are, they're still laws against it) and shelters for women & kids subject to abuse to go to. In Russia domestic violence is legal so these poor victims have no recourse and nowhere to go. Imagine being in lockdown for months like that. I just can't even imagine being in lockdown for 1 day like that, as it doesn't even take that long to kill someone or batter them to death.

20-year-old student documents bike trip from Scotland to Greece to get home to his family during pandemic

Laundry's worst cycle: The coronavirus' impact on dry cleaners and tailors - COVID chronicles  The people who aren't getting their clothes dry cleaned any more are probably healthier now that they're not in contact with all those dry cleaning chemicals and I bet the areas around the dry cleaning businesses are less polluted too.

Tesla tries to assure workers there's no big virus outbreak Doesn't he hire well educated people or high school flunky drop-outs? Just wondering because if he hires well educated people who can read and understands what's going on, what makes him think they'll believe him? High-school and elementary school flunky drop-outs might, but I think those are his scrapyard workers, garbage haulers and metal bangers and not anyone who knows anything at all about the type of stuff he builds and works with.

UN makes largest single appeal amid warnings of unprecedented hunger due to pandemic   All the more reason for me to try to salvage whatever food I can.

No servers, no tables: Israeli cafe is pandemic-friendly It's not the servers that I worry about. It's the people in the kitchen behind the closed doors - the ones we can't see.

As COVID-19 financial crisis wages on, some economists warn of a divergent 'K-shaped' economic recovery

'Big bravo to British Columbians': Lead researcher says COVID-19 study shows low infection in B.C.  Keep up the good work BC!

Passengers warned over COVID exposure on two more flights through YVR  I thought the airlines were bellyaching about having to shut down. If they were totally shut down we wouldn't be facing situations like this.

Federal government to provide provinces and territories with $19B for 'safe restart' of economy

B.C. warned of potential for 'explosive growth' as 102 new COVID-19 cases announced over weekend 
Geez what happened there BC? I just said keep up the good work and here you went and let me down. It's too bad that you're seeing more cases like this, because you were doing really good for the longest time.

Some employees cite CERB as reason to refuse return to work, CFIB survey says

Ontario to get $7B of federal government’s $19B pandemic recovery funds  There's 10 provinces & 3 territories, so why are they getting about 1/3rd of the money do they have 1/3rd of the population of Canada? If that's the case, is Quebec getting about 1/4 as they have roughly 1/4 of the population. If so, that doesn't leave much for the other provinces & territories relatively speaking. Does it? If that's the case what are the territories going to be getting? I mean they have nowhere near the population the provinces do, but yet they need more financial assistance than the provinces in my humble opinion.

Surge of 42 new coronavirus cases in Saskatchewan, active cases jump to 114  What's going on here? First BC, now you.

Trump Spokesperson On Border Closure: Americans Don’t Want To Go To Canada Anyway  Good! they can stay home as far as I'm concerned! Most of them probably don't even know where Canada is anyhow!

COVID-19 Walk-in clinic opens in Beaconsfield today  It's about time they had one on the west island now I'm just wondering when the Vaudreuil-Dorion district will see one?

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Having Survived Father's Day, Someone's Birthday,

The Supposed Apocalypse,  A Neverending

Heatwave & Continuing Coronavirus Pandemic

June 22, 2020

Phew, we made it through June 21st which marked Father's Day, a birthday for our daughter-in-law, the supposed apocalypse as was supposed to be signified by the total solar eclipse that also occurred yesterday, a grueling never-ending heatwave and so far, (knocking on wood) the Coronavirus as well. 

Just hope my garden fares as well, considering it's not raining at all and not even any mist, fog or dew to dampen the ground either. It had better rain tomorrow as the weather people are promising now or I'm going to provide the water to the plants myself, whether the city likes it or not.  

But it is excruciatingly hot out there lately. I don't think I'd survive if we didn't have air conditioning. So I wouldn't have to worry about Coronavirus getting me, because the heat would. I just feel sorry for those who are couped up in tiny apartments with no air conditioning, and no place to catch a breeze on days like today.

 Now for the continuing coverage about the pandemic:

Florida shatters daily record with 3,207 new coronavirus cases  I guess that's what all the beach parties, rioting, rallies and demonstrations will do in a pandemic.

