Showing posts with label Divided US risk to world?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divided US risk to world?. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Life on Lockdown AGAIN Because of .....



January 6, 2020

As each day goes by the news gets more and more depressing, despite the fact that there's supposed to be some phials of vaccine floating around here in Canada, elusive as they are, the few people lucky enough to get a jab, might be feeling some hope (hopefully). While the rest of us are starting to feel desperate for some hope of any kind, because the way the morons in charge of this country and our provinces have arranged things, it feels freaking hopeless to most of us. Things just continue to get worse while those ash holes sit on the vaccine and can't seem to figure out how to get it out of a freezer and into arms. 😬
Idiots R Us are in charge this country these days. Next time there's an election in any jurisdiction in this country vote the whole lot out and replace them with new people, maybe those newer people will have a thimble full of brains between them, because right now, none of them even have a single brain cell to share between them.  I've never in my entire life seen such a pack of idiots, as I have since this plandemic started. It's infuriating and embarrassing to say the least! 😡
As we've been under lockdown since October pretty much and even more of a lockdown since Christmas, there hasn't been much to do except celebrate Christmas and New Year's which we did with our son & his wife. But since then nothing. I mean I've spent most of this year so far in my pjs while doing routine housework - like laundry, cleaning, doing dishes etc. I did screw my back up somehow on New Year's Day and since then I've been having back pain that doesn't seem to want to go away. And other than the Korean food I made for New Year's Day dinner with the kids, I haven't been doing any cooking or baking of any kind really unless you want to count the pasta salad and green salad I made to go with last night's steak.  So, this year has been a super big bore so far. I hope it improves immensely before the year is over, that's for sure and the depressing headlines coming out lately hasn't done anything to cheer me up or lift me out of my funk, I'm in.

Now on with the staggeringly awful headlines that just keeps getting more and more depressing day by day....
After the Vaccine: Sore Arm, Yes. Headache, Maybe. Regrets, No. Of course there's no regrets for those who get one. They got one because they wanted one and so of course they don't regret it. They were lucky enough to be able to get one too, but here in Canada even though we were the 2nd in the world to okay the Pfizer vaccine for emergency use, we still haven't used it. It's still sitting in freezers because the imbeciles in charge of distributing it and vaccinating people are too stupid to be able to figure out how to do it.

This is the one I wish they'd okay for use in Canada and the one I'd get if I had a choice amongst them all.  

I bet they'll be finished inoculating their entire population before Canada even gets a small fishing village's worth of people inoculated. 
Wondering When The Pandemic Will End? Here’s The Expected Timeline For Canadians. The way they're going here in Canada, NEVER is the expected timeline on that, anything else this article says is purely optimistic based on faulty fake news facts. 

Too bad the MPs and provincial representatives that break the rules don't get arrested or at least fined here in Canada, like everyone else doing the same thing would get. Instead they get a slap on the wrist in some cases, unless they're in Alberta then they just get off scott free with their premier turning a blind eye to their actions. It's entirely not fair how they can flout all the laws and rules and basically get off on doing that without even so much as a fine like the rest of us would get, if we did the same thing.
UK scientists worry vaccines may not protect against S.African coronavirus variant Maybe that'll give a chance to the vaccine makers who've yet to have theirs approved by anyone to modify theirs to be able to combat that particular strain along with all the others floating around out there currently. 

Wow this must've been written by one conceited American full of him/herself and American hubris mistaken as "American pride". Maybe if the US is muddled up and can no long meddle in world affairs, things might improve out there. There'd probably be less wars and armed conflicts going on. I know there wouldn't be as many diplomatic kerfuffles going on as there were that caught 2 Canadian men in China inbetween Canada & the US's relationships in regards to dealings with China. They wouldn't have the power to dictate terms to everyone on international trade deals and treaties, and so might have to settle with the other country coming out slightly ahead then they'd have otherwise gotten if the US maintained their current strength and unity. In other words instead of being able to bully the other country into total capitulation, they might have to settle on a compromise, where the other country didn't really come out ahead, but they weren't bullied into oblivion either, with the US taking all and the other side just getting the crumbs of the deal.  So it might actually be better for the world in the long run. Then again, that's just my opinion.


If they have a steady supply then there's no problem. The problem arises when you're a country like Canada where there are no production plants in your country and have to rely on importing it from elsewhere and all the factors that entails along the way. So here in Canada it's been thought prudent to hold back half the vaccine in order to finish inoculating the original recipients of the vaccine - to provide full protection to them because waiting in our case, might prove detrimental in that those initial vaccinations might be useless if they don't get the 2nd dose in time. So we might as well have just received the whole shipment and flushed it down the toilet right away if we're going to waste dosages like that, because we can't be guaranteed timely deliveries of it, primarily thanks to numbnuts and his asinine way of handling things. But in the US where there are production facilities and they can crank out a reasonable amount of doses in a reasonable amount of time all destined for the US, then there is no problem in giving out all the dosages when received, keeping in mind that when the 1st recipients 2nd doses are due, to reserve some for them. 

