Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Now on With More of the Canadian Convoy Circus Concerning.....

Covid 19


May 23, 2022

Sorry not trying to belittle or ridicule the truckers and the Freedom Convoy by any means as they are my heros. But I am ridiculing the circus antics the morons in power pulled, surrounding this event. Also it was a way of pointing out,  what appeared to be the atmosphere in the air - like a carnival feeling complete with music, bouncy castles, hot tubs, street hockey etc.... from all the YouTube videos I saw that was posted - BEFORE CENSORS R' US REMOVED THEM. 

Doncha just love today's society? Where you don't even need a court order to have something censored or removed? You can just abrogate anyone's rights that you wish just because you don't happen to agree with what they're saying, but yet you want to operate a media site where everyone is welcome to post their videos on anything - from tutorials to jack-ass stunts (that a lot kids imitate and wind hurting themselves or dying on account of it (but that's okay)), or videos of porn, or murder - that too pretty much sticks around until there's a huge bruhaha over it and then it's taken down. 
But truckers with their kids around bonfires, playing music or street hockey while the kids play on bouncy castles is something that's to be censored and removed IMMEDIATELY, WITHOUT ANYONE ASKING THEM TO & DEFINITELY NO COURT ORDERS NEEDED. Which is what blew my mind in my last post. 
All the entertaining and fun videos that the convoy participants posted showing what was happening there and how much fun everyone was having - it was literally like a carnival atmosphere, and explaining why they were there and what they wanted, were removed. The only ones that remained showing that or what the media REALLY WANTED YOU TO SEE (which was their hardlined BS) were all from the lamestream media. If a lamestream media news site posted it, it stayed, if a non-lamestream media entity posted it, it disappeared. 
So the only real unbiased truthful reports showing the real atmosphere and what was really going on were basically Tucker Carlson and overseas news sites like those  in the UK and Australia. 
I now know I have enough dandelion petals to at least make the jelly, but I may also have enough to make the wine too. That would be awesome!
We had to go exchange the Jeep's battery as it was brand new - but it was deader than a doornail when my husband tried to start it earlier last week. So we took that to Canadian Tire this afternoon and boy we really had them confounded and confused because they just couldn't believe that a brand new battery could be that dead. They tried testing it with one tester, nothing registered, the needle didn't even budge. So they tried another one, same thing. So then they took all the batteries in that tester out and threw them in the garbage and put another half dozen new batteries in that tester and tried again. They were totally flummoxed because they said even bad batteries usually show a reading on the testers even if they barely register, but that one was stone cold dead and they couldn't figure out why. So they gave us a new one. 
Then I went to get some things at the grocery store that I needed at this other store in the area where the staff are super nice - they actually go get the things for you that you can't find, instead of telling you it's in aisle X, and for the most part really friendly.  And I got  a few things I didn't need, I  at Metro - just to use up that Metro & Moi money they sent me before. Then I told the girl at the cash to keep the Metro & Moi card and cut it up. She asked me why and when I told her, I was fed up with Bruno, she laughed and the other cashier that was there doing the packing, laughed too and they both shook their heads in agreeance with me. So, that says a lot about him to me.  

So now I have everything I need for this week's meals plus to make the jelly & wine. So I'll be doing that this week and maybe making Watermelon Rind pickles too - I hope to before the rinds go bad. I also noticed my rhubarb is growing like bad weeds, so I might have to get to that soon too. Have no idea what I'll do with that though.

Now I'm going to continue on from where I left off in my bookmark folder and hope that some of the interesting and honest stories are still there or that I can hunt them down and find them elsewhere on the net, or this will probably be one of the biggest and most egregious expunges of Canadian history on record. 

Tucker: Justin Trudeau is attacking human rights You've got that right Mr. Carlson.

Tucker: Crumbling regimes always resort to this Yup. For sure. You should also read some of the comments made by some of the astute viewers of this video.


🇨🇦 CANADA IS WINNING 🇨🇦 (THIS IS HUGE) - YouTube Yet another deleted video, conveying much the same message apparently as the one above was conveying - a message they didn't want us to get.

🇨🇦EX-RCMP 🇨🇦 UPDATE ON WEAPONS IN ALBERTA - YouTube This one too, was removed and if I remember it (as what was said was pretty hard to forget), it's easy to figure out why as the former RCMP officer was saying the weapons they were "finding" were planted there by the cops. In other words alleging that the cops planted those weapons on the truckers in order to be found, confiscated and used as evidence against the truckers as a form of proof of their alleged plans (which I'm sure some criminologist somewhere drew up as a scenario for the cops to allege was what being cooked up by the truckers). Yeah the biggest criminals in this country are in legislatures or wear badges and carry guns.
 Having had a brother-in-law that was an RCMP officer who also had friends in the Montreal police force who attended many a party that we were also in attendance - where they talked "shop" or some of their "antics" (more like crimes), I know that to be fact. I'm not just making unfounded allegations, I know they've stolen goods that should've been used as evidence, I know they've closed their eyes to certain crimes or criminals, I know they've commited crimes themselves and then pretended to be working on solving them but never being able to. Yes, folks thats at all levels of policing in Canada. So now don't you all feel so safe and secure, after that little bit of a knowledge leak there, eh?.....
BREAKING UP WITH TRUDEAU! International Left and Right Agree: PM is a disaster I knew that the moment the Bataclan massacre happened and how he reacted to that. He was a total freaking asshole and a total embarrassment - I was never so ashamed of a PM in my life as I was then. He's been a total moronic, conniving, domineering and tyrannical asshole since day 1, when HE ARBITRARILY ALONE DECIDED WE WERE GOING TO IMPORT A GAZILLION SYRIAN REFUGEES AT OUR EXPENSE. But yet he can't be bothered to OUTRIGHT GIVE ANYTHING to the Ukranians that need refuge from the war in their country. He's making it as hard and expensive as possible for them. Guess they're not Muslim.... Maybe that's why. Because it seems he has a special place in his heart for Muslims and Gays (but Muslims hate gays - so I don't know how he can reconcile those differences but hey whatever...). And before everyone pounces on me, NO I AM NOT Xenophobic, NOR racist (to be a racist where Muslims are concerned, they'd have to be a race, but they're not - they're a religious group comprised of people from all races) .  I have no animosities towards anyone of any group. I am merely pointing out the little bozos preferences and how differently he treats people based on who they are - not who they are as in Mr. or Ms. So and So who may be a friend or colleague, but who they are as in what group or affiliation they hold. Obviously if you're a trucker you're a died in the wool terrorist according to him, but Muslims obviously aren't and don't dare suggest some of them are (despite all the proof to the contrary) or he'll chew your head off. Oh and my gawd, don't use normal language to refer to someone's gender at one of his rallies or he'll bite your head off for being politically incorrect too - like he did to some poor woman who was just talking plain old English to him using normal plain old pronouns.... Wow....  That's what kind of ass hole I've seen since he took office.  A conniving, lying, domineering to the point of dictatorial, genocidal maniac.  I have never seen any good in him, except for when he tried to provide financial relief to people during the plandemic. But now I see why.... It's part of the plandemic game... Which I won't go into on this one comment..... Too long and convoluted for one thing.
Trudeau humiliated by EU Parliament: "You're a dictator!" This is what I said before.... If anyone should recognize dictators it would those in the EU Parliament since a few of the countries in that assemblage of nations were previously run by dictators.

CBC Lies about Standing Ovation in EU Parliament For Trudeau - MEPs Walked Out THANK YOU for pointing this out! I couldn't believe the BS I read when I saw the CBC story about the standing ovation.... For a moment after I read that I thought I was losing my mind, so I reviewed the other news stories I had bookmarked to see and the only one who lost their mind was the CBC reporter. Probably Paul Hunter as he seems to live in an alternate universe from where the rest of us live, as I've seen many more of his BS stories and fairytales. So either it's him or his protege.

Tammy Bruce: Trudeau needs to admit this Oh don't hold your breath waiting for this sheitebag to admit to anything or you'll be as pretty blue as that wall behind him that video.

Laura Ingraham: This was never about the virus How about instead of another dose of vaccine you get a little dose of the truth for a change? It'll do you good, probably much better than the stupid useless and probably DNA altering vaccine will do for you.  

driving a truck with my high heels on.  Just a fun trucker song video.

Driving My Life Away Another good trucker song - in support of all the truckers out there.

trucker convoy 2022 Where you can find several Freedom convoy related videos. Probably all the Canadian ones are mostly negative, but if you watch some of the ones posted internationally you might start to see a glimmer of the truth. 

Thinkathon – Health Care and Lessons From COVID | Thinkathon Playback They were busy "hitting" my blog - I mean making the hit counter climb like crazy. So I decided to go see what they were all about and this is just one section of Thinkathon.... So here's looking right back at them. 