Coronavirus Fears in China Find a New Target: Salmon  Or are they just using that as an excuse to cut back on trade with Europe?

10,000 Canadians to be tested for COVID-19 antibodies in hopes of understanding immunity Here's a more thorough article about the same story as the one immediately above.

COVID-19 In Sask.: 11 new cases on Saturday, scattered across the province It seems to me that the provinces who had the fewest cases up until now, are suddenly starting to develop more cases as we go along.

Guaranteed there's privacy concerns, no matter what they say. All software has privacy concerns, because all programmers build backdoors into their software (they claim it's for debugging purposes and tweaking purposes) that can be used for snooping and other purposes.

Coronavirus: 75 staff at Anglesey chicken plant positive  More meat processing plant woes, only this time in the UK.

Ethiopian maids dumped outside Beirut embassy  Once again, it's the lower echelons of society that get hurt the worst.

Coronavirus: Is the pandemic getting worse in the US?  From everything I've been reading, I'd say yes.

Coronavirus: Why US is expecting an 'avalanche' of evictions  Here too. I don't think Canada's immune to a similar fallout from the virus. I know here in Quebec, there was a tenant's advocate on the news the other night pleading for a moratorium on evictions to be extended, otherwise a lot of people might find themselves in the streets. 

The pandemic won't fix the climate crisis. This $3 trillion recovery plan could  Is this why they collapsed the economies of the world, or one of the reasons maybe?

Cheating becoming an unexpected COVID-19 side effect for universities I guess that was pretty much a given. It would probably be true for other levels of school too.

2 Stocks That Could Soar Once a COVID-19 Vaccine Arrives I don't know personally, I think I'd want to invest in the companies making the vaccines given that they'll have plenty of clients for their product. 

Hit hard by virus, fine dining finds new ways to serve It takes a pandemic for some snoity restaurants to come down off their self placed pedestals and suddenly realize that take-out and delivery services aren't such bad ideas and not just for the pizza joints.  Almost every restaurant in our area no matter the type has always had take out and delivery services combined with their diningroom service. Just the fast food restaurants like McD's, Wendy's & Harvey's didn't they always only had diningroom service couple with drive thru takeout service. Only lately have we started seeing advertisements for their delivery services. But it always astonishes me when I see people in other parts of Canada and the US talking only about going to a restaurant or picking up takeout. I always wonder why anyone who wants takeout doesn't just order it from home over the phone like people in the Montreal region has been doing at least since I was a kid.  It's just one more way to serve potential customers and as a result those restaurants in our area, are still in business and doing fine and don't seem to have any intentions of reopening their diningrooms  anytime soon. 

Beijing’s Latest Virus Outbreak Disrupts Tyson Foods and PepsiCo  Hey all the more meat and food for us. Their loss is our gain, since the food doesn't seem to be conveying the virus, at least not so far as I can tell from my own grocery shopping habits. We basically only consume fresh fruit and veggies that I buy from the store's produce area (where many people pick up, paw through, and squeeze the produce to make sure it's ripe), and hopefully what is supposed to be passing for fresh meat is, from the meat counter. So it's not canned and preprocessed food from eons gone by, that we're buying and consuming. True we do have some canned goods and frozen food in the house, but mostly we like to eat fresh if we can and so that's what I buy. Neither of us have gotten sick with any form of illness from it yet, let alone the coronavirus.  So like I said, all the more for us and since they're paranoid of our food products maybe that'll mean the prices will come down for us.

As Bank of Canada quells sub-zero rates talk, next move may be a hike in 2022 Well that's good to know at least. So we don't have to worry about taking our money out of the bank to hide it under our mattresses. 

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit may be a disincentive for some employees to return to the job  Especially for minimum wage workers, since I doubt they ever saw so much money in their entire lives as what they're getting now.

6 in 10 Canadians optimistic about inclusive COVID-19 economic recovery, some fear others will be left behind  I know without a doubt some are getting left behind, and those are the seniors and the disabled. That's for sure because they're getting left behind now and have been since the beginning.

With no flights, Argentine sails across Atlantic to see parents I'm so glad he made it and was able to get to see his parents!

Germany struggles to impose local coronavirus infections  I think that headlines is wrong and should read "impose local coronavirus lockdown measures" or something similar since the article is talking about quarantine.