Thousands get coronavirus jab in France after criticism stings Macron into action Someone should sting bozo brains in Ottawa into action.

Canada: politicians punished for holiday travel despite Covid warnings Oh so you mean Kenney is actually doing something now as opposed to just turning a blind eye? It's still not enough though considering the MP in England who flouted laws got arrested and not just demotions and firings. Those clowns need to learn the same laws applies to them as to the rest of us and if that means fines and jail time then that's what it means for them too.

Seems like all the politicians in Alberta, from the premier right on down are corrupt.

Health experts urging quicker vaccine rollout as COVID-19 cases surge, doses sit in freezers Really? You think we should use them and not save them for the next plandemic to come along in maybe a decade or century or two from now? I thought we might be saving them for posterity so that archeologists or maybe aliens from another planet that lands here in a few thousands years time, might have some specimens of that vaccine to examine and intrigue over, and not for actual use on us. 


They should'ved had to face fines and/or jail time too.
Quebec's decision to delay second Pfizer COVID-19 doses frustrating for some health-care professionals The pencil neck accountant that pretends he's qualified to be a health minister, should know what a waste that is. It's like taking the 1st administered doses and throwing them out if you're not following up as per instructions with the 2nd doses. Talk about an inept idiot masquerading even as an accountant nevermind our health minister. Gawd. What a moron!

Four Quebec Liberal MPs travelled outside the country during pandemic, violating public health recommendations I think all of them including the clown in the article above, needs to be hit with the same punitive measures everyone else would be hit with.

Let's hope not, but there's still lots of vaccines that aren't finished yet and so maybe those will be able to add these new variants in to provide protection against before they're finally finished and awaiting approval.

'We're in a race against time,' expert warns as Quebec reports 7,663 COVID cases And as long as you clowns insist on dragging your ashes and doing everything half ashed as the headlines just above this one proves, you'll continue to be in a race against time and never win, because you'll never provide adequate protection to anyone to be able to be immune to it. Ummm duhhh....

That's your first confirmed case, but as the CDC says it's been in your country (and probably ours too) since mid-October. The fact that you never saw it before now, is only because you weren't aware of it and so didn't look for it before now either.

Funny how in the US they back this recommendation while Canadian airlines companies whine and complain about it.


Covid restrictions in the US are causing them to want to flee to Canada? hehehehe. Really? Well then they're not very well informed because for the most part they have no restrictions compared to us here in Canada! 

Like I said we're run by Idiots R Us.

Good for her!
UK hospitals stagger as new virus variant takes huge toll That's probably what's happening here too!

Column: Pfizer, Moderna expect billions in profits from COVID vaccines. That's a scandal That's precisely why Bill Gates invested in them too. To make billions more. 

This is a massive case of "do as I say, don't do as I do" as nearly all the lawmakers there were NOT social distancing nor wearing masks. Then they wonder why no one wants to obey them or their laws.... Hmmmmm..... Ya got me.... I've no clue why that could be....

Vacationers will not be able to claim sickness benefit to quarantine: PM  Good! If you have the money for foreign vacations/non-essential travel you have the money to cover your own quarantine period.
Half of Canadians say pandemic at its worst, almost as many visited over holidays: poll I won't apologize in our case, considering we saw a whole total of 4 other people over the holidays. Four more than we've seen the rest of the year for the most part. Yeah we saw the kids on Thanksgiving and a couple times during the summer when we were allowed the 2 family bubble, but that's about it, other than the doctor, pharmacist and grocery store cashiers. Those are mostly the other people we saw throughout the year. So it's not like we've been exposed to a lot of people to begin with. 

Funny thing is though, they don't need to be the first in the world to be vaccinated, they could probably be the last to be vaccinated or not at all, since they have no cases of it there in their population. While it's raging out of control here in QC and we can't even get 5,000 people properly vaccinated against it. Talk about dithering and dancing around it.... My gawd Dube and Legault should make up a name for that dance as they've been dancing it for a few weeks straight now.
Trudeau says he's 'frustrated' with the pace of vaccine rollout Really???? Well then maybe you should start importing more doses of the various vaccines then, eh wunderkind!?! F you're a f'n moronic imbecile to say the least. You're the one in charge of how many doses comes into Canada and you want only 1.2 million doses for the whole month of January. With 35 million people here in Canada it'll be almost 6 F'n years or 70 months at that rate (needing 2 doses to be fully immunized) to have everyone immunized and that's if our population doesn't grow at all between now and then. So start importing more doses from Pfizer & Moderna and if they can't supply enough maybe you should think about allowing another company like AstraZeneca for instance to supply some doses as well! Because honestly these 400 gazillion or so doses that you ordered from various companies isn't going to help us any unless they get here and get injected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gawd what a f'n imbecile you are.