Freedom Convoy Canada This is their official site. You can check out some of their information, videos and provide moral and whatever type of support you wish via this site.

Download or order the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights So you can have a copy at your disposal at all times if you wish. It's free to download and order. It's your right to have a copy of it, you don't need to be a lawyer to have one. 


Vernon trucker who joined Ottawa protest says he doesn't agree with everything, but would do it all again Good! It's people like him, that this country needs more of and less of people like sheitehead in Ottawa!

CDC says waiting longer between Pfizer, Moderna doses may reduce rare myocarditis risk for younger men Never having any of those vaccines will TOTALLY REDUCE THE RISK ALTOGETHER!

Canada Instructs Banks to Unfreeze Freedom-Convoy Accounts The pretentious prick thought he was God Almighty and could just do whatever the F that pleased him, including freezing people's bank accounts without justification. I'm glad the Senate showed him where the bear crossed the river. Hopefully they also directed the bear to his backside so the bear could take out a good chunk of it.
Plans for U.S. Trucker protest convoy prompts the National Guard to deploy in Washington This WAS a story in Yahoo, but they took it down. Funny. If it were about a national guard (if we had such an equivalent) deployment in Canada over the trucker convoy it would've stayed up.

Convoy organizers potentially face lengthy prison time, that's what you get for organizing a protest in Canada where we have a constitutional right to protest. But if you organize one you can be sent to jail for a good long time. Too bad the assholes at the helm who violate all our rights can't be sent to jail for a good long time too.
Alberta to proceed with Emergencies Act challenge despite it being lifted: Kenney Good! Someone needs to hold that little tyrannical prick accountable!

Trading relationship with U.S. unaffected by border blockades, says U.S. ambassador See? All the melodramatic BS of screaming our hair is on fire was just that melodramatic BS. 

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel: We're likely moving into an endemic setting It's amazing how after the truckers got together to protest the whole plandemic and vaccine BS, all the politicians AND even CEOs of the vaccine manufacturers all agree the plandemic is over and there's no need for all the BS and that it's turning into an endemic viral infection that'll be around for centuries longer but that we just have to learn to live with.  The week or even day before this protest started everyone was still basically stringently opposed to the lifting or removal of even the slightly mandate and we had to keep all the stringent laws and requirements in place forever. Amazing how quickly their perceptions and ideas change. 



Reinfections from Omicron subvariant BA.2 seem rare, study finds, making 'new wave' unlikely That's the exact opposite of what they're saying now. Now they're saying it's probably going to be endemic and go on forever and forever with reinfections over and over again, ad infinitum.

COVID-19: Omicron can reinfect people multiple times, Danish study finds Geez another study done the same day says the exact opposite of what the other one above said. I don't think the scientists knows their ashes from their elbows when it comes to this disease.




Pfizer, Moderna and Other Drugmakers Make Billions Responding to Covid-19 Pandemic Well of course, how could they not, when they had all the gov'ts around the world literally PUSHING THEIR DRUGS FOR THEM! 


Rapid emergence of new SARS-CoV2 variants due to the virus' ability to momentarily accelerate its evolutionary pace  Probably with a lot of help from scientists who have an interest in keeping this plandemic going - like governments the world over, now that they've gotten a  taste of autocractic dictatorship they don't want to relinguish the reigns of power any sooner than they have to.... Or pharmaceutical companies who are making gajillions of dollars on their vaccines and other treatments for this disease just to name a few possible people who could be modifying the virus and re-releasing it every now and then. Because I'm not sure it would mutate this much this fast if it were based on natural selection and "evolution" because according to Darwin those processes aren't that quick.



Public health mandates could return, Tam warns, but favours lighter touch in future Hopefully you could also see the inside of a jail cell too.

Anywho.... That's about it for now. Can barely keep eyes open now, so have to pack it in for the night. Will be back soon with more headlines. Until then hang in there and take care.
In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:





Monday, May 2, 2022

A Nightmare of Neverending Headlines Dealing With.....


May 1, 2022
 Since my last post in here, I got that horrible chafing torture device off my thumb. I went down to the Montreal General Hospital on April 26th and saw the doctor and she took that horrible thing off my thumb (not a moment too soon either, as all the back side of my thumb was rubbed raw with and the underside along with the palm of my hand where that thing covered was starting to develop blisters too). She prescribed physiotherapy twice a week, but once a week bare minimum for me if I can't afford doing it twice a week, but as anyone on OAS knows, that's a joke and a half. How the F are we supposed to afford $200 a week? I guess if I want to go on strictly a water diet, I might be able to, but that would entail getting my husband to do the same as well and I don't think he's up for that especially since he's diabetic. 

Without telling Mme Savard the head of that department for Metro our financial situation, I did tell her what it would cost to have physiotherapy done - whether I got it done in the area, where it would cost minimum $100 per session, or if I had to pay for a taxi ride into Montreal and back for a free session, that would likely cost more, because back in 2018 when I came home from the airport, it cost me $40 for the ride from the airport to the tip of the Montreal Island where my husband drove to wait for me to arrive - as it would've cost more the moment we left the island. That I know for a fact as someone I know who's father is one of those airport taxi cab drivers told me that. At the time, they (the Montreal airport cab drivers) weren't allowed to charge more than I think it was $40 for a trip anywhere on the Montreal island, if they went off island it was free game basically. And the Montreal airport is literally less than half way between here and the Montreal General Hospital, so that's at least $40 one way and that's IF I get my husband to drive me onto the island so I can take a taxi from there and then another $40 back to that point IF the rates hasn't gone up since then and IF the rates apply to ALL taxi fares no matter their origin or destination point. In other words if those fares do not only apply to airport taxis and apply to all taxis on the island. IF that's the case then maybe instead of $100 per session it would be about $80 per session (for the taxi fare), as my husband doesn't like driving in Montreal at all and I don't drive.  
Despite the fact that she tried to convince me when we were on the phone together that she was a very compassionate person, I've yet to see any signs of that. She offered me only $1,000.00 for my injury due to their negligence and I refused. I'm glad I refused because at the bare minimum it would've cost me over $1,000 just for my physiotherapy - given that the doctor prescribed 2 times a week for 6-8 weeks (depending on progress and need). So if I accepted that original offer of hers I'd have been out $200 - $600 just to cover the therapy costs, not to mention the $200 it's already cost me to get there and back 2x (the first time on March 22nd, when that torture device was put on and then on the 26th of April when it finally came off). Like I told her, gas isn't cheap and hospital parking isn't free. 
Which is why I believe it would cost me way more in taxi fare now than it did in 2018 - for the simple reason that gas is almost double in price now compared to what it was then.  So with that in mind, no taxi driver is going to go into debt just to drive people around - they need to pay for their costs which right now is highway robbery prices of $1.92 per litre or close to $8.00 a gallon (for those still working in gallons) plus make a living. So I'd hazard a guess and say that that $40 limitation on fare prices has gone out the window.