Fearing second COVID-19 wave, Europe aims to train 'army' of medics  Maybe nurses and orderlies would be worth training as well. 

RCMP fined 7 Americans last week for stopping to sightsee in Banff National Park Personally, I think all Americans wanting to go to Alaska should be forced to take a boat there or else fly there, but none of this driving through Canada to get there, since they and Brazil have the highest infection rate on the face of the planet and that is something we're trying to cut down on having here.

'Breeding ground for a pandemic': Dog meat still on sale in China, despite new guidelines  And a Canadian journalist or politician was recently censured for mentioning this as a fact. I do believe she was a politician and the fact that she was chastised because of it, made me angry since speaking the truth should never be a reason for being chastised or fired or whatever. If it's a fact, it's a fact and firing someone, or demoting them or suspending them isn't going to change that.

U.S. Home-Mortgage Delinquencies Reach Highest Level Since 2011

The Latest: New Zealand reports 2 new coronavirus cases  It's coming back again, little by little.

What you need to know about the coronavirus right now  The antibody level drop off mentionned in this story is not all that important considering you don't walk around forever with high levels of antibodies in your system for every disease you've ever had or been exposed to or inoculated for. What's enough for your immune system is to have some antibodies which can attack the invading virus while your body ramps up the production of other antibodies in order to fight it. Once your body has learnt the signature of an invading virus and has produced antibodies for it in the past, that's all it needs, because it is now equipped to produce new antibodies against it, if need be in the future. So that's just another fake news, or scare tactic or something to keep people scared and under control here, so far as I can see.

What countries did right and wrong in responding to the pandemic

Pandemic propels old-school bond traders towards an electronic future

Coronavirus: Pub-goers will have to give up personal details to get a pint  Don't get excited there fellow QC'ers. This is in the UK. I know a lot of Quebecois would give their left eye right about now if they thought that would get them into a bar for a cold one, especially on hot days like today.

'No-swab' saliva test for coronavirus piloted in Britain

Coronavirus: Extra police enforce German tower block quarantine  I think this is probably a further insight into the story about German coronavirus measures being taken.

Are more women dying of Covid-19 in India?

Doctor believes this is why cases are trending up in US, but down elsewhere

Brazil becomes the second country in the world to surpass 1 million coronavirus cases

Long-dreaded virus increase hits Iraq as new cases soar  Seems like this virus is everywhere.

People with Type 1 diabetes may be at high risk for severe illness related to coronavirus: Study

Strained supply chain for glass vials could delay coronavirus vaccine Is there any sector of society or industry that this virus hasn't impacted in some way?

Monday marks another new phase of Quebec’s deconfinement. Here’s what can reopen and resume The chart posted at the bottom of this article basically is the best news yet!

20 new coronavirus cases reported in Saskatchewan, majority in the south

The case for and against immigration after coronavirus The government in our time (the time of the seniors having their kids) provided next to no help or support whatsoever. We had to pay for our own child care if we worked and we got a whopping $7 a month per kid in family allowance - which didn't even cover the cost of a package of Pampers diapers and so they wonder why we didn't have kids or that many kids. Who could afford to? Given that the interest rates sky rocketed to 21% and we had a hard enough job paying for whatever mortgages or debts we had we sure couldn't afford extra mouths to feed, bodies to clothe and then babysitters at minimum wage per hour, with no help from the government. So the government has no one to blame but themselves for their own shortsightedness that caused the population to not reproduce itself. We didn't have fancy gov't subsidized daycares with $400 & $500 per month family allowance cheques per kid, along with all kinds of tax write-offs on our income taxes. The most we got was a credit for dependents - depending on how many we had. Now they want to import people to have kids in order to increase the taxpayer base. But is it really worth it? I mean considering the money doled out per kid from birth until they reach 18 years of age in all the allowances and subsidizations, education, medicare and tax write-offs for the parents. I'm wondering how much that comes out to on average per kid per year and then I'm wondering how much money the government could save if they didn't have all these extra kids from imported families to pay for and what they would make on that money if they just invested it. And how much each of those kids will generate in revenue for the country when they get older or are a lot of them going to be a burden on the country (because after all muslims have to pray 5 times a day, which makes it basically impossible for them to have a job as no companies want to allow employees 5 prayer or any kind of breaks per day - half of them have a hard time allowing a 1/2 hour for lunch breaks) and be on welfare for the rest of their lives? Seems to me if you want to import people to increase the population to broaden the taxpayer base, you should be importing people with good work ethics and skills - who will work and pay taxes rather than sitting on their carpets all day praying. But before we get there we have to think about the Canadians that are already here first and foremost and what's the best for them. When you see the head of that organization you will know who their first pick at immigrants will be - it won't be the highly educated German Engineer, nor the distinguished astrophysicist from the UK, instead it'll be some muslims who absolutely need to pray umpteen times a day and thus can't work as a result of it.