Montreal hospitals already overwhelmed by COVID-19: ICU chief It's been my experience though that Montreal hospitals are overwhelmed no matter what month, day or year it is, because they're chronically short staffed and underfunded.

I'm not sure we got that though, I think all he did was keep the same loosey goosey lockdown we already had (just the fun stuff shut down really and any non-essential stores) but with an added curfew. Otherwise the schools are still going to open and I think factory workers will still be working, office workers will work from home and basically it's the same as before except public libraries will be allowed to remain open. So you're still going to have rampant transmission between kids and parents and factory workers and librarians etc... Or at least that's how it seemed but the French broadcast of his speech was much longer than the English broadcast. The French one was more detailed but still there was no mention of manufacturing or anything like that, so does that mean they're closed down too or not? 
Canada’s ‘slow’ rollout of coronavirus vaccine ’embarrassing’: experts Really? I'd have thought Mr. Bozo Brains would be exceptionally proud of the fact that he managed to get anyone vaccinated at all, as that seems to be a real challenge for him.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I can tell you I don't want any of the RNA based ones for sure. I'd prefer which ever of the 2, Medicago or AstraZeneca that gets approved and distributed first in Canada. 
Mass COVID-19 vaccination drive under way in Beijing Here's hoping it doesn't work or that they all develop some devastating chronic problem from it, after stealing it from Canada.

Well considering we can't get one for love nor money here in Canada, I can certainly understand why.
Burlington field hospital built for COVID-19 patients opening its doors That's a rather sad and depressing sign of the times.


Nearly 30% of working professionals would quit if they had to return to office after pandemic If such a thing had've been available in my time, I probably would've opted for working at home too.

India Begins 2021 With Mass Immunisation Drive as COVID-19 Vaccines Approved Even 3rd world and developing countries like India can figure out how to get an immunization drive going while Canada a G7 country can't. We should be more than ashamed of ourselves we should go hide in a corner and not let the rest of the world see us at all, until we find someone with a thimble full of brains capable of organizing such a campaign. Whoever was responsible for organizing the H1N1 vaccination campaigns must've died or developed amnesia and left no notes behind for anyone in the future to follow. 



Vacations abroad cost Canadian politicians' jobs amid COVID-19 travel curbs Like I said before it should've cost them more than that.

If Ottawa can do that, other major Cdn cities ought to be able to do that as well. Including here in QC.

Ummmm duhhhh this should've been a no-brainer from the beginning. The fact that it wasn't only leads me to believe that our best academics are nothing but moronic idiots too. I mean gawd even little kids knows the concept of killing off the bacteria or else it can come back even stronger and become resistant to treatment the next time. Same thing here. If you leave pockets of it here and there and don't kill it off completely it can come roaring back to life and maybe even stronger because the minor pockets you didn't eradicate might've managed to mutate to over come all the various methods used to combat it before - like a bacteria with antibiotics. I mean gawd, what IQ do you have to have to understand such simple concepts as that? Because it seems like even that IQ is too high for our so called academics out there now.  Seriously, I'm beginning to think that Canada is composed primarily of imbeciles and idiots now, who can't even conceptualize such simple concepts as that and then base their conclusions and therefore following actions on those conclusions. I'm pretty sure there's 8 year olds out there who can grasp simple concepts like that. So why can't our so-called "academics" manage to grasp them?????

Even apartment buildings (yes even those masquerading as condos) have such problems as common areas (hallways, stairwells, handrails, central air etc...), with shared air and ventilation between some of the other areas of the building in some cases.  It's not just the air, it's all those central common areas that a lot of others share and touch on a daily basis, that has to be taken into account too.


Quite interesting.

Can antimicrobial fashion protect you from the coronavirus? Like the antimicrobial soaps and other products it's dangerous as your body is not exposed to the bacterial, fungi and viri needed to build immunity against them because those products keep those organisms from you. If you aren't exposed to something your immune system will not recognize it and have no defense against it, even something as innocuous as a mild cold virus, or a common bacteria like staph, or strep. Both of which we have on our hands and elsewhere but can be lethal in some people or if they get into our bloodstream for instance, but are generally harmless to us otherwise, because we've become immune to them in our normal contact with them. But if they're continually being washed away or don't get on us at all because of clothing preventing that from happening, our body won't know how to deal with them when we do suddenly come into contact with them for the first time. And that's a chance that our immune systems over-react and go bizerk trying to shield us from those bacteria, to the detriment of our lives. 


That's a scary thought. 