So as of today's date, I've gotten nothing but being treated like a criminal by Bruno Lemay (a member of the family that owns that Metro Plus store where I fell on the ice and broke my thumb on March 8th because I merely wanted two boxes -  which contained 100 gloves each, I think - of those flimsy charcuterie gloves their employees use to handle the meats at the deli dept., to cover my thumb splint when I needed to wash something as those big rubber gloves sold in the cleaning dept don't cut it as they're too big for my hands & for my purposes like being able to clean my teeth and hold my toothbrush without it disappearing in the glove, or to cover when I needed to wash veggies to prepare food etc, as the surgical gloves I ended up having to use were expensive - 30 for $10,00 and hard to get on over that stupid device and hard to take off again, so I wanted those flimsy gloves to use and thought as a gesture of goodwill for a loyal client he should give me at least one box considering I hurt myself on his family's property, if not sell them to me). Instead he refused and started acting like we were trying to rob him - he was backing away from us and towards the phone where I figure he was getting ready to call the cops, so we left and haven't set foot on his stupid property since. 
So much for being a loyal customer of theirs since they had their one and only store on the island behind the shopping center where Steinberg's and Consumer's Distributing was located, back in the early 1980s. Nice to see how we loyal customers of 40 odd years are being treated. We were customers of his family's store, I'm sure,  before he was even born, and that's how he treated us. 
IF he had've let me have at least one box of those gloves with some sign of contrition or sympathy on his part, that's all it would've taken. I would not be going through any of this now. But each time I'm faced with obstinance, opposition and callousness, the more dug in I get. Like my mother used to say I can out stubborn the stubbornest. 
All any of them from him on through Mme Savard had to do was be fair and decent with me, but none of them were, so my demands escalate with each new insulting dealings I have with them.  The more insulting their dealings are with me, the more it makes me want to get as much as I should rightfully be entitled to and I can tell you it's far more than I've been offered so far. All I've been offered so far are insults - as far as I'm concerned.
As witnessed by the run around given me by Francois Lebel (the first corporate contact at Metro Richelieu head office), and Mme Elaine Savard, the supposedly compassionate one, who offered me $1,000 and refused to even entertain my needs and costs in that "settlement", which I refused.  
That would not have even covered my therapy sessions (or transportation to free sessions if I can't find any other closer hospital that does hand therapy in my region and I already know I can't as there's only 1 hospital in our area and they don't do it), let alone the pain and suffering and humiliations I endured while I had that stupid torture device on my thumb, because being righthanded and having a useless thumb on my other hand, I had no means of doing my clothes (zippers and buttons and snaps) up on my own (not to mention a lot of other things like cutting my own food, opening the prescription pain pills bottle - that was prescribed specifically for the pain of my broken thumb - I couldn't get into them to get one without someone who had a working thumb's help and a lot more things I couldn't do on my own either and needed help with). So whenever we went out somewhere and I had to undo or take my coat off, my husband had to do it up for me, that's not to mention when I had to go to the washroom, I'd have to hold my pants up and pull my shirt down over the front of them and hope no one noticed that they weren't done up, and get my husband to do them up for me. So if they didn't get the idea that my pants weren't done up, up until he did them up for me, they  did then. I can't even explain how embarrassing and humiliating that is. 
When we were at restaurants, I had to make sure to not order anything I needed to pick up to eat, like hamburgers, anything on pita, ribs or wings or fried chicken - only things I could pull apart with a fork - so fish and pasta and things like that. I couldn't do any cleaning which may have caused us to lose a potential sale on our house, due to it's state of disorder and needing to be cleaned. I couldn't even put dishes in the dishwasher as I had no grip at all with that thing on - partly because of my thumb being broken but I couldn't even grasp things with my fingers and palm because that thing basically made sure whatever I was holding slipped out of my grasp onto the floor - ergo broken things and lots of spilled liquids and even food onto the floor. When I wanted to pick up a cup or glass to drink I had to use both hands and hold it the way a baby holds their own bottle to drink. You can't live in this world without a thumb, EVERYTHING REQUIRES A THUMB EXCEPT the keyboard and a trackball - it does technically require a thumb too, but you can use it with your index finger replacing the thumb quite easily. So the only things I could spend my time with was online, reading, or watching TV, as I couldn't do much else - no housework, no cooking, and definitely no hobbies even making that item I made for my friend I needed help with as some of the steps I couldn't do on my own.  So it severely affected me in more ways than one (and may have contributed to losing a house sale on top of that).
In fact, the doctors that I spoke with, all said having a broken thumb is considered a major disability. Now imagine having a broken thumb on your dominate hand and a useless one altogether on your other hand - ergo NO thumbs at all, not just a broken thumb and a thumb that would have to learn to take over doing things for the one that's broken. I wish. I wish I had a thumb that could do that, but the sad fact of the matter is, I don't. I have a useless deformed thumb on my left hand.  I think that deserves some compensation just for that too. The fact that I was basically totally incapacitated because of my broken thumb and continue to be to large extent, as I still don't have anywhere near the full use of it that I had before, because to get to that point I would need physiotherapy which I can't afford on the wonderful generous pensions Canada gives it's seniors (which is basically a subsistance allowance) and Metro refuses to compensate me for.
So because of that, now, I'm just fed up with always being victimized and bullied by everyone and everything out there (as evidenced by the NHL player related ashholes that moved in next door and their first act was to cut branches off my beautiful maple tree - without us asking them to, or even provoking them into anything and all the other crap they did to us since they moved in including trying to have me arrested on false charges). Then I fall on the ice at Metro, because they didn't salt or sand it and I'm the one they're treating like a criminal and they can't even be bothered to offer fair and just or even a consolation item of  restitution to me for my injuries. They act like it's my fault when it's their fault for not keeping their sidewalk free of ice. Since it was after dark and that day had hovered around the melting point I did see the dark patch on the ground but had no way of knowing that the temperature was back below 0C and so it was no longer water and had turned into ice. I assumed it was a puddle of melted snow there - ergo water and safe to walk on, because like I said it was after dark, so it was hard to see whether it was water or ice and I just assumed it was water. But either way even if it was ice, there was no way to get by there without stepping in/on it or getting off the sidewalk as the patch was rather wide and went from one side of the sidewalk to the other, right up to the edge of the curb (the entire width of the sidewalk and about 1 meter long).
Come to think of it, I haven't gotten my Metro & Moi money lately either. I'm pretty sure they owe me between $10 & $20 of Metro & Moi money as well and that's got nothing to do with my injury. That's got to do with the points earned while I was still shopping there so it's what we earned by buying from them as a rebate. So not only won't they pay anything for restitution on my injury, it seems like they don't even want to give me the Metro & Moi money they owe me. Unless they just haven't been paid out to anyone yet and will be later on this month. But I do believe that they are normally paid out in March or April and as both months are gone by now, I wonder....  But if what I believe is really what's happening, then that's super petty of them. I guess I'll know for sure by the end of May, because I know that I'd have gotten one of those Metro & Moi money things by then if they aren't deliberately withholding it from me. Just putting that out there, in case what I think is really the case so I don't forget to mention it in the class action lawsuit and/or to the mainstream media, as a demonstration of their pettiness. 

So because of all of those reasons, I am now going to be launching a fully public campaign aimed at finding ALL of the injury victims who have not been fairly compensated for their pains and suffering and costs related to it, caused by negligence of Metro Plus, Metro Richelieu and just plain old Metro stores all across Quebec & Ontario where they are located, and any injuries or illnesses caused by their Selection brand products in order to launch a class action suit against them. 
As an afterthought after speaking to a store owner friend of mine, I think maybe the class action lawsuit could also include store owners who are renting their shop space from one of those Metro entities, who've lost business due to shut downs caused by building damage (like leaky  pipes for instance) and had stock ruined by such building damages that the Metro owner of the space refused to or neglected to pay the  commercial tenant back for and if the commercial tenant had to assume the cost of repairs themselves even though that's not stipulated in the lease, they can also join the class action suit to recuperate the costs they put into repairing Metro's property for them, even though the building damages weren't caused by the commercial tenant and for all other damages & losses incurred due to that building damage.  

So in essence anyone seeking reparations and damages for injury, illness, loss of business and stock or cost of repairs effected on Metro's property in order to be able to continue to function as a business there, even though Metro refused to pay for the repairs, would be welcome to join this class action lawsuit I think - unless whatever lawyer we get to represent us, thinks differently - but maybe by joining us now, you'll find all the others in the same boat and be able to band together to launch your own separate commerce related class action lawsuit.
I will be opening very soon, a Redit, a Snapchat, a Twitter, a Facebook, and an Instagram account and starting a new blog only for that purpose and ALL of them will be linked here too. I will also open an email account where anyone can leave a private message dealing with their claim and I will also try to engage the mainstream media in their investigative journalist segments to find out what's going on and why they're behaving like this. I plan to basically plaster the internet with this, but they won't be getting off scott free like they're trying to do now. 
Hopefully when word gets out how ruthless and uncaring they are towards clients of over 40 years, people will wake up and realize what they're all about and start boycotting them too. Boycott Metro stores everyone! 
So stay tuned for the email and net addresses dealing with that situation.  If you or anyone you know has been injured on a Metro property or by one of their Selection Brand products get in touch at one of those upcoming addresses and add your/their name to the list of plaintiffs. Or if you're a commercial tenant at one of their properties, that's taken a financial loss due to their negligence - whether that's something like burst waterpipes or not sanding/salting properly and as a result a vehicle went through the window causing stock damage and days of lost revenue while things were being repaired. Or if you had to pay for repairs yourself but were never reimbursed by your Metro landlord, you can join our class action lawsuit, to try to recuperate those losses.
Other than that, I had to do our income taxes last week as well. I tried to get all the unsavoury stuff over and done with in as short a time as possible, so the day after getting that torture device off, I did our income taxes. But really it wasn't that bad. It's gotten a ton easier since the gov'ts started dumping their data directly into your tax forms at H&R Block's site. The worst part of it was trying to remember SIN numbers and finding all our stupid papers. Once those were found and access codes were entered it was basically a breeze. Good thing it's getting easier to do because my brain isn't getting any younger and I don't think I'd be able to handle it myself if it got more difficult and complicated.  
Aside from that not much else happened since the last time I posted here, except we went out for dinner tonight at a restaurant. Yikes the prices have skyrocketed! If I'd have known what it was going to cost before we sat down to eat, we either might've had something different or gone somewhere different. Well we would've gone somewhere different and in fact tried to, but it looks like it's fallen a victim of Covid. Too bad as it was a nice restaurant. So that's why we wound up at the restaurant where we fell victim to the price shock Covid is probably being blamed for.
Yup, so on with the MAJOR NIGHTMARISH BACKLOG of Covid headlines. Egads it's scary looking in my bookmarks folder and with the new Rolling Thunder protest this weekend, the headlines section of my folder isn't getting any thinner. So before the next protest happens, I need to get rid of some of those headlines backlogged in there by putting them in here. So get a beverage to sip on as this is going to be a long one...... I know it won't be all of them but I'll try to get through as many as I can.
Scandinavian country moves into 'very high' risk category for travel  Remember these are old headlines - that you may have missed back then. So this is not the current situation.