Egypt signs deal to receive Oxford University's COVID-19 vaccine  

Canadians working from home permanently should expect salary changes: experts Oh Suckerburg is the expert is he? The expert at what? Fleecing people alive? Stealing data and selling it? Lying? Cheating? What?

First of all, it's not his f'n business what your cost of living is if he is employing you to do something. Since all work is supposed to be fairly paid, that means that if you live in a location where the rents and mortgages and cost of living outstrip every other location on earth but you do the same job as someone living in Bangladesh, you have a choice, you can pay them both equal pay for equal jobs based on 1 of the 2 locations but I can guarantee you the guy living in the most expensive location is not going to want to work for the same salary you're giving the guy in Bangladesh! That's a given. But as the premise of work pay is that equal pay for equal jobs is the norm, it shouldn't matter where one lives. If you pay X amount per hour, week or month or year (depending on your pay periods) to be a programmer or work in a certain department like say accounting, then whatever the going pay rate is for that job should be what is paid for that job no matter where the person lives. How do you as an employer know the reason why someone lives where they do? Maybe one of your star programmers moved back home to Bangladesh to be closer to their elderly parents and help them out, or maybe they moved to another part of the country (Canada or US) not only because the cost of living is cheaper there, but because of other circumstances, like say the spouse lost their job and they no longer have that extra income to support themselves with or excessive debts that they are trying to get under control. It's not because they work for you that you can determine their budget. If the job pays X amount then everyone doing that job should be getting the same pay regardless of where they live!!!!!! Not only that, how much money will this money grubbing scuzzbucket Suckerberg be saving when he no longer has excessive office space to rent and heat and pay utilities on? Seems to me he'll be saving a ton of money just right there. Besides that, there are labour laws and he can't just breech them because he feels like it!!!!! And lose a "few good people"..... If you insist on going with that method of calculating how much someone should be paid, I hope you lose ALL of your good people and you can never ever find replacements for them ever again.

COMMENTARY: Think a COVID-19 vaccine is months away? It could actually take years  Which is precisely what I've been saying too.

An animated journey through the pandemic: RAZOR full episode

More Canadians are refusing work due to COVID-19 — but it's tough to get authorities to agree

Why overuse of antibiotics in COVID-19 could have lasting impact in health care  It's the over-use argument again, this time as pertains to COVID19 patients.

There’s No Cure for Covid-19 Loneliness, but Robots Can Help  I don't know but I think I'd rather have a real seal then that creepy looking one in the picture there. I also can't see myself getting to a point of loneliness in my life where I'd even consider a robot as companionship of any kind. I think I'd rather talk to myself and immerse myself in books, TV, radio, music or anything besides that.

How NYC’s hottest sex club is doing socially distanced orgies  And yet another kinked angle on this virus.

High levels of stress hormone could be killing COVID-19 patients, study suggests And of course the governments and society in general is doing everything in it's power to stress everyone out during this pandemic.

Fear mounts Trump may pressure FDA to rush Covid-19 vaccine by election  Except the FDA aren't the ones making the vaccines. The vaccine makers are. The FDA just approves of them, but first in order for them to approve of one, there has to be one already made.

U.S. home sales tumble to 9-1/2-year low; price growth slows

Canada needs targeted response for future COVID-19 waves to avoid large setback: BoC

Two Trump campaign staffers who attended Tulsa rally test positive for coronavirus

WHO warns of 'accelerating' pandemic as Brazil reaches 50,000 deaths  Considering how it's coming back everywhere even the places it was eradicated from, and the acceleration of it, I wonder if reopening society now is a wise decision or one we'll regret.