Oh now that's a surprise and a half! Rightttt....
Coronavirus vaccine distribution plans: State-by-state breakdown I wish we had a similar provincial breakdown here. To show how slow some are dragging their ashes compared to how quickly others are going.

It seems like here in QC, the doctors & nurses are still being trained on how to do any kind of injection, and so there's not enough trained personnel to give the vaccinations.

Geez I dunno, but I definitely don't think that's something to be bragging about....
Paralyzed by Covid-19, Israel bids to be first country to vaccinate its way to safety The way it's going and the way everyone is going, Israel will probably be the first, no doubt.

Another one I haven't heard of before. 

Dr. Theresa Tam warns: 'Really difficult' months ahead to prevent COVID-19 spread as more variants are detected THAT IS WHY Canada NEEDS to import more than a mere 1.2 doses of vaccine per month! Considering it takes 2 doses per person and there's over 35 million persons in this country! It'll be almost 6 years before everyone's vaccinated if we continue at the current speed of accessing required doses, so it'll be more than merely "months" ahead, it'll be years ahead if you idiotic morons don't do something and pick up the pace of importing and injecting those vaccines.

Perhaps that's what we need, is a few broken freezers across this country in order to make the imbeciles in charge pick up the pace a bit and administer those doses instead of just sitting there admiring them in their freezers.

That's probably a relief for her, at her age.


2020 saw arts communities determined to pivot amid the pandemic I know my "arts" more like crafts though, basically found a backseat to the plandemic and this blog, as all my free time just about has gone into maintaining this blog.

Deuxième confinement : les agricultrices retiennent leur souffle Deuxieme confinement????  D'apres moi c'est le troisieme confinement.... Le premier en Mars, le deuxieme en Octobre et c'est confinement qui a commence le 17 Decembre avec les plus dur measures ajouter c'est soir. 

NB says it's finalizing plans for COVID vaccination reporting Typical Cdn governments.... More worried about the reporting of it, than the actual administering the shots. Worry about inoculating the people before you worry about reporting it. I mean there's nothing to report if you don't inoculate anyone, so do that first and then worry about the reporting afterwards. Why you need to report on it is beyond me though.... Issing a simple card to each person getting the vaccination indicating type dose and date and whatever follow up boosters on it afterwards should be enough. It would be up to each person to keep and take care of that record like they do their birth certificates, drivers licenses and SIN cards. If they can't do that then they have more problems than a vaccine can resolve.


It wouldn't be hard to vaccinate more than QC has, because they've hardly vaccinated anyone - after that first fanfare about the injection going into the seniors arms in 2 nursing homes that's about it. Maybe those are the only 2 vaccinated in the whole  province so far, for all we know.

Maybe if they rolled them out faster here, the snowbirds wouldn't be going there to get vaccinated.
Federal inmates to begin receiving COVID-19 vaccines in pilot project Oh yeah definitely start vaccinating them first! After all they deserve to be first in line when it comes to protection. The rest of the general population can rot and catch the disease and die for all the gov't cares. But they have to protect the inmates because that's where they draw their party candidates from, at least here in QC they did and probably still do.


Quebec offers scholarship for undergrad nursing students who 'volunteer' full-time in hospitals Yup, and they'll probably reneg on the whole deal like they did to the people they conned into taking the speeded up orderly classes by promising them resident status and other things. Then after one man graduated and started working in a long term care home as an orderly and wanted to know about his status they threatened to deport him and from what I understand he's currently fighting for his rights to stay.



Hey Mr. Bozo Brains! You're going to have to import a lot more than that if you want to get everyone vaccinated in less time than 6 years from now! Because at the speed you're importing it, that's how long it's going to take!
Families Demand 2nd Vaccine Dose I hope they do sue the gov't. That would teach Mr. Pencil Neck a thing or two about medicine. That it's not like ordering underwear and forcing them to wear the same pair of underwear for 3 months straight because you can't be bothered to give them their 2nd pair until then. So they could at least change and wash the first pair. Like I said this country is run by imbeciles and idiots..... 

Thankfully I've come to the end of the totally exasperating articles, that's driving my blood pressure through the roof. I simply canNOT believe that Canada has turned into a country full of imbeciles like what seems to be omnipresent in the news stories here. There has to be at least a couple of people who have more brains than that, out there. I hope. 

Anyhow until next time, take care and stay well and try not to get as upset at the imbeciles at the helm of this country as I have because the only way short of calling for an election to get rid of them is an overall revolution and while the Americans looked like they were on the fringes of that today in Washington DC - smashing windows in the congress and invading the building and injuring people inside, I don't see the Canadian sheeple doing anything even remotely close to that here. So we have to rely on the equally culpable opposition leaders to bring the house down and call for a new election - but they won't because they're all in on it.