Unvaccinated Americans falsely say the need for booster shots proves Covid vaccines don’t work, Kaiser survey shows Booster shots or not, the vaccines DO NOT WORK. If the Smallpox vaccine worked as good as those COVID vaccines worked, Smallpox would still be going around and around and around the globe on a non-stop basis.

YouTube is banning prominent anti-vaccine activists and blocking all anti-vaccine content You know you have to wonder why, they're making such an effort to censor anti-vaccine activists and anti-vaccine content if what those people are saying is so wrong and unproven. You'd think that if the vaccine worked as good as these censors think it does, they wouldn't need to censor anyone about anything as the proof would be in the pudding as they like to say. But obviously it's not, and there's plenty proof to the contrary of what these censors assert, so that those anti-vaccine activists might have a point or be more right than they know.  Maybe people's reluctance to get the vaccine has nothing to do with what the anti-vaccine group is saying, it might have more to do with the pro vaccine group trying to ram their "truths" and "facts" down everyone else's throats without it being given a fair chance to hear both sides of the story. All the pros and cons before making up their minds. Maybe the fact of the matter might be that they're terrified of the vaccine simply because they're terrified of what it might be those censors are trying hide by censoring the anti-vaccine groups. Guess they never thought of that though as they're too narrow minded and stupid to be able to think of that. 


YouTube's CEO says free speech is a 'core value' even after removing videos by Putin critic Alexey Navalny  Liar! If that were the case you would NOT be censoring anti-vaccine groups!

Are People Angrier Nowadays? And What Can We Do To Manage It? Of course we are after being told to socially distant ourselves from everyone else. We've forgotten how to be sociable, polite, have empathy for others and just good old fashioned manners. Then we have ass holes treating others the way I've been treated lately (with the ass holes next door, and how Metro has been treating me) that makes people who usually go by the motto they were raised on as in "live and let live" - in other words you treat me decently and with respect and I'll do the same with you, want to retaliate. Up until last year when that NHL player's family just blew my lid by them deciding to cut the branches off my tree and try to use our property as if it were theirs and then how I was treated by Metro after me injuring myself due to their negligence and them refusing to even give me a box of flimsy cellophane gloves, just blew my lid and I've decided I've had enough of being treated like crap by everyone and their dog and decided that if I had to blow my lid in public and stand up for myself to make this sheite stop that's precisely what I'm going to do. In my case my anger stems from having had enough of being bullied and victimized and now I'm fighting back. 




Over half of Canadian businesses struggling to find workers: report Those businesses should examine their hiring practices and how they manage their human resources. Because I can guarantee you that the businesses that pay well and have good employee benefits and treat them humanely instead of like indentured slaves, probably have no problems finding employees. 

Ukraine faces new jump in COVID-19 infections This was back in September. Now I'm sure Covid is the least of their problems.

Majority of restaurant operators say business conditions are worse now than three months ago, survey finds Again this was back in September. I know that around here 2 of our favourite restaurants went out of business. One of them we went to go to tonight but it was closed and the restaurant's overhead sign was taken down. The other one was a Chinese restaurant that was sold earlier this year, to another Chinese owner - who's food is very very good. Different menu with different prices, but the food is excellent and if you know how to order you get a large selection of food for cheaper prices than the Dinner for x amount of people dinners were from the other restaurant owner.  It was the new owner that gave us that trick for ordering a large selection of dishes from 2 different "dinners" for 2 which basically wound up being more than enough for 4 people but at half the cost of the previous owner's menu for 2 people with way fewer dishes.  So I think I like the new restaurant food as much as if not more than the other restaurant's food and the prices way better. But that's to say that even in this area there's a been a few restaurants that suffered from the plandemic. Also there was a Greek restaurant we used to like, I don't know if that one closed due to the plandemic or if it closed this location and moved elsewhere.


Broadway's "Aladdin" shuts after only one performance since "Re-opening Night" due to breakthrough COVID cases Just in case you forgot and need reminding a breakthrough covid case, is a case of covid in a person who's been vaccinated. A testimony to how well those vaccines work.
School Officials Beg Biden and FBI for Protection Against Threats From ‘Angry Mobs’   Well we do know that our American friends can be over-the-top crazy and over-the-top paranoid as well, so this is no surprise. Strange and out there even for them, but not surprising.

COVID lockdown was a ‘live social experiment’ revealing how women, men behave during pandemics This whole plandemic has been one massive live experiment on everything to do with working from home, how far you can push a population before they push back, how to hoodwink a nation into giving up their constitutional rights, how to crush a nation and keep them crushed under your thumb, how to bankrupt certain industries and filter money to favoured industries and gov't cronies, how to rid the world of x amount of "useless eaters", how to destabilize whole economies so that new financial measures can be introduced (read digital money), to determine how to censor one group while seeing how gullible the rest of the population is, if the mRNA vaccines will have any effects or repercussions on our genetic pool and our individual DNA and a whole lot more, I'd say. Basically it's a massive experiment to see just how f'd up they can make things before everything falls apart or they get strung up for crimes against humanity. Whichever comes first.

The workers who keep global supply chains moving are warning of a 'system collapse' Andddd did anyone listen???? Apparently not because we're seeing the results of that now....

COVID may cause 'restless anal syndrome' - report I have restless leg syndrome which I've had for years now. At least since 2016, I think it has to do with low potassium and magnesium levels in me because when I take those supplements or eat foods high in those minerals, it stops. The thing is though it mostly starts when I'm in bed trying to sleep or when I'm sound asleep and I hate waking up during the night to eat anything so I take the supplements but because the pills are coated they don't act as fast as if say I ate a banana or avocado. 

Bacon prices have reached record levels. Here's why they might not go down anytime soon That's part of it, but mostly it's because they don't have to go down. Everyone in business is maintaining all these higher prices and a lot of them aren't because it's costing them more, but simply because they see everyone else charging more, so they think they can get away with charging more too, whether they need to or not. It's called greed and gouging.  It's as simple as that in a lot of cases.
Fully vaccinated B.C. mom urges vigilance after testing positive for COVID-19  Because that snake oil elixir we've been sold on as being vaccines work so wonderfully. NOT.

Due Process — And Normal Social Relations — Are Being Destroyed By COVID Snitching Culture Yup, it sounds a lot like what we were told the old USSR & KGB were all about, and how that was such an awful society to grow up in, and ours was way better because we didn't do things like that. Righhhtttt....




'It's really scary': Alberta physicians face more aggressive, misinformed patients That's because they've not been allowed to hear both sides of the debate and have been force fed gov't lies and propaganda for the most part. 

Rex Murphy: More reasons some Canadians distrust the powers-that-be   He's usually right on the money. He's good, you ought to read his articles. 

Bacon prices reach all-time high in Canada This week at least the Giant Tiger in our area is selling 500grs of Spalding Bacon for $2.97. That's a pretty good price from even before the plandemic came along and drove the cost of breathing up by a gazillion percent. 




Quebec politicians clash over using COVID-19 vaccine passports in National Assembly The rules only apply to us little minions and not to the rule makers apparently.



Hopes rise that Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be authorized for use in children aged 5 to 11 by late October, and Russia suffers worst one-day death toll I don't know why anyone would hope for that, but I guess so.... Grasping at straws for any panacea that might work.... Like in the days of the old snake oil elixirs.


New preliminary evidence suggests coronavirus jumped from animals to humans multiple times This is pure unadulterated BS speculation as you will see later on in articles from this year when I get to them which definitely won't be tonight or even in the next couple of posts. It'll take a while before I'm there as there's just sooooooooooo many headlines to do with this plandemic.

Vaccinated pregnant women pass antibodies to unborn child: study So if that's the case she should also pass the antibodies she acquired naturally (as in having had the disease herself or her own natural immunity to it if any) to her baby as well. This wouldn't just apply to vaccination generated antibodies but all manners of acquisition of such antibodies.