As Coronavirus Cases Rise in Arizona, New Mask Rules Spark a Fight

Apple introduces new Covid-19 features: Hand washing guides and a mask-wearing emoji  So in other words Apple has found a way to not only make itself intrusive but also annoying. Good to know, so I can avoid their products with those features in them.

Take it easy! Too much strenuous exercise may shorten your lifespan, study suggests  So this should be good news for those of us stuck at home under lockdown (or as is the current case - due to unrelenting heat waves) and who've developed a more sedentary lifestyle as a result.

Super-potent antibodies show potential for vaccine-like prevention of COVID-19  This really is good news and goes against the story posted earlier that talks about diminishing antibodies over time. Just another example of the confusion and conflicting information about this virus.

MMR vaccine may provide protection against COVID-19 complications  Wondering if that also applies to those of us who contracted those diseases naturally and thereby acquired our immunity to them that way? Because some of us were around long before those vaccines were.

Spike in flu deaths among cities with pro sports teams may spell trouble for COVID-19 That's an interesting statistic I never knew about before.

Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia bars international pilgrims for HajjCoronavirus: Shepreth Wildlife Park staff record life during lockdown  

Coronavirus: Confirmed cases in UK fall to pre-lockdown level

Coronavirus at Smithfield pork plant: The untold story of America's biggest outbreak  Which of course affects the prices & food security.

Reunited donkey and owner cry together  Just heart wrenching. It's moments like this that proves just how much our animals do care for us.

9 brands of hand sanitizer may be toxic, FDA warns  I'm not sure any of these were sold in Canada, but just to make sure, you should check your brand/s in case. In any case, there's also a video there that shows you how to make your own hand sanitizer, as well.

Trump to expand sweeping immigration restrictions, targeting work visas in new order I think the Canadian government should've done the same, since Quebec cut back on the amount of farm workers allowed in but there were still over 2,000 out of work Quebecers who applied for those jobs.
So there's a good chance a lot of other Canadians in other provinces would've too, if the government cut back on amount of TFWs allowed into the country.

U.S. restaurants toil to stay open, including in city hosting GOP convention

Minority small business owners harder hit by pandemic closures: "A total nightmare"  I'm not sure if it's the same or anywhere near that on this side of the border. If not, I hope it doesn't get to be like that either.

Coronavirus outbreak at German meat packing plant drives virus reproduction rate back up

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on confronting a "frightening" pandemic, and thoughts on his political future I'm only posting this here, because he struck me as a genuinely honest and caring politician (at least as far as the pandemic is concerned) when I saw him on the Daily Distancing Show with Trevor Noah. A rareity in the political world for sure. Though, I will credit Francois Legault the premier of Quebec with some of that as well.

Coronavirus stokes consumer demand for disposable pee bags After one of our most recent trips out to do errands I can certainly understand why. Though, I still don't know how or where you're supposed to use them as there is no privacy other than in a bathroom (which you're not allowed into), in order to use them.

Food scarcity is on the rise in America as the economy reels

Disneyland workers push back against plan to reopen next month I know LaRonde in Montreal isn't anywhere near what Disneyland is, and is only an amusement park, but here it's still closed with no opening date announced and the people there are hoping they can open soon, contrary to the sentiments expressed by the people at Disneyland.

COVID-19 in Canada: B.C. and Toronto enter new phases of reopening, Canada to remain closed to international travel  Well at least that's one right decision made.

4-day work week with fewer hours, same pay could become a reality in some workplaces post-COVID-19

COVID-19 taught Canada a costly lesson — that early border closures can work Anyone who spent a half hour in med school knows that! But you can't expect snowboard instructors, art teachers and double agents masquerading as health officers to know that, I guess. But even most people with even a modicum of commonsense or a thimble full of brains would know that. The fact that the 3 stooges at the helm didn't doesn't speak very highly of their intelligence. Unless like my husband said, they knew and they knew very well, but they didn't want to do it, because then they'd have no reason to crash the economy like they did, and impose draconian measures like lockdowns etc... He has to be right and I have to be wrong, because otherwise if I'm right that means that collectively the 3 of them Tam, Haggydo & Trudeau are dumber than a bucket of shrimp. So it was planned in order to do what my husband said. The only question is "why?" Which I keep asking all the time. Why would the bozos at the helm want to do that to their own country and citizens?