Covid restrictions force some retailers to rethink Vietnam as a manufacturing hub Personally, I think what this whole supply chain fiasco is teaching us, is the old adage of "we're never better served than by ourselves". So in other words instead of contracting all our work out to other countries we could make & grow most of the stuff we need in our own country. We're a resource rich country so instead of mining, drilling and harvesting everything to sell over seas in order to reimport it as some kind of product, why don't we just make it ourselves? It would create jobs and save a ton of money on transportation (which would cut down on CO2 gases - so win/win there) and we wouldn't be left waiting on things that never come due to some problem in some other country - be it covid related, political upheaval, labour related, or whatever problems other countries might experience. At least if it were made here we could deal with our own problems and get them resolved so they could continue to manufacture said goods. Right now we're held hostage due to everything being made in China and China's basically under a total lockdown where nothing's working or being made. Earlier there was a report about shipping containers held up at ports due to lack of dock workers - if it were made here, it wouldn't matter if there was a dock worker shortage or not as everything from harvesting/mining and drilling for the raw materials to the final production of it would be done here in Canada. But hey what do I know about the world economy and globalization except that I don't see anything good in it, for us Canadians.




Up to 90% of Americans may have some form of Covid immunity after delta wave, Dr. Gottlieb says Here they're saying that up to 90% of Americans may have some form of immunity after Delta, but yet they started really pushing the boosters in December and January. Claiming that everyone needed them.

‘Biggest crash in world history’: Personal finance expert Robert Kiyosaki predicts economic crisis in October Oh for sure. He's a little premature with his time line, but yeah it's a comin' and we're right on the cusp of it, I'm sure.

As it's past my bedtime yet again, I'm leaving it there for now. In the meantime take care and stay tuned. Don't forget  BOYCOTT METRO PLUS, METRO-RICHELIEU & METRO STORES  in Quebec and Ontario and stay tuned to this blog if you or someone you know wants to join the class action suit against them for any injuries or illnesses sustained because of their negligence. I will be getting to work on all the various social media platforms in the coming days and setting up an email address where you can contact me privately if you wish. 



Friday, April 22, 2022

Adding More Headlines About.....

 Covid 19


April 21, 2022

Since last entry, we got a Jeep Grand Cherokee given to us by our son. It was his but he wanted to buy a brand new car and so decided to give his Jeep to his father. His father is a former construction worker and motor cycle enthusiast so Jeeps are right up his ally and he loves it. Like they say he's happier than a pig in a pile of manure. Though I cringe when I think of what it's going to cost to fill up with the price of gas being $1.82 a litre now.

We had our Easter celebrations with our son & his wife. We had a nice turkey dinner, with a twist. Instead of the usual side dishes we normally have with it we did it differently. With strawberry chiffon squares for dessert. Almost all the leftovers went home with them, when they left. But they didn't leave until quite late because they stuck around for a game of monopoly where my husband cleaned all our clocks, so to speak. He bought Park Place and Board Walk the first thing and put hotels on them before any of us even had a complete set of properties to build on. So the game didn't last long, that's for sure.

On Monday, I went to Michael's arts/crafts store to buy some polymer clay supplies in order to make the gift I wanted to make for my friend's birthday, (which is today). I got everything I needed and then some, gawd, I'm worse in Michael's than my husband is when he goes to Canadian Tire. I want nearly everything I see in there and it gets hard to stay focused on why I went there in the first place when I walk through those doors, because I want it all right now. At least this time, though, I concentrated my purchases soley on the polymer clay supplies and didn't scatter my focus far and wide like I usually do. So I get a bit of a lot of different things but usually not enough in any one type of discipline in order to make a lot of difference in what I'm able to do or make. This time it was different as I got a bunch of clay craft working tools, which I'm glad I got as I'd have never been able to manage to make the gift I wanted to make for my friend without them. Because the tools I had here already weren't up to par to do the job or I just wouldn't have had any proper tools for it. So now I'm getting better & better equipped to work with polymer clay. Before I just had some of the more basic tools and shape cutters and things for making jewellry, now I have proper clay tools to make anything from sculptures to canes (except for the cane slicer - which I would love but never see any at Michael's or anywhere else for that matter).

Anyhow as my friend has had horses, dogs and cats throughout her life, I made a wall plaque containing a horse, dog and cat for her. Her husband wanted to hang it up right away but I had to stop him because the thing I glued on the back to allow her to hang it up wasn't totally secure yet. As it takes 48 - 72 hours to cure properly. 

To celebrate her birthday she wanted to go to an Afghan restaurant for supper and asked us to join her and her husband, so we went and had a blast. It was delicious, well at least what we had we liked. She said she liked her meal but she didn't think she'd go back again. She & her husband had the same thing and they were equally unimpressed, but I and my husband each had completely different things from anyone else. My husband had a filet mignon kebab and I had a multi type meat kabab with a kofta (kafta) burger. My husbands' and my salads were good with a nice dressing on it, but they had a carrot & raisin salad and they weren't impressed. I know when I bought that kind of salad from a salad bar a few years ago, I wasn't impressed either, so I'm glad our meals came with the salads that they did. 

Before we went to the restaurant for dinner, she invited us over to her place for drinks. That's when I gave her the gift I made and her husband tried to hang it up. We weren't expecting to be invited over there today much less out to dinner with them.  So it was a surprise party for all of us I think. Sometimes impromptu gatherings like that are much more fun than the more formal occasions that were planned for, I think and this was one of those more fun impromptu gatherings, as far as I'm concerned.

I know some of the visitors here are probably going right about now, "huh? WTF does this have to do with the plandemic?"..... Nothing but then again everything for me/us, because when this plandemic started and we seniors were forbidden to breathe outside our houses, I decided that this was going to be an utterly boring and probably totally forgettable time and as a way of remembering things, I was going to also be using this as a type of journal, so that we (me & my husband) would have a way to remember what we did during this plandemic. 

And as the plandemic is still in full swing though everywhere else in the world has let up on all their mandatory measures, we still haven't here in QC and because of the alleged 6th wave they're mulling over bringing back the mandatory measures they dropped. So that's why all that "rambling on" about what we did lately. 

This blog isn't just for others it's for us too, to remember not only all the stuff that went on out there in the world in association with the plandemic but what we did and how we coped as well.

As I still have that awkward cast on my thumb (won't be going back to the hospital to see about it until Tuesday the 26th of April) and as I have my jealous dachshund (who smells all my friend's dogs (she has 3 including a new dachshund puppy) on me) sitting on my lap while I type this, I'll see how far I manage to get now with the headlines which will be starting from where I left off the last time. So they're rather old now, but in case you missed them when they were fresh, here they are for you again....

Speaking of the awkward cast on my thumb, if Metro doesn't resolve the issue soon, I am thinking of starting a social media campaign to launch a class action suit against them if I can find enough people like me who've been hurt on their properties (this is the Metro grocery stores prominent in Quebec and Ontario) or from Selection (their brandname products) products they bought, like the woman I know that broke a tooth when she chomped down on a supposed to be pitted Selection brand olive, but wasn't and still had the pit in it. She was never compensated for that, only given a sob story about how it's not Metro that processed or bottled the olives. No maybe not but it's their product brand so they're responsible nevertheless. Or going to the mainstream media with my story about how I fell on ice on their property and broke my thumb but they've done SFA except give me a run around. 

So I might be starting a blog about that as well where I can give out an email address for others who may wish to join a class action suit with me, against them, as I'm positive I'm not the only person to be injured either on one of their properties or from one of their products. So, if you or someone you know would be interested stay tuned, because when/if I have to resort to that, the address of that blog will be posted here. I'm giving them to the end of this month to resolve the issue. If they don't, I  think I'll start a social media campaign and the blog and if there's a way to link the 2 blogs together so that anyone coming here first can get to the other one without difficulty, I'll try to do that. Failing that I'll just get the email address and post it on this blog for anyone interested in joining the lawsuit. But they're not going to be weaseling out of compensating me as easily as they did the other woman I know of. If a class action lawsuit and/or getting the mainstream media involved is what it takes well then that's on them. They brought it on themselves by trying to shirk their responsibilities to those who've been injured due to their negligence or their products. 

Anyhow, I'll get on with it, before my thumb starts bothering me too much like it normally does this time of night, whether I'm doing this, watching TV, playing monopoly or what I'm doing. It seems that in the morning after waking up and getting out of bed, my thumb doesn't hurt at all, I think it starts hurting worse as the day wears on, due to the various hand flexes my hand goes through when I'm trying to do something - anything at all, as my injured thumb is on my right hand and I'm right handed. So I naturally go to do things with that hand. I've somewhat trained my 2 first fingers on that hand to kind of take over for my thumb and forefinger, but there's still a lot of things I can't do. So the movement of my whole hand and those 2 fingers affect my thumb as it kind of wants to move in unison the way your whole hand naturally moves when making certain movements. So it hurts on account of that and the chafing against the weird black supposed to be cast thing.

Okay so enough bla bla bla and on with the headlines....

In the Heart of Nashville, Rolling Parties Rage at Every Stoplight I don't know what's going on there now but this was happening there in September last year.

What you need to know about COVID-19 in Ottawa on Thursday, Sept. 23 A snapshot into what was going on then in Ottawa in regards to this plandemic.

Exclusive - EU regulator to decide on Pfizer booster at the start of October - source

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Booster for Some Americans. The CDC’s Call on the Rollout Could Come Today.  Oh talking about this.... If you have Netflix watch the "Explained" episode dealing with Pandemics featuring Bill Gates. Note the program date - 2 weeks before the plandemic actually began and watch until it ends where it talks about the new vaccine they want to make for this as yet supposedly (which we know better after watching Event 201) unknown about and unplanned plandemic. 

Pandemic costs to leave $94M hole in City of Toronto budget by year's end, new report warns But other businesses and organizations were expected to be able to manage despite the fact that things were not only cut in half but closed altogether.

COVID-19 testing in Cape Breton targets travellers, businesses

Sask. heart, brain specialists brace as health-care slowdown worsens amid COVID-19 surge I don't get prioritizing covid patients over everyone else then or ever. I mean I was a nurse and I know about and understand triage. That's not the issue here. The issue is and always has been hospitals have x amount of beds, x amount of medical staff to look after those patients. Whatever patients that walked through the doors on Monday weren't thrown out on Tuesday because a special breed of patients required the beds and care, instead triage was a little more stringent, the perhaps it was on Monday. But one type of patient didn't have preference over all other types of patients. For instance if there were suddenly a rash of flu patients, cancer, heart, stroke and trauma patients weren't made to suffer at home on their own. They were still being treated with a more stringent triage going on with all patients including flu patients walking into the ER, rather than prioritizing flu patients over everyone else. Which is basically what's been going on here with Covid. Instead of it being the flu it's covid. Because as we all know Covid isn't nearly as deadly as they made it out to be when you figure the number of cases there's been compared to the number of deaths from all cases (and that includes those in the seniors death camps).

Family doctors 'highly concerned' about patients' mental health as pandemic drags on, survey suggests Too bad the asinine politicians weren't as concerned. Maybe if someone who had completely lost it, went after them on account of their BS stringent unconstitutional measures, they might've sat up and taken notice and realized their BS was strung out just a tad too long for some people's liking and before anything too serious befell any of them they'd better back down and loosen their gestapo grip on everyone and everything. Maybe then  we wouldn't have had the trucker protest in Ottawa, as it wouldn't have been needed, but the numbnuts at the helm across this country couldn't see this coming because they're too f'ing stupid, despite all the news reports like this and other indications from everything going on out there in the world and this country too. And all that anguish and heart ache from the noise in Ottawa to truckers having their livelihoods put in jeopardy because of scaredy cat Mr. Chicken Sheite who had to hide from the big bad scary "terrorist" truckers, to everything thing else that those draconian measures affected from schooling to lockdowns and ridiculous measures like not being allowed to go from one district to another without being stopped by cops or walking 2cms too close to someone else. 

I still say all those dictators deserve to be hauled up on tons of different charges, from usurping the constitution to genocide and crimes against humanity. Which incidentally is maybe why they have these very same charges they are trying to impose against Putin for what he's doing in Ukraine. I heard the other day that those things were hard to prove etc.... Really? How come they had no problems proving them against the war criminals in the Serbia Bosnia Herzegovina war and against various nazis? So is this something new they're trying to put out there in the public mind trying to make them think it would be impossible to prosecute all of those reprehensible, immoral and moronic asholes that are the heads of governments that let the virus in and then propagate throughout their societies? 

Regulator warns N.L. doctors against spreading COVID-19 misinformation online See? Another case of censorship. Regulators silencing doctors who've had several years of university and residency training in Medicine and who may be basing their opinions on their own experience with their own patients, or have done their own research into things surrounding this disease and treatments thereof. The regulators are telling them quote:

It noted that doctors have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing, and anti-lockdown statements, or promote unproven treatments for COVID-19.

Those who "put the public at risk" face investigation and disciplinary action.   

When it's the regulators who are probably more at fault at putting the public at risk by pushing mRNA vaccines that have never been tried or tested for any problem of any sort in the history of mankind and can't even prove that they work. In fact there's lots and lots of data that not only PROVES THEY DON'T WORK (ISRAEL IS A WHOLE COUNTRY'S WORTH OF DATA THAT PROVES BEYOND A SHADOW OF DOUBT THAT THEY DON'T WORK - NO MATTER HOW MANY DOSES & BOOSTERS ONE GETS), but that they also cause a lot of very dangerous and potentially deadly conditions on top of that. And all of what I just said has been and continues to be well documented in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA NEWS, so NOT conspiracy theories as they'll try desperately to make you believe. Many of those stories are accessible right here from this blog.

Canadian retail sales likely up 2.1% in August as COVID-19 restrictions lift

Fort McMurray's welcome centre helping newcomers through pandemic challenges 

COVID-19 outbreaks force 3 Quebec schools to close this week, including 2 in Montreal

Oxygen supply problems add to COVID-19 challenges at Stanton Territorial Hospital 

Sask. Opposition wants province to call Canadian Armed Forces for help with COVID-19 Again remember this is an old headlines from September 2021, so not to panic - it's not happening now.

Demand continues to surge at Calgary Food Bank Demand is apt to be surging all across Canada now due to the insane price of everything from food and gas to you freaking well name it. It seems like many food items now should be on a list of luxury items and not grocery lists. Holy crap, I can't believe the prices I see in food fliers these days. It's so insane, despite the fact that we have the house up for sale and so may not be around at harvest time (thus won't reap the benefits of the crops we sow), and I hate the heat here in the summertime and working outside in it, along with my thumb problems I am seriously considering planting a garden anyhow. Because who knows if it keeps going like this, how much longer we'll be able to afford buying groceries. We might need a garden just to make ends meet or start relying on food banks ourselves.

Labor shortages hit electronics makers as chip drought persists, causing delays These shortages were an issue then but don't seem to have been resolved since, so are still an issue now.

Surging COVID-19 cases force doctors to ration care in Alaska, a step Alberta officials say is last resort

N.B. COVID-19 roundup: 52 new cases, 3rd vaccine dose offered to some immunocompromised people 

Ontario reports 677 new COVID-19 cases as union calls for capacity limits at universities

Canadian man punches nurse multiple times who administered COVID vaccine to his wife  Aside from this atrocious incident look at the video playing above this news story showing Monkeyface Moron voting with his 8 year old son en tow.... I thought you had to be 18 to enter a polling booth so why is Mr. Monkeyface Moron allowed to bring his idiotic spawn who doesn't seem to give a rat's ash about anything going on in there except the guy with the tv camera? And why is he even bothering trying to show his spawn how to vote anyhow, given that he and the clown with the head rag wrapped so tight it's cutting the blood off from his brain, are probably planning to do away with elections so they can keep propping their sorry asses up in power from now on? So his spawn won't need to know how to cast a ballot by the time his father finishes with the country and shredding our constitutional rights.

Saskatchewan nears 80 per cent of eligible people having first doses of COVID-19 vaccine 

Two Hosts Test Positive for Covid-19 LIVE on The View Moments Before Kamala Harris Interview 

A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say 

Australia Police Goes Door to Door: "Are You Aware Of Any Planned Protests Or Events Coming Up?" By this story it sounds like a combination of the Gestapo & KGB as a police force is operating in Australia.

Meet Josiah Zayner, America's Most Censored Person Yet another example of the morons in media/communications (this time YouTube) censoring a scientist with a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, because what he's saying about the vaccines and COVID goes against their agenda. I mean it HAS TO BE AN AGENDA and not merely a policy, when they start shutting down and censoring not only truckers at protests but bonafide scientists like that.

COVID-19 vaccine boosters could mean billions for drugmakers Really? Ya think? Wow.... The lamestream media are really catching on now.... Wondering when they'll realize that this is ALL IT'S ABOUT & HAS LITTLE TO NO BENEFIT TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNERS & SHAREHOLDERS OF THOSE COMPANIES????? In other words they keep pushing the vaccines and boosters because each dose sold is more money in their pockets and not because they're such wonderful vaccines that actually do anything beneficial.

I Feel a Bit Rusty Has Covid Killed Our Sex Lives? 

Young COVID patients showing up confused, sweaty and grey, rural Alberta doctor says  Again remember this story is from September 2021, so don't panic.

Alberta sees record number of ICU admissions as COVID-19 hospitalizations soar News from the same day as the story above.

Alberta doctors on the brink of deciding which patients get care This just shows how bad it was getting in Alberta back in September.

U.S. vaccination requirement for air passengers worries Canadians with mixed vaccines This is another example of how stupid everyone and everything surrounding this plandemic was and continues to be.

Moderna to supply 20 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Peru

Donald Trump said that he did 'pretty much the opposite' of what Dr. Fauci advised during the COVID-19 pandemic That's maybe why he's still alive. Smart man, I'd do the exact opposite of what that parasitic leech advised too. Sorry but when you set out to make billions for yourself on other people's pain, suffering and deaths you're no more than a parasitic leech to me and not worth the air you breathe. That's precisely what Fauci, Gates and Schwabb are in my books. As you'll find out the further we go into this. I already have bookmarks proving how Fauci was involved in this from before it actually became a plandemic, which I'll get to in due time. First we have to catch up to that time by posting the headlines in chronological order. So stay tuned, if you want those juicy details.

Why securing a second term as WHO chief won't be easy for Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Because he's a lying piece of excrement with hair on top, that should be tried for MASS genocide, and MAJOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, seeing as how he lied and hedged and BSed everyone to do with this plandemic. He's the one that called the pandemic WAY WAY WAY TOO LATE, he's the one that said oh no don't worry, you don't need masks just wash your hands and stay a half a mile away from everyone else. Just that alone - the stay your distance from others should've told you, you need a mask because if you're not touching anything they touched and washing your hands when you do, then unless it's airborne why would you need to stay away from everyone else? If it's airborne shouldn't masks be required instead of being told no don't wear them? I mean hello. The asshole is either a total incompetent idiot or else he did and said all those things on purpose. Personally, like I've said many times before I believe this was indeed a PLANdemic PLAN being the operative part of that word there, for a variety of reasons, so I think he timed and did and said all of those things on purpose to give the disease time to spread and to wipe out a certain amount of people and for Gates and Swabb to accomplish what they wanted. Which BTW is still in the works and hasn't been totally accomplished yet, so that's why we continue getting wave after wave of this BS. I also have a feeling the vaccine manufacturers are modifying the virus and re-releasing it everytime consumption of the booster shots slows down or stops. Which all plays into Gates and Schwabbs hands.

Natural immunity emerges as potential legal challenge to federal COVID-19 vaccination mandates

New York Declares State of Emergency as Vaccine Mandate Chaos Looms 

DeSantis says natural immunity is equal to vaccines. Experts say it’s not so simple Actually yeah it is that simple.  Whoever those experts are, are assholes to say the least. I'm sure if the media wanted to they could've found some real experts, who'd have told them the truth and not gone along with the BS lines everyone seems intent to sing these days.

Poll after poll shows the same thing: Americans are cool with vaccine mandates

COVID-19 Data Explorer  You can get all the stats on COVID from any country in the world at this site.

A student athlete’s TikTok went viral after he developed myocarditis from the vaccine. Here’s what experts want you to know. What you SHOULD know is that myocarditis from the vaccines is starting to be a rather regular problem, rather than a rare occurance like they'd like you to believe.

Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says Read this and then tell me we DO NOT live in a dictatorship and I'll tell you that the moon is filled with Swiss Cheese and Chardonnay, and we'll both be equally right.

Egan: COVID and the God-given right to question vaccines 

Can workers who decline vaccination hold on to their jobs? Short answer: Not likely   Except under the constitution everyone has the right to work and to gain a livelihood.

Tensions high between vaccinated and unvaccinated in Canada, poll suggests Again old headlines from near the end of September last year.

Nurse with long-haul COVID and one vaccine dose asks for exemption from vaccination rules

COVID-19: B.C. Vaccine Card is now the only acceptable proof of vaccination  

Failures of long-term care system laid bare at inquest into Quebec nursing home's COVID crisis

COVID-19 updates, Sept. 27: Quebec reports lowest case count in three weeks  

Ontario elementary school closed due to COVID-19 outbreak

'We are entering our fourth wave now': 93 new cases of COVID-19 in Manitoba on Monday  They say we're in the 6th wave now. So the virus must be mutating and spreading faster and faster now, because it took 22 months to go from the original wave to the 4th and then only 7 months after that to get to the 6th wave. So think about that for a moment, when they originally denied straight up and down that a virus even via jet travel couldn't possibly have gotten from China to here in 3 months, but yet we're now expected to believe that the 5th AND 6th waves have made it around the globe in 7 months time. That's 3.5 months per wave to have circumnavigated the globe. So using that logic is it now possible to admit that yes maybe the first wave got here before the middle of March 2020 when it started in Wuhan China in the beginning of December 2019? I'm sorry, I'm just over the top tired of all the lies and BS surrounding this plandemic.

Newfoundland schools adjust health measures as COVID-19 outbreak grows

8th person dies of COVID-19 in N.L., as province adds 25 new cases 

Dozens Of Massachusetts State Police Troopers Resigning Over COVID Vaccine Mandate, Union Says 

Caught On Video: Anti-Mask Protest Turns Violent At Roscoe's Chicken And Waffles In Anaheim 

Couple may divorce over vaccine conflict 

Covid Cuts Two Years Off the Life Expectancy of U.S. Men

Ontario doctor accused of spreading COVID-19 misinformation barred from providing vaccine, mask exemptions That's not fair to some of his patients who may have legitimate health related reasons for not wearing a mask or wanting a vaccine exemption. I seriously think the gov't should stop meddling in people's health and medical treatments.

Missing kissing, Parisians say "la bise" is back Not here, I went to give a "la bise" to my friend today for her birthday and she backed up and pantomimed an air "la bise". But yet at the restaurant we were all sharing the same dipping bowl for the bread sticks. So go figure. 

Ah like they say.... When it's your time to go, it's your time to go and there ain't nothing you can do to stop it. If you try to stop it this way you'll just go another way, but you'll go whether you like it or not. So might as well live life until you die, because after that it'll be too late.

Pittsburgh Man Who Survived COVID-19 Undergoes Transplant After Virus Resurfaces And Attacks Heart

Sydney's unvaccinated warned of social isolation when COVID-19 lockdown ends 

Singapore reports 2,236 COVID-19 cases, its highest ever single-day rise

Russia reports record daily coronavirus deaths Evidently not enough of them died, because now Putin has conscripted thousands and thousands of men to send them to Ukraine in order to get slaughtered there.

Restaurants and Hotels Push Back Against the Uptick in Customer Tantrums I dunno but I guess we must be much more civilized here in the Montreal region at least if not all of Canada, as I've yet to witness a customer tantrum in a restaurant, before, during or even "after" the plandemic (which is what most people consider it to be now).

Airlines Demand Virus-Busting Seats to Ease Covid Deep Cleaning I'm amazed to learn that there's even such a thing as a virus busting seat. Wow. Who knew?

Trudeau says post-election priority is vaccine mandate for public servants, travellers Yup and he sure found out what we all thought of that less than 4 months later. 

Portpass app may have exposed hundreds of thousands of users' personal data Yup, I saw that coming too. The info on those passports were just another bit of personal data for hackers to hack into and the more personal data connected to those passports the bigger the haul for the hackers.

Albertans dying from COVID-19 at more than three times the average Canadian rate I would love to see and compare the stats from each province to see who had the highest and lowest rates in each category.

'I'm going to die, aren't I?': Sask.'s unvaccinated express regret about not getting COVID-19 jab I wish for once the media would share the shock, outrage and exasperation along with the shocked sorrow and desperation of those WHO WERE VACCINATED BUT GOT SICK & FOUND OUT THEY WEREN'T LIKELY TO MAKE IT & WOULD DIE TOO! How come they never published any stories like that, because there are PLENTY OF THEM, I can assure you of that.

'Perturbed by a small number of physicians who are spreading misinformation:' College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta Okay anyone with a brain in their heads would start wondering why all of a sudden doctors are speaking up ESPECIALLY AFTER OTHER DOCTORS HAVE BEEN THREATENED, CENSORED & SILENCED, AFTER THEY SPOKE UP! Why would different doctors continue speaking up knowing what happened to their colleagues for doing precisely the same thing before them? And you have to wonder how many other doctors would add their voices to the chorus that these other doctors are singing if they weren't afraid of repercussions? Are the ones speaking up just the brave tip of the iceberg of doctors who think the same way or are they just quacks? Personally, I think for them to continue speaking up even after the others have been silenced that what they saying is the truth and they want us to hear it, so they're the brave tip of the iceberg of doctors who know and believe the same thing these doctors are saying but are too afraid to join the chorus. That's what I think.

With pandemic benefits ending, will the unemployed return to the work force?

Sask. health minister rejects COVID-19 aid offer from Ottawa 

COVID-19 cases drop again as Quebec reports 469 more infections, hospitalizations spike

Cuba begins commercial exports of its COVID-19 vaccines 

CDC Director Doesn’t ‘Necessarily Have the Answer’ on Yearly COVID-19 Booster Shots Wondering if that's because the director hasn't been told how much his cut will be on it yet? Because that seems to be how things work there in those crooked conniving departments in the US.

Pfizer and BioNTech submit data to U.S. FDA for COVID-19 vaccine in younger children

Coroner in Herron care home inquiry to review surveillance footage of staff behaviour 

COVID-19: Singapore sends 122,400 AstraZeneca vaccine doses to Indonesia

Novant Health fires more than 175 for not getting vaccinated 

Medical expert weighs in on COVID-19 and Halloween, vaccine mandates | KVUE

New modelling suggests case counts have 'flattened' but exponential growth is still possible if restrictions lifted Sept 28, 2021 data.

Experts optimistic Quebec will be able to avoid a COVID-19 lockdown this winter In hindsight I can call this BS for what it is, precisely that, total 100% unadulterated BS, which I would've declared this being even if I posted this when it was published in late September, because I've learnt not to trust a freaking word uttered by any of the autocratic dictators across this country, they're all 100% lying snakes in the grass. Not be trusted for a single thing.

COVID updates, Sept. 28: Quebec to administer 3rd doses to seniors in residences, but not those living at home That's fine. I don't want any more doses than the 2 I've already had. Have undergone more dna manipulation than  I want already, thanks.

Senators call for governments to craft a grand post-pandemic plan to grow economy

Global economy will suffer as long as rich countries don't help vaccinate poor ones, OECD warns 

Japan set to lift all coronavirus restrictions nationwide Lucky them. Here in QC we STILL have a mask mandate that's ongoing at least until the end of this month. But I'm sure before we get there they'll extend it and maybe introduce more measures to protect us from ourselves.

Denied cross-border shoppers, some U.S. companies opt to export to Canada instead

Qatar Airways suffers $4bn annual loss on pandemic hit 

Canada extends flight ban on Morocco

What it's like to be a nine-year-old in a vaccine clinical trial 

Fauci looks to boost vaccines as US infections rise Of course he does because he stands to profit from it.

Covid vaccine: Young teens in US react to getting first jab

We've reached the 'Red Covid' phase of the pandemic 

People in the Northeast could prevent a Covid-19 surge like the one in the South by following these measures, Fauci says

How to disrupt America's history of rebranding misinformation as 'science'  OMG what a freaking lying spin doctor this one is.... I will break down her BS arguments here.... Lie number 1: to deliberate falsehoods about vaccine deaths and mask side effects, the pandemic misinformation industry is thriving in the US  ----- I do not know how many stories I have from the lamestream media in here specifically talking about vaccine related deaths. They are NOT FALSEHOODS they are WELL DOCUMENTED FACTS. Maybe she should be sued like Alex Jones was for claiming Sandy Hook massacre was a falsehood. That's lie number one then she goes on to say this....From patent medicine to fluoride conspiracies to false claims about the health effects of tobacco, misinformation has long crowded public debate.

That this is not novel does not mean we should be less alarmed. She's trying to muddy the covid "misinformation" BS she's trying to get across with other topics or other non related examples.  She goes on with this example which sounds precisely like the vaccines.....Snake oil elixirs claiming to do wonders but actually does SFA, only instead of natives being behind it, Gates, Schwabb, Fauci, Pfizer and Moderna are....

Medicine shows: a traveling carnival of 19th-century misinformation

Kickapoo Indian Sagwa could do it all: heal the blood, the liver, the stomach and even the kidneys. Purportedly based on a proprietary blend of ingredients developed by Indigenous healers -- and patented by White salesmen -- sagwa was sold in the late 19th century as a panacea: you drank it to cure whatever ailed you. And to make it even more appealing (and profitable), it was sold not only through wordy advertisements in newspapers and almanacs but in traveling spectacles featuring performances by Native actors. 
This description sounds an awful lot like how the vaccines were approved as emergency medicine: 
Medicine shows were the entertainment arm of one of the era's most powerful industries: patent medicine. It ran on medical misinformation. Because both the contents of "medicines" -- like Kickapoo Indian Sagwa -- and the claims about their effects were unregulated, producers and pitchmen could -- and did -- say just about anything they wanted about their pills and potions. (Seldom actually patented, the name referred to any prepackaged, unprescribed medication.) And the concoctions rarely faced scientific scrutiny....
Because basically there was no oversight of the vaccines when they were initially approved  for use against the virus. They (the vaccine manufacturers) even had legal protection given to them in the event something happened and a recipient of one of their doses of vaccine wanted to take legal action against them, they couldn't as the companies had blanket coverage from such suits. 
Then she continues with the following which sounds 100% like what's happening today in regards to the vaccines.... Here's her continuation.... (Now remember she's trying to use this diatribe of hers to convince you about the covid misinformation).... But remember she actually puts in there that the politicians and newspapers had a desperate need for an effective treatment that confounded the medical profession. Sound familiar?
And they were the backbone of a multimillion-dollar business model that grew rapidly thanks to innovations in advertising and entertainment, propped up by producers, politicians and newspaper and almanac publishers, as well as the desperate need for effective treatments for ailments that confounded the medical profession.  

She continues with this and the last line of this portion is hysterically funny....

The medicine shows captured the public imagination through their novelty, providing a few days or weeks of entertainment built around the creators' proprietary miracle cures. But it was the advent of the commercial press, including the rapid growth of mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, that transformed patent medicine into a $75 million-a-year business by the turn of the 20th century.
So successful was it, that many print publications grew dependent on patent-medicine advertising. That included tabloids and almanacs as well as newspapers and magazines. While it was an era before objectivity became central to the journalism profession, 
Trust me that was a very very very minuscule era in the journalism profession. Sometime between maybe the 1950s until maybe middle to late 1980s. The rest of the time it's been hype, sensationalism, lies, commercialism, and misinformation. 

What she's saying here is in effect that the control of the public narrative and discourse was lost when more players got into the fray and took the control out of the hands of the puppet masters at the helms of the very few mainstream media outlets:

Those conditions had historically helped to define distinctions between a sphere of trusted expertise and a sphere of conjecture and conspiracy -- a delineation that has broken down in the US in recent years, thanks to the massive expansion of partisan media outlets and the rise of social media.
But in the 20th century, that distinction conferred some clear advantages.
Health conspiracies still made the rounds in newsletter and fringe publications, but they had trouble gaining significant momentum. Fluoridation of the public water supply, which cities and towns first introduced as a dental health measure in the 1940s and 1950s, was quickly adopted widely in the US.

So because they lost control of THEIR NARRATIVE THAT SUITS THEIR PUPPET MASTERS AGENDAS, they are trying to paint all other points of view, information and expressed opinions as false information and conspiracy theories. 

And as for her blathering on and on about Fluoride in the water "conspiracy theories".... There's no conspiracy there....It IS a poison - rat poison and it IS A BY PRODUCT FROM SMELTING ALUMINUM. It's an aluminum smelting waste product that the aluminum smelting companies didn't know how to dispose of, so they convinced gov'ts it was good for dental health and everyone could stand to have some in their diet to protect their teeth from decay. So instead of being forced to dispose of it safely at their cost they managed to foist it off onto the gov'ts in the water supply and probably got the gov'ts to buy that waste from them, which they would've otherwise had to pay to dispose of themselves. That's NOT a conspiracy theory, that's fact. Look it up, it's not hard to do. What that has to do with what's going on vis a vie the Plandemic is beyond me. 
But anyhow, she's a fancy spin doctor and basically all she's done as far as I'm concerned is reinforce the facts I've been posting in here all along - that the vaccine is a snake oil elixir which the gov'ts grasped onto as a desperate hope of curing the disease but it didn't but it's a huge money maker anyhow for the shareholders and advertisers and maybe gov't kickbacks as well. And that because information comes from some place else other than the lamestream media does that make it false? Really well then I guess all the information published in scientific journals, or in encyclopedias, or personal experiences (with supporting legitimate documents like medical records for instance) is all hogwash because it wasn't published in the lamestream media then?????? Are they the only purveyors of truth then? If that's the case, what about all the various stories from them that I have linked in here, that they've later declared to be a conspiracy theory? While they were the first ones to have published that said conspiracy theory!?! I  mean you can't have it both ways.... That they're the only truth tellers and everyone else are liars, when plenty of their stories have been what they themselves have coined conspiracy theories sometime later after they first published them. So if they're the only truth tellers out there how come they start those conspiracy theories that they publish, and first try to claim as fact?

Anyhow, it's BS spin doctors like her that I can't stand. I broke it down to point out to you what was said and how she'd like for you to understand it, but what is really being said, which doesn't do her argument any justice because all she did was support everything going on today and even proved that it's out of desperation that the politicians latched on to the BS vaccines in hopes that it would work and then let it continue because everyone was making money on it. That's not a conspiracy theory either, that essentially her argument in a nutshell when you break it down and examine it, like I just did. So that too is fact.

Now, I must call it a day and hit the sack. So until next time take care, and try not to fall for any more Covid related BS like pointed out above.